(Note: this document is a work of fiction, though some of the facts mentioned are true. The reader is encouraged to help further develop this new mythology. Due to the graphic sexual content, and references to bestiality, it should not be read by those who are easily offended.) A few notes on the Dreambeast mythos: The mythology of the dreambeast is a relatively recent discovery. The dreambeast is an uncommon supernatural phenomenon of an erotic nature. Though actual accounts are few, there has been some recorded evidence of the existence of such creature has been found in some erotic art from all over the world. There is no specific origin of the dreambeast, as its presence has been found all over the world, from Pre-Columbian America, to northern Europe, India, and as far away as Japan. Description of the Dreambeast: Although the actual descriptions vary, it has generally been interpreted as a doubled-phallused phantom, usually seen as a large canine such as a wolf, or a large cat (lion, tiger, panther, etc.), In Japan, it has taken the form of an octopus, or some other cephalopod. In Greco-Roman mythology, the god Zeus on numerous occasions, became a dreambeast in the forms of a swan, or a bull. Often, the tail is said to be the fire of primal lust. Females are unable to resist the seductive presence of this phantasm. There have been no known instances where a male was involved. The cult of the Dreambeast: The worship of the dreambeast is through a coven of females devoted to spiritual attainment through sexual ritual. The rituals itself are shrouded in mystery, and best left to the imagination. What little is known is this: the rituals have been described as a mixture of Tantric Hinduism, Gaelic & Celtic beliefs (Wiccan), particularly related to the god Cernunnos, who was believed to also possess a double penis. There are also some evidence of more ancient customs (Greece, Rome, Egypt, etc.) and other pagan beliefs, bordering on the occult. Rites & rituals: The initiation ceremony involves a virgin priestess in training, who after anointing herself with jewelry, symbolic icons, and perfumed oils, or some other ointment, she begins to summon the dreambeast through meditation and chants (some reports also mention the use of some hallucinogenic compound). The dreambeast then appears to her and the pair proceed to mate, where the dreambeast deflowers her anus and vagina simultaneously until she reaches an orgasm of unimagined ecstasy. When the woman awakens from her orgasmic experience, all traces of her encounter are gone, except for the semen of the dreambeast that covers her. She is now a Priestess of the Dreambeast. The dreambeast in modern society: The emergence of the dreambeast mythology in modern times began fairly recently when a picture of such an encounter was posted on an internet newsgroup by some unknown cartoonist named EK Goya, who also drew it. The existence of this supernatural creature drew an interest in the "Furry" subculture to which he belongs to, and even became of notice to a member of the aforementioned Wiccan society. EK Goya, in response to questions concerning the origins of the dreambeast he created, soon researched into the history of this unknown cult, and is now it's foremost authority. A more psychological explanation to the appeal to the dreambeast, extends far beyond it's zoophilic superfluous. The dreambeast could be interpreted metaphorically as the "underlying, primal sexuality of the subconscious mind, emerging in dreams as some form of animal, usually with a double phallus, who seduces, and proceeds to have both vaginal, and anal intercourse simultaneously with it's female subject. The bodily fluids that appear afterwards are no more than the result of a 'wet dream." In some way, there is also a strong resemblance to other myths involving "incubus" and "scubus" mythologies that occupy the dreams of both women and men respectfully. Conclusion: This new phenomenon called the "dreambeast" whether fiction or not, is vastly becoming a new myth in the rapidly developing subculture of "Furriness" where diversity of beliefs, race (species?), sexual preferences, gender, and practices are both the norm and are tolerated amongst them. Is the dreambeast the origin of a new mythology, a cult, or merely a bestiality fetish of some perverted mind? The answer I leave to you, the reader to decide, and interpret this topic for yourself.