The Loner

Will A. Sanborn


Revised 10/1/96

"I'm glad that I finally convinced you to spend some time with me outside of class Paul. I'd like to get to know you better, that is if you're interested."

He peered back at her, the lower part of his face conveniently hidden behind the coffee cup, as he took a slow drink, then lowering the cup to the table. His eyes remained locked on her, gazing at her with a mixture of emotions that were hard to decipher. He still looked shy and scared, but there was something else underneath, perhaps just a hint of wildness, which she found intriguing.

Finally he broke the silence with his soft voice. "Of course you know I'm interested Ann, otherwise I wouldn't be here. It's just that I'm still a little nervous..."

As his voice trailed off, he momentarily dropped his gaze from hers. In the span of those few moments, she reflected back on their relationship, and what had happened between them so far. She'd noticed him a few weeks into the semester, in her film-studies course, as he sat alone, towards the back of the auditorium. It was a night course, so it wasn't that well attended, most of the students in the course were there because their schedules were so hectic that 7:00 in the evening was one of the few times when they could fit academics into their life. She'd taken the course as an elective because it looked interesting, and she had nothing better to do with her Monday nights, and also because, a night class was vastly superior to an early morning one.

She hadn't seen him around campus before, and at first didn't pay any notice to him sitting there by himself. But after glimpsing him the first few times from across the room, she felt something almost intangible grip her. She'd been interested in several people before and had a few steady boyfriends in the recent past, but she'd never experienced an attraction quite like this. It wasn't a strict physical attraction, although he was fairly attractive, with his medium height and build, straight dark hair, and an honest face. He was just average-looking, except for his eyes, which looked so deep and insightful, but she hadn't noticed that until she'd gotten a closer look at him. No this hadn't been a simple attraction, it had been as if she'd sensed something about him, and that had intrigued her. There was something subtle about him, and just the way he sat there somehow hinted at the interesting personality hiding beneath his quiet exterior.

After taking several quick peeks at him throughout the lecture, she'd decided that she wanted to meet him. She was outgoing most of the time, but still had a bit of shyness to her when it came to approaching strangers, finally, she decided it was worth the risk to try and meet him. The following week she'd waited quietly outside of the lecture hall until he'd entered and sat down. Waiting a few minutes more, she'd entered the room and approached the row where he sat.

He'd looked up at her with surprise, and was a bit uncomfortable when she'd asked if a seat close to his was taken, and if he minded if she sat there. He'd shyly mumbled that it was okay, and had spent the next several minutes in an awkward silence, staring down at his shoes. Finally she'd introduced herself and found out his name, she was even able to prod him with some small talk before the lecture started.

At the end of the three-hour session, they'd chatted some more before he'd said he needed to leave. In that short time, he'd become more comfortable with her, but was still very reserved in his conversation. He'd said he lived in an apartment downtown, so they only walked a short distance together, before their paths diverged.

The next few weeks had been more of the same, she'd found herself becoming more interested in him as she slowly brought him out of his shell, each time sharing a little bit more of himself with her. He was still shy and a little reserved, but seemed to be growing more comfortable with her. They'd found they had more than a few things in common, such as a love for foreign films, which had led them both to the class which had brought them together. After each lecture they'd stay and talk for upwards of an hour or so before he'd say that he needed to leave. They'd walk together to the student union, where she'd turn east toward her campus apartment, and he would head south, down into town.

But then tonight she'd asked him if he'd like to grab a snack at a nearby, yet slightly secluded coffee shop, and to her delighted surprise, he'd actually agreed. They'd talked with their newfound easiness all the way there, but upon entering, he'd become strangely quiet, perhaps because that was a new step in their relationship.

Brought back to the present, she glanced around the shop, which wasn't too busy tonight, there were only four other customers in the whole place, and they were at the back, several tables away from anyone else. Looking back at him, she decided to make the move, reaching over to him, and gently touching the top of his right hand. He jerked his head up at her touch, gasping slightly, with a look of surprise.

"It's okay Paul," she said in a soothing and reassuring voice. With a slightly-forced laugh, she continued "I'm not going to bite. You seem so alone, I just want to help you."

Looking at her with his deep, brown eyes, he dragged her into their depths, seeming to pull her mind into his for the briefest of moments. Falling into his gaze, she felt closer to him then than ever before, uncovering some of the layers of his psyche, as he revealed more of his personality to her. At that moment she felt a stronger attraction towards him, realizing how deep her feelings for him had become, almost a longing.

She also sensed there was something he was hiding from her, something besides his simple, but deep need for simple companionship which she could now feel. He broke their contact by speaking again. "You don't really know me Ann... I do feel so alone, but it's because of the way I am, and I don't know if I can escape that. I'm just so different, so different from everyone else and I don't know if you can deal with that."

Looking into the sadness in his eyes, she felt the weight upon his soul, but still didn't understand its cause. "I feel like I know you very well already Paul, whatever it is, I think I can understand. I want to help you." After a brief pause, she continued, "I can't explain it, but in our meetings during these past weeks I've felt a connection between us. I don't quite understand it, but I feel like I've known you for a long time and I'm always thinking of you. I want to be a bigger part of your life... please let me in."

"I've felt this way for so long, it seems like I've been alone for ever. I can't tell you what this means to me Ann." As he was speaking, he blinked his eyes several times, and she saw they were glistening slightly with tears, his voice becoming just slightly choked. "I've felt the same way about you, but didn't know how you felt about me. Still I've been alone for so long, I don't want to be hurt, or to do something that might hurt you... It scares me just to think of it. I'm so afraid that it won't work..." his voice trailing off.

"But if we don't try, we'll never know" she interrupted. giving him a cute smile, looking deeper into his eyes. "I'm willing to risk it if you are. I've known you long enough to know that I don't want to lose you."

She could still tell he was nervous, but he flashed her a quick smile in return. Gathering up his courage, he took her hand in his, keeping his eyes locked on her gaze, his grip was loose at first, then tightening slightly. At his touch she was drawn deeper into his mind, touching his loneliness and gaining more insight into his soul, still there was part of him that he kept shrouded from her.

Sitting there hand in hand, lost in each other's eyes, there didn't seem to be any more need for words. They stayed like that for only a few minutes, but it seemed to span a much longer period. The contact gave her a feeling of intimacy, and it was as if they'd spent several hours pouring over each other's souls.

He finally broke the magic of the moment, letting go of her hand, speaking against the comfortable silence of a short eternity. "Well now, I think it's about time we left."

"What do you mean Paul. You aren't going to leave me now are you?"

"I said 'we' not 'I.' I'd like to be in a more private setting... that is if you're interested" flashing her a bold, and almost dangerous grin. It seemed that perhaps the prey had suddenly turned on the hunter.

Struck with surprise at his boldness and the turn of events, she was silent for a couple of moments. Quickly recovering, she returned his grin as she replied "why Paul, whatever has gotten into you? Are you sure that you're up for this?"

"I wasn't until just now. When we were sitting there I got a feeling of just exactly who you are. I think that we're right for each other, and I think that this will work out. That is if you're serious about wanting to be with me."

"You know that I am, now let's get out of here." Quickly paying their bill, they headed out into the cool night air, as they walked, he slipped his arm around her and she leaned into him.

It was a short walk to her apartment, and they walked there at a faster pace than usual. Entering her single, she could feel her pulse quickening with excitement, she'd never felt like this with anyone else, and it was as if he was the one she'd been waiting for all this time.

Closing the door, he quickly turned her towards him, kissing her hard, almost forcibly. His kiss caught her off guard, especially from the deftness of it. From his shyness, she'd assumed that he wouldn't have had much practice at that sort of activity, so she was pleasantly surprised by his skillfulness. Letting out a tiny gasp, she kissed him back, bringing her arms tighter around him.

They stood in their warm embrace for several minutes, then he pulled away slightly, nudging her through the small apartment, into her bedroom. The room was lit by the moonlight flooding in through the windows, and standing in front of the bed, its glow illuminated them in a pale aura.

"Ann, are you ready for this? After this there can be no turning away, I want to make sure this is what you want."

"Please Paul, I want to be with you as much as possible. I've never felt this way before and I need you with me."

Hearing that, he embraced her once again, kissing her lightly, slowly unbuttoning her shirt, he slipped it gently off of her. Lightly stroking her neck and shoulders with one hand, he moved the other to slowly caress one of her breasts beneath her bra.

The hand caressing her neck then moved behind her head to stroke her cheek, while his other hand slipped behind her back to touch the side of her waist. He slowly disengaged his lips from hers, moving down her cheek, lightly kissing, until he reached her neck. Running his tongue deliberately over her tender skin there, he heard her gasp slightly in response, holding her body against him.

His actions changed abruptly, like a snake lying at wait in the grass he sprang, striking quickly. Pulling her closer to him, he thrust his hand over her mouth, stifling her cry, at the same moment he bared his teeth, forcing his giant canines into her soft flesh. Piercing her jugular, her drank deeply of her life-force, her warm blood spilling across his tongue, as she struggled against him.

Her struggles didn't last long though, as the venom of his essence seeped into her blood stream, calming her. The application of the drugging agents hidden within his saliva, given to her while lapping at her delicate skin, had helped to dull her pain and made it much easier for her. His attentions had been slower and kinder towards her, for she was not like one of his nameless victims. No, she'd agreed to be his partner, and was now taking part in what had become their dance, for now and forever.

It was over quickly, and she passed into what appeared much like a deep sleep, as the change started to work its way upon her. Laying her gently on her bed, he bent down to slowly lick the two round wounds on her neck, more natural agents in his saliva clotting her blood.

How long had he been like this? It had been so long he could hardly remember. What he'd become was part of a race which was on the decline, it had been so long since he'd seen someone like himself. He'd gone through his lonely existence for such a long time, never thinking he would find anyone, someone like her. He had found her though, and she'd agreed to stay with him, even if she hadn't thoroughly understood the ramifications of her decision. When she awoke the next evening to join him in the night, he was sure that she would understand the situation, after all it would give them the opportunity to be together like she had wanted. He was sure that she would understand.

He smiled to himself for the first time in what seemed like centuries. How good it would be to be with someone who would completely understand him, and was so much like himself. Closing the window shades, leaving them in the protection of darkness, he lay down on the bed next to her, he embraced her sleeping form lightly and soon fell into sleep himself. Tomorrow was after all a whole new night, and what wonders it promised to hold.

Copyright 1994, 1996, Will A. Sanborn -