The Hacker Code v.99b
we're going to release it Real Soon Now
The Hacker code was written because the geek code is concerned all too much
with computers.
E - Eat'n Park
if you have an e+p watch add a "w".
- E++++ I have been to all the Eat'n Parks in the United States in one week.
- E+++ I have been to Eat'n Park 7 times in 7 days.
- E++ I have seen scrod ordered at Eat'n Park
- E+ I have an Eat'n Park spoon.
- E I have been to Eat'n Park.
- E- I have heard of Eat'n Park
- E-- What's wrong with the Highlander Cafe?
- E--- I have tried to burn down Eat'N'Park
- E* I used to go there alot and the waitresses used to hit on me, I don't
go there much anymore but when i do the staff tells me how much they
miss me.
M - Maverick
- M++++ Who's Chris?
- M+++ Mav has stolen one of my ex-girlfriends.
- M++ I have been to Eat'N Park with Mav.
- M+ I know Mav.
- M I don't know Mav but well i hear stories all the time from my friends who do know him.
- M- eeew.
- M-- Isn't that Mel Gibson?
- M--- Isn't that Tom Cruise?
s - Shawn
- s++++ I admire shawn. sort of.
- s+++ I have slept with shawn
- s++ I have been to sam's with shawn.
- s+ Shawn has replied to my e-mail.
- s I've been warned about shawn clayton knight.
- s- Shawn has stolen one of my ex-girlfriends.
- s-- uh huh huh. magic. huh huh.
- s--- i am a fluffy bunny wiccan.
- s* I am shawn.
m - Max
- m+++++ I am Kevin Moore
- m++++ I am Max
- m+++ I give Max alcohol
- m++ I drink with Max
- m+ I like Max
- m I know who Max is
- m- I know who Max is and he's a bastard
- m-- I call him Steve
- m--- I am determined to crush Max like a bug, leaving him bleeding and
broken and then, when he begs for death, calling an ambulance. And then
I'll do it again after he recovers. After doing that a few times, I
think I'll grind up his body and use it as fishbait, but save his brain
and keep it alive and in constant agony for all eternity.
- m---- I think Max is cute
- !m I am the Antimax
- ?m who?
R - Ratha
- R++++ Most people would say I've gone/am going out with her, but the
word 'dating' is evil... we, um, are really good friends...
- R+++ I've built a stellated dodecahedron out of $1 bills at
eat 'n park with her, or been there
- R++ My sigil is painted on her wall
- R+ She's in my .anyone
- R I've met Chris, and am vaguely aware of her pseudonym
- R- She's a confused, uninteresting transformers weenie.
- R-- She dresses funny, her tail is stupid, and her taste in music
sucks. Why is she in hacker?
- !R I don't know her at all, and probably don't care
- R* I am Ratha... at least, on days when there are too many Chrises.
q - Mav's Barbecue
- q++++ I flew in from london to attend Mav's barbecue.
- q+++ I stopped it from raining at Mav's barbecue.
- q++ I brought food to Mav's barbecue.
- q+ I have attended Mav's barbecue.
- q I have heard of Mav's barbecue
- q- I thought Erik Ogan's ascii map was to scale.
- q-- Where's beeler?
- q---
e - Eric
- e++++ i have seen eric's soul and know why he is insane
- e+++ i have listened to eric's radio show more than once
- e++ i have read a punisher comic
- e+ i have been to a mall with eric
- e eric, eh
- e- i hate transformers
- e-- punisher is a wuss
- e--- i spell his name erik
- e---- i hate eric
f - Faisal
- f++++ I've seen the floor of faisal's bedroom at home
- f+++ I've organized a faisal fan club to confuse his ego.
- f++ I've slept with faisal
- f+ faisal has told me to stop playing Magic
- f faisal has asked me to kill him
- f- faisal used "nostalgia" or "freshman" to followup a zephyr of mine
- f-- I spell faisal 'Faisel'
- f--- Don't you think he looks a little like Brandon Lee
- f---- Whose faisal? Is he related to Fiz?
P - Prekies
- P++++ I am/was a prekie and I'm coming back
- P+++ I am a prekie
- P++ Former prekies fly in from London to visit me
- P+ Some prekies thought they lived at my house
- P I've slept in the same bed as a prekie
- P- I actually like some prekies
- P-- I've met some prekies
- P--- I've had to talk to Student Affairs about prekies
- P---- I've gotten grumpy about prekies on -c hacker
c - Clusters
Please add all acronyms that have represented Computing Services during
your tenure with clusters (i.e. AC/ACS/ITC).
- c++++ I've had meetings with Tracy
- c+++ I'm a Sandy Slave / Cluman
- c++ I'm a ccon
- c+ I know some clumen
- c I use clusters
- c- I only use Mac clusters
- c-- I only use PC, and not for DOOM
- c--- I have my own machine, I never leave my room
- c---- I have my own machine, it doesn't mount afs, and I have my mail forwarded.
- !c No, really, I haven't worked for clusters.
C - Channon
- C++++ Channon calls me to tell me that she can't call me any more
- C+++ Channon calls me to tell me that she misses me
- C++ I've slept in the same bed as Channon
- C+ We were in the same bed, but I wasn't asleep
- C Channon is cool
- C- Channon calls me to harrass me
- C-- What's with Tink's account
- C--- I've slept with Channon
- C---- I haven't talk to Channon
- !C Who is Channon? Why am I getting all her Zephyrs?
z - Zephyr
- z++++ I am Dimitri (vs0r).
- z+++ I have implemented a hack in desc I am somewhat proud of.
- z++ I use zwgcplus and have a desc file.
- z+ I have a .anyone file.
- z They didn't mention that in CSW.
- z- I can't stand those things popping up all over the place.
- z-- Is that like IRC?
- !z Doesn't she work for clusters facilities?
- z* i read all zephyrs, that which i do not read is not.
T - Transformers
- T++++ Optimus warned me that humans would be strange to dwell among.
- T+++ I'm on the MUSH, I know the difference between the
combaticons and stunticons, I form devastator regularly, etc.,
- T++ I have some of the toys, I've read the comic, I liked the movie.
- T+ Kind of neat, I might even have some.
- T I liked them when I was younger but that was a while back.
- T- Only weenies like those things.
- T-- Just another example of bad american animation.
- T--- He-Man was much better than such rubbish.
- T---- Gundam could kick their ass.
- !T Are those used in power supplies?
p - Programming
- p++++ My code has resulted in the overthrowing of governments in several
small east-asian countries.
- p+++ People at MIT complain about my code.
- p++ I have come to grips with the fact that format is god.
- p+ I've taken 211 and I understand why gcc is better than objectcenter.
- p I've taken 127 and know how to program basic stuff.
- p- Genie Pascal is cool!
- p-- zsh is all I need.
- p--- If it can't be done in 5 lines of perl it's not worth doing.
- !p Computers should only be used to produce spiffy documents in Microsoft Word.
- p$ I get paid because some one thinks I can program.
g - Gothness
- g++++ I've was run over by a train only after being carded from a
goth club or seen it happen.
- g+++ I'm fascinated with death, blood, and/or suicide.
- g++ I have several black outfits and find the sun hideously obnoxious.
- g+ I like the architectural style and think black is pretty cool.
- g I'm indifferent to this whole subculture thing.
- g- I don't see what's wrong with being somewhat cheery.
- g-- I think any group that has a FAQ cannot possibly be gothic.
- !g I wear bright happy colors!
3 - Mystery Science Theater 3000 code
- 3+++++ I purposefully broke my knees to look like Torgo
- 3++++ I have 50 or more episodes on tape
- 3+++ I know who Dr. Erhadt is
- 3++ I have sat through all of "Manos" the Hands of Fate
- 3+ I know the Gamera theme
- 3 There should be a newsgroup for this
- 3- It's real annoying with those guys interrupting the movie
- 3-- Is this that thing Penn is announcer for?
- 3--- Aren't they supposed to show bad movies?
- !3 Alien From L.A. was better without those guys at the bottom
V - Evil code
- V+++++ I once made a graffiti board for ever single Lovecraftian entity
- V++++ Doom's portrayal of hell is highly inaccurate
- V+++ I've seen every movie Pauly Shore ever made
- V++ I can pronounce "Cthulhu"
- V+ I sold my soul to cluster services
- V I've played 1st edition D&D.
- V- Stephen King is pretty scary
- V-- The Necronomicon is a real book
- V--- Snuff movies exist
- V---- IVCF is way too mainstream and toned down for me
w - Workstations
Ok. You gain one rank if the workstation in question is of the One True
Platform (sun4_413) and lose one rank if it runs mach and two
ranks if it is based on an intel X86 processor.
- w++++ I have an edpac in my room.
- w+++ I have a workstation on my desk.
- w++ I use a workstation daily even though it isn't mine.
- w+ I think workstations are cool but all I can afford is a PC/MAC.
- w Workstations make cool cluster machines.
- w- I have a linux box and think it is a workstation.
- w-- I have a DOS box and think it is a workstation.
- w--- I have a PowerMac and think it is a workstation.
- w* I am Joshua Eli Schachter.
SJG - Staff Job Geekiness
- SJG+++
I have a staff job, I don't take classes, I have control
over everything from individual machines, to file servers
to services (kerberos, afs, www, whatever).
- SJG++
I have a staff job, I have my own machine, but I take classes,
and I plan to leave this hellhole some time.
- SJG+
I have a staff job, but it's not for Computing Services
or SCS, and I don't spend all day logged in. No I don't
have my own machine, no you can't get in the permits
file, no, no, no, piss off.
I have no staff job, but I have friends who have them,
and I'm in their permits file so I can log into a
machine that isn't slower than molasses going uphill
in February.
- SJG- I'm a young student. Staff jobs are for old people.
- SJG-- I'm a young student. Staff jobs are for old people.
People like Mav are therefore old.
- SJG--- SJG is the company that publishes "Hacker", right?
ERS - Egyptian Rat Screw
- ERS++++ I've played in a tournament. I own a set of rat screw gauntlets.
- ERS+++ I slap pairs of everyday objects regularly. I dream of jack-ten pairs.
- ERS++ I occaisionally play by myself to improve reflexes.
- ERS+ Its on of the more fun legal things to do with a deck of cards...
- ERS That's a card game, right?
- ERS- You do what with rats?
- ERS-- Foolish humans with their plastic coated paper. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
- ERS--- Really. Play poker or yahtzee or something that requires real skill.
H - Hacker Code
- H+++ ok. ok. when i get really bored i write something because its
mildly amusing.
- H++ i've submitted something but only to replace the drivel that
was already there in my name.
- H+ i've actually taken the time to read the whole thing and maybe
even write out my code.
- H i or an event that i was directly involved in is mentioned in the code.
- H- what? sounds a lot less secure than RSA.
Z - Zen
- Z+++ mu
- Z++ Enlightenment seeks me.
- Z+ I seek enlightenment.
- Z Yin Yangs are cool.
- Z- black is black and white is white comma dammit.
- Z-- nirvana is like cool. kurt cobain died for our sins!
- Z--- i am
G - Graffiti
- G++++ I have gotten mail from jl4l+abuse@andrew about my posts to
- G+++ I start a flame war once a week just by reading something.
- G++ I can go a whole week without creating a bboard. really.
- G+ There's a graffiti board named after me.
- G I read graffiti.quotes.
- G- I'm not subbed to graffiti
- G-- I wrote that stuff on the bathroom wall...yeah, it was pretty
- G---- I forward all my mail to a graffiti board
W - Megaweapon
- W++++ I saw Warrior of the Lost World not on MST3K
- W+++ I frequently crush the hell out of stuff
- W++ I have a sleek black frame
- W+ I once went to a monster truck rally
- W I always broke my Tonka trucks as a kid from rough play
- W- It's just a dump truck, dammit.
- W-- What the fuck is all this Megaweapon crap?
- W--- I like big big loaders
- !W Get off our private bboard, bitchz!

Anukul Kapoor raistlin+@CMU.EDU