[Title Icon] The Chakat's Den [Title Icon]

The Art & Stories of Bernard Doove

[CHAKAT IMAGE] [Welcome! .WAV] Click me!
[Introduction To Chakats] Updated: 14 Feb 1998
[Chakat Visions] Updated: 26 June 1998
[Stories] Updated: 5 July 1998
[Art index] Updated: 5 July 1998
[Story: Lost] New sequel coming!
[ConFurence] Updated: 14 March 1998
[Information] Updated 23 March 1998
[California Kit Fox] Updated: 28 May 1998
[Boss Hoss] Updated: 14 Feb 1998
[Hellenic] Updated: 9 June 1998
[Lynx icon] LYNX friendly, but best viewed in Netscape! [Get Netscape Now]

This is the home of The Chakat's Den. Here you will find all the information and illustrations on that wonderful furry race: Chakats!

Click here to read the latest update for the article An Introduction To Chakats. This will give you a fairly detailed overview of their physical and mental nature, plus a brief historical background. There are also some links to accompanying illustrations. Please note that some portions of this article are of a mature nature.

[Small Chakat image #1] If you are already familiar with the chakats, you may want to read some stories based on the lives and loves of a few of them. Forest Tales are a series of stories that focus about the life of Chakat Forestwalker and hir family. So far there have been eleven episodes written, with more planned. This is an adult series. Please be aware that many of the episodes contain sex scenes, although I hasten to add, they are done as tastefully as possible. Also, as the stories have progressed, my story writing skills have improved slightly, so hopefully you will find the latter stories are better. I have included some links to relevant illustrations plus a number of chakat pictures unrelated to any story so far.

[Small Chakat image #2] There is now a spin-off series. Forest Tales Presents: The Admiral & The Chakat. This is an erotica series featuring Forestwalker and a very special friend.

Further chakat adventures have been written by my friend Terry Knight. In the multi-part story "LOST", his alter-ego MayFurr has a close encounter of the 'taur kind.
There is also now a prequel wherein two of the characters harken back to their academy days in "Academy Tails".

Other chakat stories have been written by Will Sanborn, a furry author for whom I have been doing illustrations for his stories. I told him that it was about time he did a story for me and this is the result. "Turning Point" is about a chakat coming to terms with hir loss.The other one was a Christmas present for me and is titled "Greytiger Saves Christmas".

I have also written a couple of non-chakat based stories. They are "The Wish" and its sequel, "Second Chance". They are both mild erotica stories, both inspired by a couple of wonderful Terrie Smith drawings. If you want to see the picture which brought about the first story, you will just have to buy a copy of South Fur Lands, Sex & Violence, issue #1. You can find out how to get this and the regular G-rated issues by taking a peek at the SFL homepage.

[CHAKAT SISTERS thumbnail image] As this website is dedicated primarily to all things pertaining to chakats, I have started a collection of works by various artists featuring their interpretations of the species. To most of them, I gave a general description and then turned them loose to draw as they saw fit. The results have been greatly varied, but always interesting. Some artists have drawn them very closely to how I envisaged them. Others have injected their own styles or lent a humorous stance to them. Chakat Visions is the home of these works. I have pictures from Terrie Smith, Roy Pounds, Monika Livingstone, Terry Knight, Mike Raabe, Daphne Lage, Jessicca Willard and several more. I intend to make this collection grow as soon as I can get permissions for existing works and commissions for new pieces. Once again, there is a mixture of General audience and Adult material. Underage viewers are warned not to download files marked [A].

Also you will find all of Bernard Doove's latest art, some of them even before they appear on other sites. There is an alphabetical listing of all my authorised scans, so if you can't find it here, you shouldn't be able to find it anywhere else. There now is also a completed thumbnail index of all the images. The Katlist is divided into four sections to limit the number of thumbnails that you have to download at any one time. If you haven't found it already, you can get most of my non-adult stuff from the Yerf archive.

[FOREST PATROL thumbnail image] I have been attending (and even hosting) some furry gatherings lately. I have uploaded photos of all these events including ConFURence 7 & 8 in Los Angeles, Conspiracy in Wellington, New Zealand, and our own local gathering in February nicknamed ConFeatherance due to the visiting avian members of OzFurry. All the photos have now got a seperate thumbnail index for those who would like to see what they are downloading. Please take a peek at The ConFURence Collection.

Chakats have friends!

Some good friends don't have net access as we do, but would like to show their art to an unsuspecting world. (Just kidding!)

[BOSS HOSS link] For a while, I will be hosting a page for Scott Teel, better known to some as Boss Hoss. Please come in and graze a while at Boss Hoss's Stable.

[CALIFORNIA KITFOX link] I am delighted to be able to say that I am also hosting the art archive of the California Kit Fox who is none other than my good mate Roy D. Pounds II. Up until now, Roy has been sparsely represented on the internet. Now we will be presenting lots of his art, both old and new, for your viewing pleasure. Come, visit his den, e-mail him, or even commission a picture!

[HELLENIC link] Because I have a weakness for beautiful centauresses, I offered a place for the Equine Beauties of Hellenic when he told me that he needed a home for them. Come see some of the best centaur photos on the web!

Bernard's Button Collection

[FOX WEB link] I've been collecting link buttons for lots of good websites. If you are looking for some interesting furry links like that of R&M. Carspecken and their FoxWeb site, go to to my Furry Link Button page.

Attention ALBEDO fans!

IF you are reading this in the ordinary english alphabet, you should get this great Albedo True Type font. Also get this short note. You will then be able to write to all your fellow Albedo fans once you have installed the font (and this text should then appear in Albedo font on your browser too! ).

Commissions, Contacts & Copyrights

So what's left for me to tell you? Plenty! Check out my information page to find out where my art appears and how to get prints. Commission information is also there if you have a few dollars that you feel like sending my way. (Grin)



If you are on the ICQ Network, then you can contact me on my UIN #3430714.

All text and images, except where specifically noted otherwise, are © 1997 Bernard Doove (a.k.a. Chakat Goldfur).

Various backgrounds and webpage clipart are created by Joanne W. Kline and are © 1997 to her. Thanks Joanne for your gift of them! Please have a look at her webpage: Tiernan's Castle.

Introduction Art Stories Photos Information Chakat Visions Links CA KitFox

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[COUNTER] Hey! A spiffy counter!!

At least it's better than this one: [ANIMATED IMAGE]