Another Eldritch work by S. Barber, who Likes Applied Theology ....... (To the tune of "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" what else ?) Picture yourself on a Pacific Island The Temple beside you is older than Man Read from the book of Unnameable Secrets Please say the words right if you can .... Claymation Monsters of Yellow and green Waiting to drag you away.... One pinhole gap in your Protective Spell, and you're Gone! Old gods from the Void, Returning ! Old gods from the Void, Returning ! Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrgghhhh.......... Follow them down to the undersea mountain Where servitor horrors are waiting inside You call Cthulhu, he wakes up quite slowly The one with batrachian eyes Deep One Marine corps are storming ashore With cultists to show them the way...... Then comes the night when the stars are All Right, and they've Won ! Old gods from the Void, Returning ! Old gods from the Void, Returning ! Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrgghhhh.......... ******* End Filk. Released as Fiction to avoid needless Panic ********