SCFA - Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

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Key:  filename    date added    dimensions   

kitti3.jpg    161x381    01/10/97   
Kitti at attention

kitti4.jpg    240x379    01/10/97   
Kitti bored in a chair - watch out for those claws!

kitti5.jpg    162x378    01/10/97   
From Fresno, ca - it's Kitti!

kitti6.jpg    235x512    01/10/97   
Sarcastic Kitti with normal sword

kitti7.jpg    192x297    01/10/97   
Kitti in a startling moment - it's a sword!

kitti8.jpg    487x685    01/10/97   
Joyous kitti, leaping and bounding and oh, whatever.

kittich.jpg    291x516    05/08/97   
Charcole drawing of Kitti

kittip1.jpg    426x331    01/10/97   
Drawing specs of kitti, page 1

kittip2.jpg    268x409    01/10/97   
Drawing specs of kitti, page 2

kittip3.gif    534x415    02/06/97   
Page 3 of Kitti's anatomy.

kittirar.jpg    160x248    05/08/97   
A rare, tiny, fuzzy picture of Kitti

lilfox1.jpg    139x205    02/03/97   
A tiny fox in a trenchcoat

lilfox2.jpg    142x153    02/03/97   
A tiny fox in a trenchcoat pondering which link to follow...

lionthng.jpg    456x268    09/30/97   
The proud and majestic lion thing, inhabitant of another dimension and mortal enemy of the Butch-Kaw.

lochsk.jpg    322x573    12/19/96   
A picture I drew of Lochiel (wolf) of FurryMUCK. Scanned in, retouched with Photoshop.

lylepos1.jpg    433x548    02/03/97   
Lyle, my roommate, as an opossum. Part of a storyline in the Winds of Change universe.

lylepos2.gif    475x625    02/06/97   
Lyle, transformed into a furry opossum, at the computer and just hangin' around.

medonk.jpg    400x419    02/03/97   
After turning into a donkey, I lose my mind and get lost in the wildernesses of Duluth. Part of a storyline in the Winds of Change universe.

ossum.jpg    211x205    02/03/97   
Ossum 'Possum, superhero.

patalien.jpg    618x353    02/03/97   
Miscelaneous werewolf battling an Alien. Yipe!

pedistal.jpg    318x317    05/08/97   
Preliminary drawing for a sculpture I did. Colorized and lit with dramatic lighting.

rapt1.jpg    246x286    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David wakes to find himself in control, yet still inhuman. Prev: cdave8.jpg Next: rapt2.jpg

rapt2.jpg    108x290    01/10/97   
View in sequence. Continuing the body check, David finds he still has a tail. Prev: rapt1.jpg Next: rapt3.jpg

rapt3.jpg    346x396    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David discovers his emotions, including panic, govern how raptor-like he is. Prev: rapt2.jpg Next: rapt4.jpg

rapt4.jpg    190x171    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David forces himself to calm down, returning him as close to human as he can get. Prev: rapt3.jpg

ratmeldr.jpg    270x488    05/08/97   
Rat man elder, happy and schemeing. Pretty evil lookin.

rhane.jpg    314x569    09/28/97   
Another scratchboard from my high school years. Rhane of the X-Men snarls at you.

roland1.jpg    327x438    01/19/98   
Roland, the name of a friend's Player Character in an old campaign. He wasn't always like this...

rolndbna.jpg    394x305    01/19/98   
Roland, the name of a friend's Player Character in an old campaign. He wasn't always like this...

sdonk1c.jpg    559x695    02/10/97   
Pictured here, in color, me as a donkey, a canine cop, and a big mean energy bolt weilding big honkin' bear dude.

sdonk2c.jpg    526x486    01/21/98   
Me as a super-donkey, leaping out of the way of a very upset super-bear.

sharndiv.jpg    462x379    01/19/98   
Mortal enemies, a Divruk Knight fights a Kalinae Pantren.

spiffart.jpg    314x278    12/19/96   
My best picture of my FurryMUCK character, Arthur T. Mink.

stego.jpg    579x691    01/23/98   
What if *your* computer science teacher suddenly had a brain the size of a walnut? Stegosaurus dinosaur, a little toony for me...

suf.jpg    481x612    09/28/97   
Suf, the Strange and Unusal Furry. Part horse, part brontosaurus, part elephant, part pheasant. All superhero.

taur1.jpg    315x508    12/19/96   
Matt Dunn, before transformed into the minotaur costume he's wearing. This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:

taur2.jpg    250x300    12/19/96   
Some initial wooziness will occur after being transformed into a minotaur! This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:

taur3.jpg    238x367    12/19/96   
You'd be a little shocked, too, if you were transformed into a minotaur! This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:

taur4.jpg    376x417    12/19/96   
Yes, those horns are real. Man after being transformed into minotaur. This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:

taur5.jpg    231x368    12/19/96   
That bull's head is stuck on tight! Man after being transformed into a minotaur This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:

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