"If you are lucky enaugh to view a red fox standing in the sun against a pristine snowscape, you are viewing the beau ideal of the animal world" > Leonard Lee Rue III


to the home of furry high technology. Welcome, to KYO'S NU WORLD!

(All artwork is completely handcrafted. No use of any computer asisstance)

The Kyonation portfolio is at stage. Check out thus (diz) link.



>Tough she is a virgin, Nui likes to show her rear. But still one question remains : "Would you mary me ?"



>So innocent in youth....actually thus is a wedding-shot. She just can't stand anymore ...It seems, he doesn't get the situation right yet.

"Smile to me"


>At last...Thus is a good example for commission artwork, because: A)It doesn't show a vulpine (*grin*), B)the original painting is much smaller than the other ones.



>Don't ask...just call it "performance art" !


Because I am working on the "White Tailtips" spoogefolio, the update ratio here will slow down seriously.


Click here for the classics...


Enjoy my RL interactive portrait, done by Chama the capefox... just CLICK


Erf...comissions and laserprints:

No race limitations there!! Everything IS possible. Full range, starting from cute stuff, ending up with the heaviest imaginable spooge. Only one restriction: No hard homophile erotica.


Mail me at Kyo@tigress.com



The following links are brought to you by my favourite fox kit Matt Wilkerson:

Vulpes Velox or Fox Information. Quite interesting: Some bad news but enjoying stuff too! Just try Adam's Fox Box II. Lot's of cool information, poems and misc stuff. Great link!

The League against cruel sport is up here. Give'm a try!



...you did it...home to Tigress.com

Kyo wishes to give AY BIIIG CREDIT to tigress.com. Your'e a really nice feline, Coug' !