Some pictures might need a little explaining, which is the purpose of this least until I get around to putting descriptions up on YiffCo... ( YiffCo is at for those that don't know =^.^= ) 3some_2.jpg Ashy (the skunk), Ginger_Vixen (duh?) and Foxamodo engage in something I like to call #23 in "101 unusual sex positions..." the gngsand series Sandy_Vixen has a "male form", a hermaphrodite you might say. ALthough she is not a true herm. in this form, as she has the body of a female, but the genitals of the male sex. And those of you keeping track...yes, she is yiffing her daughter. Yes, I have no shame. No, Ginger and Sandy don't mind me drawing this.... (I hope).... For the record, a hermaphrodite is a creature (human, furry or otherwise) that has the genitals of both genders. People who have female bodies but only the male genitals, as I understand it, are called "she-males." Note: Check the signature of the drawing to see when it was actually drawn. Most of the stuff done in November is down using the 'oval method', or using general shapes to plot the character's positon and poses. I consider drawings using this to be some of my better ones. All drawings dated November 11, 1997 or later use this method. The previous drawings use a 'draw-as-I-go' style, which lends to poorer proportion and perspective, not to mention poorer chacter interaction (harder to draw characters interacting with each other, esp. hugging, snuggling....etc) Periodically I'll go through my directory and remove material that I feel isn't worth keeping up. As always, check with me before reposting ANY art. :) Just for an FYI. If you have a favorite, please let me know. I might extend that drawing to a series, maybe not, depending on my mood and how busy I am. Feel free to extend comments, flames, etc to . For going rates on commissions, check out the README.TXT file in this directory, or point your browser at This file due to change in the future. :)