Title: Draconia.Gif Type: 256-color grey-scale GIF; 800x600 - Can be converted to a Windows BitMap with most any popular graphics software, such as Paintshop Pro (shareware). Artist: Brian O'Connell 1037 Colquitt Ave NE, Apt 18 Atlanta, GA 30307-1952 U.S.A. Posted by: Aries@Mindspring.Com - Authorized Agent Description: Draconia of FurryMUCK and FurToonia. Draconia, a dragoness, steps from a teleport gate and strikes a pose for the viewer. Her tail seems to have a mind of its own as it tries to get noticed in the shot. A character found on FurryMUCK, FurToonia, FluffMUCK, and DragonMUCK. Commissioned artwork, copyright 1996. Misc. Errata: All rights reserved, artwork copyright 1996 - Brian O'Connell. Permission has been given by the artist for noncommercial, electronic distribution, provided no alterations are made. The artist is taking commissions from the general public. Enclose an S.A.S.E. with all correspondence for a reply.