This listing represents GIFs that were about to be released back in the tail end of November '94. So much for good intentions. The descriptions here were culled from the original ReadMe files that normally accompanied such- with some by now _very_ dated asides and personal commentary removed- and are batched together into this single file. The graphic's notices and comments tags have been updated to reflect this later release. By way of legal statement, all the files and images described herein are copyright 1995, Doug Winger and are freely distributable thru electronic media/commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to the file is performed. COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED- And that means YOU, Random House Publishing! As for the bastard calling himself Keith Dwayne of AIP Graphics of Chicago/Toronto- If I ever manage to find you, I shall kill you slowly over a very long period of time. It's only fair, as that's what you've done to me. You stole my life while playing me for a sucker, and I would love to get a little bit of what you now owe me back with some interest attached. Oh, and one last thing- as this ain't GEnie: FUCK! (Gawd, it felt good to be able to say that!) ======================================================================== BIGBUN.GIF- There it was: a GIF I was completely uncertain as to whether or not I had released. I tore through my Email archives, looked through old file listings and databases thereof, and still couldn't be certain of whether or not I had released it. It brings to my mind thoughts of third generation Boink Bunnies[tm] (among other things). A rather robust design, definitely much smarter than the original release and more along the lines something bachelors (and a few maidens) might wish to purchase. The original GIF was a raw scan of a quickie pencil. Deciding to (re?)release this thing, I loaded it into Photoshop, and spent an hour or two cleaning and finishing off, adding shading and texture. Greyscale, 640x768x16 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DAWGIE2.GIF- Try explaining Furriness to mundanes... This was originally a pencil sketch done as a demonstration by way of explaining graphically just what all this Furry stuff is, and I liked it enough to scan and finish it a bit. A sort of mutant 'Toon style, I rather liked it, so you get to drool or blanch over it as is your wont. Greyscale, 640x768x16 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOXEY2.GIF- Color extravaganza of a free-style sketch done purely in the realms of the electronic. That's right: this had no hardcopy involved in its creation at all, and is one of those things that wind up classified as a "happy accident". A sort of electronic doodle that just grew (literally, as I upsized the original 'sketch' when I decided to finish it a bit), I've placed this in the "almost finished" class of releases. Vulpine fans will probably enjoy it quite a bit, though I believe others might derive some small amount of enjoyment viewing it as well. Color, 1024x532x250 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - KITTY20.GIF- This is an example of what I [used to] do in my 'real job'. Using a photo reference, something original is drawn using the photo as reference, modified as required (greatly so, in this case) and then plopped into the hands of the client. You'll note that this one is a lot more 'realistic' than is usual. However, medical examiners and anatomists will notice a few subtle alterations of proportions and deviations of measure in the subject's structure far in excess of those normally found in _homo sap_. This is not an altered photo, folks; this is an original sample and represents my higher end of work. It's _still_ not truly representative, as it was done in lo-res and a lot of tweaking left undone (and I accidently trimmed the damned thing too much, cutting an elbow off; never chain editing commands, and wait to see before you save). Bitplanes were not cut back, as doing so led to a great deal of lost texture when I tried it, so you get a monochrome graphic of largish size. Greyscale, 383x768x250 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LISADOG.GIF- Unlike (the by now infamous) Kitty20.GIF, this IS an altered photo- or rather, an altered GIF. Probably spayed, too. Heavily reworked from the original, though the underlying size and proportions remain unchanged. "Destined to replace the KittyKat in your Mythology, here it goes now- the (very large) circular motion: rub it!" I received the basis for this in Email, sent to me by a nicely deranged individual who had chanced upon the WB[1-9].GIF series. A boob man if ever I saw one, as the subjects in the graphics he sent were of some of those that could be classified as 'bovine in proportion' even when they had not been retouched and reworked (as a number of them were plainly revealed to be to my expert eye). No, I did NOT add to the mammary size of the original GIF's subject. I didn't need to, and actually contemplated reduction... Nah! Told you people keep asking for me to make 'em bigger, but you didn't believe me, nope, you just wouldn't believe me and kept sniggering and pointing your finger and being mean and laughing at me. Serve you right if you poke an eye out on her or she falls over on you or smothers you or something... Anywho, reworked with my own brand of humor held firmly in mind, my furversion running rampant, and something else held firmly- if not-so high- in my hand, here's Lisa 'P' (no, I don't know who she is/was) after being subject to some really stong mutagenic influence or something. Ain't technology _grand?!_ Another monchrome that didn't have bitplanes trimmed, as too much texture is lost as a result. Greyscale, 529x768x251 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SHEAR.GIF- Barbarous (Yes, a pun) activity amongst the ovine [JoMo- "SHEEEEP, Bwah! Come 'n' Get it! Wow! Lookit 'im go!"] and a rehashing of something I did a long time ago. Some of you may well remember it. This 'un is a lot more finished than the original thingie I did, but still not complete- though the shearing process is shown much further towards completion. Another in the "mutant 'toon" style I'm beginning to like. Greyscale, 640x768x16 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TFORM01.GIF- Dedicated to Damon, as he was the original inspiration for the original quickie pencil- yes, it's been released before, though as a pencil rough. Still not complete, as the background wasn't finished off (no faucet in the sink, etc.). Also, cutting back the bitplanes to fit this into GIF format did some naughty things to the color/details. Still, it's free, so complaints may be safely ignored. A few of you may even remember the Transformation Series I started some time ago. Consider this the final product. SEE ALSO: TRNFRM2.GIF Color, 710x768x249 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TFOX01.GIF- Why this pose? Why that style? Because drooling furverts of the vulpes persuasion (and they know who they are) kept bothering me for the damned thing, and that's the only reason- though the style is because I wanted to do it that way. More blatant and obvious than I like, but this will perhaps shut those crying for the things up. Anywho, now that I've done it, I can ignore any future pleas for more stuff like this with a rejoinder that I've already done such, so don't bother me for more of the same- besides, you're getting it for free, so shut yer noise off... Of course, I might do more along these lines just because I feel like doing so. Just don't whine, 'kay? If you simply _must_ have more, try mixing old "Hustlers" with "Field and Stream". Anyway, another 100% electronic production, though this one did not start life as a doodle, but with a definite end-product in mind. Oh, yeah- dedicated to Juan Alfonso. Dunno why, but visions of his graphics kept popping into my mind while finishing this off, which I thought very strange as it's not at all in that style. Prolly just backfiring furversion going off in my forebrain, but he gets the dedication simply because I had those thoughts and I like his stuff. Greyscale, 806x768x16 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TRNFRM2.GIF- Another from the long-ago Transformation Series, this time a lot more finished. Originally released as a pencil rough. Unlike the poor bastard in 'LOOKMA' (Gawd, I HATE DOS filename conventions!), he's a she, and might actually enjoy waking up and noticing that things are a bit different... I'm certain Damon wouldn't mind finding her waking up like that, and as he's originally the original nudger for the original rough, he gets this original dedication. How original! Bitplanes still firmly in place, as cutting them turned the finer detailing and textures into muddy nastiness, and I was happy with the way the bedcovers turned out and wish to show them off to best advantage. SEE ALSO: TFORM01.GIF Greyscale, 736x625x256 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROCH5W1.GIF- The (almost) last Rochelle Attempt, and one that almost made it. Still, the originator decided to go with a different design rough... As in the last, this was half finished when the call on final spec was made, so I did a quick "bang it out and upload" job on it. Enjoy, as it is _still_ not the definitive Rochelle. Color, 686x768x254 GIF89A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Anywho, better late than never. These are hereby cast unto the etheric winds to entertain and engender lustful thoughts or giggles in the Furry Circles, and if anyone tries to make a buck offa them without my okay, I WILL legally disembowel them. I'm getting really pissed off at life and certain segments of Society- particularly the business portions dealing with graphics- and am looking for someone to take my outrage out on. So far, people have been good, but mess with me and you'll have a lawyer crawling up your lower intestine in search of your heart by way of your wallet. If the person known (in the past) as ARC on FurryMUCK is reading this- SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS, PLEASE! I have something I owe you, and am going crazy at not being able to send it. The whole shebang above is hereby dedicated to the then-current and previous denizens of the Beasty Board. GEnie and the Comics Cat there can go scratch, as I only put up with that crap to get to the good people forced into living there, and miss _that_ particular portion of stupidity, cupidity, non-tolerance and bad service not in the least. Just Made it Past the Outer Circle and Into Purgatory, Doug "Of course there's Justice in this life; you just have to be able to afford it."- Doug