Uploaded to ftp://furry.isc-br.com/pub/Images/Doug-Winger 6/30/97, and pending clearance. Slim pickings this time, as time on the machine used for coloring has been rare. Real Life hasn't helped, either. Still, got a lot of stuff in the works. In alphabetical order: Me getting strange: erwin.gif- Pencil Lineart, conceptual. feral0[0-6].gif- Bang inked. A return to Mall, in a way. horzy0[1-6].gif- Pencil lineart. I'll say no more. idlefox.gif- Pencil lineart. What happens during bungee. Me not too strange (amazingly, the order worked out): LilEvil.jpg - Color. Wherein a subtle philosophical point is established. mworkup.gif- Pencil lineart. Workup that didn't work out. Surprisingly clean pencil. stormmyst.gif- Pencil. Character conceptual. Eh. Stormy.jpg - Color lineart. Slight change in approach of above. As always, all files mentioned above are Copyright, 1997, Doug Winger Files are freely distributable thru electronic media/commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to file is performed. ALL COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED. Enjoy or whatever- Doug