Released to, pub/Images/Doug-Winger (or will be, when/if they clear). As is usual, all files and images mentioned are copyright, 1996, 1997, Doug Winger. All files is freely distributable thru electronic media/commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to them is performed. COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED. A few might note the inclusion of graphics from the Spooge-A-Day/Animal Magnetism CD. The rights have reverted to me, and I am hereby releasing them with the above restrictions. I do recommend that you check the Animal Magnetism CD out- there's a good many artists and a great deal of fine art on it. It's worth the price, IMHO. See Ed Zolna at Mailbox Books, or contact Assinio on FurryMUCK or The_Boob on Furtoonia for details- DON'T contact me, as I'm only peripherally involved. Oh, I did do the cover. baddog.gif- Quick pencil. Wariuchi gets trained. critical.gif- Critical mass- where spooge is involved- can be dangerous. Color lineart. deliver.gif- Done when the Spooge-A-Day finally got (temporarily) back on track. Lineart. dognpony.gif- A dog and pony show. Nuff said. Color lineart. erika.gif- A vixen. Collars included. Color. Might already be out there. flyoff.gif- Hydraulic assisted takeoff. Wariuchi riff. Pencil. foodgame.gif- Circle of Life my butt. Color. gonuts.gif- Pencil thought upon goin' a little crazy. gonuts2.gif- Same as above, only more direct. herturn.gif- PC correctness- well, equal time, at least. Greyscale. histurn.gif- Pencil, and a leadoff for the above. Done as a literal last minute thing. KnightB[1-5].gif, Knightcomes.gif, KnightOnMall.gif, Knightst01.gif and WorkupHoss.gif- One of those odd things. Pencil. Larna97.gif- FurryMUCK. What else need I say? Pencil. lovebite.gif- Another problem with being furry. Lineart. mbigproxi.gif- The cuteness ends HERE. Pencil. mousetrap.gif- Technology pushed to the limits. Color. oneaday.gif- Initial graphic for the Spooge-A-Day thingie. Greyscale. Pandora3.gif- Another Pandora- it might already be out there. Color. Petkitty.gif- Continuing the gonuts theme. Pencil. Plain.gif- Plain old spooge, of a sort. Pencil. problem.gif- Problem #243 of being furry. Lineart. squllball.gif- Something for Ramsey... Color lineart. squllsit.gif- Something for _me_- non-arboreal squirrel. Color lineart. Stuffedbunny.gif- Vor stuff. Quick pencil. TakeTheATrain.gif- Wariuchi again- training seems to be her forte. Pencil. testbed.gif- Technology pushed _past_ the limits. Greyscale. todream.gif- To dream the impossible dream- or nightmare. Greyscale/lineart. univirg.gif- Wherein myths are explored. Lineart. Vendgeance01.gif, 02.gif- Wariuchi again. Yow. Pencil whoops.gif- Sure hope the medical insurance is paid up. Lineart. yiffy.gif- Yes, foxes do have problems... Lineart. Also released: The Mall fragments- see Mallintro.txt, same site. Enjoy or whatever- Doug