For A Cat

by Jumpy

[Verse 1]

Looking out the window,
he'll sit and stare.
To him the world seems hateful
but those out there don't care.

He looks at people passing,
through yellow slitted eyes,
hasting, never halting,
they spend their daily lives.

Sit in a snuggly corner,
a spot to keep you warm,
let others do the tending,
away from any harm.

Yawning, showing pointed teeth,
he curls up to sleep,
dreaming of his younger days,
when he thought he were free.


There was a time when he didn't
 want to have this kind of life -
he tried so hard to break free;
Isn't it strange how sometimes
 it just takes so long
to find out where you belong.

[Verse 2]

Last one of the litter,
left out in the rain;
he was small and helpless,
took lonelyness for pain.

Ran off into the unknown,
learnt to live from scraps,
teamed up with the wrong man,
and ended in a trap.

That was where I found him,
I took him home with me -
At first, trust wasn't mutual,
but soon it came to be.

Although his tail is twitching,
he's fast asleep, it seems.
A gentle purr is shaking him,
I wish him happy dreams.


There was a time when he didn't
 want to have this kind of life -
he tried so hard to break free;
Isn't it strange how sometimes
 it just takes so long
to find out where you belong.