FoxxFire Roy VK Crump "What attracted my attention was the spooge; what kept it was the talent." is what I'd say if I was trying to flatter you. (And since I did just say it, well, .) I have a slight problem, that I believe you might be able to help me with. It comes in 3 parts: 1) I have less artistic talent than a brick. (I know at least two very artistic bricks...) 2) Effectively, I have no money to commission artwork. (My bank account stands at less than C$600, I am perpetually unemployed, and have applied for a C$3000 student loan.) 3) I have myriads of strange and wondrous, and more than a few ordinary but strong images flying about in my mind, doing their best to express themselves somehow in reality. The problem has a fairly simple solution, however; the difficulty, as is so often the case, is in the application. As I mentioned slightly obliquely above, I like your artwork, both subject and style. My own talents lie with words, writing, and so forth. I believe that, if you're willing, our two mediums could be combined, enhancing both. If you're still reading, feel free to respond in whatever