<Poor am I and weak,>* for the worm cannot confess Thee, nor the maggot rehearse Thy loving kindness; the living alone can do so, the living alone.1 Whenever Thou showest men Thy kindness, what time their foot has slipped, they needs must confess Thee (and own) that in Thy hand it is that the souls of all living lie, and that Thou it is hast given breath to all flesh.2
5 Deal with us, then, 0 LORD** after the manner of Thy goodness, Thine abundant compassion and Thy justice.8 The LORD** hath (alway) heard the voice of them that love His name,4 and ne'er hath He abandoned His lovingkindness5 toward them.
'Blessed is the LORD** Who dealeth bountifuily.6
Who crowneth with loyal love and compassion them that are loyal to
(So) hath mine own soul come to acclaim Thy name in a
roar of praise,
10 1 too had been marked for death on account of my sins, my wrongdoings had sold me to Sheol;*9 but Thou, in accord with Thine abundant compassion, Thou, in accord with Thy bounteous ways, didst rescue me, 0 LORD.
I too have loved Thy name, sought shelter in Thy shade;10 in calling to mind Thy power my heart finds strength,11 and upon Thy loyal love have I come to lean. Wherefore forgive Thou my sin, 0 LORD and purge me of my wrongdoing.13 Vouchsafe Thou unto me a spirit of constancy and knowledge (of Thy truth)14Let me not stumble in waywardness.15
15 Suffer no devil16 nor spirit unclean17 to bear
sway over me; let not pain or evil bent gain mastery over my body. For
Thou, 0 LORD it is from Whom comes (all) my worth,18
on Thee have I alway pinned my hopes.19 Let my brethren and
father's house who now are desolate