Click on the Thumbnails to view the full size image. All images are copyright Ryan Dewalt 1997 unless specified otherwise. All images are 24bit Jpegs unless specified otherwise.
Lego Scene
legoscn.jpg 640 x 480 x 16M 26kb
The Lego Scene:One of my few surviving 3d artwork pieces, from back when I thought I was going to be an animator. LegoScene was done in POVRay 1.0, with Moray1.0, and a set of micrometer calipers. Took approximately 36 hours total to do this piece. Some consider it my best work ever. Now a days, I use 3d Studio 4 for any 3d work I need to do. Look for more 3d work when I get around to making more.
tb_ripner.jpg 600 x 743 x 16M 50kb
Ripner, an anthro Cabbit friend of mine from Yiffnet. Asked me one day if I'd draw a picture of him.. Here's the result
Dandy.jpg 400 x 306 x 16M 15kb
Dandy! The lovable Flying donkey. Friend of mine from Yiffnet.
Head 3
Head3.jpg 550 x 514 x 16M 29kb
Second in a series of Head portraits, the first being Dsan. done as a study in shading.
Rebecca.jpg 600 x 679 x 16M 53kb
Rebecca, a new character of mine, a busty Lioness I drew when I was sorta depressed. Amazing what one's libido can come up with
Dsan Dsan_tb.jpg 508 x 581 x 16M 19kb
Well Dsan, I finally finished that portrait of you I promised. I realize that this isn't how you see yourself, nor others see you, but it's how I see you.... hope you don't mind.
Comet Comet.jpg 1025 x 775 x 16M 95kb
Comet Hale-Bopp. Picture of Haley making her grand entrance to the solar system. The look on her face was supposed to be angelic bliss..
Guys and Dols GuysDolls.jpg 590 x 587 x 16M 31kb
Finally breaking the artist's blocks, I came up with this sketch of two of my favorite couples on Yiffnet, From left to right, Trixi and Tet, and their romantic opposites, Time and Haley.. One pair is madly in love, and the other just hasn't realized it yet.
Time4 page4.jpg 237 x 593 x 16M 24kb
Page 4. Illustration of myself in the bottom third of page 4 of my Comic Book attempt. Colorized in Photoshop in about three hours.
Haley Huggles Time haleytime.jpg 400 x 512 x 16M 27kb
HaleyTime. Haley gives a hug to Timebase, taken immediately after Concentration (below).. good to see someone notices when you have a bad day eh?
Concentrate concentrate.jpg 500 x 493 x 16M 27kb
Concentration. A rather detailed sketch of me after a bad week, comtemplating the death of everyone within a thirty mile radius.
TKD tkd.jpg 369 x 709 x 16M 27kb
TaeKwnDoe Sketch 1. TKD's a friend of mine from Yiffnet, this is one of the first sketches I did of her. Plan on coloring it soon.
Trixi and Time trixtime.jpg 247 x 500 x 16M 19kb
Trixi and Timebase. "Hi, my name's Trixi.." Trixi and Time meet for the first time on Yiffnet.
Trixi Trixi.jpg 200 x 402 x 16M 12kb
TrixiLop Bigfoot. One of my best friends on the Yiffnet IRC channel #furry. I helped her design and post her webpage for her artwork, in the Trixi's Gallery Wing of my web page.
Hack Naked hacknaked.jpg 576 x 660 x 16M 74kb
Hack Naked. The first appearance of my persona. Created with pencil and Ink, Originally a sketch of myself as a human, but went downhill and ended up finished as a rabbit.from there.
Couch couch.jpg 800 x 512 x 16M 68kb
The Couch. Started one boring saturday afternoon while watching Cartoon Network, looking for something non-dull to do. as you can see, ended up sketching this.
head1 head1.jpg 400 x 390 x 16M 26kb
A quick Rapidograph sketch of my head. Done in about 10 minutes... came out well eh?
vanity vanity.jpg 800 x 636 x 16M 65kb
A drawing showing that there is still vanity and plastic surgery in the furry world. *See* I told you I can't do hands.. where the hell is my right arm?
recline recline.jpg 500 x 266 x 16M 17kb
A quick 'cheesecake' shot of me reclining on one elbow. Done when I was still trying out different body sizes for my character.
head2 head1.jpg 800 x 645 x 16M 57kb
A Photoshop 3.0 Colorized image of my head taken from HackNaked.jpg Used as the background for most of the buttons on this site.

MAIN Made with Windows Notepad
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