SCFA - Ryan Dewalt (Timebase, Tet Solfire)

Ryan Dewalt (Timebase, Tet Solfire)

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time_arc.jpg    800x1007    10/26/97   
Well, since I've been asked by Professer Badgerton(in Gene's interesting Time Saga) to aid in the repair of the Time hole, I figured it only fitting that I add my POV to the whole storyline. Timebase gets briefed on the situation by the good Professer, and heads out to aid as much as he can. Who knows where, or what the chronotropic lapine will find..... Professor Badgerton is (c) Clifford Lieder. Timebase, and artwork (c) me.

tntbowl.jpg    637x760    11/07/97   
Next picture in the Trixicon series: Tet and Trixi go bowling! an interesting experience, and ammo for a bajillion in-jokes for years. This was done on the plane home 8( so the picture may be closer to our RL proportions than OL sizes.. Guess I had Trixi on the brain eh? Trixi (c) the wonderful Candy Lewin. Tet (c) me.

tntfauly.jpg    505x557    11/07/97   
Last picture of the day in the Trixicon series, Tet and Trixi visit the San Andreas Fault, or at least the part of it in San Juan Batista, a wonderful village of shops and historical points. Had a blast, seeing the fault and everything. Tet and Trixi, are reading a info marker.. which never existed RL, but would have been nice. Trixi (c) Candy Lewin and Tet (c) me. 8)

trixyeka.gif    389x622    10/28/97   
Second in the "Tetchi Myuo" Series of images, done while sketching to my Tenchi Myuo tapes.. Trixi, as Princess Ayeka. With Haleyoko, Trixyeka, seemed a fitting personality dichotomy. Trixi(c) Candy Lewin. 8)

trxangel.jpg    400x504    08/17/97   
The Trixi Angel. A pencil shaded drawing of the incredibly awesome Trixi. I admit it. I can't do wings or hands. But I do like the translucent outfit quite a bit. Trixi is (c) the awesome and snuggly Candy Lewin artwork (c) me. (could it be the angel transform of Sailor Trixi? who knows?)

tuxtet.jpg    700x771    08/09/97   
Here he is, the guardian warrior of the furry sailor scouts, "Tuxedo Tet" Don'tcha think he looks better like this than as Salior Mercury? Why does he look unhappy? If you spend your evenings rescuing damsels in distress, would you be happy taking time out for photos? Tet and artwork are (c) me.

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