SCFA - Ryan Dewalt (Timebase, Tet Solfire)

Ryan Dewalt (Timebase, Tet Solfire)

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ba_trixi.jpg    733x973    09/28/97   
Battle Angel Trixi! Based on the awesome "Battle Angel Alita" Manga. Trixi, in an out-of-character picture as the brutal cyborg warrior babe Alita, based on the Motorball Era form. Comments on this new style (for me) picture, are appreciated. Trixi (c) Candy Lewin. Alita (c) her owner.

bbytrixi.jpg    271x455    10/14/97   
A Kyoote Trixi, seen as she's never been seen.. as a 3yr old bunnykub. Ain't she adorable? Trixi (c) the also-adorable Candy Lewin.

concentr.jpg    500x493    06/02/97   
A rather detailed ink sketch of me after a bad week, comtemplating the death of everyone within a thirty mile radius.

coontang.jpg    639x696    11/08/97   
CooonTaaang! Kes from Yiffnet's IRC shows off her new line of "Coon Tang Clan" clothing.. Kes (c) Michelle Solomon art (c) me CoonTang!! (just fun to say. 8)

hacknake.jpg    576x660    06/02/97   
The first appearance of my persona. Created with pencil and Ink, Originally a sketch of myself as a human, but went downhill and ended up finished as a rabbit from there.

haleyoko.gif    231x300    10/28/97   
See what happens when you watch Tenchi Myuo and think about a certain hoggette.. you end up drawing Haley as "the evil space pirate" Ryoko. Haley (c) Candy Lewin (next, Trixi, as Ayeka)

hlyblind.jpg    600x528    08/08/97   
I really don't mind Haley taking my glasses, not like she can use them. Strangely enough, I heard a loud "Everything Gone! Hoggy Blind!" before she brought them back to me. You don't suppose she tried them on do you? 8) Haley (C) the incredible Candy Lewin. art (c) me.

meltet.jpg    516x301    10/14/97   
Got to chat with the awesome MelSkunk on IRC today, drew up this picture of her, mostly from memory of what her character looks like. Tet picture added as an after-thought. *hugs to Mel* MelSkunk (c) Melissa Drake Tet (c) Me.

tb-time1.jpg    560x800    06/02/97   
Greetings Everyone, New SCFA artist here, with my first official upload. Just saying a quick "Hi" to everyone here I know, and knows me... You know who you are..<*wave*> A rather quick, for me, picture done almost entirely in photoshop, with exception of the original outline form.

tb_allie.jpg    400x502    08/15/97   
It's Alastair! Super Happy, super bouncy son of Trixi and Tet. Dont'cha just want to pick him up and snuggle him like a plushie? Seems he's happy to see you too.. Alastair is (c) Tet and Trixi.. Tet, being me, Trixi, being Candy Lewin..

tb_drmr.jpg    297x675    08/14/97   
Well, Seems even I, was in the band at once. Here's a younger TB, (it's been nearly 8 years for me) wearing the object of many days torture... the 5pack drums.. 45lbs of spine crunching fun. Sponsored by the Chiropractic Institute it seemed.. A quick(1 hour.. quick for me) B&W inked picture. Timebase (c) me.

tb_dsan.jpg    600x713    08/17/97   
A detailed, shaded, pencil drawing of Dsan Tsan of Yiffnet. This picture doesn't have all the grand detail that the original picture does, but I'd rather not upload a 500K jpg. I know, he's supposed to be a chow. but from what I've known of Dsan, he doesn't act like the chows I've met in real life... Dsan Tsan (c) Don Sanders

tb_ears.jpg    523x647    10/28/97   
Another relatively quick image, just pondering the concept of "hair growth shampoo"... or "hare growth" as it is.. Trixi, takes being a Lop bunny to a new level.. Trixi (c) Candy Lewin.

tb_fenn.gif    230x325    08/16/97   
A quick sketch of one of the coolest people I know on Yiffnet, Fenn! Fenn (c) Gordon McVey

tb_gene.gif    600x429    06/04/97   
Time gets to meet the charismatic Gene Catlow, who was kind enough to pose for this photograph. Who's the next person Time'll get to meet from SCFA? Only the sketchpad knows...

tb_haley.jpg    900x500    06/09/97   
This is usually the first sight most people see of my hedgehog love, Haley, as she enthustically greets them hello. Haley (c) Candy Lewin.

tb_holly.jpg    600x643    07/22/97   
Holly, a new character I came up with while watching TV and doodling. Cleaned up and colored the sketch, and Poof! One Femme Ringtail. Holly and artwork are (c) Me. Many thanks to Trixi for the name suggestion. *hugs*

tb_modem.jpg    800x563    06/07/97   
When I heard that Trixi was having modem problems, I drew this up as a "get well soon" picture. Time proves he's no slouch when it comes to computer hardware, as he and Haley help get Trixi back online. *smile* She's back online now, so this pic surved it's purpose. Trixi & Haley (c) Candy Lewin, Timebase (c) myself.

tb_mutt.gif    600x432    06/05/97   
Time poses for a picture with the friendly Mutt Peters. Er, Mutt? I've already got rabbit ears. *smile* Mutt Peters is (c) Matt Peters. Timebase (c) Ryan Dewalt

tb_ripnr.jpg    600x743    06/23/97   
Hey all, haven't uploaded in afew days, here's a new picture, somewhat new off the pencil, of Ripner, a friend of mine off Yiffnet's #furry. He's an anthro Cabbit. Ripner, is (c) his player.

tb_skip.jpg    600x791    10/04/97   
Creature Shock, polar bear bounty hunter, from the novella "Skip Tracer" by and (c) J. Murdock

tb_susan.gif    166x252    08/16/97   
A quick cleaned up character sketch of one of my good friends on Yiffnet, the ever cheerful, phenominal artist, SusanDeer! *hugs to the doe!* SusanDeer (c) Susan Rankin

tb_time.jpg    500x529    08/17/97   
Companion Drawing of tb_dsan.jpg, A detailed bust sketch of my main persona, looks like I've just spent the past 3 or 4 days online without stopping.. (we've all done that.. right?) Shaded Pencil on Bristol. Timebase and art (c) me.

tb_trixi.jpg    200x402    08/17/97   
My first(okay, second..but the first to be completed) ever picture of Trixi. Her response to this picture when I made it.. "Awesome.. That's Trixi.. er.. but she's gray" Live and learn.. pencil/pen/photoshop. Trixi is (c) as always to Candy Lewin art (c) me.

tb_venge.jpg    900x732    08/08/97   
A "Response and Revenge" for the Tutu, sailor fuku... makeup.. and heaven knows what else.. Ah the things we tolerate for the women in our lives. So, I put the two of them in Tet and TB's clothing. See how they like it. I'll bet Trixi's glad I didn't use the original Tet model sheet, before he wore clothes... Could get chilly. Haley/Trixi (C) the eternally Awesome Candy Lewin. art (c) me. (as if anyone else would want to take the blame for this.)

tb_welcm.jpg    640x480    07/22/97   
"Welcome to Vixenberry Village" A collaborative 2d/3d Picture done by myself, and Trixi. Tet, Trixi, and little Alastair welcome you to their home. 2d artwork is (c) Trixi, 3d work is(c) Me. Comments on this piece would be appreciated.

tbangber.jpg    600x801    08/13/97   
Many thanks to Angel Bear for the wonderful picture of me he did, only fair I return the offer. Angel Bear Decends from the clouds, to give someone in need a helping hand. Angel Bear, (c) George Eddy art (c) Me.

tbapple.jpg    500x609    11/07/97   
Another picture in the "Trixicon" Series.. switching from the Romantic Tet Solfire, to the Technical persona of Timebase, I proceeded to "field strip" Trixi's macintosh, and install a ram upgrade.. I guess I should have prepared her for the case removal.. 8) art (c) me.

tbarctm2.gif    850x1075    11/13/97   
Arc of time continues. Timebase remembers somethign spooky about that evening, as Haley dozes in his lap. But suddenly he hears a sound outside, what could it be? Haley (c) Candy Lewin Timebase (c) me. Shadowy figures (c) whoever they turn out to be owned by.. 8)

tbcolors.jpg    545x662    11/04/97   
Well, this weekend, I finally got to meet Trixi RL. 8) and one of the collaborative drawings (and she's uploaded a few of the others) is this color picture of our main characters. we each did ourselves.. Trixi is (c) Candy Lewin, Tet, (c) me...

tbhlebop.jpg    400x512    08/17/97   
My first picture of the loveable Haley. This was done back when Comet Hale-Bopp was still in the news, and visible. Amazing how much one's art improves in a few months. Pencil, and ink on bristol. Photoshop colored. Haley is (c) Candy Lewin

tbhottub.gif    491x458    08/15/97   
Ever wonder what Tet and Trixi do when Allie is put to bed for the night? Relax and let their frustrations flow out into their hot tub of course. Just another fine example of what you can do on a boring friday night with your loved one... Trixi (c) Candy Lewin, Tet (c) me. (yes, that's Tet, he's got long hair, because..... well, artistic license.

tbkendal.jpg    750x623    08/09/97   
Kendal is my friend. I must draw Kendal. Kendal is cooler than Cats. I'm going to draw Kendal again, and again. =) Anyway, my first attempt at Kendal, just pondering how every artist draws him eventually. Kendal (and sir kain) is (c) Eric "You Will Draw Kendal" Goodwin. art (c) Me.

tbtime.gif    800x1038    11/14/97   
Wrinkle of Time, TB and Haley's story segment continues on.. what was that sound? Eep! Fyodor and noBrainR (that's them.. honest! it's my first try at either of them.. ) TB confronts them.. but will he walk out of it? fate will tell.. Fyodor and noBrainR (c) Albert Temple, Timebase and art (c) me.

tdk2.jpg    363x709    06/02/97   
TaeKwnDoe Sketch 1. TKD's a friend of mine from Yiffnet, this is one of the first sketches I did of her. Plan on colorizing it eventually.

tet_mask.gif    700x505    11/08/97   
Tet shows Trixi his Human Costume, for when they go trick or treating.. A late Halloween picture, should have been uploaded before.. but ah well. Trixi (c) Candy Lewin, Tet (c) me. 8)

tet_roxi.jpg    637x876    11/04/97   
Tet meets the bouncy toony feline Roxikat, but Trixi is there to remind him who's the one in his life... just in case.--Last week, I had the pleasure of chatting with Roxikat on IRC, and wanted to draw a quick thank-you picture, plus try out a few new things at the same time. the bouncy Roxikat is (c) John Barret Trixi is (c) Candy Lewin, art and the like, (c) me.

tethowl.jpg    700x674    08/09/97   
Young Tet Solfire finds out what it's like to be a wolf. or at least half a wolf. Since he's been on a journey of discovery thanks to Trixi, I figured it was time he found out something spiritual as well. And yes, I do howl at the moon. Tet is (c) me.

tetvyge1.jpg    252x548    11/04/97   
Tet's Voyage.. part 1. Tet begins his journey to his loppess lapine love's house.. Yes, Tet's chronicling his adventures to Trixicon 97 in art.. what a concept eh? Anyway, Tet dressed up for the plane ride.. dapper folf isn't he?

tetvyge2.jpg    649x509    11/04/97   
Tet's Voyage.. part 2. Tet, normally a brave soul, finds out the one thing that he hates about flying... turbulence.. A kindly canine stewardess is helping Tet come back to reality.. Tet is (c) ah. you know.. Me.

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