SCFA - Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

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Key:  filename    date added    dimensions   

taur6.jpg    366x674    12/19/96   
Still trying to take off his head. Man after being transformed into minotaur This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:

tigman.jpg    189x359    05/08/97   
A tiger man roaring, with poofy leggings on.

twokitis.jpg    417x507    01/10/97   
Two inked kittis who are not fooled.

unchnpan.jpg    620x695    09/27/97   
Black panther, unchained from the prison wall.

velocity.jpg    231x362    05/08/97   
Velocity Raptor, the hard-hitting skate-boarding superheroine, all suited up.

velskcol.jpg    564x387    05/08/97   
Velocity on her skateboard zipping down the street, In Color! *oo!*

vision.jpg    598x479    05/08/97   
Scratchboard of someone seeing something they just can't quite believe.

wtigers1.jpg    318x268    09/30/97   
(1/3) Once I had a 'players as PCs' campaign. Me and my friend Ryan ended up weretigers. Here is part of their story. They are running across the Stonelands.

wtigers2.jpg    611x556    09/30/97   
(2/3) Once I had a 'players as PCs' campaign. Me and my friend Ryan ended up weretigers. Here is part of their story. They are fighting a hydra, and doing well.

wtigers3.jpg    614x572    09/30/97   
(3/3) Once I had a 'players as PCs' campaign. Me and my friend Ryan ended up weretigers. Here is part of their story. They are watching as a group of goblins try their hand at the wounded hydra.

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