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Jim yelled, "Same to you, ya old bitch!" and stumbled back inside. "What a freak. All those beads and garish colors nearly blinded me for mumble mumble grumble..."

Hangovers sucked. Especially when some fat old circus tent runs you over and then blames you for it. Jim, having retrieved his mail, made his way back up to his apartment. He locked the door and sat down in front of the TV.

News. News and soaps. How boring. To compound his misery, he not only had a hangover, but nothing to do. Slowly, Jim became aware that his shirt was becoming tighter and tighter. At first he dismissed it, concentrating on the latest shooting on the TV. However, he began to feel his breasts were being restricted, pulled---

NO, his shirt wasn't getting tighter. His breasts were slowly expanding like a pair of baloons under his shirt. Jim's eyes slowly rotated downward and came in contact with the lumpy bumps straining the fabric of his shirt.

"SHIT!" He cried, leaping to his feet. For a few seconds he stared numbly at the impossible things elbowing their way out of his shirt. He grasped the front of his shirt and ripped it off violently, revealing...

A normal male chest.

Completely perplexed, Jim spun around and picked up the shirt, examining it for any fake inflatable breasts. The back of his mind was spinning around and around, latched onto a single thought: he didn't just feel his shirt tighten, he actually felt his nipples and breasts as they grew. He felt the prickled ring around each nip protrusion get ever so lightly rubbed by the offending fabric.

Confused and sweating, he stood again and examined his chest for any signs of the breasts. He didn't find any.

What could have caused this? he pondered.

Just then a lock of string blonde hair fell into view in front of his eyes. For a few moments, Jim didn't register that his hair had suddenly sprung 2 feet in length and changed color.

Not only that, but his face was changed, too, becoming rounder and softer. His eyes as they pondered the situation would have been pretty with their dark lashes and serene blue pools.

Then he saw the lock of hair. He nearly screamed in fright, clutching his head in confusion...

Jim's hands met his normal brown short hair. Utter confusion spilled through his mind as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

The old woman. Just as he thought of that idea, he turned around and clenched his fists in anger. Some sort of witch or jypsy. Of all the rotten luck.

Jim's mind was incessently knocking on his mental door. He closed his eyes, trying to shut it out. It yelled through the door - "Didn't you just feel something as you turned around? Something on..."

"... your chest?"

Jim's hands immediately flew to his chest, where they met a pair of breasts, large as life and very much a part of him. His fingers clutched at them and pressed into the soft silky skin there. He could feel his rough male hands on the female breasts - they were coarse and abrasive, chafing.

He couldn't keep from gaping in astonishment, the event just not registering properly in his mind. What was going on? Like magic he now had a pair of busty female teenage breasts!

Just as instantly he'd clutched at the breasts, they disappeared.

"What the fuck!" Jim cried, his hands still in the position of clutching at breasts that suddenly just weren't there.

A horrible thought took hold of him and he immediately unzipped his pants. He was so concerned with the well being of his dick that he didn't notice the locks of hair that again erupted from his head.

His pants were down. There little willy was. Safe and sound. But now his head was feeling weird! Standing up, he felt the silky curls of hair slide across his shoulders and upper chest. He was afraid to do anything.

Carefully, Jim reached a hand up to his face. The skin there was not the rough skin of a guy who'd shave since he was 16 but that of a baby's bottom, soft and velvety to the touch, as if his wiry 5 o'clock shadow's little hairs had been replaced with silk strands.

I don't want to be a woman! Jim thought to himself desperately as his suddenly equally soft and delicate hand slowly moved down to the top of his shoulders and tears welled up in his eyes.

Er... I'll complete the story later. *glares at roommate who just woke up and is staring over shoulder*