Toho Academy - The Filk. By Simon Barber (As sung to the tune of "Yellow Submarine", stretched a bit in places). In the Empire we're all from There's an island, lost at sea We applied, they let us go To Toho Academy ! There's a beach, the surf is high Wond'rous aircraft fill the sky Wondered why their nukes are real At this Uni-versity CHORUS: We're enrolled at To-ho Academy, Toho Academy, Toho Academy Giant monsters just don't bother me They come to party, from just across the sea ! We found out, and we were sore Monster Island, is next door ! Each full moon, they come and play...... (Sound F/X : giant reptillian bellowing, skyscrapers crashing in ruins, overevving tank engines and 18-inch battleship guns switching to full automatic fire......) Though we have to hold the line Still, the courses are so fine There's what suits me to a "T", Good old Arcaneology Every term, the lectures show Things Man never was, meant to know Some of my class seem to be Kids of Outer Entities! CHORUS All the students look so Cute In their old-style sailor-suits That hide their tentacles away........ (Sound FX: dimensional doorway unzipping, and something the size of a small country sloshing its way up the beach. Cheers, steam whistles, sirens and cries of "It's Parent's Day Again!") After just a Toho year I'm A Historical Engineer Where the nineteen-forties style Is the winner by a mile Combat mecha is passe So when the neighbours come to play The turret of my Tiger Three Is just the place I wanna be ! Chorus: (Sound FX over chorus, cheers, cries of "Banzai!" and small heavily armed shrubs shouting "Bonzai!"....)