CINDY Cindy Bear is brushing her hair, quietly humming. Her expression changes from happy to extreme frustration. She quits humming and puts her brush down. Her voice is almost a scream of agony, "Oooo why does Yogi never notice me. All he seems to think about is Picnic baskets and more picnic baskets." She grabs a sack and storms out of her cave, a couple of curlers still in her hair. She wanders into a less occupied portion of the park. Gathering nuts & berries as she mutters to herself. By mid afternoon she's reached a stream and sits down on a large rock. She drinks a little and nibbles on some berries, trying to enjoy the flowing water. A quiet, gruff voice surprises her. "What are you doing so deep into the forest?" She barely manages not to fall into the water and she turns enough to see a badger on the other side of the stream. He wears several necklaces of various items, a sack half filled with herbs and a intricately carves staff half again as tall as him. "Sorry, I didn't hear you coming." He smiles and nimbly jumps from stone to stone until he is on the shore next to her. "I'm Erthan, I've been following you for a while." He sits down and offers her a nut & berry bar from his pack. As she nibbles it, he continues. "So this Yogi is one you find yourself attracted to, and he only cares for raiding the humans? She pauses in midbite and nods slowly. "There's something about him I find irresistible, and he just ignores me." She puts her head into her hands, but manages not to cry. Erthan moves closer and puts a paw on her shoulder. "I've known others like him. He goes after the food, not so much as to eat it, but to keep proving himself better than others. Also there's something he wants but he just isn't looking for it.... yet." Cindy dries her damp eyes, "What is there I can do? I mean, I can't help Mr. Ranger catch him..... Erthan smiles as he thinks. "What would happen if Yogi couldn't find the food? When he opens a picnic basket, the food is gone?" Cindy mulls this for a moment. "Maybe he would give up this game with Mr. Ranger...... Then he'd have time for me." She smiles broadly. Erthan returns her smile. "I can help you make a large basket." He jumps up and moves quickly toward some reeds. She joins him and they begin weaving a basket capable of holding several picnic baskets. By nightfall they've finished. Erthan gets his staff and sack. He smiles, "Now we go to your cave." Cindy gets her sack of food and they travel through the unpathed woods. She's amazed how silently Erthan moves, not even the crack of an occasional twig betrays him. They arrive at her cave as the almost full moon reaches it's zenith. She leads him in and sits heavily on her bed. "I didn't realize how far I had walked," she gasps in exhaustion. Erthan smiles as he digs through a collection of herbs and stones. "Do you have anything that was Yogi's?" Cindy gets up and goes to her closet and brings a small package to him. "This is one of his old ties." She unwraps it. Erthan smiles and weaves some herbs into the basket. "Put it in the center please." He weaves a few herbs around, securing it into the basket. "Now", he starts to smile, but realizes how tired she is. "You needs some sleep," he stretches. "I guess I could also use some." Cindy falls back on her bed and is asleep almost before she hits the pillow. Erthan smiles, unrolls his blanket and curls up under the table. As the first light of dawn filters through the curtains, he gets up and checks their work. Looking at the still sleeping Cindy, he silently rolls his blanket up, takes his things and leaves. It becomes obvious he's been here before as he walks through the woods to Yogi's cave. On the way, he slips into a campsite and takes a picnic basket. In a secluded place, he completes the spell he began on the basket he and Cindy wove. Once finished, he moves to where he can see Yogi's cave entrance. He watches as Boo Boo comes out and looks at the warm day. Boo Boo looks back into the cave. "Come on Yogi, it's a wonderful day." He skips off toward some berry bushes. Yogi sticks his head out the entrance, his eyes half closed. "Hey, hey, hey. it's another day. Time to raid, the picnic glade." He does a few steps of his hip-hop walk and then slips down a forest path. "Yogi," Boo Boo calls out. "The ranger said not to bother the campers." "Hey, hey," Yogi calls back. "Let's see what's there for a hungry bear." Erthan has already ran ahead and checks the picnic grounds where Yogi is headed. As no one is yet there, he places the basket on a table near where Yogi should arrive, and then fades into the woods. Yogi approaches the glade, tip toeing from tree to tree. He drops down to all fours and walks on his fingers and toes until he is beside the table. His hand moves up and touches the basket. For a second he hesitates and then eases his head up. He opens the lid slightly. "Well what do you know, no food to go." He drops back down and finger/toe walks back to the forest. Erthan smiles and decides to follow Yogi's antics for awhile. After Yogi makes several more attempts with the same result, Erthan returns to the deep forest that is his home. Cindy drifts toward consciousness. Her nose twitches as she smells the aromas near by. She opens her eyes and turns toward the table. "Erthan?" she asks quietly. She sees that all of his things are gone and swings her feet onto the floor. As she stands, she notices that the basket has picnic food in it. As she watches, the contents of another picnic appear with the other food. Grinning, she picks up a large sandwich. "So this is what has kept Yogi's attention from me." She smiles and unwraps a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She sniffs it and licks the edge. She tastes the sweetness and flavors and her taste buds scream in delight. She takes the sandwich in two bites, almost swallowing with out chewing. Almost as if she's in a trance, she devours each item that's there, not even realizing that more food comes there as Yogi attempts to take another picnic basket. As she finishes the last morsel present, she smiles and rubs her slightly bulging belly. "Mmmmmm", she sighs happily. The delicious taste and a warm feeling in her tummy reassures her what she's doing is right. "I was wondering what to do with the food...." She looks down at her rather trim (for a bear) tummy. "I guess if there's more of me, it'll be harder for Yogi not to notice." She smiles and decides to resume brushing her hair. She hears a noise and looks to see more food has arrived. She continues brushing her hair and primping herself, although her taste buds are watering and her stomach grows expectantly. She finishes, jumps up and runs to the table. Gulping it down too fast to really taste she devours the sandwiches, fruits, and an entire chocolate cake. She picks up the entire roasted chicken and wonders where to begin. She tears off a leg and sucks it into her mouth, before she realizes it, she swallows it whole. She sighs contentedly as it slides down her elastic gullet and is forced into her well filled stomach. The second leg quickly follows and she tears the rest into chucks she can swallow. Well packed with food, she stumbles back to her bed and is quickly asleep. Yogi is beyond frustration as he returns to his cave. "Every Picinic basket I've managed to sneak up on is empty." He sits down and accepts some berries Boo Boo offers him. "Thanks little bear type buddy." He gulps them down. "They may keep me going, but it's not the same. Boo Boo tries to convince him that there's plenty of wild food. "Bears have lived off this for a long time." Yogi eats some more and lies back. "I think I'll get some sleep, Maybe supper baskets are easier or something...." He nods off and sleeps. Late that afternoon, Cindy starts to wake and rolls over. Her eyes open wide as she sees where some of her morning feast has gone. "I've never known a female bear to fill out like this unless she's expecting cubs." She moves her hand slowly and feels their softness. "I guess my body is just finding the easiest place to store all this food." She remain lying down and thinks of how delicious the food was. Yogi wakes and goes to the cave opening. "Ok Boo Boo buddy. Now I'm gonna out smart those baskets and get their yummies." He smiles and heads outside. He checks several picnic sites before he finds one with the right setup. Silently he gets to the table and starts to lift the basket. He drops it in frustration and returns to the trees. Moving around the picnic grounds he tries twice more with the same results. Sighing, he sits down against a tree. "I've never had this much trouble before." He counts off each failure on his fingers. "Six tries and nothing." He leads Boo Boo toward another camp ground. "Two more and I'll give up for today." Boo Boo tries to comfort him. "I'll go gather more food, just in case." Yogi stands and adjusts his hat. "You do that Boo, I'll meet you back at the cave. Cindy smells the food a second after it arrives. She rolls off her bed and hurries to the table. Passionately she unwraps the sandwiches and gulps them down in two bites. She opens the jars of olives and pours them down her gullet. Excitedly she opens a large plastic carton as sees almost half a gallon of rich pudding. She grabs the serving spoon and scoops it into her waiting mouth. As she swallows, the globs of food feel wondrous as they slide down into her waiting depths. Before she sets it down, more food arrives. Smacking her lips, she picks up a dark forest cake and proceeds to tear chunks off and gulp them down. The baloney sandwiches quickly follow and she washes it down with the six pack of Coke. Looking around and seeing no food remaining, she takes the wrappings and puts it in the largest bag. She carries it out to a nearby dumpster and tosses it in when no one is looking. As she walks back to her cave, she absent mindedly rubs her belly. "Hmmmm," she whispers to herself. "I never would have thought I could eat this much in a day." Her hands move up to her growing bosom. "I wonder what Yogi will think." She giggles, "I think I'll try to weigh more than him before I let him see me." She goes down to the stream, cleans the pudding container and fills it with water. Yogi is doing his best job of stalking picnic baskets. He barely breathes as he approaches a lone basket while the owners are watching their children play. He touches it slightly and sighs at it's emptiness. As Cindy enters her cave, she sees that Yogi has gone after another basket. "Mmmmmm", her tongue runs over her lips. "I should save some of this for later, but...." Out of control she grabs the loaf of bread and begins making sandwiches with two slices of bread on each side and loads of peanut butter or jelly. It doesn't take long before her belly is stuffed once more. She tosses the sliced ham into her wide mouth and swallows it like she's drinking water. She takes large bites of the pound cake and washes it down with gulps of milk from the gallon bottle. Stuffed to limits she never knew she had, she stumbles back to bed and collapses. Her breathing is light because her stomach is taking more room than before. Yogi uses his best stealth as he finds a very large basket. He studies it carefully and then eases his paws on each side. Slowly he touches it and starts to lift. Then he sets it down and reverses his moves until he is hidden in the woods. Dejected, he returns to his cave. Boo Boo greets him and gets him to eat some of the nuts and berries. "I don't know Boo", he sighs. "Eight baskets and not one with even a ham sandwich." He leans back and thinks. Making plans for tomorrow's raids. Boo Boo tries to amuse Yogi but gives up. He goes outside and plays with some of the neighbors until the sun sets. Yogi is already asleep and he climbs into his bed, wondering if he should tell Mr. Ranger. As the last rays of the sun touch the mountains, Cindy wakes to the smell of food. She closes her eyes and massages her over stuffed stomach. "Later tummy, please let me sleep until I'm not so full." Some how she does go back to sleep. She dreams of feasts and her belly growing larger than Yogi's just before the first snow. Then her paws nudge into her plumpening breasts. She imagines them growing as she gulps down gallons of milk, until they're big enough for her to nurse several dens of cub. Near midnight, Cindy wakes and looks at the food illuminated by the full moon. "Mmmmmm", she almost drools as she grabs a large tuna salad sandwich and gulps it down. She finishes quickly and slowly crosses to her window. The full moon gives the forest a warm glow. "Hmmmm If I keep eating like today..." She slowly massages her rounding belly, feeling her softness. "I might get as round as the moon." She shuffles back to her bed and is soon asleep, dreaming of delicious feasts, and Yogi.... Yogi wakes with his stomach growling, "Uurgh, I don't know how long I can go with out picinic baskets." He struggles to his feet as accepts a couple handfuls of berries. "Thanks little friend." He gulps them down and grimaces. "Now for some real food." He puts his hat on and heads for the picnic grounds. Cindy wakes to the smell of more food and rapidly consumes everything that appears before her. She sits back and pats her growing belly. Her eyes open in surprise as she realizes she's already showing some new flesh from yesterdays feasting. As another load of food arrives, she smiles. "As well as I know Yogi. He'll never give up. She smiles as she sees the sandwiches are Tuna salad. "Mmmmmm delicious and heavy in calories." It doesn't take her long until all the food is in her growing belly. Cindy gets up and looks at her few miniskirts. She takes one and struggles to put it on. She looks at how it already digs into her tummy and takes it off. "No reason to try any others cause in a couple of days...." She gets a box and puts all of them in it. "Now I don't have to worry about getting big and fat." Yogi is still trying to capture a full picnic basket. He leans against a tree and takes some nuts from Boo Boo. "Those baskets seem to know it me," he sighs. "Well I'll try again at lunch." He sits down and chats with Boo Boo about times he's outwitted Mr. Ranger. By the end of the week, Cindy has gained enough that her belly is definitely round. Her bosom rolls on her widening chest when she walks. She sits down and her rump spreads out slightly as she begins eating more food that Yogi is unknowingly sending to her. "Mmmmmm" she almost purrs as she eats. "Eight to ten baskets a day is really starting to show on me." She pats her tummy and feels her fat surge beneath her fur. "If Yogi keeps this up for the rest of the summer and fall. "I'm going to be so round and fat this winter." She laughs as another load of food shows up. Late that night, she quietly goes over to the nearby park garage and steps onto the cargo scale. As the dial stops, she jumps back and her breasts slosh heavily. "254! I've gained 64 pounds in a week?" He voice is a combination of surprise and pride. She steps back on and watches again. She smiles and pats her belly, feeling her rich flesh jiggle. "I'm going to weigh more than Yogi in another week." She walks out and looks up at the quarter moon. "Wonder how much I'll weigh by winter." She smiles and decides there's no reason for her to leave her cave. Yogi is frustrated, but he keeps trying different ways to sneak up on the baskets. For another couple of weeks, he tries every way he can thing of. Finally he lays down in his bed. "Boo Boo little buddy. I just can't understand how I keep finding empty picinic baskets." He looks out the window. "Maybe I should try something else...." Boo Boo takes his hand. "Yogi why do you have to keep trying? I've been able to find plenty of food for us." Yogi shakes his head and then closes his eyes. "You just don't understand. This smarter than the average bear is going to get what he wants." He relaxes and drifts to sleep. Late that night, Cindy groans contentedly as she forces down the last of a large cake. "Mmmmm Yogi is going to be amazed when he finally sees how much I've grown. He'll know that I can keep him so nice and warm this winter." She runs her paws over and around her fat bloated belly and then gets them under her fat breasts. "And maybe I can have some thing special for him and Boo Boo." She struggles to her feet and hears to chair move as she gets her weight off it. "I should get a sturdier chair real soon. She slowly waddles to the garage, the full moon illuminating the landscape. Stepping onto the scale, the needle swings wildly and finally stops. She laughs to herself, patting her fat swollen tummy. "440 pounds! Mmmmm I've gained 250 pounds in one lunar month." She smiles and quietly waddles back to her cave. She looks up at the bright moon. "Maybe I will be as round as the moon by winter." When she get's back to her cave, she collapses on her bed. A few days later, Yogi drags himself back to his cave and collapses on his bed. "I've been trying for weeks and all I've found is empty baskets." He tries to bury his head under his pillow. Boo Boo tries to comfort him. "I don't know what else you could do." He sits and watches Yogi. "Maybe Cindy might have an idea." Yogi slowly looks up. "Cindy? She's never even heisted a chocolate chip cookie." He looks out the window and watches the stars through the trees. "But...." His mind wanders back to times he's been with Cindy. All the times she did every thing she could to prove her love for him. He wonders why he's never realized how much he actually cares for her. "You might be right Boo Boo. I'll just saunter over and give a knock on her door." He gets up, brushes his hair, gets his best hat and tie. "How to I look little bear buddy?" Boo Boo manages not to giggle. "If Cindy doesn't fall for you," He grins as Yogi turns and walks into the summer evening. Yogi does his bouncy walk and pauses just before his knuckles touch her door. "Hmmm I don't remember seeing her for more than a month." He shrugs and smiles. "Oh well, I've been so busy with these empty picinic baskets." He raps on here door. "Cindy, this is you old pal Yogi, come so see you on this beautiful summer eve." Cindy's southern voice betrays her surprise. "Yogi? Ahhh how have you and Boo Boo been?" She looks around her den, glad that she's kept her den clean and that she just took a bag of trash out a few hours ago. "Oh Boo Boo and I have been busy." His voice almost cracks and he tries to think what else to say. "I've been getting used to wild food this summer. Something funny has been happening to the picinic baskets. When ever I try to take one, it's empty." He sighs and decides to tell her all. "I, ah, well it's sort of like the fun has been taking the food right under Mr. Ranger's nose. But when there's nothing there to take." Cindy giggles sweetly. "What if I told you a little... well maybe not so little secret." She pauses and tries to think how to explain what's been happening. "You see this spring I was trying to decide why you didn't see me as anything but a friend. I went wandering into the deep woods and met this shaman." She pauses and walks as lightly as she can to the door, but she can't keep from making heavy footsteps. Yogi waits for a moment. "Well, ah, you see Cindy. It's always been me taking food and Mr. Ranger never really catching me." He pauses as he realizes how heavy the footsteps are. "Cindy," he asks with a little irritation. "Have you got some one else in there?" Cindy giggles. "Just not so little ole me." She unlatches the door and steps aside. "Come on in Yogi." Yogi shoulders the door open and charges in. He slams his feet down and skids to a stop, just before the door is closed and the room in plunged into total darkness. "Ah what's going on here?" Cindy giggles and her southern accent is thick as she whispers. "Want to know where all the food has been going? Come over here and find out." Yogi tries to see into the darkness. "How am I supposed to see, with no lights on?" He reaches out and takes a couple of steps toward her. "Ah Cindy. What's this little secret you were going to tell... " His voice stops as his hands touch and sink into a huge, soft, warm pillow. Cindy giggles. "I'm glad you enjoy taking the food more than eating it." The pillow shifts away from his hands. "Because I LOVE eating." She opens the curtain and the moonlit trees illuminate her massive form. Yogi's lower jaw hangs wide open as he stares at a Cindy he never could imagine. Her belly is swollen beyond anything he could ever imagine, even for himself. As she steps closer, her enormous body pushes his arms out around her ponderousness. He looks up and sees her fat bloated bosom. "Ah, I guess you have been eating better than usual." His eyes are wide open, at first with shock, but now with excitement about how much of her there is. "Did this friend of yours do something to the picinic baskets?" His paws move around her flesh bloated sides, feeling how soft and warm she's become. Cindy smiles and moves closer. She moves her fat bloated arms around her mammoth breasts, takes his head and nuzzles him into her deep cleavage. "You are smarter than the average bear, my dear Yogi." She slowly guides him to her bed and sits down with him. "When you touch a basket," she motions to the large basket on the table beside her. "The food appears here." She smiles as his hands unconsciously explore her wondrous increase in fat. "The first time it happened, I hadn't decide what I was going to do with it." She grins widely. "I only meant to taste some of it, but the sandwich was sooooo delicious, and then every thing just excited my taste buds and felt so good as I filled my tummy that I just couldn't stop." Yogi has been watching her talk, not consciously aware what his hands have been doing. "So I've actually been taking the food and Mr. Ranger doesn't even know. Hey, hey, hey, this makes every thing I've done the last month worth all the problems." He finally feels what his hands are doing and sees Cindy's happy smile on her fat face. He nuzzles his face deep between her large, heavy breasts. Cindy sighs contentedly as her stomach rumbles with her latest meal. "So now you don't need to go after any more baskets?" Her voice betrays that she's worried about something. Yogi moves his head out enough so he can turn it and watch her face with one eye. "Are you hinting that you'd like me to keep raiding the pininic grounds." He grins as her eyes light up. Cindy tilts her head down, her multiple chins crease deeply as she licks his muzzle. "Well I think you're enjoy my new figure almost as much as I am." She moves her plump arms around him and squeezes him into her abundant blubber bloated body. "Wouldn't you like to have more of me to appreciate?" Yogi moves so he can lick her muzzle. "I'd love more of you. I can touch more picinic baskets, now that I know what happens to the food." Cindy smiles and nuzzles his muzzle. "I think two for each meal is enough for now. I've been eating eight to ten and it almost scares me how big I might get." She giggles and her fat quivers around him. "But it also excites me." She lets go of Yogi and lies back on her bed, almost covering it. Yogi looks at her in the dim night light and smiles. "I think first we need a bigger bed." He kisses her goodnight. "Sleep tight Cindy dear." He gets to his feet and quietly leaves, closing the door behind him. Yogi wanders home, his mind full of Cindy's overly full figure. "If she's grown this much in a month, imagine how huge, soft and warm like she'll be by winter." He goes over to the carpentry shop and looks at the stack of logs cut to build a cabin. "These should make a large bed, so Cindy can grow until for me she's a bed." He looks around and grabs one of the logs and carries it into the woods. He comes back and takes enough to make a bed much wider than she is tall. After he gets enough hidden. he moves them closer to her cave. Once he's moved them all, he returns to his cave and collapses in exhaustion. Boo Boo glances up from his bed as Yogi enters. "Did you see Cindy? How's she doing?" Yogi crawls into his bed. "She's doing great..... In fact you might say she's a great Cindy Bear." He yawns and pulls a blanket over himself. "I'll tell you more in the morning." He closes his eyes and is asleep in seconds. Boo Boo wonders what Yogi means, but decides it can wait until morning. Yogi wakes as the first light of morning comes through the window. He gets up and goes out. He heads to the nearest picnic ground and sneaks up on two large baskets. With a quick motion, he touches each one and then heads for Cindy's cave. He moves the logs to her door and then knocks quietly on her door. "Cindy dear, are you awake here?" He opens it and quickly moves the logs inside. "I see you're enjoying your breakfast," he says with a smile. Cindy uses a napkin to wipe some jelly from her chin. "Oooh Yogi, You really do care for me." She struggles to her feet and hugs him deep into her spongy body. "And you've brought wood to make me a new bed." Yogi nuzzles deep into her bosom as he wraps his arms around as much of her as he can. "Well I know there's more of you to come." He steps back, until he can take in all her magnificence at once. He takes her bed apart and starts tying the other logs into a very wide and strong bed. Cindy waddles around the cave, keeping it cleaned up. She puts all the trash from breakfast into a bag and moves it close to the door. By midmorning, Yogi has the bed almost finished. "I think I could use a break." He stands up and groans as he straightens up. Cindy waddles over to him and hugs him close, her plump paws massaging his stiff back. "You're being so kind to me. Is there anything I can do to help?" Yogi fakes a groan and lets himself sink into her fat body. "I think I could go play tag with a picinic basket. If you could just save a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for me." He steps back as she releases him. "To the camp grounds I'll dash, and be back in a flash." He turns and does his side-shuffle out of her cave. Cindy watches him leave and lovingly massages her enormous abdomen. "I was gorging because it makes me feel sooooo good." She turns and looks at her reflection in the mirror. "I wonder if I should be afraid of how much of me Yogi is thinking of." She grins as she hefts her fat bosom. "It won't be much longer before these overflow my paws and weigh too much for me to lift them." She puts her arms to her sides and then slowly raises them. "I wonder what he'll do if I get too big to feed myself." She giggles as she imagines Yogi actually feeding her. She turns as she smells the food Yogi has sent her. She tries to eat slowly, but finishes most of the sandwiches, and all but one slice of cake by the time he arrives. "I just couldn't wait," she giggles as he enters and closes the door behind him. "I might have been disappointed if you had." He pulls a large bunch of bananas from behind his back. "I thought you might want some fresh fruit." He eats one of the sandwiches and the last slice of cake while she finishes what's in her basket. She sits down on the partially finished bed and pats her growing belly. She giggles in her southern accent, "That was delicious." She looks at the bunch of bananas. Yogi kneels in front of her and leans into her warm softness. "Well you've been doing a wonderful job eating. I'd like to see if you can past the eating test. If you do, you're one of the best." He unpeels a banana and holds it in front of her mouth. "Now open wide and see if you can get these inside." Cindy giggles. "I'm going to surprise you with how good I am at really eating." She moves her mouth and gently takes it with her plump lips. She slowly sucks it into her mouth and swallows it whole. Yogi's eyes bug out as he peels another one. He smiles and she slurps it in and he watches it move in her fleshy throat as she swallows it. One by one he feeds them to her until all two dozen are stuffed inside her. "You've done what not even I have done." He pats her bounteous belly and watches her fat jiggle with growing excitement. Cindy starts to lean back, and then remembers her bed isn't finished. "I could use a nap, but I don't have a place to sleep." She giggles and her bosom jiggles sensually. Yogi gets to his feet and finishes securing her bed frame. "Now to get the straw for your bed, so you'll have a place to lay your head." He starts to leave and grabs the trash bag as he does. Cindy smiles and looks at her growing body. "I think there's going to be a lot more of me before I hibernate." She cleans up from the snack and looks at how huge her new bed is. "Looks like Yogi's hoping for a lot more of me too." Yogi tosses the bag into a dumpster and runs over to where bales of straw are kept for the horses. He moves several into the woods and carries them to her cave entrance. Once he has them all there, he slips over to a picnic site and touches two large baskets. He returns to her cave, opens the door and carries the straw in. "Hope you haven't been too uncomfortable," he asks as he brings the first bale in. Cindy giggles. "I'm more comfortable moving than you'd think." She gets up from her lunch and moves aside as he carries the rest of the bales in." She pats her huge belly. "I'm just a bit too big to be able to bend over and help you." Yogi smiles and his mouth goes dry as he looks up at her monumental body from his kneeling position. He tries to wet his lips and mouth enough to talk. "Just give me a few minutes, and I'll have your bed as full and soft as you are." Cindy giggles and he watches her entire body billow seductively. "I see you've made it big enough for both of us." She pauses and bats her eyelashes at him before taking several sandwiches from the basket. "Or do you think I might need it that wide by winter?" Yogi tries to talk, but then begins tearing the bales apart and filling her bed while she eats. When finished with the straw, he covers it with the bedcover and secures it. "Give it a try." he whispers with a dry voice. Cindy giggles and lowers herself onto the bed as slowly as she can. Her ponderous rump sinks into it and she almost falls back onto it. She eases herself back and moves until she's laying on it. "Mmmmmm Nice and soft." She smiles at Yogi and tries to reach out to him. "Almost as soft as I am." Yogi stares at her with growing excitement as he watches her bounteous body quivers before him. He climbs onto the bed and she partly rolls toward him until her mammoth belly and obese breasts partly cover him. "Mmmmm I don't think it matter how cold the winter will be. We'll be nice and warm." Cindy tousles his hair. "I think you and Boo Boo should think of moving in here. I've got plenty of room." She laughs and her fat surges over and around him. "Unless you plan to feed me until I fill this cave." Yogi nuzzles and relaxes. "I think it will take years before we'll need to worry about that." He closes his eyes. "Boo Boo has been thinking of finding his own cave. I'll just let him have mine and move in with you." He snuggles into her rich fur and feels it quiver as she breathes. Cindy smiles and hugs him as well as she can. She drifts to sleep and dreams of trapping Yogi with her growing body. Yogi wakes with the first rays of sunlight. He struggles to get out from under her fleshy body. Half awake, she rolls over enough so he can get out. "I'll get breakfast, and then tell Boo I'm moving out." He smiles as she moves and then runs out before he decides to rejoin her in bed. He tags a basket and an food cooler before heading for his cave. Boo Boo is already up and has a pile of nuts and berries on the table. "How's Cindy doing Yogi?" Yogi smiles as he tosses some of the food in his mouth and gets a box out of the closet. "Boo Boo buddy, you know how you've been talking of finding your own cave." He smiles at his friend. "Well things between Cindy and I have changed a lot and I'm going to move in with her, so this cave is all yours." He carefully packs his picnic snatching devices into the box and then tosses his extra ties and hats in. Boo Boo looks at him in shock and then looks around the cave. "I don't get it? Have you found a way to get picnic baskets with food in them? What's caused you to suddenly desire Cindy so much you're moving in with her?" Yogi grins, "Well let's just say, there's more to her than I've even know." He closes the box and give Boo Boo and bear hug. "So the cave's all yours." He laughs as he picks up the box and heads out. Boo Boo stares at him in shock and almost falls over. "What's happened to Yogi?" He asks himself. He then smiles, "Well he didn't say I couldn't come over and visit them." He goes out, closes and carefully locks the door. Silently he follows the almost dancing bear toward Cindy's cave. As they pass near a picnic ground, Yogi carefully puts down the box and sneaks up on an unwatched basket. Smoothly he reaches over the edge of the table and lightly pokes it. Then he slips back into the woods, retrieves his box and hip hops down the path. Boo Boo stops in complete confusion. "I think Yogi's train has gone bye bye." He stalks Yogi, carefully staying out of sight. When Yogi goes inside the cave, Boo Boo cautiously creeps up to the curtained window and listens. Cindy giggles as she looks up from the food he just sent her. "I thought we agreed on 2 baskets a meal?" She stuffs the sandwich into her mouth and gulps it down. Yogi tries to give an embarrassed look but fails. "Well one was a cooler." He pulls the chair up to the table and munches on some of what she hadn't gotten to. Boo Boo tries to find some things to stand on so he might be able to look in. He hears them eat and then something large lying down on the bed. As he get's enough piled up so he can look, he pauses with his hand on the curtain. Cindy lays down on the bed and giggles as Yogi sits down beside her. "Mmmmm so you like what I'm doing with your successful raids?" She hugs him as well as she can. Yogi grins and nuzzles a fat breast, his muzzle easily sinking in to her huge pillowy jug. "Mmmmm I don't even mind that I'm not packing on any fat for hibernation." He gently mouths her flesh. "Course you've got enough to keep both of us warm all winter." Boo Boo hadn't looked in because of the chance they were doing something he shouldn't see. But now his curiosity over rides his timidness. Silently he eases the curtain open. He sees her cave and then her feet. As he opens it more, the size of her fat bloated legs almost shock him. She's half lying away from him and he looks further until he sees the hill her mammoth hips and rump form. Some how he manages to silently close the curtain and slip back into the woods. He sits down and thinks in shock. "Cindy's been eating all the food from those picnic baskets. And Yogi's actually enjoying how big she's gotten." He stands and walks back to his cave. "Well it's several months until winter. I better start stocking up for winter. It's going to be a cold one I think." He skips back to his cave, grabs a sack and heads off to gather good for winter storage. Yogi nuzzles her mammoth mammeries as she relaxes and digests her snack. Finally she moves and he climbs off her. "Anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" She smiles and struggles to get up. She giggles with her southern accent, "I think getting up is going to be a bit difficult as I keep growing." Yogi smiles as he holds her fleshy arms and leans back to get her to her feet. "With all my expertise in snatching picinic baskets from under Mr. Ranger's nose," He drops to his knees and begins studying the bed. He moves around so he can catch glimpses of Cindy's massive body and smiles as he know she expects to keep growing. A light bulb glows brightly over his head as an idea forms. "I think I have a better than the average idea." He laughs, gives her a warm hug, snuggling deep into her softness. "Now I have work to do." He laugh and does a side-step walk out the door. Cindy does a bit of cleaning. She is breathing hard and pats her huge body. "I guess I better waddle some laps around my cave." She struggles to find a comfortable way to move and manages go three times around before she's breathing too hard. She leans back against the wall and enjoys it's coolness. She looks at the table as Yogi sends her brunch. "Well I guess this workout does give me an appetite." She lowers herself down and almost gulps everything down without chewing. Then she gets back up and does a few more laps, making another couple before she's exhausted. Several more times she waddles around, surprised how well she's developed a comfortable waddle with her massive belly and huge thighs. And how much she's grown in so short of a time. When lunch arrives, she sits down and brushes her fur so she'll look her best and Yogi won't know she's been exercising. Yogi comes in and grabs the last sandwich. "Well I've got some of what I'll need. But I'll have to raid a few places at night to get everything." Cindy bats her long lashes and licks some jelly from her muzzle. "I don't think I'm packing it on so fast I'll be stuck in bed before you get it made." She reaches over and hugs him into her wondrous blubbery body. "Well I hope this ideas works." She giggles as his hands reach out and tries to encompass as much of her as he can. Yogi smiles broadly as he imagines how much of her there might be by winter. "Stealing picinic baskets was fun." He nuzzles deep into her billowing fat. "But watching you grow and grow." He giggles and buries his muzzle into her mammoth bosom. Cindy smiles and hugs him as well as she can with her obese arms. She sighs in contentment as she feels her stomach working on lunch and wonders where these pounds will end up. During the afternoon, she learns better ways to waddle so her fat actually helps her move. By the time Yogi sends supper to her, she estimates she could get to the park garage and back without being ready to collapse. It takes almost a week before Yogi has scavenged enough things to build her special bed. He sends two large baskets of food to her so she'll have something to nibble while he works. She tries to slowly eat while he works, but finishes the food before he gets all the materials in from where he hid them outside. She sits down on her bed and relaxes as he begins assembling something that doesn't make sense to her. Yogi concentrates on his work and assembles a bed frame and box, made from a small flatbed trailer. He bolts another frame around it and begins mounting several hydraulic lifts. Cindy leans back after an hour or so and falls sleep. She dreams of Yogi bringing her more and more food until she fills the bed he's building. Yogi keeps working without realizing how late it is. A few hours before dawn he finishes and stands up unsteadily. "Well here it is." He turns and sees she's sleeping soundly, Her mammoth breasts and belly billowing as she breathes. Smiling, he yawns and climbs in beside her. Unconsciously she rolls toward him, her luscious fat surging comfortably against and on him. He smiles and is quickly asleep, dreaming of more of her covering him. The sun is up before Cindy completely wakes. She feels Yogi sleeping beside her, rolls ponderously away and forces herself to her feet. She waddles over to the contraption he built. "So what do you think?" Yogi says with a yawn. He gets up and moves over to the hydraulic foot pedals at the foot of the bed. Holding the support bar, he begins to walk on them. The bed slides back and tilts up until it's about 70 degrees. "Give it a try," he says with a smile. "I'll give you a ride down, and then bring you up so you can get around." Cindy smiles and waddles over until she's leaning against it. "So how much can I gain before this won't work?" She giggles happily as he turns a valve and she slowly sinks down. Yogi smiles as he watches her fat swollen body slowly descend, her fat shifting until she's almost all the way horizontal. "This feels good for now." She strokes her huge belly. Yogi rushes to the head of the bed and shoves a couple of rods into the frame. "This will keep you from sinking down any further." Cindy smiles as he jumps back to the pedals and raises her back up. "We've almost missed breakfast." After she gets off the bed, he rushes outside. Cindy smiles, strokes her massive belly and then hefts her heavy breasts as well as she can. "I hope I don't get sooo fat I can't walk." She looks at the door and smiles sweetly. "But if that makes Yogi joyous, I'll eat until I fill this cave." She giggles, "with just enough room for my dearest to get around me." She does her waddling exercises until he sends her breakfast. Yogi sends her food for brunch before he returns. He munches on the couple of sandwiches she leaves for him. "Hey hey hey," his paws stroke and feel the massiveness of her over fed belly. "You'll make it warm in the hay." Cindy purrs and nuzzles his head as she gently eases his head into her deep cleavage. "Mmmm with you keeping me so well fed, I don't think you'll even notice the winter's cold." Yogi remains in her loving embrace. He tries not to imagine how much she might grow, but his imagination is one of the things he's never learned to control. For another month, Yogi uses his creative skills to keep her well fed. He also acquires things to decorate their home and make her as comfortable as possible as she continues to pack on the pounds of luscious flesh. The full moon lights their way as she slowly waddles to the parking garage. Yogi slips silently back to her as she waits in the trees. "No one around," he whispers. His paws stroke the curve of her enormously heavy belly. Cindy smiles and closes her eyes to his caress. "I really should weigh myself while no one's about." She grins as he slowly removes his paws. Shifting her weight, she waddles to the cargo scale and steps onto the platform. When the dial stops, she looks at it in pride. Then she waddles back into the forest and rest against a sturdy tree. Yogi looks at her in the moonlight. "So?" he whispers. "Are you going to let me know. Or is it a secret how much you grow?" Cindy giggles and begins her slow heavy waddle back to their cave. She tries not to giggle as Yogi runs ahead and then waits for her. His eyes almost bouncing in his head as he watches her mammoth body surges and her ponderous bosom roll and jiggle. Finally they reach her cave with no one seeing them. Even though she's tried to keep in shape waddling around the cave, she's exhausted and lies back on her bed. Yogi opens the valve and slowly lowers her until she's comfortable. His paw gently strokes the huge curve of her fat swollen belly. "So how much has all the food I've sent you added." He smiles and nuzzles one of her huge breasts, her soft fat quivering. Cindy relaxes and feels their love growing, as her body is growing. "I'm up to 690 pounds." She turns her head toward him as he joins her in bed. "Two more months until hibernation. I'm going to weigh more than half a ton by then." She moves one of her massive arms over him and feels her flesh surge around his happy body. As she drifts toward sleep, she wonders how long she'll be able to move if she keeps gaining weight this fast. The next morning, while Yogi's getting her breakfast, Erthan arrives. He puts his things down and turns, "Well I see you've captured Yogi's attention. How are you... by all the spirits!" He looks at her and stumbles back against the wall. Cindy struggles out of the upraised bed and smiles as she waddles toward him. Her hundreds of pounds of fat surging under her billowing fur. "You mean you didn't expect this much of me?" She giggles sweetly as he quickly recovers from his shock. Erthan takes a breath a steps closer until he can stroke her massive abdomen. "I thought you might be this abundant by hibernation time." His paws massage her deeply and she almost feels him massaging deeper into her than possible. He gently guides her back to her bed. Once there, he lowers her back and resumes massaging her body. His paws float and probe at the same time, moving all around her huge abdomen, and massive breasts. He moves around her, caressing her shoulders and arms. Finally he moves to her blubber engulfed legs and hips. Cindy drifts on the edge of consciousness. Her entire being tingles with his shamic energies as he works. Finally he stops and sits down beside her, allowing himself to lean back enough for her fat to roll around him. "If I had thought you'd gain weight this fast, I would have stopped by a month ago." Cindy smiles and hugs him with her fat bloated arm. "I never thought I'd get this big." She smiles and nuzzles him. "But for Yogi, I'll keep growing as long as he can feed me." Erthan smiles and gently gets up. "I shouldn't be here when he returns." He gets his items and turns smiling. "What I've done is give your body the ability to grow as you do. Within days, you'll notice that your hips and shoulders are growing wider. Your muscles are strong and I can tell you've been taking walks every day. Your internal organs are in great shape and will improve as you fatten." Cindy smiles as she barely manages to get up from her reclined bed. "So you expect me to get much fatter?" She pats her ponderous belly with pride. Erthan nods before he leaves. "There may be need of your size in the future." He leaves before she can ask what he means. For the next few weeks, she doesn't notice any real change and wonders if his spell failed. She keeps gorging and packing on the pounds at an incredible rate. Yogi snuggles into her overly abundant belly and breasts every night. During the days, he varies the picnic areas, still not knowing the food that Cindy gets, is some how replaced before any one realizes it's gone. By the end of the month, even though she's more than 200 pounds heavier. she realizes her thighs don't rub around each other as much. She waddles easily to the garage and smiles so wide that Yogi's afraid some one might see. "So?" He asks quietly as she enters the woods and waddles slowly back to their cave. She smiles as his eyes almost bounce out of his sockets as her ponderous breasts surge and billow on her massive belly. "Nine hundred and thirty. Not quite half a ton," she giggles. "But I have another month to put on 70 more pounds." Yogi tries to get an arm around her cushiony shoulders. She leans slightly against him, making him shift to keep her from pushing him over. Then his eyes open wide and he turns his head quickly to stare into her warm loving eyes. "Nine hundred and thirty pounds!" His eyes close partway as the snuggle as much as her fat bloated body allows. "Let's get back to the den," she giggles. She's surprised that walking this much doesn't have her stopping every hundred feet or so, gasping for breath. She decides to fake it, but never seems to be too bad. Yogi tries to help support her as they near her cave. "Hey, hey.. Next time I find a way to get you weighed here." Cindy smiles and waddles the rest of the way into her cave and relaxes on her special bed. "Well maybe I'll be able to surprise you." She bats her long lashes at him as he lowers her down to where she's been comfortable. Yogi climbs in beside her and nuzzles one of her mammoth mammeries. "I know we won't have a thing to worry about this winter." Cindy turns her plump head toward him and smiles. She knows he's not gaining any for hibernation and is actually losing weight. She closes her eyes and thinks on what she can do not to eat everything that he sends her. Her thoughts flow into a dream of them together with a blizzard blowing outside. Yogi is almost thin and she hugs him into her huge body. He's warm, but needs food. She thinks that, compared to her size, he's a cub and nudges him toward one of her swollen nipples. His lips move over and around it before he sucks as much of her into his mouth as he can. Instinctively he begins to suckle and she feels more wonderful than she can remember. With in moments, she feels her warm, sweet milk flowing out of her plump nipple and into his hungry mouth. She slowly drifts from that dream into one where she's so huge she can't even get to her feet. Every day Yogi leaves as the sun rises. He sends her food from several baskets before returning to help her eat. As her hips and shoulders widen, even though her upper arms are almost as round as her waist had been before she met the shaman, she manages to get the food into her mouth. One of her ponderous breasts is as large as the belly of a pregnant bear about to give birth. Her stomach.... well it helps support her bosom and she can't see it unless she looks in the mirror. When she does, she has to get all the way to the far side of the cave to see herself. She's well over half a ton and looks much more. Yogi comes in from the cool autumn air and hugs her, sinking into her overly abundant fat. His arms can't even reach half way around her belly, as he buries his muzzle into the deep valley of her bosom. "I saw Boo Boo and he doesn't look like he's put on enough for the winter." Cindy smiles as plays as if she's smothering him. "Well there's more than enough of me to keep us all warm though the winter." She lets him go and leans back on her bed so he can feed her. Yogi smiles and quickly stuffs the picnic food into her waiting mouth and watches her swallow it passionately. Once it's all in her growing belly, he lowers her back and goes to get Boo Boo. Boo Boo is bringing in a basket of nuts as Yogi saunters into the clearing by his cave. "Yogi!" He calls out excitedly. "It looks like a hard winter coming. You and Cindy all ready?" He looks at the rather trim Yogi with concern. Yogi grins, "We sure are Boo. In fact Cindy thinks you should move in with us for the winter. I don't think either of us are in the best shape for hibernation." He follows Boo Boo into the cave and looks at the food stored. "We can move it today if you'd like." Boo Boo is glad not to have to sleep alone. He begins packing his things while Yogi carries a load back to his and Cindy's cave. On the way back for another load, he sends a couple of picnic baskets of food to Cindy. The two old chums carry a large load to the cave and Boo Boo steps inside. "Hi Cindy... CINDY??" Cindy slowly turns as Boo Boo see more of her than he ever thought possible. "Boo Boo." She coos happily. "You are going to need me to stay warm this winter." For a moment Boo Boo stares in shock. But he quickly recovers and hugs himself deeply into her warm yielding fat. "I hope you can use the food I brought." For the rest of the evening, they chat about the coming winter, all agreeing that it looks like a bad one. 1170 start Hibernation The three of them have a dinner as the full moon rises. Cindy struggles to her feet and smiles. Her arms are so fat, and her mammoth bosom so inflated with fat she can barely touch her spherical abdomen. "Mmmmmm I think my tummy is as round as the moon." Boo Boo gets up and leans against her huge stomach. "And you're soooooo warm." He turns and walks to the door. "I'll go see if it's safe." He opens the door and pauses as a cold wind blows. "I think it's closer to beddie bye time than usual." He goes out and closes the door behind him. Yogi gets up and wraps a scarf around her and then one around him. "You go with him, I have some things I want to check on before the snow comes." He smiles and saunters outside. Cindy shifts her weight and ponderously waddles out. Her fat hips bump against the doorframe. "I sure hope Yogi can make me a wider door in the spring," she giggles happily. Even though her skeleton is much wider and stronger, her increase in blubber makes her move slower and she has to consider the best way to get over logs and uneven parts of the path. Boo Boo is waiting at the garage and waves for her to cross the open ground to the garage. As she approaches, he silently checks the other side to make sure no one surprises them. Cindy struggles to get on the cargo scale and smiles as the indicator swings madly before stopping. A quiet whistle of surprise behind her makes her giggle, and her thick fur quivers on her fat. She whispers, "Just don't tell Yogi. I want him to guess." Boo Boo nods and watches for any one approaching as she heavily waddles back to the forest. He joins her and watches in amazement as she waddles much easier than he would had thought possible. "Ahh, Cindy?" He asks tentatively. She smiles and stops, her ponderous bosom surges for a few moments. "Yes?" She bats her long lashes and tries not to giggles as his eyes follow her rolling breasts. Boo Boo tries to think and shakes his head quickly and thinks for a second. "How have you managed to grow so fast? I mean even though you walk slowly. you don't seem to be breathing hard." Cindy smiles and moves so her body blocks a strong gust of freezing wind. "I'll tell you if you keep it our secret." He nods and she tells him everything the Shaman and her have done. Boo Boo puts his hand to his mouth as he laughs quietly. "Yogi was going crazy and you were eating all he couldn't get." He hugs her and she can feel he's shivering in the cold. Cindy moves one arm and pulls him into her thick fur as well as she can. "Let's get back to the cave before you freeze." Boo Boo tries to nuzzle deeper into her for a moment and then steps back smiling. He walks so she's blocking the wind, also so he can watch her massive body roll and billow as she moves. When they finally reach the cave, he's shivering uncontrollably. Cindy closes the door as Boo Boo almost dives into his bed. Instinctively, she gets the thick blanket off her bed and lies down beside him. Her fat rolls and surges as she virtually collapses beside him. She moves the blanket over both of them and hugs him so his face in nestled into her warm bosom. Boo Boo continues to shiver as he moves and hugs her breasts and belly as closely as he can. Unconsciously his mouth moves over a swollen breast and her nipple swells in reaction. As he reaches it and sucks in to her his mouth, she closes her eyes, wishing she did have milk for him. He suckles strongly, but continues to shiver against her. After several minutes, he seems to suck deeper and she feels a wondrous warmth flood throughout her bosom, and then the rest of her. She closes her eyes as his shivering slows and she dreams of taking care of two healthy cubs throughout the winter. The snow piles high against her door, but she keeps them warm with her flesh, fur and milk. It's almost morning when Yogi finally drags himself in. He lies down beside them and snuggles into her wondrously obese body. Within seconds, he's sleeping deeply. Cindy wakes around sunrise and feels the two snuggled into her softness. Sighing happily, she goes back to her dreams of her cubs. Boo Boo slowly wakes and realizes where he is. Moving as slowly as possible, He eases away from her warm, soft bosom. He gets up and sees Yogi sleeping deeply. He walks to the supplies of food he had brought and nibbles on some berries. Some how he doesn't feel as hungry as he should. He sits down and watches Cindy's huge body billow gently as she breathes. "Well Yogi has lost a bit of fat and I haven't put on enough if it's going to be a cold winter." He smiles, remembering how warm he felt against her. Tossing a few more berries down his throat, he eases under the blanket and snuggles into her spongy body. It's almost noon before Yogi wakes. He gets up slowly, wondering for a moment why he's so tired. Struggling to his feet, he slowly eases the door open and looks at the thick clouds that almost block out the sunlight. Yawning, he goes out to where he stashed what he had gathered last night. He picks up one and struggles to carry it back to the cave. He stacks all ten before he opens the door long enough to bring one in. Shivering, he crawls under the blanket and hugs Cindy's overly plump body for warmth. Once he warms up, he quickly brings in the other boxes. Smiling he looks at the huge form of Cindy sleeping soundly. "Looks like she's already starting to hibernate." He opens one of the boxes and gets several large chocolate bars out. He holds one under her nose and waves it slightly until her nose twitches and she licks her lips. He begins feeding them to her as she eats them without waking. She eats almost five pounds, barely a tenth of what's in the box before she smiles and keeps her mouth closed. Yogi smiles and eases under the blanket, enjoying her warmth and wondering if five hundred pounds will be enough for the winter. As the first snowflakes melt against the window, he joins them in sleep. Boo Boo drifts partway awake, but still thinks he's asleep. He mouths one of Cindy's ponderous breasts and begins to suckle. Her milk flows strong and rich. He drinks as she relaxes to the wondrous feeling. Finally full, he drifts back to deep sleep. The blizzard blows for several days. Yogi wakes some time in the morning each day and feeds her about five pounds of chocolate. Boo Boo nurses in his sleep. His body needing her nutritious milk as if it's something he never got enough of as a cub. Cindy sleeps without really waking. She dreams of eating and nursing. She feels as if she never wants to wake from this wondrous dream. Almost a week after the blizzard ends, there's a quiet knock on the door. Yogi opens his bleary eyes slowly. "Hey, hey, hey," he mumbles. "come back in the spring, we're hitting the hay." The knock repeats along with a quiet voice. "I must see Cindy. This is her friend from the deep woods." Yogi gets to his feet and feels his way through the darkness to the door. He opens it slightly and the badger shaman slides in with a good bit of blowing snow. "It looks like old man winter has arrives with a army," Yogi whispers as he closes the door. Erthan nods as he pulls a lamp from his pack and lights it. He looks at Cindy and smiles. "It looks like she has gained enough for what may be needed." Yogi smiles at the sleeping Cindy and then stares at Erthan. "What do you mean may need? She's hibernating and keeping the three of us warm." Erthan moves closer and stares at Boo Boo. He touches him and reaches his thoughts into his sleeping body. Smiling, he goes to Cindy's plump head and nudges her. "Cindy..... it's Erthan." Cindy's eyelids flutter. "Erthan?" She turns her head slightly and smiles. "How are you?" Erthan sits down beside her. "I can't stay long. You too can feel that this winter will be a nasty one." He nibbles on a herb bar and motions for Yogi to join them. "Long ago the spirits that power the geysers weakened during such a winter. If I am right, they are already weak." Cindy's eyes open wide in shock. "What can we do?" she gasps. "I may be large and warm, but compared to a geyser...." Erthan smiles. "If it happens, there are ways I can channel your extra flesh to restore their strength." He reaches out and gently stroke her bounteous bosom. "Your mothering instincts are already growing." He smiles as she moves a fat paw toward her breasts. He looks at Yogi. "You've been making sure she's been well fed and have actually lost weight. Boo Boo is small because he never got enough special nutrients. Cindy smiles dreamily. "So it wasn't my imagination I've been nursing a cub?" She smiles at Yogi and rolls more onto her back. "I've got plenty for both of you." She tries to heft her massive mammeries, but they're so ponderous and her arms are too fat to do much except make them jiggle like huge masses of Jello. Yogi's mouth starts to water. He kneels down and begins to suckle hungrily. Within seconds, he's sucking her rich milk into his hungry stomach. Erthan smiles to Cindy before he puts his lamp away and leaves. He struggles through the snowdrifts to a cave near the center of the geysers. He closes the traps over the opening and relaxes to the internal heat of the geyser spirits. Yogi is finally full and lies down beside her. "Besides dreams of nursing, did you have any others?" Cindy smiles and licks her lips. "Delicious chocolates." She smiles and opens her mouth wide as he begins feeding her. She keeps eating until he stops. "Mmmmmmm I may lose a bit but I know you'll help me put it back on." She nuzzles Yogi and gives him a big kiss. Yogi sighs happily and kisses her back. He fondles her massive belly as he starts to drift to sleep. "That and a bit more." Within minutes they are all asleep. For the next couple of months, they hibernate. Yogi continues to wake enough to feed pounds of chocolates to Cindy and she supplies an incredible amount of milk for both of her 'adult' cubs. She loses some, but because of the hundred of pounds of chocolates, not enough to be noticed. *Winter months* The winter has had more blizzard, below zero days and lack of sunlight than any one can remember. The Rangers notice that the geysers as going off less and not as powerful. A few weeks after mid winter, Erthan taps on the cave's door and calls out to Cindy. Boo Boo wakes and stumbles sleepily to the door. "Hello?" he asks sleepily. Erthan rushes in past him. "Hi Boo Boo," He keeps his pack on and rushes to the bed. "Cindy.. Wake up!" He pulls out his lantern and lights it as she begins to stir. Cindy opens her eyes and rubs them as Boo Boo stumbles to the table and sits in a chair. "What?... Erthan, what's wrong?" Erthan goes to the foot of the bed and begins to pump it into it's upright position. "The geysers need you." Cindy struggles to shake the sleep out of her eyes as he raises the bed. "Is this what you warned me might happen?" Her voice shows her concern and that she's waking up faster than he expected. Erthan nods and helps her off the bed as Yogi continues to sleep soundly. "The winter is worst than I can remember. I have visited the geyser spirit and it is failing fast." He checks his cloak and pack as he leads her out into the dark, subzero night. "We have a few miles to go." Cindy waddles heavily. Her skeleton has continued to strengthen and widen. Because of her width and weighing well over half a ton, she moves in a heavy, rolling gait. After less than a mile, Erthan allows her to rest for a short time, and then continue their hike. It's morning by the time they reach a cave near the center of the geyser fields. Cindy stops, her blubber jiggling heavily as she looks at the small opening. "I certainly hope you don't need me to go in there." Erthan goes in as if she hadn't said a thing. He approaches a clear spring that boils and bubbles. "Oh water spirit that warms the hidden realms." I have returned to help you." He sits down and meditates as the vapors take a opaque form of a very large, although thin, beaver. He moves in a semi fluid motion and bubbles as he speaks softly. "Erthan my dear friend. I fear this may be the last winter." He looks at the pool behind him and sighs. Erthan gets to his feet slowly. "Geyan, I believe I have some one who can help you." He doesn't smile because of the seriousness and steps outside to the waiting Cindy. The water spirit pauses at the edge of the cave. "For me to go out into the frigid winds, I may fail faster." Erthan looks at Cindy and then the cave entrance. "I can make a lean-to so you will be sheltered." He turns to Cindy. "Rest by the cave while I work." He walks into the nearby woods and begins gathering branches. Cindy lowers herself to the ground with a heavy thump. "Erthan has told me very little of you." She looks into the cave and sees something moving, but not sure what. While Erthan gathers and builds, the spirit speaks in a bubbling voice. He tells that he came here as the animals needed a way to survive the winters. In those times, a gentle winter would be equal to this one. The waters gave him energy and those who lived in the lands also gave him strength. As the land became a park, those who visited drew some of his energies and carried it away without knowing. Once before he was near fading away. "I will not say how my strength was restored, but Erthan has assured me he can restore me with energies you have stored within you." Cindy helps hold some branches as Erthan secures them. As he finishes, he closes the entrance. With the wind blocked, Cindy's body heat has been melting the snow. The water flows into the cave, leaving a slightly damp carpet of pine needles. Geyan slowly walks/flows out of the cave and flows into a seated position beside Cindy. Erthan sits, forming a triangle. "I have used my powers to help Cindy grow so she may renew your strength, with out harm to herself." The water/beaver form nods slightly. He seems to be able to hold his form for only a few minutes ago. "I can not stay out here for long." Erthan places a paw on Cindy's overly fleshy shoulder. "You know enough of her kind to see that she is nursing. With my knowledge, I can help you draw energy from her while you nurse." Geyan nods and almost sloshes as he moves closer to Cindy. His form is almost 100 degrees and wondrously warm as his mouth moves onto one of her nipples. Cindy closes her eyes in contentment and enters a trance induced by Erthan. She doesn't realize that he's losing even more solid shape. His 'head' and 'torso' have now flowed completely around her large bosom and her plump arms. As he suckles her milk, he changes from a clear water to a light white. He continues to flow more of himself around her. By night fall, only her head is outside of his liquid embrace. Erthan takes a break and sleeps for several hours. When he wakes, he helps keep Cindy in her trance. Looking at the spirit engulfing her, he can tell that the spirit is almost fully recharged. By dawn, Geyan is completely restored in strength. He flows around Cindy, seeming to also flow within her. He flows back into his beaver form, except much heavier and slightly taller. "I must return to the deep waters and restore the heat as she has restored in me." He looks at her sleeping face and smiles. "I have given her something to help her with the weight she will gain." With no more words, he flows back into his cave. Erthan removes the lean-to and conceals the entrance to the cave. Still in her trance, he helps Cindy to her feet and slowly leads her back to her cave. Yogi and Boo Boo are sleeping soundly. He helps Boo Boo off the bed so she can sleep between them. As he lowers the bed, he sees the empty boxes of candy. "It's a good thing Yogi fed her all that." He smiles at the very fat Cindy who now weighs about half of what she had the day before. "But I'm sure you'll gain it all back," he pats her soft belly. "and more." He silently leaves the three and returns to his cave to resume his hibernation. For the rest of the winter, Cindy continues to nurse her two friends. With no more candy, she loses at least another hundred pounds. *SPRING* The snow is melting as a bluejay screams in flight past the cave's window. Boo Boo opens his eyes enough to find his way to the window. He opens the curtains slightly and blinks his eyes as he looks at the warm spring day. "Cindy, Yogi..." He turns smiling, he freezes as his eyes grow bigger than possible. C..C..C..Cindy?" He scramble against the wall until he finds the widow and tumbles out. His feet blur as he runs far away. Yogi yawns, gets up and stretches. "I guess he's gone for some nuts and berries." He turns and looks at Cindy sleeping under their blanket. He smiles at her thinner appearance. "I guess you lost a lot from nursing." He gets his hat, adjusts it jauntily and saunters out. "Let's see how long it takes me to fill her out again." He moves silently toward the nearest campgrounds. He freezes as he sees Mr. Ranger talking with several of the campers. With a grin, he moves away and heads for another picnic ground. He moves silently from tree to tree until he slides under a table. He eases a finger between the boards and feels the basket suddenly lose it's contents. Three more times he taps a basket and then disappears back into the trees. Cindy wakes and looks around. She gets up and stands unsteadily. Looking around, she sees that Yogi has been busy. Stumbling, she goes to the table and gulps down the food as fast as she can. She finishes and sighs happily. Looking down at her breasts she wonders why they've lost so much weight. Looking between them, her eyes open wide as she realizes she's lost over half the weight she had at the beginning of hibernation. She turns her head slightly. Her eyes open wider than Boo Boo's had as she looks at how far behind her, her rump is. She looks closer and sees her slightly plump back, except that it's as if she's on all fours. Almost falling, she turns and looks at herself in the mirror. In shock, then amazement, then satisfaction, her reflection shows what can best be described as her plump body, merged with a similarly plump body walking on all four paws. Smiling with excitement, she examines her fleshy arms and hands. Then she turns sideways to the mirror and marvels at how well her 'taur form is and how much she can gain and still be able to move. She stumbles around the cave a few times as she gets used to walking on four legs, and still be standing upright. As another gift from Yogi fills the basket, she rushes over and eats ravenously. She finishes and sits down on her plump haunches. She talks to herself, "I've never felt this ravenous last fall." She looks at herself in the mirror and remembers how overly obese she had been before hibernation started. She remembers nursing Yogi and Boo Boo, and the geyser spirit. Smiling, she hefts her plump bosom. "Well Geyan said I'd be rewarded. And with this body," she reaches back and strokes the rich fur on her plump lower back. "I sure have lots more of me to fill out." She struggles to her feet as she hears Yogi coming down the trail. Yogi does his bouncy walk in and closes the door. "Looks like a great year for picinic baskets Cindy dear." He glances at the empty basket and then smiles at her. "Getting a start at filling out again? He keeps smiling as his eyes realize what's happened to her. With a frozen smile on his face, he slowly walks around her. Cindy smiles as he cautiously touches, and then strokes her lower body. "I take it you and Erthan did something while Boo Boo and I were sleeping..." He looks around the cave. "Where is my little bear type buddy?" Cindy turns so fast her breasts shift heavily on her plump chest. Her hands move quickly to stops their jiggling. "Oooo" She looks at Yogi as his attention is riveted on her. "The two of you have been nursing all winter...." She grins as Yogi kneels down and sucks as much of one marshmallowy breast into his mouth as he can. She ruffles his fur happily as he drinks. He pauses and switches sides without being asked. Finally he stops and stands. "Now that you're feeling better, what happened to Boo Boo?" They both look around and find every thing of his right where it was at the beginning of winter. Yogi slowly grins and looks at Cindy. "I bet, he woke first, took a look at you and took off." He gets his hat and goes to the door. "I'll check out our old cave between picinic raids." He slips out happily humming. Cindy smiles and begins straightening her cave. As each load of food appears, she pauses and tosses the food into her mouth so fast she barely tastes any, but she get's enough of the flavors to entice her appetite. By nightfall, she's eaten the contents of at least 15 baskets of food and feels comfortably full, instead of ready to burst. Yogi finally comes in and almost collapses. "I found him hiding in the closet." Cindy helps him to their bed and hugs him close with her fleshy arms and forelegs. "He said he's sorry he ran and promises to stop by in a few days." He yawns and snuggles up against her. She moves so his mouth finds one of her fat and milk swollen breasts and relaxes as he suckles. Drifting to sleep, she wonders what she'll weigh by next fall. A few days later Boo Boo stops by. She hugs him and smiles. "Do you realize you're several inches taller than last fall?" Boo Boo giggles, "I'm a few inches taller, and you're....." He pauses, not wanting to be offend her. Cindy laughs. "I know," she pats her lower body and feels her flesh jiggle under her fur. "I weighed myself last night and I'm only 520." She giggles, "But who know how much of me they'll be by this winter." She takes his hand and pulls him closer so he can feel that this is really her. He stays with her for several hours, nursing from her heavy bosom and helping her spring clean the cave. He leaves before Yogi returns, but promises to return every day or so for her nutritious nectar. For the next month, Yogi keeps raiding and getting her about 15 baskets of food a day to her. Boo Boo comes over almost every day. He helps her learn to move around with her longer body and helps her make the cave more homelike. By the end of the month, she has gained several hundred pounds and her body is easily adapting to the increase in weight. She looks at the cave door and smiles to Boo Boo. "Seven hundred and eighty." She looks at the doorway. "I have a feeling that I'm going to be too wide to get out by this fall." Boo Boo goes over and studies the cave wall where the door is mounted. "I could make it as wide as you are long," he says with a wide grin. "Your milk is making me bigger and stronger." He runs out before she can say a thing. By the time Boo Boo returns, she's eaten the contents of two more baskets. He examines the entrance walls careful, finding where it will be easiest to make it wider. He takes a stone from outside and marks where he plans to make the new doorway. Smiling with some jelly on her lip, Cindy waddles over and stands sideways to it. "Well as long as I don't get wider than I am long." She giggles happily and nurses him for a few minutes before he begins working. The chisel and hammer are rather small, but he explains that he needs to keep his work as quiet as possible. He puts on a pair of protective goggles and, with quick, accurate blows, he begins chiseling on the line, near the floor. Cindy gets the spray bottle she uses for her flowers and uses it to keep the dust down. As he chisels, she lays down beside him and brushes the chips into one of the empty boxes. By the time Yogi returns for the night, Boo Boo has made a good start. "If I work a bit each morning and evening. I should be done by mid summer at the latest." He and Cindy go outside to brush themselves off. Yogi and Boo Boo eat the meal Cindy prepares from Boo Boo's food supply. After they eat, they talk about what can be done in the cave to make her comfortable. With her four legged build, she no longer needs the tilting bed. Yogi draws out on the floor an outline of a bed big enough for all of them if she does get as wide as she is long. Boo Boo suggests that he sneak some camouflage netting from an army group camped on the edge of the park to cover the entrance as he works. Cindy asks for some tarps so she can keep the dust from Boo Boo's work from covering the inside of the cave. It's late in the night before they have plans for the next month. Exhausted, she lays down and hugs both of her friends close. Without thinking, the two males begin to suckle hungrily from her fat bloated bosom. In contentment, she drifts to sleep. For the next month, Boo Boo works on enlarging the doorway. He works slowly and quietly so no one will know. The camouflage netting keeps any one from seeing what he's doing. Cindy limits her time outside to when Yogi can watch that no one will see her. She eats all he sends and her lower belly bulges more and more with her new weight. Her bosom continues to grow and grow. The nursing of her two males keep them growing until her massive mammeries surge as she waddles. Yogi practices different ways to tag picnic baskets. Near the end of april, he hears of a large company picnic being planned for the campgrounds several miles from their cave. He goes there one day and studies all the places he can attack from. With the campers there, he easily sends Cindy her daily food. When he returns, it's well after sunset. He crawls onto the wide bed he's made and snuggles into her warm plushiness. He nuzzles her mammoth breast and suckles hungrily. Once full, he hugs her large fleshy form happily. For the next week, Yogi rushes to the site of the company picnic, learning it's layout like a general planning a major battle. Each night he returns exhausted and suckles until he is asleep. One day during lunch, Cindy mentions this to Boo Boo. "Any idea what he's doing?" she asks. Boo Boo thinks and relaxes in his chair. "I have no idea." He brushes a little bit of dust off. He looks at how well his work on the doorway is going. "I could follow him tomorrow." Cindy moves ponderously around the table and almost surrounds him with her mammoth bosom. "I'm just worried that something's bothering him. He doesn't come in until I'm asleep." She gets her hands under her heavy breasts and smiles. "But I know he's still nursing." Boo Boo smiles and can't help nuzzling. Within moments he's drinking her delicious nectar. As he gulps, she relaxes and stops worrying. By the time he stops, she's smiling happily. Boo Boo steps back. "I'll see what I can find out." He hugs her close and then returns to quietly chip at the doorway. That night, she manages to stay awake until Yogi crawls into bed. She sighs happily as he nurses and can feel that he still loves her. Wondering if he's planing something to confound Mr. Ranger, she drifts to sleep. A few days later. Yogi wakes and gets Boo Boo out without disturbing Cindy. "I know you've been worried about what I've been doing." He looks at the first light of dawn. "Cindy needs a real feast to get back in shape. There's a company picnic in the West Woods campground." He smiles as Boo Boo nods in understanding. "So you take care of her, I'll be back tonight." He turns and moves as rapidly as his trim form allows. Cindy wakes to find Boo Boo quietly working on the doorway. He smiles and stands as she struggles to her feet. She smiles at how much he has grown. He's almost as tall as Yogi and might be as tall before he stops. She looks at the basket and frowns slightly. "Yogi hasn't sent anything yet?" Boo Boo smiles slightly. "He didn't ask me not to tell you." He steps beside her, lays an arm across her wide soft back and hugs her. "He thinks with your new body you need a feast to get up to what you should be." He strokes her plushy back, feeling her new fat. "There's a company picnic in the West Woods campground. He plans to raid it and asked me to encourage you to eat all you can hold." She smiles and enjoys his caressing her body. "So both of you are interested in seeing MORE of me?" She turns her head enough to see how round her lower belly has grown. Boo Boo smiles as he slowly steps back. "Well I don't hear you complaining." He looks at how he has already increased the width of the doorway. "You aren't nearly too wide for the work I've already done." She giggles and her fur covered blubber surges heavily. "Well we'll just have to see if I can hold all he sends me." She waddles to the window and watches the birds playing in a nearby tree. Her stomach is growling loud enough for Boo Boo to look up with a worried expression. "Do you want some of the food I've gathered?" Cindy grins and pats her soft flanks. Her fur billows slightly. "I'm surprised you heard it through all this padding." Boo Boo smiles some what concerned. "I hope Yogi isn't planing to send you too much." As if to reassure him, her stomach rumbles loudly. As if in answer, the basket fills to overflowing with sandwiches. Boo Boo rushes over and stacks them where Cindy can reach them. She smiles and swallows each one in only two bites. Her eyes are half closed as her stomach acids attacks the food and rapidly begins digestion. Boo Boo has just emptied the basket when a ten gallon cold dispenser of milk appears. He struggles to get it out and manages as one of lemonade. He fills the half gallon pitcher she's been using for a mug with milk. She drains it twice before returning to the sandwiches. She finishes them as roasted and fried chickens begin appearing in the basket. Boo Boo tosses them onto the table as Cindy alternates between sandwiches and chicken. When there's a pause of the incoming food, Boo Boo looks at Cindy eating. His eyes bulge out as she is now swallowing sandwiches whole and swallowing the chickens in three or four chunks. "Are you sure that's safe?" He asks as she finishes off another chicken. Cindy drains her mug and smiles. "I just seem to know my stomach can handle it." She pats her foretorso and it billows enough to make her breasts jiggle. "I wonder how much he's going to send today." She grabs several sandwiches and gulps them down with a mug of lemonade. Boo Boo stares in awe and excitement as he can almost see her abdomen swell as she gorges. He turns as he smells the ham and quickly piles the heavily honeyed ham on the table besides the rapidly disappearing pile of chicken and sandwiches. Cindy drains her mug in one gulp as she finishes the pile of sandwiches. "Mmmm delicious." She turns slightly and sees that her belly is showing how much she's eaten. "If I get tired," she giggles. "Will you feed me?" Boo Boo smiles and picks up several slabs of ham. "Open wide," he says with a laugh. He places it in her mouth and she gulps them down. He keeps feeding her. Trying to keeps her mouth full while he keeps the basket empty of the hundreds of pounds of food Yogi is sending. "If you manages to hold all Yogi sends you." He grins and moves his paws around and under her rapidly swelling belly. "You might just touch the floor." Cindy giggles and then gulps several chickens down. "I'll be nice and fat after I get this all digested." She gulps down a mug of milk, before returning to the chickens and hams Boo Boo helps feed her when he has time. The table is groaning with the food piled on it as he starts piling it on chairs and anything he can find. Cindy smiles with her mouth full and swallows, her throat bulging as the meat slides toward her expanding stomach. "Well if you want me to swallow faster," She opens her mouth wide and he begins tossing ham and chunks of roast beef into her maw. With in a few minutes, they've developed a rhythm and she's eating almost twice as fast as before. Her stomach expands so fast he's worried as he watches. But she continues gulping with no sign of any problem so he keeps feeding her. A ten gallon tub of potato salad appears and Boo Boo struggles to lift it up. "Lets see if I can just pour it in," he says with a wide grin. Cindy opens her mouth wide and tries to pull the rich contents in with her tongue. As the mass begins to slide forward, she grabs it with her plump lips and gulps as rapidly as she can. When she swallows the last bit, she steps back and rubs as much of her foretorso as she can reach. "Mmmm I think Yogi's hoping I can double my weight." She looks back slightly and is surprised how round her lower abdomen has become. "By the look of me and all the food already here, I may be right." Boo Boo looks at her with concern. "I hope you aren't forcing more in than is safe for you." Cindy grins and tosses a few slabs of ham down her maw. "I think it'll be fun to see his reaction when he comes home and all the food is in me." She opens wide as another tub appears and gulps more potato salad into her swelling stomach as Boo Boo pours it in. More milk appears and then an assortment of pies and cakes. She swallows slice after slice as Boo Boo almost tosses them into her mouth. She starts to wonder if she's reached her limit as her stomach feels as if something is scratching her. Then she realizes that she's eaten so much that her belly is finally so swollen it's reaching the ground. Boo Boo looks at her almost spherical stomach and smiles. "I guess you are going to have your belly on the ground." He laughs and begins dumping plates of cookies down her throat. Cindy groans passionately. "I hope they brought ice cream." She tries to rub her fortorso, but she's grown so much her paws can't reach around to touch. "I bet that will make my breasts grow." She moves her paws under her plump breasts. "And make lots of milk too." She opens wide and gulps down the last of the pies and cakes as more cookies appear. Boo Boo pours the last of the lemonade into her while she strokes her growing body. They alternate plates of cookies with mugs of milk as her fat billows with each gulp. She smiles broadly as she sees what Yogi is now sending. Boo Boo turns and sees a five gallon carton of Chocolate ice cream, shortly followed by another one. Boo Boo gets the biggest spoon he can find and begins shoveling it into her while tossing cookies in as she gulps and gulps. She doesn't even feel how much she's growing as her belly begins to spread out on the floor. After four tubs, no more appears. Cindy swallows the last half gallon in one gulp and smiles. "Mmmmmm", she strokes what she can of herself and her silky fur flows on her hugely swollen body like waves on the lake. "When I get this all digested. I hope I'll be able to waddle." Boo Boo stares in awe at how humongous she's become and begins to massage her ponderous belly. He pauses as Yogi send more food through. They both laugh as they see the bags of large marshmallows. Boo Boo opens a bad and nibbles one. "I wonder if this is a hint how soft he wants you?" Cindy tries to grab the bag. But she's so heavy with food that she can't reach. "Well if he wants me to be that soft." She opens her mouth. As her stomach groans, for the first time she wonders how she could possible eat this much. Then she remembers the magic powers of the geyser spirit and smiles to herself. Boo Boo pauses, and then begins to tear open bag after bag and pour the soft treats into her bottomless pit of a stomach. As he dumps the last of the twenty bags into her, he steps back as far as he can to see all of her. "I'd never have believed you could eat that much in a month. Of course I never dreamed you could grow another set of legs either." She smiles and tries to move. Her hugely obese body rolls and jiggles as she does. She relaxes her legs, but her belly is so full she only goes down a few inches. "Well I guess I can't lay down to sleep." She looks around as Boo Boo moves the table until her fat flows over and under it's top. He places several boxes and what ever else he can find, then covers it with the blanket. "I think this will allow you to sleep." She leans against it and he adds straw to make her pillow more comfortable. She smiles and closes her eyes. "Wake me when Yogi arrives. I want to see his expression when he sees me." She gives a long burp and drifts into a food induced sleep. Boo Boo stares at her in awe. Her foretorso looks like it's as weighty as her lower body was. Her lower belly is covering most of the floor between her front and back feet, and surges out almost as wide as her belly had been. He watches her for a moment and then begins to clean up. He works quietly, often stopping to watch her sleep. Within a couple hours, all the debris is in large bags awaiting a trip to the dumpster. He adjusts the boxes she's leaning against as her stomach digests her impossible feast and she sinks down a bit. By the time Yogi returns, sky is only illuminated by the crescent moon and stars. He stumbles into the cave and half collapses on a chair. He looks at Cindy, not really seeing her true size in the darkness. He whispers to Boo Boo, "So how much did she eat?" He struggles to his feet and stumbles to the bed. Boo Boo is trying to decide if he should tell Yogi Cindy ate everything, but decides it doesn't matter as Yogi is sleeping soundly. He makes Cindy more comfortable as her enormous stomach continues to digest the impossible feast. He joins Yogi in sleep. Yogi half ways wakes as the sun filters through the curtain. He stumbles over to Cindy and begins to nurse hungrily from her growing bosom. He rubs his body against her fat swollen foretorso, not even realizing it. Cindy sighs sweetly, mostly in a coma from her bloodstream heavy with nutrients, but also from Yogi nursing. When Boo Boo begins sucking her sweet milk, she feels her breasts swelling and swelling until that's all she's aware of. As Yogi, then Boo Boo stop, she drifts back into her food induced coma. Yogi stumbles back to sleep, the warm milk helping him recover from yesterday's work. Boo Boo adjusts the table and everything Cindy's leaning against. He can tell she's produced a lot of fat, but only digested about a third of the food. Boo Boo has carried most of the trash bags to the dumpster by the time Yogi wakes. He smiles as Yogi slowly gets up. "Must have been one heck of a picnic, Yogi." Yogi yawns and smiles. "She's going to be huge by the time she gets all that in herrr....." His eyes open so wide his hat falls off as he sees Cindy sleeping soundly. Boo Boo just watches as Yogi slowly walk around Cindy. He cautiously touches her rolling with fat body and then gently massages and fondles her growing obesity. "How could she have possibly managed to hold it all? I sent hundreds of pounds of..." His eyes slowly lose their shock but are still wide with admiration. Boo Boo smiles and resumes his work on enlarging the doorway. "She just seemed to be able to keep eating as much as you sent her. Several times I asked if she was ok, and she just kept eating." He looks at the doorway and the mark where he planed to stop. "I might have to open this more before winter." Yogi nods, barely paying attention as he slowly runs his paws over and under her growing body. He tries to hug her food bloated belly. "How much do you think she'll weigh when she's got all this digested?" Boo Boo smiles, "I have no idea, but I don't think she's any where near her top weight." He looks at her and smiles. "And the shaman said that her body can adapt to what ever weight she can eat her way up to." As Yogi loses himself exploring her new massiveness, he returns to quietly chipping away at the cave wall. Yogi nurses several times that day, sucking deeply and slowly as she sighs in contentment. When both of them are nursing, she is almost conscious. Her body summons more nutrients into her growing bosom and deposits the excess as fat and some milk tissues when they stop. She remains in a food coma until mid morning, five days after her feast. She slowly opens her eyes and then opens them wide as she sees how expansive her massive mammeries have become. She slowly moves her paws along their sides, also feeling how obese her arms have become. As her paws move around she stops as she feels how huge her nipples have become and that she can barely reach them. Smiling, she remembers dreaming of nursing. She turns her head slightly and feels how fat her neck is. She can barely turn enough to see her belly swelling out wider than she had ever dreamed. She tries to move her legs and feels how engulfed in fat they are. Struggling she somehow manages to stand. She almost loses balance because of her huge bosom. Finally she gets her feet spread out enough to stand steadily. For an hour she takes careful steps and manages to wallow in a rolling manner around the cave. When she hears Yogi's 'hey, hey, hey' she gets back to the table and pretends to still be sleeping. Yogi comes in through the tarp covered door and smiles happily as he watches her flesh billow as she breathes. He nuzzles her plump muzzle. "I sure hope you'll enjoy your growing body as much as I do." He moves in front and slowly sucks a fat nipple into his mouth. He suckles deeply as his paws massage her obese breasts. Cindy smiles and drifts into ecstacy as he suckles. She opens her eyes just enough to see his hat and ears over the curve of one of her heavy breasts. As he finally stops, she moves slightly and stands as he does. "I can't believe how wonderful I feel with all this soft fat." She giggles as he almost falls over in shock. Yogi catches himself and moves close. He stands beside her massive bosom, hugging her with one arm around her soft back and the other squeezed between her swollen foretorso and weighty bosom. "So you're enjoying this." He gently squeezes a roll of fat where her backs join. Cindy giggles, tosses her fat arm around him and firmly forces him into her obeseness. "Just more of me to enjoy." She whispers sweetly. She slowly wallows to the bed and lies down as carefully as she can. Yogi happily joins her and marvels in her new flesh as she enjoy his massages. That night, he goes ahead of her to the garage. She is barely out of breath, but her new weight, especially in her bosom, makes her move much slower than last month. She finally steps onto the scale and watches the indicator move wildly before stopping. "Mmmmm 1510." She moves as quietly as she can back into the forest and tells Yogi. He smiles and nuzzles her fat upper arm. "Do you think you'll keep growing?" He asks with fear she won't want to think about it. Cindy takes one of his paws and pushes it into her fat until it's completely engulfed in her flesh. "How would you like me to do this with more than your hand?" Her eyes are laughing as they return to their cave. Over the rest of the spring and summer. She doesn't gain as fast as she had, but she's incredibly comfortable with her weight. By the first day of autumn, she weighs just over one ton. Her skeleton is thicker and broader. Her muscles have increased in strength, but her increase in fat only allows her to wallow slowly. The leaves turn into their brilliant assortment of colors and Yogi has kept to his word of not increasing the amount of food he sends her. The trees are half bare when Erthan shows up one evening. He smiles at Cindy. "I've been keeping a watch on you." He smiles as she strokes her ponderous belly. "I hope you have thanked the geyser for me," she giggles. "I'm loving how much I've gained." Erthan nods, but there's a slight frown behind his smile. "I'm warning every one that this will be a severe winter." He looks at the wide door Boo Boo finished late in the spring. "I think it will be best if you close this off as much as possible." Every one is looking at him with concern. Cindy looks at the other two before she talks. "Would it help if others moved in with us?" She smiles and moves so her fur rolls on her flesh swollen body. Erthan nods, "There are a lot of our smaller friends I am worried about. The squirrels, chipmunks and some others I'm afraid won't survive." He strokes her ponderous belly. "If you say how many you'll allow to stay, I'll choose those least likely to survive." Yogi nods to Cindy for her to decide. She looks around the cave. "Just start sending them. Have them bring their catches of food. Boo Boo can scavenge crates and whatever else to help them make sleeping places." She giggles. "Oh course we do expect them to help with spring cleaning." Every one laughs at this. Erthan shoulders his pack. "I'll spread the word. I'm afraid the snows will come while there's still unprepared tourists, but that's the rangers' problem." As he leaves, he motions so only Yogi sees it. Yogi looks around for a moment after he leaves. "Well I think I'll check out a couple of our squirrel friends and invite them." He tips his hat and heads outside. Yogi wants toward their friends' tree and Erthan is waiting with them. "So what is it you'd like me to know?" Erthan smiles as one of the young squirrels runs out on a branch and jumps onto Yogi's hat. "I know that you are ecstatic with Cindy growing larger and fatter. Last winter she gave a lot of her flesh to restore the geyser spirit." He looks into the night sky. "I think another feast will do wonders for her." He grins and disappears into the night. Yogi smiles and talks with the squirrels, promising to keep what Erthan said, a secret. He silently goes to the ranger's cabin. He slips inside and looks at the book containing the schedule of large picnics. With in minutes, he's memorized a chosen few and silently slips outside. He makes his plans while going back to his cave. Cindy is laying upright while Boo Boo is nursing. "So are they going to move in soon?" She smiles as Yogi massages her unoccupied breast. "They'll get everything together and start tomorrow. Some of them will help the others. They plan to move their catches in stages so if the snow hits, it'll be closer, rather than some here and the rest out of range." He licks her growing nipple before suckling hungrily. The next morning, they wake with the first light of the sun. Yogi goes to the closest picnic grounds and sends her breakfast. Then he checks out the garage and hotel dumps for crates to make nest areas for their guests. Boo Boo stocks up on the places he's stored nuts. Then begins working on sealing up most of the entrance from the coming winter. By evening it's smaller than before he started. The squirrels Yogi had talked to started bringing their supplies shortly after Yogi left. By nightfall, they and another group have moved in and have half of their catch of food moved in. Yogi comes in after sunset with several toy wagons. He spends an hour rigging harnesses so the squirrels can move their food easier. The next morning, after breakfast, he talks with Boo Boo while they bring more crates from the hotel. "Erthan told me she would enjoy another feast, and we may all need her extra weight before the snows begin to melt." Boo Boo looks Yogi eye to eye. He is now as tall as Yogi and a bit stronger. "So what company is having a picnic?" He looks at the crisp sky. "It better be soon." Yogi nods. "There's one tomorrow near the lodge. The next day there's one in the meadow in the east valley." Boo Boo had started to nod, then stares in shock as he hears about the second one. "She was in a food coma for five days." He pauses, "unless you're planning to store the second picnic for later." Yogi shrugs slightly. "Considering how much she's gained since then, she might not need as much time. She's hinted to me she doesn't care how immense she grows. She's loving how fat she is and looks forward to more." He smiles as they reach the cave. "You go get more crates and I'll tell her." He turns and almost trips over a toy wagon of nuts being pulled inside. He tells Cindy his idea and the happy gleam in her eyes assures him she wants to. The rest of the day, he sends her food from the meadow picnic grounds. He's extremely familiar with the grounds around the lodge so he doesn't worry about there. That night, the three of them sleep soundly. The squirrels continue moving supplies, but leave them outside so as not to disturb those sleeping inside. With the first light of dawn, Yogi heads for the lodge. Cindy explains what is going to happen to the squirrels and they offer to help with the sandwiches, tidbits and whatever they can move. Boo Boo prepares cushions so he'll be able to get them in position when she's stuffed. He checks the supply of water bottles in case Yogi doesn't send enough drinks. Shortly after midmorning, the first load of cheese, ham chunks and crackers appear in the basket. Cindy smiles as several chipmunks take turns tossing them into Cindy's gaping mouth. As sandwiches of all types arrive, several of them pull these aside so there's room for what Yogi will send next. Boo Boo moves the drink drums aside and gives her mugs of milk, lemonade, coke as the squirrels and chipmunks continue to feed her. Boo Boo takes a board and positions it so one end is on the table near the basket, and the other is resting on Cindy's mammoth bosom. It rises and falls slightly as she breathes. Her feeders quickly develop a rhythm of carrying cheese, ham, sandwiches and candies as Yogi sends foods almost as fast as Boo Boo can empty the basket. As whole roast chickens appear, he tosses them onto large crates he had set up for this. He adds platters of ham and roast beef until he's afraid the sturdy crates will collapse. His helpers finish with the small foods as 2 ten gallon tubs of potato salad arrive. He takes one of them, takes her large serving spoon and shovels the calorie laden mixture into her hungry mouth. As plate after plate of cookies, fudge, brownies and cupcakes appear, the squirrels and chipmunks work excitedly. They carry each sweet up the ramp, toss them into her mouth and jump onto her huge spongy breasts to get out of the way of their friends bringing more. She swallows them whole as fast as they can bring them. Boo Boo pours half gallons of assorted drink into her to help wash down the fat producing foods. When they finish, he begins tossing thick slices of honey roasted ham as fast as she can slurp them in. When the unguessed pounds of ham are stretching her belly, he slowly pours several mugs of lemonade into her vatlike stomach. "I'd never believe you could eat this much," he looks at the remaining pile of chickens. "And I know you're going to want everything else in before you stop." Cindy smiles as she moves her large fleshy arms against her monstrous lower abdomen. "I wonder if I can swallow them whole?" She grins and licks her fat lips before opening her mouth wider than Boo Boo thought possible. Hesitating, he selects the smallest one and eases it between her round lips. He stares in surprise and then excitement as she sucks it from his paws. The rolls of fat flowing from her chins to her massive mammeries surge and billow as she gulps and her gullet pulls the meat down. She smacks her lips and opens her mouth for the next one. As Boo Boo gets it to her maw, he hears the first one splash into her cauldron sized stomach. He keeps feeding them to her, pouring half a mug after every few chickens, to wet her throat and make swallowing easier. Cakes off all kinds and size begin appearing and the squirrels work to get them aside as Boo Boo continues feeding her chickens. He turns to the basket as a chipmunk chatters excitedly. Cindy turns her head, her fat bloated jowls sloshing as she does. "Mmmm", she grins and licks her greasy lips. "We should have expected this." Boo Boo quickly moves the turkeys to the mostly empty crates. He resumes feeding Cindy as soon as he finishes with the dozen turkeys. "I sure hope you don't hope to swallow them." He shakes his head as she gulps down an extra large chicken. He looks at how much of her belly is resting on the floor and pats her bloated belly. The solid thump and surging makes him smile broadly. "I know better than ask if you can hold any more." She smiles before somehow swallowing the remaining chickens. The chipmunks toss cookies into her open mouth and Boo Boo pours several gallons of drinks in. The sound of her stomach working heroically on the food echoes like a cross between an industrial mixer and an over loaded food processor. Boo Boo breaks off the turkey legs and the squirrels shuttle them into her mouth. Her tongue shoves each meat laden bone to her throat and she swallows passionately. He breaks the carcasses lengthwise and she slowly gulps each one down. She burps long and loud after she forces the last one into her incredibly swollen abdomens. "Ahhhh", she smiles at the chipmunks and squirrels waiting with the five dozen cupcakes. "How much do I have left in drinks?" Boo Boo tips the kegs. "Maybe 2 gallons of milk, no lemonade and 5 of coke." He looks around. "There's another tub of potato salad." He winches as he says that. Cindy takes as deep a breath as her overloaded body allows. "Well I guess it's not time for desert. How but two mugs of coke before the salad?" She tips her fat bloated head back as he slowly pours it in, trying to prevent too much fizzing. She gives another loud burp before he shovels the potato salad in. She moves her paws, causing her food gorged body to roll heavily. "Now for desert." She opens her mouth wide as Boo Boo reposition the board her burps have moved. Their little furry friends shuttle the cakes and toss them in. She squeezes them in her mouth so she can taste them for an instant before they join the hundreds on pounds of food stretching her digestive system beyond what even she had dreamed. Boo Boo pours a mug of milk in between each dozen. When the last one is forced into her, she moves her fat arms in a helpless manner. "I'm too fat and full to fall over." She laughs quietly because she's so stuffed, she can't take a deep enough breath. Boo Boo smiles as he removes the board and makes her comfortable with the cushions. He strokes her amazingly swollen abdomens. "I wouldn't have believed you could force all that in if I hadn't been here." She nods and smiles, "Me neither." She breathes slowly as her nutrient loaded blood pushes her into a deep sleep. Boo Boo continues to massage her as she slips into a deep unconscious state. Yogi arrives and stares at her in awe. "Maybe I shouldn't go for the one tomorrow?" Boo Boo grins and slaps his friend on the back. "If you don't raid it, she'll be upset." He smiles at the huge mass of Cindy's stomach. "I hope she doesn't wake and want it for a few days." Yogi agrees and lovingly massages her growling stomach, listening to it struggle to digest the hundreds of pounds of rich foods he pilfered. Tired, he looks around and sees that Boo Boo is already asleep. Yawning and thinking of how fat this feast will make Cindy and how much tomorrow's raid will add, he is soon asleep. He wakes in the morning to the gentle, muffled rumbling of her digestive system working hard on the hundreds of pounds of food she some how managed to force in. He eases out of her fleshy embrace and slips silently out of the cave. Outside he almost trips on one of the squirrels' wagons. He sighs and disappears toward East valley. By the time he reaches the valley, they've got all the tables arranged and have started loading them with picnic snacks. Smiling, Yogi disappears behind a narrow tree. With stealth that would put a green beret to shame, he slips under the tables and begins sending the treats back to the cave. The chipmunks had been cleaning up during the night and Boo Boo is moving the trash outside, when he hears the first of the treats arriving. One of the squirrels giggles. "It's all small stuff, we can handle it." Boo Boo nods as he carries the last bag out. "I'll get all this trash out to the dumpster. If bigger food starts showing up, let me know." He goes outside and doesn't hear the chipmunks chittering. Some of the squirrels are quickly unloading the basket as the chipmunks stack them on the table. Some squirrels jump onto Cindy's flesh swollen shoulder and then gently scramble onto her monstrous bosom. They set up as a living conveyor line, passing brownies, cookies and cheese chunks. The one nearest her mouth, waves a moist brownie near her plump noise. She sniffs it and opens her mouth wide. He tosses it in watches it disappear into her depths with out her seeming to swallow. They quickly move snacks from the basket almost as fast as Yogi sends more. Boo Boo has his second load of trash bags and watches Mr Ranger talking with some one. They're too near the dumpster so he decides to just listen. "Looks like winter is coming early this year." Mr Ranger comments. "You'll be the last company picnic this year." The other one grins. "Well our people have worked hard. We've increased out production, even with the mistake of stamping over a ton of candy sideways. We've got a truck loaded with it for every one to take all they want. You're welcome to help yourself." Mr Ranger grins. "Well there are a few children who live near the park around the year. It'll be great for Trick or treat. Want me to give you a lift back?" The other man nods. "I was enjoying a morning hike and didn't realize how far I got." They jump into a jeep and drive off to the East meadows. Boo Boo tosses the trash in the dumpster and wonders if he should tell Yogi. "Well our winter guests should be able to get everything stored. And Cindy's in no condition....." He giggles as he visualizes how immensely obese Cindy's growing from yesterday's feasting. He jogs through the wooded paths toward the East meadow picnic grounds. The chipmunks keep piling and moving food out of the basket that the Squirrels haven't feed Cindy. As sandwiches begin appearing, they stack those as the squirrels feed her the piles of snacks. Using strings, boxes and what ever they can handle, they move the basket during a pause in food coming in. The basket is set up on crates so it's slightly higher than her gaping mouth. Several chipmunks have fashioned a chute out of small boards and covered it in wax paper. They position it so they can toss food out of the basket and it slides smoothly into her mouth. They work the sandwiches up and add them to the thick slices of ham, turkey, and roast beef that Yogi sends. Cindy sighs and moans happily in her unconscious state as the food swells her stomach to yesterday's capacity and then continues to stretch it further. Her paws and obese arms stroke her bloating belly and foretorso. Her fur jiggles like the surface of a lake during a windstorm. As a ten gallon container of milk arrives. they use a pulley system to pull it to a crate beside the basket. The other containers of lemonade and tea are soon beside it. A couple of the chipmunks connect a small hose to the milk. One of them clambers onto the heavy roll of fat her chins have become and eases the nozzle into her mouth. When ever there's a slight break in sliding foods down the chute, they turn on the flow and help wash the fattening food into her cauldron sized stomach. They keep rotating who's feeding her so no one becomes exhausted. A large tub of potato salad appears and they struggle to get it out of the basket with strings. One of the lines come untied and it tips toward the chute. Every one scrambles to stop it, but the mass of potatoes, cream and chopped vegetables surge toward her open mouth. As it reaches the end of the chute, it sloshes into her wide open mouth. For a moment it remains a mound, then with several powerful gulps, it's pulled into her gullet. Her behemoth bosom surges so violently that the chipmunk controlling the hose almost falls until he grabs her thick fur and hangs on. They let the tub fall as another one appears. This time they tip it so the fattening mixture flows in great globs into her waiting mouth. Boo Boo is slipping through the trees surrounding the picnic grounds and finally spots Yogi leaving a table. "Yogi", he whispers. He smiles as Yogi glides silently through the bushes. "So how's it going?" Yogi looks at him in surprise. "Who's taking care of the food.." He smiles as he remembers their guests. Boo Boo grins in a way that he never had before last year. "I over heard Mr Ranger talking with one of those in charge of this." He points out a delivery van that Mr Ranger is just leaving. "They brought some candy that got imprinted wrong." Yogi looks at the van and the nearby bushes. "hey hey hey," he whispers. "Let's see if the magic works on a picinic truck." He moves through the trees as Boo Boo gets down and watches through the bushes. He catches a glimpse of Yogi's shadow under the truck, then the truck seems to quiver. If he wasn't staring at it, he wouldn't have noticed a thing. He looks and sees Yogi moving toward the desert table. He smiles as the truck quivers again, the magic restoring the candy Yogi sent to Cindy. Every one scrambles as the basket overfills rapidly with the chocolates. A flood of candy pours down the chute and into Cindy's incredible mouth. She gulps it in and the sound of her stomach stretching echoes in the cave. The chipmunks rush to get the candy stacked as others empty the basket. Some of the chocolates are backed up in the chute as Cindy struggles to swallow more and more. Her paws are pushed farther apart and the table is moved as her humongous abdomen continues to swell. As slices of cakes and pies start appearing, they try to pull them away, but have to let almost half of the sweet confectioneries slide down the chute. She struggles to keep swallowing and her enormous breasts seem to visibly grow as her overgorged digestive system does everything it can to keep from exploding. As the last slice of cake slides down the chute and is forced by her well exercised gullet into her ready to burst stomach. Many of the chipmunks do what they can to massage her as two of them keep a slow flow of drinks going down her throat, knowing she needs it to help her digest the impossible feast that's bloated her gigantic abdomens to impossible circumferences. Boo Boo moves around the picnic grounds and meets Yogi at the path leading homeward. "Well at least we don't have to worry about her being too full tonight," he grins. Yogi nods. "The food should be good for a few days. We can eat all we want and then feed her what ever she wants. The candy we can store for the winter." He does his side shuffle and then they quietly walk down the path. As the sun sets behind the mountains, there's a definite smell of winter in the air. The moon is up by the time they get home. One of the squirrels is waiting outside with a worried look. "What's the problem little furry friend?" Yogi asks. "The mountain of food has fallen over?" The squirrel shakes his head. "No landslide and Cindy's fine. We thought you'd like it if we helped. so we set up things so we could feed her a bit." He almost shudders. "But it worked a bit better than we planned." He turns and scampers through the hatch Boo Boo had made for them. The two bears look at each other in confusion and then enter the dark cave. Both of them freeze in shock. Cindy's lower abdomen is as wide as either of them are tall. Her foretorso swells out well past her massive breasts and her bosom seems to slosh and grow as they watch. Yogi looks around and sees what remains of the hundreds of pounds of food he sent. Boo Boo has been slowly walking around Cindy, stroking her wondrously overgorged belly and feeling her fat almost form as he fondles her billowing flesh. He looks at the stacks of candy and estimates she must be holding seven hundred pounds of the calorie ladened sweets. A long burp and contented sigh from the sleeping Cindy tells them that some how she's actually in no danger. Boo Boo moves the table away and watches her belly surge heavily. The two of them snuggle under opposite sides for her impossibly stuffed body and are quickly asleep. Boo Boo wakes and tries to move. He manages not to laugh as he feels Cindy's hundreds of pounds of fat surging over him. He moves slowly and manages to ease out from under her overly obese belly. He looks at her heavily bloated body in the dim morning light and steps back to the wall until he can see most of her mammoth magnificence. A couple of the little furry guests are already awake. One of the oldest squirrels jumps up on the window ledge beside him. "We didn't plan on feeding her that much, but she just kept eating and eating. Erthan told us about her so we knew she could handle what ever she could eat." Boo Boo nods with a grin and looks at the remaining food. "When she wakes, she'll be amazed how much she's gained, then want to eat what's left. If you and the others took your time and fed her what's left over the next two days....." The squirrel brushes his whiskers and smiles. He chatters with a laugh, "We want to make sure she can keep the cave warm." He jumps down and joins the others who were listening. With in minutes, they've started moving the food from the neat stacks, up onto the table. The chute is set up and, after a few whiffs of some chocolate, her mouth opens wide. They take their time, letting her savor and swallow each treat, candy bay, sandwich and everything they had to push aside during the feeding frenzy yesterday. As Cindy digests the hundreds of pounds of food, the first place she noticeably grows is her ponderous breasts, then rump. Her body fattens every where with soft comfortable flesh. Yogi and Boo Boo work on preparing the cave for winter. The last squirrels who were working on bringing supplies finish and prepare their areas for hibernation. They nurse from her rapidly growing bosom, her body pushing more nutrients into her obese breasts, making them grow even more. She's fed slowly all day, that night and into the next afternoon. Yogi takes the final candy bar and then gently squeezes himself between her flab swollen breasts and bloated foretorso. He eases it into her open mouth and actually hears it splash into her cauldron sized stomach. He massages her wondrously fattened bosom, dreaming of how wonderful this winder will be. For the next several days, she sleeps and digests what must be over a ton of nutritious, fattening foods. Yogi and Boo Boo take turns massaging her so she'll feel comfortable. Five days after the picnic, the morning comes with dark clouds blocking the sun. They and several of their guests look out the window. "Well." Yogi grins and yawns. "I guess she may just sleep through the winter." A noise behind them makes every one jump. Cindy smiles at them and moves her fat swollen arms slightly. Her eyes go wide as she looks down slightly and sees her fat mammoth mammeries surging out several feet in front of her. Her chins are two large rolls of fat between her plump muzzle and the start of her valley like cleavage. "I'm almost afraid to see the rest of me," she giggles. She turns her head as far as her fat engulfed neck allows and smiles slightly. She is amazed how fat she is, but enjoys her flab surging as she tries to move and feels her massive flesh make her thick fur billow seductively. "Well I don't think we have to worry about any one getting cold this winter." She looks around at their smaller guest and the grins at the window. Every one turns and watches the flirt snow falling. By the sound of the wind and bare branches blowing, it's obvious winter has arrived. The chipmunks and squirrels snuggle into their nests and use the pieces of blankets Boo Boo salvaged from the trash. Boo Boo and Yogi drink their fill of her delicious milk. Her bosom surges seductively as her milk flows. Once satisfied. they help her lay down. They cover her with several blankets sewed together and snuggles into and under her thousands of pounds of warm loving fat. Contented breathing is soon all that is heard in the warm cave. Through out the winter, all sleep better than they can remember. By spring Cindy has lost a little because of nursing Yogi and Boo Boo, but she quickly regains it. Only able to guess her weighing at least two tons, Yogi resists raiding another company picnic. Even with only his daily raids, by the next winter she's become so wondrously obese, her belly is spreading out on the floor and only her paws can be seen under her large, heavy rolls of fat. start 520 spring month 1 780 spring month 2 1040 +company picnic 1650 after digest 1510 1st of autumn pic 2030 2nd picnic/spring 2+ tons