Mar. 29/97 Hiyas!! These files located in this directory are all done by me, Bobby, a.k.a Robert Holiday. Basically, what I draw is only limi- -ted by what my taste allows for. `;) Restrictions on distribution: Absolutely NOTHING I have drawn is to be posted to usenet. None of my artwork is to be used in any commercial manner wihout my prior consent, which must be WRITTEN consent, not electronic. No art I have done is to be distributed on public or private FTP, or any other online means currently available without my online authorization, obtainable by email or by speaking with me on IRC. The only FTP site which has permission to distribute my art is the Velan Central Library, Commissions? No. Requests? Sometimes. If you have a subject for a pic that is unique, and falls into my drawing range (vulpine, musteline, lupine/canine, some felines, interesting clothes, etc), email me at and ask me. <^_^> I'm sometimes will- -ing to do requests if I have the time. Robert Holiday