SCFA - Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

Arthur Pearson (Picklejuice)

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alinwoof.jpg    216x499    09/27/97   
Alien wolf with extra arms. Started off as a page doodle, and evolved off the edge of the page.

axiom.jpg    205x468    12/19/96   
A drawing I did of Axiom the fox of FurryMUCK. Being self-concious, I'll say that I could have done a heck of a lot better.

bladrun.jpg    603x787    05/08/97   
Total ripoff of S.Galacci's Bad Rubber characters (itself a spoof of Blade Runner).

braindav.jpg    162x225    05/08/97   
I'm a lab mouse in the early stages of an elaborate scheme to rule the galaxy with my Darleks [I know it's spelt wrong] and stop the Doctor!

bunnies.jpg    611x471    09/28/97   
From my Doolittle series, here Orin and his wife are reunited.

butchkaw.jpg    580x391    09/27/97   
A Butch-Kaw, from a parallel dream dimension. They fight against the lion-things.

calmmin.jpg    549x683    02/03/97   
Patrick Allen, calming the minotaur at the Raucous Chicken party. From the No More Fakes uinverse.

campbel.jpg    446x382    01/22/98   
Benjamin Campbell, my RIFTS mutant velociraptor character

catsmil1.jpg    204x306    01/22/98   
Catguy smiling his way into a transformation 1 of 2

catsmil2.jpg    201x213    01/22/98   
Catguy smiling his way into a transformation 2 of 2

caytlin.jpg    517x566    09/27/97   
Caytlin, dragon from another world.

cdave1.jpg    287x238    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David, feeling the first changes from a Raptor Ripple bar. Next picture: cdave2.jpg

cdave2.jpg    341x573    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David, a little shcoked at the changes in his body.... Prev: cdave1.jpg Next: cdave3.jpg

cdave3.jpg    178x266    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David's pelvis reshuffles a bit. Prev: cdave2.jpg Next: cdave4.jpg

cdave4.jpg    322x174    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David's changing spine and tail force him to the floor. Prev: cdave3.jpg Next: cdave5.jpg

cdave5.jpg    401x249    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David's skin changes to a striped scaly hide. Prev: cdave4.jpg Next: cdave6.jpg

cdave6.jpg    380x235    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David's image in the mirror - almost completely transformed. Prev: cdave5.jpg Next: cdave7.jpg

cdave7.jpg    593x402    01/10/97   
View in sequence. Finishing touches to David's head, hands, and feet. Prev: cdave6.jpg Next: cdave8.jpg

cdave8.jpg    388x308    01/10/97   
View in sequence. David, the final product - a raptor morph. Unfortunately, he loses his mind to his instincts... Prev: cdave7.jpg Next: rapt1.jpg

chicken1.jpg    282x410    12/19/96   
Long story behind these pictures. The Raucus Chicken, before being transformed into an actual chicken. From The No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive

chicken2.jpg    162x331    12/19/96   
Long story behind these pictures. The Raucus Chicken, after being transformed into an actual chicken. From The No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive

cloakpan.jpg    459x669    09/27/97   
Cloaked panther, ominous looking.

colsox.jpg    215x526    01/10/97   
Color! Sox, the original, best drawing I ever made of her. (Anthro fox)

cougarpg.jpg    552x547    01/10/97   
David Smith from the Winds of Change universe on the Transformation Story Archvie. Here, he changes from man to cougar.

dalk.jpg    568x573    05/08/97   
Dalkhimir. Orinally a greedy human thief, he steals a sword that turns him into a wererat. Unfortunately, the silver gloves he always keeps with him prevents him from transforming back into a human.

dalkgarg.jpg    567x437    01/21/98   
Dalkhimir trying to bluff the gargyole he just injured

dalkhand.jpg    216x452    01/21/98   
A picture of Dalkhimir that we decided was too handsome for Dalk.

dispfur.jpg    404x451    01/10/97   
Displacer beast furry - had to draw it!

dolph.jpg    188x436    05/08/97   
Dolph Moureen. Originally a human farm boy from the fantasy world of Orlum, he discovers the first half of a book, which contains a transformation spell to your "true animal self." Believing he's a tiger inside, he casts it... and finds that he's not exactly a tiger. Plus, the spell to transform back is in the other, missing book half.

dolphcon.jpg    178x400    01/21/98   
Dolph considering his latest calamity

dolphn1.jpg    240x273    01/10/97   
David Smith diving into a pool in preparation to changing into a dolphin. View in sequence. Next - dolphn2.jpg

dolphn2.jpg    147x186    01/10/97   
David acquires a dolphin tail. View in sequence. Previous - dolphn1.jpg Next - dolphn3.jpg

dolphn3.jpg    152x194    01/10/97   
The change progresses to his back, giving David a fin. View in sequence. Previous - dolphn2.jpg Next - dolphn4.jpg

dolphn4.jpg    364x133    01/10/97   
His arms change to flukes, leaving only a human face. View in sequence. Previous - dolphn3.jpg Next - dolphn5.jpg

dolphn5.jpg    379x249    01/10/97   
Playful changed David the dolphin. View in sequence. Previous - dolphn4.jpg

drgnmaid.jpg    441x369    05/08/97   
Dragon, towering over a young fair maiden.

escape1.jpg    441x509    01/10/97   
The facility goes into auto-destruct. David in raptor form must flee for his life. View in sequence. Next - escape2.jpg

escape2.jpg    388x245    01/10/97   
Running from the building, slightly more human. View in sequence. Next - escape3.jpg Prev - escape1.jpg

escape3.jpg    382x241    01/10/97   
Elevators dont work, but elevator _shafts_ do! View in sequence. Next - escape4.jpg Prev - escape2.jpg

escape4.jpg    159x571    01/10/97   
Climbing elevator shaft, a little less raptor-like. View in sequence. Next - escape5.jpg Prev - escape3.jpg

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