Subject: *warning* x-rated story From: (FoxxFire) Date: 1996/03/20 Newsgroups: Well, I couldn't help myself. Here's a story I just wrote, something of a take off on Folger's crystal's couple. Enjoy... P.s. I would have posted to, but my server doesn't have that one. The Dragon, the fox, and the unicorn by FoxxFire Baine sat in his kitchen, blowing softly on his steaming mug of Goldger's coffee (c). Misty sunlight poured in through the picture windows, bathing Baine's golden scales in morning light. Slowly he sipped from the steaming mug, faintly hoping that the double caffeine Swiss chocolate raspberry flavor could wake him (dragons were never good at that). With eyes half open, Baine gazed out the window, a victim of early-morning stares. Somehow, his still slurry eyes picked out movement from across the field, in the woods. Squinting, he saw that is was Aya and Dryn, out practicing falconing. Baine's eyeridges raised a bit. He had been looking at Aya for some time now, and had, in his opinion, been making some headway on the unicorn. Finishing his cup, he got up and wandered to his door. Outside, he stretched his wings, readying himself for a morning flight. Crisp air was sucked into his lungs and exhaled, much warmer. Bending his legs a bit, Baine launched himself into the air. A second later his wings downswept, cracking the open air. A few more seconds later, he was a good distance up in the sky, circling to the woods. He passed over Aya and Dryn before landing a bit later, next to a clear lake. Taking off his waistcloth, he stepped into the chill water and fell in. He had a shower at home, but the lake was so much more _natural_. He sighed a bit was the water engulfed him and his body reacted; his muscles tightened as his skin cooled off, and his groin shivered, as his cock slid back into his sheath. Smiling a bit, he floated on his back, letting that side sunbathe. Baine's head jerked up as he heard giggling. Looking at the shore, he saw Aya standing with her vixen companion, both smiling at him. "So, how's the water?," Aya inquired of him. There was a faint smile on those soft equine lips. Bane grinned back. "Just fine. I had some Goldger's coffee to warm up first." Aya cocked an eyebrow at him. "Goldger's, ey? Funny, I like them too." "You'll have to come over sometime." "Maybe." Aya paused. "Come on out and start drying out. You forgot a towel." Baine smiled. "I know. It's nice to lay on the grass and dry off." "Hmmm." Out on the bank, Baine sat back against a tree and watched as Aya sent her falcon for a circle. Her body flexed as she raised her arm, curves changed and sifted on her lean form, the forest light playing off her brown fur and long red main. It was too bad she was still dressed, he thought. Dryn glanced over and Baine, raised her eyebrows and nudged Aya. She turned to Baine and nearly started laughing. "Enjoying our company, Baine?" Baine frowned, then saw where she was looking. He glanced down and suddenly felt that warm throbbing that comes from excitement. He was fully unsheathed, his penis still a bit lax on his stomach. He shrugged. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't." He grinned coyly. "Care to help me out?" "Falconing hasn't done much for me, Aya," Dryn said. "Besides, this could be fun." "Wouldn't Gaston take offense?," Aya asked. "Yes--we don't have a camcorder to tape it for him." "Fine." Aya looked over her shoulder to Baine. "You can have him." A little later, Dryn was undressed and kneeling before him. She gently took his cock in her hand and started playing with it, teasing him. Baine sighed in pleasure and began stroking his hands over her soft fur. Dryn cupped his sheath with her hand, pointing his cock up; she licked the penis's base, then kissed it on up, pausing before the tip. Then, putting her lips on the head, took it into her mouth. Baine gasped and started stroking her head as she went as far down on him as she could. Her head moved up and down as her tongue teased his shaft, as he thrust as best he could in his position. He took his eyes off of Dryn and looked to Aya, who was watching, trying her best to look non-interested. "Want to join?," he gasped out. "You're not getting into me that easy, Baine," she replied. "However..." She took off her top, reveling pert breasts, her brown fur glossy on the curves. She walked over to them, a very coy smile on her face. "Dryn, why don't you let him mount you?" Dryn raised her head. "Thanks. I want him in me so badly now I can hardly stand it." She turned and put her hands on the ground. Baine kneeled and moved his hands over her ass, gently massaging closer and closer to her pink lips. Taking hold of his cock, he positioned the head against those lips and slowly thrust. Dryn gasped as he entered her, rocking back on her knees, pushing her hips against his. He rocked back with her, than forward in a slow rhythm. Aya stepped over Dryn, facing Baine, and the dragon suddenly realized that she had disrobed. She took his head in her hands, stroking his mane. "However, having your tongue in my would be fine." Baine sighed happily and wrapped his arms around her waist, enjoying the silkiness of her warm fur. Kissing her on the stomach, he lowered his head and licked the rounded curve below it. She shuddered a bit, pausing in stroking his mane. Nudging his nuzzle between her legs, he searched with his tongue until he found her opening. Moving it over her pussy, he worked his way into her, still thrusting into Dryn. Wiggling his tongue, he worked its full length into her. She nickered in pleasure, taking a handful of his mane. Slowly he worked up the speed of his thrusting on both ends, almost working Dryn into a frenzy. Pushing her hips against him, she gave a short yipp as she came. Aya's groin quivered shortly after, and she gave a loud whinny as she climaxed, taking tight hod of Baine's head. A moment, she looked down at him and weakly smiled. "Now I want to see you come," she half-whispered to him. Gently taking his head, she pulling it up until his chin was resting between her breasts, his neck pressed against her body. Baine shifted his arms to hold her back, and kneeled back until his butt was resting against his ankles. Dryn began rocking on him, offering him little friction, teasing once again. When she raised her hips, Baine repeatedly thrust into her, trying to close the space that was between them, until she sat back on him. He panted as this went on, his eyes locked in Aya's. She watched with as loving smile as his breathing grew faster, stroking the side of his head. He hoped Dryn would pull back again soon--the build-up was killing him...And as she did, he began heavily thrusting, trying to climax before she sat back down on him. His motions rocked Aya some, increasing her smile. Dryn sat back just as Baine thrust for the last time. He gasped loudly as he came, putting his seed into the vixen in heavy bursts. He sighed with every throb, until he stilled, eyes still locked with Aya's. She combed her hand through his mane again, then against his face, with that same smile on hers. She kissed him on the nose. "You're quite cute when you come, you know." It was awhile before any of them moved. Later, as they all finished drying from another bath, Baine handed Aya her panties. "My place later for coffee?," he asked, as the clothing changed hands. "Goldger's?," she asked. She stood and pulled her panties back up, and handed Baine his groin piece. "Of course." He took it and likewise began to dress. She smiled. "I'd be glad to." Baine smiled back, emerald eyes sparkling. *to be continued...* FoxxFire