ABANDONED Have you ever wondered what you'd do if you were lost in the woods with a blizzard coming? OK, so you have!!! Now add in the fact that this isn't your home planet and the ship that droped you off has told you they're going home without you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mer Nef Observer's report: I have transmitted my latest observations of the intelligent life's peculiar desire for arctic conditions. This lodge in, what they call, the northern peninsula of Michigan has given me much to observe. Their physical activity of strapping two shaped lengths of stiffened polymers and sliding down hill, at first appeared to be bordering on suicidal tendencies. Now I have determined that it is an enjoyable activity, stimulating the body. There are accidents, but I believe the chance of this only intensifies their excitement. There is much one on one activities happening within the building they stay in. Mostly it involves one of each sex, although two of the same, or more than two of any combinations. This is Shaloosa, awaiting further instructions or instructions as to when you will pick me up. I glance toward the front of the cave as the camouflaged covering shutters from the wind. I reminisce, This reminds me of home during the cold season. How I wish our abilities weren't so useful to the explorers. Opening a liquid container I activate the heating unit and put it in. The exploring races convinced our leaders that we could help them study planets like this. Removing the container, I take a long drink, feeling the warmth course through me. If we only had known they think of us the way they think of probes. Smiling as the cover moves with the increasing wind, I check my supplies. The standard power unit is sufficient for another year. The food will last about ten days. If their estimates are right, this approaching storm will be a major one and will prevent them from retrieving me for three or four days. As the communication unit flashes, I key it to transmit. "Earth Probe One answering. Did you receive my latest report?" "Explorer ship 37 to Earth Probe One. Your report completes all the information we were sent to learn. Because of the weather conditions at your location, we are unable to retrieve you. Thank you for your assistance. Explorer 37 is now returning to our point of origin." The receive light blinks out. "I knew they thought of us as useful tools," I think grimly as I remove a modified stun rifle from my personnel gear. "Now that they've abandoned me," the hidden setting clicks, "I better get some more supplies." <2> The wind tastes of the coming storm as I quietly slip through the forest. Opening my mind to the thoughts of the forest animals, I focus on the closest large mammal. Moving with the stealth born in me, I close in on my prey. I freeze as the sound of brush breaking catches my attention. A large moose crashes through the brush about a hundred yards ahead of me. "Now that they've left me to survive on my own." The safety clicks off and a warning light flickers. "I'll need it's meat for food and it's fur to keep me warm." I aim, depresses the trigger and the moose collapses. "This snow will cover my dragging it," I muse while tying my rope in the best way, "and it's going to make it easier to pull. Leaning into the rope I push with all four feet. The weighty load hesitates and then begins to slide. I keep pulling, knowing that if I stop, it will be even harder to get it moving again. It takes almost an hour to reach the cave. The snow is blowing so hard that I almost miss it. "Now I better cut it up before it freezes." I remove a nasty looking dagger and proceed to skin the fur in one piece. "This will keep me warm," I lay it out on the wall before slicing the meat and packing it in the snow. I then scrape the fur clean and coat it with a mixture that will finish the tanning within an hour. "I knew they thought of us as useful." I pull a small tube from my personnel pack. "Now I've decided I'm going to survive." I pour it's contents into a container of juice and watch it fizz. "Only have three more of these," I smile, carefully sipping the contents and feel the effects of it's nerve stimulation. As the storm builds, I carefully check my supplies and repack them for travel. Lying down, I look over the packs. "There's no way I can carry it in less than three trips and the moose will take another two. I'll move to the cave further north as soon as the storm breaks." The fresh meat is moist and satisfies my hunger as I study the detailed maps. "Very few of them travel that far into the wild, but I'll have to make long range plans before the thaw." Lying down, I listen to the wind howling outside. "I was thinking this is just like home." I raise my head and answer the storm with my own howl. "Now," closing my eyes and relaxing, "it is home." <3> I wake to the timer signaling morning. "No need for this anymore." I turn it off and cancel the alarm feature. The storm is still raging so I prepare and eat breakfast. Later, I check my remote scanning systems. The viewer shows minimum activity around the lodge. Adjusting it to scan through the windows, the people are enjoying each others company. I switch it back the previous setting. "And none for me." I mumble and prepare another nerve stimulator. As it takes effect, I howl with the wind, laughing with the slight echo effect of the cave. In a state of induced euphoria, I pass out. Near nightfall, but with the storm still raging, I wake and check the scanners. A motion near the small snow vehicles catches my attention. There are six males, the hands of one of them appears to be bound. They mount three of the vehicles in pairs. The bound man is tied to the controller of the middle machine. "Is this some pleasurable experience I haven't observed?" Switching to the long range scanners, I follow them as they first take a marked path. After several miles, they turn off and then begin to travel in a series of confusing turns and straight runs. After more than two hours of their time, the bound man is untied and pushed off. The others ride off in different directions. "This isn't like anything I've seen on this planet," I gasp. "It's like a survival test, or have they left him to die?" The lone man leans against the protected side of a tree for several minutes. "I wish I could get a better visual image instead of this simple location system." I shake my head, "but I can't go after him... I can't go after him. But.." I smile and pull my flute from it's pouch. "If my thoughts can reach his mind, maybe we can help each other. Somehow I know, inside he is more like me than like his own kind." I close my mind and let my thoughts flow. In a moment, music flows, reaching through the blizzard to any who can hear with their mind. "How could I have been such a fool." Jake thinks as he takes stock of his situation. "I saw two of those slimeballs and thought it was just a coincidence. I should have suspected they were after me." He smiles at the memories of stopping their attempts to set up drug supplies. "We made it too hot for any of their kind to get established. They didn't kill me then.." he pauses and a firm grin covers his cold face, "and I'm not going down without giving it my best." He closes his eyes, "With my mind, with my heart, I will know which way to go." After a moment, his expression becomes one of awe and then firmness as he strikes off in a straight line. <4> For more than an hour, he continues walking. His pace slows until he is almost stumbling. "I know," he mumbles through his chattering teeth. "I know I can make it." He stumbles into a vertical cliff. Using it to keep his balance, he follows it's outline until he sees a glint of light. Smiling, as he shivers uncontrollably, he shoulders his way past an unusual door and almost collapses on the floor. His vision is blurred by his frozen tears as he sees a wolf and a woman coming toward him. "He did hear me." I carry him to my sleeping pad and cover him with the moose fur. "He's too cold to warm himself." I kneel down and pull his frozen coat and outer clothes off. "I don't know why they wanted him dead, but they left him with less than the explorers left me." I toss his garments on the floor and tuck one side of the fur under him. Jumping to his other side, I wrap it around both of us and warm him with my own body heat. Within minutes, his shivering lessens and finally stops. Unconsciously, he puts an arm over me and pulls us together. I smile, somehow knowing that, lightyears from my home world, I have found my home. Jake drifts to the edge of consciousness. He listens to the blizzard still blowing outside as he remembers the events of last night. 'Somehow, I heard that flute through the storm and found..' He opens his eyes just enough to see the face of the woman sleeping against him. 'I wasn't hallucinating. Her music reached me, but why is she here?' He closes his eyes but remains alert. He feels the warm fur against his legs. 'And I did see a wolf with her.' I wake as he moves against me. It is comfortably warm under the fur and I make no motion to reveal I'm awake. After several minutes, I flex slightly and then open my eyes. His are closed but I can sense he's also awake, waiting for me to make the first move. I start to slid out from under the fur and he opens his eyes. "You're looking much better than when you crawled in last night." He smiles, "Thank you for saving me. Somehow I heard your flute, even though the wind was blasting through the trees." "I was playing it, but I also sent the sounds out with my mind. Why did the others leave you in the woods?" <5> His eyes open wide, "How did you know that?" He relaxes, "Years ago, they were setting up a drug operation and I shut it down. I guess they found out who I was and decided if I died of exposure, no one would be able to prove it was them." He bumps the wolf gently with his leg. "I guess your friend likes to sleep in?" He jokes. I laugh as I throw the fur over his head and stand up. "What wolf?" He struggles with it and laughs as he tosses it aside. His laughter is cut short as he sees me before him. His eyes open as wide as possible as he stares and then studies my appearance. "You aren't from around here, are you?" He finally comments with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Let's have something to eat and I'll tell you why I'm here." As I cook some moose steaks and break out some of my supplies, I tell him about the explorers and why thy left me. "My name's Shaloosa, my race evolved differently from yours." I stroke the fur of my lower body. "We're more adapted to wilderness and our technology is more at one with nature." Jake smiles, "I'm Jake, when I came in last night, I thought I saw a woman and a wolf." He shakes his head, "And now I find you're more like a centaur with a lower body of a wolf instead of a horse." I laugh at this, "Some of my race does have a lower body much like a horse. Our scientists use genetic manipulation to modify our build for various tasks." After we eat, Jake asks about what my long term plans are. "I don't think you'll be happy living in the wilderness?" I agree, "I made that plan so I wouldn't be caught unprepared when winter breaks. If I just walked in to the lodge or some town, I'm afraid I'd either be shot at or taken by your military to some secret place to be questioned and studied." Jake nods in agreement. "For some reason, I feel more comfortable with you than most of the people I know." I look at him in sudden realization. "When I was playing my music last night, I didn't expect it to reach you. When I was laying beside you and you were finally getting warm, I almost felt what we can a bonding of the souls." "I think I know what you mean." He says in astonishment. "I've never felt what I can call love with any woman I've met. One of them said that what I was looking for only existed in fairy tales." He smiles as I pad silently to the sleeping pad. <6> "We believe that true love knows no boundaries." I lie on my lower body, my upper one still erect. "Shall we find out if that is how you heard my music?" Jake joins he and sits down and takes a relaxing breath. "Or is it fate working in her mysterious ways?" We close our eyes and allow our thoughts to drift. We become aware of each other's existence. Slowly, without motion, we drift closer and closer. When we touch, it is as if we have always been in contact. Our very essences become one. For unmeasured time, we revel in this cosmic bonding. Finally, we allow the consciousness of our bodies to return and open our eyes, smiling. "As you said," I laugh. "I never found my soul mate on my home planet." Jake reaches out and we hug each other tightly. "Now forget your plan of living in the wilderness," He whispers in my ear. "We've got to find a way to get you to my home. I nuzzle him, "If I hide everything, I could wait for you near the side road a few miles from the lodge." Jake laughs, "I've got a pick up with a cap on the back. We can bring everything home with us." His eyes sparkle as an idea hits him. "If I can use my electronic abilities to rebuild your equipment with earth parts. I can sell them and we can buy a house where there's no one around." I grab him and we fall onto the fur laughing. "I was wondering how you'd explain me to your neighbors." We wrestle for several minutes before we relax in each others embrace. Later that day, the storm begins to break. Jake helps me pack up my equipment. An hour before sunset, the snow stops and the wind lessens to a gentle breeze. "Let's take a load to where I'll wait for you." Jake agrees and we bundle up. He adjusts the straps on one of my saddlebag-like packs as he shoulders it. "Maybe I should go to the lodge tonight, I'd hate to have anyone get hurt looking for me." I control my fear that he may be having second thoughts. "Let's get going," I try to keep a happy tone in my voice. "It wouldn't be good for you to wander in after midnight." Jake laughs as he helps me with my packs. "They might wonder who I've been staying with." We step outside into the almost dim light. "I hope the clouds clear up soon." <7> "If it gets too dark for you," I joke as I bump into him, "Just hang onto me." I plow through the fresh snow and he follows me. The sun breaks through the clouds just as it was setting over the hills. For a short time, Jake stumbles behind me. As the sky clears and more stars light the clearing night, his eyes become adjusted to the darkness and we arrive at a thick group of bushes I have used for observations. "I can bring the rest of my stuff before morning," I comment as he helps me with my pack. "That might be a good idea," He muses as he adjusts his coat. He plows through the snow until he can see where the side road joins the main road to the lodge. "It hasn't been completely cleared," he announces as he returns. "But there's enough room for me to pull off." I give him a forced smile, "When do you think you'll be back?" "If no one make a fuss, I should be here an hour or so after dawn." He looks at me in concern, "There's something bothering you?" I try and keep from looking him in the eye. "I guess I can't believe we've found each other." Jake almost laughs, "I've been alone with others of my species, and now I find you." He flexes his knees so his head is level with mine. "Now you get the rest of your gear and I'll see you in the morning." He gives me a strong hug and I can feel the energy of his affections as I hug him back. "I admit it has been on my mind." I return his smile, "but I guess it's natural." Jake gives me a squeeze before he stands. "I better get back to the lodge." He smiles and then plunges through the snow toward the road. I watch as he reaches the road and then walks quickly toward the lodge. "A few days ago I only thought about surviving 'til the spring." I laugh as I run back toward the cave. In three trips, I manage to carry everything to the bushes. I drag the moose hide behind me on the final trip. Checking my chronometer, I set the alarm for dawn and wrap the fur around me. As Jake enters the lodge, he finds a large group of the ski patrol clustered around the relief map of the area. He smiles as he hears them discussing their plan of search. "Did some one get lost in the storm?" <8> One of them turns with concern on his face. "He's been missing since some time last night. There's not much chance he's alive, but there's always hope." Jake smiles as he joins them studying the map. "If he knows how to survive, I think he has a good chance." The leader shakes his head as he stands and offers his hand. "This is the first time he's been here. Unless Mr. Robertson is terribly lucky, I think this is going to be a body search for him. I'm Will Jones." Jake shake his hand firmly. "I'm Jake Robertson." He smiles as everyone stares at him in shock or anger of a possible joke. "I took a walk and the storm was worst than I thought it was. I knew it would be better to find shelter and wait out the storm." He pulls out his Swiss Army knife and a waterproof match container. "To survive you must always be ready." Will finally smiles and shakes his hand firmly. "I can tell a man that knows how to survive," he laughs in relief. "Making a goof on a storm is easy to do. But where did you learn how to survive?" Jake smiles, "I guess working hard enough to be an Eagle Scout paid off." Every one now believes that he is the man they were going to search for and he spends the next couple of hours describing how he survived. He explains about finding a group of trees that sheltered him and building a fire to keep warm. They accept what he tells them and he apologizes for getting everyone worried. "We don't mind getting concerned when we go out and find someone alive," Will laughs as he slaps Jake firmly on the back. "But to have him walk in, while we're making our search plan." They all laugh and then decide it's late. "I don't want you to think this has scared me off," Jake comments, "but I do need to get back to work and I'll be leaving in the morning." Will smiles, "If you come back next year, I'll take you out on the back trails." They separate and Jake goes to his room. He sets his alarm for about dawn and forces himself to rest. He turns the alarm off, almost before it sounds. It only takes him a few minutes to change and pack. As he checks out, the receptionist congratulates him on surviving. "Actually," Jake responds with a smile. "It's wonderful to know what I learned about surviving, works." <9> He puts his suitcase in the cab of his truck and heads out. He slows down as he catches a glimpse of the snow plow clearing the road ahead of him. Turning into the side road, he stops, jumps out and heads toward the bushes. I'm moving before he reaches me. "When I saw the snow plow come down, I was afraid it would block the road." Jake grabs the pack from me. "Some one may come down the road any minute so we better get your things loaded as fast as we can." He takes it to his truck while I go back for the next pack. We continue with me carrying packs to him and him loading them into the back of his truck. As I pull the moose fur to the road, I hear a vehicle approaching. Before I can warn him, I see that he also hears it. "Get in," Jake tells me as he grabs the fur. "Then cover yourself with this." I dive into the corridor he has made between the packs and pull the fur over me as he helps. "Here," I whisper as he prepares to close the door. "It's a short range transceiver I used to monitor activities. I have another one with me and we can talk while you drive." Jake smiles as he takes it, "You just worry about staying out of sight." He closes the door, climbs into the cab, and drives onto the road. "We made it just in time," he reports via the unit as a car passes us going the other way. We talk about Jake's idea about making one of my devices out of Earth components and agree that the sensor unit will be the best. After an hour, I decide to get some sleep, since I didn't get any after he left. Several hours later, I wake. "How are we doing?" I ask. "We're over half way home." Jake answers. "I was waiting to stop until you woke and there's a place I can get some food coming up. Anything you want me to get you?" "I'll take what ever you're having," I reply with a laugh. "I've wanted to try your foods, but I never had a chance." I listen to the music playing on his tape deck. Jake pulls into a Mickey D's drive through and then a gas station. He opens the back and hands me a bag under the fur. He closes the hatch and then fuels up. <10> I wait until we're back on the highway. "This is pretty good," I tell him. "Although I've heard a lot of people talking about pizza." He laughs, "We can order that when we get home. You can have almost anything put on one." I ask questions that I could only learn the answers by asking them. The miles roll away and we are soon at his, I mean our, home. He backs into the garage and closes the door, before helping me out. "Welcome home," he laughs as he opens the door into the house. I walk in and look around. "I thought your houses were divided into small rooms?" Jake laughs. "I lived in a small place with rooms that were almost claustrophobic, so I decided to build one with one big room." He motions to a door that appears to closet. "And I have a complete basement we can set it up so you can hide when any one comes over." I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck. "I hope you aren't used to a lot of people dropping by." He pulls me close, "The few people I associate with, almost always call before they do." I look around as he turns on the stereo system. In moments, musical sounds with unusual tonal qualities filter through the speakers. "I never heard anything like this at the lodge." He smiles, "This is all synthesized music." He walks over to some equipment racks and removes the covers. "I've been into this kind of music for several years." He flips a few switches and begins adding music to that already playing. I allow myself to flow with his creation and feel at peace. When the song stops, I look around the room. "I don't think I'll have too much trouble getting around." Walking around the equipment racks and other furniture, I quickly find a few places where moving things a few feet, make me less likely to bump into them. He leads me into the basement, which is also open designed. "I can set up a place for you to hide when people drop over," he explains. He starts upstairs. "I'll order some pizza and we look into the scanner diagrams." <11> I laugh as I scamper up the stairs after him. "I have a unit that can link up to your computer and send the manuals in english." While he calls, I begin moving my gear from the truck, into the room. We are translating manuals and discussing my various devices by the time the door bell rings. I drop down behind the couch as he pays the delivery man. "I've seen your people eat this at the lodge," I comment as he puts a large piece on a plate and hands it to me. I take a cautious bite, and then a normal one as I delight in the flavors. "It's delicious." We eat and talk about his life and which devices he'll make with terrestrian circuits. "The scanner unit should be easy." Jake admits as he studies the drawings. "As far as I know, nobody has used circuits in this manner. I actually think I've got enough parts to put one of these together." He begins searching through drawers of components. I look around as he begins gathering parts and spreading them on his work bench. "Can we watch the news?" Jake laughs as he grab a remote control and switches the TV on. "When I get into a project," he apologizes, "I forget anyone else is here." I slip beside him and pull him against me. "If that's the only problem, I'm sure I can take care of it." Jake smiles, "Once I get this built and sold. We can buy a place in Michigan with enough woodland so you can go outside without worrying about being seen." He starts marking a circuit board as I lovingly massages his shoulders. He continues working for many hours. I insist he takes a few breaks. During the first one, he shows me his collection of video tapes and how to use the VCR. As it gets dark, I prepare supper with food from my supplies. As the aroma fills the room, he stops working and joins me in the kitchen area. "It smells good," he says with a grin. "Why didn't you use the matter duplicator?" Smiling, I put the food on plates and carry them to the table. "It had problems and I don't have the knowledge to fix it." I resist laughing as he glances at the stack of equipment. Once I get this scanner built," He takes a bite and smiles, "I'll get it and everything else repaired." <12> We finish eating and he returns to his work with renewed vigor. After an hour, I go over and massage his shoulders. "You don't have to work all night," I assure him. "I've been living outside for several months and wouldn't mind taking it easy living inside." Jake smiles and affectionately grabs my hand. "I'll have this finished and tested within an hour. The friend I want to take it to is more often available in the morning." He tightens his grip slightly before turning back to his work. I put some more music on and resume massaging his shoulders while he works. In less than an hour, he leans back. "Now all we have to do is test it." I pull him back, until his head is cushioned by my breasts. "I don't understand everything about your system of money. But I know this is worth more than enough to get us a place in the woods." Jake smiles as he sets it up and watches his computer monitor. "I've hooked it up to display on a standard computer." I smile and walk around until it detects me. "How is it doing?" He smiles and makes a few adjustments. "Wonderful, I've got it set up so that individual energy fields of each person can be identified. They'll be able to use this to identify where anyone is in a building and allow access, only to the people who need it." He spends another hour, making notes so that it can appear he designed it. As he puts his notes on a separate disk and packs his scanner for carrying, I unroll the fur near his bed. "I'll take a shower first, if you don't mind." Jake stands and stretches. "Go ahead. With all of your fur, I'll be done before you're dry." He puts on a CD and the music plays as I revel in the shower. The ultra sonic cleaner may do a better job, but it never makes me feel as revitalized as a good hot shower. I finally step out and begin drying my upper torso. When it's dry, I wrap a towel around me and open the door. "It's all yours," I begin drying my fur with his hair dryer. He smiles, "We'll have to get something better to dry you." He turns and prepares for a shower as I continues drying my thick fur. <13> I'm down to my long, thick, bushy tail as he emerges. "I think if we got a few of these and mounted them so I can stand between them." Jake smiles and brushes my silky fur as I finish drying my tail. "I can get more dryers after I meet with Joe." I smile as I use the dryer on him. "Then we can design what type of house we want to get." He laughs, "If I'm right, we'll be able to buy plenty of land and have a house built any way we want it." He yawns and then smiles. "It's been a long and exciting day." I laugh as we go to the sleeping area. "This will be my first sleep in a warm place since I left the ship." I lay down on the fur. "Your bed is too small for me, but..." I smile and stroke the fur beside me. Jake smiles and tosses the pillows from his bed toward me. "I've learned this fur is more comfortable than my bed." I put my head on one and relaxes as he lies down beside me. "Maybe it's not the fur you find so comfortable." I reach out and pull him close. In response, he pulls himself even closer. "I wasn't talking about the moose fur," he whispers. Within minutes we are both asleep. The next morning, after we have breakfast, he takes the scanner and his notes. "Keep the curtains closed and don't answer the phone or door," he reminds me. I laugh at this, "Don't worry about me, I'll keep myself busy checking out your music and video tapes." He gives me a hug, "I'll be gone most of the day." He takes a com unit, "If some thing happens, give me a call." He get into the truck and drives out of the garage. As the door closes, I put on a tape and finish unpacking my equipment and personal items. It is late afternoon, before he returns. "They liked it better than I thought," he informs me with a laugh. "When I told him I wanted to get a place in the back woods, he told me the government is selling a number of places and is going to call me tonight with more information." "Are you sure this isn't so the government can keep track of you?" I ask with deep concern. <14> He smiles and fills a glass with coke. "The manuals cover modifications so I can pick up any transmissions. If they hide any listening devices, I'll find them." I finally smile, "I just got all my stuff unpacked and now I'll have to pack it up again." We both laugh and he prepares supper. After we eat, he opens my matter duplicator and repairs it in less than an hour. He is closing it up as the phone rings. "Hello? Right Joe." He smiles as he turns the computer on and uses the modem. "He's transmitting everything about the place I told you of." The computer indicates completion and he says goodbye before hanging up. "Now to get a printout." As the printer runs, he pulls each sheet off as it is ready. "It's a barn that was rebuilt into a house." As he reads, I watch a picture of it being printed. Then the floor plan, showing an upper floor and basement. "This looks real good." I comment as I show it to him. Jake smiles, "He said he'd take me up there tomorrow. The reason he said I'm being offered it, is so I'll be near a small military base. I can use the alarm system that's there and add our scanners into it. If anyone tries to break in, the military police will handle them." I frown slightly, "But if the military gets suspicious, they'll find me." Jake grins, "I've been given a special security level. They won't be able to enter the house unless I ask them too." I finally smile, "I've been dumped by a species that doesn't care about any one else. From what I've heard, a lot of you don't trust your own government." Jake grins, "They like keeping things from the population and that makes people suspicious. Some times they should be suspicious." The rest of the day, he answers questions that my research had brought up. That night, we sleep as close as possible. In the morning, he prepares to leave. "Joe's going to fly me up to the base." He grabs his coat. "So I'll be able to get back tonight." He gives me a tight hug. "If this place is as good as it looks, we can plan to move this weekend." I hug him and gently kiss his cheek. "You take care of yourself and I'll see you tonight." I release him and spend the day listening to his music and reading a couple of his books. <15> Late in the evening, I hear the garage door open and the truck drive in. Instinctively, I dive behind the couch, unsure if he's alone. Jake enters from the garage and looks around. "Ok, there's not too many places you can hide." Smiling, I spring over the couch and almost manage to tackle him. "You're late." I laugh. He picks himself up from dodging me. "And this is how your kind greets each other. He suddenly jumps from his partially crouched position and almost knocks me down. Laughing, I collapse on the floor, grasping him with my arms and forelegs as I roll onto my back. "I take it you like the house." He gives me a warm kiss, relieving me of my fears. "It looks great. Joe said the government isn't as paranoid of scientists as they used to be. With me living there, they'll be able to keep track of any one visiting me and they'll provide security so the local police won't have to know anything." I give him a long, loving kiss before releasing him and standing up. "So when do we move?" I pad to the kitchen area and warm the food up. Jake follows me, "It's in the middle of a two mile square lot." He pulls some pictures from a folder and spreads them on the table. While we eat, he explains the house/barn is built near a stream. The property extends beyond the crest of the hills on each side of the gentle valley. "They put a fence around it and we can mount scanners so that no one can slip in. I told this to Joe and he said we'd get some of the first ones made. There are buried conduits running from the house to various points of the fence." I smile as I listen and eat. "What chance is there of them watching us?" Jake laughs, "Joe told me he believes there are no surveillance devices watching inside the property. I found a hidden panel that the fence and house monitors are fed through. There were a couple of cameras mounted inside but they've been remove." Concerned, I study the inside pictures. "What if he's lying to you?" <16> "If I take them up on the house offer. I feel they'll leave me alone so I'll feel more free in experimenting." "And if they didn't feel they can trust you, they would have had some one break in here while you were gone. Are you going to have them remove the walls?" "They do have agents cruising around here in case I need them. They promised I'm to be given all the privacy I want. There are other people like me that the government protects their privacy." He takes a bite of roast beef before continuing. "As to the walls, Joe said he could have carpenters remove them. I told him, I'd enjoy doing it myself. It will give me something completely different from my research. They'll give me any equipment I want and mark their records that it was trashed." We finish eating and he turns on the news. He answers what questions I ask about the stories. I am amazed about the way the law prevents police from doing more against the violence of the inner cities and the drug wars. "Where I came from, if you wanted drug, you bought them like your kind buys alcohol." He shrugs, "They tried to prohibit that at one time and organized crime loved it. They didn't learn from that mistake." I reach out and pull him close. "Since there's nothing we can do about it.." I take the remote and turn the set off. He leans into me, nuzzling my furry neck. "It's too bad many humans haven't learned how to care." His arms reach around and begin caressing my silky back. "Maybe when we lost our fur, we lost the ability to feel that way." I smile and gently push his head between my full breasts. "Not all of them have lost it." I relax as he continues deeply massaging my back and his breath excites me, my breasts feel as if they're swelling with his warm breath and my large nipples are ready to burst out of my halter. I try to wrap my forelegs around him and we gently tumble to the floor. Once there, I pull him close with all six of my limbs. I look down and smile as he tips his head back. I watch his face, nestled between my billowing breasts. "Do you like how I feel?" I whisper. He smiles and begins nibbling my neck. His hands move up my back and slowly pulls himself up until we are face to face. Our lips touch lightly at first and then our mouths open. His tongue carefully runs over my pointed teeth, while mine explores as deep into his mouth as I can reach. <17> The air feels warm around us as we allow ourselves to fall apart. "I never felt this close with any one before." I whisper with a coy smile. My hands move around and I begin to unbutton his shirt. His arm pulls back and begins releasing the clips from my tight blouse. He gets to his knees as I roll my lower body so that my torso is also upright. "I wonder," he muses as the soft fur, covering my heavy breasts, is slowly uncovered. "if we're compatible." I laugh and my swollen bosom bursts out of my partly opened blouse. "Not genetically," I take his hand and place it on the billowing flesh. "But in more ways than most, we are." I finish with his shirt and we separate enough to get it off. I release the last two clips and toss it after his, my hefty breasts jiggling with the motion. His hands attempt to hold my heavy flesh, but they are much too large. His hands move in slow circles as his fingers excite my tender flesh more than I ever imagined possible. I run my hands slowly down his chest, pausing at his nipples for a moment, before moving down to his belt. As his fingers touch the edge of my fur concealed areolae, I release his belt and begin opening his pants. Without stopping, we stand in unison and his pants fall in a pile around his ankles. As his fingers first touch my rigid teats, he carefully steps out of them. We slowly move to the furry hide and lie down. He begins kissing and sucking my incredibly tight nipples as I run my hands down his back as I move my forepaws to his swollen manhood. Our breath is already coming in pants as we continue to excite each other. "I need you in me." I gasp as I grip his shoulders and try to push him down. He nuzzles the plushy fur of my front and stomach as he allows my hands and legs to move him down my stretched out body. His tight cock, becoming even more excited as it slides through my rich fur. As it's head, reaches the lowest part of my abdomen, I stop pushing him and he feels the heat of my more than ready cavern. He pushes with his feet and bumps against the ready entrance. He pushes again, and slides deeply into my warmth and wetness. "I've never felt like this before," he gasps. "It's like I want to be as if one with you." I pull him tight into me with my arms and legs. "Our bodies are one," I whisper, "and now our minds.." I open my mind as my body is racked with ecstacy like I've never dreamed of. <18> For time unmeasured, we physically roll and bounce with each other. Our arms and legs squeezing us together as he nuzzles and kisses my fur. Our minds revel with the physical and emotional waves of affection beyond description. Finally, we climax together, feeling as if we are being lifted by a wave, gathering in height and mass until the curve of the planet could be seen. Then, instead of crashing, the wave slowly loses power and we gently float back down until we are floating on a warm, gentle sea of love. In the warmth, we drift to sleep. The next morning, we begin packing to move. Jake goes to a local grocery store and stocks up on food. He returns in an hour and smiles as he tosses empty boxes into the room. "We should be able to get everything in my truck and a rental trailer." I move beside him and stroke him with my furry body. "I hope that includes me." I laugh and we embrace tightly for a few minutes. "Once we get moved," he gasps as I release him. "We'll have as much time together as we can want." I laugh as we return to packing. During the day, he puts an assortment of audio tapes on. In the evening, we relax and he shows me several from his Sci Fi video tape collection. In two days, we have packed everything into boxes and he has a rental trailer outside the garage. I carry boxes to the door, remaining out of sight when ever he opens it. By nightfall, the house is empty and we are enjoying supper. "We could leave tonight," Jake comments as the news cast goes to a commercial. "The roads are in good shape and I'm alert enough." "Also," I have to swallow before continuing, "you're too excited to sleep so we might as well go." After we finish eating, I wash and pack the few dishes while he wraps the TV and secures it in the trailer. He takes the box and carries it into the garage. I climb into the open space in the middle of the truck and pull the fur over me. "On to our home," I joke as I duck my head under and curl up for the ride. Jake drives out and then hooks up the trailer. In a matter of minutes, we are on our way north. The sun sets and the moon is past it's zenith when I wake to the road becoming more rolling than the highway. "How are we doing?" I ask over my com unit. <19> "Another half hour and we'll be home." He replies. "We'll be going past the base so you better stay covered." "Since they were watching the house," I ask, "Are they going to be waiting for us?" Jake laughs, "We've been followed since we left. The gate at the property entrance is remote controlled. As soon as we pass it. Their job of guarding us will be over. When they get our scanners built, one of the technicians from the base will help me set them up. But he's ordered to stay near the fence unless I ask him in." I relax and enjoy the gentle rolling of the road. Before I am ready, the truck slows to a stop, and then turns onto a more winding road. "We're inside the fence and no one can see you," Jake tells her. "It's dark but you can look around if you want." I push the fur aside and peer into the dark woods on both sides. "It's lovely. Something like my old home." I smile, "but there I'm considered expendable." He slows and drives into the large garage. "You better stay covered until I see if any one is here." I duck back under the fur and wait. After several minutes, he opens the back of the truck and helps me out. "I'm glad I don't have to ride like that all the time," I tell him as I stretch my arms and legs. "Let's each grab a box and I can show you around." He pulls a box out and carries it through the wide door. I grab the nearest one and follow. For the next two hours, we unload some of the trailer and decide where we'll want each box. A few hours before dawn, we both feel the effect of a very long and well worked day. "I think the rest can wait till latter," I tell him as I spread out the fur and relax onto it. I open my blouse and pull a blanket partway over me. "It's colder up here than at your old house." Jake smiles as he tosses his shirt aside, "It's too bad we're so tired." He snuggles up against me and wraps the large blanket around us. In exhaustion and bliss, we fall asleep. <20> I wake as the first rays of dawn knife between the curtains. Jake is smiling as he sleeps. I gently massage his shoulder and he snuggles closer to me. His eyes flash open and he remains smiling as he looks at me. "Good morning. What do you think we should do first?" He almost laughs as he buries his face into my fur covered bosom. I mash his face into me until he is struggling to breathe. "I think we need to get moved into this place. I've been living out of my packs for several months." I toss the blanket off and jump up fast enough that he is scrambling to his feet. We spend several hours, unloading his equipment, circuit panels and other boxes from the trailer. Each load is taken to the room we decide it will finally be in. As we're eating lunch, the phone rings. Jake jumps almost as high as I do and then picks it up. "Hello?.. Right Joe. I got in last night... Everything looks great... No, I don't need any help. I'm going to enjoy taking my time getting everything set up... Good, call me when they're ready and we'll set up a time to get them working... I understand. Until they're working, you've got a patrol outside the fence... I'll give you a call if I need anything and thanks for understanding my desire for privacy..." After a moment he says goodbye and hangs up. "There are guards outside the fence until the scanners are up." He smiles as he looks at the boxes. "I think we can keep busy until then." I laugh and finish my juice in a gulp. "Let's get your, I mean our music/video system up first." Jumping to my feet, I leap through the door as he chases after me. I help with setting up the racks and then unbox each piece of equipment as he asks for it. In less than an hour, music is filling the house. Making it feel like home. It takes several hours to finish the sound racks and keyboards. I set up the TV and he smiles as the picture comes on. "Joe said he'd get the cable up and I thought we moved in before he had a chance." I smile as I check out the channels. "We've got all the premium channels." Jake slaps his fore head and groans. "I've created an alien couch potato." I grab a two liter bottle of coke and jump on the couch. "What else does it take for me to be one?" <21> He smiles as he reaches over and opens the bottle. "It helps if you open it." Trying to keep a serious face, I tip the bottle back and allow the dark fluid to pour down my throat. When I stop, the bottle is less than half full. My smile of pride changes as I feel the effects of my joke building. I try to control it, but finally give in to the longest burp I can remember. Jake tries to keep from laughing, but only manages this by collapsing on the floor and doubling up. "I was right," he gasps. "You even know the language." He breaks down and is rolling in uncontrolled laughter. Smiling, I cap the bottle and put it aside. "ATTACK OF THE ALIEN COUCH POTATO!" I yell, bounding from the couch and landing with my legs straddling his jerking body. I smile and slowly descend, finally stopping his seizure as I lower my weight onto him. His laughter finally stops and he gasps for breath as I keep only enough of my self to hold him down. "Now that you've captured your first human," he whispers with a wide smile. "What are you going to do?" I grin as I bend down until my muzzle is almost touching his nose. "You're going to have to prove, that we should consider your race as friends." He smiles and wraps his arms around me, pulling me down against him. "Ok, friend." His tongue reaches out and parts my lips, tracing each of my pointed teeth. I lower my head and my tongue reaches into his mouth. For a few minutes we wrestle with each other. We roll on our sides and separate enough to slowly loosen and then cast aside our clothing. "I think there's a chance our species might become friendly." I whisper as I lay down on him. Smiling, I slowly move my self up and down him. He nuzzles my full, heavy breasts as their plumpness surrounds his face. His cock quickly becomes hard as metal, yet covered with a silky softness. "How much friendship are you looking for?" I kiss him passionately, our different shaped faces becoming almost as if one. I balance myself and stroke his thigh and abdomen with one of my fore paws. As I first touch his throbbing member, it leaps against my soft, furry body. "Is this your offer to me?" I whisper huskily. He fondles and gently squeezes my tightly swollen nipples. "If you know the secret, you may obtain it's gift." <22> I laugh, and his rod bounces between us. "I hope I can tease it's secret." I slowly slide my body up his, until I feel it's heavily bloated head start to slide down toward my bushy tail. As it touches my nether lips, I shove myself down his body a few inches. My hind legs shift my hips in a tight circle, slowing pushing my self further down as his steaming head parts and then enters my also hot interior. I continue moving downward, groaning in passion I thought I would never know again as he probes deeper and deeper. Finally he reaches my inner gates. "Never," I gasp in ecstacy. "Has any one plunged this deep." My breathing comes in ragged gasp and his breath strives to match mine in tempo. "And I'm going to store your gift in my most deepest chamber." With a gasp that shivers through my entire being, and then his, my inner portal opens. I shove myself down, forcing his massiveness into my never before touched recesses. One of my hindpaw curls around between his thighs and plays with his surging balls. We move as one, yet in counterpoint. Striving to reach the pentacle, yet wishing the climb to never end. In unimagined summits of pleasure, we reach it's peak and dance in love above the highest mountain top. In the exhaustion of total physical and spiritual rapture, we collapse. Our hearts and lungs slowing in unison. The sun has set and the changing light of the television dances around the walls. My eyes flutter open as the newscaster talks of events that have no meaning to me, even if it is outside this house. I lick his face, savoring the salt residue of his excitement. His eyes open and our tongues touch for a moment. "Will you tell the others of your race that we're friends?" He jokes in a sensual whisper. "We aren't friends," I joke back. "Only true spirit bonding can cause the heights we reached." I pull my arms and legs under me and lift my weight off him. He smiles and plays with my heavy hanging bosom. "So do you have anything for me?" I laugh and my plump flesh sloshes in his hands. "I'll have to see what I can do about that." I stand up and retrieve my clothes. "I'll get supper ready." We watch the 24 hour news channel and Jake explains everything that I don't understand. We then watch a science fiction movie and joke about how close or far from the truth the effects are. After I finish a large bag of chips, Jake nudges me with his elbow. <23> "I was wrong about you being a couch potato." He strokes the plush fur of my lower back. "You're too furry." I laugh and pull his head into my heaving breasts. "Do potatoes have anatomy like this?" Jake nuzzles one of my hardening nipples through my blouse. "I guess alien ones do." He turns off the TV and we drift toward the fur, our clothes leaving a trail behind us. The next morning, we finish unloading the trailer and Jake takes it to the gate. A sergeant salutes him and offers to have the trailer taken care of. Jake thanks him and, after it is unhitched, drives back. During the next four days, we unpack and get everything working. Jake fixes my matter duplicator and then works on modifications to his scanner design that will allow us to stun any one who comes too close. While watching a afternoon movie, (at least we started to watch one), the phone rings. Jake takes a few deep breaths before answering. "Hello Joe... It had to be you... OK, it could have been some one else, but I haven't told anyone this phone number... Alright. If we can get started tomorrow morning... Good, I'll meet him at the gate at oh eight hundred... Sounds good... Yea, thanks." He hangs up and turns to me with a smile. "The scanners are ready and Joe's chosen one man to work with me. He's giving me a quad wheeled bike with trailer. After we get them mounted, I can use it around here." As he reaches me, I jump up and tackle him, pulling him close. "Then I'll be able to get out and run around." We relax for the rest of the day. We watch as the sun sets over the hill. "It shouldn't take more than a week to get the scanners up." Jake smiles as he pulls me close. I grin and nuzzle my muzzle against his neck. "And then you can show me around." He laughs and playfully nibbles my twitching ear. "Are you getting cabin fever?" He whispers. I work my muzzle into his shirt. "I've got a better kind of fever burning inside." He laughs and the top two buttons rip off as I jerk back. "I guess it's catching, because I feel it too." <24> Smiling, I finish with the rest while he undoes mine. "Then I'll be your nurse." Our clothes fall away and then we fall to the floor, quickly wrapping ourselves in each other. We wake just before seven and I prepare breakfast, while Jake checks out the wiring diagrams of the previous alarm system. As eight o'clock approaches, Jake dresses for the weather and leaves. He arrives a few minutes early, but the quad tracks and a smiling officer are already waiting. After a few minutes of discussing the diagrams, they decide to work around the fence in a clock wise direction. A guard restocks the scanners as they run low and take the removed cameras away. By lunch, they have removed cameras and installed scanners for less than half a mile. Jake returns and tells me about the work while we eat. "It's going to take us about a week to get them installed." He takes a long drink of hot cocoa. "There's about twenty for each mile of fence." I laugh and walk around to him. "What about modifying them?" I ask while deeply massaging his shoulders and upper arms. He leans back into my caresses. "Once we get the scanners up, I'll have a couple of extra I can modify here. If I replace two or three a day, I should get it done in a month." He stands and gives me a strong hug. "We're only planning to work four hours this afternoon." After he leaves, I look out at the snow covered hills and smile. When they told me I wasn't going to be picked up, I thought of how lonely this land looked. Now I only see it's beauty. Every evening, Jake tests the newly installed scanners and is pleased with their operation. By lunch of the ninth day, they have finished installing the scanners. Only one didn't work and the problem was found to be the previously installed connector. "Now we really have our privacy." I wrap myself around him and we fall softly to the floor. "I think it's too cold for us to do this outside." He wrestles me onto my back. "By the time it warms up, I'll have everything finished." I use my extra legs to get on top and we struggle like this before collapsing in laugher and love. <25> For several weeks, he works on modifying and installing the scanners. By only doing a few a day, it appears to anyone who might be watching, that he's making minor adjustments. With my repaired matter duplicator, I introduce him to a wide selection of foods from my world. As the snow melts and spring arrives, we begin exploring the land within the protection of our modified scanners. He has built a remote relay unit into the alarm system, so we can walk within sight of the fence and be alerted to when the few guards circling it, are near. Jake hooks my communication unit into a small satellite dish in the attic and monitors government signals. My computer is capable of breaking the codes and we laugh about some of the ridiculous messages that are encoded. We remove most of the walls inside our home and plant a garden to make it feel truly like home. Jake meets with a few of our neighbors and they accept his need for privacy. A few days before the summer equinox, there is a sudden increase of signals from the local base. I lie on the couch while Jake sits with his arms holding me in reassurance. There has been a vehicle crash about fifty miles away in a heavily wooded area. Several pilots were practicing flight maneuvers when they saw it go down. It was not picked up on radar and they reported it had no visible wings. "I wonder if it's from the interstellar ship my planetary ship was from." Jake hugs me tighter. "How many of your kind did they have?" He waits before continuing, "If they take it to the base, there's a good chance I'll be called in." I look at him in surprise. "Why would they call you? They don't admit alien ships even exist." Jake almost laughs and squeezes me back. "Joe and I have talked about UFOs a lot. When I sold the scanner to the government, they gave me a security check and clearance. This base would love to make a break through so I figure to expect a call from him." The coded messages stop after a short time. Monitoring local signals gives them nothing else. "I think we might as well turn in," Jake suggests. I try and relax but my mind keeps flashing back to the others of my planet that are still virtual slaves and wonder if the mother ship has left the solar system. <26> Jake sits up and gives me a reassuring hug. "You're worried one of them might be on it." I force a smile, "What will they do with them? They might be kept as prisoners, never being allowed outside in case some one might see them." Jake puts his hand under my lower jaw and lifts it. "I believe I'll be called. If any of your kind is there, Joe might put them in my custody. There's been talk of closing this base down and he could use that to keep it open." I wrap my arms around him, we hug tight and lay down. For many minutes, I listen to his steady breathing. Finally, I give in to my exhaustion and sleep. We are shocked out of sleep, by the incessant ringing of the phone. Jake jumps up and falls over me as he grabs it. "Oh frag. Hello... Yea Joe, I fall down and go boom. What are you so excited about?.. Are you serious?.. Right, I'll be there as soon as I can." He drops the phone on the hook as his smile threatens to split his face. "They want me over for something he promised will put me out of orbit." I smile as he quickly dresses. "You probably won't be back 'til late, right?" He laughs as he gives me a loving hug. "I can't let them suspect I've got you waiting for me." He throws on his clothes, runs to the truck and burns rubber toward the base. The main gates open and the guard salutes, as Jake drives in. A jeep pulls away from the office building and Joe waves for him to follow. They drive to the largest hanger. The difference between this and the others, besides it's size, is about fifty guards surrounding it. They park by the entrance and four guards on each side, turn their backs, so that no one will see anything as the door opens enough for them to enter. The door closes and Jake's eyes adjust as the light level is raised. "Impressive," he mumbles as he approaches a obviously non-terrestrial space craft. He smiles, because he recognizes it as a long range exploration craft. "Have you knocked?" he jokes as he stops by the entry hatch. Joe tries unsuccessfully to conceal his excitement. "They're like no aliens ever captured before." His face instantly changes to one of shock as he realizes what he just said. "I haven't gotten an oath of silence from you." He whispers, even though they are alone. <27> Jake's expression doesn't change. "Didn't you give me one when you bought my scanner?" Joe pauses and then smiles. "There's been so much going on with that device and now this." He steps up to the door and touches four points on a pad beside the door. "They're about five foot high, so the ship doesn't feel like a child's toy." A male voice comes from within. "I believe that is meant as a compliment." A male of Shaloosa's species steps from the hatchway toward the rear of the ship. "I am Mrothu." Jake extends his hand, "I am Jake." As their hands touch, Jake doesn't clasp his. Mrothu pauses for a moment and decides not to comment of his knowledge of their way of greeting. "I have been told that you wish to learn what you can of our vessel." "This is where I might as well leave you with them. I will tell you that their ship is damaged and they came here to escape some sort of slavery." He turns and the hatch closes behind him. Mrothu cocks his head in wonder. "How did you know the slight difference in our way of greeting?" Jake grins, "For now let's just say that I know another of your kind." He looks past him, "You're escaping from the Explorers." Mrothu's face becomes firm as he turn and leads the way toward the stern. "Twenty of us were waiting on this ship after they used us on another system. We lost several on the hostile planet they wanted us to gather information on. They transferred to a base ship to file what we learned for them and to relax." He turns into a large room and they are greeted by about ten others. After he introduces them, Mrothu continues. "Several of us had learned some of the ships functions and we voiced the idea of taking this ship and trying to reach a planet we could live on in freedom. Grastra here.." A slightly smaller male with almost blonde fur steps forward and greets Jake. "I had just returned from a mission to this planet and knew we could live here. They transferred five of us from that ship to this one and I brought my survey reports with me. They didn't know that I stole flight coordinates from the computer When a ship jumps between the stars, there's no way to track where it went." He forces a smile, "They'll think we went to the last system this ship was at." His smile fades and almost becomes sad. <28> Mrothu takes his arm in support. "When we decided on where to go," he pauses. "Several of the ones who were here warned us that we were taking a chance on being captured." He smiles reassuringly at Grastra, who motions for him to continue. "On the last mission, because of the inclement weather, they decided to leave his sister. We decided to take the chance we could land the shuttle and rescue her." He looks toward the forward bulkhead. "But we didn't understand the atmospheric controls as well as the space controls." Jake studies Grastra and can see similarities of Shaloosa. "Her mission was to watch the activities at a winter lodge." Grastra's eyes flash open. "Her last message said that she had prepared a small cave she could wait out the storm in." Jake grins as he steps closer and lightly grasps his arms. "Some old foes of mine dumped me miles from the lodge in hopes I would die of exposure. I found her cave and she saved me." He smiles as Grastra tries to find words. "Our home is only a few miles from here." Grastra throws his arms around Jake. "I was sure she had gone deep into the north woods and when we crash landed, I felt my only hope to see her again was lost." Jake comforts him. "We can't let any others of my kind know. No on but myself knows of her." He looks at Mrothu, "They want me to study your ship and see if I can repair it's space flight capabilities." Mrothu looks at Grastra, "I think he can tell you more than I can." He pauses, "Do you have any idea what their plans are for us?" Jake smiles mischievously, "I've studied the manuals Shaloosa had. If I can get this ship going, we'll have to find a place we can all be free." He follows Grastra to the control room. Everyone else is still in shock over the knowledge that Shaloosa is safe at his home. As they enter the control room, Grastra opens a panel. "When we landed, I altered a few circuits so that the main grav drive wouldn't work. I was able to fly it here, but managed to make it look like we wouldn't have made it much further." He finishes and explains the controls. Over the next two hours, Jake learns the handling systems. "It's almost as if the ship is teaching me," he comments as they walk to the engine chamber. <29> Grastra smiles at the few others who have joined them. "The computer system on this ship is able to function on it's own. I deactivated it when we left, but while you were learning, it was reestablishing it's self." "" a slightly mechanical voice replies. "" Jake smiles as he looks toward a speaker panel. "I hope you'll help find a place we can live in peace." "" Jake almost laughs, "If we can get one set up on Mars. We can claim the planet for us. By announcing it on world wide radio and television, no one will want to admit they had you captured." Mrothu looks at him in shock. "Tomorrow, they plan to take the shuttle and several of us to a base called Andrews." Jake pauses in thought. "If the ones they take are on the shuttle, this ship can have it launch while they are moving it. With the energy absorption system on, they won't be able to track it." "" Jake thinks for a moment and then looks at those gathered around him. "This ship is ready for flight. I suggest that when the shuttle launches, this ship should also launch, it can go into a geosyschronis orbit and the shuttle can land near my home. Depending how much it can carry and how many are on board, we'll take as much of my things as we can and then join you." Mrothu stands in a combination of shock and disbelief. "A few hours ago, we thought we had gone from a short lived freedom, to a life of being studied. Now we know that Grastra's sister is alive and we have a way to escape." "" Jake glances for any sign of disapproval. "The words, Do it, to it, will be my signal you are to carry out instructions. Is that agreeable?" <30> "" Jake smiles as he realizes he is taking the first step on a path he cannot turn back from. "Do it, to it!" "" Jake nods, "I'm going to ask Joe if I can take one of you home." He smiles at Grastra. He shakes his head. "Let's not take any chances that we might regret." Their palms touch. "Just tell her all of us are fine." They resume studying the ship and Jake warns the computer that no other humans are to know of their ability to communicate. After many hours, Joe joins them. "Impressive, isn't she." "I'd love to take the shuttle home and play with it at my leisure." Jake responds in a faked trance like voice. "They're flying it to Andrews in a C130 tonight. They were going to take some of the crew but decided it would be best for security to keep them all here." Joe looks at the engines with no understanding of how they work. "Is there any chance you might be able to get it flying?" Jake grins as he makes a few adjustments. "It might take a while, but if you can keep it here, I can almost guarantee your superiors will have something to say." Joe smiles as they leave. "I've instructed the guards that you are to have full clearance to this hanger. Only myself and one high security guard are also allowed inside." Jack almost laughs as they step out into the late evening gloom. "I had no idea I was in there so long." He climbs into his truck. "I'll be back tomorrow." The engine fires up and he heads home. As the garage door closes, I open the house door and excitedly hug him. "Are any of my kind on board?" Jake can't play with my mind. "Twenty of yours stole the ship and hoped to hide on this planet. They had trouble with the atmospheric controls and did a non damaging crash landing." We go into the house and he closes the door. "Every one from the ship you were on is safe and on board." <31> I stop in shock and then smiles wildly. "I should have know if they decided to run and came here, he'd have to be with them." We enter the kitchen and I heat up dinner. "What do you think your government will do with them?" Jake bites into the interesting food in front of him. "It's a full sized research ship. It has enough equipment to set up a self supportive base on Mars." He takes another bite before continuing. "Early in the morning, the shuttle is being taken by air transport to Andrews Air Force Base. Once in the air, the shuttle will launch and fly here. With it's ability to conceal itself, no one will know. At the same time, the ship will lift off and go into orbit." He continues while she stares in shock. "We'll load every thing we can on board and then join them for our trip to Mars." I continue to stare in excitement for several minutes. "If it's coming here in a matter of hours," she finally gasps, "we've got a lot of work to do." Jake stands, "I think some of your stimutabs will be needed." He goes into the garage and begins bringing the boxes we had used only a few months earlier. For many hours, we work rapidly, but carefully, packing everything up. The stereo plays an assortment of music and the radio keeps us updated with decoded messages of preparations of the Christmas package. As the C-130 takes off, we rest. "Within an hour," Jake whispers. "The shuttle will launch from the plane. I know that type can fly with the doors open so they should be OK. Then the ship will launch. With everyone watching it, and the plane, no one will see the shuttle land here." I relax in his arms, "Have you seen the shuttle?" I ask as I snuggle deeper into his embrace. "It can carry everything in one trip." He smiles and hugs me tight. "Once we have declared Mars as our home," He looks into my eyes. "We can arrange to bring true scientists there." He looks into the star lit sky. Suddenly, our attention is drawn to highly excited radio calls. "Alpha Tango 0230 to Deep Woods. We have lost the package. The rear doors are gone but we are under flyable control." "Deep Woods to Alpha Tango 0230. Acknowledge you have lost the package and your rear doors are gone." <32> "This is Alpha Tango, Acknowledge previous transmission. We are losing hydraulic fluid but should make it back with no problem. Did any one see the package?" There is a long pause before they answer. "Deep Woods to Alpha Tango, return home. Santa Claus has left. Radio silence now in effect." Jake smiles and we struggle out of our embrace. "I think we'll need another stimutab to get everything loaded." I get them out of my pack. "Do you think they'll call you?" He gulps it down. "They're going to be too busy with trying to track the ship and then they'll be explaining everything to higher echelons." He begins taking down and packing the sound system, "By then I hope we'll be in orbit." I go into the garage and open the main door. "This place might be big enough for the shuttle." He runs out and jumps into the truck. He quietly backs it out and parks it out of the way. "The shuttle will land in the driveway. Once down, I can bring it in and close the door." We wait in the opening, scanning the sky. For many minutes, there is nothing to be seen. I catch a star wink out and back, then another. I point and we watch as the dark shape of the shuttle silently settles in front of us. Jake opens the hatch, jumps in and carefully floats it into the garage. He bumps the top of the doorway once before getting in. The door slides down nosily at first and then quietly as it balances out. "Let's get it loaded," he calls as he jumps out. I smile as I hand him the first box without taking a step. "Just in case they decide you might know something about the ship taking off." For several hours, we work rapidly, carrying boxes and securing them inside. It is several hours past sunrise before we finish. "I better call Joe so he won't get suspicious." Jake jokes as he picks up the phone. "Hello. I need to talk to... I understand communication silence. I will call tomorrow to see if it is still in effect.. Thank you." He grins as he hangs up. "I could hear some rather angry yelling in the back ground." <33> We walk into the garage and he opens the main door. As it opens completely with no hesitation, he smiles. "Onward and upward," he jokes as he climbs in after me and secures the hatch. He carefully floats the shuttle out, touching nothing this time, and activates the computer linkup to the ship. "Are you able to give me a flight plan to match orbit with you?" "" Jake smiles as I look at him, wondering why the computer is waiting. "Do it, to it." He says with a laugh. "" In less than a minute, the shuttle lifts off and we are heading toward space. Almost to the second, our shuttle lightly bumps onto the docking cradle and the chamber pressurizes. As the light signals the pressure is equalized, I release the locks and throw the hatch open. Before my feet touch the floor, Grastra is leaping toward me. We crash into each other as Jake steps out. "Grastra, you crazy mess of fur!" I shout as we struggle with each other. "You took the rare chance of finding me as an excuse to go renegade." Grastra smiles as we release each other. "I knew if anyone could survive, you could." We stand as Mrothu thanks Jake. "I don't know how we can ever thank you. You gave up your life on Earth to give us our freedom." "I admit your ship is the second reason," Jake says with a grin. "But I couldn't stand and let your escape from slavery, become a journey to imprisonment." One of the females slides up. "I'm Jasune, We'll do every thing we can to help you feel like one us." Jake laughs. "That'll be easier to do than you think." Grastra looks at me and my wink tells him what he wondered about is true. <34> Mrothu tries to smile. "We know that most of your species needs one on one companionship. I knew a technician who was very close with the computer on another ship." He looks quizzically as Jake continues to smile, "But he still needed one of his...." He notices that Grastra is almost laughing. "Alright. Is there something I don't know about humans?" Jake grins, "I believe you have lots of knowledge about most humans." He smiles at Jasune. "I take it that the twenty of you have formed into pairs?" Jasune hesitates uncomfortably for a moment. "Mafker said I could help you if you'd let me." Grastra finally collapses in laughter and I tackle him to the floor. Every one finally realizes the secret we are sort of trying to conceal. I jump and catch Jake unaware. We fall gently to the floor in close embrace. The computer interrupts us. "" Jake looks at every one gathered round as he halfway struggles to escape my embrace. "Do it, to it." "" I let him up and we go to the control room with several others. The drive systems power up and we are on our way to our new home.