BAMBIOID ! A Filk by Simon Barber ( A filk to the tune of "Mongoloid", by Devo. THey're a group who anthropomorphics fans should think about ... as their main philosophy teaches that humanity has passed it's high-point already, and is now DE-eVOlving into simpler forms.....) Bambioid! She was a Bambioid, Fuzzier than you and me. Bambioid! She was a Bambioid Determined no one would see. Mambioid! She was a Bambioid With deer in her family tree Manga-eyes and Humanoid Determined to be free.... So she (wore a hat) And she (had a job) That she (worked at in darkness) So that (no one knew) Bambioid, she was a Bambioid In human high society Wut when they found her secret out Nobody even cared ! Bambioid! She was a Bambioid, Fuzzier than you and me She threw away her flatfoot shoes And let her tail swing free Then she (wore bare fur) And she (made the news) And she (told us the story) So that (we all knew !) Bambioids, a race of Bambioids Were living in Society Paranoid, they always would avoid Any kind of publicity Now they (show themselves) And they're (all the rage) As they (walk in the daylight) We see (it's all true) Bambioids, they are all Bambioids, Fuzzier than you and me Bambioids, Bambioids, The Cutest you'll ever see! Bambioids! Bambioids!