The Human-Rrakith Alliance

A Shared World Created by Will A. Sanborn & Bernard Doove

Will A. Sanborn

4/30 - 8/6/96


Welcome to the fascinating world of the Human-Rrakith alliance. This paper is intended to give a thorough overview of the Rrakith, their world, people and customs, as well as their relationship with Earth and humanity.

The Rrakith are a truly alien species. While they have a general humanoid appearance, there are two major differences between our races: First, they have an overall feline appearance, albeit an anthropomorphized one; and second, they are hermaphrodites, combining the male and female sexes together in the same body. These differences, while seeming big at first, were able to be overcome, with both our races learning more about each other. They are a loving and proud species and it is hoped that this paper will help promote a better understanding of them, as well as furthering the alliance between our two worlds.

First Contact

The Rrakith were the first, and so far the only, alien race that we have encountered in our explorations of the galaxy. First contact occurred around the middle of the 23rd century, when a deep-space research team came across a rrakith ship, also on an exploration mission.

Communications were facilitated by a prototype universal translator, developed by us for use by our exploration team, which had rudimentary telepathic inputs. This technology had been developed in the hopes of contacting an alien species during our journeys, although they had not anticipated being met part way. The Rrakith were the first true test of translator's capabilities; it was a rather large and cumbersome device by today's standards, but was successful in rapidly bridging the language gap. From then on, we each learned many surprising facts about each other.


Both our races have a high degree of technology, but the Rrakith are more concentrated in the life sciences, though their other areas of technology are well-developed too. They have done a lot of work with genetic research, such as with regenerative tissue growth, which is more advanced than human technology in that arena.

Humanity has made many advances in the last two hundred years, making things a lot better for people: getting rid of hunger and poverty, keeping the population at a reasonable number, cleaning up the environment, and so on. We have done more with the hard technology areas, such as advancing the fields of computer science and space-travel. In fact we discovered faster-than-light (FTL) space travel before the Rrakith did.

A Brief Time Line: First-Contact to Present

A deep-space exploration team aboard the United Earth Starship, UES Stargazer, first met up with the Rrakith in the year 2265. The crew, commanded by captain Daniel Simpson, came across a rrakith survey ship, while both races were just beginning to explore the vast reaches of the galaxy. At that point, the Rrakith had developed near-light travel, so they were about one and a half light-years from their homeworld.

After a period of excited discovery, where both our races learned much about one another, the rrakith ship, the Star-Runner, commanded by Mkkarr Pak Sserral, was escorted to Rramatharr, the rrakith homeworld, by its terran counterpart. Using the benefit of FTL drive, they were able to reach their destination a great deal quicker than normally possible, much to the joy of the crew of the Star-Runner, who had been away from home for quite some time.

The show of good faith on our part, that we were willing to share our technology with friendly acquaintances, made quite an impression on the Rrakith. Then there were also the heroic actions of Joan Chen, the doctor from the Stargazer. Putting herself at great risk to come to the aid of both humans and rrakith caught in a freak accident aboard the Star-Runner, Chen was severely injured in her successful attempt to save others from a powerful energy discharge from a damaged piece of equipment. It is likely she would have died if not for the intervention of the Rrakith and their advanced medical skills. Here, one human's daring heroics, as well as the sharing of technologies from both sides, had a great impact on our early relationship with the Rrakith, laying the diplomatic groundwork and cementing an alliance which continues to grow and prosper.

The next ten to fifteen years saw a lot of exploration and diplomatic work between our two worlds. Things took time because of the distances, and more ships capable of FTL travel had to be built. The alliance between Rramatharr and Earth was based mainly on scientific and cultural exchange, though there was an obvious commercial component to the trading too. They were interested in our hard sciences, especially our FTL technology, and we wanted to find out more about their work in the medical fields. Additionally, both our races found each other's culture fascinating, and there was a great deal of social and diplomatic interaction.

From 2280 onwards, a good number of scientists, diplomats, and cultural envoys, as well as entrepreneurs and other businessmen from each race had emigrated to one another's planet. The general populace of humans living on Rramatharr is low, but is slowly growing. By 2290, twenty-five years after first contact, the number of humans on Rramatharr has reached about 90,000. However, a lot of humans tend to live in the heavier-populated districts, so in some areas they can account for 1-2% of the population. The present population on Rramatharr is about 2.5 billion.

The Rrakith Homeworld

Rramatharr is located roughly 65 light years from Earth, which at the current level of technology, using FTL drive, takes about six weeks of travel time to make a direct journey between our two worlds. Rramatharr is the fourth planet from its sun, which is hotter than the star which warms our world. Their solar system consists of eight planets, of which only Rramatharr is habitable.

Rramatharr has two moons orbiting it. The large, primary one, about one and a half times the size of our terran moon, is a pale white, with a cycle of twenty-five days. The smaller moon, is about a third the size of the larger one, and is slightly orange in hue. This secondary satellite is also at a higher orbit, so it has a slower cycle of thirty-seven days. The two moons not only create a beautiful nocturnal display with their different cycles, but their differing orbits also create complex and interesting tidal patterns.

Rramatharr is slightly smaller than Terra, having a gravity of 0.94g, but with an atmosphere slightly higher in oxygen and 15% higher in pressure. Because Rramatharr is farther from its sun than Terra, it has a longer period of stellar revolution, giving it a year which is roughly 13% longer than on Terra. Their year works out to 385.1 R-days, divided into 48 weeks of 8 days each. Every day in turn, is divided into 16 R-hours, each consisting of 64 R-minutes and each of these is further divided into 64 R-seconds. A rramatharr day is approximately 7% longer than a terran day, with a rramatharr hour roughly equal to 1.6 terran hours.

Their names for these time units are, day: lek, hour: dallek ("part-day"), minute: wekdal ("small-part"), and second: trewekdal ("very-small-part"), the literal meanings of these terms coming from one of their old languages. The rrakith method of measuring time dates back to when days were considered to begin at sunrise and end at sunset. The modern clock was standardized to sunrise at an equinox, therefore midday is at the 4th hour and midnight is at the 12th hour. The calendar day is considered to start at sunrise, rather than midnight like on Earth.

The Rrakith don't use months for their calendar, but they do mark seasons as determined by solstices and equinoxes. Looking at the math, 48 weeks of 8 days each only equals 384 days; the extra day is accounted for at the end of each year with a day referred to as simply Year's End. An interesting result of this is the way the Rrakith's calendar is set up. Unlike human calendars, the days do not move around, changing from year to year. For the Rrakith, a certain date will always fall on the same day of the week, year after year. Their calendar works out this way because the Year's End day is not considered to be a normal day of the week, it is a special day for them, and is set aside as a global holiday for both celebrating the past year's accomplishments and looking ahead towards the future.

Every ten years, they need an extra day, the same as with Leap Year in the terran calendar. This extra day is added after Year's End day, and is considered a very special day, marking the close of a period and providing even more reason for reflections and celebration. For on one of these years, the celebrations are spread out over the two days, with a deeper significance, and are more than twice as festive as the other years.

Their seasons are named using an ancient language, similar to our use of Latin. They are Grathekmollar (Spring), Grathekmakkis (Summer), Grathekrammak (Autumn) and Grathekpallak (Winter). The prefix "Grath.ek" means "Season.of," "Mollar" means "Rain," "Makkis" means "Growth," "Rammak" means "Harvest" and "Pallak" means "Rest." Instead of the whole word, the seasons are generally referred to by the suffix only. (Note: many rrakith words share this structure and are often shortened in general usage.)

The first five days of the week are working days, the final three are for rest and recreation. The days are named (1) Rennek, (2) Kroll, (3) Milluk, (4) Mrakem, (5) Lerrolak, (6) Perrik, (7) Makkalok, and (8) Dullap. Official dates are noted as the nth day of the season of the year. For example, the present date is 76 Makkis 3627. General forward planning may be referred to by a certain week in a season, such as "my holidays start week nine of Rammak." Weekdays are for regular occurrences, like "art class is held every Rennek at 3 o'clock."

Rramatharr is more tropical than earth. The polar caps are very small, with the tropics extending further north and south than on Terra. Land masses also don't generally fall into the low rainfall zones where deserts form, so there are few of those. Rramatharr features large tracts of undisturbed forest. The Rrakith have traditionally been more nature-based than us, and the way they utilized their forests, and other natural resources has reflected that. We have cleaned up our act over the years and taken better care of the Earth, but the differences in our races' methodologies towards nature are still apparent.

The Rrakith tend to be more integrated with nature, with the design of their cities reflecting this. Rrakith cities are not as densely populated as human ones, and are more spread out, sprawling over the landscape, but also melding in with it. The cityscape of a rrakith city consists of large tracts of parklands dotted with buildings of glass towers. These buildings are impressive, but not as tall as their terran counterparts.

Cities on Earth have been cleaned up significantly, removing the problems of urban decay, but aside from trees planted here and there, along the streets, the parks still appear as oases amidst the concrete sea. The amount of park areas have definitely increased, and the cities are much better places to live in than what they used to be. However, the approach of the rrakith cities gives the feeling of the countryside surrounding the buildings, instead of the other way around. The Rrakith also prefer to design things such that all machinery and services for the city are tucked underground, so as not to spoil the above-ground environment.

Rrakith Society

Rrakith society is more homogenous than on Earth, with less racial diversity. There is of course some cultural diversity varying with geographical location, but as on Earth, there is a greater feeling of a global community as communication technology has linked people closer together. The Rrakith may be more homogeneous than us, but that does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that they are stifled in their arts, society or creativity, all of which differ greatly from ours, but are beautiful and impressive in their own right.

Much of their culture is based on their rich history. While we remember the past too, the Rrakith do this so much more. While they do not get lost in it, they do hold the past in great reverence, and much of their art and society is based on this. Lots of their contemporary movies, stories, and music call on old historical events or stories, re-telling the familiar tales or using them in new and different ways. These ties to their roots are woven firmly into their society, allowing them to look back in remembrance while also looking ahead to the future.

The Rrakith were once carnivores, but like us, became omnivores to survive, and have mostly divorced themselves from their instincts. However, like us, they do occasionally hunt for sport, but even then only hunting animals which can be used for food. Although this practice has waned over the years, it is still enjoyed by enough individuals to be seen with some degree of regularity. They usually prefer using only simple weapons, or even just their claws when hunting, as they feel this way keeps them closer to nature. They also participate in survival courses that sharpen their wits and skills as a popular form of recreation that borders on the ritualistic.

Their society is less competitive than with ours, and therefore a more tightly-integrated one. A great amount of pride in accomplishments offsets their lack of competitive edge in trading with us, but also means that their society won't slip into decay through apathy. Human society has come along way over the years, fixing many of our mistakes and foibles, but we have kept our sense of competition. This can be a good thing though, as it has led to some great discoveries and advances on Earth.

Human creativity is different from that of the Rrakith, not better, but different; both our races have their good and bad points. For example, one bad point with the Rrakith is that the same elevated sense of pride that enables them to maintain parity with us, was also a stumbling block in the relationships between our races.

Tact is an important skill here. One case in point was very early on in the negotiations when a rrakith team was demonstrating one of their latest technological achievements. With terran technology being more advanced, the humans present viewed it as quaint and lightly put it down. Without meaning to, they offended the Rrakith and the discussions were a little bumpy for a short time after that. Again, this was one of the many areas where we had to learn to understand each other.


On Earth, with the growing world-consciousness and cultures expanding and interacting globally, religion has changed some with the passage of time, along with society. Religion does still exists, as it is a fundamental part of human culture. There are still prominent atheists and agnostics, but religion has not waned with the rise of technology. Technology didn't kill God, in fact the exploring of our universe opened up a wider world of possibilities for some people, pondering the old, basic questions once again.

There are still the same mixes of religions, but things have blended over the years. Not only are people more willing to accept differences in opinions, but there has been a cross-cultivation of sorts in the religious, as well as social and cultural arenas. There still are, of course, the different religions, but an interesting and positive effect of the expanding world-consciousness and global community has spawned new types of theologies.

While the familiar sects of the larger religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and the Eastern religions are still thriving, there have sprung up many new forms of religion which are a curious and fresh take on both philosophy and theology. These new religions are a mixture of several doctrines, heavy in new age ideals, and are also more personalized, allowing for each individual's interpretation, as well as group discussions; though these new churches tend to be smaller than those of traditional theologies. Of course, even in this day and age, there still are differences in opinions, but they are not as zealous as they have historically been, and for the most part, people allow others to worship in the way they choose.

For the Rrakith, their religion, like their culture is more homogeneous. It does share common threads with many human religions, which doesn't come as much of a surprise. They have their own Goddess, and while they do not have a Savior or Messiah like in Christianity or Judaism, there are other similarities, as well as those to the Eastern Religions. The Rrakith tend to have a more mystical bent to their religion, which also ties in with their closeness to nature, as they deeply respect their planet and all the life on it.

For their Goddess, She is a hermaphrodite like them, or to put it correctly, they believe they were created in Her image. This did cause some misunderstandings at first, as they wondered why She would've created us as such limited creatures, which is how they originally perceived us with our separate genders. There was also some mumbling on our part over the differences in the religions, but we eventually reached an understanding.

The Rrakith actually had a more difficult time than we did, as we were already used to trying to cope with differing world views, but in the end, we were both able to look more at the similarities between us, than our differences. The fact that many humans see God as containing both the mother and the father aspects, an all-encompassing joining of the two genders, was a key fact that helped our two races see things eye to eye.

Being a hermaphrodite, the Rrakith Goddess not only definitely has both genders, but She takes on the roles of father and mother more literally. For them, the story of creation is similar to many Human religions, but it is also more closely tied to their physical modes of thinking. Indeed, in the beginning, when the Goddess was alone in the void and She decided to create the vast universe, She did it not with the sheer power of Her will, but by fertilizing Herself and actually giving birth to all of creation, with all life springing forth from Her loins.

As for the ideas of sins and an afterlife, the Rrakith believe that every soul, having come from the Goddess, has great worth and is redeemable. Therefore, they do not have a notion of Hell, and their afterlife simply consists of joining the Goddess and the other souls in an eternal communion. However, before one can progress to this higher plane, when passing from this life, they must resolve all unfinished business, putting it behind them. Part of this resolution process is the atoning for the sins of the past life which have not yet been repented for.

While the soul is going through this transition process, it resides in a state of limbo, but there is no suffering, save for the realization of any sins that may have hurt others or themselves. This cleansing process is healthy and cathartic though, and there is no unnecessary guilt. This does not mean that the Rrakith take a careless view of life though, simply thinking that it doesn't matter what they do, since they know they will eventually get into Heaven no matter what.

They know that they ultimately will be responsible for their actions and have to answer for them, and they realize that their actions affect the lives of other people too, and as they have a high value for life, they would not wish to hurt anyone unnecessarily. Pride also comes into play here, as they want to been seen of being worthy of meeting the Goddess. Of course this doesn't make the Rrakith perfect, like all creatures with free will, they have temptations, can be ruled by the heat of the moment and rash emotions, and they can make mistakes, but then again, like sentient creatures, they also try to strive for the best, even if they don't always achieve it.

Human-Rrakith Interaction

Humans and Rrakith are both curious about each other, while at the same time thinking the other is a bit strange. There were some minor misunderstandings near in the beginning, when our two races were finding more out about one another, but that is perfectly understandable.

Both our races have been peaceful for some time now, as the availability, use and conservation of natural resources were expanded with the aid of technology. Like us, the Rrakith did have their periods of fighting, mostly over the use of natural resources, since their culture is more homogenous and there were less differences to fight over, but both worlds have moved beyond that, and now the alliance between our two races is very strong and friendly.

Shortly after first contact, there were a few cases of xenophobia, on both sides of the fence, but for everyone's sake this was the exception, not the rule. Of course there are those who feel very uneasy about the aliens, but they keep their distance and don't make trouble. The humans living on Rramatharr are obviously willing to learn the ways of the new culture, and their hosts are very hospitable. Of course with the small amount of humans living there, they still are occasionally viewed as a curiosity; most times that manifests itself with interested rrakith asking them many questions, but in a friendly way, while trying not to overwhelm them.

Again, because of their homogenous background, the Rrakith had a slightly harder time getting used to us than we did with them. We were already used to learning and living with diversity, while the many differences in our races both confused and intrigued them.

As for our sexualities, that's another issue that is a bit strange for both races to get used to the other. Of course we find the idea of both sexes in a single body quite weird, while the Rrakith find it equally bizarre that the sexes could be separated like that. The reactions are mixed, especially at first, but we both are inquisitive; these differences provoked many interesting questions and each race is intrigued with the other, at least on an intellectual level.

There have been a few adverse reactions on our part, with a few individuals, but again, it was mostly just misunderstandings. Most heterosexuals do have a problem with comprehending the Rrakith's combined genders and sexuality, but don't necessarily think it's wrong, just very different and hard to imagine. Those living alternative lifestyles, or who are just more open-minded are able to understand it a little better. The percentages of people with alternative lifestyles is about the same as in the latter-part of the 20th century, perhaps a little higher, but now are more widely accepted by the general public. For the most part, it is no longer an issue, once again, people tend to let others live the way they choose to.

Of course the Rrakith are just as confused over human sexuality, but they tend to be more inquisitive, and also a little more playful and physically expressive in general, so they are more interested. This doesn't mean that a lot of rrakith try to initiate physical relationships with humans. Human-Rrakith relationships can happen, but they are still rare, and many times are platonic, reaching the level of very close friends, but not lovers.

Government and Legal System

The basic building block of the rrakith government system is formed by communities, with issues worked out in a manner similar to town meetings in the smaller human cities and towns. These meetings involve everyone, including the young, as they are valued for their fresh and unbiased ideas. Instead of the equivalent position of a mayor, they have an elected moderator. This isn't a paid job, but is a position of great respect and their pride drives them to do the best for the community.

Of course there are civic offices, whose employees run the community on a daily basis, but all of the important matters are handled by the community meetings. These meetings are held at the end of each season, and afterwards, with all of the business matters resolved, things turn into a bit of a celebration, a social event with singing, dancing and other entertainment, with lots of food laid out as well.

Smaller cities and towns work as a single unit, while larger cities are divided up into sectors, each of these working as its own community within the city and having their own planning meetings. Each community would be run as a separate district, with heads of each district coming together to meet and discuss matters on a city-wide level.

From the city level, the next step is larger districts which are similar to states or provinces, with things moving onto the global level after that. They have fewer levels of bureaucracy than with human governments, handling a lot of the decisions at the community and district levels, with the upper levels just to oversee operations and to work out details between districts. They still have nations, set up mostly along geological boundaries, but they aren't as meaningful as they were in the past. Rramatharr too has had its shares of wars in the past, mainly over resource usage, but with a smaller, and more homogenous population than Earth, the Rrakith had an easier time of setting up a solid global government.

There are crimes on Rramatharr, just like on Earth, though both worlds have seen a general decline as technology has been used to push the overall global well-being further along. Of course no society is perfect, and there are those, whom for whatever reasons, will break the rules. Their penal system is designed for rehabilitation, showing people the errors of their ways, more than just for punishment. There is also a great deal of counseling and treatment of any mental or emotional problems which may have led the individual to commit their crimes. This set-up does not mean that criminals are just given a slap on the wrist, they are put to work for the state, as part of their rehabilitation, but doing meaningful labor, not in a chain-gang fashion breaking rocks all day.

Their legal system does not impose set sentences either. Instead the criminal virtually sets their own length of punishment, by their willingness to conform to the communities standards within the penance imposed on them. Of course they are very careful to make sure someone is sincere and has been rehabilitated, with careful observation and counseling; their penal system is very effective, and there is an extremely low rate of repeat offenders.

Then there is murder, it is extremely rare due to their respect for life, but it does occasionally happen. The Rrakith have capital punishment for this ultimate of transgressions, however, they have an interesting twist to it. Instead of executing the criminal, she is left alone in her cell with a poison tablet, which when swallowed, cause a quick and painless death. She is expected to atone for her sins and prepare for the afterlife, then at her choosing, she will take the poison, ending her life under her own volition.

This method of punishment not only allows the people handing out the judgment to be free from the guilt of ending a life, but it also allows the criminal to work towards the cleansing of her soul, shortening her time in limbo and allowing her to meet with the Goddess in a quicker fashion. There are the extremely rare cases where an individual shows no remorse and has no intentions of ending her life. After several counseling sessions, if she is still adamant, they will have no choice but to end her life for her, knowing that it must be done and wishing her soul luck with the atonement process.

Family Life

A rrakith family differs significantly from a human family because of the differences in our two species genders. While human families most often consist of a mother, a father, and their children, due to the normal male-female pairing for producing offspring, the Rrakith, being hermaphrodites, have a less-rigid setting. For them extended families are common, even with the situation of several parents in the family with children from different combinations of matings.

Being hermaphrodites, the Rrakith also do not have the typical gender references that we are used to. For convenience, we refer to them in the female gender, given their overall feminine appearance, and for the simple fact that any individual capable of giving birth is considered female, irrespective of the fact that she can sire a child also.

For the Rrakith, learning the human terms for masculine and feminine for referring to us proved a little tricky, but they have adapted well to working with that mode of thinking. There is the occasional slip up, which may prove embarrassing, but usually is humorous, and for humans interacting with them for long periods of time, it's just accepted as a language difficulty and is not a big deal.

Even though they do not have specific gender terms, the Rrakith do have special terms for their parents, based on who gave birth to and who sired them. The rrakith word for parent is "rral," which is modified to "aarmekrral" meaning "caring parent," and applies to the non-biological parents of the child, the other adults in the extended family who help to take care of them. "Kremmekrral" means "birthing parent" and is their nearest equivalent to 'mother.' "Rrammekrral" means "siring parent" and is their equivalent to 'father.'

Given the tendency for their families to involve more than two parents, having a child simply call out for their mother or father could be very confusing, and not very effective. Instead the cubs will actually refer to their parents by their first name to alleviate this potential confusion. For example a child might say something like "Is Rral-Ssarrabi coming home soon?"

For the addressing of adults, the word "Kith," is used in similar instances for the human equivalent of Mister, Master, Madam, Ms or Miss. In keeping with the way they address their parents, children will often address adults by their first name too, especially with familiar figures, like teachers. For less-well-known adults, the full name is used; this is also used in formal business settings.

Rrakith have surnames which are used in formal occasions for introductions and other similar situations. The Rrakith's surnames are similar to those in human societies, but given their extended families, refer to a clan name, rather than a single family name. A rrakith's full name is created by using a modifier similar to the Scottish "Mac." This modifier, "Pak," literally means "clan-child." For example a rrakith named Ssamara Pak Trekkar would mean "Ssamara, clan-child of the Trekkar."

Clans consist of more than one family, in fact they could have quite a large population. Some clans can even consist of the population of a small township. Saying that you are from Pak Grammur for example, could state that not only are you of the Grammur clan, but also from the township of Grammur; this would be enough to distinguish between families on a global basis. Of course, for larger towns and cities, the population will be made up of multiple clans. Also, there is mixing between members of different clans, especially in this modern age where global travel is readily accessible. However the Rrakith's respect for history and tradition play a part in their associating themselves with a particular historical area and keeping their clan ties.

Since the clans can be very large, there might be some thought as to how individuals' names are kept straight, as in a given area there might only be a small number of clan names to designate people by. In large cities there will, of course, be many different clan names to help tell individuals apart, but even in the smaller townships with one clan name there is not a problem with duplicate names. While we have a predilection for using the same names or naming children after relatives, the Rrakith have a preference for using unique names, or at least infrequently-used ones. They also feel it inappropriate to use the name of a living relative or clan-member, therefore they do not have the problem of mistaken identity.

Being hermaphrodites, the Rrakith cannot base their lineage on either their father or mother's family like we can. Instead lineage is traced through the clans. When there is interbreeding between clans, when someone from one clan joins a family of a different clan, their clan name needs to reflect this. Given the territorial nature of the clan name, it is usually the individual who moves location to the other's family who would change their clan name. This of course isn't a hard and fast rule, like all rules it has its exceptions. Sometimes the individual may keep their own clan name, this could be for status if one clan has more historical or social significance than the other, or like some human women who keep their maiden name after marriage.


Given that Rramatharr has a larger warm climate area than Earth and with the Rrakith's fur covering, they do not need a lot of clothing to keep them warm. Rrakith clothing is light and comfortable and is typical of human summer fashions, with shorts or short skirts and light shirts or halter-tops.

Clothing is worn for public politeness too, as they have general mores against public nudity. Their public dress codes are not uptight though, it's just something everyone follows to get along. There are also situations where these codes are more lax than at other times, for example in recreational settings. Most beaches on Rramatharr are clothing-optional, for the simple reason that wearing clothing in the water seems a bit silly to them and they enjoy the natural feel of the sun and surf against their bare fur.

Clothing for them also evolved for decorative purposes, so they do have dress uniforms for certain positions, such as public officials and people working in the business professions. Of course then there's clothing worn for parties and celebration, which tend to be more flashy and colorful.

Rrakith footwear also varies depending on the situation. They can and do go barefoot quite frequently, again they like the natural feel of it on the grass or sand. However, there are many times when their feet need to be protected, so in these situations they wear a type of sandals. For situations where a more-formal mode of dress is required, boots made of a very soft, leathery material are used. Of course harder, sturdier boots are used in dangerous situations, like a factory setting, in order to protect their feet from injury.

Rrakith Language and Writing

Any humans interacting on a long-term basis with the Rrakith will need to learn to both read and write as well as speak their language, which is a little difficult at first, but we are good at adapting and can use pocket computers to aid us. The language uses words built from letters, rather than a character-based one. The rrakith alphabet consists of forty-one letters: sixteen vowels and twenty-five consonants. The different vowel sounds are split into separate letters instead of the many ways a single vowel can be pronounced in many human languages.

Many words in the rrakith language have the English equivalent of placing two consonants together, such as "rr" or "ss," which gives the language a fluid, almost purring kind of sound. This of course isn't an absolute, like all languages, the rule has its exceptions, but the double-consonant arrangement does happen quite often. Words also tend to be limited to two or three syllables, again there are exceptions, but this is the general rule. Some examples of rrakith names are: Mkkarr, Rrynnak, Krillarr, Ssarrabi and Ssamara.

Rrakith writing still vaguely resembles the claw scratchings it has evolved from, but as with our writing, their letters have become more stylized over time, and many different font sets have been developed. Their letters consist of many straight lines, there are some arcs in there too, but they still are more angular than the Arabic character set.

Centuries ago, the people of Rramatharr decided to rationalize all their languages into one main tongue spoken all over the planet. In the process, they also refined their alphabet to eliminate inconsistent pronunciations and superfluous letters. Therefore, any word is pronounced exactly as written. The student of the rrakith language needs only to learn what syllable(s) to put emphasis on. The grammatical structure is also very precise, and will be discussed after the alphabet.

Their letters do not have upper and lower cases, only one form applies. The exception is calligraphy where old forms are used for mostly ornamental or historical purposes. The following consonants are pronounced exactly the same way as in modern English:

B, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, W, Z,
and Y (as in "Yes," not "skY") Y is not used as a vowel.

There are also the following combination-letter sounds which have their own one character consonants, but are shown as lower case letters, or special characters, due to the limitations of the Roman character set:

c (CHair), n (loNG), r (rolled r as in Rrakith), s (SHip), t (THere),
# (THin), and z (meaSure).

Finally there are the vowels and once again, combination-letter sounds are represented by a single letter:

A (mate), a (far), @ (cat)
E (meet), e (get), * (term)
I (fine), i (hit)
O (note), o (hot), % (mOOn)
U (cute), u (but)
X (prOW), Q (pOUr), & (bOY or cOIn)

Although the Rrakith can pronounce some other variations, they are not taught, except for archaic language studies. Obviously, for the benefit of the reader, any words from the rrakith language used in this paper will be spelled phonetically in English .

At the same time as they were rationalizing their alphabet, the Rrakith were constructing a common language. This wasn't as difficult as one might think, as there was already a wide-spread trade tongue, which had an easy grammatical structure. A multiplicity of dialects still exist on Rramatharr , but everyone learns the common tongue also. The Rrakith's name for their language is "Gardokka" and literally means "Single Word." Many rrakith words consist of a number of smaller words joined together like this.

Only a general overview will be given here for the benefit of the people who might get confused by some rrakith's way of speaking our language. However, due to the fact that they have eliminated all the odd exceptions to the rules of grammar, their speech is easily learned, although one must still get their tongue around the pronunciation of some words.

Firstly, all nouns have only one version. There aren't singular and plural forms, but the nouns are preceded by a quantifier for this purpose. An English equivalent to this would be the word "sheep," as you can say one sheep or ten sheep without changing the spelling for the plural form. The quantifiers include all definite or indeterminate forms, such as the Rrakith's versions of the words "the," "a," "several," "one," or any other specific number. All adjectives come after the noun.

Verbs too have the simple, single spelling. All tenses are indicated by a modifier that precedes the verb and often implies a pronoun. The verb is always spelled the same despite being first, second or third person, past, present or future, singular or plural. For example, the verb "to run" is "lepeth." "I am running" is written as "bu lepeth," "they will run" is "lak lepeth," and "Ssarrabi ran" is "Ssarrabi tek lepeth." The negative is indicated by putting the suffix "-ma" onto the modifier. For example "they will not run" is written as "lak-ma lepeth." Adverbs always follow the verb.

Conjunctions, prepositions, and many other parts of speech will follow the familiar usage of Modern English. The written word is never abbreviated as with contractions in English, but in common spoken usage this does occur sometimes, as do local accents. Although there are a few other things to learn, these rules will enable the reader to learn the basic tongue very quickly.

Number System

Given that their mathematics evolved from the humble beginnings of counting on their digits, it is not surprising that the Rrakith use a base-8 number system. Dealing with octal numbers is just another difference humans interacting with the Rrakith need to get used to.


As would be expected, the rrakith monetary system is based on their octal numbering scheme, with their version of the dollar (Femma) broken up into 64 smaller units (Jal). While we have gone exc lusively with electronic cash transactions, the Rrakith still hold on to physical money, using both bills of differing denominations, and coins for their fractional monetary units.

Of course with their level of technology they do use electronic transactions a great deal, but given their mindset with strong ties to their past, they still have a fondness for tangible currency. Large transactions are done with electronic payments, while smaller ones would usually be carried out with physical currency. Also, presents of small sums of money at important occasions are of more significance when tendered as real cash rather than an impersonal transaction slip.

Drugs and Pharmaceuticals

With the Rrakith's advance medical sciences, they obviously have many synthetic pharmaceuticals, however, given their ties to nature, they also rely on many naturally-occurring substances, and use medicines that are taken from these herbal remedies. Agriculture for pharmaceuticals is a big industry on Rramatharr. Along with the trading of scientific knowledge, many new rrakith medicines promised to be very useful to Earth.

Along with their medicines, the Rrakith have also taken a few recreational drugs from nature. Like us, they discovered the effects of fermenting long ago and have several varieties of wines. There are also certain types of leaves which act as mild, natural stimulants, these are often used in their unprocessed forms as a gentle pick me up, similar to how we might use coffee or tea. A very popular variety of this is called "drekassar" and the 'kassar shop is even more ubiquitous and popular than the terran coffee shop. These are often the favorite meeting places of many social groups.

There are also several kinds of incense that, when burned, not only smell pleasing but have some physical effects. The incense comes in different forms and strengths, so its potency can vary from having no effect at all, up the strongest levels which produces results similar to marijuana, though more just the mellowing properties, and not as much of the psycho-active effects.

Both their wines and the incense are used in ceremonial settings too, though for the incense, the weaker grades are employed. The incense is also used in the households, such as burning a lower-concentrated blend at a holiday or a special meal, for a pleasant-smelling environment. All of their drugs are safe and do not have any physical dependencies to them; they handle them responsibly and safely, teaching their children to do so too. There are however, as with any culture, the occasional excesses, but these too are generally handled in a safe manner.

Their drugs have similar effects on humans, especially for the natural stimulants and fermented beverages. Some of their wines are stronger than their terran equivalents, and sometimes more bitter, definitely a required taste, but it seems to fit the rrakith palate well. For the incense, while it smells agreeable to us, the effects are lesser than on the Rrakith. Higher concentrations of the formula would be needed to give a human the mellowing properties that a rrakith would feel at lower dosages.

On Earth, we still use manufactured drugs for recreational purposes, though over the years we have outgrown the need for a lot of them and have abandoned a lot of the nasty, so called, "designer drugs" for safer alternatives. Alcohol, stimulants, and depressants for mellowing out are still used, but attitudes towards their use have gotten better and more responsible.

The new drugs are a lot better to use, with a lot of side effects and addictive properties having been removed. There are still, stronger, more-dangerous, illegal drugs around, and they are still used, but their use has declined considerably, with people favoring the safer, and legal alternatives. We still have our occasional vices, but the situation is a lot better than in the past.

Trading with the Rrakith has been across the board, so this also includes the legal terran drugs. The Rrakith are amused at the idea of using manufactured drugs when natural ones work just fine for them, though they do try some of our lower-potency ones for an interesting diversion. The Rrakith's natural drugs, especially the stimulants, are widely accepted on Earth and seen as boon to help counteract what some see as an over-dependence on manufactured drugs.

Physical Description of the Rrakith

The Rrakith are bipedal, anthropomorphic felines, with a skeletal structure which has overall similarities to that of Humans, differing the most at the lower legs, and digitigrade feet. Another noticeable difference is their tails, which are nearly as long as their legs, about the thickness of an arm, and very mobile and expressive.

Their heads are another obvious difference from us, showing feline characteristics. Rrakith facial features are very much like that of a cat, but with anthropomorphic touches. Their heads are covered by a long, flowing mane, which is tamed into hairstyles in ways similar to ours. Their ears are a little larger and more pointed than with the proportions of terran felines, and located higher up on their heads than our ears are, pushing through the mane to rise above it. These ears are very flexible and they play a large role in expressing emotions and body language, as well as giving the Rrakith a good sense of hearing.

Rrakith eyes are oval-shaped, but tilted slightly in towards their muzzles. The pupils are wider than cats, but do have a definite elliptical shape, and aren't as wide as ours. Eye color generally tends to be a greenish-yellow, with some variations in light amber or hazel hues. Their irises are much larger than in Humans, covering more area and leaving less whites to their eyes.

Their muzzles are slightly shorter than for a terran cat of the same size. Ending at a large pink, feline nose, and the thin, black, expressive lips of their mouth, the shorter muzzles fit their face well and add to the overall anthropomorphic look of the Rrakith. However, the presence of whiskers, and the predatory look of their sharp, pointed teeth serve as obvious reminders that even with their similarities to us, the Rrakith are indeed aliens.

As to the senses, the Rrakith have a better sense of smell and hearing than us. This is more noticeable with smell than sight, while the rrakith olfactory senses are easily better than ours, their sense of hearing is only slightly better. One advantage the Rrakith do have over us in terms of hearing though, is their ability to swivel their ears, giving them a higher-degree of directional hearing, and allowing them to pinpoint sounds more easily; of course we can always turn our heads, so this is only a slight advantage.

Rrakith vision is about the same as ours, although they do have better night vision. As a result of the way their eyes are designed for excelling in low-light conditions, their vision has a trade-off in color acuity, which is less than ours. They are by no means color blind, but they don't perceive colors as deeply as we do. They can still see a wide range of colors, but it is washed out, compared to what a human would see. Also, because of the elliptical shape of their pupils, their vision is slightly more acute along the vertical axis. This accentuates vertical edges a tad more than horizontal ones.

The average height of the Rrakith is slightly shorter than that of Humans, while deviations from the average height are less for them than for us. Overall muscle strength is about the same, on the average, for the Rrakith as it is for us. However, the Rrakith are faster, especially at running, but as a trade-off, they have a lower endurance, and when working alongside humans, they would need a bit more rest at times.

The Rrakith's hands are similar to ours, but only in overall construction, upon closer examination several differences are apparent. The first of these differences (and the most obvious) is that their hands only have four digits: three fingers and an opposable thumb. Pads of soft skin cover their fingertips and palm, where their fur is absent, giving them very good tactile senses. They have small, vestigial claws in place of fingernails, which can be extended for use as tools or weapons.

The fingers of each hand are not all the same length, but they are closer in size to each other than with our fingers. Their fingers are also a little shorter than ours, which gives their hands a bit of an blunter look, but though we may have better dexterity, rrakith fingers are still able to handle fine manipulation of objects. Their arts, industry and sciences have not suffered from this slight shortcoming.

Rrakith have digitigrade feet, making them longer and narrower than ours, save for the end near their toes which makes contact with the ground. Their feet widen out at the toes, which are more squat than their human counterparts, giving them more surface area to walk on. All four of their toes are almost all the same size, but the middle two are just a little bigger, and a touch more forward, much like in a cat's foot. As with their fingers, they also have small claws at the ends of their toes. The soles of the their feet, which come in contact with the ground, also have pads on them, and are devoid of fur.

Through evolution, the design of their feet gives the Rrakith enough surface area to support their weight. The bending of the lower legs, and their tail act as an effective counter balance, keeping their center of gravity stable and allowing them to walk with ease.

Even with their anthropomorphic features, the Rrakith still have an overall feline appearance. Along with the differences of their feet, their facial features and their tail, they also have a coat of fur covering their bodies. Their fur is not as thick as with terran felines though. It is not thin enough to see the skin beneath it, without parting it for a closer examination, but this lighter coat does allow them to have quite good sensory perceptions, even on areas of their body fully covered by fur. As previously stated, the bottoms of their hands and feet are furless. The fur also thins out to expose the bare skin of their nipples and the extremities of their genital regions.

Their thinner fur also makes way for dissipation of heat through sweating. They don't have as many sweat glands as we do, nor do they sweat as heavily, but this does allow them to keep cool during periods of exercise without the need to be constantly panting. They will of course pant some during periods of high exertion, but we are also known to breathe heavily in similar circumstances.

Rrakith fur colorations tend to be in the golden-brown of cougars and the tawny yellows of lions, but with variations into the darker browns, or an occasional auburn tint in some individuals. They also have lighter patches of fur along the muzzle and chest areas, tapering down the front of their bodies to the crotch. Fur patterns appear mostly in variations of color, such as a blending of a darker shade of coloring into the coat. Interbreeding has washed out the stronger patterning, although the throwback of an interesting pattern does occasionally emerge.

Rrakith Body Language

The Rrakith are very fluid and physically expressive, with their ears, facial features and tail playing very strong roles in their body language. With their ears being mobile, they, along with the eyes, are used to convey a lot of emotions. Their tails, which are very supple and a natural extension to their roughly-humanoid form, also give away a lot of what a rrakith might be thinking.

Their tails will swish happily when they are in a pleasant mood, moving with more animation when they are excited. Alternatively, when a rrakith is either angry or scared, their tails will tend to stiffen up, along with the rest of their body and twitch nervously. Also when angry or afraid, the Rrakith's short fur will stand on end, with the classic "fight or flight" response.

For their facial features, more detail is used in describing the Rrakith. When they are in a happy or pleasant mood, their ears will flex slightly up and down, with their eyes sparkling with their emotions. Their lips will twitch slightly into a subtle smirk, but there is no version of a large grin, like we have, as for them showing teeth is seen as an expression of anger or challenge. Some rrakith, after being around humans for awhile and observing us, do pick up our habit of a smile, but it is still not as obvious, again not a full grin, just a light smirk, which can look quite attractive on their muzzles.

Like a cat, the Rrakith can and do purr when they are happy. This purring is usually very slight, and might be just barely audible. However, under the right circumstances, usually involving tactile stimuli, such as a relaxing massage, their purrs become deeper and more powerful. They also have their version of laughter, which is usually a throaty, chuckling sound, with just a hint of a purr to it. When laughing, their mouth will open, usually just slightly, but their lips aren't pulled back to expose their teeth.

If a rrakith is ever extremely amused, and caught in a laughing fit, like us, their mouths will open even wider, showing an unavoidable glimpse of a tooth or two. What is very interesting about their stronger laughter is that, to the untrained human ear, how much like roaring it can sound. In fact, this is something that we had to get used to upon spending long periods of time living with the Rrakith. There is also, of course, the cultural differences for humor, with many jokes not surviving the translation between our species. A lot of Rrakith comedy tends to be very physical, similar to slapstick, so that is at least one spot of common ground between us.

For sadness, the Rrakith have similar modes of expression to those of ours, but with the added feature of their ears and tail. When in a gloomy mood, their ears will droop, as well as their tail slackening. The general mood of sadness is also cast on their face, showing easily in their eyes. Also, like us, the Rrakith do cry. No matter how alien they may look, seeing a rrakith with watery eyes shows, that, without a doubt, even with their differing thought patterns, we still share some things in common with them.

For fear and anger, along with their body stiffening up, there are obvious signs in their facial expressions. For fear, their eyes are wide open, their pupils dilating, with their ears alert, up at attention and drawn slightly back. When angry, their eyes will again be wide open, but with their ears now flattened back against their head. When angry they will open their mouths and show some teeth in a snarl. They are more restrained than a wild cat, but the sight is undeniably feral, especially when an individual is highly enraged; it can be quite a convincing and terrifying sight, especially to those new to dealing with the Rrakith. As mentioned earlier, their tail will be moving with agitated motions at this time.

When excited or interested in something, their eyes will open wider, but not as wide as when angry or scared. Their ears will also pick up to partial attention, with their tail swishing behind them absent-mindedly as they stare with rapt attention at whatever it is that has captured their interest.

Their versions of conveying affirmative or negative communications are similar to ours, but with their own differences. A negative response is very similar, a simple head shaking, almost exactly like how we would express it. For conveying understanding or affirmative though, they do not nod their heads like we do. Instead they slightly tilt their heads to the side briefly, and then back up again.

Like us, their greeting gestures no doubt evolved from how strangers in primitive times would try and appear non-threatening when meeting one another. For the Rrakith, they offer both hands to each other, with their arms partially extended and their palms face up. The reasoning behind this is most likely that it makes trying to claw someone more difficult. During greeting, they will also cock their heads back, as to expose the nick just slightly, most likely left over from their ancestors as baring necks is a sign of submission. Like us, these greeting gestures are reserved for meeting people for the first time, or for business settings. Amongst friends, family members and lovers, their greetings are more personal, which brings the discussion to how they show affection.

For showing affection to one another, they will embrace, very much like us, also nuzzling each other's necks and rubbing their cheeks together. They will also lick at each other's muzzles, sometimes giving little love nips to the neck. The touching of noses is very common. They will sometimes lick at each other's lips, but this is not the same as a human kiss, though once again, this is something that a few rrakith might pick up from their interactions with humans.

The Rrakith tend to be very tactile in showing affection, hugging and stroking each other, sometimes resulting in contented purrs. They are more physically expressive than us, even with friends and family members, but this physical contact is obviously not always in a romantic or sexual way. They realize you can be close and intimate in platonic ways as well, and though the boundary between friends and lovers is distinct, it does also blend, for they view lovers to be the ultimate closeness in a friendship and see those interactions as a natural progression.

Reproductive System Anatomy

Now for the really interesting part of the discussion: the rrakith reproductive system. As already mentioned, the Rrakith are hermaphrodites, which means of course, that they have both sets of complete male and female reproductive organs. Physically this results in an overall feminine appearance, with the Rrakith having two breasts and a body design with proportions and structure that we associate with the female form.

On closer inspection, however, the Rrakith's true nature comes out: their genitalia is a mixture of both sexes. This was an evolutionary choice made somewhere along the lines in the development of life on Rramatharr, for most of the animals there are also hermaphrodites. There are a few animals resulting from a split in the evolutionary-tree somewhere, that are divided into the two sexes like life on Earth, but they are very rare.

When we first discovered the Rrakith were hermaphrodites, we were obviously very surprised. Scientifically it was a breakthrough biological discovery, and it sparked a lot of discussion over our differing evolutionary paths. At the same time though, it was still very hard for us to comprehend the melding of the two sexes into one. In fact many found the idea somewhat revolting and offensive at first.

The Rrakith were as equally taken aback by the fact that we could live like we do, with our two halves separated apart. While they had seen it in a few animals on their world, it was still very hard for them to conceptualize what it would be like for us, feeling that we were somehow limited by our separate genders. They also had revulsion of their own to deal with, as for them, the thought of their mating aspect ripped in two like that was something akin to the human male castration complex.

Fortunately for both our races, scientific curiosity and open-mindedness did prevail, and while to the general populace of both worlds, the differences in our reproductive construction is a big mystery or curiosity, both races have been able to accept the other's differences, and learn to get along together. Obviously the genetic differences between Rrakith and Humans are much too great to allow interbreeding, and for the most part, we are both still too nervous about each other to have romantic relationships occur. However, as an inevitable outcome from any long-term mixing of people from different cultures, there is bound to be some experimentation sooner or later.

An examination of the genitalia shows that the Rrakith have a full set of functioning male and female reproductive organs, with some differences from ours. One obvious difference is, that for the life on Rramatharr, the situation requiring that sperm be produced at a temperature slightly lower than that of the core body temperature never occurred. Therefore, for the Rrakith, and the other hermaphroditic life on Rramatharr, there is no scrotum, as the testes are internal to the body.

The penis lies above the top of the vagina in the Rrakith, and is sheathed when not erect. The skin of the protective sheath is flexible, allowing for good freedom of movement of the penis during erection, permitting it to point forwards from the abdomen, and allowing for copulation in as many ways as we can. Another quirk of the Rrakith's development is that they have separate seminal and urinary tracks, with the urethra located near the top of the vagina, as in human females, which then leaves the penis as a purely copulatory organ.

Mating Habits

Like human females, the Rrakith have an ovulation cycle over which the concentration of hormones varies. The interesting thing about the Rrakith's cycle though, is that it fluctuates between male and female hormones. The cycle is twenty-six days long. For two or three days out of this cycle, she is fertile and can be impregnated. At this time her female hormones are at a maximum level, with her male hormones at the lowest, so at this time she acts more feminine than at other points along her cycle.

Thirteen days later, her hormone levels are fully reversed, with the male hormones being at their maximum levels and the female hormones tapering off. At this point she exhibits more masculine traits and is the most potent for siring offspring. The Rrakith have a unique organ which produces and regulates both male and female hormones and prevents complications due to their ever-changing balance.

Throughout a rrakith's cycle, her hormone levels are changing, along with their effects on her attitudes and personality. At and near the peak of the female side of the cycle, she would be more likely to engage in sex as a female, paying more attention to her female anatomy. The opposite is true at the other end of the cycle, with her focusing more attention on her male genitalia, and acting more masculine. Between the peaks of her cycle, the individual's interests and mindset shift gradually between the two extremes.

However, the Rrakith don't always mate according to where they are in their cycles. As a sentient species, they can choose to mate however and whenever they choose. Their cycles do play a part in their mating habits, but their minds are not ruled by their hormones, only the ability to produce offspring is an absolute. Also if two lovers have similar cycles, there is a natural mechanism which increases the chances for the couple producing offspring. When any two rrakith are living together for a long enough period of time, their cycles will naturally drift apart, allowing them to eventually diverge and be at opposite ends of the cycle compared to each other, so when one is near estrus, the other will be near full male potency.

Pregnancy, Birth and Caring for Cubs

The gestation period for rrakith offspring is between thirty-two and thirty-three rramatharr weeks, which is just slightly longer than in humans. They have the usual ratio of number of breasts to number of children, i.e.: 1 pair to 1 child. However, although single births are normal, the Rrakith do have a significantly higher incidence of twins than we do, occurring at a rate of about 4.5% as opposed to 1.15% for us. The numbers for triplets and quads falls off logarithmically, so they are almost as rare for the Rrakith as for us. Although twins occur more often than in humans, they are still rare enough to be seen as special, and couples with twins born to them are considered to be very lucky.

Another interesting aspect of the Rrakith's combined genders is that both parents are able to lactate and nurse their cubs, not just the one who gave birth to them. Lactation in the Rrakith is very easy to stimulate, and in most cases occurs naturally in the non-birthing parent from being close to their mate during the period of pregnancy, and at birth, with subtle hormonal and olfactory messages triggering the lactation reflex.

The sharing of the nursing of the cubs produces strong bonds between the young and both of their parents from early on, and as with us, sharing the joy of their offspring brings mates closer together. In some cases, if the non-birthing parent has trouble starting lactation, a simple herbal lactation inducement can be used to solve the problem. Also, in some cases, other adult members of the extended family will help out with the nursing of the young, which produces a very tight-knit family unit.

Life-span and Adolescence

The rrakith life-span is quite long, over two-hundred terran years, thanks to their advanced medical sciences. Human life-spans have been increasing too over the years, but are still less than those of the Rrakith, coming up to about one-hundred-forty. The trading of scientific knowledge with the Rrakith promises to help to extend our life-spans.

The Rrakith enter puberty just slightly later than we do, starting between the age of eleven and twelve rramatharr years. Puberty and adolescence lasts longer for the Rrakith too, but most rrakith are able to both sire and conceive a child sometime in the early part of their thirteenth year. Rrakith are considered to be adults at the age of fourteen, which is roughly equivalent to sixteen terran years, though they stay in school for another two to six years, some even longer if they choose an academically-intensive route.

The Rrakith do not celebrate their birthdays every year as we do. Instead they mark certain key stages in their lives with rites of passage. Although not universal, the common custom is to celebrate the following events:

Allowing for the long Rramatharr year, it can be seen that these milestones have much in common with the steps in our own lives. After entering adulthood, rites of passage aren't scheduled as they are for children and adolescents. Instead significant events, such as a couple giving birth to a cub, or an individual reaching an important step in their career, are celebrated when appropriate.

Given that the Rrakith are very physically expressive of their feelings for one another, this comes into play with their developing sexuality during adolescence. Friendships are always expressed with playful and close bonds, and with the onset of puberty, these expressions between close friends can gradually grow into the romantic domain.

This sexual experimentation is expected and considered a normal and healthy part of growing up. Parents, teachers and doctors are all very open about sexuality to adolescents, and there is a thorough teaching of it throughout the teenage years. In fact teaching sexual relationships are considered a very important part of parenting, with open discussions on it, and the importance of birth control. Sexuality is considered a normal and important part of life and is not shied away from. Of course adult topics are not discussed in front of young cubs, but at the same time parents are not flustered when a child asks questions like where babies come from.

Sex play amongst teenagers is common and expected, and through their adolescent years, the Rrakith gradually learn about sex through this experimentation, coming to better understandings of their bodies and inter-personal relationships from it. For the Rrakith, adolescence is not a period of confusion as it can be for us, but seen more as a wonderful time of growth and learning. Many a rrakith looks back on their adolescence with fond memories, especially when recalling their first loves.

Because of their highly-advanced medical sciences, the risk of sexually-transmitted diseases is virtually nil. However, there still is a chance of accidental pregnancy, not only with an unprotected couple, but, because the Rrakith are hermaphrodites, there is a very small chance of self-fertilization via a "splash pregnancy" while masturbating. So for that reason and the fact that the Rrakith do readily participate in sexual relations, there is a need for contraceptives.

Birth control is achieved through means of long-lasting shots or a small implant, similar to Norplant. These contraceptives are not only extremely effective, but without any nasty side effects, leaving the Rrakith's hormonal cycle functional, but egg fertilization inhibited. Birth control is taught along with the rest of the sex education so that everyone is informed on it. It is a voluntary measure, but as there is no stigma against it, its use is very widespread. Contraceptive usage is seen as part of keeping oneself healthy and safe, with it being a routine procedure that can be done as part of a routine physical check-up during a visit to the doctor's office.

Attitudes Towards Sex

Of course even with the best contraceptives, there is a very slight chance for an accidental pregnancy. There are also some individuals who might get too careless; even adults could occasionally forget the routine maintenance required and let the effectiveness of their contraceptive fall too low. There is no stigma attached to accidental pregnancies, they are just viewed as a situation which must be dealt with.

Dealing with an accidental pregnancy requires the input of all those involved, being the couple if they're adults, or also the family members if she is an adolescent. If the individual is too young, they may decide to abort. They value the choice of the people involved, but also consider the fact that they are terminating a life. As with most decisions, there is a balance that must be reached, and usually they will opt for adopting the cub into the extended family, where the adults would help bring up the young, sort of like surrogate parents.

For those who choose to get themselves pregnant without a formal mate, it will be accepted as there is no single-parent stigma, though it is assumed that a single parent will still have close relatives help her out. Generally, nobody lives alone, as the Rrakith are very social. A self-pregnancy would be a lifestyle choice within a family group, but an aberration for a loner. Because of the Rrakith's strong sense of family, loners are very rare, and are seen as having some emotional or personality problems; in extreme cases they are often urged to seek counseling for help.

Just because the Rrakith are open sexually, it doesn't mean that it's free love all the time and you have people copulating in the streets. They are a very open people, but they don't sleep with anything that moves. They reserve sex for people very close to them. Also, while teenagers do experiment with sex play, that doesn't mean they go out and immediately lose their virginity at the onset of puberty, it is a slow process for them to gradually explore their sexuality with their first loves.

Although they are more physical with expressing their feelings, they also have public decency mores, such as no public nudity outside of previously mentioned clothing-optional venues. Public displays of affection are okay, such as hugging, cuddling, and even light kissing, but it is considered rude to engage in more intimate behavior in public. If a couple were to get too heavily involved they would be suggested to "rent a room." Not that sex is ever thought to be naughty or dirty, it's just that sex is meant to be a private and intimate sharing, and it's considered polite not to force others into feeling that they are intruding.


In conclusion, the Rrakith are a similar but also very different race, and interacting with them has advantages for both of our worlds. This interaction has only just begun and it holds many interesting lessons in store for us. There are things we have only just begun to learn from one another, and our friendship promises many new and wonderful discoveries in the coming years.

Copyright 1996, Will A. Sanborn -
The Rrakith copyright 1996, Will A. Sanborn and Bernard Doove