My Elder Brother An Eldritch Tale, compatible with the "Toho Academy" series By Simon Barber (p.s. Distinctly R-rated, so don't say I didn't warn you....) West of Sterrington, the hills begin to rise, in a wild sea of swollen stone that deceives the eye as to exact distances and angles. Travellers avoid these hills: it is too easy to get lost - and some of the lost ones never do return to the bright lights of the industrial estates and shopping malls below. It was that time of year, when Winter still gripped the land, snow hiding huddled from the corroding rain in whatever shelter ditches and tumbled walls could offer. Candlemas was its name of old - back in the time when folk had more dubious ways of passing darkened evenings in unfrequented places than watching the nice healthy Rollerball games on their pocket satellite receivers. The sound of an old petrol-driven engine rolled through the heavy air, hydrocarbon fuels mingling with the wisps of fog. And then the engine note died; rubber tyres crunched on the gravel of the old road. "You SURE this is the way ?" At the unsigned, unhallowed, unfrequented crossroad where they had stopped, a lepine girl tried to look over the shoulder at the ancient text her ursine companion was holding. The book was bound in a strange glistening substance, and filled with indecipherable symbols which gave her cause to shudder at what she could decypher. All the ammunition cases and esoteric charms dangling from the bear's rotund frame were hardly helping clear reading. "Tell ya." The bear stabbed the damp paper, looking round at his slight companion. "This is the way. Unless..." he scratched his broad- furred, brown, bristling skull. "Say... that furless native we asked awhile back. Did you notice something weird about him ? Like unnaturally bulging eyes, real bad posture, and skin looking sorta scaly ?" The bear's eyes suddenly sparkled. "Yeah ! That's it ! He must be one'o them Mew-tayted Cultists. Come on - let's go get him - AND his family, AND anyone else who might be involved... - and don't forget, after you've burned the bodies, you gotta dissolve the ashes in acid. That's essential." He patted the bulge in his pocket where the thick tome "1001 things to do with Daemons" lay inside its liquescence-proof case. The lepine girl's ears twitched resignedly, as she tried to push her companion back towards the car, and cast a glance at the book. It was obviously computer typeset - she wondered how authentic the rest of its production had been, and if folk had solved the problem of printing in human blood without jamming the ink cartridges. "Actually, I think he was just sunburned. Furless species can get that even in Winter, up here nowadays, with the Ozone layer and all that..... Come on, Dwayne - I think it's left turn here." It had been more than Thirty years since the Millenium, when the world had almost ended - and a fair percentage of its population taken up alive in the Rupture, to discover, somewhat too late, that things were not quite as advertised. Now, with the reassuring deities of two millenia gone with their harvest, the survivors lived at the whim of the Elder Gods, appalling non-Euclidean monstrosities, summoned up from the outermost abyss, and inscrutably waiting for the time when the rest of Earth's population became their fodder . Oddly enough, it hadn't happened yet. At least, Persephone thought as she put the book down, her long ears a-twitch: - at least, that's what all the books SAY - and it does fit some of the facts..... they COULD be just investing in giving the world all this peace and happiness just to make things more exquisitely terrible for us when they decide it's Dinnertime...... "Dwayne - I think we're almost there. " She pointed at the ancient map, annotated by the handwritten notes of the other Investigators. "Left at the brooding, aeon-shrouded woods, right at the black stones probably brought from night-haunted ruins of accursed primordial lands, straight along parallel to the.... " she looked out of the window at the low cliffs of white limestone that fenced in this narrow, deserted valley. "Parallel to the "leering walls of tumbling stone that have stood too long, maggot-riddled with daemon-gnawed shafts and immemorial charnel gulfs. Probably. ", it says here. " A thought occurred to her. "Just how reliable ARE these reports ?" The bear pulled over to the roadside, the rosary of garlic and wolfsbane getting tangled in the door handle as he cautiously emerged. He slowly nodded, surveying the unsettled hills of unnaturally regular outline that rose into the unpolluted air around. "Authentic ! These are SO authentic, the folk who made the real survey never even came back from the last trip. Now, THAT'S what I call PROOF. There's a den of co-llaborators there - just a-schemin' and a-plottin' to bring in even MORE things a-crawlin' up from the pits, a takin' our jobs and a- marryin' our wimmenfolk." Persephone counted to ten under her breath. This trip, she reminded herself, is like the way they plan against natural disasters. You take the chance of it actually happening, and multiply that by the damage it'd cause if it did. So, a few folk drown in river floods every year - overall, it's still less dangerous than asteroid strikes that nobody's ever seen since they developed written records. Because even if those happen every few thousand years, they can really ruin a continent's Whole Day when they do.... She pulled on her camouflaged Dutch Alpenkorps jacket, and set off after the bear as he started to work his way round the ancient stone walls, to where a step in the hillside hid their final destination. Above them, the gibbous moon and the sinister stars were coming out, ghastly pale in the unfathomed blue-black void wheeling mockingly above them. "This," Dwayne's voice was a harsh whisper "is a classic defense against the kind o'thing that we've got to deal with. Solid silver shells - projected by a classic defender. Just blows away all them lesser bein's and their mortal cultists an' all their folks an' kids, neat as neat." The lepine girl looked at him. "Yea, verily," she intoned. "A weapon of righteous might, known unto the ancients as a Browning hi- power. You could get locked up for carrying that over here, you know." The reality of hunting eldritch things in the modern world was rather different from the classic tales she had read as a kit: wholesale dynamiting of impious altars and exterminating legions of cultists (as in the final, soul-searing chapter of "The Snout At The Letterbox"), would have the "intrepid investigators" jailed for life, regardless of their holy motivations. "Ayup," the bear's protective talismans seemed at least to be rendering him wholly immune to sarcasm "I've used it a-plenty, back home. Now hush - it's just over the rise, seems like." He shivered at the unhallowed age of the place. All around were stones piled on stones by hands now dead. The walls and outbuildings spoke of elder aeons, of years passed before the compact disc player was even invented, let alone obsolete. "They'se all a-comin' back." He intoned. "they were locked aout ages ago, back afore there wuz folk there to see it. An' this time they want us - t'ain't jist the flesh and sauls they's wantin'. If they wuz jist eatin' us, it warn't so bad. They's a fixin' to go a minglin' an' a mixin' with us, like they's puttin roots down inta this world." He pointed at some of the arcane charms he carried. "Yew see these ? They's the only things as'll send them back to the Outside they comes from. They don't rightly belong here - but if'n they ever gits a-mixin' with those of us that dew - there'll be no shifting them. They'll be o' two worlds, an they'll be wuss'n both together." Persephone sighed, rolling her liquid brown eyes. All her lifetime, the world had supposedly been helpless on the plate of entities who were supposed to have devoured it at the first available opportunity, if the legends were literally true. Briefly she considered it: if the things from Outside really had "held unclean Dominion until Banished to the Darkness" only in recent geological time - how come it had been the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that had brought the planet closest to ruin without their rule, after supposed aeons with it ? She felt the cold dew soaking through the grey fur on her hands and knees as she followed the huge backside over to the crest of the hill. And bumped into it - stifling a curse, she noticed that the bear had locked rigid. "Abominations o' Belial - heathenish crimes agin' all that's Natural.. betrayers o' the whole wide world..." she heard him hissing under his breath. And then her own slim form locked rigid in shock, as she looked round the side of the charm-laden figure at what was down below. The shock was not only at what she saw there - but that she was agreeing with her guide. In a hidden side valley, shielded from the gaze of all but the wraiths of mist and silent spectral stars, a small hunched hill rose scarcely ten metres above the grassy floor of the hollow. A great black stone crowned it, its fluid curve and oddly glistening shape totally unlike the bone-white blocky limestone of the natural rocks around - and neither was that stone unoccupied. "A horror... " Persephone heard the whisper again from the bear "called out 'o the dark. And if it ever teks root.." His illegally- carried weapon at the ready, the bear began to move forward. "Persephone - there ain't nobody we can leave alive down there. Even the girl - she'll have bin drugged or hypnotised, but there's no way we can risk it .... if it's too late already.. the spawn...." For down on that stone, something writhed. It was like looking at a badly tuned hologram - a viscid shape that seemed to boil and loop in and out of the dimensions. Like a recurving waterfall of thick crude oil - no, Persephone suddenly realised - like looking through a two-dimensional SLICE of a waterfall, its shape flowing through and past the limited line of vision. And as it turned, she saw it was not alone. It was a flash of yellow fabric, the precise shade of this year's swimsuit fashion, that first awoke the full enormity of the horror welling up in the lepine's heart. And then - like a drowned corpse rising to the top of some pit of foul slime, she saw a shape emerge, slowly coming into merciless vision. Suddenly, Persephone wished she was far, far away. A feline girl was down there, pinned and helpless in the gelatinous slime of those abyssal-spawned tentacles, their viscid ichor clotting and melding with what might once have been snow white fur. And as horror mounted on unwilling horror, one three-metre coil of semi-liquescent abomination took on definite segmented shape - and began to caress the girl. A blunt ebon head reared, glistening in the mocking light of the immemorial moon, waving uncertainly under the eldritch light. And then it began to hunt, like a voracious leech seeking a weak spot in mud-befouled clothing. The gelid tip slipped under the fabric covering a slim feline belly - even from where she stood, Persephone could see the snaking bulge crawl to and fro beneath the fashionable stretch fabric protecting her sight from the writhing horror that sought to force a roothold into the mortal world. The figure gave an almost ecstatic-seeming jerk, and Persephone was suddenly glad she could not see the feline's face. For now it was too late. The tentacle quivered, and pulsed like an earthworm boring into charnel clay - and Persephone did not need to see how and where the swimsuit bulged to know what was there taking place. Just at that moment Dwayne, who had been locked into trembling, muttering immobility, roused himself into action. With a roar, the huge bear sprang to his feet and charged, beginning to cover the fifty metres down to that place of unhallowed rite on the bespattered altar stone. "Begone !" The bear had a book in one hand and the clean gleam of silver-loaded metal in the other. "Avaunt thee, to that place from whence thou came ! Mesh'aggva, ghe-shasthahonin, st'agakkasta Gestharoth ! " His voice seemed to take on an unearthly timbre as he pronounced words that had been written for no mouth of Earthly evolution. And levelling his automatic, he emptied the silver-laden magazine in one long rippling burst into the towering wall of liquid night that rose up like a breaking wave before him. The effect was immediate. The whole landscape quivered, like a reflection in a disturbed pool - and the gelid mass seemed to twist away, spiralling like water seen vanishing down a plughole. In three seconds the bear and rabbit stood alone, the only trace of what had occurred being a swiftly-evaporating tarry residue on the couch-shaped stone. "There's .. there's nothing Left of her.." Persephone's throat was dry. Her perception of the universe had just cracked, and she had no time to sweep up the pieces. That such a thing was possible, changed everything. All of the darkly whispered horrors she had gradually taken a skeptic's detached interest in, were as real as the rest of her life from now on. It could happen - which meant it could happen, to her. She looked down at her slim, well groomed belly fur and then at the wickedly twinkling stars. There were nuclear and psychotronic-armed satellites up there - but the invasion of Earth would go unseen by them. Her internal muscles tensed unconsciously as she realised the route by which the conquest was arriving. Dwayne nodded. "Ah told ye so. We'd get that naaw and then, back in Americky, even a hunned years back. But there wuz allus some folks prepared to do what they had tew, to close the way for Those From Outside. I reckons what they called the Rupture wuz the biggest bust- in o' the lot - they took all the preachers an' good folk off fust, an naow there's folk in Japan and places buildin' temples an' having reg'lar worship with things like ye saw. " He looked around the clearing. There was a low farmhouse surrounded by a neat, innocent-looking garden, shrouded in winter-bare trees on the far side of the hollow. The bear resolutely clutched his collection of charms and high explosives. "But we didn't see whut brought it out o' the skies. They cain't live in a reg'lar way here - they has to be CALLED. And we've to settle whoever and whatever Called it here. Don't reckon they'll ever find a whisker of that poor gal. But mebbe it'd be worse if'n they did." Persephone noticed how the bear shuddered at the nightmarish age of the building, at least three generations old. It was a common feature, one unshocked part of her brain noted clinically - as soon as Dwayne saw anything built more than a century ago, he reached for his hardware. Despite the fact that her folk had lived here for millenia - the "sinister woods" and "immemorial carven stones" that he associated with such horrors, had been planted and hewn by her own ancestors, who had walked the daytime and nighttime lands unafraid all their days. Only in the past century had anything untoward occurred - what he really ought to be blaming, she thought fleetingly, are power cables and radio masts - They're the only new things IN this landscape. They reached the farmhouse. It was a single-storey structure, built of and backing onto a low cliff that formed the first flight of several which sealed the valley off from the rolling moors above. Where half an hour before she would have seen it as a charming hideaway, ecologically balanced and conveniently melded into the natural stone of the landscape, Persephone's new perception saw only a camouflaged hatchway to Charonic gulfs of illimitable monstrosities. "We'd best do this subtle," whispered Dwayne as he kicked the door in. "You watch my back - if ya see anything, scream." As they crossed the threshold, Persephone peering into that planetary pit of pulsatingly polypyous primal protoplasmic perversity, the rabbit was struck with the horrifying subtleties which made it look to her limited senses exactly like any other slightly tatty country farmhouse. Six rooms they checked through, the muzzle of the bear's silver- laden cannon pointing in each one before he burst in - all were empty. Kitchen, parlour, store-room, bathroom, and two bedrooms bore evidence of a deceptively normal life - until they checked more closely. "Look - in here." Persephone was in the smaller, guest bedroom. Half unpacked on the plain flounced bed was an overnight travelling bag; she guiltily rifled through it. "Dwayne - it's Hers !" In the purse was a travel card, with the smiling picture of a white-furred feline girl in her mid-twenties. On the bedside table was a chequebook, with a half-written cheque made out to a "M.Braithwaite" - the name they had seen on letters in the hallway, evidently the house's owner. Looking down on the everyday bundle of clothing, just one neatly folded overnight change and a set of towels, the lepine's heart seemed to freeze within her. With what lies or threats, she wondered, had the feline been summoned here ? The cheque was a clue - blackmail perhaps, to lure a victim out to this place of unhallowed sacrifice ? "Lookey here," she heard Dwayne in the bathroom. And indeed, here was - evidence. On the floor of the shower cubicle was an oddly opalescent sheen, a slime that was spattered on the floor and on the still-warm shower head. "Yew can see - it's bin here, of all places." Persephone sniffed cautiously. Strange. There was the sharp sourness of fear and horror here - but only what she recognised as Dwayne's and her own. The hormonal musk pervading the room was a ripe, fruity scent of arousal, quite at odds with the foul acts that must have been committed here. And then she shivered anew - what had Dwayne said about hypnosis ? An image suddenly wriggled in to curdle her horror-laden imagination - herself on that slab, happily meeting a lover whose nature was unutterably different from what her deceived eyes were telling her. "There's nobody here," Dwayne grunted. "Musta gone outside. Here's - ah ! Here's the back way out !" At the end of a corridor was a plain white door, to which someone had playfully stuck an official Fire escape notice, with "Outside Exit" in bright fluorescent letters. The bear checked the safety catch of his automatic - took one look around to see Persephone standing at his back - and kicked the door in, charging through it to what lay beyond ! Well it was that the rabbit had spent her kithood reading extreme science-fiction tales, and puzzling over mind-blasting revelations of quantum mechanics. Well indeed that she had hung psychedelic moebius strips all round her room, when Cyberhippy styles replaced Cyberpunk in the fashion magazines. Without that early acclimatisation, her brain would have surely shut down in permanent overload - Outside the door did indeed lead - to all eleven simultaneous dimensions of Outside. For what could have been a second or an hour she stood frozen there - eyes wide and unblinking in unspeakable rapture of a Space whose depths stretched in more directions than directions should exist. Far out in one of them, she later recalled seeing Dwayne spinning, tumbling like an astronaut lost in infinite night - and other, stranger things. None of them could Possibly be real, one basal fragment of consciousness kept trying to tell her - especially THAT. A denizen of those illimitable vistas seemed obscurely to be coming closer to her - and of a shape she had seen before, that night. Closer and closer it came, the shape she had seen on the altar under the mocking indigo of the skies - and with a shimmering transition, she was standing close enough to touch it, still transfixed and unable to run, or even to scream at what she saw ! When the extremely irate white-furred feline girl swung a mean right hook and knocked her unconscious with a single punch, quite a lot of Persephone's brain was grateful for the respite. Consciousness returned, as the lepine's head swam and buzzed unmercifully. She was lying sprawled flat out - her eyes refused to open for a minute, for fear of what they might show her. A tentatively exploring hand felt smooth sheets and the firmness of a mattress beneath her touch. But then she explored further - and with a sick thrill, her fine grey-furred hand came away from her belly covered in a tacky, gelatinous fluid. As it recoiled back, the fantasy of herself on the slab hammering forcefully back into her horrified mind, her elbow struck something shudderingly like a scaled sack of jelly. Persephone's eyes flicked open, on reflex action alone. She was in the spare bedroom of that shunned house, lying on the flounced bed - and she was not alone in the room. Between the bed and the wall, she had seen a clear space of perhaps two by three metres. But it was clear no longer. A vast and viscid bulk, green-black and resembling .... the nearest things she could fit it to was a sea-slug, sea anemone or an animated gherkin, heaved and pulsed on the floor, its mass towering over her. Facing her was an obscenely fleshy ring, fivefold symmetry ringed by long, black tentacles and centred round a gaping five-bladed mouth ! The rabbit had done very little screaming in her life. She was just about to change that, as the glistening mass quivered into movement, when the door swung open. And there was a sight that was as incongruous as any she had seen that night. "Cup of tea, dear ?" Asked a short, cheerful brown-furred goat woman, putting the tray down on the bed. Her incurious gaze fell on the entity that squatted slug-like at its side. "And how about you, Tekkil-Li ?" That was not a good evening for Persephone's view of the universe. As she sat curled protectively in a corner chair of the comfy parlour, the clock on the wall striking eleven in the long February night, she got the distinct impression that she had been living with her eyes shut. "Of course, I'm sorry Amanda hit you," Maria, the leader of the "evil Cult" pointed out, the goat's long ears twitching as she handed Persephone a slice of carrot-cake. "But you DID rather spoil her evening for her - and poor Tekkil-Li took ages finding this place again. He got back just after I did - Amanda was about to kick your teeth in, but we managed to dissuade her. She'll have to wait till Autumn now, I'm afraid." They had heard a car pulling away, not two minutes after Persephone had awakened: to judge by the screaming tyres and over-revving of the turbine, its driver had not been in a good mood. "Amanda? Was that.. the feline girl I saw being..... " Rabbit ears drooped as she accepted the cake. Maria nodded. "Just before that redneck turned up. I'm afraid you seriously ruined her plans: the poor girl was in tears when she left. I'm sure her husband will be devastated - and he's such a nice minotaur, they came up here to arrange things together, and to meet Tekkil-li first. We have to book ages in advance - he's very popular, you know." "Ulp." Persephone almost choked as she swallowed, dry-mouthed. "You mean ... she wasn't drugged or kidnapped, or...." Goat fingers tapped tetchily on the arm of the old leather chair, as Maria looked sternly at her unexpected visitor, her ears lowered to her skull. "Go ahead, dear, say it." "Folk who come here, never get back alive !" Persephone felt the hard-won map still in her outer pocket. "They come here, and get raped and eaten by THINGS that shouldn't even exist in a sane universe !" "Oh my, you've been reading books by mad Arabs and things, haven't you ." Came the bored reply. "Just like your friend with the pistol. Maybe by the time he resurfaces in our space, he might have learned better - unless he insists on attacking everything he finds out there, in which case he WON'T be coming back. Or any of the others who decided to break in here, annoying my family." "F...Family ?" This was too much for her to take. She looked round, and stifled a scream as the gherkin-like entity rippled into the room, shunting its bulk on starfish-like tube feet. The goat exposed sharp grazing teeth as she grinned. "It's a family tradition, don't you know ? Back as far as the sixteenth century, my ancestor Isiah Braithwaite was hauled to the religious court at York to stand trial for committing "Unspeakably Unnatural Rituals". Luckily, they were SO "Unspeakable", nobody dared to repeat anything they'd seen, so the case had to be dropped. Sometimes, you simply can't have too much of a good thing." "Let's get this straight." Persephone struggled to regain control. "People actually Decide to come here ? They LIKE the idea of being half torn apart by something that looks like a slowed-down film of an explosion in a tar refinery ?" "Some people shouldn't knock what they haven't tried," Maria snapped. "I bet your ursine refugee friend told you they were hypnotised or some rubbish like that. He just can't cope with the idea that there's women who wouldn't look at Him twice, and want to find out what a lover learns in several thousand years of experience. He'd be a whole lot happier with them being drugged and raped, I don't doubt. I've seen enough of his kind before - Gods, what they've done to us over the centuries ! If we didn't get burned at the stake, we were spied upon by the Inquisitors - and even centuries later, given the chance they murder our children at birth and display them in bell jars, calling them "Blasphemous freaks of Nature" just because they look a little different. But even if we do get the child safe to the ocean in time for its next stage..." She sighed. Persephone swallowed hard again. "You can actually - Breed with these ? And you Want to ? I'm sorry - I just Don't believe it," she said flatly. "The idea of making love to something that looks like a three-tonne sea slug just doesn't appeal. Even if it was physically possible - I'd hate to think what the lowest common ancestor is we have. Maybe I don't know as much biology as I should, but I do know a LITTLE about genetics. What the child'd look like, if it was even viable...." The goat's eyebrows raised. "Oh, yes ?" Her eyes bored into Persephone's own, and her nostrils flared. The scent of musk was in the room now, much as it had been in the shower. Slowly, she started to undress. Beneath the dress and the simple black slip, her fur shone with a healthy, wholesome glow in the dim lamps which also illuminated the three-dimensional aspect of something unutterably alien. "So, you've read those hateful books, written by crabby old men back in the days when you could be impaled for having a single free thought in your head. Can you see any "Vile degeneracy" here ? Any "Damning taints spawned of abominable midnight miscegenations"?" She slowly turned around, displaying her charms. Persephone's ears rose in unconscious appreciation. Maria's fur was a rich chestnut brown on her head and the sides of her lean body, with a pale honeyed frontal patch extending from her collarbone to the inside of her strong thighs. Two sets of small but perfect breasts rose in normal goat fashion through the silken fur, drawing the eyes down to a trim belly in which there was no horror, only the promise of simple, healthy mortal pleasures. "Ahhh ... I can't see anything at all wrong there." Persephone had only briefly experimented with lovers of her own sex, and maintained little more than a theoretical attraction. Or indeed, one part of her fractured mind pointed out, it might just be that I never met one I liked so much as the males.. Maria stood with her hands on her hips, glaring down defiantly. Then her expression softened. Suddenly, she laughed. "Here we are, with what's according to you, the most appalling secret in the Universe coming out. And here's me, too shy to tell you I want your cute little cottontail all to myself tonight. I always get heated-up, when there's a girl taking Tekkil-Li out on the Bridal Stone." Half an hour later, they lay embraced, Persephone's single pair of breasts intermeshed between the double delights of the goat like well-fitting gear teeth. No, she decided, fingers reaching down to stroke a helplessly quivering tail - of all the things she might be, she's not abnormal. Maria's touch was gentle, and the goat's sweet love had blended with her own in a delirious meeting of petals. It can't be THAT bad for you, she thought, to have a family history like hers. Suddenly a thought struck her. "Maria," she ventured "If it's so great, why don't YOU try it ? We searched everywhere - it's just you and the thing out there - I don't see you with any half-monstrous children." The goat gave a gentle laugh. "I'm not in any great hurry. I've got centuries and millenia ahead of me for that. In any case, they wouldn't be "half" anything - it'd be one or the other. " She felt the lepine's body go rigid in shock, and stroked her reassuringly. "You say you know a little about biology ?" Propping herself up on one elbow, she faced the intruder who had come to extirpate her and her kind from the face of the planet. "Well, I'll bet you don't know about THIS. Genes aren't the half of it - every living thing has a bioenergetic field, as integral to Life as chemistry is. It's what you see on Kirlian photographs. Now, usually, the fields merge in new life at conception - each cell has their own little field. But think of it like magnetic currents around wires - if the current was somehow floating free - or if it was Somewhere Else - as long as it touched, the effect would be the same." Maria stroked the trembling grey fur in the bedroom darkness. "Oh, you've no need to worry, I'll wash your clothing before you go. I asked Tekkil-li to carry you to onto the bed when we first brought you in here. He couldn't help making rather a mess on them - I bet you thought he'd "taken advantage" or some rubbish like that. " Persephone sighed with relief. Sure enough, when she had undressed to Maria's warm approval, she had neither felt nor found any evidence of unwanted attentions. The skilled goat fingers playfully caressed her flat, trim belly. "He's very flexible, you know. But with the right biogenic field - you don't NEED chemical genes inserted anywhere. And don't be fooled by their physical shape - they only use that ancient underwater form because it's easiest. That's the last physical form they had before their evolution took them into N-Dimensional space; they keep it like a sort of vestigial organ they don't normally need over there." The rabbit relaxed. "Then he didn't... ?" "Honestly ! You think we're some sort of monsters ?" There came a goatish snort. "But it's not as easy as all that, anyway. They're limited in space and time, over here. You saw him turn unstable out there while he had to concentrate on pleasuring Amanda the way she asked: he does a pretty good 3-D Rudolf Valentino impression when he's got the time to work on it." Persephone's whiskers twitched. "Dwayne said they could be "banished" back to where they belonged." A moist set of goat nostrils flared in annoyance. "He did, did he ? Just before the bastard wrecked Amanda's chances for two whole seasons. It's true enough, it's hard for them to stay here without losing their shape - a bit like trans-dimensional bungee-jumping, if you had to grab hold of the ground at the bottom of the dive. Someone distracts you, and whoosh - back you go." Her arm enfolded the lepine once more, and a brown-furred hand caressed long and sensitive ears. "It gets easier at some stages of the planetary cycles - "When The Stars Are Right", to quote those ludicrous old tomes. So even if they can get here, they have to mesh fully with our spacetime if folk want to join with them, which they can't always manage - you might say, it's not just Christmas that comes but once a year...." A narrow caprine muzzle explored deep into lepine delights. With an impassioned squeal, Persephone abandoned her fears for the sake of very immediate pleasures. Whatever her ancestry might be, she fleetingly thought as the agile tongue went to work - she's Definitely got what it takes... "But." It was a long and lazy hour later, when at last they lay at ease. "I still can't see how you managed to get away with it ! It's not just cranks like Dwayne who'd be after you if they knew." Again came the grin in the half-light. "You want to know a REAL secret ? Like, why folk come here at all ? Imagine it - maybe you're in a mixed marriage. Some hunk of stallion is giving you everything you want, say - except you'll still need to look for another mate if you want a kid. So, think about it. Are you going to pick a mate who's carrying some inherited disease that'll mean your kid's never going to live to grow up ?" More than half the married couples on the planet were of mixed species, unless strictly forbidden by the older religious laws. Mates for the sake of children would be chosen separately, generally for physical rather than emotional attraction. In much of the poorer world, it made essential sense, with no risk of unexpected hungry mouths to feed - plus, the very real advantage that diseases of one partner rarely affected the other. Persephone snorted. "Do me a favour ! You think I'm stupid ?" A low chuckle came from the darkness, as Maria laid back upon the musk-scented sheets. "Of course not. You wouldn't pick a mate whose child's going to be dead in thirty years, either - so why not go all the way, and choose one WHO'LL STILL BE ALIVE IN THREE THOUSAND YEARS TIME ?" There was a silence. And lying there, Persephone gradually realised what all this meant. "But .. what's the point, if you'll never get to see it anyway ? If you give birth on the beach like you said, to a stream of first- stage polypous larvae who won't even be coming back to land in your lifetime ? That's hardly something to look forwards to." Again came the chuckle. "Quite. Now, I don't know much about sorcery, though it's the "in" thing since the Millenium unlocked the power - but there's cybermancers with computers, and they've worked out some pretty handy spells. It's not all "Forbidden knowledge handed down from forgotten realms of mystic night", you know. Like, there's one to bind the biogenic field to the mother at the instant of conception. Instead of having to go through the whole aeons-long life cycle, the child takes it's mother's three-dimensional shape - that's it's "Natural" form, stable over here, and nobody's any the wiser. I should know - my own Mother used it, for which I'm grateful." She self-consciously ran a hand over her short, neat horns, rearranging her ears on the pillow. "So that thing, Tekkil-Li", Persephone's ears were surely tired of going rigid in shock tonight "That's, your Father ?" For a long while there was silence. And then she noticed the bed was shaking - putting out an exploring paw, the lepine discovered Maria's whole body wracked with laughter. "What's so funny ?" The goat-girl gave a snort of suppressed glee. "My Father ? Hardly. You asked why I didn't have any children of my own yet. Well, it certainly wouldn't be by him - and he's the only one in the area, more's the pity. There's some sort of Exclusion Principle against more than one of them being in the same part of Spacetime - and Tellik-Li is my Brother - just that he looks more like our Father than I do ! " Dawn approached in the grey February skies: it looked like being a clear day. While an exhausted lepine dozed in a musk-soaked bed indoors, Maria stood by the Bridal Stone on the hilltop. Acting though it did as a focus for the planet's original owners, still the advancing sunlight would soon disrupt the tenuous hold that Tekkil-Li kept on this part of space-time. ** I do hope you didn't frighten the poor girl ** Radiated the thought-waves of her brother as he prepared to return "home" for the day. ** And I hope you told her what your own biogenic field would do to her, if she's anywhere near her fertile time. It's not as if You had to be male, or even shaped that way at the time. ** Maria laughed. Briefly concentrating, she unlocked the abilities that were the inverse of her sibling's own - every molecule moved through N-Space and rearranged to form a tall and muscular he-goat, even the exciting, nose-catching scent of musk perfect to the last pheromone. Persephone had been quite right about having to hide from the scrutiny of the outside world - though as a disguise, this had put many an investigator off the track. Or rather, she reflected, it had led them straight to the middle of the very things they had been looking for. "I could have left her with a little Candlemas present, even in female shape, if that's what you mean - and in fact, I think I might well have done. Now it's up to her. But I've taught her how to avoid that, if she wants to - from any of us." From a sealed drawer, she had removed with insulated tongs a rounded grey stone triangle some two centimetres across, its almost smooth surface graven with an arcane design that hurt her eyes to look at. The rune-graven stones from ancient Mnar acted as the strongest possible disruption on what held her kind to the Earth. "I've shown her the only sort of Precautions that'll work with our sort after she's willingly made love to one on Candlemas Eve - she only has to get it installed by her doctor like an old-fashioned shield in the next few days, and all's well." Maria's ears twitched at the prospect of the slender rabbit currently warming the bed for her return. Tekkil-li gave one of the whistling noises that had given his kind its name. Viscid tentacles twitched and slopped noisily on the black stone he was increasingly concentrating on holding focussed. ** Do you think she'll be back ? I think she's cute, for a flat- spacer ** Maria looked around the hollow in the growing light. "Well, you never know. I doubt she'll be coming back with any more of those damned "Investigators", anyway. After all, we ARE the good guys." ** Quite. But if you'd Told her first what you might do for her family tree even in female shape, I'll bet she wouldn't have bedded you in the first place. Then she wouldn't NEED to take any Precautions. ** The tentacles waved farewell, as Tekkil-Li felt the local spacetime slipping out of focus. Maria was left there, watching the viscid slime evaporate through the dimensions, no longer held here by its originator's willpower. She transformed back to the female shape she felt most comfortable with, and started to walk back through the dewy grass of morning towards the farmhouse, tail and nostrils twitching at the prospect of a delightful awakening for Persephone. Suddenly she stopped - and a mischievous smile wreathed her narrow muzzle. "I may be good - but I'm not THAT good !" ###### End of Tale ###########