File: CALLISTA.GIF File Type: 256-Color greyscale Gif89a Non-interlaced. File Size: Roughly 800x1100, 219Kb Artist: Brian O'Connell - Copyright 1995 1037 Colquitt Avenue NE, Apt 18 Atlanta, GA 30307-1952 U.S.A. Description: Repost of a file I posted two years ago, but with a cleaned up background, new font, and elimination of elements that detracted from the image. It's also 80Kb smaller than its 1995 posting. The picture is of Callista, the fruit bat, astride a giant strawberry she's slathered with honey (her favorite!). PG-13 rated art. Character copyright 1992 - JEO. Miscellaneous: Permission is granted to post (or repost) freely, provided no alterations are made to the image. Please overwrite the older file with this one if you have it on a server or FTP site. The picture is one of Brian's best commissions and I thought it deserved a better cleaning up, font, and less clutter. Poster: Aries@Mindspring.Com (07/01/1997)