The Funerary Hymn

A Manichaean liturgical hymn in Parthian.

Set into the world am I, this divine form, deprived of my heavenly
apparel. And I saw the redeemer, as he spoke to me in loving kindness.
Hope then came to me when I was constantly oppressed.
The marvel was illumined for me, My mind became joyful.
How quickly, how hastily has come the end of my life?
Free me from terrible distress on this day of death!
Come, my redeemer,  accompanied by praise, saving God,
Lord Mani, together with the three sons of God.
Remember, kind God, this believing soul of your own child,
an auditor, who follows you.
Beneficent God, think of me, my thoughts are fixed upon the final day.
Come, oh God, look upon me, my helper at this time of death!

Here ends the funerary hymns.

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