(WARNING! This story contains some adult scenes that is not appropriate for minors or weak minded adults (i.e.: anal fisting, macro & herpetophilia). Read at your own discretion.) Oh, the things some knights have to do for a living........ A Tale of Getting Under the Tail. By EK Goya (c)1998 Oh, the things I have to do for a living. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sedricc, a fox vassal to our lord, the king Theodore. One day he sent me on a knight's errand, a simple job really, a magic ring of great importance was stolen from his wizard by a ambitious knave who ran off to the nearby caves, where it is said that a dragon is supposed to exist. Very easy, for I don't believe in the like, so all I had to do was to find this upstart, and bring him home. With any luck, all he'll get is a good lashing. As for me, a huge reward, and a promotion. I don't personally know what's so special about this ring, but it obviously is important enough to send me. It was a great honor to accept this mission, and I shall not fail him. After carefully inquiring the local villagers about the whereabouts of my query, I soon learned that the locals ran him out of town after blabbing about his soon to be incredible powers, calling him a lunatic. His final words were, as I heard, "You all shall pay for your insolence! When I return, you will all bow down before me and call me Master!" He was a real lunatic. From there I proceeded to the cave where I was told he sought his retreat. Again, I heard more nonsense about this dragon. The dragon, a she-dragon, is a monstrous sort, large, hideous, a man-eater, you know the like. Nothing but common folk superstition, a gross exaggeration. When I asked if they've seen this creature, they said no, but have heard it through a friend, who've heard it through a friend, who've heard it through a friend. Idle gossip. So now here I am, at the foot of the cave, not knowing if I face a mad wizard wannabe, or a fire breathing dragon. From deep within the cave, I heard a strange moaning, not a man, but female voice, low, quiet, but not in fear or pain, but of pleasure. This I found very strange. After lighting a torch, I proceeded to enter, sword drawn. To my surprise, I found the latter, the she-dragon. This I saw with my own eyes, there she was pleasuring herself with what appears to be a femur, sliding the bone in and out of her sex, uttering soft noises of ecstasy, not noticing my presence. In embarrassment of this utter display of carnal sin, I awkwardly shielded my eyes, and upset a pile of bones. That was when she caught me. In a force of startlement, she flung her bone phallus with a wet "pop" far enough that it shattered when it hit the opposite wall. "What are you doing here!", she roared, "What do you want! Do you know the penalty for invading one's privacy? What is it you want of me!" What do I want? I want to stay alive, that's what. The dragoness was now only a few inches away from my face, and I can see her more clearly now. She was large, at least twice my size, her scales were emerald green with her belly scales of gold. She had a white mane and violet eyes that were now glaring at me in anger. She could smell my fear, and I know it. Her feminine reptilian body, now arced in aggression away from me was still showing the glistening of her vaginal fluids between her thighs. What should I do? In a blur of thought, I tried to remember what to do when confronted with a dragon. Flattery? Was that it? Quickly, I tried to conjure up something that would stave my inevitable demise. " Uh, uh, I beg your pardon........I.....I, .......I didn't mean to intrude on your.............um..........uh............activity..........bu.......but..........I am searching for......a man........a crazy man with a ring!.........I'm terribly sorry if I disturbed you. It's j, just that I've never seen a dragon before, nor one as beautiful as yourself, a true vision of heavenly beauty if I've ever saw one." By now I was so terrified that I was willing to say anything. Or even soil myself. She spoke, "Do you now? I take it you never believed in dragons before? Do you now?" I nodded. "You're very good with your tongue, though your words are poor. I do not like to be disturbed, but if you're sincere of what you say, then I shall spare your life. Tell me again, why are you here?", she spoke in cautious curiosity. It took me a long time before I was calm enough to tell my tale. How much time has passed I do not know. But this I do know, for me it seemed like an eternity. After telling of my quest, she sat up and thought. "Hmmmmmm. Oh yes, the weirdo, foolish one, barged in here just the other day. Tried to slay me with a spell that wouldn't work with......a ring I think. Stupid person. He was stupid and I was hungry, so I ate him." "What." I said. "Oh yes, that thighbone was all that's left. Scrawny boy too, not much meat to him." "What about the ring?" I asked. "Oh, I swallowed it too.", she smiled, rather sadistically too. "What!!" I cried, "Now what am I supposed to do? My Lord needs that ring!" "Well, you can wait for it to pass through. Or," the dragoness said as she rolled to her side, lifting her tail to expose her anus. Right there I knew where she was going. "Oh no, not-", I was disgusted with the thought. As I backed away, she shoot her head forward. "Look, you disturbed me before I could climax. You tell me of a ring you desperately need, but when I told you of how to retrieve it, you back away with disgust, as if it means nothing to you. I have lots of rings and magic trinkets, so it means nothing to me. The question is, how much does it means to you?" She was right of course. After rolling up my right sleeve, and lubricating it with mutton fat, and after treating herself with the same, I proceeded to do what I came to do, though now I was dreading myself for it. I was about to drive my arm up the fecal tunnel of a dragon, a fowl place found on all. Turning my head so as not to see this, and praying in my mind for God's forgiveness for this sin that I was about to perform ( and cursing her wanton pleasure in forsaking this act), I placed my hand on her anal bud. It was big, about the size of my palm, and hot to the touch. A strong foul scent of musk mixed with mutton lard and waste filled the air, which was also filled with the heavy breathing of the both of us, and a strong electric arousal surrounding us. I tried to supress these evil thoughts with the idea that I was probing the most unsanitary of all bodily orifices. Then it happened. To my surprise, my whole hand and forearm disappeared into her colon with no difficulty. In pure pleasure, she hissed as I entered her. Surprisingly, her insides were pleasantly warm, moist and soft, but no ring could I find. "Oh yes, that's good. Now go deeper!" She moaned her command, and I did so, hoping to find that damn ring soon. I had to lean down on her and brace myself on her thigh with my free hand, plunging, thrusting, and feeling my way through her deepest crevice, all the while having this overgrown lizard heave in ecstasy. All the while under her grunts, groans, and pants, telling me how she often took a male dragon in this fashion, sometimes, she would have one in her ass, while another would have her genital slit, which she was now fingering with her claw. But never has she had it so good. I didn't know what made me sick more, what I was doing to her (and to my arm, which will never smell the same), or he gratuitous sexuality. Oh God, what was I doing? I asked myself, Is it really worth this? King Theodore is going to owe me BIG for this humiliation. How much time has passed now I have no concern of, but it must have been hours, and I have nearly lost all hope in finding it this way and was dreading the thought of having to slay her, for she was such a beautiful creature, and it would be a great loss if I had to cut her open to find that ring, if it was there at all. My hand soon got a hold of something soft and squishy. Almost instinctively I wanted to withdraw my arm, but with all my might, I squeezed hard and plunged my arm as deep as it would go, up to my shoulder in fact. This brought her to a screaming climax as she brought herself to give a crushing squeeze of her anal tunnel around my arm. I felt a small, hard object in my fingers. Bracing myself, I pushed away from her tightening grip, and flew to the ground, sending a spray of mucus, animal fat, and fecal matter spraying from her pulsating, quivering, orgasmic ass hole. She let loose a deafening roar of delight as she reached her peak, then collapsed in satisfaction. A pleasant smile graced her face and gave me a "thank you" look with those violet eyes. "Wasn't that just nummy? I really enjoyed that, was it good for you too?" I didn't know what to say. I have just defiled the anus of a dragon, and to my own horror, secretly enjoyed it too. So I nodded meekly and looked at green-brown mess of shit, fat, and matted fur that was once my arm. My reeking grief soon turned to jubilation as I opened my hand to uncover my prize: It Was The Ring! In jubilation, I jumped up and down with joy. My quest was now completed. I was interrupted by my host, "Now you have what you're looking for. I guess your going to leave now." There was a sense of sadness in her voice, "I hardly get any company, and I'm very lonely. You're a good man Sir?" "Sedricc." "I've gotten quite fond of you. Please tell me that you'll visit now and then?", as she shrank to a more manageable height. Her words pained me. I have fallen for her, even though I have never taken her myself. (Well, except for my arm, which she helped me clean.) I promised her I will return. A promise I intend to keep. What happened then? Well, I returned the blasted ring to my lord and was rewarded graciously, a parcel of land quite near to my secret dragon mistress, and 2,000 pieces of gold. When he asked me to tell about my unusual adventure, I told him "Don't ask.", and soon resigned my commission. I never did know why they needed that ring, nor did I even care, I did my job, and got my reward and now I am off to slay my dragon with my own "lance". I have a promise to keep, and I intend to keep it. Oh, the things I have to do for a living! The End.