The Book of Jubilees is in certain limited aspects the most important book in this volume for the student of religion. Without it we could of course have inferred from Ezra and Nehemiah, the Priests' Code, and the later chapters of Zechariah the supreme position that the law had achieved in Judaism, but without Jubilees we could hardly have imagined such an absolute supremacy as finds expression in this book. This absolute supremacy of the law carried with it, as we have seen in the General Introduction, the suppression of prophecy -at all events of the open exercise of the prophetic gifts. And yet these gifts persisted during all the so-called centuries of silence-from Malachi down to N.T. times, but owing to the fatal incubus of the law these gifts could not find expression save in pseudepigraphic literature. Thus Jubilees represents the triumph of the movement, which had been at work for the past three centuries or more.
And yet this most triumphant manifesto of legalism contained within its pages the element that was destined to dispute its supremacy and finally to reduce the law to the wholly secondary position that alone it could rightly claim. This element of course is apocalyptic, which was the source of the higher theology in Judaism, and subsequently was the parent of Christianity, wherein apocalyptic ceased to be pseudonymous and became one with prophecy.
The Book of Jubilees was written in Hebrew by a Pharisee between the year of the accession of Hyrcanus to the high priesthood in 135 and his breach with the Pharisees some years before his death in 105 B.C. It is the most advanced pre-Christian representative of the midrashic tendency, which has already been at work in the Old Testament Chronicles. As the Chronicler had rewritten the history of Israel and Judah from the basis of the Priests' Code, so our author re-edited from the Pharisaic standpoint of his time the history of events from the creation to the publication, or, according to the author's view, the republication of the law on Sinai. In the course of re-editing he incorporated a large body of traditional lore, which the midrashic process had put at his disposal, and also not a few fresh legal enactments that the exigencies of the past had called forth. His work constitutes an enlarged Targum on Genesis and Exodus, in which difficulties in the biblical narrative are solved, gaps supplied, dogmatically offensive elements removed, and the genuine spirit of later Judaism infused into the primitive history of the world. His object was to defend Judaism against the attacks of the hellenistic spirit that had been in the ascendant one generation earlier and was still powerful, and to prove that the law was of everlasting validity. From our author's contentions and his embittered attacks on the paganisers and apostates, we may infer that Hellenism had urged that the levitical ordinances of the law were only of transitory significance, that they had not been observed by the founders of the nation, and that the time had now come for them to be swept away, and for Israel to take its place in the brotherhood of the nations. Our author regarded all such views as fatal to the very existence of Jewish religion and nationality. But it is not as such that he assailed them, but on the ground of their falsehood. The law, he teaches, is of everlasting validity. Though revealed in time it was superior to time. Before it had been made known in gundry portions to the fathers it had been kept in heaven by the angels, and to its observance henceforward there was no limit in time or in eternity.
Writing in the palmiest days of the Maccabean dominion,in the high-priesthood of John Hyrcanus, looked for the immediate advent of the Messianic kingdom. This kingdom was to be ruled over by a Messiah sprung, not from Levi -that is, from the Maccabean family, as some of his contemporaries expected- but from Judah. This kingdom would be gradually realized on earth, and the transformation of physical nature would go hand in hand with the ethical transformation of man till there was a new heaven and a new earth. Thus, finally, all sin and pain would disappear and men would live to the age of 1,000 years in happiness and peace, and after death enjoy a blessed immortality in the spirit world.
Our book was known by two distinct titles even in Hebrew. (a) Jubilees
(b) The Little Genesis
(c) Apocalypse of Moses and other alleged names of the book.
(a) Jubilees. This appears from Epiphanius (Haer. xxxix. 6) to have been its usual designation. It is found also in the Syriac Fragment entitled 'Names of the Wives of the Patriarchs according to the Hebrew Book of Jubilees,' first published by Ceriani, Mon. sacra et profana, ii. 1.9-10, and reprinted by the present writer in his edition of The Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees. This name admirably describes the book, as it divides into jubilee periods of forty-nine years each the history of the world from the creation to the legislation on Sinai. The writer pursues a perfectly symmetrical development of the heptadic system. Israel enters Canaan at the close of the fiftieth jubilee, i.e. 2450.
(b) The Little Genesis. The epithet 'little' does not refer to the extent of the book, for it is larger than the canonical Genesis, but to its character. It deals more fully with details than the biblical work. The Hebrew title was variously rendered in Greek. 1 [(Gk.) he lepte Genesis (or Lepte Genesis)] as in Epiphanius, Syncellus, Zonaras, Glycas. 2 [(Gk.) he Leptogenesis] in Didymus of Alexandria and in Latin writers, as we may infer from the Decree of Gelasius. 3 [Gk.) ta lepta geneseos] in Syncellus. 4 [(Gk.) Mikrogenesis] in Jerome, who was acquainted with the Hebrew original.
(c) 1 The Apocalypse of Moses.
2 The Testament of Moses.
3 The Book of Adam's Daughters.
4 The Life of Adam.
1 The Apocalypse of Moses. This title had some currency in the time of Synceflus (see i. 5, 49). It forms an appropriate designation since it makes Moses the recipient of all the disclosures in the book. 2 The Testament of Moses. This title is found in the Catena of Nicephorus, i. 175, where it precedes a quotation from x. 21 of our book. It has, however, nothing to do with the Testament of Moses, which has become universally known under the wrong title -the Assumption of Moses. Ronsch and other scholars formerly sought to identify Jubilees with this second Testament of Moses, but this identification is shown to be impossible by the fact that in the Stichometry of Nicephorus 4,300 stichoi are assigned to Jubilees and only 1100 to this Testament of Moses. On the probability of a Testament of Moses having been in circulation -which was in reality an expansion of Jubilees ii-iii see my edition of Jubilees, p. xviii. 3 The Book of Adam's Daughters. This book is identified with Jubilees in the Decree of Gelasius, but it probably consisted merely of certain excerpts from Jubilees dealing with the names and histories of the women mentioned in it. Such a collection, as we have already seen, exists in Syriac, and its Greek prototype was used by the scribe of the LXX MS. no.135 in Holmes and Parsons' edition. 4 The Life of Adam. This title is found in Syncellus i. 7-9. It seems to have been an enlarged edition of the portion of Jubilees, which dealt with the life of Adam.
There are four Ethiopic MSS., a b c d, the first and fourth of which belong to the National Library in Paris, the second to the British Museum, and the third to the University Library at Tubingen. Of these a b (of the fifteenth and sixteenth century respectively) are the most trustworthy, though they cannot be followed exclusively. In a, furthermore, the readings of the Ethiopic version of Genesis have replaced the original against bed in iii. 4, 6, 7, 19, 29; iv. 4, 8, &c. For a full description of these MSS. the reader can consult Charles's Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees, pp. xii seqq.
(a) The Greek Version is lost save for some fragments which survive in Epiphanius [(Gk.) peri Metron kai Stathmon] (ed. Dindorf, vol. iv. 27-8). This fragment, which consists of ii. 2-21, is published with critical notes in Charles's edition of the Ethiopic text. Other fragments of this version are preserved in Justin Martyr, Origen, Diodorus of Antioch, Isidore of Alexandria, Isidore of Seville, Eutychius, Patriarch of Alexandria, John of Malala, Syncellus, Cedrenus. Syncellus attributes to the Canonical Genesis statements derived from our text. This version is the parent of the Ethiopic and Latin Versions.
(b) The Ethiopic Version. This version is most accurate and trustworthy and indeed as a rule servilely literal. It has, of course, suffered from the corruptions naturally incident to transmission through MSS. Thus dittographies are frequent and lacunae are of occasional occurrence, but the version is singularly free from the glosses and corrections of unscrupulous scribes, though the temptation must have been great to bring it into accord with the Ethiopic version of Genesis. To this source, indeed, we must trace a few perversions of the text: 'my wife' in iii. 6 instead of 'wife'; xv 12; xvii. 12 ('her bottle' instead of 'the bottle'); xxiv. 19 (where the words 'a well' are not found in the Latin version of Jubilees, nor in the Mass., Sam., LXX, Syr., and Vulg. of Gen. xxvi. 19). In the above passages the whole version is influenced, but in a much greater degree has this influence operated on MS. a. Thus in iii. 4, 6, 7, 19, 29, iv. 4, 8, v.3, vi. 9, &c., the readings of the Ethiopic version of Genesis have replaced the original text. In the case of b there appears to be only one instance of this nature in xv. 15 (see Charles's Text, pp. xii seqq.).
For instances of corruption native to this version, see Charles on ii. 2, 7, 21, vi. 21, vii. 22, x. 6, 21, xvi. 18, xxiv. 20, 29, xxxi. 2, xxxix. 4, xli. 15, xlv. 4, xlviii. 6.
(c) The Latin Version. This version, of which about one-fourth has been preserved, was first published by Ceriani in his Monnmenta sacra et profana, 1861, tom. i. fase. i. 15-62. It contains the following sections: xiii. 10b-21; xv. 20b-31a; xvi. 5b-xvii. 6a; xviii. 10b-xix. 25; xx. 5b-xxi. 10a; xxii. 2-19a; xxiii. 8b-23a; xxiv. 13-xxv. 1a; xxvi. 8b-23a; xxvii. 11b-24a; xxviii. 16b-27a; xxix. 8b-xxxi. 1a; xxxi. 9b-1 8, 29b-32; xxxii. 1-8a, 18b-xxxiii. 9a, 18b-xxxiv. 5a; xxxv. 3b-12a; xxxvi. 20b-xxxvii. 5a; xxxviii. 1b-16a; xxxix. 9-xl. 8a; xli. 6b-18; xlii. 2b-14a; xlv. 8-xlvi. 1, 12-xlviii. 5; xlix. 7b-22. This version was next edited by Ronsch in 1874, Das Buch der Fubilaen . . . unter Befugung des revidirten Textes der . . . lateinisehen Fragmente. This work attests enormous industry and great learning, but is deficient in judgement and critical acumen. Ronsch was of opinion that this Latin version was made in Egypt or its neighbourhood by a Palestinian Jew about the middle of the fifth century (pp.459-60). In 1895 Charles edited this text afresh in conjunction with the Ethiopic in the Oxford Anecdota (The Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees). To this work and that of Ronsch above the reader must be referred for a fuller treatment of this subject. Here we may draw attention to the following points. This version, where it is preserved, is almost of equal value with the Ethiopic. It has, however, suffered more at the hands of correctors. Thus it has been corrected in conformity with the LXX in xlvi. 14, where it adds 'et Oon' against all other authorities. The Ethiopic version of Exod. i. 11 might have been expected to bring about this addition in our Ethiopic text, but it did not. Two similar instances will be found in xvii. 5, xxiv. 20. Again the Latin version seems to have been influenced by the Vulgate in xxix. 13. xlii. II (canos meos where our Ethiopic text = [(Gk.) mou to geras] as in LXX of Gen. xlii. 38); and probably also in xlvii. 7, 8, and certainly in xlv. 12, where it reads 'in tota terra' for 'in terra'. Of course there is the possibility that the Latin has reproduced faithfully the Greek and that the Greek was faulty; or in case it was correct, that it was the Greek presupposed by our Ethiopic version that was at fault.
Two other passages are deserving of attention, xix. 14 and xxxix. 13. In the former the Latin version 'et creverunt et iuvenes facti sunt' agrees with the Ethiopic version of Gen. xxv. 27 against the Ethiopic version of Jubilees and all other authorities on Gen. xxv. 27. Here the peculiar reading can be best explained as having originated in the Greek. In the second passage, the clause 'eorum quae fiebant in carcere' agrees with the Ethiopic version of Gen. xxxix. 23 against the Ethiopic version of Jubilees and all other authorities on Gen. xxxix. 23. On the other hand, there is a large array of passages in which the Latin version preserves the true text over against corruptions or omissions in the Ethiopic version: cf. xvi. 16, xix. 5, 10, 11, xx. 6, 10, xxi. 3, xxii. 3, &c. (see my Text, p. xvi).
(d) The Syriac Version. The evidence as to the existence of a Syriac is not conclusive. It is based on the fact that a British Museum MS. (Add. 12154, fol. 180) contains a Syriac fragment entitled, Names of the Wives of the Patriarchs according to the Hebrew Book called Jubilees.' It was first published by Ceriani in his Monumeitta Sacra, 1861, torn. ii. fasc. i. 9-10, and reprinted by Charles as Appendix III to his Text of Jubilees (p. 183).
Like all the biblical literature in Ethiopic, Jubilees was translated into Ethiopic from the Greek. Greek words such as [drus, balanos, lips, schinos, pharaggs, &c., are transliterated into Ethiopic. Secondly, many passages must be retranslated into Greek before we can discover the source of their corruptions. And finally, many names are transliterated as they appear in Greek and not in Hebrew.
That the Latin is derived directly from the Greek is no less obvious. Thus in xxxix. 12 [(Lt.) timoris = (Gk.) deilias], a corruption of douleias; in xxxviii. 13 [(Lt.) honorem = (Gk.) timen], which should have been rendered by (Lt.) tributum. Another class of mistranslations may be seen in passages where the Greek article is rendered by the Latin demonstrative as in (Lt.) huius Abrahae xxix. i6, huic Istrael xxxi. 15. Other evidence pointing in the same direction is to be found in the Greek constructions which have been reproduced in the Latin; such as xvii. 3 (Lt.) mem or fuit sermones' = (Gk.) hemnesthe tous logous: in xv. 22 (Lt.) consummavit loquens = (Gk.) Sunetelese lalon: in xxii. 8 (Lt.) 'in omnibus quibus dedisti' = en pasin ois edokas.
The early date of our book -the second century B.C.- and the fact that it was written in Palestine speak for a Semitic original, and the evidence for such an original is conclusive. But the question at once arises, was the original written in Hebrew or Aramaic? Certain proper names in the Latin version ending in -in seem to bespeak an Aramaic original, as Cettin xxiv. 28; Adurin xxxviii. 8,9; Filistin xxiv. 14-16. But since in all these cases the Ethiopic transliterations end in -n and not in -nit is not improbable that this Aramaising in the Latin version is due to the translator, who, as Ronsch has concluded on other grounds, was a Palestinian Jew. Again, in the list of the twelve trees suitable for burning on the altar some are transliterations of Aramaic names. But in a late Hebrew work -written at the close of the second century B.C.- the popular names of such objects would naturally be used. Moreover, in certain cases the Hebrew may have already been forgotten, or, when the tree had been lately introduced, been non-existent.
But the arguments for a Hebrew original are many and weighty. (1) A work which claims to be from the hand of Moses would naturally be written in Hebrew; for Hebrew, according to our author, was the sacred and national language, xii. 25-6; xliii. 15. (2) The revival of the national spirit is, so far as we know, accompanied by a revival of the national language. (3) The existing text must be retranslated into Hebrew in order to explain unintelligible expressions and restore the true text. Thus (Ar.) la 'eleja in xliii. 11 = (Gk.) en emoi; which is a mistranslation in this context of (Hb.); for (Hb.) here = (Gk.) deomai, 'pray,' as in Gen. xliv. 18. In xlvii. 9 the text = (Lt.) 'domum (= Hb. ) Faraonis', but the context demands (Lt.) 'filiam (= Hb.) Faraonis',though here the argument is not conclusive, since (Hb.) might have been corruptly written for (Hb.) which in Aramaic = 'daughter'. Again in xxxvi. 10 (cp. also xxxix. 6) the text = (Gk.) ouk anabesetai (= ja'arg) (Gk.) eis to biblion tes zoes. But ja'arg must = 'will be recorded'. Now this meaning is unattested elsewhere in Ethiopic, but the difficulty is solved when we find that it is a Hebrew idiom: see I Chron. xxvii. 24, 2 Chron. xx. 34. (4) Many paronomasiae discover themselves on retranslation into Hebrew, as in iv. 9 there is a play on the name Enoch, in iv. 15 on Jared, in viii. 8 on Peleg, &c. (5) Many passages are preserved in Rabbinic writings, and the book has much matter in common with the Testaments xii Patriarchs, 'which was written about the same date in Hebrew. Both books, in fact, use a chronology peculiar to themselves. (6) Fragments of the original Hebrew text or of the sources used by its author are to be found in the Book of Noah and the Midrasch Wajjisau in Jellinek's Beth-ha-Midrasch, iii. 155-6, 3-5, reprinted in Charles's edition of the Ethiopic text on pp. 179-81.
A minute study of the text shows that it attests an independent form of the Hebrew text of Genesis and the early chapters of Exodus. Thus it agrees with individual authorities such as the Samaritan or the LXX, or the Syriac, or the Vulgate, or the Targum of Onkelos against all the rest. Or again it agrees with two or more of these authorities in opposition to the rest, as for instance with the Massoretic and Samaritan against the LXX, Syriac and Vulgate, or with the Massoretic and Onkelos against the Samaritan, LXX, Syriac, and Vulgate, or with the Massoretic, Samaritan and Syriac against the LXX or Vulgate. But the reader must here be referred to Charles's Book of Jubilees (pp. xxxiii--xxxix) for a full classification of these instances. A study of these phenomena proves that our book represents some form of the Hebrew text midway between the forms presupposed by the LXX and the Syriac; for it agrees more frequently with the LXX, or with combinations into which the LXX enters, than with any other single authority. Next to the LXX it agrees most often with the Syriac or with combinations into which the Syriac enters. On the other hand, its independence of the LXX is shown by a large array of readings, where it has the support of the Samaritan and Massoretic, or of these with various combinations of the Syriac, Vulgate and Onkelos. From these and like considerations we may conclude that the textual evidence points to the composition of our book at some period between 250 B.C. and 100 A.D. and at a time nearer the earlier date than the latter. 4 _
From a study of the facts which are referred to in the preceding Section it will be clear that before and after the Christian era the Hebrew text did not possess any hard and fast tradition. It will further be obvious that the Massoretic form of this text, which has so long been generally as conservative of the most ancient tradition and as therefore final, is after all only one of many phases through which the text passed in the process of over 1,000 years, ie. 400 B.C. till A.D. 600, or thereabouts.
As we pursue the examination of the materials just mentioned we shall see grounds for regarding the Massoretic text as the result partly of conscious recension and partly of unconscious change extending over many centuries. How this process affected the text in the centuries immediately preceding and subsequent to the Christian era, we have some means of determining in the Hebrew-Samaritan text which, however much it may have been tampered with on religious or polemical grounds, still preserves in many cases the older reading, even as it preserves the older of the alphabet. Next we have the LXX of the Pentateuch, to which we may assign the date 200 B.C.; next the Book of Jubilees just before the Christian era; the Syriac Pentateuch before A.D. 100; the Vulgate of the fourth century; the Targums of Onkelos and Ps.-Jon. in their present form A.D. 300-600.
We have above remarked that the evidence of 6 shows that the Massoretic text is only one of the phases through which the Hebrew text has passed; and if we consider afresh the materials of evidence suggested in that Section in connexion with their dates, and given in some fullness in the Introductions to Charles's Text and Commentary, we shall discover that in some respects it is one of the latest phases of the Hebrew Pentateuch that has been stereotyped by Jewish scholars in the Massoretic text.
This conclusion will tally perfectly with the tradition that all existing Massoretic MSS. are derived in the main from one archetype, i.e. the Hebrew Codex left behind him by Ben Asher, who lived in the tenth century, and whose family had lived at Tiberias in the eighth.
We shall now proceed to give a list of readings in the Massoretic text which should be corrected into accord with the readings attested by such great authorities as the Sam., LXX, Jub., Syr., VuIg.
The following list was published in Charles's Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees in 1895. More than two-thirds of the emendations of the Book of Genesis here suggested were subsequently accepted independently, on the evidence of the Sam., LXX, Syr., Vulg., without a knowledge of Jubilees, by C.J. Ball in his edition of the Hebrew Text of Genesis, 1896, by Kittel in his edition of the Hebrew Text of Genesis, 1905, and more than half in the recent Commentary of Gunkel.
[What follows contains many phrases written in Hebrew. At the time of scanning there was not an accessible means to accurately reproduce the Hebrew script. If this information is desired please see Mr. Charles book.]
(a) Jubilees was written between 153 B.C. and the year of Hyrcanus' breach with the Pharisees. (1) It was written during the pontificate of the Maccabean family, and not earlier than 155 B.C., when this office was assumed by Jonathan the Maccabee. For in xxxii. 1, Levi is called a 'priest of the Most High God.' Now the only Jewish high-priests who bore this title were the Maccabean, who appear to have assumed it as reviving the order of Melchizedek when they displaced the Zadokite order of Aaron. Despite the objections of the Pharisees, it was used by the Maccabean princes down to Hyrcanus II (Jos. Ant. xvi. 6.2). (2) It was written before 96 B.C.; for since our author was of the strictest sect a Pharisee and at the same time an upholder of the Maccabean pontificate, Jubilees cannot have been written later than 96, when the Pharisees and Alexander Jannaeus were openly engaged in mortal strife. (3) It was written before the public breach between Hyrcanus and the Pharisees when Hyrcanus joined the Sadducean party. As Hyrcanus died in 105, our book was written between 153 and 105.
But it is possible to define these limits more closely. The book presupposes as its historical background the most flourishing period of the Maccabean hegemony -such as that under Simon and Hyrcanus. The conquest of Edom, which was achieved by the latter, is referred to in xxxviii. 14. Again our text reflects accurately the intense hatred of Judah towards the Philistines in the second century B.C. It declares that they will fall into the hands of the righteous nation, and we learn from I Macc. and Josephus that Ashdod and Gaza were destroyed by Hyrcanus and Alexander Jannaeus respectively. But it is in the destruction of Samaria, which is adumbrated in the destruction of Shechem, xxx. 4-6, that we are to look for the true terminus a quo. Now all accounts agree in representing the destruction of Samaria as effected by Hyrcanus about four years before his death. Hence we conclude that Jubilees was written between 109 and 105 B.C.
Many other phenomena point to the second-century origin of our book, which are given in Charles's edition, pp. lviii-lxvi. Amongst these we might mention the currency of older and severer forms of the halacha than prevailed in the rabbinical schools, or were registered in the Mishnah. The severe halacha regarding the sabbath in 1.8, 12, were indubitably in force in the second century B.C., if not earlier, but were afterwards mitigated by the Mishnah and later Judaism. Again the strict halacha in xv. 14 regarding circumcision on the eighth day was a current, probably the current, view in the second century B.C. and earlier, since it has the support of the Samaritan text and the LXX. This strict law was subsequently relaxed in the Mishnah. In xxxii. 15 the severe law of tithing found in Lev. xxvii. 15 is enforced, but rabbinic tradition sought to weaken the statement. As regards the halacha laid down in iii. 31 regarding the duty of covering one's shame, it is highly probable that such a halacha did exist in the second century B.C., when Judaism was protesting against the exposure of the person in the Greek games. See also iii. 8-14 notes and xx. 4 note.
Other cases of strict rules afterwards relaxed are the limitation of trees for use with burnt offerings (see xxi. 12-15 notes), the restriction of the eating of the passover to the court of the Lords house (see xlix. 20 note), the close adherence to the exacting demand of Lev. xix. 24 that the fourth year's fruit should be holy (see vii. 36 notes), though here we have a variant reading. Note that the rest of the firstfruits belong to the priests, who are to eat them 'before the altar.' On the other hand, the thank-offerings in xxi. 8-10 do not belong to the priest. The computation of the Feast of Weeks is different from the later prevalent Pharisaic reckoning (see xv. 1 note; xvi. 13, xliv. 4-5), while the account of the Feast of Tabernacles in xvi. 21-31 is peculiar to Jubilees.
Finally, we might draw attention to the fact that the Pharisaic regulation about pouring water on the altar (Jer. Sukk. iv. 6; Sukk. 44a) at the feast of tabernacles appears to have been unknown to him. We know that the attempt of the Pharisees to enforce its adoption on Alexander Jannaeus resulted in a massacre of the former. Attention might also be drawn to the fact that the Priests and Levites still numbered in their ranks, as in the days of the author of Chronicles, the masters of the schools and the men of learning, and that these positions were not filled as in the days of Shammai and Hillel by men drawn from the laity. This inference is to be deduced from the fact that the Levites are represented as the guardians of the sacred books and of the secret lore transmitted from the worthies of old time (x. 4, xlv. 16).
(b) Date of the Ethiopic and Latin Versions. There is no evidence for determining the exact date of the Ethiopic version, but since it was practically regarded as a canonical book it was probably made in the sixth century. Ronsch, as we have already pointed out in 4, gives some evidence for regarding the Latin version as made in the fifth century.
Our book is the work of one author, but is largely based on earlier books and traditions. The narrative of Genesis forms of course the bulk of the book, but much that is characteristic in it is due to his use of many pseudepigraphic and ancient traditions. Amongst the former might be mentioned the Book of Noah, from which in a modified form he borrows vii. 20-39, x. 1-15. In vii. 26-39 he reproduces his source so faithfully that he leaves the persons unchanged, and forgets to adapt this fragment to its new context. Similarly our author lays the Book of Enoch under contribution, and is of great value in this respect in determining the dates of the various sections of this book. See Introd. to I Book of Enoch, in loc. For other authorities and traditions used by our author see Charles's edition, 13.
The Chronicler rewrote with an object the earlier history of Israel and Judah already recounted in Samuel and Kings. His object was to represent David and his pious successors as observing all the prescripts of the law according to the Priests' Code. In the course of this process all facts that did not square with the Chronicler's presuppositions were either omitted or transformed. Now the author of Jubilees sought to do for Genesis what the Chronicler had done for Samuel and Kings, and so he rewrote it in such a way as to show that the law was rigorously observed even by the Patriarchs. The author represents his book to be as a whole a revelation of God to Moses, forming a supplement to and an interpretation of the Pentateuch, which he designates 'the first law' (vi. 22). This revelation was in part a secret republication of the traditions handed down from father to son in antediluvian and subsequent times. From the time of Moses onwards it was preserved in the hands of the priesthood, till the time came for its being made known.
Our author's procedure is of course in direct antagonism with the presuppositions of the Priests' Code in Genesis, for according to this code 'Noah may build no altar, Abraham offer no sacrifice, Jacob erect no sacred pillar. No offering is recorded till Aaron and his sons are ready' (Carpenter, The Hexateuch, i. 124). This fact seems to emphasize in the strongest manner how freely our author reinterpreted his authorities for the past. But he was only using to the full a right that had been exercised for nearly four centuries already in regard to Prophecy and for four or thereabouts in regard to the law.
The object of our author was to defend Judaism against the disintegrating effects of Hellenism, and this he did (a) by glorifying the law as an eternal ordinance and representing the patriarchs as models of piety; (b) by glorifying Israel and insisting on its separation from the Gentiles; and (e) by denouncing the Gentiles and particularly Israel's national enemies. In this last respect Judaism regarded its own attitude to the Gentiles as not only justifiable but also just, because it was a reflection of the divine.
But on (a) it is to be observed further that to our author the law, as a whole, was the realization in time of what was in a sense timeless and eternal. It was observed not only on earth by Israel but in heaven. Parts of the law might have only a time reference, to Israel on earth, but in the privileges of circumcision and the Sabbath, as its highest and everlasting expression, the highest orders of archangels in heaven shared with Israel (ii. i8, 19, 21; xv. 26-28). The law, therefore, was supreme, and could admit of no assessor in the form of Prophecy. There was no longer any prophet because the law had made the free exercise of his gift an offence against itself and God. So far, therefore, as Prophecy existed, it could exist only under the guise of pseudonymity. The seer, who had like Daniel and others a message for his time, could only gain a hearing by issuing it under the name of some ancient worthy.
Since our author was an upholder of the everlasting validity of the law, and held the strictest views on circumcision, the Sabbath, and the duty of complete separation from the Gentiles, since he believed in angels and demons and a blessed immortality, he was unquestionably a Pharisee of the strictest sect. In the next place, he was a supporter of the Maccabean pontificate. He glorifies Levi's successors as high-priests and civil rulers, and applies to them the title priests of the Most High God '-the title assumed by the Maccabean princes (xxxii. 1). He was not, however, so thoroughgoing an admirer of this dynasty as the authors of Test. Lev. xviii. or Ps. cx, who expected the Messiah to come forth from the Maccabean family. Finally, that our author was a priest might reasonably be inferred from the exaltation of Levi over Judah (xxxi-xxxii), and from the statement in xlv. i6 that the secret traditions, which our author claims to publish, were kept in the hands of Levi's descendants.
On the influence of Jubilees on I Enoch i-v, xci-civ, Wisdom (?), 4 Ezra, Chronicles of Jerachmeel, Midrash Tadshe, Book of Jasher, the Samaritan Chronicle, on Patristic and other writings, and on the New Testament writers, see Charles's edition, pp. lxxiii-lxxxvi.
Freedom and determinism. The author of Jubilees is a true Pharisee in that he combines belief in Divine omnipotence and providence with the belief in human freedom and responsibility. He would have adopted heartily the statement of the Pss. Sol. ix. 7 (written some sixty years or more later) (Gk.) ta erga emon en ekloge kai exousia tes psuches emon, tou poiesai dikaiosunen kai adikian en ergois cheiron emon: v. 6 anthropos kai e meris autou para soi en stathmo ou prosthesei tou pleonasai para to krima sou, o theos. Thus the path in which a man should walk is ordained for him and the judgement of all men predetermined on the heavenly tablets: 'And the judgment of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness -even the judgment of all who depart from the path which is ordained for them to walk in' (v.13). This idea of an absolute determinism underlies many conceptions of the heavenly tablets (see Charles's edition, iii. 10 note). On the other hand, man's freedom and responsibility are fully recognized: 'If they walk not therein, judgment is written down for every creature' (v. 13): 'Beware lest thou walk in their ways, And tread in their paths, And sin a sin unto death before the Most High God. Else He will give thee back into the hand of thy transgression.' Even when a man has sinned deeply he can repent and be forgiven (xli. 24 seq.), but the human will needs the strengthening of a moral dynamic: 'May the Most High God . . . strengthen thee to do His will' (xxi. 25, xxii. 10).
The Fall. The effects of the Fall were limited to Adam and the animal creation. Adam was driven from the garden (iii. 17 seqq.) and the animal creation was robbed of the power of speech (iii. 28). But the subsequent depravity of the human race is not traced to the Fall but to the seduction of the daughters of men by the angels, who had been sent down to instruct men (v.1-4), and to the solicitations of demonic spirits (vii. 27). The evil engendered by the former was brought to an end by the destruction of all the descendants of the angels and of their victims by the Deluge, but the incitement to sin on the part of the demons was to last to the final judgement (vii. 27, x. 1-15, xi. 4 seq., xii. 20). This last view appears in I Enoch and the N.T.
The Law. The law was of eternal validity. It was not the expression of the religious consciousness of one or of several ages, but the revelation in time of what was valid from the beginning and unto all eternity. The various enactments of the law moral and ritual, were written on the heavenly tablets (iii. 31, vi. 17, &c.) and revealed to man through the mediation of angels (i. 27). This conception of the law, as I have already pointed out, made prophecy impossible unless under the guise of pseudonymity. Since the law was the ultimate and complete expression of absolute truth, there was no room for any further revelation: much less could any such revelation, were it conceivable, supersede a single jot or tittle of the law as already revealed. The ideal of the faithful Jew was to be realized in the fulfilment of the moral and ritual precepts of this law: the latter were of no less importance than the former. Though this view of morality tends to be mainly external, our author strikes a deeper note when he declares that, when Israel turned to God with their whole heart, He would circumcise the foreskin of their heart and create a right spirit within them and cleanse them, so that they would not turn away from Him for ever (i. 23). Our author specially emphasizes certain elements of the law such as circumcision (xvi. 14, xv. 26, 29), the Sabbath (ii. 18 seq., 31 seq.), eating of blood (vi. 14), tithing of the tithe (xxxii. 10), Feast of Tabernacles (xvi. 29), Feast of Weeks (vi. 17), the absolute prohibition of mixed marriages (xx. 4, xxii. 20, xxv. 1-10). In connexion with many of these he enunciates halacha which belong to an earlier date than those in the Mishnah, but which were either modified or abrogated by later authorities.
The Messiah. Although our author is an upholder of the Maccabean dynasty he still clings like the writer of I Enoch lxxxiii-xc to the hope of a Messiah sprung from Judah. He makes, however, only one reference to this Messiah, and no role of any importance is assigned to him (see Charles's edition, xxxi. 18 n.). The Messianic expectation showed no vigorous life throughout this century till it was identified with the Maccabean family. If we are right in regarding the Messianic kingdom as of temporary duration, this is the first instance in which the Messiah is associated with a temporary Messianic kingdom.
The Messianic kingdom. According to our author (i. 29, xxiii. 30) this kingdom was to be brought about gradually by the progressive spiritual development of man and a corresponding transformation of nature. Its members were to attain to the full limit of 1,000 years in happiness and peace. During its continuance the powers of evil were to be restrained (xxiii. 29). The last judgement was apparently to take place at its close (xxiii. 30). This view was possibly derived from Mazdeism.
The writer of Jubilees, we can hardly doubt, thought that the era of the Messianic kingdom had already set in. Such an expectation was often cherished in the prosperous days of the Maccabees. Thus it was entertained by the writer of I Enoch lxxxiii-xc in the days of Judas before 161 B.C. Whether Jonathan was looked upon as the divine agent for introducing the kingdom we cannot say, but as to Simon being regarded in this light there is no doubt. Indeed, his contemporaries came to regard him as the Messiah himself, as we see from Psalm cx, or Hyrcanus in the noble Messianic hymn in Test. Levi 18. The tame effus1on in 1 Macc. xiv. 8-15 is a relic of such literature, which was emasculated by its Sadducean editor. Simon was succeeded by John Hyrcanus in 135 B.C. and this great prince seemed to his countrymen to realize the expectations of the past; for according to a contemporary writer (Test. Levi 8) he embraced in his own person the triple office of prophet, priest, and civil ruler (xxxi. i5), while according to the Test. Reuben 6 he was to 'die on behalf of Israel in wars seen and unseen'. In both these passages he seems to be accorded the Messianic office, but not so in our author, as we have seen above. Hyrcanus is only to introduce the Messianic kingdom, over which the Messiah sprung from Judah is to rule.
Priesthood of Melchizedek. That there was originally an account of Melchizedek in our text we have shown in the note on xiii. 2,5, and, that the Maccabean high-priests deliberately adopted the title applied to him in Gen. xiv, we have pointed out in the note on xxxii. I. It would be interesting to inquire how far the writer of Hebrews was indebted to the history of the great Maccabean king-priests for the idea of the Melchizedekian priesthood of which he has made so fruitful a use in chap. vii as applied to our Lord.
The Future Life. In our text all hope of a resurrection of the body is abandoned. The souls of the righteous will enjoy a blessed immortality after death (xxiii. 31). This is the earliest attested instance of this expectation in the last two centuries B.C. It is next found in Enoch xci-civ.
The Jewish Calendar. For our author's peculiar views see Charles's edition 18 and the notes on vi. 29-30, 32, xv. I.
Angelology. We shall confine our attention here to notable parallels between our author and the New Testament. Besides the angels of the presence and the angels of sanctification there are the angels who are set over natural phenomena (ii. 2). These angels are inferior to the former. They do not observe the Sabbath as the higher orders; for they are necessarily always engaged in their duties (ii. 18). It is the higher orders that are generally referred to in the New Testament but the angels over natural phenomena are referred to in Revelation: angels of the winds in vii. 1, 2, the angel of fire in xiv. 18, the angel of the waters in xvi. 5 (cf. Jub. ii. 2). Again, the guardian angels of individuals, which the New Testament refers to in Matt. xviii. 10 (Acts xii. 15), are mentioned, for the first time in Jubilees xxxv. 17. On the angelology of our author see Charles's edition.
Demonology. The demonology of our author reappears for the most part in the New Testament:
(a) The angels which kept not their first estate, Jude 6 ; 2 Peter ii. 4, are the angelic watchers who, though sent down to instruct mankind (Jub. iv. 15), fell from lusting after the daughters of men. Their fall and punishment are recorded in Jub. iv. 22, v.1-9.
(b) The demons are the spirits which went forth from the souls of the giants who were the children of the fallen angels, Jub. v. 7, 9. These demons attacked men and ruled over them (x. 3, 6). Their purpose is to corrupt and lead astray and destroy the wicked (x. 8). They are subject to the prince Mastema (x. 9), or Satan. Men sacrifice to them as gods (xxii. 17). They are to pursue their work of moral ruin till the judgement of Mastema (x. 8) or the setting up of the Messianic kingdom, when Satan will be no longer able to injure mankind (xxiii. 29).
So in the New Testament, the demons are disembodied spirits (Matt. xii. 43-5; Luke xi. 24-6). Their chief is Satan (Mark iii. 22). They are treated as divinities of the heathen (I Cor. x. 20). They are not to be punished till the final judgement (Matt. viii. 29). On the advent of the Millennium Satan will be bound (Rev. xx. 2-3).
Judgement. The doctrine of retribution is strongly enforced by our author. It is to be individual and national in this world and in the next. As regards the individual the law of exact retribution is according to our author not merely an enactment of human justice -the ancient lox talionis, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; it is observed by God in His government of the world. The penalty follows in the line of the sin. This view is enforced in 2 Macc. v. 10, where it is said of Jason, that, as he robbed multitudes of the rites of sepulture, so he himself was deprived of them in turn, and in xv. 32 seq. it is recounted of Nicanor that he was punished in those members with which he had sinned. So also in our text in reference to Cain iv. 31 seq. and the Egyptians xlviii. 14. Taken crassly and mechanically the above law is without foundation, but spiritually conceived it represented the profound truth of the kinship of the penalty to the sin enunciated repeatedly in the New Testament: 'Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap' (Gal. vi.;); 'he that doeth wrong shall receive again the wrong that he hath done' (Col. iii. 25, &c.). Again in certain cases the punishment was to follow instantaneously on the transgression (xxxvii. 17).
The final judgement was to take place at the close of the Messianic kingdom (xxiii. 30). This judgement embraces the human and superhuman worlds (v. 10 seq., 14). At this judgement there will be no respect of persons, but all will be judged according to their opportunities and abilities (v. 15 seq.). From the standpoint of our author there could be no hope for the Gentiles.
(a) Greek Version: see above, 4 (a). Ethiopic Version: this text was first edited by Dillmann from two MSS. cd in 1859, and by R. H. Charles from four MSS. abcd. The Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees with the Hebrew, Syriac, Greek, and Latin Fragments, Oxford, 1895. Latin Version: see above, 4 (a).
(b) Translations. Dillrnann, Das Buch der Jubilaen . . . aus dem Aethiopischen ubersetzt (Ewald's Jahrbucher d. bibl. Wissensch., 1850-1, ii. 230-56; iii. 1-96). This translation is based on only one MS. Schodde, The Book of Jubilees, translated from the Ethiopic ('Bibliotheca Sacra,' 1885-7): Charles, The Book of Jubilees, translated from a text based on two hitherto uncollated Ethiopic MSS. (Jewish Quarterly Review, 1893, v. 703-8; 1894, vi. 184-217, 710-45; 1895, vii. 297-328): Littmann, Das Buch der Jubilaen (Kantzsch's Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des A. T., 1900, ii. 31-119). This translation is based on Charles's text.
(c) Commentaries. Charles, The Book ofjubilees, 1902. Ronsch published a Commentary on the Latin Version. See above, 4.
(d) Critical Inquiries. Dillmann, 'Pseudepigraphen des A. T.,' Herzog's R. E.2, xii. 364-5; 'Beitrage aus dem Buche der Jubilaen zur Kritik des Pentateuch-Textes' (Sitzungsberichte der kgl. preussischen Akad., 1883); Beer, Das Buch der Jubilaen, 1856; Singer, Das Buck der Jubilaen, 1898; Bohn, 'Die Pedeutung des Buches der Jubilaen' (Theol. Stud. u. Kritiken, 1900, 167-84). For a full bibliography see Charles's Commentary or Schurer.
[Notes and dates added by Mr. Charles will not be given due to length and difficulty in scanning and editing. If this information is desired, please see his book.]
THIS is the history of the division of the days of the law and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of their (year) weeks, of their Jubilees throughout all the years of the world, as the Lord spake to Moses on Mount Sinai when he went up to receive the tables of the law and of the commandment, according to the voice of God as he said unto him, 'Go up to the top of the Mount.'
[Chapter 1]
1 And it came to pass in the first year of the exodus of the children
of Israel out of Egypt, in the third month, on the sixteenth day of the
month, [2450 Anno Mundi] that God spake to Moses, saying: 'Come up to Me
on the Mount, and I will give thee two tables of stone of the law and of
the commandment, which
2 I have written, that thou mayst teach them.' And Moses went up into
the mount of God, and the
3 glory of the Lord abode on Mount Sinai, and a cloud overshadowed
it six days. And He called to Moses on the seventh day out of the midst
of the cloud, and the appearance of the glory of the
4 Lord was like a flaming fire on the top of the mount. And Moses was
on the Mount forty days and forty nights, and God taught him the earlier
and the later history of the division of all the days
5 of the law and of the testimony. And He said: 'Incline thine heart
to every word which I shall speak to thee on this mount, and write them
in a book in order that their generations may see how I have not forsaken
them for all the evil which they have wrought in transgressing the covenant
6 which I establish between Me and thee for their generations this
day on Mount Sinai. And thus it will come to pass when all these things
come upon them, that they will recognise that I am more righteous than
they in all their judgments and in all their actions, and they will recognise
7 I have been truly with them. And do thou write for thyself all these
words which I declare unto, thee this day, for I know their rebellion and
their stiff neck, before I bring them into the land of which I sware to
their fathers, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, saying: ' Unto your
8 will I give a land flowing with milk and honey. And they will eat
and be satisfied, and they will turn to strange gods, to (gods) which cannot
deliver them from aught of their tribulation: and this witness shall be
heard for a witness against them. For they will forget all My commandments,
(even) all that I command them, and they will walk after the Gentiles,
and after their uncleanness, and after their shame, and will serve their
gods, and these will
10 prove unto them an offence and a tribulation and an affliction and
a snare. And many will perish and they will be taken captive, and will
fall into the hands of the enemy, because they have forsaken My ordinances
and My commandments, and the festivals of My covenant, and My sabbaths,
and My holy place which I have hallowed for Myself in their midst, and
My tabernacle, and My sanctuary, which I have hallowed for Myself in the
midst of the land, that I should set my name
11 upon it, and that it should dwell (there). And they will make to
themselves high places and groves and graven images, and they will worship,
each his own (graven image), so as to go astray, and they
12 will sacrifice their children to demons, and to all the works of
the error of their hearts. And I will send witnesses unto them, that I
may witness against them, but they will not hear, and will slay the witnesses
also, and they will persecute those who seek the law, and they will abrogate
and change
13 everything so as to work evil before My eyes. And I will hide My
face from them, and I will deliver them into the hand of the Gentiles for
captivity, and for a prey, and for devouring, and I will remove them from
the midst of the land, and I will scatter them amongst the Gentiles.
14 And they will forget all My law and all My commandments and all
My judgments, and will go
15 astray as to new moons, and sabbaths, and festivals, and jubilees,
and ordinances. And after this they will turn to Me from amongst the Gentiles
with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their strength,
and I will gather them from amongst all the Gentiles, and they will seek
me, so
16 that I shall be found of them, when they seek me with all their
heart and with all their soul. And I will disclose to them abounding peace
with righteousness, and I will remove them the plant of uprightness, with
all My heart and with all My soul, and they shall be for a blessing and
not for
17 a curse, and they shall be the head and not the tail. And I will
build My sanctuary in their midst, and I will dwell with them, and I will
be their God and they shall be My people in truth and
18, 19 righteousness. And I will not forsake them nor fail them; for
I am the Lord their God.' And Moses fell on his face and prayed and said,
'O Lord my God, do not forsake Thy people and Thy inheritance, so that
they should wander in the error of their hearts, and do not deliver them
into the hands of their enemies, the Gentiles, lest they should rule over
them and cause them to sin against
20 Thee. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be lifted up upon Thy people, and create
in them an upright spirit, and let not the spirit of Beliar rule over them
to accuse them before Thee, and to ensnare them
21 from all the paths of righteousness, so that they may perish from
before Thy face. But they are Thy people and Thy inheritance, which thou
hast delivered with thy great power from the hands of the Egyptians: create
in them a clean heart and a holy spirit, and let them not be ensnared in
22 their sins from henceforth until eternity.' And the Lord said unto
Moses: 'I know their contrariness and their thoughts and their stiffneckedness,
and they will not be obedient till they confess
23 their own sin and the sin of their fathers. And after this they
will turn to Me in all uprightness and with all (their) heart and with
all (their) soul, and I will circumcise the foreskin of their heart and
the foreskin of the heart of their seed, and I will create in them a holy
spirit, and I will cleanse them so that they shall not turn away from Me
from that day unto eternity.
24 And their souls will cleave to Me and to all My commandments, and
they will fulfil My
25 commandments, and I will be their Father and they shall be My children.
And they all shall be called children of the living God, and every angel
and every spirit shall know, yea, they shall know that these are My children,
and that I am their Father in uprightness and righteousness, and that
26 I love them. And do thou write down for thyself all these words
which I declare unto thee on this mountain, the first and the last, which
shall come to pass in all the divisions of the days in the law and in the
testimony and in the weeks and the jubilees unto eternity, until I descend
and dwell
27 with them throughout eternity.' And He said to the angel of the
presence: Write for Moses from
28 the beginning of creation till My sanctuary has been built among
them for all eternity. And the Lord will appear to the eyes of all, and
all shall know that I am the God of Israel and the Father of all the children
of Jacob, and King on Mount Zion for all eternity. And Zion and Jerusalem
29 be holy.' And the angel of the presence who went before the camp
of Israel took the tables of the divisions of the years -from the time
of the creation- of the law and of the testimony of the weeks of the jubilees,
according to the individual years, according to all the number of the jubilees
[according, to the individual years], from the day of the [new] creation
when the heavens and the earth shall be renewed and all their creation
according to the powers of the heaven, and according to all the creation
of the earth, until the sanctuary of the Lord shall be made in Jerusalem
on Mount Zion, and all the luminaries be renewed for healing and for peace
and for blessing for all the elect of Israel, and that thus it may be from
that day and unto all the days of the earth.
[Chapter 2]
1 And the angel of the presence spake to Moses according to the word
of the Lord, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in
six days the Lord God finished all His works and all that He created, and
kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and
[Chapter 3]
1 And on the six days of the second week we brought, according to the
word of God, unto Adam all the beasts, and all the cattle, and all the
birds, and everything that moves on the earth, and everything that moves
in the water, according to their kinds, and according to their types: the
beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the
third day; and all that which moves on the earth on the fourth day; and
that which moves in the water on the fifth day.
[Chapter 4]
1 And in the third week in the second jubilee she gave birth to Cain,
and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth
to her daughter Awan. And in the first (year) of the third jubilee, Cain
slew Abel because (God) accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept
[Chapter 5]
1 And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on
the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels
of God saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful
to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they
[Chapter 6]
1 And on the new moon of the third month he went forth from the ark,
and built an altar on
[Chapter 7]
1 And in the seventh week in the first year [1317 A.M.] thereof, in
this jubilee, Noah planted vines on the mountain on which the ark had rested,
named Lubar, one of the Ararat Mountains, and they produced fruit in the
fourth year, [1320 A.M.] and he guarded their fruit, and gathered it in
this year in the
make ye the release so that ye release it in righteousness and uprightness,
and ye shall bc righteous,
[Chapter 8]
1 In the twenty-ninth jubilee, in the first week, [1373 A.M.] in the
beginning thereof Arpachshad took to himself a wife and her name was Rasu'eja,
the daughter of Susan, the daughter of Elam, and she
7 thereof. And she bare him a son in the fifth year [1503 A.M.] thereof,
and he called his name Eber: and he took unto himself a wife, and her name
was 'Azurad, the daughter of Nebrod, in the thirty-second
[Chapter 9]
1 And Ham divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth
for Cush towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, and to the
west of him for Put, and to the west of him
[Chapter 10]
1 And in the third week of this jubilee the unclean demons began to
lead astray the children of
For Thy grace has been great towards me,
Let Thy grace be lift up upon my sons,
4 But do Thou bless me and my sons, that we may increase and Multiply
and replenish the earth.
[Chapter 11]
1 And in the thirty-fifth jubilee, in the third week, in the first year
[1681 A.M.] thereof, Reu took to himself a wife, and her name was 'Ora,
the daughter of 'Ur, the son of Kesed, and she bare him a son, and
11 And the prince Mastema sent ravens and birds to devour the seed which
was sown in the land, in order to destroy the land, and rob the children
of men of their labours. Before they could plough
[Chapter 12]
1 And it came to pass in the sixth week, in the seventh year thereof,
[1904 A.M.] that Abram said to Terah his
'What help and profit have we from those idols which thou dost worship,
3 For there is no spirit in them,
4 Worship the God of heaven,
And has created everything by His word,
5 Why do ye worship things that have no spirit in them?
And on your shoulders do ye bear them,
But they are a great cause of shame to those who make them,
6 And his father said unto him, I also know it, my son, but what shall
I do with a people who have
18 If He desires, He causes it to rain, morning and evening;
19 And he prayed that night and said,
20 Deliver me from the hands of evil spirits who have dominion over
the thoughts of men's hearts,
And stablish Thou me and my seed for ever
21 And he said, 'Shall I return unto Ur of the Chaldees who seek my
face that I may return to them, am I to remain here in this place? The
right path before Thee prosper it in the hands of Thy servant that he may
fulfil (it) and that I may not walk in the deceitfulness of my heart, O
my God.'
23 And I will bless thee
24 And I will be a God to thee and thy son, and to thy son's son, and
to all thy seed: fear not, from
May the eternal God make thy path straight.
30 And if thou seest a land pleasant to thy eyes to dwell in, then arise
and take me to thee and take
[Chapter 13]
1 And Abram journeyed from Haran, and he took Sarai, his wife, and Lot,
his brother Haran's son, to the land of Canaan, and he came into Asshur,
and proceeded to Shechem, and dwelt near
[Chapter 14]
1 After these things, in the fourth year of this week, on the new moon
of the third month, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a dream, saying:
'Fear not, Abram; I am thy defender, and
[Chapter 15]
1 And in the fifth year of the fourth week of this jubilee, [1979 A.M.]
in the third month, in the middle of the
6 'Behold my ordinance is with thee,
7 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram,
And I will make thee very great,
9 And I shall establish My covenant between Me and thee, and thy seed
after thee, throughout their generations, for an eternal covenant, so that
I may be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
[Chapter 16]
1 And on the new moon of the fourth month we appeared unto Abraham,
at the oak of Mamre, and we talked with him, and we announced to him that
a son would be given to him by Sarah his wife.
[Chapter 17]
1 And in the first year of the fifth week Isaac was weaned in this jubilee,
[1982 A.M.] and Abraham made
[Chapter 18]
1,2 And God said to him, 'Abraham, Abraham'; and he said, Behold, (here)
am I.' And he said, Take thy beloved son whom thou lovest, (even) Isaac,
and go unto the high country, and offer him
Because thou hast done this thing,
And in multiplying I will multiply thy seed
And thy seed shall inherit the cities of its enemies,
Because thou hast obeyed My voice,
17 And Abraham went to his young men, and they arose and went together
to Beersheba, and Abraham [2010 A.M.]
18 dwelt by the Well of the Oath. And he celebrated this festival every
year, seven days with joy, and he called it the festival of the Lord according
to the seven days during which he went and
[Chapter 19]
1 And in the first year of the first week in the forty-second jubilee,
Abraham returned and dwelt
My daughter, watch over my son Jacob,
18 For I know that the Lord will choose him to be a people for possession
unto Himself, above all
20 Add still further to thy kindness to him,
21 Let thy hands be strong
He shall be blessed for ever,
22 If a man can number the sand of the earth,
23 And all the blessings wherewith the Lord hath blessed me and my seed
shall belong to Jacob and
To lay the foundations of the heaven,
26 And he called Jacob before the eyes of Rebecca his mother, and kissed
him, and blessed him, and
[Chapter 20]
1 And in the forty-second jubilee, in the first year of the seventh
week, Abraham called Ishmael, [2052 (2045?) A.M.]
2 and his twelve sons, and Isaac and his two sons, and the six sons
of Keturah, and their sons. And he commanded them that they should observe
the way of the Lord; that they should work righteousness, and love each
his neighbour, and act on this manner amongst all men; that they should
6 'And guard yourselves from all fornication and uncleanness,
Lest ye make our name a curse,
And all your sons to be destroyed by the sword,
7 I implore you, my sons, love the God of heaven
And walk not after their idols, and after their uncleannesses,
For they are vanity,
For they are work of (men's) hands,
9 Serve them not, nor worship them,
That He may have pleasure in you and grant you His mercy,
And bless all your works which ye have wrought upon the earth,
And bless the fruit of thy womb and the fruit of thy land,
10 And ye will be for a blessing on the earth,
And bless your sons in my name,
11 And he gave to Ishmael and to his sons, and to the sons of Keturah,
gifts, and sent them away
[Chapter 21]
1 And in the sixth year of the seventh week of this jubilee Abraham
called Isaac his son, and [2057 (2050?) A.M.] commanded him: saying, 'I
am become old, and know not the day of my death, and am full of my
21 I see, my son,
22 Beware, lest thou shouldest walk in their ways
Else He will [hide His face from thee
23 Turn away from all their deeds and all their uncleanness,
24 And He will bless thee in all thy deeds,
25 Go, my son in peace.
26 And he went out from him rejoicing.
[Chapter 22]
1 And it came to pass in the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee,
in the second year, that is, the year in which Abraham died, that Isaac
and Ishmael came from the Well of the Oath to celebrate the feast of weeks
-that is, the feast of the first fruits of the harvest-to Abraham, their
7 'And now I give thanks unto Thee, my God, because thou hast caused
me to see this day: behold, I am one hundred three score and fifteen years,
an old man and full of days, and all my days have
'Blessed be my son Jacob
May God give unto thee a seed of righteousness;
May nations serve thee,
12 Be strong in the presence of men,
Then thy ways and the ways of thy sons will be justified,
13 May the Most High God give thee all the blessings
And wherewith He blessed Noah and Adam;
14 And may He cleanse thee from all unrighteousness and impurity,
And may He strengthen thee,
15 And may He renew His covenant with thee.
16 And do thou, my son Jacob, remember my words,
Separate thyself from the nations,
And do not according to their works,
For their works are unclean,
17 They offer their sacrifices to the dead
And they eat over the graves,
18 They have no heart to understand
And how they err in saying to a piece of wood: 'Thou art my God,'
19 And as for thee, my son Jacob,
20 Be thou ware, my son Jacob, of taking a wife from any seed of the
daughters of Canaan;
21 For, owing to the transgression of Ham, Canaan erred,
22 And as for all the worshippers of idols and the profane
As the children of Sodom were taken away from the earth
23 Fear not, my son Jacob,
May the Most High God preserve thee from destruction,
24 This house have I built for myself that I might put my name upon
it in the earth: [it is given to thee and to thy seed for ever], and it
will be named the house of Abraham; it is given to thee and to thy seed
for ever; for thou wilt build my house and establish my name before God
for ever: thy seed and thy name will stand throughout all generations of
the earth.'
[Chapter 23]
1 And he placed two fingers of Jacob on his eyes, and he blessed the
God of gods, and he covered his face and stretched out his feet and slept
the sleep of eternity, and was gathered to his fathers.
And they shall use violence against Israel and transgression against
24 In those days they shall cry aloud,
25 And the heads of the children shall be white with grey hair,
26 And in those days the children shall begin to study the laws,
27 And the days shall begin to grow many and increase amongst those
children of men
28 And there shall be no old man
29 And all their days they shall complete and live in peace and in joy,
30 And at that time the Lord will heal His servants,
And the righteous shall see and be thankful,
31 And their bones shall rest in the earth,
32 And do thou, Moses, write down these words; for thus are they written,
and they record (them) on the heavenly tablets for a testimony for the
generations for ever.
[Chapter 24]
1 And it came to pass after the death of Abraham, that the Lord blessed
Isaac his son, and he arose from Hebron and went and dwelt at the Well
of the Vision in the first year of the third week [2073 A.M.]
2 of this jubilee, seven years. And in the first year of the fourth
week a famine began in the land, [2080 A.M.]
3 besides the first famine, which had been in the days of Abraham. And
Jacob sod lentil pottage, and Esau came from the field hungry. And he said
to Jacob his brother: 'Give me of this red pottage.' And Jacob said to
him: 'Sell to me thy [primogeniture, this] birthright and I will give
22 forty-fourth jubilee. And the Lord appeared to him that night, on
the new moon of the first month, and said unto him: 'I am the God of Abraham
thy father; fear not, for I am with thee, and shall bless thee and shall
surely multiply thy seed as the sand of the earth, for the sake of Abraham
30 And no remnant shall be left to them,
31 For though he ascend unto heaven,
And though he make himself strong on earth,
And though he hide himself amongst the nations,
And though he descend into Sheol,
33 And thus is it written and engraved concerning him on the heavenly
tablets, to do unto him on the day of judgment, so that he may be rooted
out of the earth.
[Chapter 25]
1 And in the second year of this week in this jubilee, Rebecca called
Jacob her son, and spake unto [2109 A.M.] him, saying: 'My son, do not
take thee a wife of the daughters of Canaan, as Esau, thy brother, who
took him two wives of the daughters of Canaan, and they have embittered
my soul with all their unclean deeds: for all their deeds are fornication
and lust, and there is no righteousness with them,
15 Blessed art thou, Lord of righteousness and God of the ages
May He give thee, my Son, the path of righteousness,
16 And may He make thy sons many during thy life,
17 And may He give them this goodly land -as He said He would give it
to Abraham and to his seed after him alway-
18 And may I see (born) unto thee, my son, blessed children during my
19 And as thou hast refreshed thy mother's spirit during her life,
[My affection] and my breasts bless thee
20 Increase and spread over the earth,
And may thy seed rejoice,
21 And may thy name and thy seed endure to all the ages,
And may the God of righteousness dwell with them,
22 Blessed be he that blesseth thee,
23 And she kissed him, and said to him;
[Chapter 26]
1 And in the seventh year of this week Isaac called Esau, his elder
Son, and said unto him: ' I am [2114 A.M.]
2 old, my son, and behold my eyes are dim in seeing, and I know not
the day of my death. And now take thy hunting weapons thy quiver and thy
bow, and go out to the field, and hunt and catch me (venison), my son,
and make me savoury meat, such as my soul loveth, and bring it to me that
I may
23 And may the Lord give thee of the dew of heaven
Let nations serve thee,
24 Be lord over thy brethren,
And may all the blessings wherewith the Lord hath blessed me and blessed
Abraham, my father;
Cursed be he that curseth thee,
25 And it came to pass as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing
his son Jacob, and Jacob had gone
34 And by thy sword wilt thou live,
And it shall come to pass when thou becomest great,
35 And Esau kept threatening Jacob because of the blessing wherewith
his father blessed him, and he: said in his heart: 'May the days of mourning
for my father now come, so that I may slay my brother Jacob.'
[Chapter 27]
1 And the words of Esau, her elder son, were told to Rebecca in a dream,
and Rebecca sent and
[Chapter 28]
1 And he went on his journey, and came to the land of the east, to Laban,
the brother of Rebecca,
[Chapter 29]
1 And it came to pass when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Laban went
to shear his sheep; for they
[Chapter 30]
1 And in the first year of the sixth week [2143 A.M.] he went up to
Salem, to the east of Shechem, in peace, in
[Chapter 31]
1 And on the new moon of the month Jacob spake to all the people of
his house. saying: 'Purify yourselves and change your garments, and let
us arise and go up to Bethel, where I vowed a vow to Him on the day when
I fled from the face of Esau my brother, because he has been with me and
They shall speak the word of the Lord in righteousness,
And they shall declare My ways to Jacob
The blessing of the Lord shall be given in their mouths
16 Thy mother has called thy name Levi,
Thou shalt be joined to the Lord
Let His table be thine,
And may thy table be full unto all generations,
17 And let all who hate thee fall down before thee,
And blessed be he that blesses thee,
18 And to Judah he said:
To tread down all that hate thee;
May thy name and the name of thy sons go forth and traverse every land
and region.
And all the nations shall quake
In thee shall be the help of Jacob,
20 And when thou sittest on the throne of honour of thy righteousness
Blessed be he that blesseth thee,
21 And turning he kissed him again and embraced him, and rejoiced greatly;
for he had seen the
[Chapter 32]
1 And he abode that night at Bethel, and Levi dreamed that they had
ordained and made him the priest of the Most High God, him and his sons
for ever; and he awoke from his sleep and blessed
[Chapter 33]
1 And Jacob went and dwelt to the south of Magdaladra'ef. And he went
to his father Isaac, he
[Chapter 34]
1 And in the sixth year of this week of this forty-fourth jubilee [2148
A.M.] Jacob sent his sons to pasture their
[Chapter 35]
1 And in the first year of the first week of the forty-fifth jubilee
[2157 A.M.] Rebecca called Jacob, her son, and commanded him regarding
his father and regarding his brother, that he should honour them all the
[Chapter 36]
1 And in the sixth year of this week [2162 A.M.] Isaac called his two
sons Esau and Jacob, and they came to him, and he said unto them: 'My sons,
I am going the way of my fathers, to the eternal house
[Chapter 37]
1 And on the day that Isaac the father of Jacob and Esau died, [2162
A.M.] the sons of Esau heard that Isaac
If the boar can change its skin and make its bristles as soft as wool,
22 And if the lion becomes the friend of the ox and makes peace with
24 And when Jacob saw that he was (so) evilly disposed towards him with
his heart, and with all his soul as to slay him, and that he had come springing
like the wild boar which comes upon
[Chapter 38]
1 And after that Judah spake to Jacob, his father, and said unto him:
'Bend thy bow, father, and send forth thy arrows and cast down the adversary
and slay the enemy; and mayst thou have the power, for we shall not slay
thy brother, for he is such as thou, and he is like thee let us give him
[Chapter 39]
1,2 And Jacob dwelt in the land of his father's sojournings in the land
of Canaan. These are the generations of Jacob. And Joseph was seventeen
years old when they took him down into
[Chapter 40]
1 And in those days Pharaoh dreamed two dreams in one night concerning
a famine which was to be in all the land, and he awoke from his sleep and
called all the interpreters of dreams that were in Egypt, and magicians,
and told them his two dreams, and they were not able to declare (them).
[Chapter 41]
1 And in the forty-fifth jubilee, in the second week, (and) in the second
year, [2165 A.M.] Judah took for his
8 in the fifth year of this week. And in the sixth year Judah went up
to shear his sheep at Timnah. [2169 A.M.]
9 And they told Tamar: 'Behold thy father-in-law goeth up to Timnah
to shear his sheep.' And she put off her widow's clothes, and put on a
veil, and adorned herself, and sat in the gate adjoining the
22 and Zerah, in the seventh year of this second week. And thereupon
the seven years of fruitfulness
[Chapter 42]
1 And in the first year of the third week of the forty-fifth jubilee
the famine began to come into the [2171 A.M.]
2 land, and the rain refused to be given to the earth, for none whatever
fell. And the earth grew barren, but in the land of Egypt there was food,
for Joseph had gathered the seed of the land in the
[Chapter 43]
1 And he did as Joseph had told him, and filled all their sacks for
them with food and put their
[Chapter 44]
1 And Israel took his journey from Haran from his house on the new moon
of the third month, and he went on the way of the Well of the Oath, and
he offered a sacrifice to the God of his
[Chapter 45]
1 And Israel went into the country of Egypt, into the land of Goshen,
on the new moon of the fourth [2172 A.M].
12 the fourth week of the forty-fifth jubilee. And Joseph took of the
corn of the harvest the fifth part for the king and left four parts for
them for food and for seed, and Joseph made it an ordinance for
14 year of the fifth week of the forty-fifth jubilee. And Israel blessed
his sons before he died and told them everything that would befall them
in the land of Egypt; and he made known to them what would come upon them
in the last days, and blessed them and gave to Joseph two portions in
[Chapter 46]
1 And it came to pass that after Jacob died the children of Israel multiplied
in the land of Egypt, and they became a great nation, and they were of
one accord in heart, so that brother loved brother and every man helped
his brother, and they increased abundantly and multiplied exceedingly,
ten [2242 A.M.]
2 weeks of years, all the days of the life of Joseph And there was no
Satan nor any evil all the days of the life of Joseph which he lived after
his father Jacob, for all the Egyptians honoured the children
9 all his brethren died after him. And the king of Egypt went forth
to war with the king of Canaan [2263 A.M.] in the forty-seventh jubilee,
in the second week in the second year, and the children of Israel brought
forth all the bones of the children of Jacob save the bones of Joseph,
and they buried them in the
[Chapter 47]
1 And in the seventh week, in the seventh year, in the forty-seventh
jubilee, thy father went forth [2303 A.M.] from the land of Canaan, and
thou wast born in the fourth week, in the sixth year thereof, in the [2330
2 forty-eighth jubilee; this was the time of tribulation on the children
of Israel. And Pharaoh, king of Egypt, issued a command regarding them
that they should cast all their male children which were
11 of the children of Israel, and thou didst slay him and hide him in
the sand. And on the second day thou didst and two of the children of Israel
striving together, and thou didst say to him who was
[Chapter 48]
1 And in the sixth year of the third week of the forty-ninth jubilee
thou didst depart and dwell (in [2372 A.M.] the land of Midian, five weeks
and one year. And thou didst return into Egypt in the second week
[Chapter 49]
1 Remember the commandment which the Lord commanded thee concerning
the passover, that thou shouldst celebrate it in its season on the fourteenth
of the first month, that thou shouldst kill it before it is evening, and
that they should eat it by night on the evening of the fifteenth from the
[Chapter 50]
1 And after this law I made known to thee the days of the Sabbaths in
the desert of Sin[ai], which
Herewith is completed the account of the division of the days.
2 appointed it as a sign for all His works. For on the first day He
created the heavens which are above and the earth and the waters and all
the spirits which serve before him -the angels of the presence, and the
angels of sanctification, and the angels [of the spirit of fire and the
angels] of the spirit of the winds, and the angels of the spirit of the
clouds, and of darkness, and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost, and
the angels of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning, and the
angels of the spirits of cold and of heat, and of winter and of spring
and of autumn and of summer and of all the spirits of his creatures which
are in the heavens and on the earth, (He created) the abysses and the darkness,
eventide (and night), and the light, dawn and day, which He hath
3 prepared in the knowledge of his heart. And thereupon we saw His
works, and praised Him, and lauded before Him on account of all His works;
for seven great works did He create on the first day.
4 And on the second day He created the firmament in the midst of the
waters, and the waters were divided on that day -half of them went up above
and half of them went down below the firmament (that was) in the midst
over the face of the whole earth. And this was the only work (God) created
5 on the second day. And on the third day He commanded the waters to
pass from off the face of
6 the whole earth into one place, and the dry land to appear. And the
waters did so as He commanded them, and they retired from off the face
of the earth into one place outside of this firmament,
7 and the dry land appeared. And on that day He created for them all
the seas according to their separate gathering-places, and all the rivers,
and the gatherings of the waters in the mountains and on all the earth,
and all the lakes, and all the dew of the earth, and the seed which is
sown, and all sprouting things, and fruit-bearing trees, and trees of the
wood, and the garden of Eden, in Eden
8 and all
9 light from the darkness. And God appointed the sun to be a great
sign on the earth for days and
10 for sabbaths and for months and for feasts and for years and for
sabbaths of years and for jubilees and for all seasons of the years. And
it divideth the light from the darkness [and] for prosperity, that all
things may prosper which shoot and grow on the earth. These three kinds
He made on the fourth day. And on the fifth day He created great sea monsters
in the depths of the waters, for these were the first things of flesh that
were created by his hands, the fish and everything that moves in the
12 waters, and everything that flies, the birds and all their kind.
And the sun rose above them to prosper (them), and above everything that
was on the earth, everything that shoots out of the earth, and all
13 fruit-bearing trees, and all flesh. These three kinds He created
on the fifth day. And on the sixth day
14 He created all the animals of the earth, and all cattle, and everything
that moves on the earth. And after all this He created man, a man and a
woman created He them, and gave him dominion over all that is upon the
earth, and in the seas, and over everything that flies, and over beasts
and over cattle, and over everything that moves on the earth, and over
the whole earth, and over all this He gave
15 him dominion. And these four kinds He created on the sixth day.
And there were altogether
16 two and twenty kinds. And He finished all his work on the sixth
day -all that is in the heavens and on the earth, and in the seas and in
the abysses, and in the light and in the darkness, and in
17 everything. And He gave us a great sign, the Sabbath day, that we
should work six days, but
18 keep Sabbath on the seventh day from all work. And all the angels
of the presence, and all the angels of sanctification, these two great
classes -He hath bidden us to keep the Sabbath with Him
19 in heaven and on earth. And He said unto us: 'Behold, I will separate
unto Myself a people from among all the peoples, and these shall keep the
Sabbath day, and I will sanctify them unto Myself as My people, and will
bless them; as I have sanctified the Sabbath day and do sanctify (it) unto
20 Myself, even so will I bless them, and they shall be My people and
I will be their God. And I have chosen the seed of Jacob from amongst all
that I have seen, and have written him down as My first-born son,and have
sanctified him unto Myself for ever and ever; and I will teach them the
21 Sabbath day, that they may keep Sabbath thereon from all work.'
And thus He created therein a sign in accordance with which they should
keep Sabbath with us on the seventh day, to eat and to drink, and to bless
Him who has created all things as He has blessed and sanctified unto Himself
22 a peculiar people above all peoples, and that they should keep Sabbath
together with us. And He caused His commands to ascend as a sweet savour
acceptable before Him all the days . . .
23 There (were) two and twenty heads of mankind from Adam to Jacob,
and two and twenty kinds of work were made until the seventh day; this
is blessed and holy; and the former also is blessed and
24 holy; and this one serves with that one for sanctification and blessing.
And to this (Jacob and his seed) it was granted that they should always
be the blessed and holy ones of the first testimony
25 and law, even as He had sanctified and blessed the Sabbath day on
the seventh day. He created heaven and earth and everything that He created
in six days, and God made the seventh day holy, for all His works; therefore
He commanded on its behalf that, whoever does any work thereon
26 shall die, and that he who defiles it shall surely die. Wherefore
do thou command the children of Israel to observe this day that they may
keep it holy and not do thereon any work, and not to
27 defile it, as it is holier than all other days. And whoever profanes
it shall surely die, and whoever does thereon any work shall surely die
eternally, that the children of Israel may observe this day throughout
their generations, and not be rooted out of the land; for it is a holy
day and a blessed
28 day. And every one who observes it and keeps Sabbath thereon from
all his work, will be holy and
29 blessed throughout all days like unto us. Declare and say to the
children of Israel the law of this day both that they should keep Sabbath
thereon, and that they should not forsake it in the error of their hearts;
(and) that it is not lawful to do any work thereon which is unseemly, to
do thereon their own pleasure, and that they should not prepare thereon
anything to be eaten or drunk, and (that it is not lawful) to draw water,
or bring in or take out thereon through their gates any burden,
30 which they had not prepared for themselves on the sixth day in their
dwellings. And they shall not bring in nor take out from house to house
on that day; for that day is more holy and blessed than any jubilee day
of the jubilees; on this we kept Sabbath in the heavens before it was made
31 known to any flesh to keep Sabbath thereon on the earth. And the
Creator of all things blessed it, but he did not sanctify all peoples and
nations to keep Sabbath thereon, but Israel alone: them
32 alone he permitted to eat and drink and to keep Sabbath thereon
on the earth. And the Creator of all things blessed this day which He had
created for blessing and holiness and glory above all
33 days. This law and testimony was given to the children of Israel
as a law for ever unto their generations.
2 And Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called
them, so was their name.
3 And on these five days Adam saw all these, male and female, according
to every kind that was on
4 the earth, but he was alone and found no helpmeet for him. And the
Lord said unto us: 'It is not
5 good that the man should be alone: let us make a helpmeet for him.'
And the Lord our God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him, and he slept,
and He took for the woman one rib from amongst
6 his ribs, and this rib was the origin of the woman from amongst his
ribs, and He built up the flesh in its stead, and built the woman. And
He awaked Adam out of his sleep and on awaking he rose on the sixth day,
and He brought her to him, and he knew her, and said unto her: 'This is
now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
7 [my] wife; because she was taken from her husband.' Therefore shall
man and wife be one and therefore shall a man leave his father and his
mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be
8 one flesh. In the first week was Adam created, and the rib -his wife:
in the second week He showed her unto him: and for this reason the commandment
was given to keep in their defilement,
9 for a male seven days, and for a female twice seven days. And after
Adam had completed forty days in the land where he had been created, we
brought him into the garden of Eden to till and keep it, but his wife they
brought in on the eightieth day, and after this she entered into the garden
10 of Eden. And for this reason the commandment is written on the heavenly
tablets in regard to her that gives birth: 'if she bears a male, she shall
remain in her uncleanness seven days according to the first week of days,
and thirty and three days shall she remain in the blood of her purifying,
and she shall not touch any hallowed thing, nor enter into the sanctuary,
until she accomplishes these
11 days which (are enjoined) in the case of a male child. But in the
case of a female child she shall remain in her uncleanness two weeks of
days, according to the first two weeks, and sixty-six days
12 in the blood of her purification, and they will be in all eighty
days.' And when she had completed these eighty days we brought her into
the garden of Eden, for it is holier than all the earth besides and
13 every tree that is planted in it is holy. Therefore, there was ordained
regarding her who bears a male or a female child the statute of those days
that she should touch no hallowed thing, nor
14 enter into the sanctuary until these days for the male or female
child are accomplished. This is the law and testimony which was written
down for Israel, in order that they should observe (it) all the
15 days. And in the first week of the first jubilee, [1-7 A.M.] Adam
and his wife were in the garden of Eden for seven years tilling and keeping
it, and we gave him work and we instructed him to do everything
16 that is suitable for tillage. And he tilled (the garden), and was
naked and knew it not, and was not ashamed, and he protected the garden
from the birds and beasts and cattle, and gathered its fruit, and eat,
and put aside the residue for himself and for his wife [and put aside that
which was
17 being kept]. And after the completion of the seven years, which
he had completed there, seven years exactly, [8 A.M.] and in the second
month, on the seventeenth day (of the month), the serpent came and approached
the woman, and the serpent said to the woman, 'Hath God commanded you,
18 saying, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?' And she said
to it, 'Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden God hath said unto
us, Eat; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden
God hath said unto us, Ye shall not eat thereof, neither shall ye touch
it, lest ye die.' And the serpent said unto the woman, 'Ye shall not surely
die: for God doth know that on the day ye shall eat thereof, your eyes
will be opened, and ye will be as gods, and ye will know good and
20 evil. And the woman saw the tree that it was agreeable and pleasant
to the eye, and that its fruit
21 was good for food, and she took thereof and eat. And when she had
first covered her shame with figleaves, she gave thereof to Adam and he
eat, and his eyes were opened, and he saw that he was
22 naked. And he took figleaves and sewed (them) together, and made
an apron for himself, and
23, 24 covered his shame. And God cursed the serpent, and was wroth
with it for ever . . . And He was wroth with the woman, because she harkened
to the voice of the serpent, and did eat; and He said unto her: 'I will
greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy pains: in sorrow thou shalt bring forth
25 children, and thy return shall be unto thy husband, and he will
rule over thee.' And to Adam also he said, ' Because thou hast harkened
unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded
thee that thou shouldst not eat thereof, cursed be the ground for thy sake:
thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat thy
bread in the sweat of thy face, till thou returnest to the earth from whence
thou wast taken; for earth thou art, and unto earth shalt
26 thou return.' And He made for them coats of skin, and clothed them,
and sent them forth from
27 the Garden of Eden. And on that day on which Adam went forth from
the Garden, he offered as a sweet savour an offering, frankincense, galbanum,
and stacte, and spices in the morning with the
28 rising of the sun from the day when he covered his shame. And on
that day was closed the mouth of all beasts, and of cattle, and of birds,
and of whatever walks, and of whatever moves, so that they could no longer
speak: for they had all spoken one with another with one lip and with one
29 And He sent out of the Garden of Eden all flesh that was in the
Garden of Eden, and all flesh was scattered according to its kinds, and
according to its types unto the places which had been created
30 for them. And to Adam alone did He give (the wherewithal) to cover
his shame, of all the beasts and
31 cattle. On this account, it is prescribed on the heavenly tablets
as touching all those who know the judgment of the law, that they should
cover their shame, and should not uncover themselves as the
32 Gentiles uncover themselves. And on the new moon of the fourth month,
Adam and his wife went
33 forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda
in the land of their creation. And
34 Adam called the name of his wife Eve. And they had no son till the
first jubilee, [8 A.M.] and after this he
35 knew her. Now he tilled the land as he had been instructed in the
Garden of Eden.
3 the offering of Cain. And he slew him in the field: and his blood
cried from the ground to heaven,
4 complaining because he had slain him. And the Lord reproved Cain
because of Abel, because he had slain him, and he made him a fugitive on
the earth because of the blood of his brother, and he
5 cursed him upon the earth. And on this account it is written on the
heavenly tables, 'Cursed is ,he who smites his neighbour treacherously,
and let all who have seen and heard say, So be it; and
6 the man who has seen and not declared (it), let him be accursed as
the other.' And for this reason we announce when we come before the Lord
our God all the sin which is committed in heaven and
7 on earth, and in light and in darkness, and everywhere. And Adam
and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years, [99-127 A.M] and in
the fourth year of the fifth week [130 A.M.] they became joyful, and Adam
knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth;
for he said 'GOD has
8 raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for
Cain slew him.' And in the sixth
9 week [134-40 A.M.] he begat his daughter Azura. And Cain took Awan
his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth
jubilee. [190-196 A.M.] And in the first year of the first week of the
fifth jubilee, [197 A.M.] houses were built on the earth, and Cain built
a city, and called its name after the name of
10, 11 his son Enoch. And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet nine
sons. And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee [225-31 A.M.] Seth took
Azura his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth (year of the sixth
12,13 week) [235 A.M.] she bare him Enos. He began to call on the name
of the Lord on the earth. And in the seventh jubilee in the third week
[309-15 A.M.] Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him
a son
14 in the third year of the fifth week, and he called his name Kenan.
And at the close of the eighth jubilee [325, 386-3992 A.M.] Kenan took
Mualeleth his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the ninth
15 in the first week in the third year of this week, [395 A.M] and
he called his name Mahalalel. And in the second week of the tenth jubilee
[449-55 A.M.] Mahalalel took unto him to wife DinaH, the daughter of Barakiel
the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a son in the third
week in the sixth year, [461 A.M.] and he called his name Jared, for in
his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named
the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that they
should do
16 judgment and uprightness on the earth. And in the eleventh jubilee
[512-18 A.M.] Jared took to himself a wife, and her name was Baraka, the
daughter of Rasujal, a daughter of his father's brother, in the fourth
week of this jubilee, [522 A.M.] and she bare him a son in the fifth week,
in the fourth year of the jubilee, and
17 he called his name Enoch. And he was the first among men that are
born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote
down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book,
that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of
18 their separate months. And he was the first to write a testimony
and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the earth,
and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them the days
of the years, and set in order the months and recounted the Sabbaths of
the years
19 as we made (them), known to him. And what was and what will be he
saw in a vision of his sleep, as it will happen to the children of men
throughout their generations until the day of judgment; he saw and understood
everything, and wrote his testimony, and placed the testimony on earth
for all
20 the children of men and for their generations. And in the twelfth
jubilee, [582-88] in the seventh week thereof, he took to himself a wife,
and her name was Edna, the daughter of Danel, the daughter of his father's
brother, and in the sixth year in this week [587 A.M.] she bare him a son
and he called his name
21 Methuselah. And he was moreover with the angels of God these six
jubilees of years, and they showed him everything which is on earth and
in the heavens, the rule of the sun, and he wrote down
22 everything. And he testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with
the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to
be defiled, with the daughters of men, and Enoch
23 testified against (them) all. And he was taken from amongst the
children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty
and honour, and behold there he writes down the con-
24 demnation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the
children of men. And on account of it (God) brought the waters of the flood
upon all the land of Eden; for there he was set as a sign and that he should
testify against all the children of men, that he should recount all the
25 deeds of the generations until the day of condemnation. And he burnt
the incense of the sanctuary,
26 (even) sweet spices acceptable before the Lord on the Mount. For
the Lord has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount
of the East, and this mountain on which thou art this day, Mount Sinai,
and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification
of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all (its) guilt
and its uncleanness through-
27 out the generations of the world. And in the fourteenth jubilee
[652 A.M.] Methuselah took unto himself a wife, Edna the daughter of Azrial,
the daughter of his father's brother, in the third week, in the
28 first year of this week, [701-7 A.M.] and he begat a son and called
his name Lamech. And in the fifteenth jubilee in the third week Lamech
took to himself a wife, and her name was Betenos the daughter of Baraki'il,
the daughter of his father's brother, and in this week she bare him a son
and he called his name Noah, saying, 'This one will comfort me for my trouble
and all my work, and for the ground
29 which the Lord hath cursed.' And at the close of the nineteenth
jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year [930 A.M.] thereof, Adam
died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he
30 was the first to be buried in the earth. And he lacked seventy years
of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony
of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge:
'On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.' For this reason he
31 did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it. At
the close of this jubilee Cain was killed after him in the same year; for
his house fell upon him and he died in the midst of his house, and he was
killed by its stones; for with a stone he had killed Abel, and by a stone
was he killed in
32 righteous judgment. For this reason it was ordained on the heavenly
tablets: With the instrument with which a man kills his neighbour with
the same shall he be killed; after the manner that
33 he wounded him, in like manner shall they deal with him.' And in
the twenty-fifth [1205 A.M.] jubilee Noah took to himself a wife, and her
name was Emzara, the daughter of Rake'el, the daughter of his father's
brother, in the first year in the fifth week [1207 A.M.]: and in the third
year thereof she bare him Shem, in the fifth year thereof [1209 A.M.] she
bare him Ham, and in the first year in the sixth week [1212 A.M.] she bare
him Japheth.
2 chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants. And lawlessness
increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle
and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth -all of them
corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other,
and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts
of all men
3 (was) thus evil continually. And God looked upon the earth, and behold
it was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were
upon the earth had wrought all manner of evil
4 before His eyes. And He said that He would destroy man and all flesh
upon the face of the earth
5,6 which He had created. But Noah found grace before the eyes of the
Lord. And against the angels whom He had sent upon the earth, He was exceedingly
wroth, and He gave commandment to root them out of all their dominion,
and He bade us to bind them in the depths of the earth, and
7 behold they are bound in the midst of them, and are (kept) separate.
And against their sons went forth a command from before His face that they
should be smitten with the sword, and be removed
8 from under heaven. And He said 'My spirit shall not always abide
on man; for they also are flesh
9 and their days shall be one hundred and twenty years'. And He sent
His sword into their midst that each should slay his neighbour, and they
began to slay each other till they all fell by the sword
10 and were destroyed from the earth. And their fathers were witnesses
(of their destruction), and after this they were bound in the depths of
the earth for ever, until the day of the great condemnation, when judgment
is executed on all those who have corrupted their ways and their works
11 the Lord. And He destroyed all from their places, and there was
not left one of them whom
12 He judged not according to all their wickedness. And he made for
all his works a new and righteous nature, so that they should not sin in
their whole nature for ever, but should be all
13 righteous each in his kind alway. And the judgment of all is ordained
and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness -even (the judgment
of) all who depart from the path which is ordained for them to walk in;
and if they walk not therein, judgment is written down for every creature
14 for every kind. And there is nothing in heaven or on earth, or in
light or in darkness, or in Sheol or in the depth, or in the place of darkness
(which is not judged); and all their judgments are
15 ordained and written and engraved. In regard to all He will judge,the
great according to his
16 greatness, and the small according to his smallness, and each according
to his way. And He is not one who will regard the person (of any), nor
is He one who will receive gifts, if He says that He will execute judgment
on each: if one gave everything that is on the earth, He will not regard
17 gifts or the person (of any), nor accept anything at his hands,
for He is a righteous judge. [And of the children of Israel it has been
written and ordained: If they turn to him in righteousness He will forgive
all their transgressions and pardon all their sins. It is written and ordained
19 He will show mercy to all who turn from all their guilt once each
year.] And as for all those who corrupted their ways and their thoughts
before the flood, no man's person was accepted save that of Noah alone;
for his person was accepted in behalf of his sons, whom (God) saved from
the waters of the flood on his account; for his heart was righteous in
all his ways, according as it was com-
20 manded regarding him, and he had not departed from aught that was
ordained for him. And the Lord said that he would destroy everything which
was upon the earth, both men and cattle, and
21 beasts, and fowls of the air, and that which moveth on the earth.
And He commanded Noah to
22 make him an ark, that he might save himself from the waters of the
flood. And Noah made the ark in all respects as He commanded him, in the
twenty-seventh jubilee of years, in the fifth week
23 in the fifth year (on the new moon of the first month). [1307 A.M.]
And he entered in the sixth (year) thereof, [1308 A.M.] in the second month,
on the new moon of the second month, till the sixteenth; and he entered,
and all that we brought to him, into the ark, and the Lord closed it from
without on the seventeenth evening.
24 And the Lord opened seven flood-gates of heaven,
And the mouths of the fountains of the great deep, seven mouths in
25 And the flood-gates began to pour down water from the heaven forty
days and forty nights,
And the fountains of the deep also sent up waters, until the whole
world was full of water.
26 And the waters increased upon the earth: Fifteen cubits did the
waters rise above all the high mountains, And the ark was lift up above
the earth,
And it moved upon the face of the waters.
27 And the water prevailed on the face of the earth five months -one
hundred and fifty days.
28, 29 And the ark went and rested on the top of Lubar, one of the
mountains of Ararat. And (on the new moon) in the fourth month the fountains
of the great deep were closed and the flood-gates of heaven were restrained;
and on the new moon of the seventh month all the mouths of the abysses
30 of the earth were opened, and the water began to descend into the
deep below. And on the new moon of the tenth month the tops of the mountains
were seen, and on the new moon of the first 31 month the earth became visible.
And the waters disappeared from above the earth in the fifth week in the
seventh year [1309 A.M.] thereof, and on the seventeenth day in the second
month the earth was dry.
32 And on the twenty-seventh thereof he opened the ark, and sent forth
from it beasts, and cattle, and birds, and every moving thing.
2 that mountain. And he made atonement for the earth, and took a kid
and made atonement by its blood for all the guilt of the earth; for everything
that had been on it had been destroyed, save
3 those that were in the ark with Noah. And he placed the fat thereof
on the altar, and he took an ox, and a goat, and a sheep and kids, and
salt, and a turtle-dove, and the young of a dove, and placed a burnt sacrifice
on the altar, and poured thereon an offering mingled with oil, and sprinkled
wine and strewed frankincense over everything, and caused a goodly savour
to arise, acceptable before
4 the Lord. And the Lord smelt the goodly savour, and He made a covenant
with him that there should not be any more a flood to destroy the earth;
that all the days of the earth seed-time and harvest should never cease;
cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night should not
5 change their order, nor cease for ever. 'And you, increase ye and
multiply upon the earth, and become many upon it, and be a blessing upon
it. The fear of you and the dread of you I will
6 inspire in everything that is on earth and in the sea. And behold
I have given unto you all beasts, and all winged things, and everything
that moves on the earth, and the fish in the waters, and all
7 things for food; as the green herbs, I have given you all things
to eat. But flesh, with the life thereof, with the blood, ye shall not
eat; for the life of all flesh is in the blood, lest your blood of your
lives be required. At the hand of every man, at the hand of every (beast)
will I require the
8 blood of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be
shed, for in the image of
9,10 God made He man. And you, increase ye, and multiply on the earth.'
And Noah and his sons swore that they would not eat any blood that was
in any flesh, and he made a covenant before the
11 Lord God for ever throughout all the generations of the earth in
this month. On this account He spake to thee that thou shouldst make a
covenant with the children of Israel in this month upon the mountain with
an oath, and that thou shouldst sprinkle blood upon them because of all
the words
12 of the covenant, which the Lord made with them for ever. And this
testimony is written concerning you that you should observe it continually,
so that you should not eat on any day any blood of beasts or birds or cattle
during all the days of the earth, and the man who eats the blood of beast
or of cattle or of birds during all the days of the earth, he and his seed
shall be rooted out of the land.
13 And do thou command the children of Israel to eat no blood, so that
their names and their seed
14 may be before the Lord our God continually. And for this law there
is no limit of days, for it is for ever. They shall observe it throughout
their generations, so that they may continue supplicating on your behalf
with blood before the altar; every day and at the time of morning and evening
they shall seek forgiveness on your behalf perpetually before the Lord
that they may keep
15 it and not be rooted out. And He gave to Noah and his sons a sign
that there should not again
16 be a flood on the earth. He set His bow in the cloud for a sign
of the eternal covenant that there
17 should not again be a flood on the earth to destroy it all the days
of the earth. For this reason it is ordained and written on the heavenly
tablets, that they should celebrate the feast of weeks in this
18 month once a year, to renew the covenant every year. And this whole
festival was celebrated in heaven from the day of creation till the days
of Noah -twenty-six jubilees and five weeks of years [1309-1659 A.M.]:
and Noah and his sons observed it for seven jubilees and one week of years,
till the day of Noah's death, and from the day of Noah's death his sons
did away with (it) until the days of Abraham, and
19 they eat blood. But Abraham observed it, and Isaac and Jacob and
his children observed it up to thy days, and in thy days the children of
Israel forgot it until ye celebrated it anew on this mountain.
20 And do thou command the children of Israel to observe this festival
in all their generations for a
21 commandment unto them: one day in the year in this month they shall
celebrate the festival. For it is the feast of weeks and the feast of first
fruits: this feast is twofold and of a double nature:
22 according to what is written and engraven concerning it, celebrate
it. For I have written in the book of the first law, in that which I have
written for thee, that thou shouldst celebrate it in its season, one day
in the year, and I explained to thee its sacrifices that the children of
Israel should remember and should celebrate it throughout their generations
in this month, one day in every year.
23 And on the new moon of the first month, and on the new moon of the
fourth month, and on the new moon of the seventh month, and on the new
moon of the tenth month are the days of remembrance, and the days of the
seasons in the four divisions of the year. These are written and ordained
24 as a testimony for ever. And Noah ordained them for himself as feasts
for the generations for ever,
25 so that they have become thereby a memorial unto him. And on the
new moon of the first month he was bidden to make for himself an ark, and
on that (day) the earth became dry and he opened
26 (the ark) and saw the earth. And on the new moon of the fourth month
the mouths of the depths of the abyss beneath were closed. And on the new
moon of the seventh month all the mouths of
27 the abysses of the earth were opened, and the waters began to descend
into them. And on the new
28 moon of the tenth month the tops of the mountains were seen, and
Noah was glad. And on this account he ordained them for himself as feasts
for a memorial for ever, and thus are they ordained.
29 And they placed them on the heavenly tablets, each had thirteen
weeks; from one to another (passed) their memorial, from the first to the
second, and from the second to the third, and from the
30 third to the fourth. And all the days of the commandment will be
two and fifty weeks of days, and (these will make) the entire year complete.
Thus it is engraven and ordained on the heavenly
31 tablets. And there is no neglecting (this commandment) for a single
year or from year to year.
32 And command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years
according to this reckoning- three hundred and sixty-four days, and (these)
will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time from
its days and from its feasts; for everything will fall out in them according
33 their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb
any feasts. But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to
His commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons and the years
will be dislodged from this (order), [and they will disturb the seasons
and the years
34 will be dislodged] and they will neglect their ordinances. And all
the children of Israel will forget and will not find the path of the years,
and will forget the new moons, and seasons, and sabbaths
35 and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years. For I know
and from henceforth will I declare it unto thee, and it is not of my own
devising; for the book (lies) written before me, and on the heavenly tablets
the division of days is ordained, lest they forget the feasts of the covenant
36 and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles after their error
and after their ignorance. For there will be those who will assuredly make
observations of the moon -how (it) disturbs the
37 seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this
reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb (the order),
and make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an unclean day a
feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean,
and the unclean day with the holy; for they will go wrong as to the months
and sabbaths and feasts and
38 jubilees. For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou
mayst testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb (them),
so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only,
and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new moons and seasons
and sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all
kinds of flesh.
2 seventh month. And he made wine therefrom and put it into a vessel,
and kept it until the fifth
3 year, [1321 A.M.] until the first day, on the new moon of the first
month. And he celebrated with joy the day of this feast, and he made a
burnt sacrifice unto the Lord, one young ox and one ram, and seven sheep,
each a year old, and a kid of the goats, that he might make atonement thereby
for himself
4 and his sons. And he prepared the kid first, and placed some of its
blood on the flesh that was on the altar which he had made, and all the
fat he laid on the altar where he made the burnt sacrifice,
5 and the ox and the ram and the sheep, and he laid all their flesh
upon the altar. And he placed all their offerings mingled with oil upon
it, and afterwards he sprinkled wine on the fire which he had previously
made on the altar, and he placed incense on the altar and caused a sweet
savour to
6 ascend acceptable before the Lord his God. And he rejoiced and drank
of this wine, he and his
7 children with joy. And it was evening, and he went into his tent,
and being drunken he lay down
8 and slept, and was uncovered in his tent as he slept. And Ham saw
Noah his father naked, and
9 went forth and told his two brethren without. And Shem took his garment
and arose, he and Japheth, and they placed the garment on their shoulders
and went backward and covered the shame
10 of their father, and their faces were backward. And Noah awoke from
his sleep and knew all that his younger son had done unto him, and he cursed
his son and said: 'Cursed be Canaan; an
11 enslaved servant shall he be unto his brethren.' And he blessed
Shem, and said: 'Blessed be the
12 Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge
Japheth, and God shall
13 dwell in the dwelling of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.'
And Ham knew that his father had cursed his younger son, and he was displeased
that he had cursed his son. and he parted from
14 his father, he and his sons with him, Cush and Mizraim and Put and
Canaan. And he built for
15 himself a city and called its name after the name of his wife Ne'elatama'uk.
And Japheth saw it, and became envious of his brother, and he too built
for himself a city, and he called its name after
16 the name of his wife 'Adataneses. And Shem dwelt with his father
Noah, and he built a city close to his father on the mountain, and he too
called its name after the name of his wife Sedeqetelebab.
17 And behold these three cities are near Mount Lubar; Sedeqetelebab
fronting the mountain on its
18 east; and Na'eltama'uk on the south; 'Adatan'eses towards the west.
And these are the sons of Shem: Elam, and Asshur, and Arpachshad -this
(son) was born two years after the flood- and
19 Lud, and Aram. The sons of Japheth: Gomer and Magog and Madai and
Javan, Tubal and
20 Meshech and Tiras: these are the sons of Noah. And in the twenty-eighth
jubilee [1324-1372 A.M.] Noah began to enjoin upon his sons' sons the ordinances
and commandments, and all the judgments that he knew, and he exhorted his
sons to observe righteousness, and to cover the shame of their flesh, and
to bless their Creator, and honour father and mother, and love their neighbour,
and guard their souls
21 from fornication and uncleanness and all iniquity. For owing to
these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the
fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances went
a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all
which they
22 chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness. And they begat
sons the Naphidim, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another:
and the Giants slew the Naphil, and the
23 Naphil slew the Eljo, and the Eljo mankind, and one man another.
And every one sold himself
24 to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled
with iniquity. And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds,
and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the
earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil
25 continually. And the Lord destroyed everything from off the face
of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of
the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth
26 He destroyed everything. 'And we were left, I and you, my sons,
and everything that entered with us into the ark, and behold I see your
works before me that ye do not walk in righteousness: for in the path of
destruction ye have begun to walk, and ye are parting one from another,
and are envious one of another, and (so it comes) that ye are not in harmony,
my sons, each with his brother.
27 For I see, and behold the demons have begun (their) seductions against
you and against your children and now I fear on your behalf, that after
my death ye will shed the blood of men upon the earth,
28 and that ye, too, will be destroyed from the face of the earth.
For whoso sheddeth man's blood, and whoso eateth the blood of any flesh,
shall all be destroyed from the earth.
29 And there shall not be left any man that eateth blood,
or that sheddeth the blood of man on the earth,
Nor shall there be left to him any seed or descendants living under
For into Sheol shall they go, And into the place of condemnation shall
they descend,
And into the darkness of the deep shall they all be removed by a violent
30 There shall be no blood seen upon you of all the blood there shall
be all the days in which ye have killed any beasts or cattle or whatever
flies upon the earth, and work ye a good work to your
31 souls by covering that which has been shed on the face of the earth.
And ye shall not be like him who eats with blood, but guard yourselves
that none may eat blood before you: cover the blood,
32 for thus have I been commanded to testify to you and your children,
together with all flesh. And suffer not the soul to be eaten with the flesh,
that your blood, which is your life, may not be required
33 at the hand of any flesh that sheds (it) on the earth. For the earth
will not be clean from the blood which has been shed upon it; for (only)
through the blood of him that shed it will the earth be
34 purified throughout all its generations. And now, my children, harken:
work judgment and righteousness that ye maybe planted in righteousness
over the face of the whole earth, and your
35 glory lifted up before my God, who saved me from the waters of the
flood. And behold, ye will go and build for yourselves cities, and plant
in them all the plants that are upon the earth, and moreover
36 all fruit-bearing trees. For three years the fruit of everything
that is eaten will not be gathered: and in the fourth year its fruit will
be accounted holy [and they will offer the first-fruits], acceptable before
the Most High God, who created heaven and earth and all things. Let them
offer in abundance the first of the wine and oil (as) first-fruits on the
altar of the Lord, who receives it, and
37 what is left let the servants of the house of the Lord eat before
the altar which receives (it). And in the fifth year
38 and all that you plant shall prosper. For thus did Enoch, the father
of your father command Methuselah, his son, and Methuselah his son Lamech,
and Lamech commanded me all the things
39 which his fathers commanded him. And I also will give you commandment,
my sons, as Enoch commanded his son in the first jubilees: whilst still
living, the seventh in his generation, he commanded and testified to his
son and to his son's sons until the day of his death.'
2 bare him a son in the third year in this week, [1375 A.M.] and he
called his name Kainam. And the son grew, and his father taught him writing,
and he went to seek for himself a place where he might seize for
3 himself a city. And he found a writing which former (generations)
had carved on the rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed
it and sinned owing to it; for it contained the teaching of the Watchers
in accordance with which they used to observe the omens of the sun and
moon and
4 stars in all the signs of heaven. And he wrote it down and said nothing
regarding it; for he was
5 afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him
on account of it. And in the thirtieth jubilee, [1429 A.M.] in the second
week, in the first year thereof, he took to himself a wife, and her name
was Melka, the daughter of Madai, the son of Japheth, and in the fourth
year [1432 A.M.] he begat a son, and
6 called his name Shelah; for he said: 'Truly I have been sent.' [And
in the fourth year he was born], and Shelah grew up and took to himself
a wife, and her name was Mu'ak, the daughter of Kesed, his father's brother,
in the one and thirtieth jubilee, in the fifth week, in the first year
[1499 A.M.]
8 jubilee, in the seventh week, in the third year thereof. [1564 A.M.]
And in the sixth year [1567 A.M.] thereof, she bare him son, and he called
his name Peleg; for in the days when he was born the children of Noah began
9 to divide the earth amongst themselves: for this reason he called
his name Peleg. And they
10 divided (it) secretly amongst themselves, and told it to Noah. And
it came to pass in the beginning of the thirty-third jubilee [1569 A.M.]
that they divided the earth into three parts, for Shem and Ham and Japheth,
according to the inheritance of each, in the first year in the first week,
when one of us
11 who had been sent, was with them. And he called his sons, and they
drew nigh to him, they and their children, and he divided the earth into
the lots, which his three sons were to take in possession, and they reached
forth their hands, and took the writing out of the bosom of Noah, their
12 And there came forth on the writing as Shem's lot the middle of
the earth which he should take as an inheritance for himself and for his
sons for the generations of eternity, from the middle of the mountain range
of Rafa, from the mouth of the water from the river Tina, and his portion
goes towards the west through the midst of this river, and it extends till
it reaches the water of the abysses, out of which this river goes forth
and pours its waters into the sea Me'at, and this river flows into the
great sea. And all that is towards the north is Japheth's, and all that
is towards the
13 south belongs to Shem. And it extends till it reaches Karaso: this
is in the bosom of the tongue
14 which looks towards the south. And his portion extends along the
great sea, and it extends in a straight line till it reaches the west of
the tongue which looks towards the south: for this sea is
15 named the tongue of the Egyptian Sea. And it turns from here towards
the south towards the mouth of the great sea on the shore of (its) waters,
and it extends to the west to 'Afra, and it extends till it reaches the
waters of the river Gihon, and to the south of the waters of Gihon, to
16 banks of this river. And it extends towards the east, till it reaches
the Garden of Eden, to the south thereof, [to the south] and from the east
of the whole land of Eden and of the whole east, it turns to the east and
proceeds till it reaches the east of the mountain named Rafa, and it descends
17 to the bank of the mouth of the river Tina. This portion came forth
by lot for Shem and his sons,
18 that they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.
And Noah rejoiced that this portion came forth for Shem and for his sons,
and he remembered all that he had spoken with his mouth in prophecy; for
he had said:
'Blessed be the Lord God of Shem
And may the Lord dwell in the dwelling of Shem.'
19 And he knew that the Garden of Eden is the holy of holies, and the
dwelling of the Lord, and Mount Sinai the centre of the desert, and Mount
Zion -the centre of the navel of the earth: these three
20 were created as holy places facing each other. And he blessed the
God of gods, who had put the
21 word of the Lord into his mouth, and the Lord for evermore. And
he knew that a blessed portion and a blessing had come to Shem and his
sons unto the generations for ever -the whole land of Eden and the whole
land of the Red Sea, and the whole land of the east and India, and on the
Red Sea and the mountains thereof, and all the land of Bashan, and all
the land of Lebanon and the islands of Kaftur, and all the mountains of
Sanir and 'Amana, and the mountains of Asshur in the north, and all the
land of Elam, Asshur, and Babel, and Susan and Ma'edai, and all the mountains
of Ararat, and all the region beyond the sea, which is beyond the mountains
of Asshur towards the
22 north, a blessed and spacious land, and all that is in it is very
good. And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards
the south to the right of the Garden, and it extends towards the south
and it extends to all the mountains of fire, and it extends towards the
west to the sea of 'Atel and it extends towards the west till it reaches
the sea of Ma'uk -that (sea) into which
23 everything which is not destroyed descends. And it goes forth towards
the north to the limits of Gadir, and it goes forth to the coast of the
waters of the sea to the waters of the great sea till it draws near to
the river Gihon, and goes along the river Gihon till it reaches the right
of the Garden
24 of Eden. And this is the land which came forth for Ham as the portion
which he was to occupy
25 for ever for himself and his sons unto their generations for ever.
And for Japheth came forth the third portion beyond the river Tina to the
north of the outflow of its waters, and it extends north-
26 easterly to the whole region of Gog, and to all the country east
thereof. And it extends northerly to the north, and it extends to the mountains
of Qelt towards the north, and towards the sea of
27 Ma'uk, and it goes forth to the east of Gadir as far as the region
of the waters of the sea. And it extends until it approaches the west of
Fara and it returns towards 'Aferag, and it extends easterly
28 to the waters of the sea of Me'at. And it extends to the region
of the river Tina in a north-easterly direction until it approaches the
boundary of its waters towards the mountain Rafa, and it turns
29 round towards the north. This is the land which came forth for Japheth
and his sons as the portion of his inheritance which he should possess
for himself and his sons, for their generations for ever;
30 five great islands, and a great land in the north. But it is cold,
and the land of Ham is hot, and the land of Shem is neither hot nor cold,
but it is of blended cold and heat.
2 [and to the west thereof] on the sea for Canaan. And Shem also divided
amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Ham and his sons,
to the east of the river Tigris till it approachcs the east, the whole
land of India, and on the Red Sea on its coast, and the waters of Dedan,
and all the mountains of Mebri and Ela, and all the land of Susan and all
that is on the side of Pharnak
3 to the Red Sea and the river Tina. And for Asshur came forth the
second Portion, all the land of
4 Asshur and Nineveh and Shinar and to the border of India, and it
ascends and skirts the river. And for Arpachshad came forth the third portion,
all the land of the region of the Chaldees to the east of the Euphrates,
bordering on the Red Sea, and all the waters of the desert close to the
tongue of the sea which looks towards Egypt, all the land of Lebanon and
Sanir and 'Amana to the border of the
5 Euphrates. And for Aram there came forth the fourth portion, all
the land of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates to the north
of the Chaldees to the border of the mountains
6 of Asshur and the land of 'Arara. And there came forth for Lud the
fifth portion, the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till
it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of
7, 8 Asshur his brother. And Japheth also divided the land of his inheritance
amongst his sons. And the first portion came forth for Gomer to the east
from the north side to the river Tina; and in the north there came forth
for Magog all the inner portions of the north until it reaches to the sea
9 Me'at. And for Madai came forth as his portion that he should posses
from the west of his two
10 brothers to the islands, and to the coasts of the islands. And for
Javan came forth the fourth
11 portion every island and the islands which are towards the border
of Lud. And for Tubal there came forth the fifth portion in the midst of
the tongue which approaches towards the border of the portion of Lud to
the second tongue, to the region beyond the second tongue unto the third
12 And for Meshech came forth the sixth portion, all the region beyond
the third tongue till it
13 approaches the east of Gadir. And for Tiras there came forth the
seventh portion, four great islands in the midst of the sea, which reach
to the portion of Ham [and the islands of Kamaturi
14 came out by lot for the sons of Arpachshad as his inheritance].
And thus the sons of Noah divided unto their sons in the presence of Noah
their father, and he bound them all by an oath, imprecating
15 a curse on every one that sought to seize the portion which had
not fallen (to him) by his lot. And they all said, 'So be it; so be it
' for themselves and their sons for ever throughout their generations till
the day of judgment, on which the Lord God shall judge them with a sword
and with fire for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, wherewith
they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication
and sin.
2 the sons of Noah, and to make to err and destroy them. And the sons
of Noah came to Noah their father, and they told him concerning the demons
which were leading astray and blinding and
3 slaying his sons' sons. And he prayed before the Lord his God, and
'God of the spirits of all flesh, who hast shown mercy unto me
And hast saved me and my sons from the waters of the flood,
And hast not caused me to perish as Thou didst the sons of perdition;
And great has been Thy mercy to my soul;
And let not wicked spirits rule over them
Lest they should destroy them from the earth.
5 And Thou knowest how Thy Watchers, the fathers of these spirits,
acted in my day: and as for these spirits which are living, imprison them
and hold them fast in the place of condemnation, and let them not bring
destruction on the sons of thy servant, my God; for these are malignant,
6 created in order to destroy. And let them not rule over the spirits
of the living; for Thou alone canst exercise dominion over them. And let
them not have power over the sons of the righteous
7,8 from henceforth and for evermore.' And the Lord our God bade us
to bind all. And the chief of the spirits, Mastema, came and said: 'Lord,
Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them harken to my voice,
and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left
to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons
of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment,
for great is the wickedness of the sons of men.'
9 And He said: Let the tenth part of them remain before him, and let
nine parts descend into the
10 place of condemnation.' And one of us He commanded that we should
teach Noah all their
11 medicines; for He knew that they would not walk in uprightness,
nor strive in righteousness. And we did according to all His words: all
the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemna-
12 tion and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject
before Satan on the earth. And we explained to Noah all the medicines of
their diseases, together with their seductions, how he
13 might heal them with herbs of the earth. And Noah wrote down all
things in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine.
Thus the evil spirits were precluded from
14 (hurting) the sons of Noah. And he gave all that he had written
to Shem, his eldest son; for he
15 loved him exceedingly above all his sons. And Noah slept with his
fathers, and was buried on
16 Mount Lubar in the land of Ararat. Nine hundred and fifty years
he completed in his life, nineteen
17 jubilees and two weeks and five years. [1659 A.M.] And in his life
on earth he excelled the children of men save Enoch because of the righteousness,
wherein he was perfect. For Enoch's office was ordained for a testimony
to the generations of the world, so that he should recount all the deeds
of generation
18 unto generation, till the day of judgment. And in the three and
thirtieth jubilee, in the first year in the second week, Peleg took to
himself a wife, whose name was Lomna the daughter of Sina'ar, and she bare
him a son in the fourth year of this week, and he called his name Reu;
for he said: 'Behold the children of men have become evil through the wicked
purpose of building for themselves
19 a city and a tower in the land of Shinar.' For they departed from
the land of Ararat eastward to Shinar; for in his days they built the city
and the tower, saying, 'Go to, let us ascend thereby into
20 heaven.' And they began to build, and in the fourth week they made
brick with fire, and the bricks served them for stone, and the clay with
which they cemented them together was asphalt which
21 comes out of the sea, and out of the fountains of water in the land
of Shinar. And they built it: forty and three years [1645-1688 A.M.] were
they building it; its breadth was 203 bricks, and the height (of a brick)
was the third of one; its height amounted to 5433 cubits and 2 palms, and
(the extent of one wall
22 was) thirteen stades (and of the other thirty stades). And the Lord
our God said unto us: Behold, they are one people, and (this) they begin
to do, and now nothing will be withholden from them. Go to, let us go down
and confound their language, that they may not understand one another's
speech, and they may be dispersed into cities and nations, and one purpose
will no longer abide with
23 them till the day of judgment.' And the Lord descended, and we descended
with him to see the
24 city and the tower which the children of men had built. And he confounded
their language, and they no longer understood one another's speech, and
they ceased then to build the city and the
25 tower. For this reason the whole land of Shinar is called Babel,
because the Lord did there confound all the language of the children of
men, and from thence they were dispersed into their
26 cities, each according to his language and his nation. And the Lord
sent a mighty wind against the tower and overthrew it upon the earth, and
behold it was between Asshur and Babylon in the
27 land of Shinar, and they called its name 'Overthrow'. In the fourth
week in the first year [1688 A.M.] in the beginning thereof in the four
and thirtieth jubilee, were they dispersed from the land of Shinar.
28 And Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy,
which he acquired as his portion
29 in the land of the south. And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to
the river of Egypt, that it was very good, and he went not into the land
of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, and he dwelt in the
land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from
the border
30 of the sea. And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers
said unto him: 'Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which
did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and
thy sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through sedition; for
by sedition
31 ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou
shalt be rooted out for ever. Dwell
32 not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it
come by their lot. Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all
the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound our-
33 selves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, and in the
presence of Noah our father.' But he did not harken unto them, and dwelt
in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of
34,35 Egypt, he and his sons until this day. And for this reason that
land is named Canaan. And Japheth and his sons went towards the sea and
dwelt in the land of their portion, and Madai saw the land of the sea and
it did not please him, and he begged a (portion) from Ham and Asshur and
Arpachshad, his wife's brother, and he dwelt in the land of Media, near
to his wife's brother until
36 this day. And he called his dwelling-place, and the dwelling-place
of his sons, Media, after the name of their father Madai.
2 he called his name Seroh, in the seventh year of this week in this
jubilee. [1687 A.M.] And the sons of Noah began to war on each other, to
take captive and to slay each other, and to shed the blood of men on the
earth, and to eat blood, and to build strong cities, and walls, and towers,
and individuals (began) to exalt themselves above the nation, and to found
the beginnings of kingdoms, and to go to war people against people, and
nation against nation, and city against city, and all (began) to do evil,
and to acquire arms, and to teach their sons war, and they began to capture
cities, and to sell
3 male and female slaves. And 'Ur, the son of Kesed, built the city
of 'Ara of the Chaldees, and called its name after his own name and the
name of his father. And they made for themselves molten images, and they
worshipped each the idol, the molten image which they had made for themselves,
and they began to make graven images and unclean simulacra, and malignant
5 assisted and seduced (them) into committing transgression and uncleanness.
And the prince Mastema exerted himself to do all this, and he sent forth
other spirits, those which were put under his hand, to do all manner of
wrong and sin, and all manner of transgression, to corrupt and destroy,
6 and to shed blood upon the earth. For this reason he called the name
of Seroh, Serug, for every one
7 turned to do all manner of sin and transgression. And he grew up,
and dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees, near to the father of his wife's mother,
and he worshipped idols, and he took to himself a wife in the thirty-sixth
jubilee, in the fifth week, in the first year thereof, [1744 A.M.] and
her name was Melka, the daughter
8 of Kaber, the daughter of his father's brother. And she bare him
Nahor, in the first year of this week, and he grew and dwelt in Ur of the
Chaldees, and his father taught him the researches of the
9 Chaldees to divine and augur, according to the signs of heaven. And
in the thirty-seventh jubilee in the sixth week, in the first year thereof,
[1800 A.M.] he took to himself a wife, and her name was 'Ijaska, the
10 daughter of Nestag of the Chaldees. And she bare him Terah in the
seventh year of this week. [1806 A.M.]
12 in the seed, the ravens picked (it) from the surface of the ground.
And for this reason he called his name Terah because the ravens and the
birds reduced them to destitution and devoured their
13 seed. And the years began to be barren, owing to the birds, and
they devoured all the fruit of the trees from the trees: it was only with
great effort that they could save a little of all the fruit of the
14 earth in their days. And in this thirty-ninth jubilee, in the second
week in the first year, [1870 A.M.] Terah took to himself a wife, and her
name was 'Edna, the daughter of 'Abram, the daughter of his father's sister.
And in the seventh year of this week [1876 A.M.] she bare him a son, and
he called his name Abram,
15 by the name of the father of his mother; for he had died before
his daughter had conceived a son.
16 And the child began to understand the errors of the earth that all
went astray after graven images and after uncleanness, and his father taught
him writing, and he was two weeks of years old, [1890 A.M.] and he
17 separated himself from his father, that he might not worship idols
with him. And he began to pray to the Creator of all things that He might
save him from the errors of the children of men, and that
18 his portion should not fall into error after uncleanness and vileness.
And the seed time came for the sowing of seed upon the land, and they all
went forth together to protect their seed against the
19 ravens, and Abram went forth with those that went, and the child
was a lad of fourteen years. And a cloud of ravens came to devour the seed,
and Abram ran to meet them before they settled on the ground, and cried
to them before they settled on the ground to devour the seed, and said,
' Descend
20 not: return to the place whence ye came,' and they proceeded to
turn back. And he caused the clouds of ravens to turn back that day seventy
times, and of all the ravens throughout all the land
21 where Abram was there settled there not so much as one. And all
who were with him throughout all the land saw him cry out, and all the
ravens turn back, and his name became great in all the
22 land of the Chaldees. And there came to him this year all those
that wished to sow, and he went with them until the time of sowing ceased:
and they sowed their land, and that year they brought
23 enough grain home and eat and were satisfied. And in the first year
of the fifth week [1891 A.M.] Abram taught those who made implements for
oxen, the artificers in wood, and they made a vessel above the ground,
facing the frame of the plough, in order to put the seed thereon, and the
seed fell down therefrom upon the share of the plough, and was hidden in
the earth, and they no longer feared the
24 ravens. And after this manner they made (vessels) above the ground
on all the frames of the ploughs, and they sowed and tilled all the land,
according as Abram commanded them, and they no longer feared the birds.
2 father, saying, 'Father!' And he said, 'Behold, here am I, my son.'
And he said,
And before which thou dost bow thyself?
For they are dumb forms, and a misleading of the heart.
Worship them not:
Who causes the rain and the dew to descend on the earth
And does everything upon the earth,
And all life is from before His face.
For they are the work of (men's) hands,
And ye have no help from them,
And a misleading of the heart to those who worship them:
Worship them not.'
7 made me to serve before them? And if I tell them the truth, they
will slay me; for their soul cleaves to them to worship them and honour
them. Keep silent, my son, lest they slay thee.' And
9 these words he spake to his two brothers, and they were angry with
him and he kept silent. And in the fortieth jubilee, in the second week,
in the seventh year thereof, [1925 A.M.] Abram took to himself a wife,
10 and her name was Sarai, the daughter of his father, and she became
his wife. And Haran, his brother, took to himself a wife in the third year
of the third week, [1928 A.M.] and she bare him a son in the
11 seventh year of this week, [1932 A.M.] and he called his name Lot.
And Nahor, his brother, took to himself
12 a wife. And in the sixtieth year of the life of Abram, that is,
in the fourth week, in the fourth year thereof, [1936 A.M.] Abram arose
by night, and burned the house of the idols, and he burned all that was
in the
13 house and no man knew it. And they arose in the night and sought
to save their gods from the
14 midst of the fire. And Haran hasted to save them, but the fire flamed
over him, and he was burnt in the fire, and he died in Ur of the Chaldees
before Terah his father, and they buried him in Ur of
15 the Chaldees. And Terah went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, he and
his sons, to go into the land of Lebanon and into the land of Canaan, and
he dwelt in the land of Haran, and Abram dwelt with
16 Terah his father in Haran two weeks of years. And in the sixth week,
in the fifth year thereof, [1951 A.M.] Abram sat up throughout the night
on the new moon of the seventh month to observe the stars from the evening
to the morning, in order to see what would be the character of the year
with regard
17 to the rains, and he was alone as he sat and observed. And a word
came into his heart and he said: All the signs of the stars, and the signs
of the moon and of the sun are all in the hand of the Lord. Why do I search
(them) out?
And if He desires, He withholds it,
And all things are in his hand.'
'My God, God Most High, Thou alone art my God,
And Thee and Thy dominion have I chosen.
And Thou hast created all things,
And all things that are the work of thy hands.
And let them not lead me astray from Thee, my God.
That we go not astray from henceforth and for evermore.'
22 And he made an end of speaking and praying, and behold the word
of the Lord was sent to him through me, saying: 'Get thee up from thy country,
and from thy kindred and from the house of thy father unto a land which
I will show thee, and I shall make thee a great and numerous nation.
And I will make thy name great,
And thou shalt be blessed in the earth,
And in Thee shall all families of the earth be blessed,
And I will bless them that bless thee,
And curse them that curse thee.
25 henceforth and unto all generations of the earth I am thy God.'
And the Lord God said: 'Open his mouth and his ears, that he may hear and
speak with his mouth, with the language which has been revealed'; for it
had ceased from the mouths of all the children of men from the day of the
26 overthrow (of Babel). And I opened his mouth, and his ears and his
lips, and I began to speak
27 with him in Hebrew in the tongue of the creation. And he took the
books of his fathers, and these were written in Hebrew, and he transcribed
them, and he began from henceforth to study them, and I made known to him
that which he could not (understand), and he studied them during the six
28 rainy months. And it came to pass in the seventh year of the sixth
week [1953 A.M.] that he spoke to his father and informed him, that he
would leave Haran to go into the land of Canaan to see it and
29 return to him. And Terah his father said unto him; Go in peace:
And the Lord [(be) with thee, and] protect thee from all evil,
And grant unto thee grace, mercy and favour before those who see thee,
And may none of the children of men have power over thee to harm thee;
Go in peace.
31 Lot with thee, the son of Haran thy brother as thine own son: the
Lord be with thee. And Nahor thy brother leave with me till thou returnest
in peace, and we go with thee all together.'
2 a lofty oak. And he saw, and, behold, the land was very pleasant
from the entering of Hamath to
3 the lofty oak. And the Lord said to him: 'To thee and to thy seed
will I give this land.' And
4 he built an altar there, and he offered thereon a burnt sacrifice
to the Lord, who had appeared to
5 him. And he removed from thence unto the mountain . . . Bethel on
the west and Ai on the
6 east, and pitched his tent there. And he saw and behold, the land
was very wide and good, and everything grew thereon -vines and figs and
pomegranates, oaks and ilexes, and terebinths and oil trees, and cedars
and cypresses and date trees, and all trees of the field, and there was
water on the
7 mountains. And he blessed the Lord who had led him out of Ur of the
Chaldees, and had brought
8 him to this land. And it came to pass in the first year, in the seventh
week, on the new moon of the first month, 1954 A.M.] that he built an altar
on this mountain, and called on the name of the Lord: 'Thou,
9 the eternal God, art my God.' And he offered on the altar a burnt
sacrifice unto the Lord that He
10 should be with him and not forsake him all the days of his life.
And he removed from thence and went towards the south, and he came to Hebron
and Hebron was built at that time, and he dwelt there two years, and he
went (thence) into the land of the south, to Bealoth, and there was a famine
11 in the land. And Abram went into Egypt in the third year of the
week, and he dwelt in Egypt
12 five years before his wife was torn away from him. Now Tanais in
Egypt was at that time built-
13 seven years after Hebron. And it came to pass when Pharaoh seized
Sarai, the wife of Abram that the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with
great plagues because of Sarai, Abram's wife.
14 And Abram was very glorious by reason of possessions in sheep, and
cattle, and asses, and horses, and camels, and menservants, and maidservants,
and in silver and gold exceedingly. And Lot also
15 his brother's son, was wealthy. And Pharaoh gave back Sarai, the
wife of Abram, and he sent him out of the land of Egypt, and he journeyed
to the place where he had pitched his tent at the beginning, to the place
of the altar, with Ai on the east, and Bethel on the west, and he blessed
16 Lord his God who had brought him back in peace. And it came to pass
in the forty-first jubilee in the third year of the first week, [1963 A.M.]
that he returned to this place and offered thereon a burnt sacrifice, and
called on the name of the Lord, and said: 'Thou, the most high God, art
my God for ever
17 and ever.' And in the fourth year of this week [1964 A.M.] Lot parted
from him, and Lot dwelt in Sodom, and
18 the men of Sodom were sinners exceedingly. And it grieved him in
his heart that his brother's
19 son had parted from him; for he had no children. In that year when
Lot was taken captive, the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot had parted
from him, in the fourth year of this week: 'Lift up thine eyes from the
place where thou art dwelling, northward and southward, and westward and
20 eastward. For all the land which thou seest I will give to thee
and to thy seed for ever, and I will make thy seed as the sand of the sea:
though a man may number the dust of the earth, yet
21 thy seed shall not be numbered. Arise, walk (through the land) in
the length of it and the breadth of it, and see it all; for to thy seed
will I give it.' And Abram went to Hebron, and dwelt there.
22 And in this year came Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and Amraphel,
king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Sellasar, and Tergal, king of nations,
and slew the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Sodom
23 fled, and many fell through wounds in the vale of Siddim, by the
Salt Sea. And they took captive Sodom and Adam and Zeboim, and they took
captive Lot also, the son of Abram's brother, and
24 all his possessions, and they went to Dan. And one who had escaped
came and told Abram that
25 his brother's son had been taken captive and (Abram) armed his household
servants . . .
. . . . for Abram, and for his seed, a tenth of the first fruits to
the Lord, and the Lord ordained it as an ordinance for ever that they should
give it to the priests
26 who served before Him, that they should possess it for ever. And
to this law there is no limit of days; for He hath ordained it for the
generations for ever that they should give to the Lord the tenth of everything,
of the seed and of the wine and of the oil and of the cattle and of the
27,28 And He gave (it) unto His priests to eat and to drink with joy
before Him. And the king of Sodom came to him and bowed himself before
him, and said: 'Our Lord Abram, give unto us the
29 souls which thou hast rescued, but let the booty be thine.' And
Abram said unto him: 'I lift up my hands to the Most High God, that from
a thread to a shoe-latchet I shall not take aught that is thine lest thou
shouldst say, I have made Abram rich; save only what the young men have
eaten, and the portion of the men who went with me -Aner, Eschol, and Mamre.
These shall take their portion.'
2 thy reward will be exceeding great.' And he said: 'Lord, Lord, what
wilt thou give me, seeing I go hence childless, and the son of Maseq, the
son of my handmaid, is the Dammasek Eliezer: he
3 will be my heir, and to me thou hast given no seed.' And he said
unto him: 'This (man) will not
4 be thy heir, but one that will come out of thine own bowels; he will
be thine heir.' And He brought him forth abroad, and said unto him: 'Look
toward heaven and number the stars if thou
5 art able to number them.' And he looked toward heaven, and beheld
the stars. And He said
6 unto him: 'So shall thy seed be.' And he believed in the Lord, and
it was counted to him for
7 righteousness. And He said unto him: 'I am the Lord that brought
thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee the land of the Canaanites
to possess it for ever; and I will be God unto thee and to
8 thy seed after thee.' And he said: 'Lord, Lord, whereby shall I know
that I shall inherit (it)?'
9 And He said unto him: 'Take Me an heifer of three years, and a goat
of three years, and a sheep
10 of three years, and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon.' And he took all
these in the middle of the month
11 and he dwelt at the oak of Mamre, which is near Hebron. And he built
there an altar, and sacrificed all these; and he poured their blood upon
the altar, and divided them in the midst, and
12 laid them over against each other; but the birds divided he not.
And birds came down upon the
13 pieces, and Abram drove them away, and did not suffer the birds
to touch them. And it came to pass, when the sun had set, that an ecstasy
fell upon Abram, and lo ! an horror of great darkness fell upon him, and
it was said unto Abram: 'Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger
in a land (that is) not theirs, and they shall bring them into bondage,
and afflict them four hundred
14 years. And the nation also to whom they will be in bondage will
I judge, and after that they shall
15 come forth thence with much substance. And thou shalt go to thy
fathers in peace, and be buried
16 in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall return
hither; for the iniquity of the
17 Amorites is not yet full.' And he awoke from his sleep, and he arose,
and the sun had set; and there was a flame, and behold ! a furnace was
smoking, and a flame of fire passed between the
18 pieces. And on that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying:
'To thy seed will I give this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great
river, the river Euphrates, the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites,
the Perizzites, and the Rephaim, the Phakorites, and the Hivites, and the
19 Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.
And the day passed, and Abram offered the pieces, and the birds, and their
fruit offerings, and their drink offerings, and
20 the fire devoured them. And on that day we made a covenant with
Abram, according as we had covenanted with Noah in this month; and Abram
renewed the festival and ordinance for himself
21 for ever. And Abram rejoiced, and made all these things known to
Sarai his wife; and he believed
22 that he would have seed, but she did not bear. And Sarai advised
her husband Abram, and said unto him: 'Go in unto Hagar, my Egyptian maid:
it may be that I shall build up seed unto thee
23 by her.' And Abram harkened unto the voice of Sarai his wife, and
said unto her, 'Do (so).' And Sarai took Hagar, her maid, the Egyptian,
and gave her to Abram, her husband, to be his
24 wife. And he went in unto her, and she conceived and bare him a
son, and he called his name Ishmael, in the fifth year of this week [1965
A.M.]; and this was the eighty-sixth year in the life of Abram.
2 month, Abram celebrated the feast of the first-fruits of the grain
harvest. And he offered new offerings on the altar, the first-fruits of
the produce, unto the Lord, an heifer and a goat and a sheep on the altar
as a burnt sacrifice unto the Lord; their fruit offerings and their drink
offerings he
3 offered upon the altar with frankincense. And the Lord appeared to
Abram, and said unto him:
4 'I am God Almighty; approve thyself before me and be thou perfect.
And I will make My covenant between Me and thee, and I will multiply thee
exceedingly.' And Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, and
And thou shalt be the father of many nations.
But thy name from henceforth, even for ever, shall be Abraham.
For the father of many nations have I made thee.
And I will make thee into nations,
And kings shall come forth from thee.
11 the land of Canaan, that thou mayst possess it for ever, and I will
be their God.' And the Lord said unto Abraham: 'And as for thee, do thou
keep my covenant, thou and thy seed after thee: and circumcise ye every
male among you, and circumcise your foreskins, and it shall be a token
12 an eternal covenant between Me and you. And the child on the eighth
day ye shall circumcise, every male throughout your generations, him that
is born in the house, or whom ye have bought
13 with money from any stranger, whom ye have acquired who is not of
thy seed. He that is born in thy house shall surely be circumcised, and
those whom thou hast bought with money shall be circum-
14 cised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an eternal ordinance.
And the uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin
on the eighth day, that soul shall be cut off from
15 his people, for he has broken My covenant.' And God said unto Abraham:
'As for Sarai thy wife,
16 her name shall no more be called Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name.
And I will bless her, and give thee a son by her, and I will bless him,
and he shall become a nation, and kings of nations shall
17 proceed from him.' And Abraham fell on his face, and rejoiced, and
said in his heart: 'Shall a son be born to him that is a hundred years
old, and shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bring forth?'
18,19 And Abraham said unto God: 'O that Ishmael might live before
thee!' And God said: 'Yea, and Sarah also shall bear thee a son, and thou
shalt call his name Isaac, and I will establish My
20 covenant with him, an everlasting covenant, and for his seed after
him. And as for Ishmael also have I heard thee, and behold I will bless
him, and make him great, and multiply him exceedingly,
21 and he shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.
But My covenant will
22 I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to thee, in these
days, in the next year.' And He left
23 off speaking with him, and God went up from Abraham. And Abraham
did according as God had said unto him, and he took Ishmael his son, and
all that were born in his house, and whom he had
24 bought with his money, every male in his house, and circumcised
the flesh of their foreskin. And on the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised,
and all the men of his house,
25 circumcised with him. This law is for all the generations for ever,
and there is no circumcision of the days, and no omission of one day out
of the eight days; for it is an eternal ordinance, ordained
26 and written on the heavenly tablets. And every one that is born,
the flesh of whose foreskin is not circumcised on the eighth day, belongs
not to the children of the covenant which the Lord made with Abraham, but
to the children of destruction; nor is there, moreover, any sign on him
that he is the Lord's, but (he is destined) to be destroyed and slain from
the earth, and to be rooted out of
27 the earth, for he has broken the covenant of the Lord our God. For
all the angels of the presence and all the angels of sanctification have
been so created from the day of their creation, and before the angels of
the presence and the angels of sanctification He hath sanctified Israel,
that they should
28 be with Him and with His holy angels. And do thou command the children
of Israel and let them observe the sign of this covenant for their generations
as an eternal ordinance, and they will not be
29 rooted out of the land. For the command is ordained for a covenant,
that they should observe it
30 for ever among all the children of Israel. For Ishmael and his sons
and his brothers and Esau, the Lord did not cause to approach Him, and
he chose them not because they are the children of
31 Abraham, because He knew them, but He chose Israel to be His people.
And He sanctified it, and gathered it from amongst all the children of
men; for there are many nations and many peoples, and all are His, and
over all hath He placed spirits in authority to lead them astray from Him.
32 But over Israel He did not appoint any angel or spirit, for He alone
is their ruler, and He will preserve them and require them at the hand
of His angels and His spirits, and at the hand of all His powers in order
that He may preserve them and bless them, and that they may be His and
33 may be theirs from henceforth for ever. And now I announce unto
thee that the children of Israel will not keep true to this ordinance,
and they will not circumcise their sons according to all this law; for
in the flesh of their circumcision they will omit this circumcision of
their sons, and all of them,
34 sons of Beliar, will leave their sons uncircumcised as they were
born. And there will be great wrath from the Lord against the children
of Israel. because they have forsaken His covenant and turned aside from
His word, and provoked and blasphemed, inasmuch as they do not observe
the ordinance of this law; for they have treated their members like the
Gentiles, so that they may be removed and rooted out of the land. And there
will no more be pardon or forgiveness unto them [so that there should be
forgiveness and pardon] for all the sin of this eternal error.
2 And Sarah laughed, for she heard that we had spoken these words with
Abraham, and we admonished
3 her, and she became afraid, and denied that she had laughed on account
of the words. And we told her the name of her son, as his name is ordained
and written in the heavenly tablets (i.e.) Isaac,
4,5 And (that) when we returned to her at a set time, she would have
conceived a son. And in this month the Lord executed his judgments on Sodom,
and Gomorrah, and Zeboim, and all the region of the Jordan, and He burned
them with fire and brimstone, and destroyed them until this day, even as
[lo] I have declared unto thee all their works, that they are wicked and
sinners exceedingly, and that they defile themselves and commit fornication
in their flesh, and work uncleanness on the earth.
6 And, in like manner, God will execute judgment on the places where
they have done according to
7 the uncleanness of the Sodomites, like unto the judgment of Sodom.
But Lot we saved; for God
8 remembered Abraham, and sent him out from the midst of the overthrow.
And he and his daughters committed sin upon the earth, such as had not
been on the earth since the days of Adam till his
9 time; for the man lay with his daughters. And, behold, it was commanded
and engraven concerning all his seed, on the heavenly tablets, to remove
them and root them out, and to execute judgment upon them like the judgment
of Sodom, and to leave no seed of the man on earth on the day
10 of condemnation. And in this month Abraham moved from Hebron, and
departed and dwelt between
11 Kadesh and Shur in the mountains of Gerar. And in the middle of
the fifth month he moved from
12 thence, and dwelt at the Well of the Oath. And in the middle of
the sixth month the Lord visited
13 Sarah and did unto her as He had spoken and she conceived. And she
bare a son in the third month, and in the middle of the month, at the time
of which the Lord had spoken to Abraham, on
14 the festival of the first fruits of the harvest, Isaac was born.
And Abraham circumcised his son on the eighth day: he was the first that
was circumcised according to the covenant which is ordained
15 for ever. And in the sixth year of the fourth week we came to Abraham,
to the Well of the Oath, and we appeared unto him [as we had told Sarah
that we should return to her, and she would have
16 conceived a son. And we returned in the seventh month, and found
Sarah with child before us] and we blessed him, and we announced to him
all the things which had been decreed concerning him, that he should not
die till he should beget six sons more, and should see (them) before he
died; but
17 (that) in Isaac should his name and seed be called: And (that) all
the seed of his sons should be Gentiles, and be reckoned with the Gentiles;
but from the sons of Isaac one should become a holy
18 seed, and should not be reckoned among the Gentiles. For he should
become the portion of the Most High, and all his seed had fallen into the
possession of God, that it should be unto the Lord a people for (His) possession
above all nations and that it should become a kingdom and priests and
19 a holy nation. And we went our way, and we announced to Sarah all
that we had told him, and
20 they both rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And he built there
an altar to the Lord who had delivered him, and who was making him rejoice
in the land of his sojourning, and he celebrated a festival of joy in this
month seven days, near the altar which he had built at the Well of the
21 And he built booths for himself and for his servants on this festival,
and he was the first to celebrate
22 the feast of tabernacles on the earth. And during these seven days
he brought each day to the altar a burnt offering to the Lord, two oxen,
two rams, seven sheep, one he-goat, for a sin offering,
23 that he might atone thereby for himself and for his seed. And, as
a thank-offering, seven rams, seven kids, seven sheep, and seven he-goats,
and their fruit offerings and their drink offerings; and he burnt all the
fat thereof on the altar, a chosen offering unto the Lord for a sweet smelling
24 And morning and evening he burnt fragrant substances, frankincense
and galbanum, and stackte, and nard, and myrrh, and spice, and costum;
all these seven he offered, crushed, mixed together in
25 equal parts (and) pure. And he celebrated this feast during seven
days, rejoicing with all his heart and with all his soul, he and all those
who were in his house, and there was no stranger with him,
26 nor any that was uncircumcised. And he blessed his Creator who had
created him in his generation, for He had created him according to His
good pleasure; for He knew and perceived that from him would arise the
plant of righteousness for the eternal generations, and from him a holy
seed, so that it
27 should become like Him who had made all things. And he blessed and
rejoiced, and he called the
28 name of this festival the festival of the Lord, a joy acceptable
to the Most High God. And we blessed him for ever, and all his seed after
him throughout all the generations of the earth, because
29 he celebrated this festival in its season, according to the testimony
of the heavenly tablets. For this reason it is ordained on the heavenly
tablets concerning Israel, that they shall celebrate the feast of tabernacles
seven days with joy, in the seventh month, acceptable before the Lord -a
statute for
30 ever throughout their generations every year. And to this there
is no limit of days; for it is ordained for ever regarding Israel that
they should celebrate it and dwell in booths, and set wreaths upon
31 their heads, and take leafy boughs, and willows from the brook.
And Abraham took branches of palm trees, and the fruit of goodly trees,
and every day going round the altar with the branches seven times [a day]
in the morning, he praised and gave thanks to his God for all things in
2 a great banquet in the third month, on the day his son Isaac was
weaned. And Ishmael, the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, was before the face
of Abraham, his father, in his place, and Abraham rejoiced
3 and blessed God because he had seen his sons and had not died childless.
And he remembered the words which He had spoken to him on the day on which
Lot had parted from him, and he rejoiced because the Lord had given him
seed upon the earth to inherit the earth, and he blessed with all his
4 mouth the Creator of all things. And Sarah saw Ishmael playing and
dancing, and Abraham rejoicing with great joy, and she became jealous of
Ishmael and said to Abraham, 'Cast out this
5 bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman will not be
heir with my son, Isaac.' And the thing was grievous in Abraham's sight,
because of his maidservant and because of his son,
6 that he should drive them from him. And God said to Abraham 'Let
it not be grievous in thy sight, because of the child and because of the
bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee,
7 harken to her words and do (them); for in Isaac shall thy name and
seed be called. But as for
8 the son of this bondwoman I will make him a great nation, because
he is of thy seed.' And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took
bread and a bottle of water, and placed them on the shoulders
9 of Hagar and the child, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered
in the wilderness of Beersheba, and the water in the bottle was spent,
and the child thirsted, and was not able to go on,
10 and fell down. And his mother took him and cast him under an olive
tree, and went and sat her down over against him, at the distance of a
bow-shot; for she said, 'Let me not see the death of my
11 child,' and as she sat she wept. And an angel of God, one of the
holy ones, said unto her, 'Why weepest thou, Hagar? Arise take the child,
and hold him in thine hand; for God hath heard thy
12 voice, and hath seen the child.' And she opened her eyes, and she
saw a well of water, and she went and filled her bottle with water, and
she gave her child to drink, and she arose and went towards
13 the wilderness of Paran. And the child grew and became an archer,
and God was with him, and his
14 mother took him a wife from among the daughters of Egypt. And she
bare him a son, and he called
15 his name Nebaioth; for she said, 'The Lord was nigh to me when I
called upon him.' And it came to pass in the seventh week, in the first
year thereof, [2003 A.M.] in the first month in this jubilee, on the twelfth
of this month, there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was
faithful in all that He
16 told him, and that he loved the Lord, and that in every affliction
he was faithful. And the prince Mastema came and said before God, 'Behold,
Abraham loves Isaac his son, and he delights in him above all things else;
bid him offer him as a burnt-offering on the altar, and Thou wilt see if
he will do this command, and Thou wilt know if he is faithful in everything
wherein Thou dost try him.
17 And the Lord knew that Abraham was faithful in all his afflictions;
for He had tried him through his country and with famine, and had tried
him with the wealth of kings, and had tried him again through his wife,
when she was torn (from him), and with circumcision; and had tried him
18 Ishmael and Hagar, his maid-servant, when he sent them away. And
in everything wherein He had tried him, he was found faithful, and his
soul was not impatient, and he was not slow to act; for he was faithful
and a lover of the Lord.
3 on one of the mountains which I will point out unto thee.' And he
rose early in the morning and saddled his ass, and took his two young men
with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood of the
4 burnt offering, and he went to the place on the third day, and he
saw the place afar off. And he came to a well of water, and he said to
his young men, 'Abide ye here with the ass, and I and the
5 lad shall go (yonder), and when we have worshipped we shall come
again to you.' And he took the wood of the burnt-offering and laid it on
Isaac his son, and he took in his hand the fire and the
6 knife, and they went both of them together to that place. And Isaac
said to his father, 'Father;' and he said, 'Here am I, my son.' And he
said unto him, 'Behold the fire, and the knife, and the
7 wood; but where is the sheep for the burnt-offering, father?' And
he said, 'God will provide for himself a sheep for a burnt-offering, my
son.' And he drew near to the place of the mount of
8 God. And he built an altar, and he placed the wood on the altar,
and bound Isaac his son, and placed him on the wood which was upon the
altar, and stretched forth his hand to take the knife
9 to slay Isaac his son. And I stood before him, and before the prince
Mastema, and the Lord said, 'Bid him not to lay his hand on the lad, nor
to do anything to him, for I have shown that he fears
10 the Lord.' And I called to him from heaven, and said unto him: 'Abraham,
Abraham;' and he
11 was terrified and said: 'Behold, (here) am I.' And I said unto him:
'Lay not thy hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything to him; for now
I have shown that thou fearest the Lord, and hast
12 not withheld thy son, thy first-born son, from me.' And the prince
Mastema was put to shame; and Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and,
behold a ram caught . . . by his horns, and Abraham
13 went and took the ram and offered it for a burnt-offering in the
stead of his son. And Abraham called that place 'The Lord hath seen', so
that it is said
14 Mount Sion. And the Lord called Abraham by his name a second time
from heaven, as he caused
15 us to appear to speak to him in the name of the Lord. And he said:
'By Myself have I sworn, saith the Lord,
And hast not withheld thy son, thy beloved son, from Me,
That in blessing I will bless thee,
As the stars of heaven, And as the sand which is on the seashore.
16 And in thy seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed;
And I have shown to all that thou art faithful unto Me in all that
I have said unto thee:
Go in peace.'
19 returned in peace. And accordingly has it been ordained and written
on the heavenly tablets regarding Israel and its seed that they should
observe this festival seven days with the joy of festival.
2 opposite Hebron, that is Kirjath Arba, two weeks of years. And in
the first year of the third week
3 of this jubilee the days of the life of Sarah were accomplished,
and she died in Hebron. And Abraham went to mourn over her and bury her,
and we tried him [to see] if his spirit were patient and he were not indignant
in the words of his mouth; and he was found patient in this, and was not
4 disturbed. For in patience of spirit he conversed with the children
of Heth, to the intent that they
5 should give him a place in which to bury his dead. And the Lord gave
him grace before all who saw him, and he besought in gentleness the sons
of Heth, and they gave him the land of the double
6 cave over against Mamre, that is Hebron, for four hundred pieces
of silver. And they besought him saying, We shall give it to thee for nothing;
but he would not take it from their hands for nothing, for he gave the
price of the place, the money in full, and he bowed down before them twice,
and after
7 this he buried his dead in the double cave. And all the days of the
life of Sarah were one hundred and twenty-seven years, that is, two jubilees
and four weeks and one year: these are the days of the
8 years of the life of Sarah. This is the tenth trial wherewith Abraham
was tried, and he was found
9 faithful, patient in spirit. And he said not a single word regarding
the rumour in the land how that God had said that He would give it to him
and to his seed after him, and he begged a place there to bury his dead;
for he was found faithful, and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as
the friend of
10 God. And in the fourth year thereof he took a wife for his son Isaac
and her name was Rebecca [2020 A.M.] [the daughter of Bethuel, the son
of Nahor, the brother of Abraham] the sister of Laban and daughter of Bethuel;
and Bethuel was the son of Melca, who was the wife of Nahor, the brother
of Abraham.
11 And Abraham took to himself a third wife, and her name was Keturah,
from among the daughters of his household servants, for Hagar had died
before Sarah. And she bare him six sons, Zimram,
12 and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah, in the
two weeks of years. And in
13 the sixth week, in the second year thereof, Rebecca bare to Isaac
two sons, Jacob and Esau, and [2046 A.M.] Jacob was a smooth and upright
man, and Esau was fierce, a man of the field, and hairy, and Jacob
14 dwelt in tents. And the youths grew, and Jacob learned to write;
but Esau did not learn, for he
15 was a man of the field and a hunter, and he learnt war, and all
his deeds were fierce. And Abraham
16 loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau. And Abraham saw the deeds of
Esau, and he knew that in Jacob should his name and seed be called; and
he called Rebecca and gave commandment regarding
17 Jacob, for he knew that she (too) loved Jacob much more than Esau.
And he said unto her:
For he shall be in my stead on the earth,
And for a blessing in the midst of the children of men,
And for the glory of the whole seed of Shem.
19 peoples that are upon the face of the earth. And behold, Isaac my
son loves Esau more than Jacob, but I see that thou truly lovest Jacob.
And let thine eyes be upon him in love;
For he shall be a blessing unto us on the earth from henceforth unto
all generations of the earth.
And let thy heart rejoice in thy son Jacob;
For I have loved him far beyond all my sons.
And his seed shall fill the whole earth.
His seed also shall be numbered.
24 his seed alway. And in his seed shall my name be blessed, and the
name of my fathers, Shem, and
25 Noab, and Enoch, and Mahalalel, and Enos, and Seth, and Adam. And
these shall serve
And to strengthen the earth,
And to renew all the luminaries which are in the firmament.
27 said: 'Jacob, my beloved son, whom my soul loveth, may God bless
thee from above the firmament, and may He give thee all the blessings wherewith
He blessed Adam, and Enoch, and Noah, and Shem; and all the things of which
He told me, and all the things which He promised to give me, may he cause
to cleave to thee and to thy seed for ever, according to the days of heaven
above the
28 earth. And the Spirits of Mastema shall not rule over thee or over
thy seed to turn thee from the
29 Lord, who is thy God from henceforth for ever. And may the Lord
God be a father to thee and
30 thou the first-born son, and to the people alway. Go in peace, my
son.' And they both went forth
31 together from Abraham. And Rebecca loved Jacob, with all her heart
and with all her soul, very much more than Esau; but Isaac loved Esau much
more than Jacob.
3 so walk with regard to them as to do judgment and righteousness on
the earth. That they should circumcise their sons, according to the covenant
which He had made with them, and not deviate to the right hand or the left
of all the paths which the Lord had commanded us; and that we should keep
ourselves from all fornication and uncleanness, [and renounce from amongst
us all fornication and
4 uncleanness]. And if any woman or maid commit fornication amongst
you, burn her with fire and let them not commit fornication with her after
their eyes and their heart; and let them not take to themselves wives from
the daughters of Canaan; for the seed of Canaan will be rooted out of
5 the land. And he told them of the judgment of the giants, and the
judgment of the Sodomites, how they had been judged on account of their
wickedness, and had died on account of their fornication, and uncleanness,
and mutual corruption through fornication.
And from all pollution of sin,
And your whole life a hissing,
And ye become accursed like Sodom,
And all your remnant as the sons of Gomorrah.
And cleave ye to all His commandments.
8 And make not for yourselves molten or graven gods;
And there is no spirit in them;
And all who trust in them, trust in nothing.
But serve ye the most high God, and worship Him continually:
And hope for His countenance always,
And work uprightness and righteousness before Him,
And send rain upon you morning and evening,
And bless thy bread and thy water,
And the herds of thy cattle, and the flocks of thy sheep.
And all nations of the earth will desire you,
That they may be blessed as I am.
12 from Isaac his son, and he gave everything to Isaac his son. And
Ishmael and his sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together
and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of Babylon in
13 all the land which is towards the East facing the desert. And these
mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and Ishmaelites.
2 days. And behold, I am one hundred and seventy-five years old, and
throughout all the days of my life I have remembered the Lord, and sought
with all my heart to do His will, and to walk uprightly
3 in all His ways. My soul has hated idols,
4 given my heart and spirit that I might observe to do the will of
Him who created me. For He is the living God, and He is holy and faithful,
and He is righteous beyond all, and there is with Him no accepting of (men's)
persons and no accepting of gifts; for God is righteous, and executeth
5 ment on all those who transgress His commandments and despise His
covenant. And do thou, my son, observe His commandments and His ordinances
and His judgments, and walk not after the
6 abominations and after the graven images and after the molten images.
And eat no blood at all of
7 animals or cattle, or of any bird which flies in the heaven. And
if thou dost slay a victim as an acceptable peace offering, slay ye it,
and pour out its blood upon the altar, and all the fat of the offering
offer on the altar with fine flour and the meat offering mingled with oil,
with its drink offering -offer them all together on the altar of burnt
offering; it is a sweet savour before the Lord.
8 And thou wilt offer the fat of the sacrifice of thank offerings on
the fire which is upon the altar, and the fat which is on the belly, and
all the fat on the inwards and the two kidneys, and all the fat that
9 is upon them, and upon the loins and liver thou shalt remove, together
with the kidneys. And offer all these for a sweet savour acceptable before
the Lord, with its meat-offering and with its drink-
10 offering, for a sweet savour, the bread of the offering unto the
Lord. And eat its meat on that day and on the second day, and let not the
sun on the second day go down upon it till it is eaten, and let nothing
be left over for the third day; for it is not acceptable [for it is not
approved] and let it no longer be eaten, and all who eat thereof will bring
sin upon themselves; for thus I have found it written in the books of my
forefathers, and in the words of Enoch, and in the words of Noah.
11 And on all thy oblations thou shalt strew salt, and let not the
salt of the covenant be lacking in all
12 thy oblations before the Lord. And as regards the wood of the sacrifices,
beware lest thou bring (other) wood for the altar in addition to these:
cypress, bay, almond, fir, pine, cedar, savin, fig, olive,
13 myrrh, laurel, aspalathus. And of these kinds of wood lay upon the
altar under the sacrifice, such as have been tested as to their appearance,
and do not lay (thereon) any split or dark wood, (but) hard and clean,
without fault, a sound and new growth; and do not lay (thereon) old wood,
[for its
14 fragrance is gone] for there is no longer fragrance in it as before.
Besides these kinds of wood there is none other that thou shalt place (on
the altar), for the fragrance is dispersed, and the smell of its
15 fragrance goes not up to heaven. Observe this commandment and do
it, my son, that thou mayst
16 be upright in all thy deeds. And at all times be clean in thy body,
and wash thyself with water before thou approachest to offer on the altar,
and wash thy hands and thy feet before thou drawest
17 near to the altar; and when thou art done sacrificing, wash again
thy hands and thy feet. And let no blood appear upon you nor upon your
clothes; be on thy guard, my son, against blood, be on thy
18 guard exceedingly; cover it with dust. And do not eat any blood
for it is the soul; eat no blood whatever. And take no gifts for the blood
of man, lest it be shed with impunity, without judgment; for it is the
blood that is shed that causes the earth to sin, and the earth cannot be
cleansed from the
20 blood of man save by the blood of him who shed it. And take no present
or gift for the blood of man: blood for blood, that thou mayest be accepted
before the Lord, the Most High God; for He is the defence of the good:
and that thou mayest be preserved from all evil, and that He may save thee
from every kind of death.
That all the works of the children of men are sin and wickedness,
And all their deeds are uncleanness and an abomination and a pollution,
And there is no righteousness with them.
And tread in their paths,
And sin a sin unto death before the Most High God.
And] give thee back into the hands of thy transgression,
And root thee out of the land, and thy seed likewise from under heaven,
And thy name and thy seed shall perish from the whole earth.
And observe the ordinance of the Most High God,
And do His will and be upright in all things.
And will raise up from thee a plant of righteousness through all the
earth, throughout all generations of the earth,
And my name and thy name shall not be forgotten under heaven for ever.
May the Most High God, my God and thy God, strengthen thee to do His
And may He bless all thy seed and the residue of thy seed for the generations
for ever, with all righteous blessings,
That thou mayest be a blessing on all the earth.'
2 father, and Abraham rejoiced because his two sons had come. For Isaac
had many possessions in
3 Beersheba, and Isaac was wont to go and see his possessions and to
return to his father. And in those days Ishmael came to see his father,
and they both came together, and Isaac offered a sacrifice
4 for a burnt offering, and presented it on the altar of his father
which he had made in Hebron. And he offered a thank offering and made a
feast of joy before Ishmael, his brother: and Rebecca made new cakes from
the new grain, and gave them to Jacob, her son, to take them to Abraham,
his father, from the first fruits of the land, that he might eat and bless
the Creator of all things before he died.
5 And Isaac, too, sent by the hand of Jacob to Abraham a best thank
offering, that he might eat and
6 drink. And he eat and drank, and blessed the Most High God,
Who hath created heaven and earth,
Who hath made all the fat things of the earth,
And given them to the children of men
That they might eat and drink and bless their Creator.
8 been unto me peace. The sword of the adversary has not overcome me
in all that Thou hast given
9 me and my children all the days of my life until this day. My God,
may Thy mercy and Thy peace be upon Thy servant, and upon the seed of his
sons, that they may be to Thee a chosen nation and an inheritance from
amongst all the nations of the earth from henceforth unto all the days
of the
10 generations of the earth, unto all the ages.' And he called Jacob
and said: 'My son Jacob, may the God of all bless thee and strengthen thee
to do righteousness, and His will before Him, and may He choose thee and
thy seed that ye may become a people for His inheritance according to His
11 alway. And do thou, my son, Jacob, draw near and kiss me.' And he
drew near and kissed him, and he said:
And all the sons of God Most High, unto all the ages:
And some of thy sons may He sanctify in the midst of the whole earth;
And all the nations bow themselves before thy seed.
And exercise authority over all the seed of Seth.
So that they shall become a holy nation.
Wherewith He has blessed me
May they rest on the sacred head of thy seed from generation to generation
for ever.
That thou mayest be forgiven all the transgressions; which thou hast
committed ignorantly.
And bless thee.
And mayest thou inherit the whole earth,
That thou mayest be to Him a nation for His inheritance for all the
And that He may be to thee and to thy seed a God in truth and righteousness
throughout all the days of the earth.
And observe the commandments of Abraham, thy father:
And eat not with them:
And become not their associate;
And all their ways are a Pollution and an abomination and uncleanness.
And they worship evil spirits,
And all their works are vanity and nothingness.
And their eyes do not see what their works are,
And to a stone: 'Thou art my Lord and thou art my deliverer.'
[And they have no heart.]
May the Most High God help thee
And the God of heaven bless thee
And remove thee from their uncleanness and from all their error.
For all his seed is to be rooted out of the earth.
And all his seed shall be destroyed from off the earth and all the
residue thereof,
And none springing from him shall be saved on the day of judgment.
(b) There shall be no hope for them in the land of the living;
(c) And there shall be no remembrance of them on the earth;
(c) For they shall descend into Sheol,
(d) And into the place of condemnation shall they go,
So will all those who worship idols be taken away.
And be not dismayed, O son of Abraham:
And from all the paths of error may he deliver thee.
25,26 And he ceased commanding him and blessing him. And the two lay
together on one bed, and Jacob slept in the bosom of Abraham, his father's
father and he kissed him seven times, and his
27 affection and his heart rejoiced over him. And he blessed him with
all his heart and said: 'The Most High God, the God of all, and Creator
of all, who brought me forth from Ur of the Chaldees that he might give
me this land to inherit it for ever, and that I might establish a holy
28 be the Most High for ever.' And he blessed Jacob and said: 'My son,
over whom with all my heart and my affection I rejoice, may Thy grace and
Thy mercy be lift up upon him and upon his seed
29 alway. And do not forsake him, nor set him at nought from henceforth
unto the days of eternity, and may Thine eyes be opened upon him and upon
his seed, that Thou mayst preserve him, and
30 bless him, and mayest sanctify him as a nation for Thine inheritance;
And bless him with all Thy blessings from henceforth unto all the days
of eternity, and renew Thy covenant and Thy grace with him and with his
seed according to all Thy good pleasure unto all the generations of the
2 And notwithstanding all this Jacob was lying in his bosom, and knew
not that Abraham, his father's
3 father, was dead. And Jacob awoke from his sleep, and behold Abraham
was cold as ice, and he
4 said 'Father, father'; but there was none that spake, and he knew
that he was dead. And he arose from his bosom and ran and told Rebecca,
his mother; and Rebecca went to Isaac in the night, and told him; and they
went together, and Jacob with them, and a lamp was in his hand, and
5 when they had gone in they found Abraham lying dead. And Isaac fell
on the face of his father
6 and wept and kissed him. And the voices were heard in the house of
Abraham, and Ishmael his son arose, and went to Abraham his father, and
wept over Abraham his father, he and all the house
7 of Abraham, and they wept with a great weeping. And his sons Isaac
and Ishmael buried him in the double cave, near Sarah his wife, and they
wept for him forty days, all the men of his house, and Isaac and Ishmael,
and all their sons, and all the sons of Keturah in their places; and the
days of
8 weeping for Abraham were ended. And he lived three jubilees and four
weeks of years, one hundred
9 and seventy-five years, and completed the days of his life, being
old and full of days. For the days of the forefathers, of their life, were
nineteen jubilees; and after the Flood they began to grow less than nineteen
jubilees, and to decrease in jubilees, and to grow old quickly, and to
be full of their days by reason of manifold tribulation and the wickedness
of their ways, with the exception of
10 Abraham. For Abraham was perfect in all his deeds with the Lord,
and well-pleasing in righteousness all the days of his life; and behold,
he did not complete four jubilees in his life, when he had
11 grown old by reason of the wickedness, and was full of his days.
And all the generations which shall arise from this time until the day
of the great judgment shall grow old quickly, before they complete two
jubilees, and their knowledge shall forsake them by reason of their old
age Land all their know-
12 ledge shall vanish away]. And in those days, if a man live a jubilee
and a-half of years, they shall say regarding him: 'He has lived long,
and the greater part of his days are pain and sorrow and
13 tribulation, and there is no peace: For calamity follows on calamity,
and wound on wound, and tribulation on tribulation, and evil tidings on
evil tidings, and illness on illness, and all evil judgments such as these,
one with another, illness and overthrow, and snow and frost and ice, and
fever, and chills, and torpor, and famine, and death, and sword, and captivity,
and all kinds of calamities and
14 pains.' And all these shall come on an evil generation, which transgresses
on the earth: their works
15 are uncleanness and fornication, and pollution and abominations.
Then they shall say: 'The days of the forefathers were many (even), unto
a thousand years, and were good; but behold, the days of our life, if a
man has lived many, are three score years and ten, and, if he is strong,
four score years,
16 and those evil, and there is no peace in the days of this evil generation.'
And in that generation the sons shall convict their fathers and their elders
of sin and unrighteousness, and of the words of their mouth and the great
wickednesses which they perpetrate, and concerning their forsaking the
covenant which the Lord made between them and Him, that they should observe
and do all His commandments and His ordinances and all His laws, without
departing either to the right hand or the left.
17 For all have done evil, and every mouth speaks iniquity and all
their works are an uncleanness and
18 an abomination, and all their ways are pollution, uncleanness and
destruction. Behold the earth shall be destroyed on account of all their
works, and there shall be no seed of the vine, and no oil; for their works
are altogether faithless, and they shall all perish together, beasts and
cattle and birds, and
19 all the fish of the sea, on account of the children of men. And
they shall strive one with another, the young with the old, and the old
with the young, the poor with the rich, the lowly with the great, and the
beggar with the prince, on account of the law and the covenant; for they
have forgotten commandment, and covenant, and feasts, and months, and Sabbaths,
and jubilees, and all judgments.
20 And they shall stand
21 not return until much blood has been shed on the earth, one by another.
And those who have escaped shall not return from their wickedness to the
way of righteousness, but they shall all exalt themselves to deceit and
wealth, that they may each take all that is his neighbour's, and they shall
name the great name, but not in truth and not in righteousness, and they
shall defile the holy of
22 holies with their uncleanness and the corruption of their pollution.
And a great punishment shall befall the deeds of this generation from the
Lord, and He will give them over to the sword and to
23 judgment and to captivity, and to be plundered and devoured. And
He will wake up against them the sinners of the Gentiles, who have neither
mercy nor compassion, and who shall respect the person of none, neither
old nor young, nor any one, for they are more wicked and strong to do evil
than all the children of men.
And much blood shall be shed upon the earth,
And there shall be none to gather and none to bury.
And call and pray that they may be saved from the hand of the sinners,
the Gentiles;
But none shall be saved.
And a child of three weeks shall appear old like a man of one hundred
And their stature shall be destroyed by tribulation and oppression.
And to seek the commandments,
And to return to the path of righteousness.
Till their days draw nigh to one thousand years.
And to a greater number of years than (before) was the number of the
Nor one who is
For all shall be (as) children and youths.
And there shall be no Satan nor any evil destroyer;
For all their days shall be days of blessing and healing.
And they shall rise up and see great peace,
And drive out their adversaries.
And rejoice with joy for ever and ever,
And shall see all their judgments and all their curses on their enemies.
And their spirits shall have much joy,
And they shall know that it is the Lord who executes judgment,
And shows mercy to hundreds and thousands and to all that love Him
4 thee bread, and also some of this lentil pottage.' And Esau said
in his heart: 'I shall die; of
5 what profit to me is this birthright? 'And he said to Jacob: 'I give
it to thee.' And Jacob said:
6 'Swear to me, this day,' and he sware unto him. And Jacob gave his
brother Esau bread and pottage, and he eat till he was satisfied, and Esau
despised his birthright; for this reason was Esau's name
7 called Edom, on account of the red pottage which Jacob gave him for
his birthright. And Jacob became
8 the elder, and Esau was brought down from his dignity. And the famine
was over the land, and Isaac departed to go down into Egypt in the second
year of this week, and went to the king of the Philis-
9 tines to Gerar, unto Abimelech. And the Lord appeared unto him and
said unto him: 'Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land that I shall
tell thee of, and sojourn in this land, and I will
10 be with thee and bless thee. For to thee and to thy seed will I
give all this land, and I will establish My oath which I sware unto Abraham
thy father, and I will multiply thy seed as the
11 stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all this land. And
in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thy
father obeyed My voice, and kept My charge and My commandments, and My
laws, and My ordinances, and My covenant; and now obey My voice and dwell
12,13 this land.' And he dwelt in Gelar three weeks of years. And Abimelech
charged concerning him, [2080-2101 A.M.] and concerning all that was his,
saying: 'Any man that shall touch him or aught that is his shall
14 surely die.' And Isaac waxed strong among the Philistines, and he
got many possessions, oxen
15 and sheep and camels and asses and a great household. And he sowed
in the land of the Philistines and brought in a hundred-fold, and Isaac
became exceedingly great, and the Philistines envied him.
16 Now all the wells which the servants of Abraham had dug during the
life of Abraham, the Philistines
17 had stopped them after the death of Abraham, and filled them with
earth. And Abimelech said unto Isaac: 'Go from us, for thou art much mightier
than we', and Isaac departed thence in
18 the first year of the seventh week, and sojourned in the valleys
of Gerar. And they digged again the wells of water which the servants of
Abraham, his father, had digged, and which the Philistines had closed after
the death of Abraham his father, and he called their names as Abraham his
19 had named them. And the servants of Isaac dug a well in the valley,
and found living water, and the shepherds of Gerar strove with the shepherds
of Isaac, saying: 'The water is ours'; and Isaac
20 called the name of the well 'Perversity', because they had been
perverse with us. And they dug a second well, and they strove for that
also, and he called its name 'Enmity'. And he arose from thence and they
digged another well, and for that they strove not, and he called the name
of it 'Room', and Isaac said: 'Now the Lord hath made room for us, and
we have increased in the
21 land.' And he went up from thence to the Well of the Oath in the
first year of the first week in the [2108 A.M.]
23 servant.' And he built an altar there, which Abraham his father
had first built, and he called upon
24 the name of the Lord, and he offered sacrifice to the God of Abraham
his father. And they digged
25 a well and they found living water. And the servants of Isaac digged
another well and did not find water, and they went and told Isaac that
they had not found water, and Isaac said: 'I have sworn
26 this day to the Philistines and this thing has been announced to
us.' And he called the name of that place the Well of the Oath; for there
he had sworn to Abimelech and Ahuzzath his friend and
27 Phicol the prefect Or his host. And Isaac knew that day that under
constraint he had sworn to them
28 to make peace with them. And Isaac on that day cursed the Philistines
and said: 'Cursed be the Philistines unto the day of wrath and indignation
from the midst of all nations; may God make them a derision and a curse
and an object of wrath and indignation in the hands of the sinners the
29 Gentiles and in the hands of the Kittim. And whoever escapes the
sword of the enemy and the Kittim, may the righteous nation root out in
judgment from under heaven; for they shall be the enemies and foes of my
children throughout their generations upon the earth.
Nor one that shall be saved on the day of the wrath of judgment;
For destruction and rooting out and expulsion from the earth is the
whole seed of the Philistines (reserved),
And there shall no longer be left for these Caphtorim a name or a seed
on the earth.
Thence shall he be brought down,
Thence shall he be dragged forth,
Even from thence shall he be rooted out;
There also shall his condemnation be great,
And there also he shall have no peace.
32 And if he go into captivity,
By the hands of those that seek his life shall they slay him on the
And neither name nor seed shall be left to him on all the earth;
For into eternal malediction shall he depart.'
2 for (their deeds) are evil. And I, my son, love thee exceedingly,
and my heart and my affection
3 bless thee every hour of the day and watch of the night. And now,
my son, hearken to my voice, and do the will of thy mother, and do not
take thee a wife of the daughters of this land, but only of the house of
my father, and of my father's kindred. Thou shalt take thee a wife of the
house of my father, and the Most High God will bless thee, and thy children
shall be a righteous generation and
4 a holy seed.' And then spake Jacob to Rebecca, his mother, and said
unto her: 'Behold, mother, I am nine weeks of years old, and I neither
know nor have I touched any woman, nor have I betrothed
5 myself to any, nor even think of taking me a wife of the daughters
of Canaan. For I remember, mother, the words of Abraham, our father, for
he commanded me not to take a wife of the daughters
6 of Canaan, but to take me a wife from the seed of my father's house
and from my kindred. I have heard before that daughters have been born
to Laban, thy brother, and I have set my heart on them
7 to take a wife from amongst them. And for this reason I have guarded
myself in my spirit against sinning or being corrupted in all my ways throughout
all the days of my life; for with regard to lust
8 and fornication, Abraham, my father, gave me many commands. And,
despite all that he has commanded me, these two and twenty years my brother
has striven with me, and spoken frequently to me and said: 'My brother,
take to wife a sister of my two wives'; but I refuse to do as he has done.
9 I swear before thee, mother, that all the days of my life I will
not take me a wife from the daughters
10 of the seed of Canaan, and I will not act wickedly as my brother
has done. Fear not, mother; be
11 assured that I shall do thy will and walk in uprightness, and not
corrupt my ways for ever.' And thereupon she lifted up her face to heaven
and extended the fingers of her hands, and opened her mouth and blessed
the Most High God, who had created the heaven and the earth, and she gave
12 thanks and praise. And she said: 'Blessed be the Lord God, and may
His holy name be blessed for ever and ever, who has given me Jacob as a
pure son and a holy seed; for he is Thine, and Thine
13 shall his seed be continually and throughout all the generations
for evermore. Bless him, O Lord,
14 and place in my mouth the blessing of righteousness, that I may
bless him.' And at that hour, when the spirit of righteousness descended
into her mouth, she placed both her hands on the head of Jacob, and said:
And may He bless thee beyond all the generations of men.
And reveal righteousness to thy seed.
And may they arise according to the number of the months of the year.
And may their sons become many and great beyond the stars of heaven,
And their numbers be more than the sand of the sea.
And may they hold it as a possession for ever.
And a blessed and holy seed may all thy seed be.
The womb of her that bare thee blesses thee thus,
And my mouth and my tongue praise thee greatly.
And may thy seed be perfect in the joy of heaven and earth for ever;
And on the great day of peace may it have peace.
And may the Most High God be their God,
And by them may His sanctuary be built unto all the ages.
And all flesh that curseth thee falsely, may it be cursed.'
'May the Lord of the world love thee
As the heart of thy mother and her affection rejoice in thee and bless
And she ceased from blessing.
3 eat, and that my soul may bless thee before I die.' But Rebecca heard
Isaac speaking to Esau.
4,5 And Esau went forth early to the field to hunt and catch and bring
home to his father. And Rebecca called Jacob, her son, and said unto him:
'Behold, I heard Isaac, thy father, speak unto Esau, thy brother, saying:
"Hunt for me, and make me savoury meat, and bring (it) to me that
6 I may eat and bless thee before the Lord before I die." And now,
my son, obey my voice in that which I command thee: Go to thy flock and
fetch me two good kids of the goats, and I will make them savoury meat
for thy father, such as he loves, and thou shalt bring (it) to thy father
that he
7 may eat and bless thee before the Lord before he die, and that thou
mayst be blessed.' And Jacob said to Rebecca his mother: 'Mother, I shall
not withhold anything which my father would eat, and which would please
him: only I fear, my mother, that he will recognise my voice and wish to
8 me. And thou knowest that I am smooth, and Esau, my brother, is hairy,
and I shall appear before his eyes as an evildoer, and shall do a deed
which he had not commanded me, and he will be
9 wroth with me, and I shall bring upon myself a curse, and not a blessing.'
And Rebecca, his
10 mother, said unto him: 'Upon me be thy curse, my son, only obey
my voice.' And Jacob obeyed the voice of Rebecca, his mother, and went
and fetched two good and fat kids of the goats, and
11 brought them to his mother, and his mother made them ~savoury meat~
such as he loved. And Rebecca took the goodly rainment of Esau, her elder
son, which was with her in the house, and she clothed Jacob, her younger
son, (with them), and she put the skins of the kids upon his hands and
12 the exposed parts of his neck. And she gave the meat and the bread
which she had prepared into
13 the hand of her son Jacob. And Jacob went in to his father and said:
'I am thy son: I have done according as thou badest me: arise and sit and
eat of that which I have caught, father, that thy soul
14,15 may bless me.' And Isaac said to his son: 'How hast thou found
so quickly, my son? 'And Jacob
16 said: 'Because (the Lord thy God caused me to find.' And Isaac said
unto him: Come near, that
17 I may feel thee, my son, if thou art my son Esau or not.' And Jacob
went near to Isaac, his father,
18 and he felt him and said: 'The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands
are the hands of Esau,' and he discerned him not, because it was a dispensation
from heaven to remove his power of perception and
19 Isaac discerned not, for his hands were hairy as his brother Esau's,
so that he blessed him. And he said: 'Art thou my son Esau? ' and he said:
'I am thy son': and he said, 'Bring near to me that
20 I may eat of that which thou hast caught, my son, that my soul may
bless thee.' And he brought
21 near to him, and he did eat, and he brought him wine and he drank.
And Isaac, his father, said unto
22 him: 'Come near and kiss me, my son. And he came near and kissed
him. And he smelled the smell of his raiment, and he blessed him and said:
'Behold, the smell of my son is as the smell of a (full) field which the
Lord hath blessed.
And of the dew of the earth, and plenty of corn and oil:
And peoples bow down to thee.
And let thy mother's sons bow down to thee;
Be imparted to thee and to thy seed for ever:
And blessed be he that blesseth thee.'
26 forth from Isaac his father he hid himself and Esau, his brother,
came in from his hunting. And he also made savoury meat, and brought (it)
to his father, and said unto his father: 'Let my father
27 arise, and eat of my venison that thy soul may bless me.' And Isaac,
his father, said unto him: 'Who art thou? 'And he said unto him: 'I am
thy first born, thy son Esau: I have done as thou hast
28 commanded me.' And Isaac was very greatly astonished, and said:
'Who is he that hath hunted and caught and brought (it) to me, and I have
eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him:
29 (and) he shall be blessed, and all his seed for ever.' And it came
to pass when Esau heard the words of his father Isaac that he cried with
an exceeding great and bitter cry, and said unto his father:
30 'Bless me, (even) me also, father.' And he said unto him: 'Thy brother
came with guile, and hath taken away thy blessing.' And he said: 'Now I
know why his name is named Jacob: behold, he hath supplanted me these two
times: he took away my birth-right, and now he hath taken away
31 my blessing.' And he said: 'Hast thou not reserved a blessing for
me, father?' and Isaac answered and said unto Esau:
31 'Behold, I have made him thy lord,
And all his brethren have I given to him for servants,
And with plenty of corn and wine and oil have I strengthened him:
And what now shall I do for thee, my son?'
32 And Esau said to Isaac, his father:
'Hast thou but one blessing, O father?
Bless me, (even) me also, father: '
33 And Esau lifted up his voice and wept.
And Isaac answered and said unto him:
'Behold, far from the dew of the earth shall be thy dwelling,
And far from the dew of heaven from above.
And thou wilt serve thy brother.
And dost shake his yoke from off thy neck,
Thou shalt sin a complete sin unto death,
And thy seed shall be rooted out from under heaven.'
2 called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him: 'Behold Esau thy
brother will take vengeance on
3 thee so as to kill thee. Now, therefore, my son, obey my voice, and
arise and flee thou to Laban, my brother, to Haran, and tarry with him
a few days until thy brother's anger turns away, and he remove his anger
from thee, and forget all that thou hast done; then I will send and fetch
thee from
4,5 thence.' And Jacob said: 'I am not afraid; if he wishes to kill
me, I will kill him.' But she said
6 unto him: 'Let me not be bereft of both my sons on one day.' And
Jacob said to Rebecca his mother: 'Behold, thou knowest that my father
has become old, and does not see because his eyes are dull, and if I leave
him it will be evil in his eyes, because I leave him and go away from you,
and my father will be angry, and will curse me. I will not go; when he
sends me, then only will I go.'
7,8 And Rebecca said to Jacob: 'I will go in and speak to him, and
he will send thee away.' And Rebecca went in and said to Isaac: 'I loathe
my life because of the two daughters of Heth, whom Esau has taken him as
wives; and if Jacob take a wife from among the daughters of the land such
9 as these, for what purpose do I further live, for the daughters of
Canaan are evil.' And Isaac called
10 Jacob and blessed him, and admonished him and said unto him: 'Do
not take thee a wife of any of the daughters of Canaan; arise and go to
Mesopotamia, to the house of Bethuel, thy mother's father,
11 and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of Laban, thy
mother's brother. And God Almighty bless thee and increase and multiply
thee that thou mayest become a company of nations, and give thee the blessings
of my father Abraham, to thee and to thy seed after thee, that thou mayest
inherit the land of thy sojournings and all the land which God gave to
Abraham: go, my
12 son, in peace.' And Isaac sent Jacob away, and he went to Mesopotamia,
to Laban the son of
13 Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebecca, Jacob's mother. And
it came to pass after Jacob had
14 arisen to go to Mesopotamia that the spirit of Rebecca was grieved
after her son, and she wept. And Isaac said to Rebecca: 'My sister, weep
not on account of Jacob, my son; for he goeth in peace, and
15 in peace will he return. The Most High God will preserve him from
all evil, and will be with him;
16 for He will not forsake him all his days; For I know that his ways
will be prospered in all things
17 wherever he goes, until he return in peace to us, and we see him
in peace. Fear not on his account, my sister, for he is on the upright
path and he is a perfect man: and he is faithful and will not perish.
18,19 Weep not.' And Isaac comforted Rebecca on account of her son
Jacob, and blessed him. And Jacob went from the Well of the Oath to go
to Haran on the first year of the second week in the forty-fourth jubilee,
and he came to Luz on the mountains, that is, Bethel, on the new moon of
the first month of this week, [2115 A.M.] and he came to the place at even
and turned from the way to the west of the
20 road that night: and he slept there; for the sun had set. And he
took one of the stones of that
21 place and laid
22 And he spake to Jacob and said: 'I am the Lord God of Abraham, thy
father, and the God of
23 Isaac; the land whereon thou art sleeping, to thee will I give it,
and to thy seed after thee. And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth,
and thou shalt increase to the west and to the east, to the
24 north and the south, and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families
of the nations be blessed. And behold, I will be with thee, and will keep
thee whithersoever thou goest, and I will bring thee again into this land
in peace; for I will not leave thee until I do everything that I told thee
25 And Jacob awoke from his sleep, and said, 'Truly this place is the
house of the Lord, and I knew it not.' And he was afraid and said: 'Dreadful
is this place which is none other than the house of
26 God, and this is the gate of heaven.' And Jacob arose early in the
morning, and took the stone which he had put under his head and set it
up as a pillar for a sign, and he poured oil upon the top of it. And he
called the name of that place Bethel; but the name of the place was Luz
at the first.
27 And Jacob vowed a vow unto the Lord, saying: 'If the Lord will be
with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and give me bread to eat
and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace,
then shall the Lord be my God, and this stone which I have set up as a
pillar for a sign in this place, shall be the Lord's house, and of all
that thou givest me, I shall give the tenth to thee, my God.'
2 and he was with him, and served him for Rachel his daughter one week.
And in the first year of the third week [2122 A.M.] he said unto him: 'Give
me my wife, for whom I have served thee seven years '; and
3 Laban said unto Jacob: 'I will give thee thy wife.' And Laban made
a feast, and took Leah his elder daughter, and gave (her) to Jacob as a
wife, and gave her Zilpah his handmaid for an hand-
4 maid; and Jacob did not know, for he thought that she was Rachel.
And he went in unto her, and behold, she was Leah; and Jacob was angry
with Laban, and said unto him: 'Why hast thou dealt thus with me? Did not
I serve thee for Rachel and not for Leah? Why hast thou wronged me?
5 Take thy daughter, and I will go; for thou hast done evil to me.'
For Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah; for Leah's eyes were weak, but her
form was very handsome; but Rachel had beautiful
6 eyes and a beautiful and very handsome form. And Laban said to Jacob:
'It is not so done in our country, to give the younger before the elder.'
And it is not right to do this; for thus it is ordained and written in
the heavenly tablets, that no one should give his younger daughter before
the elder; but the elder, one gives first and after her the younger -and
the man who does so, they set down guilt against him in heaven, and none
is righteous that does this thing, for this deed is evil before the
7 Lord. And command thou the children of Israel that they do not this
thing; let them neither take
8 nor give the younger before they have given the elder, for it is
very wicked. And Laban said to Jacob: 'Let the seven days of the feast
of this one pass by, and I shall give thee Rachel, that thou mayst serve
me another seven years, that thou mayst pasture my sheep as thou didst
in the former week.' And on the day when the seven days of the feast of
Leah had passed, Laban gave Rachel to Jacob, that he might serve him another
seven years, and he gave to Rachel Bilhah, the sister of
10 Zilpah, as a handmaid. And he served yet other seven years for Rachel,
for Leah had been given
11 to him for nothing. And the Lord opened the womb of Leah, and she
conceived and bare Jacob a son, and he called his name Reuben, on the fourteenth
day of the ninth month, in the first year of
12 the third week. [2122 A.M.] But the womb of Rachel was closed, for
the Lord saw that Leah was hated and
13 Rachel loved. And again Jacob went in unto Leah, and she conceived,
and bare Jacob a second son, and he called his name Simeon, on the twenty-first
of the tenth month, and in the third year of this
14 week. [2124 A.M.] And again Jacob went in unto Leah, and she conceived,
and bare him a third son, and he
15 called his name Levi, in the new moon of the first month in the
sixth year of this week. [2127 A.M.] And again Jacob went in unto her,
and she conceived, and bare him a fourth son, and he called his name Judah,
16 on the fifteenth of the third month, in the first year of the fourth
week. [2129 A.M.] And on account of all this Rachel envied Leah, for she
did not bear, and she said to Jacob: 'Give me children'; and Jacob
17 said: 'Have I withheld from thee the fruits of thy womb? Have I
forsaken thee?' And when Rachel saw that Leah had borne four sons to Jacob,
Reuben and Simeon and Levi and Judah, she said unto
18 him: 'Go in unto Bilhah my handmaid, and she will conceive, and
bear a son unto me.' (And she gave (him) Bilhah her handmaid to wife).
And he went in unto her, and she conceived, and bare him a son, and he
called his name Dan, on the ninth of the sixth month, in the sixth year
of the
19 third week. [2127 A.M.] And Jacob went in again unto Bilhah a second
time, and she conceived, and bare Jacob another son, and Rachel called
his name Napthali, on the fifth of the seventh month, in the
20 second year of the fourth week. [2130 A.M.] And when Leah saw that
she had become sterile and did not bear, she envied Rachel, and she also
gave her handmaid Zilpah to Jacob to wife, and she conceived, and bare
a son, and Leah called his name Gad, on the twelfth of the eighth month,
in the third year of
21 the fourth week. [2131 A.M.] And he went in again unto her, and
she conceived, and bare him a second son, and Leah called his name Asher,
on the second of the eleventh month, in the fifth year of the fourth
22 week. [2133 A.M.] And Jacob went in unto Leah, and she conceived,
and bare a son, and she called his name Issachar, on the fourth of the
fifth month, in the fourth year of the fourth week,[2132 A.M.] and she
gave him
23 to a nurse. And Jacob went in again unto her, and she conceived,
and bare two (children), a son and a daughter, and she called the name
of the son Zabulon, and the name of the daughter Dinah,
24 in the seventh of the seventh month, in the sixth year of the fourth
week. [2134 A.M.] And the Lord was gracious to Rachel, and opened her womb,
and she conceived, and bare a son, and she called his
25 name Joseph, on the new moon of the fourth month, in the sixth year
in this fourth week. [2134 A.M.] And in the days when Joseph was born,
Jacob said to Laban: 'Give me my wives and sons, and let me go to my father
Isaac, and let me make me an house; for I have completed the years in which
26 have served thee for thy two daughters, and I will go to the house
of my father.' And Laban said to Jacob: 'Tarry with me for thy wages, and
pasture my flock for me again, and take thy wages.'
27 And they agreed with one another that he should give him as his
wages those of the lambs and kids
28 which were born black and spotted and white, (these) were to be
his wages. And all the sheep brought forth spotted and speckled and black,
variously marked, and they brought forth again lambs like themselves, and
all that were spotted were Jacob's and those which were not were
29 Laban's. And Jacob's possessions multiplied exceedingly, and he
possessed oxen and sheep and
30 asses and camels, and menservants and maid-servants. And Laban and
his sons envied Jacob, and Laban took back his sheep from him, and he observed
him with evil intent.
2 were distant from him a three days' journey. And Jacob saw that Laban
was going to shear his sheep, and Jacob called Leah and Rachel, and spake
kindly unto them that they should come with
3 him to the land of Canaan. For he told them how he had seen everything
in a dream, even all that He had spoken unto him that he should return
to his father's house, and they said: 'To every place
4 whither thou goest we will go with thee.' And Jacob blessed the God
of Isaac his father, and the God of Abraham his father's father, and he
arose and mounted his wives and his children, and took all his possessions
and crossed the river, and came to the land of Gilead, and Jacob hid his
5 from Laban and told him not. And in the seventh year of the fourth
week Jacob turned (his face) toward Gilead in the first month, on the twenty-first
thereof. [2135 A.M.] And Laban pursued after him and
6 overtook Jacob in the mountain of Gilead in the third month, on the
thirteenth thereof. And the Lord did not suffer him to injure Jacob; for
he appeared to him in a dream by night. And Laban
7 spake to Jacob. And on the fifteenth of those days Jacob made a feast
for Laban, and for all who came with him, and Jacob sware to Laban that
day, and Laban also to Jacob, that neither should
8 cross the mountain of Gilead to the other with evil purpose. And
he made there a heap for
9 a witness; wherefore the name of that place is called: 'The Heap
of Witness,' after this heap. But before they used to call the land of
Gilead the land of the Rephaim; for it was the land of the Rephaim, and
the Rephaim were born (there), giants whose height was ten, nine, eight
down to
10 seven cubits. And their habitation was from the land of the children
of Ammon to Mount Hermon,
11 and the seats of their kingdom were Karnaim and Ashtaroth, and Edrei,
and Misur, and Beon. And the Lord destroyed them because of the evil of
their deeds; for they were very malignant, and the Amorites dwelt in their
stead, wicked and sinful, and there is no people to-day which has wrought
12 to the full all their sins, and they have no longer length of life
on the earth. And Jacob sent away Laban, and he departed into Mesopotamia,
the land of the East, and Jacob returned to the land of
13 Gilead. And he passed over the Jabbok in the ninth month, on the
eleventh thereof. And on that day Esau, his brother, came to him, and he
was reconciled to him, and departed from him unto
14 the land of Seir, but Jacob dwelt in tents. And in the first year
of the fifth week in this jubilee [2136 A.M.] he crossed the Jordan, and
dwelt beyond the Jordan, and he pastured his sheep from the sea of the
15 heap unto Bethshan, and unto Dothan and unto the forest of Akrabbim.
And he sent to his father Isaac of all his substance, clothing, and food,
and meat, and drink, and milk, and butter, and
16 cheese, and some dates of the valley. And to his mother Rebecca
also four times a year, between the times of the months, between ploughing
and reaping, and between autumn and the rain (season)
17 and between winter and spring, to the tower of Abraham. For Isaac
had returned from the Well of the Oath and gone up to the tower of his
father Abraham, and he dwelt there apart from his son
18 Esau. For in the days when Jacob went to Mesopotamia, Esau took
to himself a wife Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael, and he gathered together
all the flocks of his father and his wives, and went
19 Up and dwelt on Mount Seir, and left Isaac his father at the Well
of the Oath alone. And Isaac went up from the Well of the Oath and dwelt
in the tower of Abraham his father on the mountains
20 of Hebron, And thither Jacob sent all that he did send to his father
and his mother from time to time, all they needed, and they blessed Jacob
with all their heart and with all their soul.
2 the fourth month. And there they carried off Dinah, the daughter
of Jacob, into the house of Shechem, the son of Hamor, the Hivite, the
prince of the land, and he lay with her and defiled her,
3 and she was a little girl, a child of twelve years. And he besought
his father and her brothers that she might be given to him to wife. And
Jacob and his sons were wroth because of the men of Shechem; for they had
defiled Dinah, their sister, and they spake to them with evil intent and
4 deceitfully with them and beguiled them. And Simeon and Levi came
unexpectedly to Shechem and executed judgment on all the men of Shechem,
and slew all the men whom they found in it, and left not a single one remaining
in it: they slew all in torments because they had dishonoured
5 their sister Dinah. And thus let it not again be done from henceforth
that a daughter of Israel be defiled; for judgment is ordained in heaven
against them that they should destroy with the sword
6 all the men of the Shechemites because they had wrought shame in
Israel. And the Lord delivered them into the hands of the sons of Jacob
that they might exterminate them with the sword and execute judgment upon
them, and that it might not thus again be done in Israel that a virgin
7 Israel should be defiled. And if there is any man who wishes in Israel
to give his daughter or his sister to any man who is of the seed of the
Gentiles he shall surely die, and they shall stone him with stones; for
he hath wrought shame in Israel; and they shall burn the woman with fire,
8 she has dishonoured the name of the house of her father, and she
shall be rooted out of Israel. And let not an adulteress and no uncleanness
be found in Israel throughout all the days of the generations of the earth;
for Israel is holy unto the Lord, and every man who has defiled (it) shall
surely die:
9 they shall stone him with stones. For thus has it been ordained and
written in the heavenly tablets regarding all the seed of Israel: he who
defileth (it) shall surely die, and he shall be stoned with
10 stones. And to this law there is no limit of days, and no remission,
nor any atonement: but the man who has defiled his daughter shall be rooted
out in the midst of all Israel, because he has given
11 of his seed to Moloch, and wrought impiously so as to defile it.
And do thou, Moses, command the children of Israel and exhort them not
to give their daughters to the Gentiles, and not to take for
12 their sons any of the daughters of the Gentiles, for this is abominable
before the Lord. For this reason I have written for thee in the words of
the Law all the deeds of the Shechemites, which they wrought against Dinah,
and how the sons of Jacob spake, saying: 'We will not give our daughter
13 to a man who is uncircumcised; for that were a reproach unto us.'
And it is a reproach to Israel, to those who live, and to those that take
the daughters of the Gentiles; for this is unclean and
14 abominable to Israel. And Israel will not be free from this uncleanness
if it has a wife of the daughters of the Gentiles, or has given any of
its daughters to a man who is of any of the Gentiles.
15 For there will be plague upon plague, and curse upon curse, and
every judgment and plague and curse will come
16 whole nation together be judged for all the uncleanness and profanation
of this man. And there will be no respect of persons [and no consideration
of persons] and no receiving at his hands of fruits and offerings and burnt-offerings
and fat, nor the fragrance of sweet savour, so as to accept it: and
17 so fare every man or woman in Israel who defiles the sanctuary.
For this reason I have commanded thee, saying: 'Testify this testimony
to Israel: see how the Shechemites fared and their sons: how they were
delivered into the hands of two sons of Jacob, and they slew them under
tortures, and it
18 was (reckoned) unto them for righteousness, and it is written down
to them for righteousness. And the seed of Levi was chosen for the priesthood,
and to be Levites, that they might minister before the Lord, as we, continually,
and that Levi and his sons may be blessed for ever; for he was zealous
19 to execute righteousness and judgment and vengeance on all those
who arose against Israel. And so they inscribe as a testimony in his favour
on the heavenly tablets blessing and righteousness before
20 the God of all: And we remember the righteousness which the man
fulfilled during his life, at all periods of the year; until a thousand
generations they will record it, and it will come to him and to his descendants
after him, and he has been recorded on the heavenly tablets as a friend
and a righteous
21 man. All this account I have written for thee, and have commanded
thee to say to the children of Israel, that they should not commit sin
nor transgress the ordinances nor break the covenant which
22 has been ordained for them, (but) that they should fulfil it and
be recorded as friends. But if they transgress and work uncleanness in
every way, they will be recorded on the heavenly tablets as adversaries,
and they will be destroyed out of the book of life, and they will be recorded
in the book of
23 those who will be destroyed and with those who will be rooted out
of the earth. And on the day when the sons of Jacob slew Shechem a writing
was recorded in their favour in heaven that they had executed righteousness
and uprightness and vengeance on the sinners, and it was written for a
24 And they brought Dinah, their sister, out of the house of Shechem,
and they took captive everything that was in Shechem, their sheep and their
oxen and their asses, and all their wealth, and all their
25 flocks, and brought them all to Jacob their father. And he reproached
them because they had put the city to the sword for he feared those who
dwelt in the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites.
26 And the dread of the Lord was upon all the cities which are around
about Shechem, and they did not rise to pursue after the sons of Jacob;
for terror had fallen upon them.
2 brought me into this land in peace, and put ye away the strange gods
that arc among you.' And they gave up the strange gods and that which was
in their ears and which was on their necks and the idols which Rachel stole
from Laban her father she gave wholly to Jacob. And he burnt and brake
them to pieces and destroyed them, and hid them under an oak which is in
the land of
3 Shechem. And he went up on the new moon of the seventh month to Bethel.
And he built an altar at the place where he had slept, and he set up a
pillar there, and he sent word to his father
4 Isaac to come to him to his sacrifice, and to his mother Rebecca.
And Isaac said: 'Let my son
5 Jacob come, and let me see him before I die.' And Jacob went to his
father Isaac and to his mother Rebecca, to the house of his father Abraham,
and he took two of his sons with him, Levi and Judah, and he came to his
father Isaac and to his mother Rebecca.
6 And Rebecca came forth from the tower to the front of it to kiss
Jacob and embrace him; for her spirit had revived when she heard: 'Behold
Jacob thy son has come'; and she kissed
7 him. And she saw his two sons, and she recognised them, and said
unto him: 'Are these thy sons, my son?' and she embraced them and kissed
them, and blessed them, saying: 'In you shall the
8 seed of Abraham become illustrious, and ye shall prove a blessing
on the earth.' And Jacob went in to Isaac his father, to the chamber where
he lay, and his two sons were with him, and he took the hand of his father,
and stooping down he kissed him, and Isaac clung to the neck of Jacob his
9 and wept upon his neck. And the darkness left the eyes of Isaac,
and he saw the two sons of Jacob,
10 Levi, and Judah, and he said: 'Are these thy sons, my son? for they
are like thee.' And he said unto him that they were truly his sons: 'And
thou hast truly seen that they are truly my sons'.
11 And they came near to him, and he turned and kissed them and embraced
them both together.
12 And the spirit of prophecy came down into his mouth, and he took
Levi by his right hand and
13 Judah by his left. And he turned to Levi first, and began to bless
him first, and said unto him:
May the God of all, the very Lord of all the ages, bless thee and thy
children throughout all the
14 ages. And may the Lord give to thee and to thy seed greatness and
great glory, and cause thee and thy seed, from among all flesh, to approach
Him to serve in His sanctuary as the angels of the presence and as the
holy ones. (Even) as they, shall the seed of thy sons be for glory and
15 and holiness, and may He make them great unto all the ages. And
they shall be judges and princes, and chiefs of all the seed of the sons
of Jacob;
And they shall judge all His judgments in righteousness.
And My paths to Israel.
To bless all the seed of the beloved.
And justly has she called thy name;
And be the companion of all the sons of Jacob;
And do thou and thy sons eat thereof;
And thy food fail not unto all the ages.
And let all thy adversaries be rooted out and perish;
And cursed be every nation that curses thee.'
'May the Lord give thee strength and power
A prince shalt thou be, thou and one of thy sons, over the sons of
Then shall the Gentiles fear before thy face,
[And all the peoples shall quake].
And in thee be found the salvation of Israel.
There shall be great peace for all the seed of the sons of the beloved;
And all that hate thee and afflict thee and curse thee
Shall be rooted out and destroyed from the earth and be accursed.'
22 sons of Jacob his son in very truth. And he went forth from between
his feet and fell down and bowed down to him, and he blessed them and rested
there with Isaac his father that night, and they
23 eat and drank with joy. And he made the two sons of Jacob sleep,
the one on his right hand and the
24 other on his left, and it was counted to him for righteousness.
And Jacob told his father everything during the night, how the Lord had
shown him great mercy, and how he had prospered (him in) all
25 his ways, and protected him from all evil. And Isaac blessed the
God of his father Abraham, who
26 had not withdrawn his mercy and his righteousness from the sons
of his servant Isaac. And in the morning Jacob told his father Isaac the
vow which he had vowed to the Lord, and the vision which he had seen, and
that he had built an altar, and that everything was ready for the sacrifice
to be
27 made before the Lord as he had vowed, and that he had come to set
him on an ass. And Isaac said unto Jacob his son: 'I am not able to go
with thee; for I am old and not able to bear the way: go, my son, in peace;
for I am one hundred and sixty-five years this day; I am no longer able
28 journey; set thy mother (on an ass) and let her go with thee. And
I know, my son, that thou hast come on my account, and may this day be
blessed on which thou hast seen me alive, and I also have
29 seen thee, my son. Mayest thou prosper and fulfil the vow which
thou hast vowed; and put not off thy vow; for thou shalt be called to account
as touching the vow; now therefore make haste to perform it, and may He
be pleased who has made all things, to whom thou hast vowed the vow.'
30 And he said to Rebecca: 'Go with Jacob thy son'; and Rebecca went
with Jacob her son, and
31 Deborah with her, and they came to Bethel. And Jacob remembered
the prayer with which his father had blessed him and his two sons, Levi
and Judah, and he rejoiced and blessed the God of his
32 fathers, Abraham and Isaac. And he said: 'Now I know that I have
an eternal hope, and my sons also, before the God of all'; and thus is
it ordained concerning the two; and they record it as an eternal testimony
unto them on the heavenly tablets how Isaac blessed them.
2 the Lord. And Jacob rose early in the morning, on the fourteenth
of this month, and he gave a tithe of all that came with him, both of men
and cattle, both of gold and every vessel and garment,
3 yea, he gave tithes of all. And in those days Rachel became pregnant
with her son Benjamin. And Jacob counted his sons from him upwards and
Levi fell to the portion of the Lord, and his
4 father clothed him in the garments of the priesthood and filled his
hands. And on the fifteenth of this month, he brought to the altar fourteen
oxen from amongst the cattle, and twenty-eight rams, and forty-nine sheep,
and seven lambs, and twenty-one kids of the goats as a burnt-offering on
5 altar of sacrifice, well pleasing for a sweet savour before God.
This was his offering, in consequence of the vow which he had vowed that
he would give a tenth, with their fruit-offerings and their drink-
6 offerings. And when the fire had consumed it, he burnt incense on
the fire over the fire, and for a thank-offering two oxen and four rams
and four sheep, four he-goats, and two sheep of a year old,
7 and two kids of the goats; and thus he did daily for seven days.
And he and all his sons and his men were eating (this) with joy there during
seven days and blessing and thanking the Lord, who
8 had delivered him out of all his tribulation and had given him his
vow. And he tithed all the clean animals, and made a burnt sacrifice, but
the unclean animals he gave (not) to Levi his son, and he
9 gave him all the souls of the men And Levi discharged the priestly
office at Bethel before Jacob his father in preference to his ten brothers,
and he was a priest there, and Jacob gave his vow: thus
10 he tithed again the tithe to the Lord and sanctified it, and it
became holy unto Him. And for this reason it is ordained on the heavenly
tablets as a law for the tithing again the tithe to eat before the Lord
from year to year, in the place where it is chosen that His name should
dwell, and to this law
11 there is no limit of days for ever. This ordinance is written that
it may be fulfilled from year to year in eating the second tithe before
the Lord in the place where it has been chosen, and nothing
12 shall remain over from it from this year to the year following.
For in its year shall the seed be eaten till the days of the gathering
of the seed of the year, and the wine till the days of the wine,
13 and the oil till the days of its season. And all that is left thereof
and becomes old, let it be regarded
14 as polluted: let it be burnt with fire, for it is unclean. And thus
let them eat it together in the
15 sanctuary, and let them not suffer it to become old. And all the
tithes of the oxen and sheep shall be holy unto the Lord, and shall belong
to his priests, which they will eat before Him from year to
16 year; for thus is it ordained and engraven regarding the tithe on
the heavenly tablets. And on the following night, on the twenty-second
day of this month, Jacob resolved to build that place, and to surround
the court with a wall, and to sanctify it and make it holy for ever, for
himself and his children
17 after him. And the Lord appeared to him by night and blessed him
and said unto him: 'Thy name
18 shall not be called Jacob, but Israel shall they name thy name.'
And He said unto him again: 'I am the Lord who created the heaven and the
earth, and I will increase thee and multiply thee exceedingly, and kings
shall come forth from thee, and they shall judge everywhere wherever the
19 of the sons of men has trodden. And I will give to thy seed all
the earth which is under heaven, and they shall judge all the nations according
to their desires, and after that they shall get possession
20 of the whole earth and inherit it for ever.' And He finished speaking
with him, and He went up
21 from him. and Jacob looked till He had ascended into heaven. And
he saw in a vision of the night, and behold an angel descended from heaven
with seven tablets in his hands, and he gave them to Jacob, and he read
them and knew all that was written therein which would befall him and his
21 throughout all the ages. And he showed him all that was written
on the tablets, and said unto him: 'Do not build this place, and do not
make it an eternal sanctuary, and do not dwell here; for this is not the
place. Go to the house of Abraham thy father and dwell with Isaac thy father
until the day
23 of the death of thy father. For in Egypt thou shalt die in peace,
and in this land thou shalt be buried
24 with honour in the sepulchre of thy fathers, with Abraham and Isaac.
Fear not, for as thou hast seen and read it, thus shall it all be; and
do thou write down everything as thou hast seen and read.'
25 And Jacob said: 'Lord, how can I remember all that I have read and
seen? 'And he said unto
26 him: 'I will bring all things to thy remembrance.' And he went up
from him, and he awoke from his sleep, and he remembered everything which
he had read and seen, and he wrote down all the
27 words which he had read and seen. And he celebrated there yet another
day, and he sacrificed thereon according to all that he sacrificed on the
former days, and called its name 'Addition,' for
28 this day was added and the former days he called 'The Feast '. And
thus it was manifested that it should be, and it is written on the heavenly
tablets: wherefore it was revealed to him that he should
29 celebrate it, and add it to the seven days of the feast. And its
name was called 'Addition,' because that it was recorded amongst the days
of the feast days, according to the number of
30 the days of the year. And in the night, on the twenty-third of this
month, Deborah Rebecca's nurse died, and they buried her beneath the city
under the oak of the river, and he called the name of this
31 place, 'The river of Deborah,' and the oak, 'The oak of the mourning
of Deborah.' And Rebecca went and returned to her house to his father Isaac,
and Jacob sent by her hand rams and sheep and
32 he-goats that she should prepare a meal for his father such as he
desired. And he went after his
33 mother till he came to the land of Kabratan, and he dwelt there.
And Rachel bare a son in the night, and called his name 'Son of my sorrow
'; for she suffered in giving him birth: but his father called his name
Benjamin, on the eleventh of the eighth month in the first of the sixth
week of this
34 jubilee. [2143 A.M.] And Rachel died there and she was buried in
the land of Ephrath, the same is Bethlehem, and Jacob built a pillar on
the grave of Rachel, on the road above her grave.
2 and Leah his wife, on the new moon of the tenth month. And Reuben
saw Bilhah, Rachel's maid,
3 the concubine of his father, bathing in water in a secret place,
and he loved her. And he hid himself at night, and he entered the house
of Bilhah [at night], and he found her sleeping alone on a bed in
4 her house. And he lay with her, and she awoke and saw, and behold
Reuben was lying with her in the bed, and she uncovered the border of her
covering and seized him, and cried out, and discovered
5 that it was Reuben. And she was ashamed because of him, and released
her hand from him, and he
6,7 fled. And she lamented because of this thing exceedingly, and did
not tell it to any one. And when Jacob returned and sought her, she said
unto him: 'I am not clean for thee, for I have been defiled as regards
thee; for Reuben has defiled me, and has lain with me in the night, and
I was
8 asleep, and did not discover until he uncovered my skirt and slept
with me.' And Jacob was exceedingly wroth with Reuben because he had lain
with Bilhah, because he had uncovered his
9 father's skirt. And Jacob did not approach her again because Reuben
had defiled her. And as for any man who uncovers his father's skirt his
deed is wicked exceedingly, for he is abominable before
10 the Lord. For this reason it is written and ordained on the heavenly
tablets that a man should not lie with his father's wife, and should not
uncover his father's skirt, for this is unclean: they shall surely die
together, the man who lies with his father's wife and the woman also, for
they have
11 wrought uncleanness on the earth. And there shall be nothing unclean
before our God in the nation
12 which He has chosen for Himself as a possession. And again, it is
written a second time: 'Cursed be he who lieth with the wife of his father,
for he hath uncovered his father's shame'; and all the
13 holy ones of the Lord said 'So be it; so be it.' And do thou, Moses,
command the children of Israel that they observe this word; for it (entails)
a punishment of death; and it is unclean, and there is no atonement for
ever to atone for the man who has committed this, but he is to be put to
death and slain, and stoned with stones, and rooted out from the midst
of the people of our God.
14 For to no man who does so in Israel is it permitted to remain alive
a single day on the earth, for he
15 is abominable and unclean. And let them not say: to Reuben was granted
life and forgiveness after he had lain with his father's concubine, and
to her also though she had a husband, and her husband
16 Jacob, his father, was still alive. For until that time there had
not been revealed the ordinance and judgment and law in its completeness
for all, but in thy days (it has been revealed) as a law of
17 seasons and of days, and an everlasting law for the everlasting
generations. And for this law there is no consummation of days, and no
atonement for it, but they must both be rooted out in the midst
18 of the nation: on the day whereon they committed it they shall slay
them. And do thou, Moses, write (it) down for Israel that they may observe
it, and do according to these words, and not commit a sin unto death; for
the Lord our God is judge, who respects not persons and accepts not gifts.
And tell them these words of the covenant, that they may hear and observe,
and be on their guard with respect to them, and not be destroyed and rooted
out of the land; for an uncleanness, and an abomination, and a contamination,
and a pollution are all they who commit it on the earth before
20 our God. And there is no greater sin than the fornication which
they commit on earth; for Israel is a holy nation unto the Lord its God,
and a nation of inheritance, and a priestly and royal nation and for (His
own) possession; and there shall no such uncleanness appear in the midst
of the holy
21 nation. And in the third year of this sixth week [2145 A.M.] Jacob
and all his sons went and dwelt in the house
22 of Abraham, near Isaac his father and Rebecca his mother. And these
were the names of the sons of Jacob: the first-born Reuben, Simeon, Levi,
Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, the sons of Leah; and the sons of Rachel, Joseph
and Benjamin; and the sons of Bilhah, Dan and Naphtali; and the sons of
Zilpah, Gad and Asher; and Dinah, the daughter of Leah, the only daughter
of Jacob. And they
23 came and bowed themselves to Isaac and Rebecca, and when they saw
them they blessed Jacob and all his sons, and Isaac rejoiced exceedingly,
for he saw the sons of Jacob, his younger son and he blessed them.
2 sheep, and his servants with them to the pastures of Shechem. And
the seven kings of the Amorites assembled themselves together against them,
to slay them, hiding themselves under the trees, and
3 to take their cattle as a prey. And Jacob and Levi and Judah and
Joseph were in the house with Isaac their father; for his spirit was sorrowful,
and they could not leave him: and Benjamin was
4 the youngest, and for this reason remained with his father. And there
came the king[s] of Taphu and the king[s] of 'Aresa, and the king[s] of
Seragan, and the king[s] of Selo, and the king[s] of Ga'as, and the king
of Bethoron, and the king of Ma'anisakir, and all those who dwell in these
5 mountains (and) who dwell in the woods in the land of Canaan. And
they announced this to Jacob saying: 'Behold, the kings of the Amorites
have surrounded thy sons, and plundered their herds.'
6 And he arose from his house, he and his three sons and all the servants
of his father, and his own
7 servants, and he went against them with six thousand men, who carried
swords. And he slew them in the pastures of Shechem, and pursued those
who fled, and he slew them with the edge of the sword, and he slew 'Aresa
and Taphu and Saregan and Selo and 'Amani-
8 sakir and Ga[ga]'as, and he recovered his herds. And he prevailed
over them, and imposed tribute on them that they should pay him tribute,
five fruit products of their land, and he built Robel
9 and Tamnatares. And he returned in peace, and made peace with them,
and they became his
10 servants, until the day that he and his sons went down into Egypt.
And in the seventh year of this week [2149 A.M.] he sent Joseph to learn
about the welfare of his brothers from his house to the land of Shechem,
11 and he found them in the land of Dothan. And they dealt treacherously
with him, and formed a plot against him to slay him, but changing their
minds, they sold him to Ishmaelite merchants, and they brought him down
into Egypt, and they sold him to Potiphar, the eunuch of Pharaoh, the
12 chief of the cooks, priest of the city of 'Elew. And the sons of
Jacob slaughtered a kid, and dipped the coat of Joseph in the blood, and
sent (it) to Jacob their father on the tenth of the seventh month.
13 And he mourned all that night, for they had brought it to him in
the evening, and he became feverish with mourning for his death, and he
said: 'An evil beast hath devoured Joseph'; and all the members of his
house [mourned with him that day, and they] were grieving and mourning
14 him all that day. And his sons and his daughter rose up to comfort
him, but he refused to be
15 comforted for his son. And on that day Bilhah heard that Joseph
had perished, and she died mourning him, and she was living in Qafratef,
and Dinah also, his daughter, died after Joseph had
16 perished. And there came these three mournings upon Israel in one
month. And they buried
17 Bilhah over against the tomb of Rachel, and Dinah also. his daughter,
they buried there. And he mourned for Joseph one year, and did not cease,
for he said 'Let me go down to the grave mourning
18 for my son'. For this reason it is ordained for the children of
Israel that they should afflict themselves on the tenth of the seventh
month -on the day that the news which made him weep for Joseph came to
Jacob his father- that they should make atonement for themselves thereon
with a young goat on the tenth of the seventh month, once a year, for their
sins; for they had grieved the
19 affection of their father regarding Joseph his son. And this day
has been ordained that they should grieve thereon for their sins, and for
all their transgressions and for all their errors, so that they
20 might cleanse themselves on that day once a year. And after Joseph
perished, the sons of Jacob took unto themselves wives. The name of Reuben's
wife is 'Ada; and the name of Simeon's wife is 'Adlba'a, a Canaanite; and
the name of Levi's wife is Melka, of the daughters of Aram, of the seed
of the sons of Terah; and the name of Judah's wife, Betasu'el, a Canaanite;
and the name of Issachar's wife, Hezaqa: and the name of Zabulon's wife,
Ni'iman; and the name of Dan's wife, 'Egla; and the name of Naphtali's
wife, Rasu'u, of Mesopotamia; and the name of Gad's wife, Maka; and the
name of Asher's wife, 'Ijona; and the name of Joseph's wife, Asenath, the
Egyptian; and the name
21 of Benjamin's wife, 'Ijasaka. And Simeon repented, and took a second
wife from Mesopotamia as his brothers.
2 days of his life. And Jacob said: 'I will do everything as thou hast
commanded me; for this thing will be honour and greatness to me, and righteousness
before the Lord, that I should honour them.
3 And thou too, mother, knowest from the time I was born until this
day, all my deeds and all that is in
4 my heart, that I always think good concerning all. And how should
I not do this thing which thou
5 hast commanded me, that I should honour my father and my brother!
Tell me, mother, what
6 perversity hast thou seen in me and I shall turn away from it, and
mercy will be upon me.' And she said unto him: 'My son, I have not seen
in thee all my days any perverse but (only) upright deeds. And yet I will
tell thee the truth, my son: I shall die this year, and I shall not survive
this year in my life; for I have seen in a dream the day of my death, that
I should not live beyond a hundred and fifty-five years: and behold I have
completed all the days of my life which I am to
7 live.' And Jacob laughed at the words of his mother. because his
mother had said unto him that she should die; and she was sitting opposite
to him in possession of her strength, and she was not infirm in her strength;
for she went in and out and saw, and her teeth were strong, and no ailment
8 had touched her all the days of her life. And Jacob said unto her:
'Blessed am I, mother, if my days approach the days of thy life, and my
strength remain with me thus as thy strength: and thou
9 wilt not die, for thou art jesting idly with me regarding thy death.'
And she went in to Isaac and said unto him: 'One petition I make unto thee:
make Esau swear that he will not injure Jacob, nor pursue him with enmity;
for thou knowest Esau's thoughts that they are perverse from his youth,
10 and there is no goodness in him; for he desires after thy death
to kill him. And thou knowest all that he has done since the day Jacob
his brother went to Haran until this day: how he has forsaken us with his
whole heart, and has done evil to us; thy flocks he has taken to himself,
and carried off
11 all thy possessions from before thy face. And when we implored and
besought him for what was
12 our own, he did as a man who was taking pity on us. And he is bitter
against thee because thou didst bless Jacob thy perfect and upright son;
for there is no evil but only goodness in him, and since he came from Haran
unto this day he has not robbed us of aught, for he brings us everything
in its season always, and rejoices with all his heart when we take at his
hands and he blesses us, and has not parted from us since he came from
Haran until this day, and he remains with us continually
13 at home honouring us.' And Isaac said unto her: 'I, too, know and
see the deeds of Jacob who is with us, how that with all his heart he honours
us; but I loved Esau formerly more than Jacob, because he was the firstborn;
but now I love Jacob more than Esau, for he has done manifold evil deeds,
and there is no righteousness in him, for all his ways are unrighteousness
and violence, [and
14 there is no righteousness around him.] And now my heart is troubled
because of all his deeds, and neither he nor his seed is to be saved, for
they are those who will be destroyed from the earth and who will be rooted
out from under heaven, for he has forsaken the God of Abraham and gone
15 after his wives and after their uncleanness and after their error,
he and his children. And thou dost bid me make him swear that he will not
slay Jacob his brother; even if he swear he will not abide
16 by his oath, and he will not do good but evil only. But if he desires
to slay Jacob, his brother, into Jacob's hands will he be given, and he
will not escape from his hands, [for he will descend into his
17 hands.] And fear thou not on account of Jacob; for the guardian
of Jacob is great and powerful
18 and honoured, and praised more than the guardian of Esau.' And Rebecca
sent and called Esau and he came to her, and she said unto him: 'I have
a petition, my son, to make unto thee, and do
19 thou promise to do it, my son.' And he said: 'I will do everything
that thou sayest unto me, and
20 I will not refuse thy petition.' And she said unto him: 'I ask you
that the day I die, thou wilt take me in and bury me near Sarah, thy father's
mother, and that thou and Jacob will love each other and that neither will
desire evil against the other, but mutual love only, and (so) ye will prosper,
my sons, and be honoured in the midst of the land, and no enemy will rejoice
over you, and ye will be
21 a blessing and a mercy in the eyes of all those that love you.'
And he said: 'I will do all that thou hast told me, and I shall bury thee
on the day thou diest near Sarah, my father's mother, as
22 thou hast desired that her bones may be near thy bones. And Jacob,
my brother, also, I shall love above all flesh; for I have not a brother
in all the earth but him only: and this is no great merit for me if I love
him; for he is my brother, and we were sown together in thy body, and together
23 we forth from thy womb, and if I do not love my brother, whom shall
I love? And I, myself, beg thee to exhort Jacob concerning me and concerning
my sons, for I know that he will assuredly be king over me and my sons,
for on the day my father blessed him he made him the higher and me
24 the lower. And I swear unto thee that I shall love him, and not
desire evil against him all the
25 days of my life but good only.' And he sware unto her regarding
all this matter. And she called Jacob before the eyes of Esau, and gave
him commandment according to the words which
26 she had spoken to Esau. And he said: 'I shall do thy pleasure; believe
me that no evil will proceed from me or from my sons against Esau, and
I shall be first in naught save in love only.'
27 And they eat and drank, she and her sons that night, and she died,
three jubilees and one week and one year old, on that night, and her two
sons, Esau and Jacob, buried her in the double cave near Sarah, their father's
2 where my fathers are. Wherefore bury me near Abraham my father, in
the double cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite, where Abraham purchased
a sepulchre to bury in; in the sepulchre which
3 I digged for myself, there bury me. And this I command you, my sons,
that ye practise righteousness and uprightness on the earth, so that the
Lord may bring upon you all that the Lord said that
4 he would do to Abraham and to his seed. And love one another, my
sons, your brothers as a man who loves his own soul, and let each seek
in what he may benefit his brother, and act together on the earth; and
let them love each other as their own souls. And concerning the question
of idols, I command and admonish you to reject them and hate them, and
love them not, for they are full
6 of deception for those that worship them and for those that bow down
to them. Remember ye, my sons, the Lord God of Abraham your father, and
how I too worshipped Him and served Him in righteousness and in joy, that
He might multiply you and increase your seed as the stars of heaven in
multitude, and establish you on the earth as the plant of righteousness
which will not be rooted
7 out unto all the generations for ever. And now I shall make you swear
a great oath -for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name
glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty,
which created the heavens and the earth and all things together- that ye
8 fear Him and worship Him. And that each will love his brother with
affection and righteousness, and that neither will desire evil against
his brother from henceforth for ever all the days of your life
9 so that ye may prosper in all your deeds and not be destroyed. And
if either of you devises evil against his brother, know that from henceforth
everyone that devises evil against his brother shall fall into his hand,
and shall be rooted out of the land of the living, and his seed shall be
destroyed from
10 under heaven. But on the day of turbulence and execration and indignation
and anger, with flaming devouring fire as He burnt Sodom, so likewise will
He burn his land and his city and all that is his, and he shall be blotted
out of the book of the discipline of the children of men, and not be recorded
in the book of life, but in that which is appointed to destruction, and
he shall depart into eternal execration; so that their condemnation may
be always renewed in hate and in execration and in wrath and in torment
and in indignation and in plagues and in disease for ever. I say and testify
to you, my sons, according to the judgment which shall come upon the man
who wishes to
12 injure his brother. And he divided all his possessions between the
two on that day and he gave the larger portion to him that was the first-born,
and the tower and all that was about it, and all that
13 Abraham possessed at the Well of the Oath. And he said: 'This larger
portion I will give to the
14 firstborn.' And Esau said, 'I have sold to Jacob and given my birthright
to Jacob; to him let it be
15 given, and I have not a single word to say regarding it, for it
is his.' And Isaac said, May a blessing rest upon you, my sons, and upon
your seed this day, for ye have given me rest, and my heart is not
16 pained concerning the birthright, lest thou shouldest work wickedness
on account of it. May the
17 Most High God bless the man that worketh righteousness, him and
his seed for ever.' And he ended commanding them and blessing them, and
they eat and drank together before him, and he rejoiced because there was
one mind between them, and they went forth from him and rested that day
18 slept. And Isaac slept on his bed that day rejoicing; and he slept
the eternal sleep, and died one hundred and eighty years old. He completed
twenty-five weeks and five years; and his two sons
19 Esau and Jacob buried him. And Esau went to the land of Edom, to
the mountains of Seir, and
20 dwelt there. And Jacob dwelt in the mountains of Hebron, in the
tower of the land of the sojournings of his father Abraham, and he worshipped
the Lord with all his heart and according to the visible
21 commands according as He had divided the days of his generations.
And Leah his wife died in the fourth year of the second week of the forty-fifth
jubilee, [2167 A.M.] and he buried her in the double cave
23 near Rebecca his mother to the left of the grave of Sarah, his father's
mother and all her sons and his sons came to mourn over Leah his wife with
him and to comfort him regarding her, for he
24 was lamenting her for he loved her exceedingly after Rachel her
sister died; for she was perfect and upright in all her ways and honoured
Jacob,and all the days that she lived with him he did not hear from her
mouth a harsh word, for she was gentle and peaceable and upright and honourable
24 And he remembered all her deeds which she had done during her life
and he lamented her exceedingly; for he loved her with all his heart and
with all his soul.
2 had given the portion of the elder to his younger son Jacob and they
were very angry. And they strove with their father, saying 'Why has thy
father given Jacob the portion of the elder and passed
3 over thee, although thou art the elder and Jacob the younger?' And
he said unto them 'Because I sold my birthright to Jacob for a small mess
of lentils, and on the day my father sent me to hunt and catch and bring
him something that he should eat and bless me, he came with guile and brought
4 my father food and drink, and my father blessed him and put me under
his hand. And now our father has caused us to swear, me and him, that we
shall not mutually devise evil, either against his brother, and that we
shall continue in love and in peace each with his brother and not make
our ways
5 corrupt.' And they said unto him, 'We shall not hearken unto thee
to make peace with him; for our strength is greater than his strength,
and we are more powerful than he; we shall go against him and slay him,
and destroy him and his sons. And if thou wilt not go with us, we shall
do hurt
6 to thee also. And now hearken unto us: Let us send to Aram and Philistia
and Moab and Ammon, and let us choose for ourselves chosen men who are
ardent for battle, and let us go against him and do battle with him, and
let us exterminate him from the earth before he grows strong.'
7 And their father said unto them, 'Do not go and do not make war with
him lest ye fall before him.'
8 And they said unto him, 'This too, is exactly thy mode of action
from thy youth until this day, and
9 thou art putting thy neck under his yoke. We shall not hearken to
these words.' And they sent to Aram, and to 'Aduram to the friend of their
father, and they hired along with them one thousand
10 fighting men, chosen men of war. And there came to them from Moab
and from the children of Ammon, those who were hired, one thousand chosen
men, and from Philistia, one thousand chosen men of war, and from Edom
and from the Horites one thousand chosen fighting men, and from the
11 Kittim mighty men of war. And they said unto their father: Go forth
with them and lead them,
12 else we shall slay thee.' And he was filled with wrath and indignation
on seeing that his sons were forcing him to go before (them) to lead them
against Jacob his brother. But afterward he remem-
13 bered all the evil which lay hidden in his heart against Jacob his
brother; and he remembered not the oath which he had sworn to his father
and to his mother that he would devise no evil all his days
14 against Jacob his brother. And notwithstanding all this, Jacob knew
not that they were coming against him to battle, and he was mourning for
Leah, his wife, until they approached very near to the
15 tower with four thousand warriors and chosen men of war And the
men of Hebron sent to him saying, 'Behold thy brother has come against
thee, to fight thee, with four thousand girt with the sword, and they carry
shields and weapons'; for they loved Jacob more than Esau. So they told
him; for
16 Jacob was a more liberal and merciful man than Esau. But Jacob would
not believe until they came
17 very near to the tower. And he closed the gates of the tower; and
he stood on the battlements and spake to his brother Esau and said, 'Noble
is the comfort wherewith thou hast come to comfort me for my wife who has
died. Is this the oath that thou didst swear to thy father and again to
thy mother before they died? Thou hast broken the oath, and on the moment
that thou didst swear to
18 thy father wast thou condemned.' And then Esau answered and said
unto him, 'Neither the children of men nor the beasts of the earth have
any oath of righteousness which in swearing they have sworn (an oath valid)
for ever; but every day they devise evil one against another, and how each
19 may slay his adversary and foe. And thou dost hate me and my children
for ever. And there is
20 no observing the tie of brotherhood with thee. Hear these words
which I declare unto thee,
Or if it can cause horns to sprout forth on its head like the horns
of a stag or of a sheep,
Then will I observe the tie of brotherhood with thee
And if the breasts separated themselves from their mother, for thou
hast not been a brother to me.
21 And if the wolves make peace with the lambs so as not to devour
or do them violence,
And if their hearts are towards them for good,
Then there shall be peace in my heart towards thee
And if he is bound under one yoke with him and ploughs with him,
Then will I make peace with thee.
23 And when the raven becomes white as the raza,
Then know that I have loved thee
And shall make peace with thee
Thou shalt be rooted out,
And thy sons shall be rooted out,
And there shall be no peace for thee'
25 the spear that pierces and kills it, and recoils not from it; then
he spake to his own and to his servants that they should attack him and
all his companions.
2 (this) honour.' Then Jacob bent his bow and sent forth the arrow
and struck Esau, his brother (on
3 his right breast) and slew him. And again he sent forth an arrow
and struck 'Adoran the Aramaean,
4 on the left breast, and drove him backward and slew him And then
went forth the sons of Jacob,
5 they and their servants, dividing themselves into companies on the
four sides of the tower. And Judah went forth in front, and Naphtali and
Gad with him and fifty servants with him on the south side of the tower,
and they slew all they found before them, and not one individual of them
6 And Levi and Dan and Asher went forth on the east side of the tower,
and fifty (men) with them,
7 and they slew the fighting men of Moab and Ammon. And Reuben and
Issachar and Zebulon went forth on the north side of the tower, and fifty
men with them, and they slew the fighting men of the
8 Philistines. And Simeon and Benjamin and Enoch, Reuben's son, went
forth on the west side of the tower, and fifty (men) with them, and they
slew of Edom and of the Horites four hundred men, stout warriors; and six
hundred fled, and four of the sons of Esau fled with them, and left their
9 lying slain, as he had fallen on the hill which is in 'Aduram. And
the sons of Jacob pursued after them to the mountains of Seir. And Jacob
buried his brother on the hill which is in 'Aduram, and
10 he returned to his house. And the sons of Jacob pressed hard upon
the sons of Esau in the moun-
11 tains of Seir, and bowed their necks so that they became servants
of the sons of Jacob. And they
12 sent to their father (to inquire) whether they should make peace
with them or slay them. And Jacob sent word to his sons that they should
make peace, and they made peace with them, and placed the
13 yoke of servitude upon them, so that they paid tribute to Jacob
and to his sons always. And they
14 continued to pay tribute to Jacob until the day that he went down
into Egypt. And the sons of Edom have not got quit of the yoke of servitude
which the twelve sons of Jacob had imposed on
15 them until this day. And these are the kings that reigned in Edom
before there reigned any king
16 over the children of Israel [until this day] in the land of Edom.
And Balaq, the son of Beor, reigned
17 in Edom, and the name of his city was Danaba. And Balaq died, and
Jobab, the son of Zara of
18 Boser, reigned in his stead. And Jobab died, and 'Asam, of the land
of Teman, reigned in his stead.
19 And 'Asam died, and 'Adath, the son of Barad, who slew Midian in
the field of Moab, reigned in his
20 stead, and the name of his city was Avith. And 'Adath died, and
Salman, from 'Amaseqa, reigned
21,22 in his stead. And Salman died,and Saul of Ra'aboth (by the) river,
reigned in his stead. And Saul
23 died, and Ba'elunan, the son of Achbor, reigned in his stead. And
Ba'elunan, the son of Achbor died, and 'Adath reigned in his stead, and
the name of his wife was Maitabith, the daughter of
25 Matarat, the daughter of Metabedza'ab. These are the kings who reigned
in the land of Edom.
3 the land of Egypt, and Potiphar, an eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief
cook bought him. And he set Joseph over all his house and the blessing
of the Lord came upon the house of the Egyptian on
4 account of Joseph, and the Lord prospered him in all that he did.
And the Egyptian committed everything into the hands of Joseph; for he
saw that the Lord was with him, and that the
5 Lord prospered him in all that he did. And Joseph's appearance was
comely [and very beautiful was his appearance], and his master's wife lifted
up her eyes and saw Joseph, and she loved him
6 and besought him to lie with her. But he did not surrender his soul,
and he remembered the Lord and the words which Jacob, his father, used
to read from amongst the words of Abraham, that no man should commit fornication
with a woman who has a husband; that for him the punishment of death has
been ordained in the heavens before the Most High God, and the sin
7 will be recorded against him in the eternal books continually before
the Lord. And Joseph
8 remembered these words and refused to lie with her. And she besought
him for a year, but he
9 refused and would not listen. But she embraced him and held him fast
in the house in order to force him to lie with her, and closed the doors
of the house and held him fast; but he left
10 his garment in her hands and broke through the door and fled without
from her presence. And the woman saw that he would not lie with her, and
she calumniated him in the presence of his lord, saying 'Thy Hebrew servant,
whom thou lovest, sought to force me so that he might lie with me; and
it came to pass when I lifted up my voice that he fled and left his garment
11 my hands when I held him, and he brake through the door.' And the
Egyptian saw the garment of Joseph and the broken door, and heard the words
of his wife, and cast Joseph into
12 prison into the place where the prisoners were kept whom the king
imprisoned. And he was there in the prison; and the Lord gave Joseph favour
in the sight of the chief of the prison guards and compassion before him,
for he saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord
13 made all that he did to prosper. And he committed all things into
his hands, and the chief of the prison guards knew of nothing that was
with him, for Joseph did every thing, and the
14 Lord perfected it. And he remained there two years. And in those
days Pharaoh, king of Egypt was wroth against his two eunuchs, against
the chief butler, and against the chief baker, and he put
15 them in ward in the house of the chief cook, in the prison where
Joseph was kept. And the chief of
16 the prison guards appointed Joseph to serve them; and he served
before them. And they both
17 dreamed a dream, the chief butler and the chief baker, and they
told it to Joseph. And as he interpreted to them so it befell them, and
Pharaoh restored the chief butler to his office and the
18 (chief) baker he slew, as Joseph had interpreted to them. But the
chief butler forgot Joseph in the prison, although he had informed him
what would befall him, and did not remember to inform Pharaoh how Joseph
had told him, for he forgot.
2 And then the chief butler remembered Joseph and spake of him to the
king, and he brought him
3 forth from the prison, and he to]d his two dreams before him. And
he said before Pharaoh that his two dreams were one, and he said unto him:
'Seven years shall come (in which there shall be) plenty over all the land
of Egypt, and after that seven years of famine, such a famine as has not
been in all
4 the land. And now let Pharaoh appoint overseers in all the land of
Egypt, and let them store up food in every city throughout the days of
the years of plenty, and there will be food for the seven
5 years of famine, and the land will not perish through the famine,
for it will be very severe.' And the Lord gave Joseph favour and mercy
in the eyes of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh said unto his servants. We shall not
find such a wise and discreet man as this man, for the spirit of the Lord
is with
6 him.' And he appointed him the second in all his kingdom and gave
him authority over all
7 Egypt, and caused him to ride in the second chariot of Pharaoh. And
he clothed him with byssus garments, and he put a gold chain upon his neck,
and (a herald) proclaimed before him ' 'El 'El wa 'Abirer,' and placed
a ring on his hand and made him ruler over all his house, and magnified
him, and
8 said unto him. 'Only on the throne shall I be greater than thou.'
And Joseph ruled over all the land of Egypt, and all the princes of Pharaoh,
and all his servants, and all who did the king's business loved him, for
he walked in uprightness, for he was without pride and arrogance, and he
had no respect of persons, and did not accept gifts, but he judged in uprightness
all the people of the land.
9 And the land of Egypt was at peace before Pharaoh because of Joseph,
for the Lord was with him, and gave him favour and mercy for all his generations
before all those who knew him and those who heard concerning him, and Pharaoh's
kingdom was well ordered, and there was no Satan and no evil
10 person (therein). And the king called Joseph's name Sephantiphans,
and gave Joseph to wife the
11 daughter of Potiphar, the daughter of the priest of Heliopolis,
the chief cook. And on the day that
12 Joseph stood before Pharaoh he was thirty years old [when he stood
before Pharaoh]. And in that year Isaac died. And it came to pass as Joseph
had said in the interpretation of his two dreams, according as he had said
it, there were seven years of plenty over all the land of Egypt, and the
13 land of Egypt abundantly produced, one measure (producing) eighteen
hundred measures. And Joseph gathered food into every city until they were
full of corn until they could no longer count and measure it for its multitude.
2 first-born Er, a wife from the daughters of Aram, named Tamar. But
he hated, and did not lie with her, because his mother was of the daughters
of Canaan, and he wished to take him a wife of the
3 kinsfolk of his mother, but Judah, his father, would not permit him.
And this Er, the first-born of Judah,
4 was wicked, and the Lord slew him. And Judah said unto Onan, his
brother 'Go in unto thy brother's wife and perform the duty of a husband's
brother unto her, and raise up seed unto thy brother.' And
5 Onan knew that the seed would not be his, (but) his brother's only,
and he went into the house of his brother's wife, and spilt the seed on
the ground, and he was wicked in the eyes of the Lord, and He slew
6 him. And Judah said unto Tamar, his daughter-in-law: 'Remain in thy
father's house as a widow till
7 Shelah my son be grown up, and I shall give thee to him to wife.'
And he grew up; but Bedsu'el, the wife of Judah, did not permit her son
Shelah to marry. And Bedsu'el, the wife of Judah, died [2168 A.M.]
10 way to Timnah. And as Judah was going along he found her, and thought
her to be an harlot, and he said unto her: 'Let me come in unto thee';
and she said unto him Come in,' and he went
11 in. And she said unto him: 'Give me my hire'; and he said unto her:
'I have nothing in my
12 hand save my ring that is on my finger, and my necklace, and my
staff which is in my hand.' And she said unto him 'Give them to me until
thou dost send me my hire', and he said unto her: 'I will send unto thee
a kid of the goats'; and he gave them to her,
13,14 she conceived by him. And Judah went unto his sheep, and she
went to her father's house. And Judah sent a kid of the goats by the hand
of his shepherd, an Adullamite, and he found her not; and he asked the
people of the place, saying: 'Where is the harlot who was here?' And they
15 unto him; 'There is no harlot here with us.' And he returned and
informed him, and said unto him that he had not found her: 'I asked the
people of the place, and they said unto me: "There
16 is no harlot here." ' And he said: 'Let her keep (them) lest we
become a cause of derision.' And when she had completed three months, it
was manifest that she was with child, and they told Judah,
17 saying: 'Behold Tamar, thy daughter-in-law, is with child by whoredom.'
And Judah went to the house of her father, and said unto her father and
her brothers: 'Bring her forth, and let them burn
18 her, for she hath wrought uncleanness in Israel.' And it came to
pass when they brought her forth to burn her that she sent to her father-in-law
the ring and the necklace, and the staff, saying:
19 'Discern whose are these, for by him am I with child.' And Judah
acknowledged, and said: 'Tamar
20 is more righteous than I am. And therefore let them burn her not'
And for that reason she was
21 not given to Shelah, and he did not again approach her And after
that she bare two sons, Perez [2170 A.M.]
23 were accomplished, of which Joseph spake to Pharaoh. And Judah acknowledged
that the deed which he had done was evil, for he had lain with his daughter-in-law,
and he esteemed it hateful in his eyes, and he acknowledged that he had
transgressed and gone astray, for he had uncovered the skirt of his son,
and he began to lament and to supplicate before the Lord because of his
24 And we told him in a dream that it was forgiven him because he supplicated
earnestly, and lamented,
25 and did not again commit it. And he received forgiveness because
he turned from his sin and from his ignorance, for he transgressed greatly
before our God; and every one that acts thus, every one who lies with his
mother-in-law, let them burn him with fire that he may burn therein, for
there is
26 uncleanness and pollution upon them, with fire let them burn them.
And do thou command the children of Israel that there be no uncleanness
amongst them, for every one who lies with his daughter-in-law or with his
mother-in-law hath wrought uncleanness; with fire let them burn the man
who has lain with her, and likewise the woman, and He will turn away wrath
and punishment
27 from Israel. And unto Judah we said that his two sons had not lain
with her, and for this reason
28 his seed was stablished for a second generation, and would not be
rooted out. For in singleness of eye he had gone and sought for punishment,
namely, according to the judgment of Abraham, which he had commanded his
sons, Judah had sought to burn her with fire.
3 seven years of plenty and had preserved it. And the Egyptians came
to Joseph that he might give them food, and he opened the store-houses
where was the grain of the first year, and he sold it to
4 the people of the land for gold.
5 that went (there). And Joseph recognised them, but they did not recognise
him, and he spake unto them and questioned them, and he said unto them;
'Are ye not spies and have ye not come to
6 explore the approaches of the land? 'And he put them in ward. And
after that he set them free
7 again, and detained Simeon alone and sent off his nine brothers.
And he filled their sacks with corn,
8 and he put their gold in their sacks, and they did not know. And
he commanded them to bring
9 their younger brother, for they had told him their father was living
and their younger brother. And they went up from the land of Egypt and
they came to the land of Canaan; and they told their father all that had
befallen them, and how the lord of the country had spoken roughly to them,
10 had seized Simeon till they should bring Benjamin. And Jacob said:
'Me have ye bereaved of my children! Joseph is not and Simeon also is not,
and ye will take Benjamin away. On me has your
11 wickedness come. 'And he said: 'My son will not go down with you
lest perchance he fall sick; for their mother gave birth to two sons, and
one has perished, and this one also ye will take from me. If perchance
he took a fever on the road, ye would bring down my old age with sorrow
unto death.'
12 For he saw that their money had been returned to every man in his
sack, and for this reason he
13 feared to send him. And the famine increased and became sore in
the land of Canaan, and in all lands save in the land of Egypt, for many
of the children of the Egyptians had stored up their seed for food from
the time when they saw Joseph gathering seed together and putting it in
14 and preserving it for the years of famine. And the people of Egypt
fed themselves thereon during
15 the first year of their famine But when Israel saw that the famine
was very sore in the land, and that there was no deliverance, he said unto
his sons: 'Go again, and procure food for us that we die
16 not.' And they said: 'We shall not go; unless our youngest brother
go with us, we shall not go.'
17 And Israel saw that if he did not send him with them, they should
all perish by reason of the famine
18 And Reuben said: 'Give him into my hand, and if I do not bring him
back to thee, slay my two
19 sons instead of his soul.' And he said unto him: 'He shall not go
with thee.' And Judah came near and said: 'Send him with me, and if I do
not bring him back to thee, let me bear the blame before
20 thee all the days of my life.' And he sent him with them in the
second year of this week on the [2172 A.m.] first day of the month, and
they came to the land of Egypt with all those who went, and (they had)
21 presents in their hands, stacte and almonds and terebinth nuts and
pure honey. And they went and stood before Joseph, and he saw Benjamin
his brother, and he knew him, and said unto them: Is this your youngest
brother?' And they said unto him: 'It is he.' And he said The Lord be
22 gracious to thee, my son!' And he sent him into his house and he
brought forth Simeon unto them and he made a feast for them, and they presented
to him the gift which they had brought in their
23 hands. And they eat before him and he gave them all a portion, but
the portion of Benjamin was
24 seven times larger than that of any of theirs. And they eat and
drank and arose and remained with
25 their asses. And Joseph devised a plan whereby he might learn their
thoughts as to whether thoughts of peace prevailed amongst them, and he
said to the steward who was over his house: 'Fill all their sacks with
food, and return their money unto them into their vessels, and my cup,
the silver cup out of which I drink, put it in the sack of the youngest,
and send them away.'
2 money in their sacks, and put the cup in Benjamin's sack. Aud early
in the morning they departed, and it came to pass that, when they had gone
from thence, Joseph said unto the steward of his house: 'Pursue them, run
and seize them, saying, "For good ye have requited me with evil; you have
stolen from me the silver cup out of which my lord drinks." And bring back
to me their
3 youngest brother, and fetch (him) quickly before I go forth to my
seat of judgment.' And he ran
4 after them and said unto them according to these words. And they
said unto him: 'God forbid that thy servants should do this thing, and
steal from the house of thy lord any utensil, and the money also which
we found in our sacks the first time, we thy servants brought back from
the land of
5 Canaan. How then should we steal any utensil? Behold here are we
and our sacks search, and wherever thou findest the cup in the sack of
any man amongst us, let him be slain, and we and our
6 asses will serve thy lord.' And he said unto them: 'Not so, the man
with whom I find, him only
7 shall I take as a servant, and ye shall return in peace unto your
house.' And as he was searching in their vessels, beginning with the eldest
and ending with the youngest, it was found in Benjamin's
8 sack. And they rent their garments, and laded their asses, and returned
to the city and came to the
9 house of Joseph, and they all bowed themselves on their faces to
the ground before him. And Joseph said unto them: 'Ye have done evil.'
And they said: 'What shall we say and how shall we defend ourselves? Our
lord hath discovered the transgression of his servants; behold we are the
10 servants of our lord, and our asses also. 'And Joseph said unto
them: 'I too fear the Lord; as for you, go ye to your homes and let your
brother be my servant, for ye have done evil. Know ye not
11 that a man delights in his cup as I with this cup? And yet ye have
stolen it from me.' And Judah said: 'O my lord, let thy servant, I pray
thee, speak a word in my lord's ear two brothers did thy servant's mother
bear to our father: one went away and was lost, and hath not been found,
and he alone is left of his mother, and thy servant our father loves him,
and his life also is bound up with
12 the life of this (lad). And it will come to pass, when we go to
thy servant our father, and the lad is
13 not with us, that he will die, and we shall bring down our father
with sorrow unto death. Now rather let me, thy servant, abide instead of
the boy as a bondsman unto my lord, and let the lad go with his brethren,
for I became surety for him at the hand of thy servant our father, and
if I do not
14 bring him back, thy servant will hear the blame to our father for
ever.' And Joseph saw that they were all accordant in goodness one with
another, and he could not refrain himself, and he told them
15 that he was Joseph. And he conversed with them in the Hebrew tongue
and fell on their neck and
16 wept. But they knew him not and they began to weep. And he said
unto them: 'Weep not over me, but hasten and bring my father to me; and
ye see that it is my mouth that speaketh and the
17 eyes of my brother Benjamin see. For behold this is the second year
of the famine, and there are
18 still five years without harvest or fruit of trees or ploughing.
Come down quickly ye and your households, so that ye perish not through
the famine, and do not be grieved for your possessions, for
19 the Lord sent me before you to set things in order that many people
might live. And tell my father that I am still alive, and ye, behold, ye
see that the Lord has made me as a father to Pharaoh,
20 and ruler over his house and over all the land of Egypt. And tell
my father of all my glory, and
21 all the riches and glory that the Lord hath given me.' And by the
command of the mouth of Pharaoh he gave them chariots and provisions for
the way, and he gave them all many-coloured
21 raiment and silver. And to their father he sent raiment and silver
and ten asses which carried corn,
23 and he sent them away. And they went up and told their father that
Joseph was alive, and was measuring out corn to all the nations of the
earth, and that he was ruler over all the land of Egypt.
24 And their father did not believe it, for he was beside himself in
his mind; but when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent, the life of
his spirit revived, and he said: 'It is enough for me if Joseph lives;
I will go down and see him before I die.'
2 father Isaac on the seventh of this month. And Jacob remembered the
dream that he had seen
3 at Bethel, and he feared to go down into Egypt. And while he was
thinking of sending word to Joseph to come to him, and that he would not
go down, he remained there seven days, if
4 perchance he could see a vision as to whether he should remain or
go down. And he celebrated the harvest festival of the first-fruits with
old grain, for in all the land of Canaan there was not a handful of seed
[in the land], for the famine was over all the beasts and cattle and
5 birds, and also over man. And on the sixteenth the Lord appeared
unto him, and said unto him, 'Jacob, Jacob'; and he said, 'Here am I.'
And He said unto him: 'I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham
and Isaac; fear not to go down into Egypt, for I will there make of thee
6 a great nation I will go down with thee, and I will bring thee up
(again), and in this land shalt thou be buried, and Joseph shall put his
hands upon thy eyes. Fear not; go down into Egypt.'
7 And his sons rose up, and his sons' sons, and they placed their father
and their possessions upon
8 wagons. And Israel rose up from the Well of the Oath on the sixteenth
of this third month, and he
9 went to the land of Egypt. And Israel sent Judah before him to his
son Joseph to examine the Land of Goshen, for Joseph had told his brothers
that they should come and dwell there that they
10 might be near him. And this was the goodliest (land) in the land
of Egypt, and near to him, for all
11 (of them) and also for the cattle. And these are the names of the
sons of Jacob who went into
12 Egypt with Jacob their father Reuben, the First-born of Israel;
and these are the names of his
13 sons Enoch, and Pallu, and Hezron and Carmi-five. Simeon and his
sons; and these are the names of his sons: Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad,
and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul, the son
14 of the Zephathite woman-seven. Levi and his sons; and these are
the names of his sons: Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari-four. Judah and
his sons; and these are the names of his sons:
15 Shela, and Perez, and Zerah-four. Issachar and his sons; and these
are the names of his sons:
17 Tola, and Phua, and Jasub, and Shimron-five. Zebulon and his sons;
and these are the names of
18 his sons: Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel-four. And these are the sons
of Jacob and their sons whom Leah bore to Jacob in Mesopotamia, six, and
their one sister, Dinah and all the souls of the sons of Leah, and their
sons, who went with Jacob their father into Egypt, were twenty-nine, and
Jacob their
19 father being with them, they were thirty. And the sons of Zilpah,
Leah's handmaid, the wife of
20 Jacob, who bore unto Jacob Gad and Ashur. And there are the names
of their sons who went with him into Egypt. The sons of Gad: Ziphion, and
Haggi, and Shuni, and Ezbon, (and Eri, and Areli,
21 and Arodi-eight. And the sons of Asher: Imnah, and Ishvah, (and
Ishvi), and Beriah, and Serah,
22,23 their one sister-six. All the souls were fourteen, and all those
of Leah were forty-four. And the
24 sons of Rachel, the wife of Jacob: Joseph and Benjamin. And there
were born to Joseph in Egypt before his father came into Egypt, those whom
Asenath, daughter of Potiphar priest of Heliopolis
25 bare unto him, Manasseh, and Ephraim-three. And the sons of Benjamin:
Bela and Becher and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Ehi, and Rosh, and Muppim,
and Huppim, and Ard-eleven.
26,27 And all the souls of Rachel were fourteen. And the sons of Bilhah,
the handmaid of Rachel, the
28 wife of Jacob, whom she bare to Jacob, were Dan and Naphtali. And
these are the names of their sons who went with them into Egypt. And the
sons of Dan were Hushim, and Samon, and Asudi.
29 and 'Ijaka, and Salomon-six. And they died the year in which they
entered into Egypt, and there
30 was left to Dan Hushim alone. And these are the names of the sons
of Naphtali Jahziel, and Guni
31 and Jezer, and Shallum, and 'Iv. And 'Iv, who was born after the
years of famine, died in Egypt.
32,33 And all the souls of Rachel were twenty-six. And all the souls
of Jacob which went into Egypt were seventy souls. These are his children
and his children's children, in all seventy, but five died
34 in Egypt before Joseph, and had no children. And in the land of
Canaan two sons of Judah died, Er and Onan, and they had no children, and
the children of Israel buried those who perished, and they were reckoned
among the seventy Gentile nations.
2 month, in the second year of the third week of the forty-fifth jubilee.
And Joseph went to meet his
3 father Jacob, to the land of Goshen, and he fell on his father's
neck and wept. And Israel said unto Joseph: 'Now let me die since I have
seen thee, and now may the Lord God of Israel be blessed the God of Abraham
and the God of Isaac who hath not withheld His mercy and His grace from
4 His servant Jacob. It is enough for me that I have seen thy face
whilst I am yet alive; yea, true is the vision which I saw at Bethel. Blessed
be the Lord my God for ever and ever, and blessed be
5 His name.' And Joseph and his brothers eat bread before their father
and drank wine, and Jacob rejoiced with exceeding great joy because he
saw Joseph eating with his brothers and drinking before him, and he blessed
the Creator of all things who had preserved him, and had preserved for
him his
6 twelve sons. And Joseph had given to his father and to his brothers
as a gift the right of dwelling in the land of Goshen and in Rameses and
all the region round about, which he ruled over before Pharaoh. And Israel
and his sons dwelt in the land of Goshen, the best part of the land of
7 and Israel was one hundred and thirty years old when he came into
Egypt. And Joseph nourished his father and his brethren and also their
possessions with bread as much as sufficed them for the
8 seven years of the famine. And the land of Egypt suffered by reason
of the famine, and Joseph acquired all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh in
return for food, and he got possession of the people
9 and their cattle and everything for Pharaoh. And the years of the
famine were accomplished, and Joseph gave to the people in the land seed
and food that they might sow (the land) in the eighth
10 year, for the river had overflowed all the land of Egypt. For in
the seven years of the famine it had (not) overflowed and had irrigated
only a few places on the banks of the river, but now it overflowed
11 and the Egyptians sowed the land, and it bore much corn that year.
And this was the first year of [2178 A.M.]
13 the land of Egypt until this day. And Israel lived in the land of
Egypt seventeen years, and all the days which he lived were three jubilees,
one hundred and forty-seven years, and he died in the fourth [2188 A.M.]
15 the land. And he slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the
double cave in the land of Canaan, near Abraham his father in the grave
which he dug for himself in the double cave in
16 the land of Hebron. And he gave all his books and the books of his
fathers to Levi his son that he might preserve them and renew them for
his children until this day.
3 of Israel all the days of the life of Joseph. And Joseph died being
a hundred and ten years old; seventeen years he lived in the land of Canaan,
and ten years he was a servant, and three years in
4 prison, and eighty years he was under the king, ruling all the land
of Egypt. And he died and all
5 his brethren and all that generation. And he commanded the children
of Israel before he died that
6 they should carry his bones with them when they went forth from the
land of Egypt. And he made them swear regarding his bones, for he knew
that the Egyptians would not again bring forth and bury him in the land
of Canaan, for Makamaron, king of Canaan, while dwelling in the land of
Assyria, fought in the valley with the king of Egypt and slew him there,
and pursued after the
7 Egyptians to the gates of 'Ermon. But he was not able to enter, for
another, a new king, had become king of Egypt, and he was stronger than
he, and he returned to the land of Canaan, and the gates of
8 Egypt were closed, and none went out and none came into Egypt. And
Joseph died in the forty-sixth jubilee, in the sixth week, in the second
year, and they buried him in the land of Egypt, and [2242 A.M.]
10 field in the double cave in the mountain. And the most (of them)
returned to Egypt, but a few of
11 them remained in the mountains of Hebron, and Amram thy father remained
with them. And the
12 king of Canaan was victorious over the king of Egypt, and he closed
the gates of Egypt. And he devised an evil device against the children
of Israel of afflicting them and he said unto the people of
13 Egypt: 'Behold the people of the children of Israel have increased
and multiplied more than we. Come and let us deal wisely with them before
they become too many, and let us afflict them with slavery before war come
upon us and before they too fight against us; else they will join themselves
unto our enemies and get them up out of our land, for their hearts and
faces are towards the land
14 of Canaan.' And he set over them taskmasters to afflict them with
slavery; and they built strong cities for Pharaoh, Pithom, and Raamses
and they built all the walls and all the fortifications which
15 had fallen in the cities of Egypt. And they made them serve with
rigour, and the more they dealt evilly with them, the more they increased
and multiplied. And the people of Egypt abominated the children of Israel
3 born into the river. And they cast them in for seven months until
the day that thou wast born
4 And thy mother hid thee for three months, and they told regarding
her. And she made an ark for thee, and covered it with pitch and asphalt,
and placed it in the flags on the bank of the river, and she placed thee
in it seven days, and thy mother came by night and suckled thee, and by
5 Miriam, thy sister, guarded thee from the birds. And in those days
Tharmuth, the daughter of Pharaoh, came to bathe in the river, and she
heard thy voice crying, and she told her maidens to
6 bring thee forth, and they brought thee unto her. And she took thee
out of the ark, and she had
7 compassion on thee. And thy sister said unto her: 'Shall I go and
call unto thee one of the
8 Hebrew women to nurse and suckle this babe for thee?' And she said
(unto her): 'Go.' And she
9 went and called thy mother Jochebed, and she gave her wages, and
she nursed thee. And afterwards, when thou wast grown up, they brought
thee unto the daughter of Pharaoh, and thou didst become her son, and Amram
thy father taught thee writing, and after thou hadst completed three weeks
10 they brought thee into the royal court. And thou wast three weeks
of years at court until the time [2351-] when thou didst go forth from
the royal court and didst see an Egyptian smiting thy friend who was [2372
12 doing the wrong: 'Why dost thou smite thy brother?' And he was angry
and indignant, and said: 'Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Thinkest
thou to kill me as thou killedst the Egyptian yesterday?' And thou didst
fear and flee on account of these words.
2 in the second year in the fiftieth jubilee. And thou thyself knowest
what He spake unto thee on [2410 A.M.] Mount Sinai, and what prince Mastema
desired to do with thee when thou wast returning into Egypt
4 judgment and vengeance on the Egyptians? And I delivered thee out
of his hand, and thou didst perform the signs and wonders which thou wast
sent to perform in Egypt against Pharaoh, and
5 against all his house, and against his servants and his people. And
the Lord executed a great vengeance on them for Israel's sake, and smote
them through (the plagues of) blood and frogs, lice and dog-flies, and
malignant boils breaking forth in blains; and their cattle by death; and
by hail-stones, thereby He destroyed everything that grew for them; and
by locusts which devoured the residue which had been left by the hail,
and by darkness; and (by the death) of the first-born of
6 men and animals, and on all their idols the Lord took vengeance and
burned them with fire And everything was sent through thy hand, that thou
shouldst declare (these things) before they were done, and thou didst speak
with the king of Egypt before all his servants and before his people
7 And everything took place according to thy words; ten great and terrible
judgments came on the
8 land of Egypt that thou mightest execute vengeance on it for Israel.
And the Lord did everything for Israel's sake, and according to His covenant,
which he had ordained with Abraham that He
9 would take vengeance on them as they had brought them by force into
bondage. And the prince Mastema stood up against thee, and sought to cast
thee into the hands of Pharaoh, and he helped
10 the Egyptian sorcerers, and they stood up and wrought before thee
the evils indeed we permitted
11 them to work, but the remedies we did not allow to be wrought by
their hands. And the Lord smote them with malignant ulcers, and they were
not able to stand, for we destroyed them so that
12 they could not perform a single sign. And notwithstanding all (these)
signs and wonders the prince Mastema was not put to shame because he took
courage and cried to the Egyptians to pursue after thee with all the powers
of the Egyptians, with their chariots, and with their horses, and with
all the
13 hosts of the peoples of Egypt. And I stood between the Egyptians
and Israel, and we delivered Israel out of his hand, and out of the hand
of his people, and the Lord brought them through the
14 midst of the sea as if it were dry land. And all the peoples whom
he brought to pursue after Israel, the Lord our God cast them into the
midst of the sea, into the depths of the abyss beneath the children of
Israel, even as the people of Egypt had cast their children into the river
He took vengeance on 1,000,000 of them, and one thousand strong and energetic
men were destroyed on
15 account of one suckling of the children of thy people which they
had thrown into the river. And on the fourteenth day and on the fifteenth
and on the sixteenth and on the seventeenth and on the eighteenth the prince
Mastema was bound and imprisoned behind the children of Israel that he
16 might not accuse them. And on the nineteenth we let them loose that
they might help the
17 Egyptians and pursue the children of Israel. And he hardened their
hearts and made them stubborn, and the device was devised by the Lord our
God that He might smite the Egyptians and
18 cast them into the sea. And on the fourteenth we bound him that
he might not accuse the children of Israel on the day when they asked the
Egyptians for vessels and garments, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold,
and vessels of bronze, in order to despoil the Egyptians in return for
the bondage in
19 which they had forced them to serve. And we did not lead forth the
children of Israel from Egypt empty handed.
2 time of the setting of the sun. For on this night -the beginning
of the festival and the beginning of the joy- ye were eating the passover
in Egypt, when all the powers of Mastema had been let loose to slay all
the first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh to
the first-born
3 of the captive maid-servant in the mill, and to the cattle. And this
is the sign which the Lord gave them: Into every house on the lintels of
which they saw the blood of a lamb of the first year, into (that) house
they should not enter to slay, but should pass by (it), that all those
should be saved that
4 were in the house because the sign of the blood was on its lintels.
And the powers of the Lord did everything according as the Lord commanded
them, and they passed by all the children of Israel, and the plague came
not upon them to destroy from amongst them any soul either of cattle, or
5 man, or dog. And the plague was very grievous in Egypt, and there
was no house in Egypt
6 where there was not one dead, and weeping and lamentation. And all
Israel was eating the flesh of the paschal lamb, and drinking the wine,
and was lauding, and blessing, and giving thanks to the Lord God of their
fathers, and was ready to go forth from under the yoke of Egypt, and from
7 the evil bondage. And remember thou this day all the days of thy
life, and observe it from year to year all the days of thy life, once a
year, on its day, according to all the law thereof, and do not
8 adjourn (it) from day to day, or from month to month. For it is an
eternal ordinance, and engraven on the heavenly tablets regarding all the
children of Israel that they should observe it every year on its day once
a year, throughout all their generations; and there is no limit of days,
for this is ordained
9 for ever. And the man who is free from uncleanness, and does not
come to observe it on occasion of its day, so as to bring an acceptable
offering before the Lord, and to eat and to drink before the Lord on the
day of its festival, that man who is clean and close at hand shall be cut
off: because he offered not the oblation of the Lord in its appointed season,
he shall take the guilt upon himself.
10 Let the children of Israel come and observe the passover on the
day of its fixed time, on the fourteenth day of the first month, between
the evenings, from the third part of the day to the third part of
1 the night, for two portions of the day are given to the light, and
a third part to the evening. This
12 is that which the Lord commanded thee that thou shouldst observe
it between the evenings. And it is not permissible to slay it during any
period of the light, but during the period bordering on the evening, and
let them eat it at the time of the evening, until the third part of the
night, and whatever is left over of all its flesh from the third part of
the night and onwards, let them burn
13 it with fire. And they shall not cook it with water, nor shall they
eat it raw, but roast on the fire: they shall eat it with diligence, its
head with the inwards thereof and its feet they shall roast with fire,
and not break any bone thereof; for of the children of Israel no bone shall
be crushed.
14 For this reason the Lord commanded the children of Israel to observe
the passover on the day of its fixed time, and they shall not break a bone
thereof; for it is a festival day, and a day commanded, and there may be
no passing over from day to day, and month to month, but on the day of
15 festival let it be observed. And do thou command the children of
Israel to observe the passover throughout their days, every year, once
a year on the day of its fixed time, and it shall come for a memorial well
pleasing before the Lord, and no plague shall come upon them to slay or
to smite in that year in which they celebrate the passover in its season
in every respect according to His
16 command. And they shall not eat it outside the sanctuary of the
Lord, but before the sanctuary of the Lord, and all the people of the congregation
of Israel shall celebrate it in its appointed season.
17 And every man who has come upon its day shall eat it in the sanctuary
of your God before the Lord from twenty years old and upward; for thus
is it written and ordained that they should eat it
18 in the sanctuary of the Lord. And when the children of Israel come
into the land which they are to possess, into the land of Canaan, and set
up the tabernacle of the Lord in the midst of the land in one of their
tribes until the sanctuary of the Lord has been built in the land, let
them come and celebrate the passover in the midst of the tabernacle of
the Lord, and let them slay it
19 before the Lord from year to year. And in the days when the house
has been built in the name of the Lord in the land of their inheritance,
they shall go there and slay the passover in the evening, at
20 sunset, at the third part of the day. And they shall offer its blood
on the threshold of the altar, and shall place its fat on the fire which
is upon the altar, and they shall eat its flesh roasted
21 with fire in the court of the house which has been sanctified in
the name of the Lord. And they may not celebrate the passover in their
cities, nor in any place save before the tabernacle of the Lord, or before
His house where His name hath dwelt; and they shall not go astray from
the Lord.
22 And do thou, Moses, command the children of Israel to observe the
ordinances of the passover, as it was commanded unto thee; declare thou
unto them every year and the day of its days, and the festival of unleavened
bread, that they should eat unleavened bread seven days, (and) that they
should observe its festival, and that they bring an oblation every day
during those seven days of
23 joy before the Lord on the altar of your God. For ye celebrated
this festival with haste when ye went forth from Egypt till ye entered
into the wilderness of Shur; for on the shore of the sea ye completed it.
2 is between Elim and Sinai. And I told thee of the Sabbaths of the
land on Mount Sinai, and I told thee of the jubilee years in the sabbaths
of years: but the year thereof have I not told thee till ye
3 enter the land which ye are to possess. And the land also shall keep
its sabbaths while they dwell
4 upon it, and they shall know the jubilee year. Wherefore I have ordained
for thee the year-weeks and the years and the jubilees: there are forty-nine
jubilees from the days of Adam until this day, [2410 A.M.] and one week
and two years: and there are yet forty years to come (lit. 'distant') for
learning the [2450 A.M.] commandments of the Lord, until they pass over
into the land of Canaan, crossing the Jordan to the
5 west. And the jubilees shall pass by, until Israel is cleansed from
all guilt of fornication, and uncleanness, and pollution, and sin, and
error, and dwells with confidence in all the land, and there shall be no
more a Satan or any evil one, and the land shall be clean from that time
for evermore.
6 And behold the commandment regarding the Sabbaths -I have written
(them) down for thee-
7 and all the judgments of its laws. Six days shalt thou labour, but
on the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it ye shall
do no manner of work, ye and your sons, and your men-
8 servants and your maid-servants, and all your cattle and the sojourner
also who is with you. And the man that does any work on it shall die: whoever
desecrates that day, whoever lies with (his) wife, or whoever says he will
do something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon in regard
to any buying or selling: and whoever draws water thereon which he had
not prepared for himself on the sixth day, and whoever takes up any burden
to carry it out of his tent or out of his house
9 shall die. Ye shall do no work whatever on the Sabbath day save what
ye have prepared for yourselves on the sixth day, so as to eat, and drink,
and rest, and keep Sabbath from all work on that day, and to bless the
Lord your God, who has given you a day of festival and a holy day: and
10 a day of the holy kingdom for all Israel is this day among their
days for ever. For great is the honour which the Lord has given to Israel
that they should eat and drink and be satisfied on this festival day, and
rest thereon from all labour which belongs to the labour of the children
of men save burning frankincense and bringing oblations and sacrifices
before the Lord for days and for
11 Sabbaths. This work alone shall be done on the Sabbath-days in the
sanctuary of the Lord your God; that they may atone for Israel with sacrifice
continually from day to day for a memorial well-pleasing before the Lord,
and that He may receive them always from day to day according as thou
12 hast been commanded. And every man who does any work thereon, or
goes a journey, or tills (his) farm, whether in his house or any other
place, and whoever lights a fire, or rides on any beast, or travels by
ship on the sea, and whoever strikes or kills anything, or slaughters a
beast or a bird, or
13 whoever catches an animal or a bird or a fish, or whoever fasts
or makes war on the Sabbaths: The man who does any of these things on the
Sabbath shall die, so that the children of Israel shall observe the Sabbaths
according to the commandments regarding the Sabbaths of the land, as it
is written in the tablets, which He gave into my hands that I should write
out for thee the laws of the seasons, and the seasons according to the
division of their days.
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