Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, please!
Tanj's Tales: Shared Assets
By Kittiara
Stardate 2398.55
Tanj listened with half a mind as her boss droned on in the weekly intelligence briefing. She had her notes ready for her portion of the presentation, but that's not where the other half of her mind was. The Brethren had worked out an agreement with Jenka's Black Fleet to share intelligence. As with all things the Brethren did, profit was foremost, and they'd finally agreed on a complex formula for valuing information. Most of it was bartered, but if one organization had vitally important information, or if they just had more information of worth than the other side, then cash would change hands. To kick off the new agreement, Jenka herself had come to attend the briefing. And the Lion, in the spirit of being a good host, had of course, loaned Tanj to her, for the night. Tanj smiled as she thought back to how Jenka would not tolerate any of Tanj's newly acquired "status" with the Brethren...
The previous day, Tanj had heard of Jenka's arrival while she was working in the Intelligence office, but had been too busy preparing for the briefing to come greet her. It wasn't until later that night, when the Lion stopped by, that she realized that she'd worked straight through dinner. "You need a break," he growled; "I'm sure your notes and presentation slides are adequate. Put it away for now and go to Jenka; I've agreed to lend you to her for the night." Tanj gave her work station a quick, doubtful glance, but before she could object that she just wasn't ready yet, the Lion picked her up, set her on her feet, and gave her a swat on the can, urging her towards the door.
Jenka smiled as Tanj entered her guest quarters; "Well, hello, Pet; its good to see you again!" Tanj padded across the room to give Jenka a kiss; hugging her tight; "Its good to see you too, Mistress!" Jenka looked at her for a moment, smiling, and then raised an eyebrow; "Aren't you forgetting something?" Tanj's face went blank for a moment as she tried to think of what Jenka might be referring to, and then with a sound somewhere between a gasp and a giggle, she knelt at Jenka's feet, assuming the proper slave's position. Jenka just clucked softly; "I can see your Master has been WAY too lax with you; obviously its going to be up to me to address the deficiencies in your behavior!"
Tanj smiled to herself as Jenka commanded her to remove her dress. "While I'm on this station, Dear, you will not wear a stitch; only your collar!" the Pantheress purrrrred. Tanj thought of the presentation she was to make tomorrow, and wondered if that was prudent; most of the males present, and some of the females were too likely to be distracted from what she was saying... Still, she wouldn't broach the subject with Jenka quite yet... Once nude, Jenka had Tanj attend her bath, drawing the water, adjusting the temperature, and adding oils, all at Jenka's direction. Then, Tanj knelt by the side of the tub, reaching over to wash Jenka's hair. When that was accomplished, she was bidden to enter the water, to wash the rest of her mistress's body. Tanj, of course, couldn't resist adding a nuzzle here, or a lick there, and before long, her head was under water, licking softly at Jenka's pussy. Having to break off her licking periodically, to surface, to take a breath gave Tanj the excuse she needed to draw her licking out, to prolong her attentions to Jenka's sex, teasing her to the brink of a climax and holding her there until the Pantheress growled and held her head tight to her pussy, demanding that she be given her release before Tanj breathed again.
Tanj was still panting, trying to catch her breath as she toweled Jenka dry. Jenka purrred as Tanj stood behind her and brushed out her long, raven hair, working nimbly with the brush. After turning down the bed, Tanj resumed her kneeling position, awaiting Jenka's pleasure. Jenka for her part, padded about the guest quarters, still nude, laying out all sorts of things that she'd brought with her, and Tanj did her part to watch surreptitiously. Finally, the Pantheress turned and beckoned to the cheetah. Tanj rose and padded over to Jenka, who held out a long black glove. This she pulled over Tanj's right paw, fastening four buttons tightly at the wrist before smoothing the length of the glove up her arm. Tanj felt something taped to the inside of the palm of the glove, and wondered what it might be. She flexed her fingers and found the leather fairly thin, but still, she had a feeling it would reduce her dexterity... Jenka then bucked a cuff around Tanj's right wrist, covering the buttons, and locking it in place with a small padlock. Jenka made a show of taking the key from that padlock and taping it to the inside of the palm of the other glove, and then pulling that over Tanj's left paw. Again a cuff was fastened over the buttons at the wrist, and locked in place.
Bidding Tanj to sit on the edge of the bed, Jenka held up a stylish leather boot. The key went inside the boot and this was then pulled over Tanj's right foot, a cuff going around her ankle to hold it in place. The key from that cuff went inside her left boot, which was then secured with another cuff. Tanj watched the key to that one carefully, wondering where that one might be hidden. As Jenka held up the corset, Tanj groaned. Jenka grinned wickedly and held it out so that Tanj could step into it. Tugging it up over the Cheetah's hips, Jenka set it in place and slowly started to tighten the laces, inch by inch. Tanj panted shallowly as the corset constricted her waist, Jenka taking at least a half hour to get it as tight as she wanted. As Tanj struggled to breath, Jenka turned and then held up a rather wicked looking "Chastity" belt, and with great show, taped the key to her left ankle cuff inside its waistband.
Tanj looked at the Chastity belt critically. It had phalluses for both ass and pussy, the latter, thankfully, being the larger of the two. It also had a number of raised bumps where the strap would chafe on her clitty, and Tanj knew she was in for a rough night. Motioning her over, Jenka ordered Tanj to squat, and while she held that strained position, Jenka lubbed up the butt plug on the belt. Tanj moaned softly as Jenka worked the two phalluses into her, pulling the straps up, working her tail through the hole in the back of the belt. The waist band went over the corset, effectively covering the laces at the back. This too was locked in place.
Next, Jenka held up a thick rubber hobble skirt, and showed Tanj the key to her chastity belt taped to the inside of its wastband. It took quite a bit of tugging and struggling to stretch the thick rubber over Tanj's hips, but finally it was in place, fitting her like a second skin. It covered her from just below her breasts to just below her knees, the tight rubber forcing her legs tightly together. Then, as if to add insult to injury, Jenka held up a short hobble chain...
Tanj looked down as Jenka kneeled to lock the hobble chain to one ankle cuff, and then to the other, restricting her step to a length of about six inches. Taking the keys from the locks on the hobble chain, Jenka attached them to another chain, a chain terminating on either end with a pair of nipple clamps... These were attached to her nipples in short order, the keys swaying with each miniscule breath the cheetah took. Finally, Jenka held up a pair of handcuffs, and pulling Tanj's paws behind her back, she handcuffed them together, the key being added to the center of the chain between her nipples. Jenka then used a short chain to pull her arms up, until her wrists were by her shoulder blades, before attaching the other end of the chain to her collar with yet another small lock.
Stepping back, Jenka admired her handiwork. Tanj grunted as she tried to move, the two phalluses waggling deep inside her. She sincerely hoped that Jenka didn't feel like going out for a walk tonight... Jenka smiled as she padded around the well-trussed Cheetah; "As you can see, each key is in turn available to you, as you remove your outfit. The key to the chain holding your paws high is hidden somewhere in this room. I suspect it will take you a while to find it, and an even longer time to get out of your outfit. Its now 2200 hours, and you're due at the briefing at 0800, giving you no more than ten hours to escape your situation. And just to make the situation more challenging..." The pantheress grinned wickedly and raised a small remote; thumbing a button, Tanj GASPED as the two phalluses buried deep within her came to life, vibrating wickedly. Jenka watched the emotions play across the Cheetah's face for a moment, and then reclined on the bed, her hips by its edge, her legs wide apart; "I'll make you a deal; I'll TELL you where the key is, after you've used that marvelous tongue of yours to bring me to three climaxes; however, when you're done, I'll lock a gag into your mouth, the key of which is inside your right glove. That way, I won't hear your whimpering all night and can get some sleep." Tanj sighed to herself and with little mincing steps, moved towards the bed, and Jenka. Kneeling was going to be a real challenge in this outfit.
Tanj wriggled and squirmed at the foot of the bed. She'd managed to lick Jenka to her climaxes as quickly as she could, using all the skill at her disposal. The key had been under the cushion of one of the easy chairs in the suite, and Tanj'd had quite a time recovering it. The gloves did indeed make it hard to maneuver, and the dildoes buzzing away within her had caused her to drop the key several times, as they'd brought her to shuddering orgasm after orgasm. Finally she'd unlocked the chain holding her paws up, and was free to squirm around, trying to catch hold of the chain between her nipples. This she found, was quite difficult, and more than once she caught Jenka grinning at her from the bed as she writhed, twisted and turned. FINALLY she was able to catch the chain and wincing, pull the handcuff key from it. Once her paws were freed, the rest offered little challenge, but it still took her an impossibly long time to finally escape. Jenka had watched the whole thing, and when Tanj was finally free, she motioned the exhausted slave into her bed, to cuddle, and to get what sleep she could, before the morning's duties claimed them both.
As her boss finished up his presentation of the technical intelligence the Brethren had gathered on Imperial activities and capabilities, local ship movements, market analysis, and the political situation in the sector and on Elysium in particular, Tanj rose to make the presentation on intelligence obtained through the Brethren's network of agents and spies. She knew the eyes of most of those present were on her (instead of on her presentation materials or briefing handouts), as Jenka was still adamantly not permitting her clothing... In fact, in the morning, Jenka had presented her with little jeweld bobs to hang from her nipple, labia, and clitty rings. As she raised her pointer to begin the presentation, she could see bright little points of light reflected on the briefing room's walls from the swaying gems.
"And finally, from our agent, code-named "Entity" we have word that a disguised freighter by the name of Stra'doc is actually the disguised yacht of Lord Isloth, of Elysium. It will be leaving the Elysium system in eleven days time, enroute to the Imperial home world. It carries a number of Elysium nobles and industrialists, who are on a mission to try and enlist Imperial assistance in their fight against the increasing rebel problem. Additionally, they hope to sign joint ventures that will bring in capital that will aid the Elysium government and the major corporations in their fight." The Lion looked up; "How reliable is this "Entity"?" Tanj smiled; "To date his information has checked out 100%. Personally, he's an enigma, but then, in his place, I'd want to be too, just in case someone somewhere leaked information about him." The Lion nodded and turned to Ben; "Put that one on the list. Intercept them well enough away from Elysium so that no immediate conclusions can be drawn." Ben just nodded and made a note.
The briefing had lasted all day, and into the early evening. The format was still a bit fluid, and the arguments at the end over the value of each piece of information had eaten up hours. By the time Davis from Accounting and his opposite number from the Black Fleet had finished their verbal dueling, Tanj's stomach was rumbling. As the meeting broke up, Tanj heard the Lion talking to Jenka; "I believe we still have a few "joint operations" to discuss, and I know you're eager to leave in the morning; why don't we adjourn to my quarters? I'll have Tanj cook us something to eat." Jenka shot Tanj a look, a hint of a smile on her face, and nodded; "Yes, I think that would be... profitable." The lion turned and looked at Tanj and nodded, and then turning back to Jenka, he offered her his arm.
As the Lion and Jenka strolled off down the corridor towards the residential section, Tanj mentally reviewed the contents of the little 'fridge there and sighed. Turning in the other direction, she headed for the cafeteria at a trot.
The wok steamed as Tanj bustled back and forth. The lion and Jenka were seated in the den, talking of future operations, their conversation drifting off into Imperial politics, and marketing from time to time. She'd poured them each a glass of Jenka's favorite wine, a white to go with the shrimp she was cooking. It'd been pure hell trying to talk the cook staff out of the ingredients for the dinner, but finally she'd found out what they wanted in trade, and had promised to obtain it for them. Somehow. Grinning, she thought she'd turn Zassa loose on the problem. Finally the dishes were done, and moving the bowls and tureens to the table, she announced dinner.
As the Lion and Jenka ate, Tanj knelt to one side, about equally between the two. The lion grinned and showing remarkable dexterity with chopsticks was feeding Tanj an occasional shrimp. He seemed to be taking great pleasure in dipping it in one of the several sauces Tanj had prepared, to the point that it was dripping, and then holding it almost out of her reach, so that she would have to tilt her head up and back, to take it from his chopsticks. As a result, she had several splotches of sauce on her chest, where the food had dripped on her. Still, Tanj smiled to herself as she imagined what was to come...
"You seem to be making quite a mess" Jenka purrred as she took a sip of wine. The lion shrugged, and nodded; "I've always been a clumsy oaf." As if to demonstrate, he fed Tanj another morsel of shrimp, and as he maneuvered it, Tanj grinned, her mouth opened wide, her head tilted back, but her body moving, such that what dripped fell right where she wanted it to... "Not to worry," the Lion rumbled; "I thoroughly intend to clean her up when I'm done." Jenka chuckled and nodded; "Dessert, so to speak?" The lion looked at Jenka and grinned; "Why yes; would you like some?" Jenka chuckled and touched the corner of her napkin to her lips; "Why yes, I do believe I would. But you really must do it right..." The lion chuckled; "And how would that be?" Jenka smiled; "Tanj, I believe we're done; please clear the table and then return. Ah, and leave the sauces..."
Tanj hurriedly cleared the table, leaving the dishes for later. Returning to the dining table, Jenka grinned at her and gestured for her to lay herself across the table. The Lion watched, grinning. Jenka then pulled at Tanj's waist, dragging her crotch to the very edge of the table, right where her dinner plate had been sitting. Calmly reaching for the bowl containing the sweet-and-sour sauce, she placed a large dollop right on Tanj's mons. The cheetah gasped as she felt it run down between her legs and then MOANED as she felt Jenka's tongue licking at the droplets. The lion for his part, bent and started licking at the drops of sauce on Tanj's chest, and before long, the two pirates had Tanj writhing on the table-top.
Jenka paused, to look up at the Lion; "You know, I've always preferred my food spicy hot. This is nice, but I think a little spice is in order..." Tanj thought back to Hinoki's antics with the tobasco sauce and moaned, but dared not object. The Lion looked at Jenka thoughtfully for a moment and then nodded; "Well, we have the ginger sauce, and the hot mustard; which would you prefer?" Jenka thought for a moment and then nodded; "Lets start with the ginger; we'll move on to the hot mustard in a while..." And then Tanj felt the coolness of more sauce covering her, running over breasts and pussy, and again, two tongues worked at lapping it up, making her squirm.
The lion licked at Tanj's breasts, alternating one and then the other, leaning over her until he was sure she was "clean." By this point, Jenka had the Cheetah fem squirming and panting, and the lion raised his head to watch Tanj's face as another climax tore through her. Purrrring, he looked up at Jenka; "You do that well; you obviously know just what she likes." Jenka looked up from her "meal" and nodded; "I do believe that I've raised my... culinary skills to an art form..." Purrring she bent again, her rough tounge making Tanj resume her moaning. The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Not an unusual ability in these parts." Jenka looked up again and raised an eyebrow; "Oh? I find that hard to believe..." As if to demonstrate her point she bent her head again, her tongue roughly stroking Tanj's clitty, her ability more than reflected in the Cheetah's face as she immediately writhed through yet another climax. The Lion just grinned and nodded; then, bending closer, he murmured; "Oh look, you've got some of the sauce on yourself..." Before Jenka could say a word he bent his head to lick at her fur softly.
It took Tanj a while to realize what was happening... Slowly, Jenka's sweet attention to her pussy, her delightful licks and nibbles, were coming more slowly, becoming less deft. As she caught her breath, she lifted her head, to look down her body. Sure enough, a state of bliss was reflected on Jenka's face... Half rolling to one side, looking under the table, Tanj spied the lion on his knees under the table, his muzzle buried under Jenka's skirt. Tanj grinned, and knew her master was accomplished in that arena, and slowly she inched her way away from Jenka, letting the Pantheress pant and moan undistracted as the Lion's tongue drove her towards Nirvana. She couldn't leave it alone though, and squirming around on the table, turning to face Jenka, she kissed her long and hard. Then, rolling over onto her tummy, Tanj proceeded to lick teasingly at Jenka's left nipple...
As Tanj licked, she realized that the bowl of Ginger sauce was almost empty, the almost full bowl of hot mustard sitting next to it; she wondered if this was merely a happy coincidence... Or had the lion known, and taken action to distract Jenka?
Jenka had lost track of time. She didn't know HOW long she'd been sitting in that chair, the cheetah crouched on the table nuzzling her breasts, the broad muzzle and rough tongue of the Lion working tirelessly between her thighs. As she felt his tongue once again swirl up into her drenched sex, stroking deep inside her, she yowled once more, the waves of pleasure of this unnumbered climax washing through her. Somehow, as the feelings subsided a little, she found the strength to push Tanj's head away, gasping "Enough!" The Lion was a little harder to dissuade, but eventually he too pulled his muzzle back let her rest.
As she panted, trying to catch her breath, Jenka looked from Tanj to the Lion and back; "You know, maybe that IS a common skill here..." Looking at the Lion she smiled; "Sirrah, you've licked me to a frazzle; I'm completely wore out!" Raising her gaze to Tanj, who was still laying on top of the table, head propped up on her paws, Jenka smiled; "But really, Pet, you are quite remiss in your duties..." Tanj's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, a "Huh?" emerging from her open mouth. Jenka nodded; "Here your Master has been so kind to entertain his guest, and you have completely ignored his needs! You should rectify that, and quickly, or I'm sure you'll be punished!" Tanj grinned and inched forward to look under the table at her Master; he in turn lifted his head to kiss her, softly at first, but with the passion of the kiss growing. Before long Tanj was on the floor, crouching, her knees wide apart, her head resting on her crossed paws on the floor, as the lion moved to take her from behind.
Jenka watched as the Lion used his slave, as he fucked her hard. There was a primal need about his movements, and for a moment Jenka regretted not satisfying his lusts herself... but then she WAS exhausted... Instead, she took in the show, as the Lion's motions slowly increased in tempo, in forcefulness, until Tanj was bracing herself hard against his thrusts. He came with a roar, Tanj's own cries echoing his.
They all wound up in the Lion's large bed, morning coming all too soon. The Lion then showed Jenka the proper way to be bathed by a slave, all three of them crowding into the shower. Covered in liquid soap, Tanj squirmed and writhed between the two, making sure to stroke herself against every portion of their anatomy, using herself as a living bath sponge to make sure they were clean. And as aroused and excited as she could get them. This time, Tanj watched as the Lion quenched the fires in Jenka's loins, the pair working through this position and that, until they both roared with pleasure, Jenka astride the Lion's hips, his cock buried deep in her pussy.
After breakfast, The Lion and Tanj escorted Jenka back to her ship. "Sure you can't stay?" the Lion growled; "We really do have a bit more to work out on that Bienviedos affair." Jenka smiled and shook her head; "No, I'm afraid I have pressing business elsewhere. Although believe me, I would like to stay. Are you SURE I can't talk you into selling your delightful little slave here? She's good at her intelligence work, but you KNOW she's wasted there; she's MUCH better suited for the bed." The lion laughed; "Not a chance; besides, as long as she's here, I'll know you'll keep coming back." Both Jenka and Tanj smiled at that. Jenka rose to tiptoes to give the Lion a kiss goodbye, and then turned to kiss Tanj goodbye too; "Goodbye, Slave. As punishment for not finding a way for me to stay another day, you are forbidden clothes for the next 24 hours. And NEXT time I see you, you'd best remember your station and behave accordingly!" Giving Tanj a soft swat on the can, and giving the Lion a wink, Jenka turned to pass through the airlock to her ship.
As the airlock cycled and Jenka's ship undocked, the Lion's paw rose to examine one of the jewels still dangling from Tanj's piercings. "You know, I like that effect" he purrred; "But I think I can go Jenka one better..."
Tanj padded carefully into the Intelligence office. There was a LOT of work to be done before they could mount a mission to capture the Stra'doc, and Tanj was eager to get started. As she entered, however, all eyes turned to her, and she caught more than a few grins. Eddie, the gray wolf from Operations, had been waiting for her and he padded over to examine her a little more closely. The Lion had found a considerable length of gold chain, and had indeed "decorated" Tanj a little more thoroughly than Jenka had. Tanj thought that the understated effect of a few jewels was far more fetching than this, but she had to admit, what the Lion had done had its recommendations...
Eddie shook his head and traced the line with his finger. From a locked cuff around Tanj's left ankle, a length of fine gold chain traveled upwards, to pass loosely through her two labia rings. From there it passed through her clitty ring, through her bellybutton ring, through the ring in her right nipple. It then traveled, swaying in an arc to pass through her other nipple ring, before passing on to her nosering (replaced for this occasion), and thence to her right earring. Every motion seemed to make the lengths of chain swing and way, and it was apparent that if she turned or twisted, the chain would pull through the numerous rings, and sensitive portions of her anatomy would get tugged at. Tanj chuckled as she watched his eyes travel, and then demonstrated the principle by arching her back a little, lifting her muzzle, and turning her head to the right, the chain going tight all the way to the anklet, tugging her breasts together. Grinning wickedly, Eddie knelt and shoved his muzzle between Tanj's thighs, eliciting a yelp at his cold nose, and another yelp as his tongue explored her sex (making the chains in that area wriggle and dance all the more). Straightening up he grinned at the onlookers, as if to say, "Yup, its got her hot all right." Tanj just shook her head, and as Eddie turned back to her, she reached up and grabbed an ear; "Come one, You," she growled; "We've got work to do." Picking up her briefing material and a data PADD, she tugged him into one of the conference rooms. However, the sounds that emerged from behind the thin door suggested they were doing anything but planning a mission... for a while.
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories are copyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Hinoki, Zassa, and Jenka copyright their players, also to be found on FurryMuck. Mark is copyright Ann'katar, also of FurryMuck. Entity is copyright Petfox, of FurNation. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.