All files and the images contained therein are Copyright, 1996, Doug Winger. Copyrighted characters shown are used with permission. These files are freely distributable through electronic media/commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to file is performed. ALL OTHER RIGHTS RESERVED- and that means YOU, Random House Publishing. The Alana series: inspired by a very entertaining bout of TS on Furtoonia one night, I sat and sketched a number of these things during a free evening. From quick pencil to quick marker/ink. Call it me having some free time for a change- though not a lot. Alanaf1, Alanaf2, Alanaf3, Alanaf4- and in some sort of desired order: whatis, sender, toofull, lockin, herecum, pumpup, fillup. The other files, in no particular order: bbadwolf- Yes, some are bigger and badder... Quick blue pencil lineart. bogldoug- An actual event that almost happened to me on Furry: it was actually MORE boggling. callgame- Wariuchi with the best seat in the stadium- all of them. Quick pencil lineart. carosel1- A quick toonish riff on Carousel, a character on FM and FT. Pencil getagrip- Pandora holding on for dear life, or something. Illustrator color. hossy05- Just something I whipped out I thought some would enjoy. Blue pencil lineart. hunghoss- Still no foxes, but a horse and hounds piece, during the trophy award time. kastapop-You had to be there... Kasta of FurryMUCK with a minor problem. Several, actually. kitty21- Just feline fine. Toonish pencil lineart. panddemo- Pandora finds seems to dote on the modern conveniences. Pencil lineart. pandfox- Pandora makes a friend- several times, in fact. Marker/ink lineart. pandr004- A design that didn't make the cut. Pencil. pandrool- Illustrator color. See for yourself. poodl001- A Poodle from Hell- with options. A request, believe it or not. Lineart. squll10- What can I say? I like squirrels. Pencil lineart. For all those that are actually reading this before grabbing the files, as you're supposed to, be sure to add the '.gif' suffix to all the above names. DOS naming restrictions allowed for, much as I hate to. Other than that, have fun and enjoy. Or whatever. - Doug