A Private Dance

Will A. Sanborn


Revised 8/31/96

The gray-striped mel cat's tail twitched slightly in anticipation as he strode up the walkway, reaching the entrance to the house and rapping lightly on the door. After his second knock, the door opened, and he was rewarded with the sight of a cat femme, with black fur and distinctive patches of white on her hands, muzzle, neck, and tailtip; the ensemble completed with her soft, flowing white hair contrasting against the fur of her face and large feline ears poking through it.

Barely even noting her attire of baggy blue sweatpants and shirt, slumming in respect to his smart and casual dress, he quickly opened his arms wide and embraced her. "Hi honey, I've missed you."

Eagerly returning his embrace, she softly kissed him before replying. "I've missed you too Brian, it's been a long two weeks."

Moving inside to her living room, taking a seat on the couch, their conversation continued. "So Rachel, how was the business trip?'

"It was wonderful, no matter how much I travel, it always seems so new to me. Still, it was for business, and while everything went well, and we got the contract, it was a little taxing, being gone for so long. It's nice to be back."

Taking his light-gray furred hand in her soft, white one, she smiled before continuing, "so how about you, how has work been?"

"It's been good." he replied, returning her warm smile. "We had a few problems, but that's to be expected, and they were just minor ones. The design is coming along well, and it looks like we're even ahead of schedule."

Their conversation continued like that for awhile, catching up on each other's life, not as polite small-talk, but with honest caring and intimacy. Then with a small smirk across his muzzle, he changed the conversation.

"So Rachel, I came over here all dressed for a night on the town to celebrate your return and our reunion, and you're dressed like you're at the gym. I think you could've been ready for me... you haven't made me wait while you were getting reading for a date for a long time."

A twinkle in her eye and her own little smile came along with the delivery of her retort. "Oh Brian, you silly kitty, of course I'll be ready on time. I was doing a little work out and lounging around the house all morning; it's only 3:00 and we have plenty of time until dinner. Plus, I figured you'd want to get reacquainted and make up for the time we've been apart, and why bother getting all dressed up when I'd just have to do it again?"

His smile widening, he rose. Holding out his hand he offered "very true love, what say we retire to the bedroom right now?"

"Sounds very good to me love, I was about ready to make the suggestion myself." Placing her hand in his, she stood up and they walked quickly upstairs, the expressions on their faces betraying their desire and mild excitement.

Reaching her bedroom, both pairs of arms wrapped tightly around the other's body, drawing them into a close embrace. His gray muzzle finding the white fur of hers, their thin lips parted and their noses touched in a soft kiss, becoming more urgent.

The kiss building the passion between them, their hands clutched desperately at the fabric cloaking their lover's body. Finally pulling away slightly, his hands roamed down her back, tugging at the baggy fabric of her sweatshirt, pulling it from clutches of the waistband of her pants. Untucking the bottom of the garment, he raised it upward, briefly pausing at the lacy fabric he'd revealed.

Moving her arms to help him, they soon had the shirt pulled up over her head and off of her. Bringing her arms down, dropping the bulky fabric to the floor, she smiled at his surprise, seeing delicate material of the lingerie contrast with that of her sweatpants.

Quickly kicking off her shoes, she bent down to remove the second half of her drab outer covering. Rising back up, she smiled as she stood before him in a silky red teddy and matching long, lacy stockings. With a twinkle in her eye, and a self-assured pose she asked "so how do you like this outfit, Brian?"

Returning her smile with an even broader one, he replied "you look beautiful, so that bit with the sweats was just a joke on me, eh?"

"Well I wanted to do something special for us as it's been awhile since we've seen each other, and I really love this getup... I thought the sweats would make it look even better in contrast, once I got them off."

"Well I definitely approve, you look very sexy, honey."

As he moved his hand to reach for one of the shoulder straps of her teddy, she quietly stopped him with a single finger pressed lightly against his nose. "Not so fast there... I've got something else in mind first, okay?"

Nodding, with a smile, he watched her with rising interest as she turned and sauntered sexily over to the small stereo placed on the corner of the dresser. Lightly tapping the play button she turned to face him as the room filled with the light sounds of soft, sensuous jazz.

Standing before him, striking another pose, that time a very subtle one, she watched with approval as his green eyes roamed gently over her daintily-clad form. Moving closer she whispered "I really love how this outfit makes me feel," then planting a soft, yet deliberate kiss on his muzzle.

Moving her hands up to stroke the gray fur of his cheeks, her fingers trailed down his neck to the collar of his shirt. Lightly tugging at the fabric, giving him a bat of her eyes and a sultry smile, she began to slowly undo each button one by one, moving down towards his belt. Reaching in to softly tickle his tummy at one of his sensitive spots which she knew so well, she ever-so-slowly untucked the tails of his shirt from his pants, until every bit of fabric was free. Running her hands up the fur of his chest and across his lightly-striped shoulders, she extracted the garment from his arms with the greatest of care, sending small shivers down his spine.

Maneuvering his shoes off with his feet he watched as she trailed her fingers slowly across his chest once again, this time downward, toward his pants. Kneeling down, she worked her fingers deftly on his buckle; she quickly had his belt loosened, but then slowed her pace as her efforts turned toward the button holding the pants closed. Undoing the last of the buttons, she slowly and deliberately moved to the zipper, glancing up at him with her soft amber eyes and a warm look playing across her face.

Working the zipper down, she then grabbed at the waistband of his pants and worked them off of him with the same teasing slowness as with his shirt. As he stepped out of them, nude before her but for his white briefs, she rose to a standing position, her fingers lightly tracing his arousal through the thin cotton fabric. Smiling at him, her eyes beaming, she lead him back to sit on her bed. Trailing her fingers through his short, steel-gray hair, playfully brushing past his ear causing it to twitch, she stepped backward, pulling his gaze along with her.

Finding the beat of the soft music she began to dance, swaying her body slowly, letting herself be moved by the sensuous melodies. Watching her lover's eyes, she smiled as he intently studied her with longing and adoration, his arousal growing. Spurred on by this, she lost herself in the music and felt her own desire building, the dance and her delicate outfit working their sensual effects on her mind.

The power of the dance grew for both of them, working its hypnotic effect on him and drawing her further into it. Time seemed to slow down, losing meaning as the music became more powerful for her, letting its tones guide her body's movement. Her tail flicking slightly, in tune with the rest of the steps of her dance, her hands trailed along the soft fabric of her teddy, slowly untying the strings that held it closed, then finding the thin strap at one of her shoulders.

Keeping up with the music, never missing a step in the erotic movements of her dance, she slowly moved the strap down her arm, her pace as deliberate and teasing as when she'd been disrobing him. Letting the fabric slip from her hand, she turned her attention to the other shoulder, working the material down that arm as well, until she finally let the garment slip from her, falling away to be gently batted by her swishing tail and float softly to the carpet by her feet.

As she continued dancing, his eyes were again drawn up and down the full length of her form. With the teddy gone, besides her stockings, all that adorned her body was a pair of lacy red panties and a matching bra, its design made to support her breasts, but its cups cut low to reveal the top half of her breasts, its fabric just skirting the tips of her nipples.

Her attire had quite a smashing affect, for not only did the red of the lacy fabric shine softly against the jet black of her fur, but in that state of near undress, the full patch of white on her neck, starting from her muzzle and plunging down to a tapering point between her breasts was almost completely revealed. That patch of white, along with those on her hands, tail tip and her hair provided a beautiful contrast with the rest of her uniformly-black fur, and the image was only enhanced by the red fabric of her lingerie. Their eyes met once again, and seeing his approval they both warmly smiled at one another.

Continuing her dance for another small eternity, she finally returned her attention to the remaining material covering her. Moving in time with the fluid motion of her swaying to the music, her hands trailed along her body once again. Moving much like those of a lover, her fingers traced delicate patterns in her fur from her thighs, up her tummy and abdomen, following the soft fabric of her bra to the thin strips of material holding it to her.

With a sultry look on her face, her mouth parted in an open smile, she ever-so-slowly pulled the undergarment from her, first releasing one breast, then the other to his intent gaze, her erect nipples poking through the light covering of fur there.

Standing there for a few moments, her eyes watching him watch her, she then slowly glided back towards him, stopping in front of the bed as he sat there looking up at her, smiling eagerly.

Reaching out for the bed post, holding onto it for support, she brought one of her legs up, placing her stocking-covered foot next to him. Smiling with understanding he reached up to place his hands on her leg, lightly stroking her upper thigh, then hooking his fingers into the delicate fabric of the stocking.

Moving just as slowly as she had gone with him, he eased the fabric down the entire length of her leg, lightly kissing the fur of her knee as he bared it. Finally moving the bunched-up fabric down her lower leg, he glided it off her foot, softly stroking the patch of white fur there as he pulled the stocking from it.

With wordless approval, she switched legs, bringing the second stocking up to his reach. After he completed the process, she silently offered her hand to him, guiding him off the bed and back to the spot where she'd been dancing. Stopping, she kissed him once again, as his hand came up to cup her breast and softly stroked her nipple, feeling her body respond.

With the gentle music playing in the background, and their muzzles still together in the deep, gentle kiss, she brought her arms around him in embrace and started up the slow, fluid movements of the dance once again.

Reacting quickly, he moved his feet in time with hers, joining in this sensuous slow dance. Again flowing with the music, their all-but nude bodies worked together in a arousing promise of what their movements between the sheets would soon be.

Moving his hands around to her back, he began to clutch at her with abandon once again, as she replied, trailing her own fingers over his spine. As he nuzzled her neck, she lay her head against him, purring softly. Gliding his hands down her back, he found the root of her tail just inside rim of her panties.

Teasing her sensitive flesh there and licking at the nape of her neck, he heard her moan as she brought her movements against him more firmly. Increasing his attentions, he soon was sliding her panties down off of her, and following suit she soon had him released from his cotton prison.

Moving as one, they fell into bed, moaning softly as they came together; their movements continued, the soft music all but forgotten, but still subtly influencing their intimate dance.

Copyright 1996, Will A. Sanborn - was1@shore.net