It's been slow, as Real Life, illness, and the Holidays have eaten a big bite of my time. There's quite a number of things in the 'almost ready' stage, but await my having a bit more free time to finish them off. However, putting aside my feeble excuses... Just because you didn't ask for it, some more of the Mall series. Mall034.gif - Mall053.gif. See newuploads3.txt for reference, and don't ask me any questions. It's bad enough I'm releasing this stuff. Also included in this batch are: bighoss.gif, macrofox.gif, mfelin01.gif (Mall related, at request- yes, I thought it strange, too :), misti003.gif, squll004.gif, takeatrn.gif, flyoff.gif and goodpupm.gif. As always... All files mentioned are Copyright, 1996, Doug Winger. Thess files are freely distributable thru electronic media/commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to file is performed. COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED. Enjoy, or whatever- Doug