Files released 3/14/98, in no particular order: All files/Images are copyright 1997, 1998, Doug Winger. These files are freely distributable thru electronic media/commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to file is performed. COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED. And I mean that, too. A sort of 'Last Hurrah' on this [] site, and hereby dedicated to Brian, who got it up, kept it running, and ran it in more than exemplarary fashion. He's the type of person that continues to steer the Net towards what it was meant to be, and one of the Furry crew that has done more for the ŒFandomı (whatever that is) than all the carping, bitching, squawling and flaming that's ever happened in A.F.F. (just an opinion). Here's hoping that his example will influence others, and that the people already performing similarly- thankfully too numerous to mention here- continue in their efforts. Ya done good, Brian, which is my highest praise. From the 'Animal Magnetism 2' CD, hereby released under the above terms. It's been over a year, so here they are. Don't think you're getting away with anything: there's some _really_ good stuff on the CD that's not mine... dogetreat.gif, fanions.gif, foxrun.gif,fwolffill.gif, generic.gif, killervix.gif, knotmuch.gif, reinin.gif, rollover.gif,rutntime.gif, op_skunk.gif, threeplay.gif, timsize.gif, toomuch.gif, whups.gif, xciting.gif Other stuff... HalloCirc.JPG, KokoMink.JPG, Malltaur.JPG, PupWalk.JPG, getinto.gif, PupHouse.JPG, variant2.gif, bouncey.gif, PandBump.JPG, PanStomp.JPG, Strestst.JPG, miami.gif, ideas01.gif, grongpup.gif, trfkhzrd.gif, behoofed.JPG, fwoomp.JPG, Mousk.JPG As usual, no warranty as to fitness of use is made, and your mileage might vary. Enjoy if such is your wont. If not, I donıt wanna hear about it; it just means that they werenıt meant for you, and thatıs that. -Doug -ı²Get a life!² they said. I did, and it stinks on ice. They should have been more specific as to whose life I was supposed to get.ı- Doug