Arcane Lore: Monsoons and the Power of Om by Michael A. Selinker illustrated by Terry Dykstra These magic spells for the AD&D game are inspired by Indian history and legend, but they are not meant to be historically accurate. These spells can be integrated into existing campaigns or used in conjunction with the article "Caste of Characters" in DRAGON Magazine issue #225. Together these articles can help form the basis of a campaign set in a civilization based on India. "Caste of Characters" described Indian kits for different character classes. The Indian mage kit is called a Swami. Mage spells below are available to all Swamis as well as Fakirs (an Indian bard kit) and Yogis (ascetics; see Legends & Lore, page 125). Yogis do not need material components for any spells, including those below; neither do they need spellbooks to cast spells. Conversely, they cannot read mage scrolls. Non-Swamis and Fakirs (i.e., "conventional" mages and bards not from Indian-based civilizations) may have access to the spells below at the Dungeon Master's discretion, perhaps after seeing them or learning them while on some quest to an area based on Indian culture. Brahmins (the Indian priest kit) gain spells as do most other priests, with the highest-level spells being granted by avatars (manifestations) of their deities. Brahmins have access to all priest spells listed below, provided the spheres are compatible. Non-Brahmins may gain access to these spells at the Dungeon Master's discretion, though steep soma-juice should be limited in its travels. In campaigns set in the FORGOTTEN REALMS or other settings that do not feature an Indian culture, modifications may have to be made to some spells before they can be included. Several spells below deal with concepts unique to Indian philosophy, all of which are explained in Legends & Lore, pages 123-126. Karma should be a ruling force in the lives of those playing PCs based on Indian culture. Specific attention should be paid to the rules on reincarnation on page 126, with the practical restrictions on raise dead and resurrection spells used on Indian kit characters, who should automatically be reincarnated within a day. Attempting to alter this cycle is dangerous. Swami Spells Cloud messenger (Conjuration/ Summoning) Level: 1 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This spell, based on a classical panegyric poem, can be cast only on a day with cloud cover: mist, rain, snow, and so on. The spell summons a small cloud to act as a messenger for the caster. The caster can impart a message of up to five minutes length to the cloud, which then hurries across the sky to the intended recipient. Its maximum Move is 96, though favorable gales might increase this. The cloud messenger must be told the location and general appearance of the recipient; it is incapable of asking for directions. It is not entirely substantial and so can go through tiny openings and survive heavy winds. It can carry objects weighing up to 10 pounds for delivery. When it reaches its recipient, it relates the entire message including whatever emotion it heard in the caster's voice. The cloud messenger then returns to its caster; one may follow it to the caster's location. The material components are fresh flowers and a bottle of rainwater. Waking light of dawn (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 1 Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: None This spell causes sleeping creatures to awaken. If naturally asleep or affected by a sleep spell, the creatures awaken instantly. If under the influence of a more powerful enchantment, the creatures are given new saving throws against the effect, modified by +1 per four levels of the caster. If the creatures are suffering from a sleeping poison or disease (such as that from the tsetse fly), the spell works exactly as a slow poison on the affected creatures. The spell does not simulate the effects of a good night's sleep, nor can it reduce the sleep necessary before memorization of spells. The material component is a lock which must be unlocked during casting. Distract (Enchantment/Charm) Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special A mage can use this spell to distract all within hearing distance who are trying to do any sort of work other than combat. The material component of the spell is a flute. While the caster plays the flute (no proficiency necessary), those wishing to continue in their work must make a Wisdom check each round to concentrate on their task at hand. Wisdom checks are at +4 if stopping work would result in imminent harm (failing to shore up a seawall during a monsoon, for example). Distracted persons cannot formulate strategies, instruct others, write, draw, or otherwise do complex work. However, the spell does not pacify those present, so they may attack the caster if they desire. If the caster stops playing the flute before the duration is over, the effect ends. Skin of the fire tiger (Alteration) Level: 3 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None When cast on the caster or another creature, this spell imbues the subject with glowing orange stripes across his skin. These stripes generate a deep internal warmth that acts as a resist cold spell. While in effect, the subject's skin is scalding hot to the touch, so anyone touching the subject's open skin suffers 1d3 points of damage. If the subject uses an unarmed combat attack or is attacked by an unarmed foe, the damage is applied to the subject's foe. The subject and his garments are unaffected by the scalding effect but are not otherwise protected from fire or heat. After the spell elapses, the subject will be incapacitated for one round due to shivering unless endure cold or resist cold is cast on him. The material component of the spell is a tiger- eye gem. Serpent garland (Alteration) Level: 4 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: Special By casting this spell, the mage turns his ordinary scarf, necklace, or other neckwear into a poisonous snake. The snake appears to be the normal piece of clothing or jewelry until the caster desires it to attack. It strikes as a Warrior with a level equal to that of the caster. Its bite causes 1d2 points of damage, plus it also injects a poison if the victim does not make a saving throw vs. poison. The poison may be of the caster's choosing: lethal (save or die), paralytic (save or be paralyzed for 4d4 turns), or soporific (save or fall into a coma for 1d4 days). The snake may attack once per round, during which time it is revealed as a serpent. Reversing the sticks to snakes spell cancels this magic, and the snake is subject to snake charms. When the duration elapses or the effect is dispelled, the garment or jewelry returns to normal. Mourning stone (Abjuration) Level: 4 Range:Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Up to 1 ton/level Saving Throw: Special This spell channels a person's grief over loss of a loved one into stone. When cast upon a subject and an amount of stone, the spell pulls the grief from the subject's heart and forces the stone to grieve instead. The subject gets a saving throw vs. magic to avoid the effects if he wants to retain his grief. When affected by the spell, the subject feels the weight of sorrow unburdened from his heart. The stone shows its grief by becoming pristine white and refracting light like a prism, never appearing exactly the same twice. Persons viewing the stone are awestruck and saddened for one round though not stopped from acting. Within 10' of mourning stone, emotion, and other such spells and effects are canceled. Stone enchanted by this spell can be used to erect buildings, in the manner of beautiful and enigmatic mausolea like the Taj Mahal. Third eye (Evocation) Level: 7 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special This spell creates a swirling spiral on the caster's forehead which casts beams of annihilation. The third eye fires a ray which has the same attack roll as the mage. The beams must attack a target every round, living or otherwise. Creatures hit by the third eye's ray must save vs. spell or be killed, while inanimate objects must save vs. disintegration or break apart. While this spell is in effect, the caster may use no other spells or attacks. At the end of the spell, the caster must make a System Shock roll to avoid falling unconscious for 3d4 rounds. Life illusion (Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 8 Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special Similar to a maze spell, the life illusion spell creates a new mental world in which the subject can live. The illusionary life (maya) can include any manner of new persons, surroundings, and even new classes and abilities for the subject. The subject is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to avoid entering this new world, but if he fails, the subject retains only dream-like memories of his real life. Entire months or years can pass in this new life, though time passes much faster here than in the real world. No method of exit is allowed while in the illusory world, except the priest spell penetrate cosmic ignorance. The illusion seems real but may contain flaws and misperceptions based on the subject's lack of understanding of his new surroundings. Thus, the subject is allowed new saving throws vs. spells every so often based on his Wisdom score. If a saving throw is successful, the subject returns to reality with much of the memory of the illusory life, though no new abilities are retained. New saving throws are allowed on the following schedule: Subject's Time Wisdom Between Score Saving Throws under 3 2d4 days 3-6 1d4+1 days 7-10 2d8 hours 11-14 1d8+1 hours 15-18 1d4 hours 19 and up 1d4 turns The material component is a sketch of the environment in which the subject will stay. If the sketch is marred or destroyed during the spell's duration, the subject immediately returns to reality. Monsoon (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 9 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 turns/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 10d100 square miles Saving Throw: None This spell can only be cast in a climate which could have monsoons, such as a semi-tropical coastline. When cast, the spell conjures up the most powerful of wind and rainstorms to ravage the area. Winds come at hundreds of miles per hour, smashing boats and unstable structures. Rain pounds the area, swamping piers and depressions. The spell causes siege damage as by a screw or drill on all structures and trees in the area of effect, and all unmoored ships must make seaworthiness checks. (DUNGEON MASTER Guide, pages 105 and 170). Creatures that cannot take adequate cover on high ground must save vs. paralyzation to avoid drowning. From the caster's point of view, the most dangerous aspect of this spell is its range of zero. This means the caster must be amid the effect; if he is not protected, he is subject to the same effects as everyone else. The monsoon can be countered using a control weather spell, but the caster of that spell must roll greater than the monsoon creator's Intelligence on a d20, with +1 added to the roll for each level that the control weather caster exceeds the level of the monsoon creator. Once the monsoon is unleashed, the caster has no control over it, and it may combine with existing weather conditions to have greater duration and effect than anticipated. Brahmin Spells Om (Abjuration) Sphere: All Level: 1 Range: 0 Components: V Duration: Until ceased Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This simple chant creates a deep clarity in the caster's mind. All outside sounds and sights are blocked out, allowing the priest to regain spells or hit points at a 50% faster rate; however, the priest cannot focus on anything outside himself. Anything that disrupts concentration , such as an attack on the priest or a conscious action by him breaks the spell. Spells cast on the priest are affected by the am spell. The priest is immune to sleep and charm effects while chanting, and receives a +4 on all saving throws that allow Wisdom bonuses; however, the priest forfeits saving throw bonuses for Dexterity or anything else requiring conscious thought. Magical healing is not affected by the spell's increased healing rate. Sanctify ghi (Alteration) Reversible Sphere: All Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 8 hours Area of Effect: 2 ounces/level Saving Throw: None This augments the holy clarification of butter into a liquid substance called ghi. Cow or buffalo milk must be churned, boiled, and blessed to make holy ghi, which can be used on undead as holy water. When drunk, the holy ghi acts as a mild curative, healing 1d3 points of damage per ounce. The reverse of this spell, desecrate ghi, is used by evil priests to create a liquid butter version of unholy water, which harms paladins and Kshatriya. Either of these spells can be used to counter the other. Karma sight (Divination) Reversible Sphere: Divination Level: 2 Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Neg. This spell determines the number of karma points that a target creature has. (For rules on karma, see Legends & Lore, pages 124-126.) In creatures from societies not based on India, it determines level or Hit Dice. Unless the creature is a willing target, it is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the revelation of its karma. This spell does not directly affect the mind of the target, so Wisdom bonuses and mind shielding do not help avoid the effect. The priest may examine multiple targets, but if a creature saves against the effect, it cannot be examined again during that casting of the spell. The reverse of the spell, karma mask, hides a subject's karma for 24 hours, though any divine being can see through the mask. Steep soma-juice (Alteration) Sphere: Protection Level: 2 Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: One week Casting Time: 8 hours Area of Effect: 2 ounces/level Saving Throw: None This spell is per Legends & Lore, page 132. It is primarily for those of Indian societies, though others could be allowed to use it or their deities could grant it if the Dungeon Master desires. When the priest brews and blesses the soma plant's leaves, he creates a powerful magical juice. Those drinking at least one ounce a week receive two benefits: an increase of one point of Constitution and immunity to non-magical disease. These effects dissipate at the end of a week without soma-juice. The priests generally restrict the usage of the juice to nobles and priests. That art thou (Divination) Sphere: Divination Level: 3 Range: 0 Components: V Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30' radius sphere Saving Throw: None By uttering the phrase "tat tvam asi" ("that art thou"), the caster's senses become one with all beings and objects within a 30' radius sphere centered on the caster. The caster sees and feels everything sensed by every person, caterpillar, tree, and rock in the area of effect. (A first-time caster will be surprised how much a rock feels.) The onrush of sensory information allows the caster to know of all beings and objects in the area, including hidden and invisible creatures, traps, and magic items. The caster does not sense thoughts or detect powers of creatures and objects contacted. Because the spell accesses thoughts, any being whose thoughts are masked cannot be spotted solely with this spell. While the spell is in effect, the caster may take no other action, including movement and speech. The caster may discontinue the effect at any time during the spell's duration. See all faces (Divination) Sphere: Divination Level: 4 Range: 10 yards Components: V, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. This spell requires that an item belonging to the target be in the caster's possession. When cast, an unwilling target must make saving throw vs. spells or have all major aspects of his personality revealed to the caster. Thus, if the target is a mage, a rajah, a lothario, or a liar, the caster knows it. Note that the see all faces spell reveals only truly major aspects; if the aforementioned target also liked chocolate and raga music, this would not be revealed. Since this spell does not affect the mind, mind shielding and Wisdom bonuses are not effective defenses. Pool of deeds (Enchantment) Sphere: Divination, Elemental (Water) Level: 5 Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 24 hours Casting Time: 6 turns Area of Effect: 1 pool Saving Throw: None The pool of deeds spell turns any pool of water, from as small as a birdbath to as large as a small lake, into a storyteller. The enchanted pool can recount the publicly known deeds of any one individual exactly as they happened. The subject may be living, dead, or even not yet born; the deeds may reflect the past, present, and even possible futures. The surface of the water reflects the images as if they were happening at the moment, and at the speed at which they occurred. The caster must know of the stories that he wants to reflect, but he need riot know the details. If the caster wishes to reflect deeds that are not publicly known, he may try. The subject makes a saving throw vs. spells to keep secrets unrevealed; this roll is at the subject's level at the time of the revealed deeds. The caster may create a pool of deeds that reflects his own future, but the images may leave out critical details to prevent tampering with the future. The caster should expect whatever appears to come true, regardless of his efforts to change it. The pool is activated by tossing in a handful of colored powder. Conceal lifeforce (Abjuration) Sphere: Necromantic Level: 5 Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell hides a being's lifeforce (shakti) from detection, preventing spells like karma sight and reincarnation sight from working on the creature. It can also be used for a much more dangerous purpose: to prevent the creature from being reincarnated, at least temporarily. By casting conceal lifeforce on a creature, within an hour of its death, the creature's self (atman) is hidden from the divine agents who attend to reincarnation. During the spell's duration, the character may be raised or resurrected. (This should be the only way raise dead or resurrection can be used on a character from an Indian-based culture or with an Indian-based PC kit more than a day after death; see Legends & Lore, page 126.) Using this spell for this purpose is a violation of the cosmic order and may trigger divine wrath. Reincarnation sight (Divination) Sphere: Divination, Necromantic Level: 6 Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell reveals the presence of a reincarnated character. Using a piece of clothing belonging to the original character, the priest may use this spell to discover the reincarnation of that character's name, appearance, and approximate location. If found, a reincarnation has only vague memories of his past and will be unlikely to recognize any of his compatriots. The spell can cross planar barriers, but it cannot penetrate barriers like conceal lifeforce or amulets of life protection. A second use of this spell is to reveal to a person all of the memories of one of his reincarnations. The priest needs merely to touch the subject, and he knows all that his past life contained. Using the two uses of this spell in order can reacquaint old friends, at least in a superficial way. (Note that these spells allow a slain PC to rejoin the campaign with his memories intact, and perhaps his level and abilities. See the reincarnation table on page 126 of Legends & Lore.) Penetrate cosmic ignorance (Divination) Sphere: Divination Level: 7 Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 10'/level radius Saving Throw: Special This dangerous spell is based on the age-old belief that the world is just illusion and that mortals may not comprehend it. Penetrate cosmic ignorance allows a partial piercing of that veil. When cast, the spell reveals the divine hands behind every creature and object present. The caster learns of characters' patron deities, consecrated spaces, holy relics, spell residue, and extra-planar creatures. It tells every character's level, every magic item's power, and every monster's special abilities, among many other revelations. Wherever the hands of deities manipulate life - and they do so everywhere - the priest will know it. Using this spell requires the caster to make a saving throw vs. breath weapon, modified only by Wisdom bonuses. If the character fails, he is driven insane by the revelation; if ever cured, he forgets everything he saw. In addition, using this spell wipes all other spells from the caster's mind, and the character must rest a full night before learning new ones. Call avatar Sphere: All Level: 7 Range: Unlimited Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 turns Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None This risky spell allows the priest to summon an avatar of his deity. The spell opens up a gate to another plane, and, though the avatar is compelled to come through the rift, it is not compelled to stay more than an instant. Even if it chooses to hear the requests of the priests, the avatar may or may not grant them. The avatar may also make demands on the priest as well, and the priest would do well to heed them. The avatar may stay as long as it likes, often at great expense to the caster. The spell requires a relic of the deity in question; when the avatar leaves, it takes the relic with it. Casting this spell ages the caster five years. Michael A. Selinker is a game designer who lives in Seattle, Washington. This is the second in a series of three articles he has written on bringing the Indian subcontinent into the AD&D game.