7/1/98- Another batch. It wasn't until this last week that I realized just how _many_ Pandora sketches I did. I must've been obsessed... Anywho, some more of those, some Pup, and a number of other things, and even some not so odd stuff, just because. Oh, and that '*' denotes that even small children might look upon the files, risking only minimal brain damage and moral rot. Well, somewhat mature children. Unless, of course, you think National Geographic is a porno magazine because they occasionally _actually show female breasts!_ Bare naked and _everything!_ Caveat Utilitor, try before you buy, check 'em first, or talk to the hand (opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the author. Your mileage might vary. See your doctor first). Readypup.jpg Color- Ready for bed? Titehoss.jpg Color- Probably not what you're thinking. Pupgurd1.jpg Color- Pup finds employment (love them fringe benefits!) * squllinfo.jpg Color- The NAS factoid page. PupAftrFx.jpg Color- Pup does clean up afterwards. Pupself2.jpg Color- And sometimes she cleans up during. * Fornuts.jpg Color- The NAS lifestyle does have drawbacks and advantages. Prufsqull.gif Pencil- Yes, just to prove it. InflateF.jpg Color- Balloon animals can go bad. Mpressd.gif Pencil- The title is the key. Nuthrvix.gif Lineart- Another Vixen. Triumph.jpg Color- Not for the weak of heart. Mall revisited, sorta. Baddog01.gif Pencil- What can I say? * Lillions.gif Greyscale- Kinda cute riff. Nekkid, but not all that much so. Touchy.jpg Color- Pup is touched. Pshbttn.jpg Color- Pandora loves that modern technology. * Msquil2.jpg Color Lineart- She delivers! CF9pup.gif Pencil- Something from an old sketchpad. Foxy02.gif Color Lineart- You have to ask? prufvixn.gif Greyscale- Proof of unnatural laws. * minkschl.jpg Color- Kokomink revisited Panlayabt.jpg Color-Pandora isn't all that lazy, really. Pandsk.jpg Color- Proof testing can be fun! * Kitty22.jpg Color Lineart- Sometimes I _am_ almost normal. Otrlmits.jpg Greyscale- A herm otter. A _Giant_ herm otter. A giant herm otter with four arms, four breasts, four testicles and two whammadoodles. A request, so don't look at me like that. Missy[01-10].jpg Color- See below A special riff, mainly to satisfy the folks who, in one person's words, say; 'That Pandora is hot, but the [penis] kinda gets in the way. Why not a fem?" This is also me playing dressup, and having fun times with Photoshop's layers. Essentially the same graphic with clothing variations. I had _lots_ more, but went with this selection simply because I'd probably get beaten over the head by Snout and Brian if I shoveled them all onto Velar. Pick and choose! Collect them all! As is usual, all above files are copyright, 1998, Doug Winger. These files are freely distributable thru electronic media/ commercial network services provided that no charges other than for normal operation and/or services is incurred, and no alteration to file is performed. COMMERCIAL RIGHTS RESERVED. - Doug