SCFA - Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

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escape5.jpg    437x570    01/10/97   
Final moments within the destruction, with some strange feild protecting David. View in sequence. Prev - escape4.jpg

evilfry.jpg    397x567    05/08/97   
An evil fairy, flying, twisting, tempting.

excusech.jpg    565x988    09/28/97   
"Excuse me while I... change." While making a presentation, an anchient family curse suddenly transforms the business executive into a lizard tiger thing.

fox4lycn.jpg    660x980    12/19/96   
My first drawing posted anywhere on the net. For Lycan, whose name I was calling myself until I found out he had it first. I'm back to The Intolerable Picklejuice now. Ha! Bet no one on the net has THAT name! Er. This is a yiffy femme fox, dancing wildly.

foxdn.jpg    263x200    01/23/98   
Foxyr, freshly transformed, trying to make sense of things

foxknife.jpg    474x377    09/30/97   
Fox martial artist practicing with a knife

foxyr1.jpg    190x234    01/22/98   
My very first Foxyr

foxyr23.jpg    301x206    01/22/98   
A couple more foxyrs

foxyr4.jpg    165x238    01/23/98   
A little foxyr, ready to rumble!

fran.gif    267x255    02/05/97   
Fran, man costumed as donkey is turned into a donkey. From the No More Fakes universe.

fran2.gif    333x417    02/06/97   
Fran, man trapped in a donkey's body, lost and confused. Part of the No More Fakes universe.

fran3.jpg    264x271    02/03/97   
Fran in jockey clothes. From the No More Fakes universe.

frrtmrph.jpg    421x517    01/21/98   
An odd looking ferret morph

fuz1_1.jpg    612x794    01/18/98   
Fuzzhead in a dramatic pose with the Clockwork God behind him being menacing.

garglite.jpg    513x695    05/08/97   
Gargoyle with a light allergy

golfgarg.jpg    386x298    05/08/97   
Golfin' gargyole - done in highschool and rediscovered recently.

grif01.jpg    526x332    01/17/98   
Grypon transformation. 01 of 10.

grif02.jpg    453x424    01/17/98   
Grypon transformation. 02 of 10.

grif03.jpg    336x315    01/17/98   
Grypon transformation. 03 of 10.

grif04.jpg    352x470    01/17/98   
Grypon transformation. 04 of 10.

grif05.jpg    314x470    01/17/98   
Grypon transformation. 05 of 10.

grif06.jpg    232x405    01/18/98   
Grypon transformation. 6 of 10.

grif07.jpg    212x480    01/18/98   
Grypon transformation. 7 of 10.

grif08.jpg    411x268    01/18/98   
Grypon transformation. 8 of 10.

humanwol.jpg    413x217    01/23/98   
A wolf's body acting humanoid - and surprised.

icon.jpg    140x204    12/19/96   
A little logo for Iron Wolf, a comic book I'm slowly creating.

iw-grin.jpg    451x689    01/10/97   
Digitigrade Iron Wolf, with trademark scarf and i-beam.

iw-howl.jpg    344x713    01/10/97   
Ink wash of Iron Wolf howling.

iw-smack.jpg    437x652    01/10/97   
Iron wolf, about to smack someone with his i-beam.

iw-wham.jpg    552x631    01/10/97   
Iron wolf, delivering a devestating elbow shot to a building support column.

iw10boom.jpg    387x617    12/19/96   
Flinging the cop to safety, Iron wolf takes the brunt of the grenade... sending him off the edge of the 16 storey building. Cops and people look on.

iw11live.gif    308x351    02/06/97   
After falling 16 stories, Iron Wolf isn't quite dead yet. (Neither is this file!)

iwblack.jpg    234x568    09/28/97   
Iron wolf, ca. 1992. Another scratchboard. Iron wolf strikes a pose, howling to the night sky. Lit from behind by a large full moon.

iwpage.jpg    401x532    01/10/97   
A page showing the four distinct stages of Walter Eisernwolf, aka Iron Wolf.

jbcrouch.jpg    335x262    02/03/97   
A little pic I did for Johnny Blanco. Thanks for putting up with my perstering, Johnny!

jblean.gif    402x619    02/06/97   
A detailed commission piece of Johnny Blanco, Winged white tiger dude.

jessbna.jpg    299x270    01/23/98   
Jessica Roberts, a before and after picture. She never thought she'd grow up to be a bat.

kcent.jpg    561x560    01/19/98   
Karate Centaur - practicing with a sword

kitti1.jpg    203x276    01/10/97   
Kitti, lost dimensional traveller and his catch-claw sword.

kitti2.jpg    476x501    01/10/97   
Kitti about to catch his catch-claw sword.

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