Current directory is /pub/Images/Ken-Stone

Ken Stone can be contacted at

Home pages are:-
Catgirl Paradise
Catgirl Paradise features furry type art, mostly cat and fox girls, and the fiction behind the images. A lot of the images at Catgirl paradise are lower resolution copies of those in this directory.
Australian Miniature horses and Ponies
Have a look at some of the tiny real life ponies that have inspired some of my art. There's even a picture of me and a tiny filly that isn't quite as high as my knees!

Copyright information:

Original images and characters are copyright 1981-1997 by Ken Stone.

Images may be downloaded/printed for personal non-commercial archival and enjoyment. Any use on other FTP sites, WWW pages, CDROM collections etc require the permission of the artist.
My original characters including but not limited to Rana, Niko, Nikki, Mei-Ling, Raff, Fern and the five "Deer Little Things" may not be used in other art without permission.
Copyright information is encoded in the headers of my .jpg files, so please do not resave or convert them to another format.

Please note! It is possible that not all images in this directory are listed in this index file.

Painter 4.03 has been used on a lot of these images. Images described as being painted in inks, watercolor or oils are likely to have been done with the simulated equivalent in Painter. Images done with pencils are done with the real thing!

Up to higher level directory
README - 556 bytes. Jun 17 1996

a_title.jpg - 71 Kb. Oct 30 1996
One of the "deer little things" writing on a frosty window.

alby.gif - 28 Kb. Jun 26 1996
A small anthro cat appearing out of a drain with a bunch of keys. B&W

alicia10.jpg - 95 Kb. Dec 23 1996
Two cyborgs taken from my (unfinished) novel 'A Bright Future', Alicia and her boyfriend Hero. What? You can't see Hero? She's lying on him...

angel00.jpg - 23 Kb. Jul 27 1996
"Angel" Kasumi. The first picture I drew of "Angel" from my fantasy fiction. I also made a model of her in this pose. She is an advanced though very old combat cyborg. Of all things, she was a derivative of Niko, inspired by the "Bolo" series of short stories. B&W

angel01a.jpg - 40 Kb. Jul 27 1996
This is a picture of "Angel" Kasumi, and the fairy Lambda Heather, from my fantasy story. Colored pencil.

angel02.jpg - 167 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Niko, as the "Angel of Cyberspace", about to hit Arasaka, from the final moments of my cyberpunk novel "Puma". Apart from a pencil outline, this was done entirely in Photoshop. Puma is available online from Catgirl Paradise.

angel03.jpg - 36 Kb. Jul 23 1996
Kasumi, and the fairy Lambda Heather, from my fantasy story. B&W sketch. This is one of those pictures that deserved to be finished, but somehow never got there.

awesome0.jpg - 178 Kb. Sep 08 1996
Awesome the world's littlest horse at his Apple computer, creating his web pages. (Apples taste better!)
You can visit his pages at Awesome & Friends
© Awesome is copyright of Steve Ricci.
Based on an idea by Steve Ricci.

awesome1.jpg - 83 Kb. Dec 19 1996
"Target lock acquired." Awesome eye's up the vet's bum with the syringe he has stolen.
Based on an idea by Steve Ricci.

awesome2.jpg - 98 Kb. Oct 05 1996
Awesome the world's littlest horse trying to convince the city dog catcher that he's a horse and not a dog!
"But I'm not a dog! I am a horse! Honest!"
Based on an idea by Steve Ricci.

aya00f.jpg - 90 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Aya, and adolescent girl in black bustier, shorts and tights, with feline ears and persian tail. This is a "furry" variation of aya00.jpg. "Photo-realistic" style.

cat_wing.jpg - 66 Kb. Jun 30 1996
A grey female anthro cat, in halter and shorts, lying on the wing of an old war plane. "Photo-realistic" style.

catitude.jpg 71 Kb. Jun 27 1996
"Cattitude" - A female furry feline with an attitude! Amazing background. "Photo-realistic" style.

cat_02.jpg - 50 Kb. Jul 04 1996
A grey female anthro cat sitting, in halter and shorts, with an industrial background. "Photo-realistic" style.

cat_03.jpg 54 Kb. Oct 19 1996
A female furry feline in satin.

cat_04.jpg 100 Kb. Nov 15 1996
A pair of feline furries at the beach, one golden, standing, the other black and lying under a beach umbrella.

cat_05.jpg 159 Kb. Dec 8 1996
Catgirl for Christmas. A "cute" style catgirl posed among Christmas decorations.

cat_06.jpg 103 Kb. Dec 16 1996
"I'm still not telling..." A cyborg catgirl, strung up and worked over, but determined not to talk. Photorealistic in style, combining scans, Painter and Photoshop art, this is definitely not one for the kids.

cat_07.jpg 118 Kb. Dec 22 1996
An elf-like blonde catgirl.

cat_08.jpg 125 Kb. Dec 28 1996
Who wouldn't like to come home to this after a hard day's work? A black catgirl relaxing on a matress and pillows.

cat_09.jpg 122 Kb. Dec 27 1996
Never go to a friend for repairs. One hoof, one hand and four wheels, this catgirl will be jaded for a while. Another wholesome piece inspired by watching children's cartoons...

cat_10.jpg 85 Kb. Jan 01 1997
What a cheery note to start the new year... A catgirl slave who isn't fulfilling her master's wishes is taken to a back room for a little chemical attitude adjustment.

cat_11.jpg 130 Kb. Jan 06 1997
Isn't she Adorable! A young catgirl and miniature pony foal "Adorable". Adorable is only 16.75 inches tall at her withers, so she's really tiny. Visit the real Adorable's home page.

cat_12.jpg 115 Kb. Jan 25 1997
Two battered streetwarrior catgirls pause in a back alley.

cat_13.jpg 182 Kb. Mar 05 1997
Catgirl in black and white.

cat_14.jpg 230 Kb. Mar 11 1997
Another catgirl in black and white.

cat_15.jpg 117 Kb. Mar 16 1997
A catgirl inspired by a real life dancer.

cent001.jpg 70 Kb. Jul 09 1996
Calista, a centaur filly on crutches, with a broken leg. She's threatening retaliation on the next person to suggest she should be shot. "Photo-realistic" style.

cent002.jpg 74 Kb. Nov 05 1996
A darling little black yearling centaur filly.

cent003s.jpg 153 Kb. Nov 14 1996
The darling little black yearling centaur filly dressing.

cent004.jpg 184 Kb. Nov 18 1996
A spirited palomino centaur filly dressed in leather and standing in an ancient lava tube.

cent005.jpg 69 Kb. Nov 25 1996
Sandi and the Giant. A centaur filly and a giant sitting near a fire in the dark of evening.

cent005a.jpg 85 Kb. Nov 25 1996
Sandi and the Giant. A "making of" image showing the three basic steps used in creating cent005.jpg above.

cgdoll.jpg 76 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Catgirl doll. Start with 25 cent Japanese doll from flea-market. Clean, dress, photograph, scan, spend eight to ten hours of lunchtime using PhotoShop. Result - Cat eared doll. "Photo-realistic" style. (It turns out this doll is rare, and worth a fortune... go figure!)

cheeta00.jpg 60 Kb Aug 10 1996
Ghost and Cheeta. No, this isn't Niko, though it would seem her history is similar in many ways. Drawn at Dwight Lillibridge's request, Ghost and Cheeta were characters from a cyberpunk game in which he played. Sir William Benjamin Nostromo (Ghost) and Katrina Dawn (Cheeta). Painted with "oils" using Fractal Design Painter 4.

critter0.jpg 61 Kb. Sep 18 1996
A furry female in white beachwear standing on the bank of a river.

critter1.jpg 34 Kb. April 06 1997
A sweet furry female ready to party.

"Deer little things"

deer00.jpg 112 Kb. Jul 26 1996
Dawn, an anthro deer "a deer little thing" posing in sexy little number. One of five sisters.

deer01.jpg 116 Kb. Jul 28 1996
Bel, the family clutz puts her foot in it again - it being a bear trap - and still finds something to smile about.

deer02.jpg 85 Kb. Jul 28 1996
The oldest sister "Moon" sitting on a bar stool drinking. She's the black "sheep" of the family - she's also the black deer of the family!

deer03.jpg 78 Kb. Jul 31 1996
Yarolala "Lala", the mischievous sister contemplating how non-anthro deers must get about...

deer04.jpg 72 Kb. Aug 03 1996
Lala - "Now that could have gone better..." having blundered while skating.

deer05.jpg 70 Kb. Aug 04 1996
Moon in heels, leotard and flowing gown.

deer06.jpg 66 Kb. Aug 04 1996
Moon in heels, leotard and flowing gown, carrying the littlest sister Ilinga, who is mostly asleep.

deer07.jpg 91 Kb. Aug 08 1996
Moon in heels, leotard and flowing gown, having dressed little sister Ilinga in the same outfit.

deer08.jpg 170 Kb. Aug 12 1996
Raff the unicorn pony meets the very bouncy little deer, Ilinga.
Notable for being the first picture I drew using the wacom tablet and Painter instead of scanning in a pencil sketch. The previous picture (uni05) was the last one I used the pencils for. ever.

deer09.jpg 69 Kb. Aug 16 1996
Raff the unicorn pony and the little deer, Ilinga meet a very small miniature horse, only 18 inches high!
"He's even smaller than me!" says Raff.
"Awesome!" says Ilinga.
Awesome is a real horse. You can visit his pages at Awesome & Friends
© Awesome is copyright of Steve Ricci.

deer10.jpg 69 Kb. Aug 18 1996
Ilinga the little deer is kneeling behind a tiny miniature horse foal.

deer11.jpg 96 Kb. Aug 24 1996
Awesome, the world's littlest horse looking up at Ilinga the little deer, who is getting about on some stilts.

deer12.jpg 96 Kb. Aug 27 1996
Ilinga the little deer. "Fire dance"

deer13.jpg 96 Kb. Aug 29 1996
Ilinga the little deer walking in the snow, Awesome the little horse trying to follow.
"Lets go for a walk" she says... and now I'm stuck!

deer14.jpg 123 Kb. Sep 01 1996
Ilinga the little deer "horsing around" in fancy dress.

deer15.jpg 147 Kb. Sep 05 1996
Bel and Dawn dressed up, posing in front of some old farm buildings.

deer16.jpg 114 Kb. Sep 06 1996
Final Moments - A buck carrying his doe, fatally wounded by a hunter.

deer17.jpg 75 Kb. Sep 08 1996
Ilinga the little deer is lying on the grass, looking at a tiny miniature horse foal.

deer18.jpg 124 Kb. Sep 10 1996
Guess who's back... well, sort of.... An orange haired deer angel.

deer19.jpg 81 Kb. Sep 11 1996
A quickie I drew when I spat the dummy at win"doe"s 95. Everything worked once... under win 3.1, but now do you think I can get it to go?? Not likely.

deer20.jpg 91 Kb. Sep 14 1996
Lala having her ear chewed by a mini horse. "How long will he live? Oh, about another five seconds..."

deer21.jpg 46 Kb. Oct 05 1996
With foaling season close at hand, I've been working extra hours at the office so I can take some time off when I need it. Getting up at 5:40 in the morning doesn't impress poor Lala much either!

deer22.jpg 46 Kb. Oct 26 1996
A head and shoulders shot of Yarolala.

deer23s.jpg 182 Kb. Oct 27 1996
Yarolala in the high country. She's wearing an Akubra hat, Driza bone coat, red bikini pants and crop top. This is a pencil sketch done entirely in Painter.

deer24.jpg 69 Kb. Nov 03 1996
Yarolala - summer evening. A "photo-realistic" pic of Yarolala sitting in the sea at low tide.

deer25.jpg 108 Kb. Dec 19 1996
Yarolala - "Stupid gig, but someone's got to do it!"
Yarolala, dressed for Christmas, is yoked to a certain red sled.

deer26.jpg 130 Kb. Jan 08 1997
A classic "photo pose" of Ilinga. No she's not that thin at the waist: the "photo" has been trimmed.

deer27.jpg 42 Kb. April 08 1997
Yarolala messing around on all fours again. Front view. Sunset colors behind her.

dhraider.jpg 90 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Doll House Raider. This tiny catgirl would have to be a genius by her species standards just to be able to hold basic conversation, or even appreciate why clothes are worn.

elf.jpg 51 Kb. Aug 25 1996
A "water color" of a horned elf girl I drew to use as a mural on a radio controlled car.

fern00.jpg 14 Kb. Jun 13 1996
The first picture I drew of Fern as the squirrel girl from Tales from the Street #4 "Furries". She is only about two and a half feet tall, excluding her ears. The pic is drawn in anime style, but that is the way I envision her in the cyberpunk world of Tales of the Street. She is an actress in a fantasy series. Here she is pleading with Nikki and her friends (not pictured) to help her.
Hand drawn, but inspired by a pic from Fortune Quest by Natsumi Mukai of her Lobos tribe princess from "Home where the Tsumire Flowers Blossom".

fern02.jpg 24 Kb. Jun 13 1996
Fern in streetwear. Okay, so when she's not acting, what does she wear? Her fantasy outfit? No!
She's wearing a halter top, jacket and shorts, armband and gloves, and a tiny pair of boots. Her arms are held in front of her chest in a pose that seems common to members of the Lobos tribe.
This picture was originally drawn to produce a Kiss paperdoll.

fern_c00.jpg 22 Kb. Jul 06 1996
This is the original Fern, a centaur filly, drawn back in 1981. Needless to say, my art has improved since then. Side view.

fern_c01.jpg 26 Kb. Jul 06 1996
Another pic of Fern, the centaur filly, from back in 1981. Side view.

fern_c02.jpg 28 Kb. Jul 06 1996
Another pic of Fern, the centaur filly, from back in 1981. Front view.

fern_c03.jpg 15 Kb. Jul 06 1996
Another pic of Fern, the centaur filly, from back in 1981. Front view.

filly00.jpg 148 Kb. Sep 05 1996
A beautiful pinto filly morph leaning on a picnic table.

filly01.jpg 21 Kb. Sep 20 1996
A little filly foal holding a flower.

filly02.jpg 49 Kb. Sep 23 1996
"Will I grow up to be like you?" A little anthro foal asks a non anthro filly.

filly03.jpg 102 Kb. Oct 07 1996
A ponygirl running (galloping?) free in the hills. (Looks human, but with pony ears and tail)

filly04.jpg 149 Kb. Oct 13 1996
The ponygirl face on, on all fours. (Looks human, but with pony ears and tail)

filly05.jpg 68 Kb. Nov 28 1996
"Almost". Dancer stares at the tranq dart that has just ended her bid for freedom.

filly06.jpg 76 Kb. Dec 11 1996
Dancer in the morning.
I was requested to draw a front on picture of Dancer, so I did, though I'm sure is was NOT what what the fellow had in mind :)

filly07.jpg 77 Kb. Jan 28 1997
An anthro version of Antoinette a real life pony.

filly08.jpg 92 Kb. Feb 06 1997
Get well Gypsy Rose. Drawn after the real life Gypsy Rose was attacked by a dog.

filly10.jpg 99 Kb. Mar 27 1997
The real life Dancer looks so beautiful with the wind blowing through her mane that I drew an anthro version of her with the wind blowing through her hair.

filly11.jpg 89 Kb. April 11 1997
My little pony? No, this is "Adorable". My little pony is a chestnut!


fox_00.jpg 72 Kb. Mar 22 1997
Fox hunts aren't much fun when you're the fox. Wounded Delicia hides out in a warehouse.

fox_01.jpg 85 Kb. May 11 1997
Foxy Delicia in denim. Head/shoulders.

fox_02d.jpg 176 Kb. April 19 1997
Delicia in denim, wet and wounded, well, broken... Someone will have to re-attach that arm.

fox_02n.jpg 169 Kb. April 19 1997
As above, though less the denim. Naked and knee deep in water.

fox_04.jpg 308 Kb. May 27 1997
Delicia striking a pose. Skin tight metallic and lace outfit.
To quote Brian :-
"You're trying to give this poor old unicorn heart failure, right? :)"

giantgrl.jpg 48 Kb. Jul 06 1996
A giant warrior girl with a human girl in her hand. Drawn in '87.

girl01.jpg 61 Kb. Dec 24 1996
I found this in among my old sketches and colored it in Painter. Probably drawn late '80s.

horse00.jpg 47 Kb. Oct 27 1996
A cartoony horse that took all of a few minutes to draw, but I thought was so effective I kept it.

horse01.jpg 50 Kb. May 01 1997
First in a series of coversational pieces of SCFA between "Horse" and other SCFA members.

horse02.jpg 54 Kb. May 04 1997
Second in a series of coversational pieces of SCFA between "Horse" and other SCFA members.

horse02.jpg 38 Kb. May 11 1997
Horse and his filly foal sister, who thinks she's an artist.

kim00.jpg 126Kb. Aug 25 1996
Kimberley May, the Eco-Terrorists' mascot. This is another character I played in a game run by a friend. The name was chosen deliberately to make people think "haven't I heard of you before?" This was because in the game, she was a well known corporate executive who was hiding out in the midst of the enemy. (The enemy from the corporation's point of view anyway.)
Kimberley is dressed in a short skirt and top, sitting at the foot of a tree.

kim01.jpg 89Kb. Aug 25 1996
Corporate Kimberley! Kimberley looking good in a business suit. This was traced from the image below(kim02.jpg), the pose altered slightly, the hair redone, and the clothes made somewhat more business like. Amazing what a difference it makes isn't it?
The stained glass background was done with Painter 4.

kim02.jpg 131Kb. Aug 25 1996
Kimberley, at four feet six inches high, has no problem passing as a child. Here she is standing near a tree in outback Australia, around sunset. Entirely colored with pencil.

kimi_01.jpg 87Kb. Dec 24 1996
The cover of "Who Is Kim?", featuring on the left Andrew, center Kim herself, and to the right Tiko. (incorrectly labelled as "three from orange road" on the venice ftp site.) "Who Is Kim?" was a parody highschool fantasy novel I wrote in the late eighties. This was painted using traditional cel techniques.

kitty01.jpg 80 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Disaster! On waking, Kitty mistakes Mouse-chan for breakfast in bed!
A new twist on an old picture. Kitty was drawn years ago. Picture was colored and Mouse-chan added 18 Feb 1996.

ks_gwen0.jpg 35Kb. May 13 1997
Wendy Rice's character "Gwendel". Copyright Wendy Rice, of course.

lambda.jpg 153 Kb. Dec 28 1996
This is Lambda Heather, Angel Kasumi's companion, drawn as always intended - a tiny fairy. She also guest appeared as a full sized human with fairy modifications in "Puma".

lambda01.jpg 105 Kb. Feb 25 1997
Another picture of Lambda Heather the fairy.

mainie00.jpg 35 Kb. Sep 05 1996
Mian's daughter Mainie at 14. Wearing Tshirt and miniskirt. The first pic of Mainie as she was actually played in the CyberGeneration game. Her fox ears are actually prosthetic, rather than surgically attached like her mother's. The yo-yo is her weapon of choice, made out of a solid chunk of brass.

mainie01.jpg 101 Kb. Nov 19 1996
Mainie is on Mian's Bermuda trike, with Shade standing behind her. The Bermuda as described in Cyberpunk 2020 was redesigned to be more like the Garland from early Megazone 23. This was originally done as a possible cover for Genesis, though it was never used. It has been colored since.

mainie06.jpg 67 Kb. Dec 24 1996
Mainie and her boyfriend Shaggy, running away. Hurriedly dressed, and a lot "older" than she was half an hour ago. Shaggy is sitting by the road crying, waiting in hope for Mainie. She has just shuffled up, and dropped her bag. As the originally was too faint to be properly scanned, this has been retouched in Painter.

mainie0f.jpg 47 Kb. Oct 16 1996
A furrified version of the mainie01.

manami02.jpg 83 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Manami "Mana" Maigo. This is Mana taken directly from Puma, again posing as Alicia Celain. Dressed in a coat an leopard skin patterned bikini. This was drawn Feb '96 and took a week to color. The background is a modified photo.

manami2f.jpg 61 Kb. Oct 16 1996
The image as above, except that Mana has been given a full fox conversion.

marmi_00.jpg 24 Kb. Jun 13 1996
Cyber-kitten Marmi in a corridor of her spaceship. "Photo-realistic" style, combining real-life textures and photoshop art.
Marmi is a space going cat that has been trasferred into a humanoid cyber frame. She is only about two feet tall.

marmi_01.jpg 28 Kb. Jun 13 1996
Marmi caught cuddling her new child, a kitten. A combination of photoshop and pencil art.

marmi_02.jpg 45 Kb. Oct 13 1996
Based on marmi_00.jpg, but somewhat more furry :)

Rana "Mian" De-mahn

Mian was a character from a long running cyberpunk campain. Basically, she was a very pretty, but unbalanced police woman with an elite highway intercept & undercover squad. She had enough rank to usually end up second in charge to an incompetent desk jockey who always got wounded at critical times, leaving Mian in charge of trying to get the squad out of the mess alive.

Mian's name is actually Rana De-mahn, which is why some of the images call her Rana rather than Mian. Where does Rana's nickname Mian come from? Manabe's manga character, of course. This was because Rana had red hair and a tail, like Manabe's character.

Those who are interested may look at Mian's stats, which are on line as part of the Character Lineup of the Cyberpunk 2020 Web Archive.

These images, and those of Shadow were inspired by events in the game. Mian also featured in a couple of "Tales from the Street" short stories.

mian_001.jpg 59 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Mian in a fighting pose, with knife and pistol. This is Mian in disguise. After a little undercover trouble, Mian dyed her hair and tail black, adjusted her skin to look more Asian, and wore dark brown contact lenses. Being quarter Korean already, the disguise works well. She calls herself "Manami Kitsune". She was posing as an exotic dancer, with Shadow, the cat-girl as her partner.

mian_003.jpg 46 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Mian, still in disguise. Leaning against bar. She is wearing an asymmetrical pink blouse/skirt combo. Her shoes are practical flat soled shoes.

mian_004.jpg 24 Kb. Jul 27 1996
Mian, kneeling, running her hands through her hair. I was never happy with how I colored her, so I never finished the image. This is the original b&w sketch.

mian_005.jpg 72 Kb. Jun 30 1996
In stockings, short shorts & singlet. Mian in space! (zero G) The team went up to Crystal Palace, an orbiting space habitat. This is why she is wearing shorts and has her hair tied. This image was published in "Genesis", a Melbourne base gaming magazine. Of note is that she has four ears! Her real pair, which she usually hides under her hair are visible, as are her cosmetic fox ears.

mian_006.jpg 44 Kb. Jul 04 1996
Mian, back on earth! Mian enjoying a sunset back from space. Dressed in shorts & singlet.

mian_007.jpg 69 Kb. Jun 30 1996
A close up of Mian's face. Some of her black hair dye has washed out, leaving streaks of orange though her hair. Almost a "sepia photo".

mian_009.jpg 64 Kb. Jul 07 1996
Mian, her orange hair swept forward over her shoulder, tied with a piece of red cloth. She has a blanket pulled around her shoulders, and is holding it at the front. A sunrise shows behind her.

mian_011.jpg 51 Kb. Jul 07 1996
Mian in black stockings, miniskirt & jumper. Also a pose from a swim-suit photo. She actually dressed like this on a mid winter morning to get the attention of Peter "Whisper" Wilkinson, who she had met on the mission that took her into space.

mian_012.jpg 47 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Mian, lying back against tree, stretching. Miniskirt & jumper. Also a swim-suit pose. Still chasing Whisper! (Just got a set of 72 Derwents) The background photo was taken on Phillip Island.

mian_013.jpg 128 Kb. Aug 25 1996
Happiness is ... Mian hugging the barrel section of her new six pack rotary gun (gatling). It is both illegal, and very expensive to feed. She keeps it in her police station locker. (Something the G.M forgot when he blew up the boarding house the squad were staying at in a deliberate attempt to separate the girls from their guns.)

mian_014.jpg 44 Kb. Jun 24 1996
Rana De-mahn in loose blouse & split skirt. Classy. subtly sexy. This was after she took a whole day to dress herself for her first date with Whisper. It worked too! This image was also published in Genesis. Inspiration struck while I was drawing another pic, so I put the other aside to do this one. During game play, the following session, when I presented the GM with the pic and said "This is how she dresses", I was awarded a nice chunk of IP (improvement points) for the character.

mian_015.jpg 62 Kb. Dec 24 1996
Mian sitting in her hammock wearing only a t-shirt. Due to trauma from an earlier car accident, Mian found she could sleep a lot better if she slept in a hammock. The t-shirt bears the words "Endangered Species". Mian painted the words on the shirt herself, only to be shot while wearing it for the first time. This is the bullet hole on the chest. This image was started before mian_014, but finished later, so is actually out of sequence.

mian_016.jpg 58 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Mian in only her underwear, sitting on a bed. Probably at a motel with Whisper. Pic was inspired by an image in "Sailor Moon" comic.

mian_018.jpg 46 Kb. Sep 1 1996
Exotic girl Mian & boyfriend, in formal wear. I like Mian here. Just got a new set of pencils, so I was experimenting a little, though the bulk of the image was drawn with the Derwents. The guy is supposed to be Whisper, based on a one-line description of him given by the GM. After seeing the pic, he went to a great deal more effort describing the guy, so I'd draw someone who looked more like what he was imagining.

mian_019.jpg 61 Kb. Jun 24 1996
Mian crying, one strap of her top falling off her shoulder. This was a quickie I did with the new pencils. It was based on a Manabe style pic of the original Rana De-mahn, who was actually a character in an anthropomorphic comic strip I drew.

mian_020.jpg 73 Kb. Aug 29 1996
Mian drawing a pic of Mian! Viewed from side. Spent my birthday drawing this one, with the new pencils. I was sitting at the corner of a friend's table, waiting for the "surprise" introduction of my character "Niko" into the game he was running. The intro came five minutes before the end of the session.

mian_021.jpg 133 Kb. Nov 14 1996
Whisper and Mian. Whisper, drawn more like the GM imagined, complete with the "Basil Brush" netrunner T-shirt, painted for him by Mian. Mian is snuggling up to him. It took two attempts before I was happy with her pose. The thing she is sitting on is the rear of her XJ220 styled police interceptor.

mian_022.jpg 48 Kb. Nov 14 1996
Mian, crouching, ready for action. Tanktop, miniskirt. Experimenting with some "neon" pencils. Not really that happy with this one.

mian_023.jpg 54 Kb. Aug 27 1996
Fox eared girl Mian, in denim. Holding a baby. This is a scene ripped straight out of the game. Mian found the baby abandoned in a park while walking home through the combat zone in the dark with Shadow, who had been wounded. This was one the best sessions I ever played.

mian_024.jpg 53 Kb. Sep 1 1996
Mian.. "not exactly dressed for the occasion." Mian, wet, wearing just a towel. Described by the GM as capturing Mian's attitude beautifully. Something in the game inspired it, though I don't remember what. Perhaps Whisper dragging her into the shower fully clothed.

mian_025.jpg 35 Kb. Aug 27 1996
Mian wearing a Chinese dress. This was Mian's formal outfit, for an embassy function for royal Japanese personages. Being part Asian, Mian loves to dress Asian, and being part of the special guard, she had no problem getting in with the sword across her back. Most of the others in the squad ended up having to wear their uniforms.
Inspired by a pic of Yuri drawn by Warren Adams.

mian_026.jpg 44 Kb. Jun 24 1996
Exotic girl Mian in skimpy outfit. Very sexy. Could you resist this??? This was when the squad was on U.N. duty in Africa. Whisper went and bought himself a classic "white hunter" outfit, so Mian raced off and dressed herself in her tigerskin leotard (from her exotic dancer disguise) and a mini skirt.

mian_027.jpg 68 Kb. Sep 1 1996
Exotic girl in skimpy dance outfit, with collar and leash. Very sexy! Still in Africa. Mian dresses like this for a UN dance, complete with collar and leash. Playing on the theme of her fox-ear, fox-tail mods. Based on a pic of Kate Bush.

mian_028.jpg 83 Kb. Sep 1 1996
Exotic girl Mian and her brat Marianna "Mainie" when she was seven. This one is really out of sequence. The Cybergeneration game started not long after this, so this was a concept pic of Mainie. I quite like this one, despite its faults. Mian does look that little bit older.

mian_029.jpg 37 Kb. Aug 29 1996
Exotic girl Mian in an outfit "borrowed" from Creamy Mami. Inspired by a pic of Creamy Mami. The funny thing was when I finished it, it reminded me of a pic I had published in an electronics mag back in the early eighties.

mian_030.jpg 39 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Miniature Mian with her mini-skirt caught up on her tail. SD (super deformed) pic, inspired by a pic of Yayoi the cat girl.

mian_031.jpg 107 Kb. Aug 29 1996
Whisper carrying exotic girl Mian across his shoulders. This one worked really well. The inspiration also came from an Akemi Takada artbook. Based on a promo pic for "Urban Square", an animated thriller.

mian_032.jpg 48 Kb. Aug 29 1996
Mian in bathers, stretching. Sexy. Another Akemi Takada inspired piece, based on a sketch of Madoka.

mian_033.jpg 49 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Mian on crutches. So much for parachuting. Singlet and shorts. This was after the intercept squad was shot out of the sky in an Antinov while in Africa. Lots of fun. Mian was lame for ages.

mian_034.jpg 84 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Exotic girl Mian & boyfriend. This pic took 2 weeks to draw! Another "Urban Square" promo piece provided the inspiration for this one.

mian_035.jpg 52 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Very nice picture of the fox eared girl's face. The inspiration for this one is from a promo photo of a ceramic doll called "Raven".

mian_036.jpg 42 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Mian in bathers. In disguise again, trying to lose a hit squad that is hot on the squad's tail.

mian_037.jpg 23 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Mian, in t-shirt & shorts, making an "announcement". Sexy... perhaps a little too...? I am really happy with this image. Mian's cheeky attitude is nicely captured. Whisper is a little surprised though. Mainie is on the way. Mian discovers this while she is in orbit, which is not a good place...

mian_038.jpg 48 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Mian, dressed in bustier & Chinese style clothes. Another out of sequence image. This is Mian, in her Eurasian disguise, while chasing clues in Japan, just before going into space. She is pregnant, but doesn't know it yet. Just off her crutches. This was a "double disguise". Initially she was wearing a Chinese silk top, had her hair loose, and her brown contact lenses in, but suddenly finding she had follow someone who had already seen her, she made a few quick changes in an elevator. (Hair up, contacts out, and Chinese top off. A good thing she was wearing "displayable" underwear underneath!)

mian_040.jpg 36 Kb. Jun 22 1996
The fox eared girl in the kitchen. This is about fifteen years later, part of the Cybergen campaign.

mian_042.jpg 82 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Blast from the past! Drawn nearly a year after the previous pic of Mian. (Nov '94). This is a picture of Mian carrying Marianna, at five years old. Marianna has a bow in her hair, rather than the usual fox-ears. Both are in yellow crop tops and blue skirts. This was also partial inspiration for the "Tales from the Street" #5 "Shell Game" short story, which in the inital version was about a young girl in 2020, rather than the flashback to Mian's past. The photo background is from Birregurra.

mian_043.jpg 86 Kb. Jul 12 1996
Five years later... Drawn July 1996, this is Mian from her alternate "Tales from the Street" history. Set about five years after the final "Tales" story, and now sporting a pair of temporary cyberlegs, Mian is about to brief a set of replacements for her police squad on what wiped out the previous members. "Photo-realistic" style, combining real-life textures and photoshop art.

mian_044.jpg 55 Kb. Sep 05 1996
Bodacious babes in bikinis! Exotics, Mian & Shadow as the Dirty Pair!! This was a pic "drawn by Mian" during the original campaign. Pictured are herself and Shadow as the Dirty Pair (a close analogy). Shadow's gun has a "high explosive anti-Rabbit" grenade attached. Rabbit was the nickname of another squad member, who Shadow had managed to almost grenade in the previous session. Rabbit (drawn as a rabbit) is at the bottom of the page, scared. Ace, their immediate and incompetent superior also features at the bottom of the page (as a playing card with Mian's knife stabbed through her back). Mian had just managed shake up the rank order with a letter of complaint. Sure, Ace came out in charge, still, but Mian was now in a pretty senior position herself.

mian_f28.jpg 153 Kb. Oct 19 1996
Exotic girl Mian and her brat Mainie "off the leash". This is a closeup of the two, both converted to full furries. It was based on mian_028.jpg above.

mitzi00f.gif 68 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Pencil sketch of Terri, a non-anthro cat-girl, and Mitzi an anthro mouse girl.

mitzi00f.jpg 112 Kb. Jun 29 1996
Terri, a non-anthro cat-girl, and Mitzi an anthro mouse girl. Final image, with both inside a cage. "Photo-realistic" style, combining real-life textures and photoshop art.

neka00.jpg 36 Kb. Jun 22 1996
One of my rare commissions. This is Neka, the mascot of an Anime magazine, drawn nude, kneeling on the beach.

nikki00a.jpg 38 Kb. Jun 23 1996
From an as yet unreleased "Tales from the Street" story. Nikki in an abreviated blouse/skirt combination of a peachy-pink color. Nikki is on all fours, being "cattish", though her legs are really a little too long for her to move about this way.

nikki03.jpg 43 Kb. Aug 12 1996
Summer night. Nikki in an abreviated blouse/skirt combination. When I drew this pic I pictured Nikki climbing onto a tram/trolley-car.

nikki04.jpg 72 Kb. Sep 16 1996
Nikki is leaning against a beautiful brown miniature horse. Painted in inks.

nikki9.gif 19 Kb. Jun 25 1996
This is Nikki from the "Kiss" paperdoll program. She is pretty much my mascot and appears frequently on my home pages.

Niko, from Puma.

niko00.jpg 19 Kb. Jul 27 1996
One of the first pictures I drew of Niko, back from her origins in "Puma mk9".

niko00a.jpg 23 Kb. Jul 27 1996
Niko, waiting for Dyne. A concept pic from the revised "Puma" story.

niko01.jpg 29 Kb. Jul 27 1996
One of the first pictures I drew of Niko, back from her origins in "Puma mk9". The car in the background became the nomads' crane in "Puma".

niko02.jpg 91 Kb. Oct 19 1996
Cat eared girl Niko. On all fours. A pic of Niko based on a swim-suit picture. At this point, Niko was a partially formed fictional character (Puma). With new sater color background.

niko02f.jpg 84 Kb. Oct 19 1996
This started out as the picture above, but Niko has been furrified, with full body fur and a tail.

niko03.jpg 24 Kb. Jun 25 1996
An exotic girl with a difference! What do you do when your cyberlegs don't work? This was drawn as a character introduction for Niko into a friends game.

niko05.jpg 42 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Exotic girl Niko leaning against a wall. Shorts, singlet & shirt. This was from the game. Niko pretending to be a trucker. Well, she was driving a big rig across the country at the time. At the start of the adventure, she didn't know how to drive a truck. By the end she was the only member of the team who was still viable. These were some really intense gaming sessions! Twelve to fourteen hours straight, then come back the following day for more! (note, this image is misnumbered. It should be Niko06.jpg)

niko07.jpg 149 Kb. Jul 14 1996
Awesome Pic of Niko in Aerobics gear with sunset background! The background was a sample rendered with the POV raytracer, the railings and Niko's shadow added with Photoshop after I had merged the pencil image with the graphics. Niko was drawn entirely with pencil and was not modified at all in the paint program, other than to blend her edges in with the background.

niko08.jpg 59 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Cat-eared Niko sort of wearing a China-mini. Full background. This is a pic of a rather broken Niko sitting on a rug in a warehouse. By this stage, the games had all stopped, and I was writing the Puma story again, so this is the Puma variant of Niko rather than the gaming one. This was a concept pic of poor Niko after she survives an aerodyne crash. Being a full conversion cyborg, she can survive some pretty horrific injuries. As it turned out, this scene never occurred in the story. Instead she is taken into a Cyberdoc's at an abandoned sewerage pumping station, stripped and examined. The warehouse was replaced with the sewerage pumping station in the story, and this is where the climax of the story takes place. If you want to see the pumping station for real, drop into "Steamworks" at the Science-Works the Melbourne science museum.

niko10.jpg 64 Kb. Aug 11 1996
Cat-girl Niko and the playbeing from "Puma". Niko is rather amused by the creature. The playbeing was a half-scale woman with an AI mind that behaved like a cat. The playbeing was actually the net- terminal Niko used to communicate with her boyfriend "Dyne" through the story. This was another concept shot. The playbeing is dressed this way by Dyne in the story, though it is arguable whether this scene ever occurs or not. Perhaps it does, just after the end.

niko11.jpg 44 Kb. Jun 24 1996
China Niko. Niko kneeling. Wearing Chinese dress & with a wild hairdo. I quite like the way this one turned out. It was drawn just for fun.

niko12.jpg 149 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Niko and five of the "Menagerie" girls from Puma. (this took a month to draw.) This is another Puma promo shot. Not enough of the girls survive to make this happy little group shot possible. Featured are Mainie with Anna sitting in front of her (borrowed from CyberGen), Candy "Bunny" Byron (original character for Puma), China (brunette cat-girl. original character for Puma), Lambda Heather (borrowed from the fantasy) and Niko Silk herself, lying in front of them. Niko's surname "Silk" is never actually mentioned in the story "Puma". The original Silk was a very cute grey kitten belonging to one of the gamers.

niko13.jpg 24 Kb. Jun 25 1996
A SD version of Niko as "The Angel of Cyberspace" from the closing chapters of Puma. This was drawn on dark blue paper with pencils, pastels and iridescent paint.

niko14.jpg 76 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Niko wearing a China-mini, hands above head stretching, a little of her underwear showing below her hem line. This is Niko, post "Puma" as described in the short story "Take Two" by Ken Stone and Evan Gibson. She could be described as innocently sexy.

niko15.jpg 78 Kb. Jun 25 1996
This scene is taken directly from Puma. Niko has just been helped from her prison by a pair of nomads. She is sitting on the back of their car. The picture was drawn Dec '95 specially for inclusion in the online version of Puma.

niko16.jpg 54 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Family snap. What if...? Some time after Puma, Dan and Nicola McLeod pose with their daughter Aya. This picture was drawn '96. Dan is the closest thing you will see to a self-portrait of me.

niko17.jpg 20 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Nicola "Niko" McLeod from "In Search of Neko", set some five years after Puma.

niko18.jpg 62 Kb. Jun 25 1996
A bullet in the head can be fatal. It's a good thing that's not where Niko keeps her brain!

niko19.jpg 40 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Having been "caught with her pants down" the night before, Niko dresses for bed. Described as looking like the "easter bunny" by a friend??!!

niko20.jpg 84 Kb. Jul 14 1996
An experimental water color of Niko done with Painter. Niko is lying on the floor.

niko22.jpg 146 Kb. May 17 1997
Niko in Cyberspace - which is dangerous for her - posing in a red China-mini.

peach00.jpg 29 Kb. Jul 06 1996
A pencil image of a girl's head, done with water-based pencils.

rana00.jpg 66 Kb. Jun 21 1996
Rana proposes to Colonel Travers from my furry comic. A combination of the original B&W and a later color sketch. Rana is fairly human looking fox-morph. Colonel Travers is a wolf-morph.

pony_tv.jpg 113 Kb. Nov 10 1996
Another piece of "art" made by combining scans of real-life junk and images created in painter. An old TV displaying images of Antoinette, both RL pony and centaur girl.

pony02.jpg 130 Kb. Sep 29 1996
This is best described as a piece of art, as distinct from a picture. It is of a pony standing in a creek, but is painted with a number of techniques and hints at dimention shifting.

rana03.jpg 74 Kb. Jun 21 1996
The cover of the furry comic. Rana and Colonel Travers, sunset and space transporter in the background.

rana04.jpg 72 Kb. Jun 21 1996
Rana De-mahn burning a flag.

rana05.jpg 43 Kb. Jun 21 1996
Rana De-mahn after being shot for her efforts.

rana06.jpg 54 Kb. Jun 21 1996
Little "Nekoids" bandage Rana's wound.

rana_de.jpg 58 Kb. Jul 27 1996
Rana drawn with blue hair and bat-wings.

rana_s.jpg 44 Kb. Jul 27 1996
Another sketch of Rana drawn with blue hair and bat-wings. (different pose)

rana_s.jpg 81 Kb. Dec 05 1996
"Not perfect, but close enough." A scarred roadwarrior catgirl dresses up for the evening. She is leaning on a low table, staring directly at you.

shade00.jpg 25 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Drawing of a girl trying to look alluring and succeeding. This was Mainie's friend Teresa "Shade" Martin-Tech. Played by the same guy that played her mother, Shadow in the Cyberpunk game.

shade01.jpg 34 Kb. Jun 25 1996
Ryu carrying Shade (who is wearing satin underwear and nothing else). Ryu is the son of Stormie, a girl from Puma. He also appeared in the CyberGen game. The picture was inspired by a photo of a biker standing there with his girl sitting on his arm, just like drawn here. Ryu has absolutely nothing to do with street fighter, and was named long before the game.

shadow01.jpg 51 Kb. Jul 21 1996
Exotic feline girl "Shadow". This was meant to be Shadow's outfit for the embassy do. In the end, she was forced to go in uniform. (Shadow was converted into a playbeing/sex toy against her will. When rescued by the police, she joined the force. The modifications, done with viral DNA splicing were not reversible. This is also part reason why her daughter Shade was born with a cat-tail.)

shadow03.jpg 39 Kb. Jun 22 1996
Exotic feline girl Shadow, "Gift-wrapped" in a bikini. I quite like the way this picture worked. Probably my favorite pic of Shadow. The story behind it is the girls from the intercept squad were trying to set Shadow up with the squad technician, so Mian got some drink into her, then "gift wrapped" her like this. In the pic Shadow, sitting cross legged on the floor, holds out her tail, onto which Mian has tied a nice big bow, and says "Mian... must you?"

shadow04.jpg 26 Kb. Jun 22 1996
The cat-girl gets married! Artistically the best pic I drew of Shadow. (her hair and tail tip had been dyed black to disguise her as a Siamese cat-girl.) An odd note is that the wedding occurred in space, on the orbital habitat.

silky00.jpg 36 Kb. Jul 27 1996
Goldman bandaging Silky after she had a run in with a thug. From my first furry comic. Both are meant to be mut-morphs.

soldiers.jpg 39 Kb. Jul 27 1996
A human male soldier carrying an injured elf female soldier shortly after the war between the races was over.

starlei.jpg 42 Kb. Jun 20 1996
This is a concept pic of Angel Kasumi's "daughter" Starlei, a fifteen year old hoshinoneko (star-cat). She is basically human, with a tail and a pair of huge ears (no prize for recognising where the ears came from).

uni00.jpg 62 Kb. Jul 16 1996
Young love... a pair of young unicorns.

uni01.jpg 62 Kb. Jul 18 1996
A charming female unicorn morph...

uni02.jpg 101 Kb. Jul 21 1996
Unicorns Mei-Ling and Raff discover a foreigner to their parts... The two unicorns, our young lovers from above, discover a leather clad morph lying unconscious at the base of some cliffs.

uni03.jpg 68 Kb. Jul 23 1996
Raff, the young unicorn standing next to injured female morph, who, stripped of her leather garments, is sitting on the unicorn's cart.

uni04.jpg 139 Kb. Aug 15 1996
Mei-Ling, the young unicorn pony in contemplation up on a wind swept ridge. This, though it looks like it was done with pencil and water colors was done entirely in Painter 4.0.

uni05.jpg 83 Kb. Aug 18 1996
Raff and Mei-Ling, the unicorn ponies, jumping a broken fence, while between them, Awesome the world's littlest horse runs under the fence, something he does regularly at the farm where he lives.

z_horse.jpg 36b. May 15 6
A man and his mouse. Well, actually, it's the artist and his pony "Mouse".