The Hymn to the Father of Greatness

- a hymn ascribed to Mani, in Parthian.

You are worthy of praise, beneficient Father, primeaval Ancestor!
Blessed are you, beneficient God!

You, Lord, are the first alif and the last tau.
Through you yourself your pious wish has been fulfilled and

All gods and aeons, the deities of Light,
And the righteous bring praise to you,
singing "Holy"  repeatedly.

The spirits, the plants and all . . . . truly implore you
to blessing. And bring forth supplications with one voice.

Grant us our pious wish . . . .
They bear the form  that we have given up from afar.

Be merciful unto us in your mercy;
Show us your form, the noble epiphany, for which we yearn.

Let your brightness shine upon us, sweet source and breath of life!

Make, us, your children, strong.
In vain the dark foe boasts, together with the bellicose,
rebellious giants, In vain he wishes to cling to the Aeons.

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