SCFA - Michael Higgs (Patrick, Jerry, Michael)

Michael Higgs (Patrick, Jerry, Michael)

Homepage: None
Info about this artist: None

Total images: 39

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aa-tanya.jpg    604x766    07/25/97   
Tanya got one look at Ken Singshow's "Anthropomorphic Android Amazons" and decided she wanted to join up!

ally01.jpg    610x787    07/21/97   
Here she is in all her nine-foot tall glory (amoungst other things!) Alyssa_Monroe from FurryMUCK. Give her a yell sometime. :)

badkitty.gif    608x784    07/14/97   
part of my Furry Gals with Guns portfolio that never got finished.

brea01.jpg    448x597    07/15/97   
A little vixen I played in a Star Wars RPG over the winter.

brea02.jpg    680x530    07/16/97   
Another of cute lil' Brea from the Star Wars RPG. :)

cindy01.jpg    604x766    07/25/97   
Aint' those chubby little vixens just so ky00te?? (folksm can you see a pattern emerging here?)

connie1.jpg    548x868    09/18/97   
Connie here is a bunny femme that follows my passion for the soft and round female figure. :)

denise.gif    608x784    07/14/97   
Denise poses for all onlookers, and hopes maybe one will give her a hug? :) Soon to be in color. :)

emily-mh.jpg    392x603    07/24/97   
Emily the ky00te rat from NIMHmuck! :)

fatruby1.jpg    322x640    07/16/97   
Looks like this bunny has had a few too many hunks of carrot-cake! Ruby is copyright Andrew Thompson.

flutter.gif    608x784    07/15/97   
This is a piece I did for Paul Kidd a few years back while he was writing his book "Whisper of Wings". Art copyright me, Zhukora is copyright Paul Kidd

foxhug.jpg    568x775    10/21/97   
Jerry here misses being with his little friends too, so he just had to give his little friend Sinko a big hug. :) Jerry copyright Michael Higgs, Sinko copyright Ken Singshow

foxwing1.jpg    320x514    09/18/97   
Foxwing here is a really nice little bat-bat I met a while back. She asked me to do a picture of her, and I couldn't resist! I'd never drawn a bat before! :)

gunskunk.gif    608x784    07/14/97   
part of my Furry Gals with Guns portfolio again. Maybe I might finish it someday.

hoku.jpg    766x604    07/25/97   
For my buddy on FurToonia, Hoku! Don't worry buddy, I'll be back very soon! Keep smiling, because you're much prettier that way. :)

jvel.gif    480x751    07/14/97   
J'vel here is a really cute little arctic fox vixen from Furtoonia. Give her a hug sometime! :) J'vel is copyright her player.

jvel2.jpg    258x320    07/24/97   
Another picture of that incredibly cute little arctic vixen in a bikini. :)

karen.jpg    434x711    07/14/97   
Karen is a cute lil bunny I play in an RPG game. She's a really cute little thing, all snuggly and plump. :) Art and character copyright Michael Higgs.

kenjry01.jpg    402x631    07/16/97   
My own reply to Ken's drawing of our NIMHmuck characters, Sinken and Jerry. The best of buddies! Sinken copyright Ken Singshow.

kitty01.jpg    422x646    07/25/97   
Well, don't let it be said that I only draw short, chubby vixen girls. :) This one is for K'purra! :)

lilvixn1.jpg    600x793    08/01/97   
She's small, she loves to cuddle, and she's got a great big gun!

linna.gif    608x784    07/15/97   
A little mouse I created a while back.

lost.jpg    248x357    09/18/97   
This illustration reflects the way I felt upon moving from the north down to the sunny south...completely lost without my road atlas. :P

mh-hbopp.gif    768x1000    07/15/97   
I was feeling really nice, and drew this lil picture of our favourite Sheboygan! hedgehoggette. :) Haley is copyrighted her player.

mh-sue01.jpg    402x631    07/16/97   
Ken Sinshow's Sue-cahn! Isn't she just the most adorable skunk in the whole wide world! Hubba-hubba!

mh-tanya.jpg    484x594    07/21/97   
Tanya here is new, and looks like she's heading for the pool first thing. :)

mh-trixi.jpg    336x701    07/16/97   
A picture of Trixilop for my friend. :) Trixi is copyrighted her player. :)

mike02.jpg    260x409    07/23/97   
Here I am RL! :) The best way to take this picture was to stand in front of a mirror with the camera. Scary thing, aint' I? >:)

mikefox.jpg    516x695    07/21/97   
This is Michael from Furrymuck. Basically a furry characature of myself.

missyou.jpg    496x566    07/24/97   
A picture I did for my dear friend Hoku from FurToonia. Hoku is my bestest buddy in the whole wide world, and I'll miss her and all my other friends while I am offline.

prissy.jpg    566x732    07/24/97   
Another in the line of cute, short plump vixens. :) She's sitting on a regular-sized bed pillow, so you can tell she's a little thing. Perfect for snuggling! :)

prom.gif    608x784    07/14/97   
One of my classic foxtaurs, all dressed for her Senior Prom.

softfox.jpg    566x784    07/24/97   
A cute little plump vixen. Isn't she just so wonderfully cute! Perfect to snuggle with! :)

splash.jpg    568x714    07/21/97   
A pretty little overweight vixen splashes through the wet sand on the beach. Brings all manner of thoughts to my head too..I *like* chubby girls. :)

tiffi-c.jpg    560x652    09/18/97   
A color version of my little vixen Tiffanni. :)

tiffi01.jpg    542x621    07/25/97   
Here's that wonderfully sweet little vixen Tiffanni from FurryMuck! Tiffanni is copyright me! :)

tiffsit.jpg    506x658    09/18/97   
A sketch of little Tiffanni again, sitting and relaxing in her favorite clothes.

tightfit.jpg    768x1001    08/01/97   
When your a mouse that stands nearly seven feet tall, and built like anything to boot, those narrow doors can really be a tight fit!! Tia is copyright Me! :)

zada01.jpg    500x594    07/21/97   
Who says fat vixens can't be sexy? Zada here is 350 pounds of pure cuddlin' fun! Just ask her! Zada is Copyrighted (with a trademark pending) of Michael Higgs.

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