8-14-94 ALIANDRA Aliandra curses herself silently as she watches the last of her wolf pack disappear through the trees. "Stupid fool, crossing that rock slide instead of climbing above it." She eases herself up and stands with three legs supporting her sturdy form. At 4' 7", she's taller than any other female and her sturdy build matches the weight of most of the males of her species. She looks down at her broken foreleg. "Well at least they left me alive." She lies down carefully, wincing as her broken leg grinds the nerves. She nuzzles it carefully into it's normal position and closes her eyes. She lies motionless, her ears occasionally twitch to the forest sounds around her. The next morning, she carefully limps down to the stream. She eats what berries she can easily reach and then drinks her fill from the stream. Her leg throbs as she lies down under a bush and carefully covers herself with leaves and moss. For a few weeks, she remains motionless, except to eat some berries and drink a few times a day. "I wonder how long I can live without meat," she whispers to herself. She licks her damaged leg and moves it slightly. She's become accustomed to the pain and feels the bone is knitting, although crooked. She freezes as she hears the skritching of several small animals coming down the path. Several lemmings are frolicking in their care-free manner. Being almost a foot high at the shoulders, she smiles as two of them splash into the stream a few feet away from her, knowing that one will last her a couple of days. One of them on the shore stops and begins sniffing. She holds her breath as it moves in her direction. In a leap that makes her damaged leg scream in agony, she jumps at it. The pain makes her jaws miss their mark, but she lands on it, trapping it beneath her starved body The other lemmings run up the other side of the bank. They stop and look at her while she breathes heavily in agony. An older lemming walks slowly down the path toward her. Even with his age, he walks firmly toward her. "I am Tragen, shaman of the Hill tribe." She moves her functioning foreleg to keep her prey trapped beneath her. "It doesn't take a shaman to know that this one is my prey." He nods slowly, "It also doesn't take one to see that your foreleg is broken. If you release my tribe-mate, I will heal you." Not sure she can believe him, yet wishing to, she thinks for a moment. "Why should I believe you? You might heal me, and keep me trapped until I starve." Tragen nods slightly. "You have my word. We will take you to our home, heal you, feed and take care of you. I know that your pack has left you to die. If you would accept the offer. We will give you a home if you will protect us." He calls out to several of his tribe. Within minutes, a dozen of them come into view carrying armloads of berries, roots and breads. He stands still as others bring more food until he signals them to stop. "This food weighs more than your prey. Will you accept this as proof of my offer?" *Aliandr1.gif* Aliandra looks at the food, even though it isn't meat, it is more than the flesh she could tear from the creature beneath her. She moves slightly, and feels the pain lance through her damaged leg. Slowly she pushes herself up with her functional fore leg. The trapped lemming struggles away and stops just behind the shaman. As she lays down, Tragen walks up to her and feels her leg. Her leg throbs, but not painfully as he does. The lemming who she had caught, walks up to the pile of food, stands on his hind legs, and begins to feed her. She eats ravenously, opening her mouth for food to be tossed in. She gulps each mouthful without chewing. Her stomach starts to argue, but then her strong digestive juices flow full force, quickly digesting the breads and plant materials. She eats until full, and then keeps gulping the tasty food down as her stomach stretches. She swallows the last of the food and smiles as her stomach stretches with the load. *Aliandr2.gif* Tragen stops and looks at her. "Remain still." He calls to those around and they disappear into the woods. After a few moments, several return with branches and vines. Tragen moves her leg carefully and they strap the branches to hold her leg in place. "Now stand up." Once upright, he ties her leg until it doesn't move. She tries to move carefully, but before they've covered a mile, she's sweating in pain. Tragen helps her lie down and rest. After a while, she gets up and hop/walks again until the pain makes her stop. It's well past sundown when they reach a steep hillside. Tragen signals the hidden lookouts. Several come out of a camouflaged tunnel and help her to the entrance. Tragen starts to enter, and then realizes there's a problem with his plan. He smiles and talks to the others for a moment. He returns at her. "We'll fix you a nice place out here, until we can make the entrance a bit bigger." She smiles as her stomach works on her feast. "I've never slept inside before." She remain standing on three legs while they spread blankets on the ground near by. Exhausted, she moves over and lies down slowly. Tragen strokes her broken leg for a few moments as she falls asleep. He then goes inside and talks with the leaders. At first they wonder about his idea and then realize how helpful she can be. Several of those awake, volunteer to begin working on enlarging the entrance. They work quietly through out the night. Aliandra wakes as the first light on the sun illuminates the sky. She looks around and flinches as her leg throbs painfully. She lies still, wondering what she should do. A lookout quickly summons Tragen. He comes out and checks her leg. "How does it feel?" Aliandra tries to smile, "A lot better than yesterday." She looks at the enlarged entrance. "Should I go inside? Tragen nods and helps her up. He walks beside her, helping to keep her hurt leg from bouncing too much. Once inside, he guides her down a ramp to the main area, and an area piled with soft brush, covered with a thick blanket. She lies down and he resumes working on her leg, while several others feed her a large breakfast. During the first week, only a few of the lemmings are comfortable bringing food to her. She remains calm and thanks them before eating. By the end of the second week, her pelt is glowing and she has regained some of the weight she lost. The kits have made a game out of feeding her. They take fruits, berries and chunks of bread and toss them at her mouth, she does her best not to let any of they miss. Often she has to ask them to stop as her gorged belly groans with it's load. *second week-Aliandr3.gif* *Aliandr4.gif* By the end of the first month, and the beginning of fall, she's regained all her lost weight and her pelt shows this clearly. One evening, after Tragen works on her rapidly healing leg, she mentions her weight gain. "I'm not complaining at all," she says with a satisfied burp. "But some of the elders may worry about the food supplies for the winter." *Aliandr5.gif* Tragen smiles as he strokes her body. "Believe it or not, our village has lots of food stores. Enough for several years, so don't worry about packing it away." He gets a jug of juice, fills her bowl and pours himself a large mug. He sits down, leans into her comfortable body and sips thoughtfully. "Many, many years ago, before even my parents, there was no village. My kind roamed the wilds, many were eaten by your ancestors so we had as many young as possible. While exploring one day, a few of the young found this cave, although it was only this room and a fourth it's present size. Several families decided that they would have a better chance of surviving if they lived in here. They moved in and set up the elders to make decisions to insure their survival. He nibbles on some breadstuff, then continues. "Within a few years, they had located all the nearby fruit trees. They began planting berry bushes, roots and wild grains. Some took to expanding the cave into family dwellings and enlarging this chamber. Everything went well until the young began breeding, at this point they realized that they must control the number who live here. My grandfather prepared a mixture to prevent pregnancy. Over the years, they learned more ways to gather, grow and store food. They decided on a maximum number that can comfortably live here. Tragen sighs, drains his mug and then refills it while she laps at hers. "Several years ago, another group of lemmings organized themselves. Their way was to stay together when a predator attacked and fight." Aliandra nods. "We found them last spring. We could have attacked, but decided it wouldn't be worth the meat." Tragen nods, "We've never had any trouble with them, but I've heard that last winter they barely made it through with what they could find." He shivers and takes a long drink. "I'm almost certain they know of this place. If I'm right about this winter being worst in memory, they'll attack." Aliandra laps up the last of her juice. "So I'm supposed to stop them," she pauses. "But if they attack in force...." Tragen sinks deeper into her fur as he drifts toward sleep. "We're rebuilding the entrance so they can only come through one at a time. You take out the first few and the others will run." He yawns, then snuggles into her soft warm pelt. Aliandra finishes her juice and lies down. She thinks back to when she ran with her pack and can't remember feeling this contented. As she drifts to sleep, she thinks, 'I wonder if they'll be upset when I eat those that come through the entrance...' She closes her eyes and sleeps. *month 2* *Aliandr6.gif* Within a matter of days, the tunnel entrance has been rebuilt so that only one of the tribe can come through at a time. Most of the tribe is working on harvesting, and storing fire wood. Aliandra easily accepts the roll of baby sitter. The young have fun playing around her, using her for 'king of the wolf' games and of course feeding her. She sometime allows them to actually stuff food into her mouth until she's in pain and has to insist they stop. She never has to tell them twice and she never lets them know how overfull she is. Near the end of the month, Tragen calls for a village meeting. "Friends," he begins as he leans into Aliandra's fleshy shoulder. "Aliandra came to us in pain. Some thought me a fool for healing her. Now," he skritches one of the young lying on her back, "she's happy taking care of our young." He pauses as he looks toward the opening to outside. "The signs tell me that this winter will be much worst than last. We have stores of food that can last us years so there is no danger of hunger." He looks into Aliandra's brown eyes and she nods for him to continue. "We know last year the roving tribe of our kind were almost to the point of storming in here, taking our stores, destroying our home," he shudders and doesn't finish. One of the mothers suggest that the young need their sleep. A few argue, but not too much. In a matter of minutes, they've been taken into their caves. "This year I and the elders believe that they will attack after the first snowfall. Aliandra can take care of the first few, and that might scare them off for awhile." He pauses until Aliandra nudges him to continue. "Every one can easily see that she's put on a good bit of weight, over what is average for her species. I've been working with her so that I can draw energy from her for my healing." He almost falls over as she nudges him harder. "The only way to protect us and not have to constantly be ready for another attack, is to eliminate all of them at once." The elders are either speechless, or arguing among themselves. Finally one of them stands. "We have no problem with Aliandra killing dangerous ones of our species. We can accept that she probably will eat them. This is the way of her kind. But she couldn't hope to fight them all if they get in here in force." Tragen nods but is hesitant at replying. *Aliandr7.gif* Aliandra looks at the elders before answering for him. "When I have taken care of the young, they've enjoyed stuffing me with food until I couldn't possibly swallow another morsel. Tragen and I talked about this a while ago. Our plan," She looks at Tragen as he starts to object, "Is to secretly spread the word that our storerooms are filled to bursting, which they are... "Including you," jokes one of the elders. Every one laughs at this and it breaks the feeling of suspense. "Tragen knows one of them, Wilen, that he has trained to do some healing for them. Wilen can organize all the fighting tribes to join forces and attack as one group." She pauses as objecting and concerns are voiced. "He will come here to visit Tragen after the snow is on the ground. In the deep night, he will signal them. With the entrance reinforced as Tragen has instructed, they can only enter one at a time." One of the elders stands and shouts. "And they'll overwhelm you, take our stores and kill us.!" Tragen raises his staff and every one is quiet. "I advised the children that she needs to eat as much as she could hold for a reason. Her stomach has been slowly stretched. With my magic, I can cause it to expand many times it's present size, for a short time. The builders will construct an extension to the entrance that will bring it to the edge of the entrance ledge. Our women will work with them making a wood and cloth funnel that they will have to crawl through. Wilen will explain that this helps us keep the cold out." He looks at Aliandra and smiles. "The funnel will end in Aliandra's throat. She will swallow each one as he crawls in. Once in her stomach, they won't be able to warn the others." He faces every one he can. "Our job will be to scream, yell and make noise like what would be if their attack was successful." He stands on his hind legs and tries to put an arm around her thick neck. "If any one has a better idea....." For a few seconds all is silent. The elders talk quietly for several minutes before nodding in agreement. "Every one that can be spared will help gather all the crops, this will help convince them we know the winter will be long and hard. All furniture and clothing work will be stopped until the funnel is finished." He pauses as one of the women raises her paw. "Those of us who cook and bake can make sure there's more than enough food for our children to keep her stuffed." Aliandra fakes a look of pain and then smiles. "Just as long as they stop when I ask them." When every one agrees, the elders suggest that the lookouts should be doubled, just in case. With no argument, several of the young adults leave. Every one says their good nights and then retires to their home caves. Aliandra lies down and looks at Tragen. "You know how many of them there are, and you aren't about to tell me." He nods with a forced grin and pats her forepaw. "I know you can hold them." He nuzzles her plump neck and then goes outside. Aliandra tries not to worry as she relaxes. Sleep does not come easily, and when it does, she has dreams of her belly holding as much as she weighs now. Over the next week, they finish the 'funnel'. Every one works rapidly on gathering all the food possible. Aliandra asks Tragen about this as he examines her leg. "If you have plenty of food stores, why are you gathering all this?" He smiles as he brushes the fur around the cast. "The elders didn't want to tell anyone that last year we used as much as we gathered. And with you here," he grins and snuggles into her softness. "Don't worry. I told them why and no one is arguing. If you can take care of the violent packs." She smiles and licks him slowly. "I hope your magic can help me do it." She relaxes and watches. In the afternoon. The children play with her, keeping her filled to her limit. They always stop when she asks, but don't wait as long. By the time night comes around, she's lying on her side, with her gorged stomach bulging out. Tragen joins her and fills her bowl with juice. "Well I see you've still got an appetite," he jokes as her gently massages her swollen abdomen." She nods and relaxes as well as she can. "I think they've been told about the plan." When Tragen ignores her, she smiles knowing she's right. "When can my cast come off?" "Tomorrow," he looks toward the entrance as a lookout comes through and runs to the fire. He walks over and talks a few seconds before going outside. Aliandra laps her juice as she watches the lookout warming himself as he reports to one of the elders. Tragen comes in, says a few words to the elder, before returning to her. "We've got a light flurry going on," he says in a voice that betrays his concern. "Tomorrow we must finish the harvest. This snow may stay and then we can expect the violent ones to attack." Aliandra nods and lies down. She smiles as Tragen curls up against her fleshy belly. "And then it's up to me..." She closes her eyes and tries not to think. During the night, Tragen gets up silently and goes outside. Within minutes, he returns and wakes several of the elders. After a quick discussion, he wakes a couple of sleeping guards, they replace the ones from outside. Tragen helps the snow coated, shivering guards to the fire. Aliandra raises her head and Tragen rejoins her. "I've never seen a first snow such as this." He snuggles into her softness, trying to warm up since he hadn't dressed for the cold. She looks at the guards trying to warm themselves. "Come here and let me warm you," she calls to them. One of them quickly join her, the others wait a few seconds before tossing their blankets on her and cuddling against her warm body. Slowly they stop shivering and fall asleep." In the morning, many try to finish the harvesting of nearby trees, but come back before midmorning. At noon, every one talks about the sudden onset of what must be a severe winter. The guards are changed every two hours during the day and agree to every hour in the night. As she eats lunch, he carefully removes her cast and massages her weak muscles. "It'll take a while before it'll be able to support you." She forces a grin as he helps her stand. "Since I've put on quit a bit...." She carefully takes a few steps before laying down. Tragen massages her leg again and then chats with several of the guards as they come in. *Aliandr8.gif* The children stuff her in the afternoon, she doesn't ask them to stop until she is sure her stomach is stretched. At supper, she resists Tragen's offer of food. "One more bite, and I won't be able to stand. Near sunset, or as close as can be judged with the heavy clouds and blowing snow, one of the guards comes though the entrance funnel and rushes to Tragen. Aliandra tries to get to her paws and is helped by the other lookouts that have come in. Tragen says a few things to the first guard and then rushes to his cave. Aliandra limps to the entrance and lies down on the straw and leaves prepared for her. Tragen arrives with a flask and helps her get comfortable. "I wish we had a better way to do this....." Aliandra nuzzles him, knowing he's not telling her everything and knowing what he's not saying. She gulps the contents of the flask and opens her mouth. Tragen helps her swallow the end of the funnel. He strokes her throat and then her fat tummy. His voice is quiet and comforting. "By morning, all our problems with be in here, making you nice and fat." Aliandra tries to smile, but the funnel stops her. For several hours, they wait. Every one in the village cavern is silent, waiting for the attack. Tragen's hand gently squeezes her shoulder as he sees motion in the funnel. Aliandra relaxes her throat as Tragen had taught her. She feels paws inside the funnel in her mouth and then another set as the first starts to crawl down her throat. As she gulps the first one down, Tragen signals the others to begin. One of the guards gives a shout of warning, repeated by another. Action in the funnel increases as there's a mad rush of attackers forcing themselves in as fast as it's confines allow. Aliandra gulps them down as each exits the funnel, into her throat. Her stomach acids are in full flow and the one she's swallowing blocks out the few cries of agony as they begin to be digested. After the first half dozen, the villagers cry and yell, imitating the sounds of a successful attack. The attackers struggle in her stomach, but they quickly digest in her internal maelstrom. Tragen massages her swelling stomach as he chants to help her enlarge and digest as she keeps swallowing the attackers. Aliandra begins to groan as her stomach swells and then painfully stretches. 'I have to hold them all', she whispers to herself. 'Or they'll kill all my friends.' With new resolve, she forgets her pain and gulps each one down, concentrating on swallowing and not where they're going. Gulp after gulp, until she knows it's impossible for her stomach to hold one more, but somehow her throat forces another one in. She only thinks of each gulp being the last one. Finally she doesn't feel any motion in the funnel. Tragen whispers, "That's the last.. Relax and sleep... sleep... sleep." Aliandra closes her eyes and falls to sleep. Her dreams are of her belly swollen beyond her wildest fears. *Aliandr9.gif* Tragen massage her enormous stomach, pouring his energies into her faster than is safe for him. His paws were small on her before, but now he can't even reach the top of her back when standing on his hind legs. Her paws are held up and out, by her gargantuan, spherical abdomen. As he senses that she's finally out of danger, he collapses in exhaustion. The others remove the funnel from her mouth and repost the guards. Several of the females move tables to keep her from rolling over and help Tragen onto her wide back, then cover them with warm blankets. Through out the night, Aliandra's wondrous stomach, churns and digests the attackers. She slowly sinks down as her belly's contents flood into her blood stream and are stored through out her growing body. Tragen dreams he's floating on a warm ocean. He listens to a deep steady thrumping until he remembers last night. He lies quietly, feeling how much he is engulfed by her new flesh and thick fur. Her digestive system gurgles as she continues to digest what remains of their would be attackers. One of the cooks tosses him some breakfast, so he won't disturb her well earned sleep. After he eats, he rolls slowly, using his body to massage hers. It's almost noon before she finally wakes. "Oooohhh", she groans quietly. She keeps her eyes closed and tries not to move. "How many?" she whispers. Tragen rolls off of her fat bloated body. He nuzzles her fat swollen breast. "You managed to hold them all," he gently pokes her fur, amazed at how much she's gained overnight. "Every one here is grateful to you, so don't worry." *Aliand10.gif* She laughs quietly, her fur covered mound of flesh billows as she does. She seems to try to stand, but only manages to make her rich fur flow over her obese body. "I guess my leg needs to get stronger......" She opens her eyes and turns her head. Her eyes bulge out in shock as she sees how wide she's become. She gasps in shock, "All this from last night????" Before Tragen can try to reassure her, she uses her head to pull him deep into her cushiony breast. "All of you have made me feel more welcome than my pack ever did." She smiles as he nuzzles into her softness. "And if any others want to cuddle up to stay warm...." The females had begun setting lunch out and Aliandra struggles to move away from the entrance. The carpenters have already removed the funnel and converted it into a multilayer cloth door. She lies down heavily and manages to get her mouth to the table as everyone comes to lunch. The talk is about the stores of food and the amazing on set of winter. Aliandra struggles to resist gulping mouthfuls of food down. A couple of the cooks notice this and keep her plates full, without her noticing, until she slows. As every one finishes and they begin clearing the tables, the elders signal for all to gather. "My friends," Jalagen begins. "We all are trying not to talk about what happened last night." He smiles to Aliandra. "But our wolf protector's new flesh makes it difficult not to be reminded. So we must allow ourselves to talk. I believe Aliandra might be more upset than any of us." He almost laughs. "It's more than obvious she's much more than she was last night. Well I just felt it needed to be said before it gnaws us from within." Jalagen waves everyone to resume their duties and joins Aliandra and Tragen. She lies down and relaxes as her stomach works on her meal."I know that what you did for us last night may be bothering you more than you want to admit." He snuggles into her thick fur, enjoying her warmth. "Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?" Aliandra smiles as she moves slightly, her fur covered fat quivers as she relaxes. "I think I'm more comfortable than I ever was." She looks around the cavern. "But as large as I've gotten, and that I'm in the main room, I'm a little bit jealous that others have their family caves." Jalagen smiles, "I'm certain the woodworkers would be glad to build you a room." He hugs a large roll of her belly. "Now all we have to worry about is surviving the winter cold." He pauses before releasing her and going to the woodworker's area. Tragen had gone to his cave and returns, dressed for the weather. "I'm going to check out the paths toward the river. We were concentrating on harvesting and didn't fill all the water chambers." He smiles as he sees her concern. "Nothing to worry about, as long as we get to work on filling them." He joins several strong youths waiting at the entrance and leads them out. Aliandra relaxes and moves her paws against her obese belly. 'I never dreamed of a place like this', she thinks to herself, 'or being encourage to eat so much'. She dozes a bit until she hears some of the young ones moving around her. She smiles slightly and waits until one of them cautiously strokes her neck. "So what do you want to do today?" She asks, surprising them with her sudden alertness. After the surprise, they cuddle up on the straw against her soft warm sides. She smiles as they fondle her massive body, amazed at how much she's filled out. Several of them climb onto her broad back and are quickly asleep. The others stay against her, somehow knowing that this will be a long cold winter, and that she's huge and warm. Several hours later, she realizes that she fell asleep with them. She feels Tragen and several of the water carriers cuddled into her fleshy body and nuzzles one of them. She closes her eyes as she smells supper being prepared. During the next month, several snow storms add a couple of feet to the snow from the first one. Even on the few days when the sun is out, it doesn't warm enough to melt any. *winter, month 2* Finally a major blizzard hits. It begins as any other storm, but Tragen warns every one that this one will be a big one. All of the lookouts are pulled in, except for two at the main entrance, who are replaced twice an hour. By morning, or when morning should have arrived, a village meeting is called. Many of the young, and some of the lookouts are cuddled into Aliandra's more massive body. Those on her broad back sink deep into her soft flesh and thick fur. Jalagen calls for silence and the chatter quickly dies down. "Friends," he pauses until every one is looking at him. "This winter will be the worst that any of us have seen." He looks at Tragen. "Possibly worst than any legend. We have plenty of supplies." He smiles at Aliandra and those snuggled into her living warmth. "The vicious tribes have been taken care of, but there may be others that will try to force their way in." He stops as quiet discussions break out. After a moment, he calls for attention. "We can allow some to join us. But any we allow in, must not be allowed to leave. They would find others and bring them in." Most quietly nod to this. He looks toward the entrance as a change of lookouts occurs. "We have plenty of food, we're collecting water that melts at the entrance and melting snow for cooking and drinking. But we don't have a large supply of wood. I propose that we stop having fires in the private quarters and close off all chambers except the main and cooking. I call for a vote on this." Quietly the families talk. One by one, paws are raised in agreement. Those not busy with various work, begin moving sleeping pads into the main cavern. The young move theirs close to Aliandra. Several of the mothers come over to her. "If it's bothering you for them to sleep here..." One of them comments. Aliandra smiles, "No problem at all. I doubt I'll ever have young of my own, and they seem to enjoy feeding me." One of them giggles at this. "We might all need your warmth, if the winter becomes what we fear it might be." They return to moving into the main cavern and setting up family areas. After supper, one of the story tellers tries to lighten the concerns with several tales. Many of the young are lying against or on Aliandra, enjoying her warmth. Tragen and Jalagen lean into her shoulders. Jalagen whispers into her ear so no one else will hear what they're saying. "We can't use fire during the day. The smoke will show any out there where our home is." Aliandra tries not to show her concern and whispers back. "Even if you have large fires at night, it will get cold and each day the cave walls will lose more heat." She moves slightly and her rich pelt billows on her fat bloated body. "Is that why you've encouraged the young to feed me so well?" Tragen smiles slightly, "It wasn't the first reason, but does it upset you?" Aliandra leans slightly against him. "Not at all." She sighs in contentment, but Tragen can tell there's something bothering her. Most of the villagers stay up later than usual. It seems they know that the fires will be put out in the morning. Aliandra snoozes and is aware that halfway through the night, the fires are built up until the floor around them is too hot to walk on. She grabs a blanket with her teeth and tosses it so it covers her eyes. Feeling a couple of the young snuggling close to her, she closes her eyes and drifts back to a light sleep. When she finally wakes, only a few small cook fires are burning. She looks around, but has no idea what time it is. One of the cooks bring her breakfast. "During the winter," she explains as Aliandra eats. "We shift our selves to a nocturnal lifestyle. This way we can have heating fires when most of us are awake." Aliandra eats and watches the going ons in the cavern. Tragen joins her and talks about what changes in village life helps them survive the winter. "We go to a night schedule so the smoke from our heating fires won't be seen. Our look outs are watching for any who would try to break in. If a lone one of our kind approaches, they may help him in, but he won't be allowed to leave until spring." She nods and her fat billows around him. "What if some of my kind approach?" He loses his smile. "They've never found us before." He looks toward the entrance, knowing what this winter is becoming. "We can only hope they'll give up before they manage to break in." Aliandra uses her muzzle to pull him into her cushy breast. "Then let's hope they stay away." She tries to relax, but she knows her pack had found this village and had 'saved' it because it would be hard to attack. *Aliand11.gif* After a week of shifting sleep and waking hours, every one has adapted to them. However the heating fires at night are losing against the extreme cold of the outside and the fresh air needed to keep every one healthy. All of the young ones sleep snuggled into her thick fur and warm fat. The females keep plenty of food near her and the children have fun feeding her to her stomach's capacity. By the end of that month, even when she struggles to her paws, her belly spreads out on the floor until it bumps her feet. Mid winter brings a blizzard that lasts days. Frost covers the inside of the cavern within a sort time after the heating fires are put out, and some of it never seems to melt. The young are feeding Aliandra until she insists she can't hold another bite. They know that the more she eats, the more of her soft warm body there'll be for them to snuggle into. Tragen uses his magic the help her organs grow so that she's perfectly healthy. "I hope you aren't upset how big you're getting." She grins and tries to move closer to him. "The only problem I have is..." She sighs happily as he leans into her plushiness. "Otherwise, burp, I'm already so fat I can't move, so I guess I'll get as fat as the children want to feed me to." He smiles and tries to burrow into her thick fur and spongy fat. One of the guards come in and a blast of icy air makes everyone dive for the cook fires or Aliandra's warmth. The guard runs over to Tragen and Aliandra. He's shivering, but something tells them that it's more than just the cold. Tragen helps him take his coat off and pulls him into Aliandra's fur and fat. "Now what is going on out there?" he insists. Kranen shivers from the cold and tries to snuggle all the way into Aliandra. "I went to the river, checking for signs of any one. I heard noises and quietly crept closer." He looks at Aliandra and she nods for him to continue. "There's a pack of wolves, they were talking about how they could break in here. From what I could see, they have been eating enough they don't appear too bad off. But all of them were shivering some." Tragen nods, "I'll go get the elders." He jumps to his paws and takes off. In a matter of minutes, the elders begin coming to her and Kranen. He tells what he saw and answers their questions. Aliandra listens quietly, and waits until every one else has finished their questioning. "Do you know how many there were, and did you hear how they were going to attack? Kranen closes his eyes and snuggles as he finally begins to warm up. "I saw 5 or 6. But I heard sounds of others. As to how they will attack, one of them wanted to attack the main entrance while the others were spread out looking for our escape tunnels. Another argued that they'd have to dig through frozen dirt and that they should hunt elsewhere. They finally agreed to attack tonight." Aliandra shakes her fleshy head slowly. "They'll attack. I believe they're the same ones who left me to die..." She seems to want to continue, but looks at the entrance and sighs. Tragen climbs up on her back and wraps his arms around as much of her fat bloated neck as he can. "Is there anything you can suggest?" She relaxes to his hug. "I can't think of anything except what we did the last time...." She looks at the entrance. Remembering how much she forced in then, and how much bigger these attackers are. Tragen hugs her tight, His legs completely engulfed in her flesh. The elders quietly leave to talk among themselves. Kranen starts to leave, but she whispers for him to stay. "I think all the lookouts should cuddle into me when they come in." She looks at the entrance as two lookouts leave. "Tragen" her voice is flat and quiet. "With your herbs and magic. Can I do it." Tragen closes his eyes and tries to use his senses to enter her body. For several minutes, he barely moves. Aliandra breathes slowly, thinking of how many may attack, and how she can hope to hold them all. Finally Tragen moves and whispers. "I can help, but you have to want to be able to. This kind of magic needs you desire to power it." She closes her eyes and allows her thoughts to flow. She doesn't think of what she's going to have to eat, but imagines her belly swelling larger and larger, then digesting and gaining fat until she's a rolling bloated mass of fur covered flesh. She thinks of how the children love playing on and around her, and how these creatures saved her from death. "Tell every one to get ready. There's no way to know when they will attack." Kranen struggles out of her fur and fat embrace. "I'll go tell every one to prepare." He runs off to get things ready for the attack. Tragen looks at Aliandra and how much of her is on the floor. "I can give you the herbs that will help. I can levitate you to the entrance, but I'll be drained in the process." She nods in agreement. "Have some one help you onto my back. I want you to enjoy my growing body, and you'll stay warm." Tragen nods slightly and then jogs to where he stored his things. The villagers quickly organize and get the funnel modified to the size of the wolves and gets it in place. Much of the tunnel had been temporarily rebuilt so that the attackers shouldn't have that much trouble getting in. The sun has set by the time they finish their work. Tragen brings a flask filled with a smoking brew to Aliandra. He sets it down and prepares to help her move. "Now relax, and when you feel yourself start to float, help me move you to the entrance." He takes a running jump and clambers up onto her wide billowy back. She closes her eyes as she feels his powers flow into her. As she feels her belly begin to rise from the floor, she struggles to move her legs and sort of crawls to the entrance. Once there she feels her weight quickly return and her fat billows heavily as she settles to the floor. Kranen has brought the flask and runs up the entrance ramp. As Aliandra opens her mouth, he pours the contents in. She smacks her lips, then feels them become somewhat rubbery. She tries not to look at the size of the entrance funnel as they attach it in position. With eyes closed, and trying not to think what she must do, she gulps down several feet of it until the end is deep in her throat. She feels the dreadful cold from outside as winds blow frigid air and snow into her stomach. Kranen stays by the entrance, stroking her fleshy neck as he whispers encouragement and what is happening. After several hours, the lone lookout comes in through a well hidden entrance and joins them. "They're coming," he gasps. He snuggles into Aliandra huge pillowy bosom. "Several on the flanks, spreading out looking for any one trying to escape. The rest are of them are coming up the path." Aliandra blinks her eyes, signaling she's ready. For many minutes, nothing happens. She blinks several times as she feels the wind blocked as they dig through the filled in entrance. Finally the first one crawls through the entrance tunnel and then the funnel. The first one forces it's way between her jaws and they stretch easily as if made of rubber. As the wolf crawls in, her throat seems to easily expand to accommodate it as if she was swallowing a good sized chunk of meat. As she feels it's forepaws come out of the funnel, she takes a mighty gulp. Her plushy breast almost shoves the warming lookout off balance as the first attacker in pulled down into her body and shoved into her waiting acid loaded stomach. The second attacker is already crawling into her mouth. Her acids scald the throat and vocal cords before the first can howl a warning. Kranen signals and several of the villagers begin sounds of being attacked. Aliandra gulps down the second as she feels the next shoving it's way in. She tries to think only of the wolf in her mouth, then swallowing it, then concentrating on the next. She knows her stomach is being stretched and that her digestive system is expanding with more pounds of wolfmeat than she wants to guess. Her thoughts are only on the one in her mouth, swallowing, and then shift to the next one. The lookout is being pushed forward, he continues to snuggle into her, until he feels the side of the ramp behind him. He starts to push away from her, then realizes he's too late. He feels her huge cushions of breast flesh push him against the wall, every time another wolf is swallowed. Another lookout come in and reports to Kranen. "The wolves looking for our escape tunnels are heading for the main entrance." Kranen keeps his eyes on the impossibly swollen Aliandra, his eyes bulging, but nothing like what her belly is. "I hope she can hold them all.'" he whispers. He motions and the guard runs down beside her and snuggles into her warmth. He steps back as he hears her digestive system groaning with all she's forcing in, then realizes his snuggling might help encourage her. Tragen is barely conscious, but feels the emotional help the new guard's cuddling is giving Aliandra. "Kranen," he barely whispers. "Call the children, have then snuggle into her. She needs their positive feelings." He collapses onto her spongy back. Kranen whistles and waves to one of the mothers. He tells her Tragen's request and she runs to tell the children. The children had been kept in a secluded corner and are glad they can help. They rush through the villagers who are continuing to make sounds of a successfully attack, and snuggle against Aliandra's impossibly swollen body. The bigger ones help the young onto her back and all try to encourage her by snuggling deep into her loving fat and warmth. Aliandra gulps another one down and has to force it to stay in. She tries not to groan as she feels her stomach ready to explode. The next one is already half way into her and she knows she can't try to even swallow. She begins feeling the young ones around her. Their caresses and loving feelings is like something telling her she's not going to explode, in fact she feels as if she's not half full. She gulps this one before he begins to exit the cloth funnel and anxiously waits for each one to get far enough in so she can swallow. Kranen sees her gulping more and sends a runner for a report how many more attackers are outside. Aliandra gulps passionately, her food and fat bloated body rolls as she tries to force more in her than any could believe possible. He appetite feels insatiable, and she violently hopes there are enough out there to satisfy her. She feels the young and many others snuggling into her body and wants to be big enough that she can keep every one nice and warm. The runner returns and reports that there are about a dozen left. Kranen nods almost mechanically as he watches Aliandra swallow another one. Her body in more than three times as wide as she had been, and her belly is so swollen that the funnel now goes up slightly to reach her ravenous mouth. Aliandra gulps wolf after wolf, actually wishing they were in better flesh. She gulps another down and feels the cold air of outside. She tries to struggle closer to the entrance, but her legs are lost in her fat body. Her paws are pushed out by her huge abdomen, only her smooth belly fur is on the floor. She almost smiles as she feels another one crawling in. She closes her jaws behind it and gulps it down. Her tired throat struggles to force it into her enormously gorged stomach. A runner comes and tells Kranen that no more wolves are around. They both work on removing the funnel from Aliandra and others work on sealing the entrance to keep what heat they can inside. Aliandra groans unhappily as she knows there's no more coming. Then she groans as she realizes how over stuffed she is. She tries to concentrate on the feelings of love every one snuggling into her growing fat is giving here. With her bloodstream weighed down with nutrients, she falls into a very deep sleep. Kranen hears something below him and sees a paw waving from between the entrance ramp and the unguessed pounds of Aliandra's obese bosom. He calls for help and several push her spongy flesh back enough to pull him out. "I wouldn't have minded it so much," he gasps as they pull him up. "But the rocks of the ramp are cold and hard." He turns and looks at the soft, furry, massiveness Aliandra has become. "Any idea how many she ate?" He whispers. Kranen nods, "I kept count, but I'll only tell Tragen or Aliandra, if they ask." He tries to look at her and wonders about how she could hold as much as she is. He slowly walks down the ramp and then slowly around her, amazed how immense she's become. As the heating fires are put out, most of the villagers not doing tasks, cuddle into her humongous, spongy, warm body. *Aliand13.gif* For the next several days, Aliandra sleeps as her overloaded digestive system struggles to convert it's load into bone, muscle, other tissues and an unguessed weight of fat. The young enjoy her amazing amounts of new soft fat. Her stomach shrinks as it's contents are continuously worked into her intestines. Tragen stays with her almost all the time. probing her body as she surprises him that she's adapting to all her new weight. Occasionally, she drifts to the edge of consciousness. Tragen whispers gently to her and uses his abilities to ease her back to sleep. He answers Kranen's unasked question. "The best thing for her, is to sleep until she finishes digesting." Kranen nods and deeply fondles her growing rolls of fat. By the third day, the entire village is sleeping around her. The walls are covered with ice by evening and the heating fires barely begin melting it before morning arrives. The lookouts report no signs of any wolves. On the fourth day after the attack, Aliandra stirs, her thick, silky pelt seems to flow on her living hill of fat. The young on her squeal in excitement while others jump clear, not knowing what might happen. Tragen strokes her neck, or at least the fleshy area behind her ears. "Just relax," he whispers. "I've let you sleep so your body could work on all you consumed and adapting you to what you've gained." Aliandra blinks her eyes in the dimness of the cave. Her body surges as she tries to move her paws. She looks forward at the entrance. "Am I resting on something?" Tragen snuggles deep into her fat. "Well you've gained quite a lot. So much that your legs are lost somewhere inside you belly fat. Your abdomen has filled out everywhere and pushed you higher." *Aliand14.gif* Aliandra smiles and her fat face quivers. She turns her head, but her body fat has filled out so much, her neck is completely engulfed and her flesh swollen head rests on her mammothly obese body. "I guess I have filled out a lot." She smiles as several of the young jump on a bench and then clamber onto her broad body and sink into her deep warm flesh and fur. That midnight, the villagers throw her a party to thank her for saving them. She's surprised that she doesn't feel hungrier than she had before. Tragen whispers that her body is adapting her to her present weight and that she might not gain any more. She smiles and moves her blubber engulfed legs so that her furry pelt billows on her impossibly massive body. "I hope I don't end up stuck here forever," she giggles. Tragen stands beside her and nuzzles deep into her fat. for a moment, she feels strange, then she realizes that he's levitating her. Slowly she moves back, until he lowers her on a thick bed of moss. He lowers her down and her blubber billows and jiggles for several moments. As he starts to collapse, Kranen and several others catch him and help him onto her wondrously soft body. For the rest of the winter, every one sleeps on or around her. She's so humongous, no one can tell if she gains any. But that's more likely than her losing. Spring finally arrives and the village explodes outside, planting and repairing the damages of the winter. Several of them work on enlarging the entrance until it's big enough for her to come through. Slowly she levitates herself as Tragen stands near by. Finally she moves out into the warm spring sunshine. She lowers herself on the warm grass and turns her head the slight bit her fat allows and smiles. She knows she's where she belongs and the living mass of blubber she's grown to be is what she was destined to be. The laughter of the young as they play around and on her makes her laugh with them. Her flesh billows heavily and sloshes as she moves her legs lost within her massive body. Over the next few winters, she gains enough that it can be seen, but nothing like she did that winter from those two feasts. Aliandra, Tragen, Wilen(apprentice) Jalagen-elder (wolf-4-5' at shoulders) Kranen-lookout