Anthropomorphics (AKA Funny animal) fans don't exactly have a bad press in Fandom, I've noticed - they have a TERRIBLE one. So here's a lively little retalliatory strike, to the cheerful Cockney tune of "My Old Man's A Dustman".. My, So You're a Fur Fan ? By Simon Barber OK, so I'm a Fur Fan - is that so big a crime ? But all the other sci-fi folk abuse us all the time They say we should have dropped this thing when we were still in school And all our publications, are perverted and cruel ! Now our heroes and heroines, bear fur and tails and snouts Is that such a good reason to crowd our whole scene out ? We have a hundred aspects, from the Cute to wholly Strange We have Imagination, so you call us all deranged ! There's tales of pink-fluffed mousies in a happy woodland glade And wolves in bloody sci-fi tales where major wars have strayed Yes, also sexy vixens and their adventures "in heat" But nothing stranger than the plots, that Super-Heroes meet ! Before they start their diatribe they should take one step back It really is the case of pots calling the kettle black When Captain Suspect poses through another wrestling scene They either say it's innocent, or else they'll say it's keen ! There's only that "Slash/Fiction" that's hated worse than us Like endless Kirk/Spock sex scenes, or "Bondage/Wesley.Crush." And even THEY have famous names towards whose work you'd steer For Freddy Kruger/Barney tales we'd all stand up and cheer ! So if you don't like Fur Fans, at least leave us alone For what fun is permissible, is not graven in stone While NASA cheers the sci-fi fans and brings their visions near Now we've DNA splicing, we'll build our 'morphs next year !