Her nickname
is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, “There Ain’t No
Justice.” As a young engineer on a tramp
space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold
into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave.
Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger
struggle. This story contains bondage,
non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults
only, PLEASE!
This is a
work-in-progress, and more will be added to it Later;
please stay tuned and have patience!
Tales: Aspiring Author
2404.01 By Kittiara
Prelude 1:
Hunger. It had known only hunger. Ever since its birth, it had been
ravenous. The emanations that it lived
on, that nourished it, that it craved, were occasionally felt, but frequently
only at a distance. It had traveled the
narrow corridors that were the only world it had ever known, constantly on the
hunt, always seeking to assuage its terrible hunger….
Helen sighed.
Everyone else in her maintenance section, the “ground crew” for the
Raider “Pete’s Paw”, had been invited to Ramos’ birthday party. Everyone but her. Oh, she probably could have gone, if she’d
chosen to. No one would have been so
crass as to turn her away at the door, but she knew she’d be ignored the whole
time. And what fun was that? It wasn’t that she wasn’t good looking,
although she wasn’t. A mix of short and
long hair felis domesticus, her fur was kinda patchy. It gave her a mottled look. And despite all her exercise, she had a big
butt. That might not be so bad if she
wasn’t flat-chested. And her fangs were
crooked. All of that could be fixed, of
course, given enough money, but she seemed to be perpetually broke. Her biggest problem was her personality. She just didn’t have any. She felt as if she were “psychically
invisible.” She was there, but no one
ever seemed to see her; no one ever seemed to notice her.
Unless of course they were looking for someone
to pick on.
She sighed, and crawled into the ductwork. Here, down in the bowels of the station, the
duct was big enough to stand up in, and just downstream of the electrostatic
precipitators, it was pretty clean. And
she was alone. No one
to torment her. No one to tease her. No one to ignore her.
Just her, and the rushing wind.
It was a good place to be alone; a good place to get away from it all….
Food. It sensed food. Warmth. Motion. Thoughts. It slithered through the duct, moving as fast
as it could, trying to close with the prey before it escaped….
Helen felt something touch her foot; she’d found a
reasonably clean spot, reasonably dark, and settled down to just BE for a
while; to just exist without anyone tormenting her. To try not to think. Oh, she would have preferred some dark
woodland, some forest or canyon, but she’d only read about places like
that. The steel duct, the sounds of machinery, that was what she knew. What she was used to. But she wasn’t used to things touching her in
here. Pulling a pencil light from a
pocket on her coveralls, she clicked it on, and directed it at her feet.
It looked like a small puddle of tar, about the size of her
paw; but it was moving. Moving feebly,
but moving. It seemed to be trying to
force its way between her ankle and the cuff of her jumpsuit pants leg. For some reason, she wasn’t afraid, just
curious; “Hey, little… ah… fellow, what are you trying to do?” She reached for it, just as it managed to
slither its way into her clothing.
Giggling she jumped to her feet, to dance an impromptu jig, her feet
making hollow booming noises on the ductwork floor. It wouldn’t come loose; in fact, it seemed to
be moving higher, up her leg. Laughing,
as it tickled, she yanked the zipper to her jumpsuit down, and shrugged out of
it, trying to extract the creature, whatever it was. “Figures; they haven’t cleaned the ducts in
so long, things are growing in here…” she laughed to herself.
Pulling the jumpsuit inside out, yanking it off of her left
foot, she moved her paws, trying to find the creature. No, it didn’t seem to be hidden in the
fabric…. Running a paw down her stomach,
she felt along the inside of her left thigh; no it wasn’t there. It was then that something grazed across her
With a yelp, she shoved both paws towards her crotch, just
as the THING pushed its way under the edge of her panties. Half howling with laughter, half howling with
terror, she resumed her jig as she tried to extract the thing!
It was twined in her pubic furr, a place where, as fate
would have it, it grew long. It had
turned to something like tar, and seemed to have flowed between the individual
hairs; it was NOT coming off, no matter how hard she tugged. Panting, she wondered if she should go for
help… but then she thought of what some of her work mates would say, the jibes,
the jokes, the off-color remarks… No,
she’d rather die in here, eaten by some horrible alien monster, than suffer
through that….
Except she didn’t seem to be suffering….
In fact, the creature’s motions felt rather good. She wasn’t a stranger to sex; not
exactly. It was just that her
experiences, at least with others, hadn’t been all that good. She’d lost her virginity to Bo, probably
because she was rather naive, and they’d both been rather drunk at the
time. Of course his comments, later, to
his friends, and within her hearing, was that he’d never gone to bed with an
ugly female… although he’d woken up with a few.
She could still remember their laughter, and pointed looks. Every other attempt had pretty much met with
the same fate, and as a result, for years, the only sexual experiences she’d
had, had been solo. And even then they
were hidden, stolen things, done where no one, she hoped, would observe.
But this… this felt… simply marvelous! Sinking back to a crouched position, her back
against the vibrating metal wall, wind tousling her hair, she placed her paws
over the now rather sodden crotch of her panties, holding them there, as if in
fear the creature might escape!
She gave up trying to keep quiet after the third
climax. Of course, given the fact that
the fan was only a hundred feet away or so, there was little likelyhood of
anyone hearing her….
Panting, she forced her eyes open. She was laying flat on her back, in the
middle of the duct, her legs obscenely spread, her
panties vanished, probably ingested by the fan, by now. The creature, the delightful little creature
was gone. Sitting up, she stared around,
in the gloom. If it was there, she
couldn’t see it. For a while she felt
around; the thing was simply too nice to let go. She’d never had a pet, and certainly never a
pet that could do things like THAT to her, but wherever it had gotten to, she
couldn’t find it. Reluctantly she found
her coveralls, and pulled them back on.
Her chrono told her that she’d have to report for work soon, and she
desperately needed a shower….
Then she got a sly look on her face. Maybe she wouldn’t shower. Maybe she’d go to work reeking of sex. What would they think? Would they ask her? Maybe she’d just smile slyly and refuse to
answer. Yeah…….
The Opposition 1
The Mouse looked at his
superior and tried not to cower; “But sir, you have to understand, I am NOT a
trained field agent! I’m a
SCIENTIST! AND, I was specifically
instructed NOT to be present, in case things went wrong. I was NOT to be captured, and the company
felt I was too valuable to be allowed to commit suicide, hence my
The Gnu nodded; “exactly,
my dear fellow, why you are being given a chance to redeem yourself, instead of
being sent to, ah, “product testing” as your former superior, and a number of
other members of management have been.”
He leaned closer; “all you have to do, is to kill her, and make it look
as if it was yet another operation by that bungler, the Crown Prince.” The Gnu sat back and folded his hands over
his considerable stomach; “We figure that the Emperor will solve a number of
problems for us, in a fit of rage. He’ll
eliminate his only real heir, and with no heir, the entire Empire will be
destabilized, presenting us with some marvelous opportunities.” Leaning closer again, the Gnu smiled
wickedly; “and all you have to do is kill one person. How, we leave up to you. Now, you have your assignment. Consult the intelligence de… ah, the market
research folks, formulate a plan, draw your equipment and be off about it!”
The Mouse tried not to
tremble as he left the office. Sure, all
he had to do was to assassinate a pirate queen, one of the most powerful furrs
in the sector, and frame the Crown Prince, possibly an even more powerful
figure. He might as well try and
assassinate the board of directors! With
a sigh, he turned his steps towards the “market research” department. Maybe those spooks would have a good idea…
“Oh, yes, yes, I LIKE
that. Especially the
fact that it was stolen from Imperial Intelligence.” The Mouse beamed at the Wombat in the lab
coat; “I can see how that would make my job ever so much easier! But…. what do I have to do to be immune from
it? Will I have to wear a
respirator? An
environmental suit? What about
The Wombat smiled and
looked at the colorless liquid in the vial; “Well, actually there’s a simple
prophylaxis that we can give you.
There’s a neurostimulator that you can take, orally, about six hours
before you use the weapon. It will make
you immune to its effects. As for the
weapon itself, it decomposes into harmless, and difficult to trace
subcomponents, after about four hours.”
The Mouse nodded; “Four
hours to do what I have to do and then get away. Shouldn’t be a problem.”
The Wombat smiled; “No;
shouldn’t be any problem at all…..”
The Opposition 2
The Crown Prince glared at
his Chancellor; “But I think it’s a marvelous plan. It allows us to get rid of that annoying
pretender, gain revenge on those Gates’ World turncoats, AND improve our
position, all at the same time! The HARD
part’s already been done! Yes, I know
that Fox Bitch didn’t want to give up her new toy, but in the end, I managed to,
ah, “persuade” her.” He leaned closer,
growling; “My agent will infiltrate the Black Fleet. My agent WILL assemble the matter/Antimatter
reaction “brake”, and will see to it that the entire station is blown from
existence, using a technology that will point STRAIGHT towards Gates’
World! And then my dear Father will
appoint ME head of the task force that will gain his revenge upon the
perpetrators!” Sitting back, he gloated;
“Just THINK of all the technological marvels we’ll add to our arsenal when we
take Gates’ world… After that, assuming
the throne should be a pushover!” NOW,
have you prepared a list of potential agents for me to review?”
The Bunny stared at the
Jaguar evenly, obviously not impressed with who he was. And that angered him. Still, her resume was impeccable. And the file from Imperial Intelligence… the file was almost
beyond belief. He looked back up at her,
and frowned. Large bust, narrow waist,
well rounded hips, and a face that could be pretty, if it wasn’t for the one
scar from her right eyebrow, across her eye, across her muzzle, to the left
corner of her mouth, which seemed to be pulled up in a permanent sneer. As he looked at her, he realized she had
other scars as well. On
her paws, left forearm, there, on her bare midriff, and another on her right
thigh. She wore shorts with many
pockets, now all empty, thanks to his security detachment, and a vest that
barely concealed her charms. It might
have been a “jungle adventurer” look, if you didn’t know her background. As it was, it seemed merely utility dress for
a particularly dangerous mercenary.
“I see you’ve been to
Gates’ World.” The Bunny nodded, ears
flopping a little. The Crown Prince put
the folder down on his desk and regarded the creature. “I take it the enhancements worked,
then?” Again she nodded,
a simple bobbing of her head, the minimum motion necessary to convey her
answer. The Jaguar leaned closer, elbows
on his desk, chin on his paws; “But it didn’t quite work right, did it? Her permanent sneer deepened a little, and
she shook her head, a minimalist “no”.
The Crown Prince growled; “Tell me about it”, getting tired of her
She shrugged; “There was an
interaction between the drugs used to enhance my reaction time, and the drugs
used to prevent chemical interrogation.
As a result, I can’t tolerate anesthesia, and my immune system rejects
just about everything foreign.”
The Crown Prince nodded;
“So…. You can’t get any cosmetic surgery.”
The Bunny
nodded; “worse. If I get injured, on the job, or off, there’s
almost no way for a doctor to do anything.
I either heal, or I die.”
The Crown Prince nodded;
“Kind of the end of your career, isn’t it?”
She nodded; “Look, cut the
crap, your highness. I’m here because
you’re offering a helluva lot of money for a minimal risk job.” She leaned closer; “I want to retire. I HAVE to retire. But I’d rather do it in style.”
The Jaguar nodded; “and the
fact that you get to frame the Gates’ World techies for it is just frosting on
the cake?”
She shook her head; “The
portion of the cartel you’re trying to frame had nothing to do with the section
that screwed me up. I don’t believe in
punishing the innocent.” After a moment
she continued; “This is just business.
Besides, emotion always gets in the way.
Lets keep it simple.”
The Jaguar nodded;
“Thankyouforyourtime, we’llbeintouch.”
The Bunny smiled, and
looked at her briefing papers. She’d
known he’d pick her. Oh, he didn’t want
to. It was obvious he didn’t like her,
probably because she wouldn’t fawn all over him. But she was the best qualified, and in the
end his desire for getting the job done right overrode his other emotions. Opening the folder she started reading. After a while, she shook her head. She’d seen some screwed up operational orders
in her time, but this one took the cake.
Throwing the folder on her bunk she stood and stretched. There was one good thing, about the whole
thing, though. If their fancy gizmo
could indeed cause the station’s matter/antimatter reactors to blow, there
wouldn’t be anyone left who could tell that pompous ass that she hadn’t
followed his ridiculous plan….
Prelude 2
It took her a week to get up the nerve to go back
there. Afterwards, after the glow had
faded, she’d gotten to wondering about it.
What WAS that thing? Could it be
poisoning her? Was it a parasite? She’d pretty much resolved to find another
place of solitude, when it all seemed to come down on her. A fitting broke, as she was working on it,
and that got the crew down on her. For being clumsy. For being stupid. And from that, for being anything less than their ideal of perfect. Not that any of THEM were perfect,
noooooooo. When her shift ended, she
decided that she needed a friend, and there was only one entity on the station
that seemed to meet even her generous criteria.
Something that gave, without seeming to take;
something that could accept her for what she was. After wandering the corridors for a while,
apparently invisible to all around her, she slipped back towards that one
access port.
She’d been there for about an hour, and was about to give
up, when she felt the touch. Again, it
started at her ankle… This time, she
didn’t turn on the light, didn’t jump up.
She remained as she’d been, leaning against the wall, legs spread
invitingly. Her jumpsuit was folded
neatly, next to her, and she was bare from the waist down. Except this time, she’d brought a small
plastic box, with a snap lid. Why
shouldn’t she have a pet? There wasn’t
really a point in coming back here each time, was there?
The creature seemed larger this time. More than a pawful. As it did the most delightful things to her,
a portion of it actually slipped inside her.
She could feel it, stretching her, slightly. It seemed to throb in time with her
heartbeat, in time with the delightful rippling motions it was making over her
clitty. It felt good. It seemed as if it was no time before she was
howling, as it took her to her first climax of the evening.
But it wasn’t done, there.
It continued, its pattern occasionally varying. It was almost as if it was learning what she
liked and what she didn’t like. And
sometime around her third climax, she must have fainted.
Again, she awoke, flat on her back, in the duct, her chest
heaving, her heart pounding. She expected the creature to be gone, but a
quick survey of her feelings demonstrated that it was still busily at work
between her legs. As it took her towards
yet another shattering climax, she wondered how she’d ever find the strength to
get it into the box.
As it turned out, she couldn’t. After her fifth climax, the creature was
obviously exhausted, and yet as she tried to pry it from her dripping sex, it
flowed through her fingers like water, and vanished in the dark. “OK, if that’s the way you want it, I guess
I’ll just have to meet you here.” She
smiled, and mentally reviewed her work schedule as she felt around for where
she’d left her jumpsuit.
Prelude 3
Her problems were increasing. She’d thought things would get better, and in
some respects they HAD. Her work mates
had remarked on the change in her, asked her who her beau was, asked her,
teased her about what was going on in her life.
She’d told them in no uncertain terms to mind their own business, and
when Luke had pressed, she’d actually hit him.
Admittedly it was with a static discharge wand, and couldn’t possibly
have hurt, but the very act seemed to have surprised them. The teasing had fallen off, at least to
bearable levels. But they’d taken to
following her, obviously curious, obviously determined to find out what was
going on. She was
having to get very inventive to slip away from them.
And the creature was growing. It’d long since passed the point where it
could simulate a rather decent sized cock fucking her. It had passed the point where it could
simulate a cock in either orifice. THAT
had startled her, the first time it had done that to her; she hadn’t been
raised to think of anal sex as anything but filthy and perverted, but… Well, the creature had decided to explore her
back passage and there hadn’t been a thing she’d been able to do about it. But, in time, she’d come to rather enjoy the
sensation. Of course, it was much more gentle with her back there….
But recently it had changed.
It had spit in two. And both of
THEM were growing. While one plastered
itself against her crotch, the other fondled her breasts, and occasionally
extruded a phallic shape into her mouth.
She’d found it really rather tasteless…. Er, rather, ah, “without
taste”. Oh, her upbringing hadn’t
thought any more of fellatio than it had of anal sex, but there was something
almost soothing in sucking on a cock in her mouth as the creatures moved in
pussy and ass. As she staggered up from
her latest session with “the twins”, she realized they were each now almost of
the size the original creature had been before it had split. And her sessions were winding up being so
long, she was having to take days off to indulge
herself, and her pets. She’d even taken
to stocking the duct with drinking water, and snack bars. If those things split in two again, she might
never get out of there. That thought
made her chuckle; did she really WANT to “get out of there”? Maybe not….
Kittiara’s Writing 1
Kittiara examined the rust
on the bars of her cell. In the
controlled environment of a space station, the corrosion could only be one of
two things. One was that it was an
affectation; that it was “decorating” to make the facility look more
intimidating than it was. If that’s what
they were after, they were doing a good job.
On the other hand, it could be Jinx.
Somehow the Kurani thought the Skunkette wasn’t happy in her cell, and
that displeasure was manifesting itself in corrosion. For a moment the Kurani had a vision of the
station disintegrating around them, as Jinx became more and more
frustrated. It was time to do
something. Definitely time.
The guard on duty was a Ram.
He was of medium age, and an athletic build, but walked with a slight
limp, and seemed to be missing an eye.
Probably a pirate injured in some raid, and forced to take a different
job, due to “disabilities”. He wasn’t
disabled for THIS job though, as the bulge in his skimpy loincloth
revealed. Kittiara watched him pace by,
as he prowled the kennels, keeping an eye on his charges. Leaning against the bars she smiled at him as
he strode past; “Now I just bet Master has all sorts of interesting stories to tell, from your experiences here….”
The Ram paused, and for a moment looked as if he were about
to rebuke her for speaking, but then he slowly nodded; “Kitten, you wouldn’t
believe what I’ve seen…”
The Kurani smiled, careful not to show her teeth; “Oh, I’d
simply LOVE to hear your tales…”
The Ram grinned; “And in what coin might you pay, for the
telling?” He knew perfectly well, he
could have her, or any of the others, or ALL of them together, at his whim, but
she still smiled, and by way of an answer sensually licked her lips, her muzzle
just slightly between the bars…..
The Ram panted, eyes
closed; he’d come so close then, so close to cumming. Trying to collect his wits, he felt the
Kurani’s tongue stroke the underside of his shaft encouragingly, and he coughed
to clear his throat; “Yeah, that Chinchilla, she was something. Long, silky hair; there was a Coyote bitch
that used to come down here, to check her out, just to brush her hair. They’d sit right over there, the Chinchilla
on her knees, the Coyote on a folding chair behind her, and she’d just run the
brush through her hair over and over and over.
Finally, just before it was time for her to
“return” her, she’d have the Chinchilla eat her out, and all the while she’d be
running her paws through that long, silky hair.” The Kurani’s tongue flicked over the head of
his cock, eliciting a gasp. He knew she
wanted him to think of another story; heck, he’d told her dozens. Of course, she’d rewarded him with at least a
quartet of orgasms, some of them truly mind-blowing. Panting, he reached through the bars to take
hold of her ears; “Enough. I have GOT to
get back to work. Finish me.” He could almost read her thoughts in the cast
of her face, in the tension of her muscles, in the feel of her tongue on his
shaft; “All RIGHT, finish me now, and I’ll come back later and tell you some
more.” And then her head was moving
again, his shaft sliding in and out of the O formed by her lips, moving over
her rough feline tongue. It didn’t take
but a second for him to regain that position, trembling on the very edge of his
release, and then she was shoving him over the edge, and throwing back his
head, he howled.
Tanj paused just inside
the door, as the Kurani sucked off the guard.
From the look on his face, he was either in extreme pain, or extreme
ecstasy, possibly a bit of both. Staggering,
he pulled back from the cell, leaning against it, his paws on the bars, his
body held so that no matter how she tried, the Kurani could not reclaim his
cock. For a long moment he stood there,
head hanging, chest heaving, and then he gathered himself
and thrust himself upright. Without even
looking at Tanj he turned, awkwardly, and staggered off, only occasionally
looking into one of the cells….
Tanj padded up and looked
at the Kurani as she licked her lips; “What did you DO to him?” From down the row of cells, she could hear
Jinx’s throaty laugh.
Kittiara smiled and
shrugged; “I got him to tell me some of the stories he’s gathered, while
working here.”
Tanj frowned slightly and
nodded; “Uh-huh. Stories.” Blinking she shook her head; “Well, that’s
why I’m here. You, Missy, have work to do.”
“I don’t understand why she had to come.”
Kittiara turned and looked
back at the Skunkette, trailing them by a few feet; “Oh, she’d been in the
kennel long enough, I think. For, ah,
“health” reasons, it was time to give her a change of scenery.”
Tanj frowned; “what’s
wrong with her health?”
The Kurani laughed; “no, Dear, it wasn’t HER health I was thinking of…..”
Kittiara’s Writing 2
Ralph looked up as the
trio came through the door. He saw Tanj
look around, and knew instantly he never should have raised his head; as their
eyes met, the Cheetah smiled; it was a cold smile, and the Tiger idly wondered
if he’d survive whatever it was she had in mind. “Ralph, I’ve got a small job for you.”
The Tiger swallowed hard
and nodded; “Yes, Mistress?”
The Cheetah stepped
closer, holding out the leash attached to the Skunkette’s collar. “I want you to take Jinx here, and…” the Tiger all but
winced, waiting… “Show her a good time.”
The Tiger’s eyes snapped
open; he hadn’t even realized he’d closed them; “IbegYourPardon?”
Tanj shrugged; “you’ve
read the report on our most recent action?”
The Tiger nodded.
Tanj smiled; “Well,
strange things seem to happen around this lady.
When she’s happy, we think good things happen. When bad things happen, it can get grim. Jenka wants these two kept in the kennels,
and later they’ll have to go back; but in the meantime I want you to…. Undo
whatever the negative vibes from the kennels may have done.” Tanj smiled, and tugging on Kittiara’s leash,
led her towards one of the conference rooms.
Ralph looked at the leash
as if he were holding a Tyrenian Death Adder.
He had indeed read the report.
Slowly his gaze traveled along its length to the Skunkette.
Jinx took in the look on
the Tiger’s face, and burst out laughing; “Oh, REALLY! Its not THAT
bad. Come on!” Turning, the Skunkette marched out of the
Intelligence offices, dragging the Tiger behind her.
Tanj handed the Kurani a
cup of coffee, and sat down across the small table from her. “Okay, before I turn you loose on that novel,
I want you to tell me everything you can, about Jenka, the Crown Prince, and
how it all fits together. Everything.”
The Kurani smiled; “you’re
going to need a bigger pot of coffee.
That one won’t last nearly long enough.”
Tanj waved a paw; “I’ll
have Engineering run a pipe from the galley.
However long it takes. If I’m
going to help Jenka through this I have to know what I’m up against!”
The Kurani nodded and
started to speak.
The resort was exclusive,
incredibly expensive, and THE place to be.
Sarani, daughter of the Count of Shambala grinned as she entered the
lobby, followed by a small army of porters, carrying her luggage. Not only was she here, but she was here
without her parents, nanny, bodyguard, or any other form of control. It was a graduation present from her parents,
and a subtle message that they now considered her an adult. The freedom was heady.
Her suite was larger than
she’d expected, and could not have been more luxurious. And the view of the lagoon was
incredible. She felt that if she’d
wanted, she could have dove off of her balcony, and landed in the crystal blue
waters. Not bothering to put anything
away, she shed her traveling clothes, pawed through several suitcases and
trunks, and finally found the scandalously skimpy bathing suit she’d purchased
just for the trip. Pulling it on, she
grabbed a beach towel, and headed out for that picture-perfect beach.
It was exactly as she
pictured it, and not at all what she’d expected. The warm, fragrant breeze ruffled her hair,
the sand, and the water were exactly as she pictured
it, and not a single fur on the beach was wearing a stitch. How could she show off her new bathing suit,
if no one here wore them? And could she
actually go out there, in public without it?
Swallowing hard, she grabbed the string at the nape of her neck, and
pulled; the bow came apart, the top half of her suit started to fall. It took a conscious effort not to catch it, but
instead to pull the string at her back, and then the one at one hip. She stuffed the scraps of cloth under her
beach towel, and with her back straight, strolled onto the beach as casually as
she could.
He watched her moment of
panic, watched her blush, and then in amazement, watched her strip off the
silly bathing costume, and step through the gate and onto the beach. He watched the sway of her hips, the set of
her shoulders, the way her muscles moved, under her fur, and knew he had to
have her…..
She spread the beach towel
on the sand, in a spot not too remote, not too close to any of the others. As she glanced around, she began to think
maybe it had been a mistake to come here alone… and then he caught her eye. He was sitting on a rock, half way out on the
headland, the sea crashing around his feet.
He sat there, elbows on knees, just looking at her. Blushing, she stretched out on the towel, not
quite facing him, not quite facing away.
And the next time she glanced in that direction, he was gone.
She saw him again, that
night, at dinner. He was casually
attired, and at a table by himself. And
for most of the meal, he never even glanced at her. Not until she was almost ready to leave; then
she found his smoky eyes staring at her.
She’d had hundreds of
suitors; the oldest daughter of a Count would, no matter what she looked
like. She’d handled them all with
aplomb, at least until this point. But
now, there was something in his gaze that sent her scurrying to the powder
room. By the time she’d gathered
herself, and returned to her table, he was gone.
She saw him the next day,
in the market in the village; again, he was watching her, a half-smile on his
face. She saw him several times, at a
distance, as she moved through the stalls, and shops, but when it came time to
return to the resort, he was nowhere to be seen.
Both moons were full,
their light reflected on the water, the sky filled with a trillion stars. She stood on the balcony, and tried to pick
out the ones her father ruled. Lost in
thought, she never sensed him come up behind her, until he spoke. Later, she couldn’t remember what he’d said,
or how the conversation had started. She
only remembered that he was soft-spoken, and that he made her laugh. They wound up walking on the beach, the surf
washing across their feet. He was the
perfect gentlefurr, seeing her to the door of her suite, kissing her paw, and
then withdrawing. Perhaps
too perfect. As she let herself
in, and closed the door behind her, a part of her wished he’d followed her in,
and ravished her.
The following days seemed
to be from a fairy tale; he was there for her, to take her mountain climbing,
in the interior of the island, showing her places that the tourists never
found, treating her as if she were a Princess.
It was towards the end of
her stay, when it happened. They’d been
walking along the beach, when, in jest she’d dashed away from him, darting into
the jungle at the water’s edge. For a
while, they played hide and seek, and then, by a pool fed by a small waterfall,
he caught her, exploding out of the foliage, knocking her to the sandy
ground. For a moment he looked deep into
her eyes, as he lay atop her, her wrists held tight in his paws. Then, lowering his head, he kissed her;
kissed her hard, kissed her hungrily.
They wound up spending the night there, right there, in the throes of
passionate love. And at daybreak, they
bathed in the pool, and laughing, made their way back to the resort.
She watched as one of the
hotel employees approached; she felt him stiffen by her side, and wondered what
could be wrong; but it wasn’t him that the message was for, but her. She had to return home immediately; there’d
been an accident. The family aircar had
crashed; her father was dead, and her mother gravely injured. With tears filling her eyes, she ran to her
suite, to gather her things.
He helped her pack, helped
her to the limo, saw her to the starport.
And that was the last she saw of him, for many a year…..
Tanj blinked, and took a
sip of her coffee; it was stone cold.
Staring at it in wonder, she wondered just how long the Kurani had been
talking…. Looking up she growled;
“Jenka’s mother, I take it?”
The Kurani smiled;
“Indeed. And you can imagine who her
beau was.”
The Cheetah nodded; “so what
Kittiara’s Writing 3
She stared at the face on
the video screen. He looked different,
in the dress uniform. “Why didn’t you
TELL me you were pregnant? Did you think
I wouldn’t CARE?”
Serani kept her face calm,
kept her composure; “To be frank, when I found out I was pregnant, I was in the
middle of settling my parents’ estate.
You of all people must know what its like to have duties like that
suddenly thrust on you.” She saw him
wince, and knew her retort had hit home.
Of course his father hadn’t died in an accident; it had been an
assassination, but both had been sudden, and unexpected. Or at least she THOUGHT he hadn’t been
expecting it…. Some of the rumors she’d
heard since… Some of the rumors she’d
heard since were some of the reasons she’d never told him. “By the time I had my head above water, had
my father’s domain running the way it should, well, you hadn’t called. Not so much as an e-mail. I figured it was just “ships passing in the
night” and let it go at that.”
She could see the pain on
his face; “I too had…. Things to attend to. And in fact, it has only recently come to my
attention that there was “issue” from our, ah, time together.”
nodded; “so?”
He looked as if he were
about to explode; “Don’t you think I have an interest in my..
in OUR daughter?
Don’t you think I want to meet her, to get to KNOW her? She’s my oldest child! Don’t you know what she could mean to the Empire?”
And that was the crux.
Schedules had been
difficult to mesh. The Countess of
Shambala literally had worlds to attend to, and the new Emperor, well, he had
the whole Empire to attend to.
Finally, however, they were able to force a period where they could both
be in the same place at the same time…
Serani watched her daughter
as the ship docked. Despite offers of
transportation on a naval vessel, she’d specifically taken public
transportation, a mixed freight and passenger vessel, of good repute, to give
her daughter a slightly wider range of experience. But from the port they’d boarded the ship at,
to the Imperial homeworld, they’d had an escort. Not every merchant ship traveled with a
squadron of Destroyers. And on the last
leg of the trip, a pair of Cruisers had joined them. Never too close, but always there. Although she never told her mother, Jenka was
secretly upset. She’d seen so many holos
of pirate tales, and thought it would be a marvelous adventure to encounter
them in space…
Jenka watched through the
big viewport in the passenger’s lounge.
The space station was HUGE; much larger than anything she’d ever seen
before. There seemed to be ships
everywhere. So many
furrs rushing in so many directions.
She was going to have all SORTS of stories to tell her classmates when
she got back…
Serani nodded cordially to
the robed official that met them as they debarked. Curiously, he seemed to be alone; somehow,
she’d expected a larger reception.
Still, he was most efficient at arranging for their baggage to be
forwarded, and with a smile, led them to a waiting transport.
Jenka looked around the
interior of the arrowhead-shaped craft.
It was obviously meant to carry furrs, with carpeting and wood trim, and even cup holders, and yet, there was something
about it that suggested it was more than it appeared. Tugging on her mother’s sleeve she purrred;
“Mommy, can I go watch the Pilots?”
The Pilot was a young
Serval, and yet he moved with an assurance that seemed well beyond his
years. Smiling at the young Jaguar, he
folded down a jumpseat for her between and a little behind the pilot/copilot
seats. She watched as they undocked from
the space station, and then oooooohed as the stars
wheeled, the station vanished, and the little craft dropped like a rock.
Serani watched the
navigational display from where she sat.
It was obvious that all traffic in the area had been held, for their
departure. There may not have been a
grand reception at the spaceport, but they weren’t quite coming in by the back
door either…..
The small craft screamed
through the atmosphere, the turbulence of its passage buffeting the
passengers. Jenka watched wide-eyed, as
the pilots brought the craft down, MUCH faster than any ship she’d ever been on
before. She decided right then and
there, that she liked this, and wanted, some day, to be able to fly like that.
Serani watched the Nav
display. They obviously weren’t headed
for the capital city. “More likely the
Summer Palace” she thought to herself as the craft streaked across the terminator,
and into darkness.
The landing pad was well lit,
but as the craft descended, Serani looked out at the bulk of the summer
palace. Most of the windows were
dark. It was obvious that the place
wasn’t fully staffed. Perhaps he wished
a quiet, private time, to meet his daughter.
And maybe, just maybe, he was trying to keep her out of the public eye,
trying to keep from acknowledging her to the entire empire? And maybe, just maybe, she was reading more
into this than she should……
He was there, when the
door opened, and the ramp extended. He
looked a little older, and somehow, a little more… severe. Well, her experiences had changed her some
too; she wasn’t the carefree young thing she’d been, back on the beach. Forcing a smile, she took her daughter’s paw
in hers and descended the ramp.
Jenka watched the furr
smile, and give her mother a quick hug.
Somehow it seemed more formal than the hugs she was used to getting from
her mother, and she could tell by the way she held her tail that she was
“And this must be
Jenka…” The big male was crouching, to
look her in the face; she stared back, undaunted, and curious.
Her mother stroked her
hair; “Yes, this is our daughter.
The big male smiled;
“Pleased to meet you.” Rising, he looked
at her mother; “Lets go inside; we have a lot to talk about.”
The ice cream was very
good; her favorite flavor. How had they
known? She sat in the kitchen, under the
watchful and attentive eyes of the cook, and her helpers, and slowly savored
the treat. She could hear her mother and
that other furr…. The one that was supposed to be her father,
talking. It sounded as if they
were having an argument. While the
voices were low, and reasonable, there was that edge of hullmetal in her
mother’s tone that said that she’d made up her mind and would NOT have it any
other way. Jenka smiled and took another
spoonful of the ice cream and felt a little sorry for her “Father”. When mother got like that….
The Emperor growled and
paced the Veranda. “Dammit, Charles, Why
won’t she listen to reason?”
The Elephant shrugged;
“Probably because you’re pressing so hard.
You should have met her with roses and not talked of this for three
days. You should have wooed her. You should have shown her the romantic figure
she remembered you to be.”
The Jaguar waved a paw, Yes, yes, YES. But
I’m due in Eranta this time tomorrow.
YOU know I can’t miss that! There
isn’t TIME.”
The Elephant nodded; “Yes,
I know. You could have played with the
child, and read her a bed time story, and had breakfast with them and never
mentioned any of this. Saved it for next
time; perhaps then there would have BEEN a next time.”
The Jaguar waved both paws
in a massive shrug; “She deserves to know the score. Hell, she could probably tell ME what my
duties in that area are!”
The Elephant nodded; “Yes,
she’d be the first to agree that Shambala is neither close enough, nor powerful
enough to make for a good political marriage.
And that’s the very reason you should ignore all conventional wisdom and
pursue her. SHE has a very level head on
her shoulders. The way she’s managed her
Father’s holdings in the wake of his demise demonstrates that.”
The Jaguar groaned;
“Yes. Yes, she has. But the Imperial court would never accept
such a marriage.” He turned to look at
the Elephant; “Dammit, Charles, you KNOW I’m not as free to act as everyone
thinks! There are things REQUIRED of
me. And a politically correct,
well-connected heir is one of the things that I’m expected to provide. The Sultana of Gorza, or the Dutchess of
Yyala, the Princess of Dal-Hedgeworth, any of those would provide ties to
political, financial, and industrial strengths that would reinforce the
position, authority, and power of the Emperor.
The Elephant shrugged;
“And yet, we both know that competence is the prime factor in the ratification
of a new emperor. At
least on paper.” After a moment,
he continued; “The Sultana has an idiot for a brother; there is weakness in her
genes. The Dutchess has numerous rumors
of improprieties trailing in her wake.
Her moral character may leave much to be desired. And the Princess….” The Elephant shuddered; “well, lets just say that someone beat her with the ugly stick, and
beat her badly.”
The Emperor sighed and
nodded. For a long time he just stared
off into the Jungle.
Jenka sipped her orange
juice and watched carefully. The furr…
her FATHER was talking with her mother.
He had his head down, and was holding both her paws in his, and seemed
to be apologizing. She grinned to
herself; she’d been right; he must have lost the argument last night with her
mother! After a while he released her
paws, kissed her on the forehead, and with several other furrs, headed for the
landing pad. After a ship had ascended,
her Mother came and returned to the table on the veranda. She was quiet for a long time.
Kittiara’s Writing 4
Tanj rose and went to
refill her coffee pot, only to find the pot had run dry, with a layer of black
gunk on the bottom, with the pot almost too hot to touch. She quickly turned off the warmer. How long had she been listening? Looking back at the Kurani, she stifled a
yawn. “So where did it go from
there? No, don’t start
again; just give me the summary. What
time is it anyways?”
Kittiara shrugged and
smiled; “I’m afraid I don’t wear a watch”.
Of course, aside from her collar she wasn’t wearing anything. “As for Jenka and her mother, well….. Two years later, the Emperor married the
Baroness de Marchionne. A year after
that, Jenka’s mother married. Most will
tell you that she married below her station, taking a commoner for her
consort.” The Kurani smiled; “Others
will tell you she married a good furr, who looked after her interests, and her,
with devotion. And Serani had several
other offspring, by him, before he died.
For a while, things went on, quietly, with both the Countess and the
Emperor absorbed in the various facets of their lives. But then the Emperor’s wife died, some might
say mysteriously, and then the Countess’ husband died, again, some might say,
mysteriously. It would seem the Emperor’s
attentions had turned back to Serani….
Jenka watched the shuttle
land. Her Father. Again. After years of absence, he’d suddenly started
making visits again. Her mother was in
the big house, pointedly not there to meet the Emperor. And yet, no matter what her mother said, she
couldn’t leave the task to servants, so she’d come. As he exited the shuttle, his face broke into
a big smile; “Ah, there’s my little girl!”
Jenka sniffed; she wasn’t that little.
In fact, she had just recently turned sixteen. As she hugged her Father hello, she caught a
glimpse of someone else exiting the shuttle…..
He felt her stiffen as he
held her, and knew. Releasing her, he
turned and waved; “Ruprecht, come over here and meet your half-sister.”
Jenka stared at the
heir-apparent, and wondered what in the world had possessed him to bring HIM
here? Did he think that his true son’s
presence would make things go easier with her mother? Perhaps he was trying to demonstrate that, by
having an heir, there was no pressure, on Jenka or her Mother. Forcing herself to be calm, and polite, she
greeted the boy. He looked to be about
thirteen, and rather scraggly looking.
His eyes kept darting around, and his pawshake was almost painfully
limp. After a moment’s silence, Jenka
turned back to her Father; “I’ll show you to the guest quarters now, if you
like.” She pointedly didn’t say “your”
Ruprecht stared at the
female’s ass as she walked in front of them.
Pity she was related so closely; he wouldn’t have minded getting into
those tight pants. And who did she think
she was, meeting the Emperor in clothes like that; why, it looked as if she’d
just come from the stables! Looking around,
he wondered what there was to do in a benighted place like this….
Dinner that night was a
somber affair. Somber, if you discounted
Ruprecht using a spoon as a catapult to sling poi at one of the servers. His father’s rebuke scarcely slowed him at
all; in fact he didn’t seem as if he was going to stop at all until Jenka stretched
a leg under the table, and running out her claws, lightly rested her foot on
his crotch. THAT got his attention, and
earned her a withering glare. At the
head of the table, Serina just smiled, something NOT lost on the Emperor.
Things went downhill from
After dinner, Jenka stayed
to help the staff clear the table. The
Emperor, and her mother had retired to the veranda, and she could hear them
talking, quietly. Ruprecht had gone off
with his “tutor”, as apparently he had some homework that was overdue. Jenka thought the tutor was more his “keeper”
and at some subtle signal from the Emperor, had dragged the cub off to keep him
from getting into any more trouble.
“I’m sorry to hear of your
recent loss. From everything I’ve heard, he was a good furr.”
Serina nodded a bit
stiffly; “And I’m sorry to hear about the de.. about your Empress.”
She turned to look searchingly into his eyes; “It was a most sudden, and unexpected event….”
He chuckled; “Don’t
believe everything you read in the tabloids.
I really didn’t have anything to do with it.” He took a sip of his brandy and looked out
over the forest below; “Yes, we had our differences, but we were working on those. It was nothing to commit murder over.”
Serina watched him; the
set of his ears, the way his tail moved, and decided that it was at least
possible that he was telling the truth.
That or he was a very accomplished liar.
That too was possible. She took a
sip of her drink, carefully prepared by her staff; it only looked alcoholic. “It was a remarkable coincidence that my
husband should pass away so very close on the heels of the Empress.”
He turned and raised an
eyebrow; “I know what you’re thinking, but no, I had nothing to do with that
either.” He spread his paws wide, almost
spilling his drink in the process; “I can’t prove it, of course. Lord knows, someone with my resources could
easily have accomplished both…. Events, but I didn’t.” he looked back
across the tops of the trees and sighed; “how can you prove a negative?”
After a while, he turned
back to her; “Have you considered my… request, to let Jenka study at the
Imperial University? You know she
couldn’t get a better education anywhere….”
Serina smiled; “Actually,
she’s been talking about the Exploration Service Academy…”
The Emperor blinked and
then winced; “Do you know what the…. Casualty rate among those furrs is? Something like one ship in twenty is never
heard from again! If her career lasts
even a dozen years, the odds are…. No, its too great a risk!”
Serina raised an eyebrow;
“Are you telling me… are you telling your DAUGHTER that she can’t pursue her
The Emperor sighed; “If
she wants to go to space, The Imperial Naval Academy would be glad to accept
her.” He turned to face the female;
“They can teach her the latest technology, she can drive the fastest, the most
powerful ships…” He winced; “Even those
engaged in combat operations, either against pirates or on the frontier, have a
better chance of survival!”
Serina turned and stared
out at the horizon; “I will let my daughter make up her own mind. I will advise, but I will NOT dictate.”
The Emperor opened his
mouth, and then a different, more guarded look came over his face; “As you
Ruprecht smiled; it had
been childsplay to slip away from his mentor.
In this strange structure, he’d found that the bathroom off his suite
had a door to the outside. It opened
onto a patio; the patio had both a swimming pool, and a hot tub. He hated the water. Wouldn’t be caught dead swimming! But the architect had certainly provided him
with a handy exit. The low wall around
the pool area had been easy to hop. And now
he was strolling down a path, through some garden. There was another building ahead; maybe there
was something interesting in there.
The groom was snoring
softly in the corner. The riding beasts
shuffled in their stalls nervously as he slipped through the door. Looking about, he grinned; he was right. Jenka HAD come from the stables. Tiptoeing forward, he looked into the first
stall. The creature was lizard-like,
with powerful hind legs and ridiculous tiny forelegs. It stared at him as if trying to figure out
if he was good to eat. Ruprecht
snorted. Still, it gave him an
idea…… Retracing his steps, he returned
to the bathroom, to fish something out of his toiletries bag….
The refrigerator near the
door to the stables held large plastic bags of some sort of fish. Ruprecht shrugged; they’d looked like
carnivores, and maybe the creature HAD been trying to figure out if he’d be
good to eat. Taking his pocketknife,
Ruprecht slit the belly of the fish, and poured in some of the foul tasting
gunk the doctor had given him, back when he’d had stomach trouble, from eating
too many Antarean puffballs. Grinning at
the lizard-thing, he tossed it a fish.
Moving faster than Ruprecht had thought possible, the creature snatched
it out of the air, and then cocked its head, looking at him with one eye, as if
to say; “got any more?”
He wound up feeding the
first creature at least a half dozen fish; by then the others were clamoring to
be fed too, so he gave each of them a few fish, each laced with the
laxative. When the bottle ran out, he
didn’t see any reason to keep feeding them, no matter how insistent they
were. Tidying up, he slipped out before
the groom could be awakened by the increasingly noisome creatures.
Jenka was awakened by the
sound of scurrying feet. Peering out her
window, she watched as
three servants with mops and buckets hurried by, heading for the
stables. Somehow she just knew something
was wrong. Pulling on a pair of shorts
and a vest, she hurried after them.
The stables were a
mess. There was excrement
everywhere. All of her riding beasts
were on their sides, moaning, tails thrashing.
The staff veterinarian was there, and there seemed to be plenty of help,
so she just watched. After a while, she
caught the elbow of a passing furr and asked what had happened; the servant
just shrugged; “Ma’am, the Doctor thinks they’ve been poisoned, but I don’t
think anyone’s really sure, yet just WHAT happened.”
Ruprecht looked up, and
grinned as Jenka stormed into the dining room; “What in the HELL did you do to
my animals?” she growled. Ruprecht just
smirked, but deigned to reply. The
Emperor looked from Jenka to the boy and back; “Care to tell me what happened?”
Jenka watched the shuttle
lift. She’d personally escorted them to
the landing pad, to make sure that sorry sack of shit had gotten on the
shuttle, and not snuck off again. Her story of what had happened had brought
denials from Ruprecht. It was suggested,
by one of the Emperor’s staff, that Jenka had no proof, and that perhaps she
should apologize to the Heir Apparent.
Instead Jenka vowed to prove her accusations, and had stormed off, to
find some help. As she left, the Emperor
wondered if perhaps letting her strive to prove her accusations had been
prudent. She most probably was right,
and if she DID prove it, he’d have to take action. And that could be difficult.
In the end, the Veterinarian
had identified the toxin. This had been
matched to a prescription issued for Ruprecht, although the bottle that had
held the medicine hadn’t been found. One
of the Emperor’s party admitted he’d packed the medicine for the boy. The “tutor” admitted the boy had gone missing
for over an hour. Ruprecht was still
claiming that “anyone” could have lifted that bottle from his luggage, and that
he’d simply gone for a walk, until Jenka found his pawprint on the food locker. THAT had been enough for the Emperor, and
with apologies to Serina, AND to Jenka, he had departed, somewhat ahead of
Good riddance.
Tanj yawned, her head
propped on one paw; “So….?”
The Kurani took a sip of
water and smiled; “Two years later, Jenka found that the Exploration Services
Academy simply wouldn’t accept her application, despite the fact that her
grades were more than adequate. She of
course blamed the Emperor. There were a
number of things, seemingly random occurrences, that all tended to make it
attractive for Jenka to indeed attend the Imperial University, and she, and her
mother, concluded that it was a conspiracy.
Her mother moved further and further away from the social circles of the
nobility, and that only seemed to sway the opinion of her peers against
her. After all, who in their right mind
would rebuff the advances of the Emperor?
Eventually, Jenka realized that her “disobedience” to her Father’s
wishes was having a negative impact on her mother, and in the third year of her
studies at a regional University, she dropped out, and “ran away from
home.” And thus we come, by several
twists and turns, to the present situation.”
Tanj nodded; “Yeah. Well, it certainly helps to understand the
background, to know where they’re coming from.
Now all I have to do is figure out what do DO about it all. But, for the moment, we need to find out
what’s happened to Jinx, rescue Ralph, and get you two back to the
The Kurani smiled, and
rose, in simple obedience. Her smile
however, suggested that it might not be quite that simple
The Opposition; Infiltration
The Mouse examined his
credentials for the twentieth time. He
had his new name memorized as well as a few salient facts about his
background. He knew the product line he
was supposed to be selling forwards and back.
“Market Research had come up with something that would get him in the
door, but still probably not be bought by the pirates. As a result he wouldn’t be caught in in-depth
negotiations over such trivialities as unit cost, delivery time, and
performance guarantees. Instead he’d be
able to cool his heels as he waited for transport out, giving him plenty of
time for his REAL mission. If everything
went right, this should be a cinch.
The Bunny sat in the port’s
bar, with her back to the wall and her eyes on the door. It was a boring place, in the middle of
nowhere, and she’d been here for almost a week.
Still, it was where she’d been told to catch the transport to the Black
Fleet’s station. She chuckled, imagining
a regularly scheduled transport leaving from a major port, for a pirate
base. On the first night there, a rather
drunken spice farmer had made a move on her, and she’d sent him, and two of his
friends to the hospital. Since then
she’d been left strictly alone, which was just the way she liked it. As she sipped her rosieta water, she watched
the Mouse. His clothes were too good,
his manners too refined. He sat at a
table in the bar, and waited, just as she did, and she was fairly sure he was
headed to the same place. He just didn’t
fit in, and that puzzled her. She took
another sip and wondered what business he might have with the Pirates.
Gill watched the monitor,
set just below the bar top, where only he could see it, as he ran a bar towel
over the mug he’d just washed. It was
his job to make sure furrs heading for the Black Fleet’s station passed muster,
and he’d been waiting for the background checks to come in, before he signaled
the Transport. Nick’s freighter was
actually grounded on the other side of the planet, its crew enjoying their
shore leave while everyone waited for clearance.
Bo looked at the Cheetah
and shrugged; “Ma’am, the ID’s are patently false. We KNOW they’re false; neither of them check out. But that in and of itself doesn’t mean anything.” He waved a paw; “Half the furrs on this
station came here on false identities!”
Tanj nodded; “I know. Its just….
Considering the state we’re in, I’m nervous.
The fact that you can’t find ANYTHING of their real identities bothers
The Serval shrugged again;
“Well, that’s not COMPLETELY true. The
Mouse checks out with Webcorps arms.
THEY at least acknowledge he exists.
Maybe his false identity fooled them, maybe they don’t care, maybe they’re in on something with him. As for the Rabbit, there are indications that
she’s a mercenary, but we can’t get anything more concrete than that.”
Tanj nodded; “OK, we can’t
delay the transport any longer.” She
grinned; “Nick has probably forgotten who he works for, and Jenka’s probably
going to have a coronary at his expense account. Tell him to pick up his passengers and come
on home. BUT, keep an eye on those two
when they get here, and pass the file to Kath; maybe her Imperial Intelligence
buddies can come up with something.”
The Serval nodded, and
padded out.
Kittiara’s writing 5
The look on Ralph’s face,
as the door to his quarters slid open was one of blatant relief. Tanj swept her eyes across the room; the bed
was rumpled, there were several empty bags of potato chips scattered about and at
least a dozen empty drink glasses.
Jinx, with a game
controller in her paw was staring at Tanj and Kittiara in supreme frustration;
“Dang it! I was just about to beat
Ralph rolled his eyes;
“For the fourth straight time, on the seventh series. Who taught this…. lady to play computer
games? She’s VICIOUS!”
Kittiara listened to the
full grown Bengal Tiger complain about the petite skunk and just had to laugh.
Tanj took in the look on
Jinx’s face, and waved a paw; “Finish the game, Ralph, and then we’ll have to
get these two back to the kennels.”
nodded resolutely and turned back to pick up his game controller. It was only a
few minutes later when the Skunkette was howling in victory, her aircar having
crossed the line a good ten seconds ahead of the tiger.
Jinx had to use the
bathroom, and then insisted on helping Ralph clean up, and then she was hungry
again; it seemed as if it took forever, but finally they were back at the
“I’m sorry, Tanj. There just isn’t any room. All the cages are holding two furrs apiece,
and in some cases three. Don’t believe me, look for yourself!”
Tanj stared at the
Aardvark and nodded; stepping into one of the corridors, she looked left and
right as she paced down the row of kennels.
Sure enough, every one was full.
In one cage, three female mice stared back at her sadly; they seemed to
be the ones with the most room. In
another cell, a male Horse and a male Lion were almost lying on one
another. She hoped they were good
friends. Finally, she made her way back
to the guard’s station; “What happened?”
The Aardvark shrugged;
“I’m told that
Tanj sighed and nodded;
“Okay…. I guess we’ll have to make other arrangements.”
As she’d feared, the
holding cells on most of the ships docked at the station were full as well. The liner, the Eastern Star, had been
ransomed back to the owners, the insurance company paying a tidy bounty for its
return, so the stasis chamber was unavailable.
Several frustrating hours later, they were back at Tanj’s quarters. “I guess you two will just have to stay here,
for a while.”
The Kurani smiled softly
and Jinx bounced up and down in glee; “Goodie… hey, got anything to eat, ah,
Tanj just sighed.
Kittiara’s writing 6:
Jenka, predictably, was
NOT happy. She wasn’t happy that the
slaves she’d ordered confined weren’t.
And she was especially unhappy that Tanj had learned so much, things
that she’d tried for so long to keep anyone from knowing…. And as expected, she had her own way of
showing that displeasure.
Tanj hung, suspended,
upside-down, in the middle of Jenka’s quarters.
A spreader bar kept her ankles almost painfully widespread. Her arms were bound behind her in a
monoglove, the ring at its tip also tied to the ceiling, pulling her back, so
her breasts pointed almost straight down.
Weights hung from her nipple rings, and every motion was felt as they
swayed and bobbled.
Jenka sat, crosslegged, on
the floor, watching her pet sway. The
interrogation as to just how much that meddling Kurani had told her had turned
into girl-talk; the prompts with the paddle and riding crop had turned to more
sensual caresses, and strokes with the feather that Tanj hated so much. Things were winding down; she’d worked most
of the frustration out of her system.
Well, at least her frustration with the Cheetah…..
“No, I don’t really HATE
him, per se. I find him arrogant, and
annoying, but its entirely possible that just comes
with the job. You know he still tries,
from time to time, to get me to “come home”….
Mother always said how much he’d changed, and yet I suspect she’d
changed a lot as well. I just wish he’d
go away and leave me alone!”
Tanj smiled, and tried to
twist her head to look at the Jaguar: “I suspect, Mistress, that you have so
many problems with him, because you’re so much alike.”
Jenka jerked as if she’d
been shocked, and a moment later the riding crop came slicing down onto her
unprotected quim; “That’s a NASTY thing to say!
I’m not like him at ALL!” After a
moment she sighed, and rose to her knees, to lick softly at the spot she’d
struck; “Well, not much like him. Sorry,
Pet, I didn’t mean to…”
Tanj nodded; “ ‘s OK, I understand.”
After a moment she whispered; “But wanting him to leave you alone, isn’t
going to MAKE him leave you alone. And
then there’s Ruprecht. HE isn’t going to
back off. What are we going to DO?”
Jenka paused for
reflection, for a moment, as she nibbled on the Cheetah’s left labia; after a
long while, she muttered; “I don’t know.”
And then she sat back, and smiled.
Tanj, twisting, doing her best to look at the Jaguar, suddenly felt cold
inside. Jenka positively beamed; “I
know. I KNOW! I know JUST what it’ll take to make ‘em BOTH
leave us alone!” Leaning closer, staring
at the Cheetah’s upside-down face, she purrred; “We fake our deaths! We VANISH.
If they think we’re dead, they’ll HAVE to leave us alone!”
Tanj thought for a moment;
“There might be some utility in that…..
But, maybe we can kill two birds with one stone….”
Jenka turned and looked at
her; “how’s that?”
Tanj shrugged, a difficult
motion, considering how she was tied; “Well, Ruprecht obviously wants the
dimensional gate technology. I’m not
sure if he wants to suppress it, or use it, but either way, he’s VERY interested
in it. What if we were to use something
like that, to make it look as if we’d vanished, as Elysium did. We wouldn’t have to be dead at all, just out
of reach. And its
something they might believe…”
Jenka nodded; “might
work. Might be simpler than just dying;
you can bet your bottom credit either Ruprecht or the Emperor, or maybe both,
wouldn’t believe we were dead until they saw the bodies. With your way, we don’t have to provide
bodies….. And our “investments” could
continue onwards, “in trust” instead of having to be completely abandoned… Yeah, we need to think about this…. But not right now. Right now, I’m tired, and am going to get
some sleep. You need to get some sleep
Tanj groaned. Jenka’s idea of her getting some sleep had
been the application of a bondage hood.
With her mouth filled with soft rubber, robbed of sight, and sound,
Jenka had filled her pussy and ass with powerful vibrators, set to random
patterns. As a parting gift she’d rubbed
something on her labia and nipples that just seemed to drive her wild; it felt
cool and burned at the same time, made her itch, made her writhe, made her howl
into her gag, even when the vibrators weren’t running. As she hung from the ceiling, twisting and
turning, the weights hung from her nipples flying, she wondered if Jenka was
having a good night’s sleep…….
Morning brought relief for
aching joints, when Jenka let her down.
The Jaguar certainly looked as if she’d slept well. With her arms still bound behind her, Jenka
had the Cheetah lick her to three quick climaxes, before she released her for
the day’s duties. “Now, you understand
that you are not to pass any of this information on to ANYONE. Not Zassa, or Wanda, or Chris, or John. NO ONE. And you’re to make sure that Kurani doesn’t
tell anyone either. If it gets out, YOU
will be the one punished.” Jenka
straightened and crossed her arms over her chest; “I am NOT interested in
Imperial Society. NOT interested in my
fa.. in the Emperor’s
job. Not interested in ANYTHING he might
have to offer! Is that clear?”
Tanj nodded; “Yes,
Jenka nodded back and
swatted the Cheetah on her bottom; “Good.
Now get to work. I want a
preliminary plan as to how we’re going to accomplish the vanishing act by the
end of the week!
John listened to the Tiger
talk, and frowned. This could be the
biggest threat ever to face the Black Fleet….. or the
biggest opportunity. Finding out if
there even was a problem would be risky, but… well, someone had to do it.
Kittiara looked up from
her terminal as the Stallion came through the door. She hadn’t heard a chime, so he must have
authorization. She wondered what he was
here for.
John watched the Kurani
dictate to the word processing program.
Her voice was smooth, well modulated, and very, very fast. She sounded like she could put most
auctioneers to shame. And yet the
computer seemed to be capturing every word; he didn’t see her pause to edit
anything. Whenever HE used voice
recognition software, he generally spent more time fixing mistakes than
actually writing. He was envious. Forcing his attention away from the Kurani,
he looked around the room. The Skunkette
was curled up on the couch apparently watching a soap opera. He grinned at her, held up the leash, and
crooked a finger at her.
He was suddenly aware of
the Kurani; she had stopped talking and was just looking at him. Her face was entirely neutral, and yet there
was something in her demeanor that was not quite proper for a Slave, when
regarding a Master. He tried to Ignore her.
Jinx blinked, but rose
smoothly from the couch, moving to kneel before the Stallion He clipped his leash to her collar,
and turned, to head for the door. Behind
him, he heard the Kurani rise, to pause the video. He didn’t look back, but tried to retain his
resolve. It wasn’t easy.
“Today, Slave, you’re
going to earn your keep by pleasing several furrs. Friends of mine. Do your job well,
and you’ll be rewarded. Fail to please
them, and you’ll be punished.” He didn’t
even look to see if she’d nodded in acknowledgement of his statement, although
he dearly would have loved to have tried to read her body language.
The door was unmarked, as
most of them were. The Stallion knocked
once on the door, and then hit the button, opening it. Jinx tried to keep her eyes downcast, as a
proper slave should, but somehow it just didn’t work. She caught a glimpse of the Stallion handing
over the leash to someone with brown fur, and risked punishment by raising her
eyes. She found a pair of friendly brown
eyes looking back, from a flattish head with small ears, a big nose, and a
bigger grin. “Hello!” The voice matched the face, and she couldn’t
help but smile in return. “hope you’re up for some fun today!”
Jinx nodded demurely and
stole a glance around. There were at
least three other Otters in the room, and they were all grinning…
John let out a sigh when
the door closed behind him. If the
Santini brothers couldn’t keep her happy, no one could. Those otters were crazy, but they were also a
lot of fun. Turning towards Ops he
headed off to benchmark the current successes and failures of the Black Fleet.
The Skunkette staggered
through the door; her fur was a matted mess, her hair in disarray, and she had
a huge grin on her face. Turning, to
walk backwards, she waved through the door; “Thanks, Guys, I had a great
time! Think he’ll let us do it again
An Otter’s chirp of
laughter floated through the door; “Oh, that’d be Lovely, but unfortunately,
we’ve gotta work. Maybe the next time we
have a day off….”
Jinx sighed and nodded,
and blew the Otter a kiss; “Hope so!”
Kittiara raised an
eyebrow; “Have a good time?”
The Skunkette nodded;
“Yeah, a great time. Nothing
like a pack of Otters for a rollicking good orgy!”
The Kurani chuckled; “You
know he’s testing you, don’t you?”
The Skunkette looked down
between her legs; “Oh dear, I’m still dribbling…. Need to get in the shower.” Looking up she sighed and nodded; “Yeah, I
know. I’ll probably have a couple more
good days, and then things’ll get grim.”
The Kurani nodded sagely;
“Figured out what you’re going to do, yet?”
The Skunkette growled and
shook her fist; “Dang it; how many times do I have to tell you I don’t have
that kind of control over it?”
The Kurani just smiled and
started speaking softly into the word processor’s microphone.
The skunkette stared at
her for a moment and then growled; “If I did, I’d fry your word
processor!” Turning she stalked off
towards the bathroom.
Kittiara turned, looked
after her, and then muttered “Save redundant copies on different memory storage
systems every sixty seconds. Enter.”
Kittiara’s Writing 7
The Kurani looked as if she’d slept well too. The Skunkette was still asleep, snoring
softly. “Look, I just don’t have time to
escort you around, and introduce you to all the furrs that you need to talk to,
to get the basic information on the Nikkeldepain raid. Here’s a list of their names, and where they
can be found. Use the station’s computer
system to find out their work schedule, set up interviews, and find a route to
where they are.” The Cheetah grinned;
“You’re resourceful. I’m sure you can
find a way to encourage them to be… communicative.”
The Kurani just smiled.
Somehow, without showing teeth, she made it a very predatory smile; “Yes, Mistress, I’m sure I’ll do fine. I’ve already read the logs on the incident,
and I think I’ve got a fairly good handle on what happened, and how to write
the story.”
The Cheetah nodded; “Good.
Just remember, this is a work of FICTION, specifically slanted to give
the impression the Black Fleet had NOTHING to do with it.”
The Kurani smiled again; “Understood. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll start with
Zassa; it would appear she had a most interesting part in that little escapade.”
Tanj just nodded and after grabbing a dress, headed for the
door. She had way too much to do in the
Intelligence office, to hang around here.
She was half way to her
office when it hit her. When did the
Kurani have time to read all those logs?
Surely she must have meant she skimmed only the more important ones….
She was just sitting down
when the thought struck her; those logs and reports on the Nikkeldepain raid
were all “classified”. You had to have a
rather high level password to access them.
HOW had she read them?….
Testing, Part 2
John frowned at the status
report. Hunting yesterday had been
moderately good, but nothing to write home about. And things on the station had been quiet as
well. The best that could be said was
that nothing really significant had gone wrong.
Wondering if he was chasing wild geese, he decided he still didn’t have
a statistically meaningful sampling, and leaving ops, turned his way towards
Tanj’s quarters.
The Kurani looked up from
a table piled high with bits and pieces of electronics. Ralph from Intelligence was with her, a
portable diagnostic unit in one paw, and a rather burnt looking circuit board
in the other. The Stallion looked at him
for a second; the Tiger seemed rather… “frozen”, with
the strangest look on his face. “Um…
what’s going on?”
The Kurani looked up and
smiled; “We seem to have had a computer failure. For some reason the local node burst into
flames at about
The Stallion nodded
slowly; “and… where’s our favorite Skunkette?”
Ralph made a noise
somewhere between a gasp and a gargle, and then Jinx was squirming out from
under the table; she was grinning widely and licking her lips; “Here,
Master. More Otters
The Stallion looked from
Ralph to the pile of electronics, to the Kurani and then to the Skunkette; “Um…
No. They’re a bit worn out. I thought we’d… ah, there are some others that
could use your services, Slave.” He held
out the end of his leash. Smiling, Jinx
took it and clipped it to her own collar.
“These Furrs have just
recently won an up-time award for the ships assigned to them; you’re the
prize.” Jinx looked from the Stallion to
the crew of eight maintenance techs. Several
of them stared back hungrily, but a few looked as if they’d rather have gotten
a cash prize. Jinx just grinned; she was
sure she could convince them she was the better reward. Without asking, she unclipped her leash from
the Stallion’s lead, and walked forward, eagerly.
John stepped out of the
compartment and retraced his steps to Tanj’s quarters. Ralph had a much more normal expression on
his face, as he talked to the Kurani; “There, I think that one’s as good as its
going to get….. Yup, tests green; try downloading what you can from it. And to answer your question, no, actually,
I’d always intended to loose. I’d
studied Tanj very carefully, and felt that she’d be just the kind of Mistress
that I wanted. Not too demanding, not
too lax, willing to let me pursue my career and interests, and yet still
capable of giving me what I need.” He
frowned at a circuit board; “This one’s fried completely.” He tossed it into a growing stack on the
floor. “And so far I’d say its worked out rather well, although she does have the most
annoying tendency to drag us all into the damnedest dangerous
The Kurani glanced up at
the Stallion, and then down at the logic probe in her hand. She set the probe aside, connected a couple
of clips to the strip along the bottom of the board, and pushed a button on the
portable data recorder. Looking up at
the Stallion she sighed; “Last night I asked Jinx about what she planned to do
to reward you for such a pleasant day.
She gave me her usual line about not being able to control the
occurrences that seemed to crop up around her, and stalked off, with a comment
about how, if she could, she’d fry the hard drive I was storing the story
on. Then, in the middle of the night,
there was this random electronic pulse.
It seems to have completely fried the local node. But I’d saved my story on at least six other
nodes, as well as downloading it to a data crystal.” She grinned at the Stallion; “Now, it COULD
have just been a random event. Stray cosmic ray, that kind of thing. But with her, you have to wonder.”
The Stallion nodded, and
still wordless, turned and left. As the
door closed behind him, Ralph chuckled; “Bet you keep your mouth shut when she
comes back today."”
The Kurani just laughed.
Jinx giggled and
squirmed. She hadn’t quite figured out
how the situation had come to this, but…..
Someone had suggested eating her out, and someone else had said that
they thought chocolate covered Skunette would taste better, and then someone
else had found a couple bottles of chocolate syrup. Now she stood, tied to an overhead conduit,
arms and legs widespread, drenched in the sticky sweet stuff, as a half dozen
tongues licked her in the most delightful way.
She was a mess, and she was the center of attention, and the latter was
winning out. Now, if they just had some
whipped cream……
The Bear chuckled and
dribbled some of the chocolate sauce onto his hard cock. Jinx purrred and rocked forward to lick at
him. It was about time they let HER get
some of the chocolate. As long as the
supply held out, she’d suck his cock with gusto. Behind her, the Collie was fucking her hard,
and she suspected that he’d been using the chocolate sauce as lubricant. That was a little gross, but the last time
they’d tried that the Giraffe lady had spent a good hour licking her pussy
clean, her tongue slithering deep into her snatch, removing all traces of the
sweet stuff. As long as a tongue like
that followed the fucking she didn’t care what they used as lubricant…..
The Collie sighed and
shook his head; “Jinx, we’re all out of the strawberry jam, and the mint
jelly’s about gone too. Waldo went out
to try and find some more chocolate sauce, but that was an hour ago, and I
think if he could have found any he’d be back by now. I hate to say it, but the party’s over. I’d best get you back.” Jinx sighed and looked around; then she
giggled. There was no question in her
mind that she’d licked ‘em all!
The Kurani was muttering
into her word processor when the Skunkette came through the door. Her fur was sticking up at odd angles all
over her body. The Kurani’s nose
twitched and she smiled; “Chocolate!
Oooooh, did you save me any?”
The Skunkette just smiled,
shook her head no, and headed for the bath.
“No, I tell you they just
sailed right into the middle of the wolfpack.
We were in extended formation, to maximize our scanning range, and they
sailed straight into the middle of the formation. It was no trouble at all to call in the
outlying ships and completely envelop their formation. We hit ‘em from all sides at the same time,
and in the presence of such overwhelming odds, they surrendered. Every last blessed one of ‘em.”
John nodded at the Wombat;
“Good work.” Turning, he headed back to
Ops. It COULD have been
coincidence. Things like that did
happen, from time to time. But there was
one way to find out for sure. He just
hoped he didn’t kill anyone finding out.
Kittiara’s Writing: Zassa’s Tale:
Kittiara smiled and put
down the PADD. “It certainly sounded
like you had a lot of fun playing that “Jane Calamity”.
The Vixen grinned and
nodded; “It was more fun using the role to tick Jenka off; that Jaguar can come
up with the most delightful punishments.”
The Kurani chuckled; “If
you had to pick one incident, what would you say was the most memorable?
Zassa grinned and
shrugged; “Most memorable? From Jenka, or just anything?”
The Kurani smiled; “Oh,
anything at all; what was your most memorable sexual experience?”
“Hmmmmm.” After a moment
the Vixen got a sly look; “I remember a punishment that I received while at the
academy. It was incredibly sexy…..”
The Kurani nodded,
The Vixen’s eyes got a
faraway look; “They were doing a fantasy theme, for a party, and I was dressed
as a witch, in pointed hat, and long, flowing, and rather transparent
gown. They had me suspended in the air,
astride a broomstick, although it wasn’t your ordinary broomstick. In the middle of the shaft there was a U
shape, designed to fit my crotch. Chains
held the broomstick, suspended horizontally, and of course I was secured to
those chains. I was leaning well
forward, my paws out in front of me, arms outstretched, locked to the chain
holding the front end of the broomstick.
The overall image was if the back half of the broomstick was embedded in
my ass, which it was, and the front portion emerged from my belly just below my
navel.” The Vixen grinned; “But that
wasn’t the interesting part. Of course,
sitting astride that thin U-shape of metal was like “riding the horse” and
after a while, it was rather painful.
The interesting part was the assemblage below the “broomstick”. Just behind me was a vertical bar descending
from the broomstick. This formed the
fulcrum for a horizontal bar, sort of like a teeter-totter, under and parallel
to the main shaft. My ankles were bound
to the far end of the horizontal bar, making me hold my legs out behind
me.” The Vixen grinned; “My ankles were
held apart by a short spreader bar, not nearly wide enough, if you ask
me.” After a moment she grinned; “The
way it worked was that I could press down with my legs to relieve the pressure
on my crotch. However, when I did that,
the other end of the horizontal bar would swing up and drive a phallus into my
pussy, through a ring in the U-shaped bar.
The problem with that was that the dildo was much too long, and to
relieve the pain in my crotch, I wound up hurting myself in other areas.” The Vixen grinned and shook her head; “Of
course I wound up fucking myself silly with the device, much to the amusement
of the onlookers.” Grinning at the
Kurani she all but purrred; “I do believe I was the hit of the party.”
Testing 3
The Weasel watched the
Horse’s retreating back; “I thought he was mad at us…”
The Boar shrugged; “Who
cares.” He turned to the Weasel and
grinned; “Don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth, I always say.” Turning, he fastened his gaze on the
Skunkette; “Now, my pretty. What SHALL we do with you….
John knew things were going wrong when Sleigth’s group was
jumped by a patrol of Imperial Destroyers.
No one jumps a group of stealthed ships like that, unless someone
talked, new technology was involved, or they had some very bad luck. While no
ships were lost, and the damage was minimal, it screwed up the intercept they
were angling towards. Then Engineering
reported that power was out to levels seven through eleven, and they didn’t
have a clue as to why. When the
cafeteria reported that a freezer unit had failed and all the Tuna had spoiled
(apparently in minutes) The Stallion decided he’d had enough, and turned his
way towards the docking ring.
The airlock to the raider
vessel “Wet Willie” slid open before he had even punched in the access
code. The Stallion took a step forward,
and then a couple of quick steps back.
Something in there smelled like… shit.
Wondering if he should have brought his galoshes, the Stallion covered
his nostrils with a hand and bravely stepped forward.
Sure enough, the toilets
had backed up. Lord, he was getting
tired of that. Stepping gingerly he
started poking through the living quarters.
Those two lived like pigs. He
finally found them in what could only have been some sort of “rec room”… The Skunkette stood on tiptoes, her arms
bound tightly behind her, her wrists hauled up towards the ceiling by a
too-tight rope. Her collar ignored,
three nooses had been put around her neck.
Two of the ends had been tied to her well-spread ankles, with the third
tied to an eyebolt in the ceiling. If
she didn’t hold her stance, she’d choke herself. A rather large steel ring gag filled her
mouth, and a quick look suggested that her mouth, pussy and ass had been
roughly used. John pulled his vibroknife
from the pouch at his belt, and cut all four ropes. The Skunkette sank slowly and carefully to
her knees, as if she couldn’t quite believe the ropes had gone loose.
John turned and looked
around. The Boar was stretched out on
the floor. A quick examination suggested
that he was out cold, as opposed to asleep, drunk, or drugged. His pupils were different diameters, when the
Stallion lifted his eyelids, and there was a considerable bump on his
head. Leaving him for the moment, he
turned to the Weasel. The Weasel was in
a corner, very much awake, but seemingly covered in…. duct tape? He even had a piece around his muzzle. John looked at the Skunkette, who was still
kneeling there, eyes closed, and then turned to the Weasel; instead of cutting
the duct tape, he found a loose end and yanked.
The Weasel howled in
pain. John idly examined all the fur
stuck to the piece of duct tape he’d yanked off, and lightly inquired; “What
The Weasel shrugged;
“Damned if I know. We were havin’ ourselves a right good time, when
The Stallion nodded; there
was a spreader bar that looked as if it had been made from five centimeter
pipe, heavy enough to restrain an Elephant, laying
near the Boar. In fact, looking at it
closely, it almost looked as if it were bent at one end….
“So what happened to you?”
The Ferret frowned; “Well, the bitch was laughing at
The Stallion chuckled; “And here I thought you were getting
into self-bondage.” Reaching down, he
gently picked up the Skunkette, and slung her over his shoulder; “I’ve got to
get this one back; she’s a loaner and overdue.
I’ll send someone around to get you loose, in a bit.”
Jinx gasped as the
Stallion lowered her into the bath; “Too hot?”
The Skunkette shook her head; “No…. hurts on the welts.” The Stallion nodded; “They have any
particular reason for whipping you, or….”
The Skunkette just shrugged, leaving the Stallion to wonder just exactly
what happened. The Weasel had mentioned
she bites… But he wasn’t going to
ask. If she wanted to talk about it,
fine. But he wasn’t going to ask.
The Kurani looked up when
John Led the Skunk back through the door.
Her face carefully neutral, she crooked an eyebrow up; “You OK?” It was obvious she wasn’t talking to the
The Skunkette nodded;
“Yeah, I’ll live.”
The Kurani nodded slowly;
“what happened?”
The Skunkette talked as if
the Stallion wasn’t even there, still holding her leash; “Oh, they were the
usual pair of losers. Don’t know how to
treat a slave, except to beat her. They
did everything they could think of to me, but fortunately they weren’t very
imaginative. I’ll tell you all about it
later, but right now I really need to douche again. One of them had a thing for clove oil and I’m
burning kinda bad down there.”
The Kurani nodded, and
turned back to her work. Jinx unclipped
her leash and waddling a bit, made her way towards the bathroom.
John watched for a moment,
and then without comment turned and headed for the doorway. He wondered if those two knew he’d handed her
over to a particularly brutal pair, on purpose? He hoped not….. Just before the door closed, he thought he
heard the Kurani mutter; “Its good you’re getting her out some; when she’s
here, she makes it more difficult to work.
But you really do need to choose her masters a little more carefully….”
Testing 4
The Stallion sat in the
middle of Ops, reviewing the security logs.
Anyone who’d ever been reported for abusing a slave was struck from his
list. He then cross-referenced the list
with those who’d recently been mentioned by their supervisors for having done
above average, or outstanding work. It
gave him a couple of dozen names. He
then cross referenced that list with those that would be having a day off soon…
the list grew shorter….
“John, what are you
working on?”
The Stallion looked up
into Jenka’s curious face, and swallowed; “Um…. Mistress, I’m trying to match
furrs that could use a “reward” with that Skunkette that came in as booty on
the last big operation. You know,
The Jaguar frowned; “Why
go to all that trouble. Just let the
kennel staff parcel her out as they do to anyone else
who’d earned a favor.”
The Stallion sighed;
telling her why was going to be difficult, but he had to do it….
Jenka shook her head as
she looked at the still photographs of the tape-bound weasel; “I really think
you’re reaching with this one, John. I
appreciate the concern, but….”
The Stallion shrugged;
“Mistress, if you don’t believe me, test it yourself. But… I’d be
careful. REAL careful…”
The Jaguar frowned, “I
might just do that……”
Testing 5
Tanj blinked at the
Jaguar; “Me?”
Jenka chuckled; “Of course.
Do you think I’m going to risk MY hide in this endeavor? After all, John MIGHT be
right. And you are the head of
Intelligence. Who better to figure this
out?” At the look on the Cheetah’s face,
Jenka chuckled; “I think you subscribe to the Stud’s flight of fancy.”
Tanj nodded; “I do, actually. The question is, how
to prove it conclusively, and, ah, “safely”.
The Kurani blinked;
“Jinx? Well, you’d be surprised what she
likes and what she doesn’t. She doesn’t
like pain, at least not for pain’s sake.
However, if she’s having fun, you’d be surprised what she might put up
with. Oh, and she hates to be
tickled. Beyond that, she’s not adverse to being used in public, as long as she’s the center
of attention. She LOVES to be the center
of attention….” After a moment the
Kurani smiled; “You’re not thinking of doing what I think you’re thinking of
doing, are you?”
The Cheetah blinked;
“Probably. Yeah, I know, not the safest
of things, but Jenka wants proof.”
The Kurani winced; “you’re
not the first. I doubt you’ll be the
last. All I can say is “good luck.”
Tanj winced as she looked
at the Skunkette. Phase
One. In one of the station’s commons
areas, the Skunkette stood on tiptoes on a pedestal, her paws bound behind her
back. A pole mounted on the floor
extended up, to fill her sex. From it, a
small platform extended out in front of her.
On the platform was a switch, identical to the ones under her
heels. There was a small pulley
suspended from the ceiling. wires from her nipple rings ran through the pulley, to a
weight, hovering just over the switch on the platform. The Skunkette had to lean back, putting
tension on her sensitive nipples, to keep the weight off the switch, just as
she had to stay on tiptoes, and not let the back of her footpads touch the
switch beneath them. For
if anything touched one of the sensitive switches, she’d receive a shock. The wires connected to her nipple rings were
one side of the circuit, and the pole in her twat the other. As her muscles tired, she found herself
bobbing up and down, the pole sliding in and out of her pussy, and if she
happened to let one of the switches make contact, her motions increased
significantly as she tried to stop the shocks.
Tanj had been through a similar punishment once, and hadn’t enjoyed it
at all.
However, this little
exercise had been couched more as a competition than as a punishment. Nearby, Zassa stood on a similar pedestal,
impaled on an identical apparatus. The
one who lasted longer, got a treat, and the one who hollered her safe word
first, well, other punishments awaited…..
Jenka sat in Ops, watching
on a monitor. She had the feeling that
things were going to be rather boring, that this was all a wild goose
chase. Both of the fems were getting tired,
slowly moving up and down on their poles.
It looked as if Zassa was going to be the winner, as the Skunkette’s
muscles were visibly trembling. The
Jaguar smiled, thinking that wasn’t particularly surprising, considering the
exercise regime Chris had her on…. As a
shock rippled through the Skunkette, making her cry out, she heard a muttered
curse from behind her. Turning, she
raised an eyebrow; “What’s wrong, Benson?”
The tech shrugged; “Not sure; we seem to have lost all FTL
communications. And yet the level 1
diagnostic doesn’t show a problem.
Jenka nodded, and turned back to watch. Phase 2. Chris was approaching the Vixen with a
feather; there was a look of dread and delight in the Vixen's eyes. Tanj was likewise approaching the skunkette,
and the look on Jinx’s face was one approaching sheer terror.
Tanj paused to watch Chris
start. He knew Zassa’s body well, knew
just where to tickle. It wasn’t long
before she was writhing under the gentle lash of the feather, shocks rippling
through her body. Of course, being
Zassa, she was having an almost unending string of climaxes as she rode the
pole in her snatch, the shocks only adding to her pleasure….
Jinx shuddered at the
first gentle touch of the feather, and squirmed, twisting from side to side,
trying to escape, but there WAS no escape.
Her first laugh turned to a yelp as her right heel hit one of the
switches, and then as she bounced upwards, she yelped again as the weight hung
from her nipples hit the switch beneath it.
Jenka sat straight up as
the computer announced that Deck 7 had just suffered a pressure failure.
Tanj trailed the feather
over the Skunkette’s clitty, bringing her to yet another climax, causing her to
howl, and then to yelp as shocks raced through her body. If Jenka wanted proof, she’d give her proof.
Alarms howled as an
electrical fire was reported on Deck 13.
Jenka rose from her chair to stare at the monitor….
Tanj tickled the underside
of the Skunk’s right breast, causing her to flinch; all three switches made
contact at the same time, and the Skunkette just about hopped off the pole as
another shock raced through her…
Zassa panted, wondering
why the feather had stopped its dance over her body. She balanced on tiptoes, leaning back against
the delicious tension on her nipples, and opened one eye. It wasn’t significantly different than having
it closed. Opening the other eye, she
decided she’d either gone blind, or the lights had gone out….. Experimentally she leaned forward a little,
letting the weight hung from her nipples touch the switch beneath it. Nothing. With a sigh she eased forward, taking the
tension off her sore nipples, and came down off of tip-toe, letting her calf
muscles relax. It’d be a bitch when the
power came back on, but in the meantime she’d rest…
Jenka looked over the
Engineering board, trying to figure out what had happened on Deck 3. They were completely without power. There.
A power relay seemed to have failed….
She was just about to call Maintenance when the screen showed that Deck
3 suddenly had power again…..
Jinx purrrred softly, and
shivered with delight. Someone had
unlocked the cuffs around her wrists, moved her paws around in front of her,
and then a rope had hauled her wrists towards the ceiling. Now she hung from the well-padded cuffs; her
heels well off the diabolical switches.
The weight had been removed from the wires leading to her nipples, and
the pole in her pussy had started t vibrate VERY nicely. It was much better than the shocks it had
been delivering; so nice she could almost forgive it… The lights had come back on with her first
climax, and that was when she noticed the Cheetah, kneeling in front of her,
adding to the pleasures of the vibrating pole, her tongue licking at the front
of her cleft…..
Zassa yelped with the sudden shock, as the power came back
on; it took no effort at all to rise to tiptoes, and to lean back…. She’d been expecting it, but it was still a
nasty shock…..
Jenka watched in
amazement; when the Skunkette climaxed for the second time, the pressure
failure warnings on Deck 7 vanished like a soap bubble, and on her third
climax, the crews reported the electrical fire on deck 13 had gone out. With a sigh she turned to look at the
Stallion. John’s face was as impassive
as ever; he just stood there with his arms crossed, watching the monitor over
Jenka’s shoulder. Settling back into her
seat, the Jaguar grumbled; “I hate it when you’re right….”
Zassa grinned; “I won,
right?” Tanj chuckled “Yes, you
did.” The Vixen beamed; “Goodie! What did I win?” Tanj inclined her head towards the Skunkette,
now sitting on the floor. “you win her. For
three days.” The Vixen’s mouth opened
and then closed. Obviously here was a
slave you couldn’t punish too severely…
She’d have to be handled very carefully.
The phrase “Booby prize” flashed through her head, but then she
grinned. There WERE possibilities….
Jenka leaned against the
wall, as the Cheetah headed towards her quarters. “Nice save in there.” Tanj laughed; “Thanks. Convinced, now?” Jenka nodded; her face growing serious;
“Convinced enough that I want her off this station and as far away from us as
possible.” Tanj tilted her head to one
side, one eyebrow rising “Are you sure, Mistress? There are some very interesting possibilities…” Jenka nodded decisively; “Yes. I’m sure.
You might think you could control her, play her, to bring us good
fortune, but I prefer to make my own luck.
It could very easily backfire on you.
No, I want her out of here, as soon as possible, but I also want her out
of here in such a way that she’s not mad at us.” Tanj smiled; “I think I have an idea. As we’ve discussed, it would probably be
prudent to return Kittiara to her mate, before there’s a war.” Jenka snorted; “Yeah, I’ll go along with
that!” The Cheetah smiled; “Well,
they’re friends; why don’t we just send her along with the Kurani.” Jenka frowned; “Kind of a nasty trick to play
on the Kurani, isn’t it? No, don’t
answer that. OK, if she’ll go, that’s
fine by me. Just do
it soon, OK?”
Kittiara’s Writing: Doodles’
Kittiara entered the shop, and looked around. So many interesting
things! A naked male Rabbit wearing a
slave collar emerged from the back, stopped and just looked at her. Kittiara smiled; “Hello; I’m looking for
Master Hinoki. Is he here?” The Bunny looked at the Kurani, and smiled;
his eyes traveled up and down her frame, from her feet, to the tips of her
funny ears, and back down; there was a look of hunger in his eyes, a predatory
look that did not quite fit the situation.
After a moment he cleared his throat; “Um, I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Kittiara smiled back; “I
said that I’m gathering material for a book on sex slaves. Well, actually that’s in addition to the
story I’m writing about the Nikkeldepain raid, but I don’t believe you were
here at that time.” She watched the Bunny’s
face for a moment and then purrred; “How about you, Doodles? What was your most memorable sexual
The Bunny stood there in
thought for a moment and then shrugged; “Years ago, I had a mistress. Oh, not a formal thing such as my current,
ah, “situation”, but just for grins, just as time and work and circumstance
permitted. One night she shaved off all
my fur and covered me in snails.”
Kittiara was aghast; “She…
shaved off ALL your fur?”
Doodles nodded, and then
shrugged; “Yeah. It made going to work
in the morning kinda… difficult.”
The Kurani chuckled; “And
why snails? Is there something there I
ought to know about? It doesn’t sound
particularly…. Erotic.”
Doodles shrugged; “I never
said it was erotic; you asked for my most memorable experience, not my most
erotic one. As for why snails, I don’t
have a clue. Maybe she was out of
Kittiara just smiled, and
made her usual cryptic notes. “When do
you expect Master Hinoki to return?” The
Bunny shrugged; “I think he’ll be back in about a half an hour, to an
hour. Care to wait?” The Kurani smiled, and turned to examine a
device on the wall; “This looks interesting; perhaps you could show me what it
does while we wait.” The Bunny just
grinned; “I’d be DELIGHTED to….”
Kittiara’s Writing: Hinoki’s Tale
Hinoki rose and stretched;
"And that was basically that.”
Kittiara smiled;
“Bold. Quite bold. This Sashi sounds MOST interesting; did you
ever find out just exactly how she came to be… like that?”
Hinoki nodded; “We did,
but that’s another story.”
Kittiara’s eyes took on a
calculating look and she smiled, showing just a hint of teeth; “Perhaps I could
persuade you to tell me some day.”
The Cheetah grinned
“I’m also working on a
book about sexual customs in the Empire, and on sex
slaves in particular. If I were to ask
you what your most memorable sexual experience was, which one would you
Hinoki chuckled; “That… would be very difficult. There are so many to choose from. And then, I’d have to qualify it as to
whether I was playing the Top, or the Bottom….
And whether it was with a male, or a
female…..” He smiled; “With a single
partner, or an orgy.”
Kittiara chuckled; “I can see how that might be a
problem. But certainly one stands out.” The Cheetah thought for a moment, and then
nodded; “Yes…. The first time I topped
someone, for real. Not just playing
games. The very first
The Zebra Mare was large;
much larger than he was. And she’d
developed a reputation for…. Unruliness. She kicked and bit, and in general fought
back as hard as anyone in recent memory.
She was locally famous. Her owner
kept her, chained, in front of his establishment, where she snarled and spit at
the crowd; of course the crowd usually did everything it could to tease her
back. Furrs who thought they could tame
her would come, pay the tavern keeper an insultingly small fee, and he’d give
them the key to her lock. After a while,
sometimes mere minutes, the brave soul, or perhaps one of their friends, would
lead the Mare back, handing the key back to the Tavern keeper. There was usually damage; frequently the Mare
sported whip marks, and bruises; not infrequently the would-be dom sported bite marks, bruises and the occasional broken
bone, or concussion.
“Come on, you can do
it! You KNOW you can do it!”
Hinoki looked at Chuckles
and shook his head; “Maybe, but I’ve got more sense than that.”
The Hyena laughed; “Aw,
come on. All the stories you’ve told
us?” He elbowed the Cheetah in the ribs;
“How about Cindy-Lou?”
Hinoki winced;
“That…. Nevermind.”
The Hyena laughed;
“Cheetah’s YELLOW!”
Hinoki frowned; “Am
Chuckles leaned closer;
“Come on, I’ll help you get her tied.
I’ll even spot you five towards her price. Then, kitten, its
ALL up to you!”
The Tavern Keeper looked
at the Cheetah and scowled; “Kid, I don’t mean to be telling you your business,
but aren’t you a little young?”
Hinoki frowned back; “I’m
old enough. And I’ve got the money. You going to let me
have her, or what?”
The Tavern keeper sighed;
“All right. Your
funeral. Here’s the release
form. Sign your chop where its
It’d taken a while, but
eventually they’d gotten her “restrained”.
With both paws tied behind her back, and her ankles hobbled, they’d only
suffered a couple of bruises, and Chuckles had a black eye, which, given his
coloration, was essentially invisible anyways.
Well, the swelling showed, but just a little.
“OK, Stud, you’re on your own. So, how ya gonna start?”
Hinoki grinned at the Hyena; “Oh, I think I know how to
“Gentle” her….”
The Hyena barked a laugh; “Yeah, Riiiiight. Well, don’t forget to get a holo of the whole
thing. Good luck, Kiddo!”
Hinoki watched Chuckles
move around the corner, wondering exactly where in the scuffle he’d picked up a
limp. Turning back to the Zebra, he
found her glaring at him, her teeth working at the rope bridle they’d
improvised. Tugging at the rope leash he
growled; "Come on, you, I’ve got a point to prove.”
The garage was empty. Would be empty until the O’Quinn’s returned
from their summer holiday, and that wouldn’t be for a month yet. The side door had never latched properly, and
as he expected, it opened easy enough.
From there, it was simplicity itself to pull down the folding stairs to
the attic storage area, move through the attic to the hatch in the Master
Bedroom closet ceiling, and then move through the house to open the kitchen
door from the inside. The O’Quinn’s
didn’t believe in sophisticated alarm systems, and besides, even if the antique
system had been active, he knew the code from when he’d watered their plants
the summer before, while they were away.
Leading the Zebra into the house, he took her, not to the Master
bedroom, but down into the cellar. They
had exposed rafters down there….
He’d felt it too dangerous
to untie her hands yet. They were still
tied behind her back, but now her wrists were tied to the rafters above her,
bending her at the waist. He’d tied
ropes to her ankles, before cutting the hobble.
Even so, there was a brief flurry of attempted kicks before he could
pull her legs apart, and tie them off.
When he had her pretty much as he wanted her, he stepped around behind
her, and pulling up an overturned bucket, took a seat. She DID have a magnificent ass…. Smiling, he bent forward and gave her a
tentative lick.
Hinoki wrung out the towel
into the bucket and growled; “Very funny.”
The Zebra Mare just laughed around her gag, as she looked over her
shoulder at him. Hinoki just shrugged;
“minor delay. Your bladder can only hold
so much, and if you persist in doing that, well, it’ll be just that much less
water you get to drink.” Settling back
behind her, he bent, to lick at her quim, thinking it was a shame he wasn’t
into water sports. If he had been, her
peeing in his face would probably have been the high point of the day….
It took a while, but
eventually his tongue brought her to a state of arousal. It was obvious she was fighting it, resisting
the sensations, but eventually he won out.
Her first climax was noisy, her body shuddering, her feet stamping. Hinoki never slowed. Moving at a steady pace, he continued to
practice his cunnilingus, the tip of his tongue dancing over her sensitive
Her second climax came a
little more rapidly, and her third in even less time. He could tell by the shadows through the tiny
basement windows, that the sun was setting, but he kept up his steady,
persistent licking…..
She was all but hanging by
her hands, arms up sharply behind her back, knees quivering. Hinoki had lost count of the climaxes he’d
licked her to, but he was sure she wasn’t where he wanted to take her. Not yet.
Not by a long shot. On the other
hand, she was near exhaustion. It was
time to change her tie.
She was panting too hard,
too exhausted to do more than fall to her knees when he undid the rope holding
her wrists up. Moving around in front of
her, he gave her a gentle shove, pushing her onto her back. He then lashed a piece of lumber he’d found
between her legs and having secured her that way, undid the ankle ropes. The board was pulled up towards her head,
bending her double; the rope was tied off to the work bench. It wasn’t really secure, but he figured she
wasn’t in any shape to struggle too awfully much. Settling himself, he bent again, to lick at
her sex.
It seemed to be the last
thing she expected.
Patience was
required. He had to have all the
patience, all the endurance of a hunting cat crouched by the trail to the water
hole. And he had what it took. He was
licking her slowly, varying his technique just enough to keep from her getting
too bored, just enough to keep him from getting too sore. She was having a climax about every ten to
fifteen minutes, which was about right.
Slowly he continued. It shouldn’t
be long now…
The cellar windows were
starting to show light, when her struggles started to increase. It seemed she was now shivering with every
stroke of his tongue, and her cries into the rope gag were becoming more vocal.
Hinoki smiled and continued to lick, making sure that she still had an occasional
climax. He’d pushed her past the point
where the licking was pleasure; past the point where it was pleasurable, and
into that area where it was starting to become painful. She was WAY over-stimulated, exhausted, and
undoubtedly thirsty and hungry. And
still he licked.
She was crying softly to
herself when he stopped. It seemed to be
a few moments before she even realized that he’d stopped. When her sobs subsided, he moved around by
her head, and undid the rope bridle. She
looked at him with fearful eyes, but he just smiled, and put a squeeze bottle
to her lips. “Just a
little water. Don’t want you
peeing in my face again.” When she’d had
a bit to drink he replaced the rope bridle, and returned to his place between
her legs. As his tongue touched her, she
groaned most piteously.
The Bridle kept her from
making understandable speech, but he didn’t really have to hear words to know
what she was saying. She was begging for
mercy. She was promising him
anything. Everything. Just so he’d stop. But he didn’t stop. Not yet.
Not quite yet…..
Her moans continued for several minutes after he
stopped. Finally, her chest still
heaving as she panted hard, she opened her eyes and looked at him. He smiled and waggled a finger at her; “Is
that the proper way for a slave to behave?”
She shuddered and instantly “lowered” her eyes. Not easy when you’re flat on your back. Hinoki smiled, and lightly stroked one finger
up between her breasts, careful not to touch any erogenous zones; “You probably
wonder what it is I want from you.”
After a moment the Mare nodded her head, just a little. Hinoki smiled; “Its
simple. I want obedience. And respect.
I’m not particularly concerned with how you treat others, but you will treat ME with respect, and obey my every command.” He could see her face harden; it was what
she’d been fighting, apparently, all her life.
Hinoki hadn’t expected her to cave on the first try. He simply smiled and moved back between her
legs. As he started licking again, she
It was difficult to move her, but a lot safer to do so while
she was unconscious. Hinoki rolled her
over onto her knees, tied her tail to the back of her collar, and kneeling on the
spreader bar, once again thrust his tongue into her sex. She stirred fitfully. He smiled and resumed his patient licking,
adding an occasional nibble. Every time
he did that she groaned and
The sun was starting to
set again, when she started making noises that sounded like they might be
surrender. Hinoki ignored her, for at
least an hour. Finally, he relented, and
rose, to remove the bridle. He gave her
a sip of water and let her calm down.
Finally, she whimpered; “Master, I will obey you….” Hinoki smiled; “Perhaps.” He rose, stretched, and untied the board from
the workbench. For a moment he thought
she was going to lower her legs, but then she caught herself, holding her
position. She was so tired, she was
trembling, but she managed to keep from moving.
Hinoki smiled and touched her lightly, pushing her legs down. He smiled and untied her ankles from the
board, re-tying them, loosely, in about a half-meter hobble. “Roll over.”
She obeyed as fast as was reasonable, given her exhaustion. Hinoki released her wrists and tied each one
in turn, to her upper thighs. Relief
showed on her face. Hinoki smiled, and
moving a few feet away, pointed to the floor in front of him; “Come and kneel
here. In the correct
manner, and with the proper posture, for a slave.
He could see the hesitancy
in her eyes, in the set of her ears and tail, in the way she moved, but she
obeyed. She did obey.
The night was spent in
instruction. How to
stand. How to
walk. When to
address a Master, and how. When to stay silent.
As the night wore on, she seemed to become a little more comfortable
with her role. Not once did he have to
do more than to lick his lips, to make her regain what measure of eagerness
she’d had to obey him.
In the morning, she followed
him back to the Tavern, two paces behind him, moving as a well trained, if
somewhat tired slave.
Chuckles watched the Holo
and shook his head; “Man, I CANNOT believe you never fucked her!”
Hinoki blinked; “Fuck
her?” He waved a paw; “My dear Charles,
that is not the point of being a Master; the point is obedience.” He grinned; “Once you have control, once you
have her obedience, THEN you’ll find the sex is like nothing you ever
The Hyena smiled; “So…
when you going to rent her again?”
Hinoki smiled; “Soon. I want to give her some time, see if her
training lapses. Then I’ll take her
again, and perhaps we can move on to the next level….” As he watched the Hyena’s incredulous face,
he thought to himself; “Besides, I’ve got to wait
until I can move my tongue without it hurting….”
Kittiara smiled;
“Fascinating. And what ever happened to
Hinoki winced, and hung his head; “Three weeks later, one of
her… patrons killed her in a drunken rage.”
He looked up; “According to the witnesses, she was doing what he told
her to do; it just wasn’t fast enough for him.”
He shrugged, rose, turned, and padded into the back of the store.
Kittiara watched until the door closed behind him, saved the
data on her PADD, rose, and quietly padded from the shop.
Kittiara’s Writing; Tanj’s Tale
The Cheetah sighed; “most
memorable…. Urrrrrrr, yeah, something DOES come to mind…..” She stopped there. Gradually the silence grew…
The Kurani raised an
eyebrow; “and….?”
Jinx looked from face to
face; “Um…… I don’t think she wants to tell you…..”
The Kurani scowled at the
Skunkette; “All her friends have given me stories; surely you don’t want her to
be left out….”
The Skunkette just looked worried.
As both pairs of eyes
turned back to her, The Cheetah turned, to stare out a viewport; “I was
young. Still in
College. I wasn’t a virgin, but I
wasn’t that experienced either. I’d met
someone; he was as wild a furr as I’d ever met…” The Cheetah smiled; “Or at least as wild a
furr as I’d ever met THEN.” She waved a
hand, as if to include all of the station; “Compared to most of the furrs here,
he was staid, and boring. But back then
I thought he was wild. Adventurous.
Radical…. He taught me things
about sex that I’d never known, never even suspected….. And in the end, it was his lesson in one
aspect of sexuality that caused us to break up.”
Jinx nodded; “He did
something you didn’t like?”
The Cheetah chuckled; “You
could say that.” She smiled wistfully;
“Of course, these days, something like that wouldn’t faze me at all, but…
Things were simpler back then…..”
The Movie had been only
fair. They’d spent most of their time
making out, in the back row. Teasing each other.
Giggling until the patrons around them turned to glare at them.
Afterwards, at the
restaurant, they’d played “footsie” with each other, under the table,
continuing the game they’d started before.
Laughing at the expressions of those around them. Still, the place was full of students, and no
one paid them THAT much attention…..
They’d gone back to his
place, as all of his roommates were gone.
Clothes had been shed almost as soon as they were through the door, and
in the semi-dark, they’d been all over each other.
Suddenly his passion
seemed to cool, his motions slowing, becoming more deliberate. She didn’t mind. In fact, she reveled in the attention,
letting him please her, letting him do all the work. And then, he seemed to catch fire again. He rolled her over, onto paws and knees, and
moving behind her, drove his hard shaft into the wetness between her legs. She was more than ready for it!
They’d been humping for several minutes, like crazed Minks,
when the door suddenly burst open, and his roommates, and others, pressed
in. Lights came on. In a moment of panic, she struggled to
escape, to bolt from their sight, but he had leaned forward, grabbing her ears, digging in his claws. As she struggled in his grip, he howled, his
hips pistoning, fucking her hard. And
all the while his friends yelled; “Ride ‘em COWBOY!”, “YEEEHAW!”, and “Lookit her
BUCK!” Finally she managed to escape,
and grabbing her clothes, she pushed through the crowd, to escape into the
As she ran out, one of
them clicked a stopwatch and chuckled; “Almost a full minute! Fifty-three seconds! A NEW WORLD RECORD!”
He didn’t even come after
The next time they met,
she let him know just exactly what she thought of him and his immature
pranks. He just grinned through the
entire tirade. A week later, he was
going out with Mary Sue…..
Tanj shrugged; “Most
erotic? No. Most Memorable? I’ll remember that until the day I die.” Turning, the Cheetah moved slowly towards the
As it whooshed closed behind her, the Skunkette turned to
the Kurani and muttered; “Told you she didn’t want to tell you.”
The Kurani just stared at her PADD and Hmmmmmmed.
Prelude; Exposure
Yes, she was definitely in trouble. Despite her resolve, despite her best
judgement, she kept on going back, and now there were eight of them. She knew she’d missed at least one work
shift, maybe two, and they just didn’t seem to be letting up. On the other hand, she’d never imagined sex
could be so good. It seemed as if her
existence was a constant string of firecracker climaxes so powerful her whole
body spasmed, and her muscles ached afterwards. At least until another took her. If they didn’t quit soon, she was going to be
in serious trouble.
She knew someone had been following her, and she didn’t
care. It was getting so that she
couldn’t handle them by herself. And yet
it was SO addictive. Perhaps she could
feed one of her tormentors to the little darlings. Yes, that might work. Walking the last dozen meters or so, she made
a point of NOT looking around.
Unclamping the access hatch, she slipped inside, leaving it slightly
She smiled from a corner so dark there was almost no chance
of her being seen; as she’d thought, it was that bully Luke. She watched as he stood at the access hatch,
obviously hesitant about following her into the ductwork. After a moment she saw him step in and look
cautiously around. Then, with his paws
out in front of him, he started to move through the duct.
Except he was going the wrong way; he was going towards the
electrostatic precipitator. Yes, there
was a guard; he couldn’t fry himself, although that wouldn’t really have
bothered her. Well, at least not
much. She was just contemplating making
a noise, when something fell from the ceiling…..
She saw Luke stagger, saw his big meaty paws come up, to try
and pry something from his head; but then he tripped over something, and fell
face-first to the deck. They were on him
in an instant, flowing over him, under him, ooozing under his clothes, and then
bunching up until the fabric ripped. Somehow,
they managed to hold his paws and feet to the deck, as their…. Brothers? Sisters? Twins? Whatever, as the others went to work on him. She watched, fascinated, as tendrils stroked
Luke’s sex. He wasn’t as well hung as
she would have thought, given all his bragging.
Still, the creatures had him hard in no time. One, an inky black mound, covered his crotch,
slowly humping up and down; another seemed to be fascinated by his balls,
moving them, rolling them, fondling them.
She was sure at least part of that creature, or possibly one of its
twins, was in his ass; his hips seemed to be bouncing up and down on the deck
just a little. And of course one of them
was wrapped around his head, covering eyes, and ears, with a very large part of
itself shoved down his throat. She
watched grinning, one paw lightly stroking herself, as she murmured
encouragement; “Yes, my darlings, that’s it; give the bully exactly what he
Not all of the creatures, of course, were wrapped up with
Luke; there were still two left over for her, and that was fine; she was able
to make her work shift the next morning without any real problem. However Luke didn’t show up. She just smiled and shrugged when asked if
she’d seen him; no, she didn’t know where he was….
The Opposition:
Drake looked at the Bunny; Whatever happened to her had obviously scarred her in more
ways than just the physical, and that was a real shame; she was CUTE. No, she was more than Cute; she was
gorgeous! “So, Ms… Kitchens, I see you’re
applying for a position in maintenance.”
He looked up from the printout and cocked an eyebrow upwards; “But can
you fight?” She stared at him blankly
for a moment and then surprised him with a long, loud laugh. He thought he heard just a touch of hysteria
in it. After a moment she calmed
herself; “Oh, yeah, buddy, I can fight.
I could probably take out most of the toughs you have on this floating
scrapheap. The problem is, I can’t fight.
Don’t dare.” Drake blinked at
her; “I beg your pardon?” She chuckled;
“An operation went wrong. Screwed up both my nervous system and my immune system. If I get injured, the doctors won’t be able
to help me. And combat’s a very risky
profession.” She leaned closer; “But I
know weapons. Especially
small arms. I can fix anything
you’ve got. And maintenance is a danged sight safer than combat.” Sitting back she sighed; “This way I get to
play to my strengths, have a shot at staying alive, and still earn a
living.” Drake swallowed and
nodded. Pressing a few keys on his
console, he directed the recording of the interview for Intelligence’s
attention. And then he smiled. Looking up, he raised an eyebrow again; “Know
anything about powered armor?”
“You’re doing that
Cindy looked up in frustration, one paw pushing back a stray
lock of hair that had escaped and fallen into her face; “Say WHAT?”
The Bunny shook her head; “if you’re going to work on the
myoelastic actuators on that thing you have to get them to the right
temperature first.”
Cindy just stared at the Bunny. She looked as if she’d been dropped into a
blender; all the parts were there, but there were a helluva lot of scars. “Look, Lady, I’m sorry I don’t have an oven
large enough for my ‘mech, and right now I’m just not able to set it out in the
sun to warm. Now if you’ll excuse me,
The Bunny laughed; “What, no heat lamps around here? How about a hair dryer? If you warm them up, they’ll loosen enough
that you can get them mounted correctly.”
Cindy blinked, staring at the artificial muscles that made
the arm of her ‘mech move. “you know, I never thought of that” she muttered softly. Looking up, she growled, almost in wonder;
“Who ARE you?”
Sara looked at the Mouse in
wonder; “You’re selling WHAT?”
The Mouse almost blanched at the tone. Somehow this female Mouse, although smaller
than he was, had a presence that reminded him of a very obnoxious housecat he
once had the displeasure of knowing.
“Um… Powered Combat Armor. My district manager said that you folks had
recently been using some, with, ah, “positive” results, when he told me to call
on you.”
Sara frowned; “Well…. In general we don’t. But we do have a “special weapons” unit that
might have some interest. Let me send
you down to talk to the team leader…..”
Tanj looked at the Mouse’s
image on the monitor; “He said WHAT?”
Sara shrugged; “He said
that his district manager told him we’d been using powered armor. Told him to call on us;
that we might want to buy more.”
Tanj sighed; “Dammit, it
sounds as if someone’s putting it together, and figuring out we actually were
behind the Nikkeldepain raid.” After a
moment she growled; “So what did you do with him?”
Sara shrugged; “Sent him to
see Roland. What else?”
The Cheetah grinned;
“Good. Roland will find out just what he
knows, and what he suspects.”
The mouse walked down the
corridor, a print-out map in his paw.
Why didn’t they mark the corridors in this place? He wasn’t even sure where he was! And why was he heading in this direction
anyways? The pirates weren’t supposed to
be interested in powered armor! It had
almost no utility in boarding ships! It
was too heavy and cumbersome to use in a planet-side raid, not that many pirate
organizations were large enough to do something like that anyways! He was supposed to be sitting in the bar, by
now, thoroughly rejected, not actually MAKING a sales call! Dammit, the plan was coming apart already!
Roland turned away from the
Bunny lady at Cindy’s shout. “Hang on a
sec, I’d better take this.”
Padding over to the comm console he looked down at Tanj’s
face; “Heya, Skipper, what’s up?”
Tanj smiled, showing a few more teeth than was polite;
“You’re going to be receiving a sales call in a moment. Webcorps. The sales rep seems to know we’ve been using
powered armor. And that’s not good. I want you to find out what he knows, what he
suspects, and what he’s guessing at. If
you have to, take him to dinner, entertain him, and charge it to my account,
although with luck he’ll pick up the tab.
I don’t want him leaving until we know just how much trouble we’re
Roland glanced up, over the console, at the Bunny. Kitchens. She seemed pretty knowledgeable; maybe he
could get her to help with this. “Gotcha. I’ll let you
know what we find out. Roland out.”
The Mouse looked from
Badger to Badger to Bunny and back; “Um… why yes, Webcorps does have a new
model out; the Intimidator. Its made for fast strike, and reconnaissance operations that
require a little more “oomph” than the older Stalker model, and more stealth
than the Harrier. Um….
I’ve got a video that probably describes it better than I could….”
As the video ran, Roland
kept up a rapid-fire string of questions.
He tripped the Mouse up three times, but one of the times the Mouse
caught himself and dredged up the right answer. It MIGHT just be a civilian amongst a bunch
of cutthroats, or it might be a newbie on the job, possibly sacrificed by his
boss to either gain a lucrative new account, or make way for someone with a
little more presence… On the other hand,
the Mouse claimed to have been with the firm for years, so he really should be
a little more used to this sort of thing.
Something wasn’t quite right, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
The Mouse shook his head;
he HAD to do something here; the Badgers, both of them, were asking too many
tough questions. The Bunny lady so far
had been quiet, but if he had a face like that, he wouldn’t want to call
attention to himself either. It was a
shame; she had a great rack…. With even
a half-way decent face, she could have been a holo star…. Forcing his attention back to the Badger, he
muttered; “No, the jammer reaction time can be measured in milliseconds; they
shouldn’t be able to get a lock on you, even with the new DCS 4450…. For a moment he stared at the Badger; this
was his worst nightmare come true. Someone who was actually interested in the
“product” he had for sale….
Kitchens watched the Mouse
squirm. Something about this guy did NOT
ring true; oh, he knew enough of the answers to at least possibly be
legitimate, but… he just wasn’t the TYPE.
Most ‘mech salesfurrs were retired military; furrs who’d used the suits
on the sharp end of things. This guy
reminded her more of a…. not even a tech service type; they too tended to be
ex-military, but from a logistical, or service
background instead of a combat one. No,
this guy reminded her more of the scientists that actually developed things
like this. And then it hit her. The Crown Prince was trying to blame the
attack on the Techies of Gates’ World.
What if the Tech Cartels of Gates’ world were trying to do the same to
HIM? And here she was, without any
support, and no means of communications.
“Dinner?” the Mouse
blinked; “Well…. I suppose I could do with a bite.” He really wanted nothing more than to be shed
of these pests, but…. He did have a
cover to maintain. Forcing a smile he
nodded; “Yes, I think that sounds great!”
“Oh, good Lord, no; I’ve
never been in the military.” Roland
nodded sagely; “Thought not. So how DID
you get into this line of work?” Here
was something the Mouse was more comfortable with; “Well, I spent my early
years, just out of college, in the design department. Fiber optic communications gear. Then I took a team leader’s position in power
plant design.” He smiled a little shyly;
“I’ve got several patents in that area…
Anyways, from there, I moved up in the organization, until I was
managing a development team, mostly working on frame, propulsion and armor
systems….” He sighed; “But I got too
lost in my work. My wife left me. My kids won’t talk to me. Finally, I hit that point in my life where I
questioned what it was all for. What it
was worth.” The pain in his voice
sounded genuine; if this wasn’t the truth, he was a very good actor. The Mouse looked the Badger straight in the
eye; “I got out of that rat race, you’ll pardon the pun, and took a position in
sales. It gets me out more. I get to meet new people, see new sights, and
I can still talk about the things I know about.”
Roland nodded; “So what
made you decide to come here? Why us?”
The Mouse shrugged; “It was something my boss came up
with. Don’t ask me why. At the sales conference three weeks ago, he
just took me aside and said that he had a hot tip, and that he wanted me to pay
you guys a call.” The Mouse looked
curiously at the Badger for a moment; “Why?
Something wrong?”
Roland forced a smile; “No… its just that we’re… doing a little
innovation. Working on something special,
and we don’t want it to leak out.
Wouldn’t want any of our, ah, “rivals” pulling the trick before we get a
chance to.”
The Mouse nodded sagely; “I understand. I take it this is the kind of thing that
might only work once?”
The Badger leaned back and smiled; “Well…. After the initial couple of, ah, “events” I
suspect defenses might be formulated. No
point in rushing that, at least not from OUR point of view.”
The Mouse swirled his drink around his glass and nodded;
“Well, we have very strict confidentiality… with our customers.”
Cindy listened to the
veiled threat, and for the first time thought the mouse might actually be what
he claimed to be. THAT was the kind of
line she expected from a weapons vendor…..
The Mouse leaned closer;
“You seem to be a person of, ah, “influence” in your organization, in the area
of powered armor. Tell you what. Webcorps is putting on a little exposition,
at the Ramstein Tournament, in about a week.
There’ll be genuine Intimidators there.
How’d you like to try one out for yourself. Put it through its paces?” The Mouse watched Roland’s eyes widen, and
knew he had him hooked. He had no idea
if Webcorps would foot the bill for this or not, not sure what they’d make of
the Badger suddenly showing up, but it would at least get him out of the way,
while he did what he had to….. And once
the deed was done, it didn’t really matter what the Badger thought, did it?
Roland nodded slowly; “I’ll
have to talk to my superiors about time off, but yes, I’d like that. I’d like it very much.” He turned and shot a glance at Cindy.
The Mouse read his look easily and sighed; “I’m afraid my
budget isn’t unlimited; I can only sponsor one….”
Roland nodded, his eyes still on Cindy; with a sigh he
muttered; :”I understand….”
Jenka looked at the Badger,
and frowned. “You think this is the best
way to figure out if he’s legit?”
Roland nodded; “I get to question his boss as to why he
decided to send him here. If I show up
and they have no clue what’s going on, we’ll KNOW he’s a fake. And besides, this Intimidator model seems
custom-made for our needs. Small enough
to let us board ships, powerful enough to slug it out if things go wrong.”
Jenka sighed; “All right, as long as he’s paying for
it. Will this guy be
sticking around while you’re gone?”
Roland shook his head; “Said he had other sales calls to
make, but the transport going in his direction doesn’t leave for three days
after I do.”
Jenka made an Uh-HUH!” sound, and growled; “Well, make sure
he’s WELL watched in the interim. Don’t
want him up to any mischief!”
Roland grinned; “I’ve got just the plan for that……”
Wanda looked at the Badger
and shook her head; “I am NOT amused.
The Medical Department is NOT a detention center!”
Roland sighed; “Look, Doc, I understand. But this is a special case. We don’t KNOW he’s someone’s agent…well, we
think he’s Webcorps’ sales rep, but there’s a chance he might be something beyond
that. I don’t want to piss him off, if
he’s genuine. On the other hand, if he’s
NOT, I want to make sure he’s somewhere where he can’t get into trouble. Now, if you just find some, ah, discrepancy
in his immunizations, we can put him in isolation for the five days it’ll take
me to get to Ramstein. If he’s clear,
you release him. If he’s not, THEN he
goes into “detention”. PLEEEEAAASSSSEEEEEE?”
The Wolverine sighed; “On ONE condition. Jenka has to OK this. By God, its not
coming out of MY operating budget!”
Roland grinned at the Mouse
and saluted him with his glass; “I managed to talk them into it. As luck would have it, there’s a transport
headed in that direction late tomorrow.”
The Mouse nodded; “I’ve got an appointment at the Dutchy of
Lippenschitz next week. My transport
doesn’t leave for three days. But as
soon as I’m done there, I’ll try and get back here, see what you thought, and
then maybe we can get down to cases.”
Roland nodded; “Well, while I’ve got you here, since your
background was in power systems, I wonder if you could take a look at my ‘mech…
maybe you could make some suggestions….”
The Mouse suppressed a wince, forced a smile and nodded;
“Sure; not much else to do…”
Kittiara’s Writing: John’s Tale
John smiled at the Kurani;
“Yes, I remember one time that was most memorable.” He turned to gaze out the viewport; “we were
on Preakness. Mistress Jenka had some
business there. The meeting was being
held at a rural location, for security purposes.….”
The farm actually was a
working farm; livestock of various types were cared for there. And yet, it was the “side-line” of the owners
that brought in the most money. They
boarded slaves, while owners were elsewhere.
A natural extension, considering some of the other
facilities at the farm. Of
course, Mistress Jenka was delighted with the facilities, and at the owner’s
invitation, just HAD to place John in their care…..
John looked around the stall, and sighed. Just because he was an Equine didn’t mean he liked stalls. Still, the straw was clean, and there was
enough room. With a sigh, he decided he
might as well make the best of it.
Somehow, he thought, Mistress would survive without him. Security, at least at this location, wasn’t a
problem, and none of the other “corsairs” would dare break the moratorium by
offering offense. Besides, none of the
issues on the table had anything to do with the Black Fleet, at least not
directly. No, she’d manage without
Still, he would rather have been in the “big house”…
The sound by the bars made
him turn his head. A female rabbit, wearing
only a collar and a plug gag was leaning through the bars of the stall door,
pouring water into his water trough. She
looked up at him, and winked, and then was gone. A slightly overweight male panda, similarly
attired, moved into view, and reaching through the bars, hung a feed bag from a
peg on the stall wall. John watched
aghast. How far were they going to take
this “animal” thing? Clopping over to
the feed bag, he sniffed carefully. Oats. Blech. Tasteless, and they gave him gas. Besides, they hadn’t removed his gag yet; how
was he supposed to eat, or drink? Moving
over towards the door, he watched the pair move on down the line, filling water
troughs and handing out food. He
wondered what he’d have to do to get a decent Spanish Omelet
Night was descending. A “trainer” had come by, and removed his gag
long enough for him to eat. Of course,
they hadn’t unbound his hands. While he
ate, he was cursorily informed of the rules of the place. Nothing really unexpected
there. When he was done, the
trainer had promptly re-installed the gag, and departed.
He was sitting, leaning
against one wall of the stall, bored out of his mind, when two fems opened the
door to his stall, and entered. One was
the honey-colored bunny fem, and the other was a striking Zebra mare. They gestured for him to stand up, and then,
equipped with curry combs they proceeded to give him one of the most delightful
brushings of his life. Maybe this wasn’t
going to be so bad, after all….
The Bunny put down the brush,
and stepped to the door; she looked one way and then the other; turning she
gave the Zebra a most conspiratorial wink.
The Zebra chuckled into her gag and set down her brushes. John turned to watch, curious as to what was
going on. The Zebra selected a pair of
leather straps from a peg on the stall wall, and proceeded to clip one end of
each strap to the rings on the side of his head harness. The other ends of the strap were clipped to
ring-bolts in the walls of the stall. He
found himself standing, facing the door; sitting, or
laying down wasn’t going to be an option.
In fact, as the Bunny busied herself around his ankles, he found that he
couldn’t really even look down very well.
Tied with his hooves a little more than shoulder-width apart, he found
himself standing there, waiting for whatever came next.
He should have
guessed. The Zebra moved around behind
him, her arms encircling his waist, her hands stroking at his sex. The Bunny knelt before him, nuzzling his
heavy balls. There was nothing he could
do but close his eyes, and enjoy it. and that’s just what he did.
For the longest time, he
thought they were just going to jerk him off.
Expertly, the Zebra brought him to the very edge, not once, but several
times, stroking both hands along the length of his cock. Somewhere along the line, the Bunny seemed to
disappear. It wasn’t until what seemed
like hours later that he saw her reappear, to again glance both ways along the
corridor from the stall’s door. The
Zebra’s arms vanished from around his waist, and she moved into view. John watched as she bent herself almost
double, hands on knees, and then, with the Bunny’s assistance, she backed onto
his hard cock, impaling herself. It was
obvious from her wetness what the Bunny had been doing.
He didn’t need any more
invitation. With an almost canine growl
he started thrusting his hips forward.
The bunny moved around in front of the mare, to sit between her hooves,
to lean back and to lick at where his shaft disappeared into her. Tugging at his restraints John drove into her
as hard and as fast as he could.
It was a good thing he was
gagged; his whinny when he came would have woken the dead otherwise. The Zebra pulled away, all too soon, and the
Bunny moved close with a double-pawfull of straw, to wipe him clean rather
brusquely. And then they were gathering
their brushes and heading for the door, as if they were behind schedule. At the last minute, the Bunny stopped and
returned, to unclip the straps from the wall.
She left them still attached; to his head harness, and to his ankle
cuffs, and then she was gone. John
clopped over to the door, to gaze after them, wondering if the next furr was in
for their treatment, or if they were just servicing equines? Or maybe he was just “special.” There was no sound, no suggestion, no hint of where they’d gone or what they were up to. Finally, he gave up his vigil, and returned,
to try and find a comfortable place in the straw.
The Bunny was back, in the
morning. She refilled his water trough,
and then unbuckled his gag, leaving the head harness in place. There was no point in trying to ask her
questions, as her gag was now locked in place.
She watched quietly while he drank his fill, and then rebuckled his gag
in place. Then, with a furtive look over
her shoulder, she moved close, paws moving over his crotch; he was hard in a
moment, but before he could DO anything, footsteps approached, and the Bunny
had fled.
The Trainer smirked as she regarded him. “Morning Wood, eh? Well, that’s fine. I’ve got a cock strap here that’ll maintain
that rather nicely I think….” John stood
stoically as the trainer added to his harness.
Among other things there was one strap that encircled him, between body
and balls, pulling the skin tight, making his balls bulge. This was accentuated by a strap that passed
from back to front, separating his ballsack into two bulging sections. And the studded strap around the base of his
shaft, where it emerged from his sheath kept him hard. As the trainer tugged on the reins, leading
him from the stall, he was very aware
of how his hard shaft bobbled up and down, in front of him.
Exercise seemed to be the
order of the day. He was attached to a
device that led him around in a circle, and forced him to keep walking. It was boring. Other male slaves, similarly harnessed, were
added to the arms of the device. As he
walked, the old adage; “if you’re not the lead dog, the view never changes”
came to mind, and he decided there was a lot of truth to it.
After what seemed like
several hours, with the sun bright and hot overhead, the Bunny arrived again,
with more water. With the device
stopped, she went from furr to furr, removing gags, and holding up a bucket to
let them drink. As she presented the
water for John’s consumption, she seemed to make a point of rubbing up against
his hard shaft. He did his best to stand
the teasing as best he could, but when she’d passed on to the next furr, he was
all too aware of how his shaft was jumping in time with his heartbeat…..
After another stint of
walking in place, trainers arrived, to unhitch the slaves. Apparently next on the agenda was some
cross-country work. With the trainer
trotting behind him, reins in her hand, he was directed to trot down a
trail. For a while, it was pleasant, if
you didn’t mind running with your hands tied behind you. They passed through a small wood, around the
periphery of a small lake, and then into some rolling hills. After a while, though, it became just as much
work as the “morning walk” had been.
Panting hard, John and his
trainer trotted back to the farm compound.
The trainer maneuvered him to a rail fence, and then, using the reins
and some leather thongs, tied him to the fence in a standing position, next to
several other slaves, tied in a similar fashion. As he stood there, panting, John watched as
other slaves were brought in from their runs, and tied along the fence, until
about a dozen males were there.
As they stood there, John
looked around. Each of the males sported
either a cock ring, or a strap similar to his own, and each had an
erection. The Stallion smiled to
himself, noting that he was the “best equipped” of the lot. Of course, he WAS hung like a horse, so that
wasn’t really surprising….. Sensing some
of his “companions” shifting, the Stallion looked around. A small party of female
slaves were approaching with buckets and scrub brushes.
It was nice to be hosed
down, and nicer still to be lathered up, and scrubbed clean. Suddenly the sun didn’t feel so warm, but it
was still warm enough to be comfortable.
Standing there in a gentle breeze, he found himself rather content, as
he and his associates drip-dried.
The trainer was dragging
someone by a leash, and as they got closer, John realized it was the golden
bunny fem. Her arms were tightly encased
behind her in a leather monoglove, and a short hobble made her take two steps
for each of the trainer’s. A rather huge
ring-gag forced her jaws open to an extent that looked quite
uncomfortable. Squinting, the Stallion
scowled; it LOOKED as if the Bunny’s buck teeth had been dipped in liquid
rubber. They looked huge, but…
soft. And the way the Bunny looked… From her body language, she’d done something
wrong, and had been, or was being, punished.
The Trainer uncoupled the Bunny’s leash and shoved her towards the
fence; “you know what to do, Slut.”
Turning, without looking back, the Trainer stalked off the way he’d
The Bunny turned and
watched him go, for a moment; when he’d turned the corner, she turned back to the
fence, her gaze travelling from one furr to the next. And the Stallion thought the look on her face was almost…
predatory. If this was punishment, she
was enjoying it. Perhaps
enjoying it too much. He watched
as she moved to one end of the line, dropped to her knees, and proceeded to slide the furr’s hard shaft through the ring
gag and into her mouth…..
John had to smile; all
eyes along the fence were on the Bunny.
She seemed to be taking her time; she was only on the fourth furr when
the Trainer came back around the corner.
Harsh words were spoken, and several strokes of the riding crop applied,
all to no apparent avail; the Bunny continued to take her time, teasing each of
the males unabashedly, until she could hold them back no longer. Only then, reluctantly, would the Bunny move
to the next fur. After a while, the
Trainer threw up his hands and stalked off.
The Bunny just smiled.
To his surprise, the Bunny
skipped him, as she worked her way down the line. Keeping his cool, the Stallion just raised
one eyebrow, and smiled softly as she proceeded to tackle the Hyena next to
him. However, quite a
while later, as it was getting dark, the Bunny finished the last furr in line,
and returned to him.
It was worth the
wait. His shaft barely fit through the
ring in her mouth. The amount of his
meat she could take was miniscule; and yet, it was the most sensitive of his
flesh, and she certainly knew how to, ah, make the most of things. Unlike the others, she seemed quite willing
to suck him off as rapidly as possible, and given all the
“visual stimulus”, it didn’t take long before he was pumping his load down her
throat, all over her face, and breasts.
She sat back on her haunches for a moment, grinned up at him, and then
after catching her breath, leaned forward to take the head of his cock in her
mouth again.
Sensitive after having
just cum, the Stallion whinnied into his gag, and stamped his feet, much to the
Bunny’s apparent amusement; she didn’t relent.
She was still working on him when the trainer returned. Scowling the trainer glanced at the sun, now
vanishing below the horizon and growled; “Finish him quickly; the others will
have to wait for tomorrow. I swear, you are the SLOWEST I’ve EVER seen!”
Having cum once, John
found it not easy to cum as the trainer commanded. And the more the riding crop rained down on
the Bunny’s ass, the more she seemed to tease him. It seemed like hours before he was able to
produce a second orgasm, almost in spite of all the Bunny was trying to do to
him. Fortunately for the Stallion at
least, the delay seemed to be attributed squarely to the Bunny….
The Bunny was led off, and
if what the Trainer was saying was true, to even harsher “punishments”. After a while the male slaves were collected
by their own trainers and led back to their stalls for the evening. After having had nothing all day, the oats
were almost satisfactory.
It was a minor omission, or so it seemed. After the meal, he’d been re-gagged, but his
hands hadn’t quite been correctly
secured behind his back. John spent most
of the night wondering how he should use the opportunity. Aside from some judicious scratching, that
was….. In the end, he decided he might
as well take full advantage of the opportunity.
When the Bunny showed up
with the water the following morning, she found the Stallion standing, feet
held apart by straps, arms widespread, and likewise secured to each wall of the
stall. She blinked t him, staring for a
moment, and then shrugged; as if concluding there must be some reason to have
left him restrained all night. And then,
as expected, a grin spread across her face…..
John watched as she put
down the water bucket and came, to kneel before him. Her gag was locked on, today, but her paws
were free, and in moments she was teasing him, stroking and fondling him. Smiling around his own
gag, the Stallion slipped the hooks from the straps, and brought his arms down,
to softly caress her ears.
It took a moment for it to
sink in; suddenly the Bunny’s body went rigid as she froze in surprise. The Stallion just laughed into his gag, his
hands taking possession of her. The one
thing the stall had plenty of, was leather straps, and it didn’t take long to
bind her as he wished. With her wrists
tied in front of her, and her ankles tied to either side of her bound wrists,
she hunched up on the straw, her ass high in the air. The stallion chuckled and ran a paw
appreciatively over her plump ass. The
Bunny squirmed, if anything, with delight, as his fingers stroked over her
After a while she was
howling into her own gag as his fingers slid in and out of her wetness. Slowly he stretched her; one finger, two
fingers, then three. And
then, to his amazement, four.
Yes, she was ready. Chuckling, he
used two fingers from one hand and two from the other, to spread her sex as
wide as he could. Presenting the head of
his cock to her sex, he pushed forward, not ungently.
He thought for a moment
that the Bunny was having a fit, from the way her body bucked and spasmed;
hesitating, he realized that as he’d slid the first couple of inches of his
meat into her, she’d had a massive climax.
Smiling, he placed his hands on her hips, and slid a few more inches
into her.
Stretched tight around his
shaft, he plumbed her depths carefully; he didn’t want to hurt her after all,
just pay her back for all the teasing.
However, despite his best efforts, she climaxed almost
continuously. He would rather have taken
his pleasure and left her wanting, but that obviously was not to be. Conscious of the time slipping away, of the
impending arrival of his trainer, he brought himself to an orgasm, filling her
to overflowing with his cum. Then,
smiling, he left her there, crouched, and dripping, while he filled his own
water trough from her bucket, released his own gag, and drank deeply. Only after he’d refastened his own gag, and
cleaned himself off with a handful of straw, did he release her. She was through the stall’s door and around
the corner only seconds before his trainer appeared.
He knew they knew. He didn’t know how they knew, but they
knew. Whispered
comments among the trainers. Sideways looks. He kept a slight smile on his face, but
otherwise, did everything he could to maintain a proper reserve. He'd made his decision; now the chips would
fall where they would.
But for some reason,
nothing happened. The day was as boring
as the previous one. Well….. almost. The morning
was spent, walking in mind-numbing monotony, following the iron lead of the
machine, trudging around in the dust with the others. They’d added poles about a foot off the
ground, extending radially from the machine’s hub, and that forced him to lift
his feet high with every step. It wasn’t
so bad for him, but the Bandicoot three places ahead of him, was having a rough
time. The afternoon run, however, THAT
was different. The trainer led him to a
place where a female Bat stood. There
were cuffs of some shiny metal around her wrists, and a pole between the cuffs,
forcing her to stand with her wings extended.
She looked as if she were trying to take flight. She wore a body harness, and a similar one
lay in a tangle on the ground in front of her.
The Trainer smirked; “It seems that running is just too natural for
you. We don’t think you’re getting
enough cardiovascular exercise from it.
So we’ve arranged a way to make it a little more, ah, “demanding”…..
He couldn’t believe his
eyes. He’d seen professional athletes
training, running, pulling what looked like a
miniature parasail behind them, to increase the effort. It looked as if they’d found a living
parasail for him! More in shock than in
stoic patience, he stood there while the trainer buckled the harness around
him, and connected the two together with about fifty feet of shock cord. Finally, with the trainer standing off to one
side, the reins in his paws, John heard “Giddiap!”…
It was like pulling a
plow. Or more properly
pulling a plow at an almost-run.
He had to lean hard into the harness.
The bat, with her own restraints, didn’t seem to have as much control as
he’d expected and she kept fluttering off to one side or another, changing the
angle of resistance. A couple of times
he almost fell. And then there were the
wind gusts…. As he came over the rise of a hill, a gust caught the bat, and he
felt as if he was about to be pulled off his feet. He could only imagine what the Bat must have
felt like…..
The run was as long as the
previous day, the trainer as tireless as he was demanding. Finally, however, they made it back to the
compound. At the trainer’s “Whoa!” he
slowed to a stop, only to have the bat lady collide against his back. Together they fell forward, in a tangle of
straps. And then she started giggling….
Before he knew it they were all laughing as best able. It must have been a hilarious sight….
She was back again that
night. Another fem had serviced the line
of males at the fence, after their wash-down.
This one had gone down the line in a desultory and uninspired fashion,
as if it really were a true punishment.
It left John wishing the Bunny had come back. But then, when she did, later that night,
with a feed bag and a bucket of water, he realized his error.
With both of them gagged,
they couldn’t communicate, but somehow he still knew that she was intent on
paying him back for the morning’s little escapade. She was taking things to the next level, and apparently quite gleefully too. The oats were as bland as before, but the
water tasted funny. He didn’t know if it
was his imagination, but it seemed to have a funny blue tint to it as
well. And yet, after the day’s exercise,
he was too thirsty not to drink. She
just grinned at him, around her gag, closed the door, and moved on to the next
It wasn’t long, before he
felt his shaft expanding out of his sheath.
For a reason he couldn’t fathom, he was getting an erection. And no matter which direction he turned his
thoughts, no matter how he tried to lay in his bed of straw, he couldn’t seem
to escape his throbbing cock.
It was well after “lights
out” when she reappeared. He’d fallen
into a fitful sleep, and the first he knew of her presence was the sensation of
something sitting on his legs.
Half-sitting up, in the gloom he beheld her facing away from him,
lashing his ankles together!
With his hands bound
behind his back, all his struggles proved fruitless, and it just seemed to
amuse her no end. Finally, when he’d
determined that he couldn’t free either his wrists or his ankles, and abandoned
his struggles she approached. She had a
small vial concealed in her paw, which she proceeded to pour over his
balls. Then, with a grin, she applied
the last few remaining drops to the head of his shaft, and holding him in both
hands, proceeded to impale herself on him.
John watched, wide-eyed,
as the Bunny took an impressive amount of his cock into her sex. All the while, she watched him, as she moved,
slowly, up and down, allowing herself to grow
accustomed to his girth. And as she
moved, the Stallion became aware of a growing warmth
in his balls. And on
the head of his cock. What had
she put on him? This seemed worse than
clove oil…. As the warmth increased so
did her motions. It felt as if her tight
pussy was about
to ignite his cock through shear friction, but if his cock felt hot, his balls
felt as if they were on fire. He found
himself bucking, twisting, and squirming as the sensation grew more and more
powerful. Of course, the Bunny just
seemed to take ever-increasing delight in his motions….
Finally, somewhere between
a red heat and a plasma, the sensations combined to overwhelm him, and with a
massive shudder he came. The Bunny went
wild, her own climax obviously triggered by the spurting cock deep within
her. It seemed to last forever, but
finally the Stallion lay on the straw, panting.
It was then he became aware of the fact his cock was no longer
burning. His own jism seemed to have
extinguished that fire. The Bunny seemed
to be aware of that as well, as she held him, within her, for as long as she
could, knowing that when she rose, some of his cum might flow down, along his
cock, to extinguish the blaze in his balls.
Indeed, when she did finally pull free of him, she laid
down on his chest first, and inched her way forward to nuzzle his nose. She paused there, letting his cum seep from
her, and puddle on his stomach. Then she
rose and was gone.
No matter how he tried, he
could NOT get any of his own goo to flow down to his balls. And his water trough was empty. All through the night, the burning sensation
kept him awake. That,
his throbbing, still-hard cock, and his plans for revenge.
There isn’t much you can
do with hands and feet tied. But a
full-grown Stallion is still a force to be reckoned with. Sure enough, the Bunny returned, in the
morning, bearing a bucket of water, for his trough. The door to the stall opened and she came
through, grinning. John had managed to
make his way to his feet, shoving himself up the wall, in the corner. With his hide full of splinters, he’d hopped
to the opposite corner by the door.
Waiting until she’d taken a step into the stall, he shoved off from the
The impact of his body
sent the stall door slamming shut with a bang.
It was, at best, a controlled fall.
Still, it knocked her, sprawling, into the far corner. Moving like the world’s fastest inchworm, the
Stallion moved to trap her there…..
The Bunny found herself on
paws and knees, stars swimming about her head, when something very large and
very heavy landed on her. With an OOF!
She was driven to the straw-covered floor.
The Stallion was on top of her.
Worse, he was still hard. Well,
THAT wasn’t surprising, considering how much Vy’agra she’d put in his
water. But now he was squirming up her
body, as if he were determined to….. wait a minute… no, not THERE!….
John grinned around his
gag. He’d managed to get to his knees,
and leaning over the Bunny, his head against the walls in the corner, he had
her pretty well trapped. But he couldn’t
position himself right to drive into her pussy.
With a shrug, he bent a little and presented the head of his cock
against her ass. Maybe that was a more
fitting “punishment” after all.
It was a good thing the
Bunny was gagged; her howls would have brought furrs from miles around. No, he didn’t thrust too deep, or too hard;
mostly he pressed in slowly and then took his pleasure on the
out-stroke; still, with his cock in her ass, and her head in the corner,
she couldn’t escape him. She was
trapped, and after a while she was well fucked too. After he’d flooded her ass with his jism, he
held his position, as she’d held him the night before, until he knew that SHE
knew who was in control. Still in control.
Only then, did he pull out, and release her.
Again, there were askance
looks and whispered comments between the trainers. Never the less, the morning was again spent
in high-stepping mindless walking, following the lead of the machine.
And again, the afternoon
was something different.
“You’ve both been very
bad. Each of you has sought to take
control of a situation, when a slave has no right to do any such thing. And in doing so, each of you has pointed up
the failure of your training and brought dishonor on your master or
mistress. As a result, this afternoon,
you will spend your time, not in domination, but in the exact opposite.”
John frowned; how was this the exact opposite of domination? It certainly wasn’t submission. He stood, in the compound, arms bound behind
his back, ankles hobbled together, and once again, with a harness around his
body. However, the harness held not a
tether to a flying bat, but instead, the Bunny.
She also wore a harness, clipped to his, so that she was held against
his chest, facing outwards. Her arms
were raised above her head, wrists cuffed behind his neck, and her ankles were
bound to her thighs, a thong from knee to knee passing behind his back, to hold
her legs wide apart. And of course, his
once-again rampant cock was buried in her ass.
“Its very simple. You have to negotiate an obstacle
course. Quickly. That means you’ll be trotting. Well, as best you can, given
the hobble. Oh, and just to make sure
you learn the lesson, neither of you will be gagged, but the Horse will be
blindfolded. In that manner she depends
on him to get them where they have to be, and he depends on her for
direction. If they don’t cooperate, they
fail the quest, and will both be punished.”
John felt the blindfold
pulled over his eyes, and shook his head.
Not necessarily to dislodge the blindfold, but at the logic. The opposite of dominance was cooperation? HUH?
What point where they trying to make?
And if they failed, what would be their punishment? Maybe the trainers had been provided by a
The crack of the riding
crop on his ass made him jump forward, bringing his
thoughts back to the task at hand. He
heard the Bunny gasp at the initial sudden movement, his cock moving harshly in
her ass; but then he heard a giggle, and her silky voice growl; “A little to
the left. Ground’s level…..” He started forward at a quick walk, feeling
her bounce up and down on his shaft with each step. Of course the trainers had used a cock ring
for the occasion; he wouldn’t be getting soft.
And they had used lubricant, so she slid up and down on his shaft quite
nicely…. As the voices faded behind
them, she started to bounce a little; “Come on, Stud, you’re not going to break
me. Kick it up to a trot, and a little to the right. We got a long way to go, ya know.”
John was panting lightly
as they started down a gentle slope, the chain between his ankles rattling loudly. It was unnerving to be trotting along unable
to see where you were going. “How do you
know we’ve got a long way to go?”
The Bunny laughed; “This isn’t the first time I’ve been
punished in this way.”
John thought about that for a moment and then muttered; “I
take it you wind up here often?”
She laughed; “Not as often as I like, but whenever I can
arrange it.”
John wondered how a slave would go about arranging to be
sent to a place like this, and why.
“What happens if we don’t complete the course in the allotted
The Bunny chuckled and bounced up and down on his shaft a
little more than the Stallion thought necessary for his gait; “hang on…. Turn
coming up. About sixty
degrees to the left. A little more. Back
just a hair. That’s good; straight ahead
for about thirty paces. Now… if we don’t
make it on time, why, we get to do it again tomorrow. We do it until we get it right.”
There was a laugh in her voice that bothered the Stallion;
“You… sound as if you wouldn’t mind that.”
The bunny shrugged; “no, not really. Although the last time I went home so reamed
out I had to wear a diaper for a week.
Lord, that Minotaur was hung! Aggressive, too!” She
chuckled, and he felt her anal ring contract around his shaft as she squeezed
him; “Tell me, you got anything better to do?
A little more to the left. Or maybe you prefer being a tractor for
John thought for a moment; the friction of her ass on his
shaft was starting to get to him, and he didn’t think it’d be long until he had
an orgasm; “Um…. No, don’t really have much better to do, until Mistress
decides to leave. But surely you’re not
getting much out of this?”
The Bunny laughed; “Oh, I’ve got a thing for anal sex. That’s why I let you knock me into just the right position in the
stall this morning. That’s why I’m not
bound facing you. And, if you hadn’t
noticed, I’ve got a thing for really well hung guys. But I admit, a
little direct stimulation would be nice….
One time I bribed a trainer to insert some ben-wa balls up my quim…
unfortunately this group’s too straight-laced.”
John chuckled; “Don’t tell me you PLANNED that, this
morning?” At her laugh, he shook his
head; “OK, tell you what. You find
something suitable, and I’ll see if I can’t rub you the right way….”
The Bunny’s idea of
“something suitable” turned out to be a willow tree. It took some maneuvering, but eventually John
managed to find a way to rub her crotch against the smooth-barked trunk. The spasms of her body as her climax claimed
her drove him over the edge as well, and again, he flooded her ass with his
A smooth-barked willow; a
water-smoothed rock, and a fallen log later, they clopped back to the compound,
hours late. The Trainers tsk-tsked, and promised they’d do it until they got it
right. John thought it might be more
like “until their Master or Mistress” came for them…..
And unfortunately, that
was the following morning. John was
scrubbed, and led to the “big house”, his leash handed to Jenka. Jenka smiled, had him collect her luggage,
and follow her to the aircar that would take them back to the starport.
John had just placed the
last case in the trunk, when he saw her.
The bunny was wearing a cream-colored dress that set off her golden fur
nicely. And she was walking towards
him. “Just wanted to
say goodbye, and thanks. I’d
hoped things might go on a little longer, but such is life. And with you leaving, well, I don’t have time
to draft another partner, so I guess the vacation’s over.”
John blinked; “Your Master or Mistress call for you?”
The Bunny smiled; “Actually, I’m my own Mistress. I guess that’s a good way to phrase it.” At the Stallion’s blank look, she smiled; “I
like to indulge myself with my little fantasies, but my real kink is running my
own corporation. Thus,
when business permits, I sneak away to here, or a few places like it, where I
can live out my fantasies. For a while at least.
But now its time to get back.” She grinned up at him; “Maybe we’ll meet here
again some day?”
John smiled; “I’d like that.” And then Jenka was calling from the aircar’s
open door….
When they were airborne,
Jenka turned to him; “Friend of yours?”
The Stallion smiled; “Yes Mistress.
Jogging Partner.”
The Kurani frowned, as she
looked at her PADD; “Would you classify that as “Topping from the Bottom”, or
“Topping by Proxy?”
The Stallion thought for a moment and then shrugged; “I
really have no idea. Occasionally She was topping.
Occasionally I was topping, or at least I THOUGHT I was. And there’s no doubt the trainers were in on
it, catering to her desires…..” He
shrugged; “Doesn’t really matter. When
you get right down to it, we both had fun.”
The Kurani nodded thoughtfully.
Jinx grinned up at the
Stallion; “Two questions?”
The Stallion nodded cautiously.
“Do you ever see her?”
The Stallion smiled wryly; “Yes, as a matter of fact, we’ve… met
occasionally. When our
vacations overlapped. When we could get away.”
He grinned; “The, ah, “Game” continues.
Its interesting. We each come up with these wild ideas to get
control over the other; sometimes they work, sometimes they backfire, and
sometimes they just flop. But we DO
always have fun.”
The Skunkette nodded and then gave him her most winning
smile; “That…. Jogging thing sounded like fun; care to show me EXACTLY how it
The Alarm is Sounded
Doodles watched the Wolf stagger into the shop. The lupine was walking a little bow-legged,
and seemed to be near exhaustion. He
didn’t look well. The Bunny waited
patiently behind the counter as the Wolf ignored the displays, and came towards
him. That meant something was very
wrong. Sashi was on display in the
window, modeling a new line of restraints, and even those who preferred males
would stop and look at HER.
Luke stopped, and leaned on the counter. The Rabbit behind the counter was wearing a
heavy collar, a belt, and nothing else.
Well, nothing else if you discounted the cock-and-ball harness he
wore. Blinking he raised his gaze to
look the Bunny in the eye; “I need to talk to your boss. I’ve got a question….”
Doodles nodded and smiled; “I’ll go get him, Master. Be right back!”
As the Bunny turned, to head into the back of the shop, Luke
frowned; there was a strap attached to the back of the belt; it divided,
passing on either side of the Bunny’s ridiculous fluffy tail, and then,
rejoined, passed between his buttcheeks.
It was obvious that the end of the strap was attached to the back of the
cock and ball harness, and it was also obvious that it held a truly huge
phallus in the Bunny's ass. It made him
think of how sore his own ass was, and that made him wince.
Hinoki stepped out of the back room and looked at the
Wolf. The Wolf was leaning heavily on
the counter, as if he were about to collapse from exhaustion. Raising an eyebrow, the Cheetah inquired
lightly; “Been running a marathon?”
The Wolf shot him a look; “Closer than you might know. You Hinoki?”
The Cheetah nodded, and the Wolf continued; “I…. Well, never mind what I was doing there, but
I was in the ventilation ductwork down on Deck 12, over by Frame 17. I got ambushed by something. It jumped on me from above. It had all the consistency of a puddle of
tar. Before I knew what was happening,
it had my paws and feet stuck to the deck, it had ripped off my clothes, and it
then proceeded to fuck the living daylights out of me.” The Wolf waved a paw; “I know, I know,
everyone’s telling me that I’m crazy. Everyone that’s not asking me for directions to that particular
duct.” He leaned closer, over the
counter; “ I
think there’s some sort of monster loose on the station, but no one will listen
to me. Everyone says you know more about
sex and, ah….” The Wolf shot the Bunny a
look; “Um… “Variations”, than anyone else on the station. Have you EVER heard of anything like that?”
Doodles piped up; “Well, Master, there ARE the tentacle
monsters on Hyram IV. They’ve been known
to grab passers-by… but I’m afraid they only go after females.”
Hinoki stared at the Bunny as Doodles went on; “Then there
are the fire moths of Angorun III; they’re attracted by the pheromones of the
natives when they have sex.” The Bunny
grinned; “Its quite a show; all these glowing bugs
swarming around the loving couple.”
Hinoki opened his mouth, but the Bunny ran on; “And then of
course there are the Armadildoes of New Texarcania… But I don’t think they can
climb, and they’re kinda hard, not the consistency of tar. Besides, unless they’re properly trained, they’re
kinda shy. I doubt they’d attack you.”
Hinoki scowled; “Doodles…”
“Gee, I wonder if it could be a Night Phantom from Hervestia
Prime? They’re
supposed to be a dark formless shape… but they’re rather insubstantial, and
I’ve never heard of one being interested in sex…” The Bunny grinned; “Not that sex would be
uninteresting with you, Master…..”
“Doodles!” the Cheetah growled….
“I suppose it MIGHT be a mutant form of a Doradian
ground-cloud, but they’re rare on their own home planet; I can’t imagine what
one would be doing HERE!”…..
Hinoki sighed, and turned to walk over to a display rack; he
grabbed a few straps, and a rather large prod-gag. The Bunny was just starting to expound on the
creatures of Lagoth XII, when the Cheetah pounced. Several minutes later, a very well-bound and
very effectively gagged Bunny joined Sashi in the window, and Hinoki was able
to turn to the Wolf; “Sorry about that; he gets carried away some times. And he’s still being trained. Now, about your experience, I’m really not
sure what to tell you. There are creatures that MIGHT fit your
description, but I’ve never heard of one big enough to tackle someone your
size.” The Cheetah grinned; “Tell you what,
I’ll look into it, and if I find something, especially something marketable,
I’ll get you a finder’s fee.”
The Wolf nodded; “I’m not worried about no “finder’s
Fee”. I just want to prove that I’m NOT
going crazy!”
Hinoki just grinned and shrugged. The Wolf looked at him for a moment, and then
turned and limped through the door.
When the door had closed, Hinoki slumped, and sighed. He’d thought he’d gotten all of them. Turning to look at Sashi, he shook his head;
“Where has it been all this time? And
why should it show up NOW?”
The Hunt, Part 1
Helen listened to the Wolf as he told of his encounter with
the Cheetah at the sex shop, and frowned.
She was trying to look as if she were concentrating on her work, trying
to look as if she was ignoring the Wolf, and yet suddenly she found her heart
pounding. What if this Cheetah managed
to capture the creatures? Capture her
PETS? No, she couldn’t let that happen,
but how to stop it?
That night, she lay awake, thinking about it. They were stuck, between the fan and the
electrostatic precipitator. Especially since they’d gotten so large. Perhaps she could find a way to get them past
the fan. Then there’d be plenty of
ductwork for them to hide in. They might
never be found! Sitting up and turning
on the light, she fired up her terminal and called up the schematics for that
part of the environmental system…..
Several hours and half a dozen cups of coffee later, she
thought she had a plan. She’d have to
bypass the run-status relays for the fan, and wouldn’t be able to leave it down
for long, but if she moved fast, well, it should be possible. Leaning back, and hugging her pillow, she
sighed; if she didn’t move fast enough, and they caught her, well, she could
always say she’d gone looking for these strange creatures Luke had been talking
about. Thinking there was no time like
the present, she rose, dressed hurriedly, and went looking for the tools she’d
The run-status relay was easy to jumper out. The amp meter on the fan motor was a little
harder to gimmick, but she finally just re-routed the signal from the fan in
section 7 to cover that fan as well.
Setting up the remote control, that was a
little more difficult, and took a little longer than she’d expected, but
finally, she was ready.
It was difficult to push her way through the duct against
the hurricane winds. Finally she was at
the screen over the discharge of the fan.
Why anyone would put a screen there, she didn’t know; she certainly
wasn’t going to fall INTO the fan from this direction, not while it was
running. Pulling out the remote, she
quickly slipped out of her overalls. She
wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
Trying to control the garment as it flapped in the wind, she thumbed the
remote. Sure enough, she could hear the
fan start to wind down. Kneeling in the
duct, knees spread, she started to tease herself, stroking one finger along her
quim, as she kneaded a breast with her other paw. She had to get the scent of her arousal down
the duct, past the fan, and fast too….
She smiled as the first of the creatures slithered
underneath the squirrel-cage fan blades, and then oozed through the
screen. She waited until it was only a
few feet away, and then backed up, her fingers working in and out of her
dripping snatch, drops of her juices spattering the floor. Slowly she worked her way backwards, down the
She was about to restart the fan, when yet another slithered
through the screen. They must have
divided again. How many more were still
on the other side of the duct? As it
was, she’d waited too long. By now
someone would have to have noticed the fan wasn’t running, even if the computer
showed it was. She inched her way back a
little further and waited another minute.
When no others showed, she reluctantly pressed the button.
The fan whirred to life.
For a moment she thought she heard something go “clunk”, as if the fan
blade had hit something soft and gelatinous, but then it was up to speed, the
wind making her hair and tail stream out behind her.
The screen was a surprise; it hadn’t shown on the
schematics. In a panic she searched for
an opening, or a release. Why would
someone put a screen across an otherwise open duct? And then she felt the touch at her
ankle. Turning, she looked back down the
corridor at the access hatch she’d come in; there was no way she’d make it,
past all the creatures slowly slithering towards her. With a sigh, she surrendered to its touch,
knowing, once again, she was going to be late for work. Very late.
The Hunt, Part 1b
Hinoki looked at the maintenance crew. They were just undogging the access hatch;
the one that HE was going to try and sneak through. Setting down the pail of dry ice, he grinned
at them; “What’s up, Guys?”
The Boar shrugged; “Got a complaint about the air quality in
this section; we’re going to check out the fan.”
Hinoki looked from face to face and grinned; “I can feel a
breeze on the back of my neck; I think the fan’s running. Besides, I wouldn’t go in there unless I
absolutely had to; you heard about what happened to Luke, didn’t you?”
The female Marten chuckled; “You mean that Wolf? Yeah, I heard his story. Can’t say as I believe it,
though. We’ve been in the
ductwork a gazillion times and haven’t ever seen anything.”
Hinoki nodded; “Well, you know me; if there’s anything in
there even remotely yiffy, I’d be interested in it. Let me know if you find anything!”
The Boar nodded and cracked the door. You could see his hair move as air was sucked
in the crack. The Boar edged open the
door a little further, and stuck his snout in; “Mabel, I think he’s right. The fan’s running just fine.” Pulling his head out and closing the door, he
shrugged; “Maybe they’ve got a plugged duct or something.”
The Marten nodded; “I bet someone closed their damper and
they couldn’t figure out what had happened.
Lets go check out the furr that filed the
complaint before we go crawling through the ducts.”
Hinoki waited until they were out of sight, and undogged the
access hatch. It didn’t take but an
instant to slip through. The handlight
barely illuminated the stained, dark walls of the duct, but coupled with his
night vision, he was able to navigate fairly well. He had no intention of trying to find the
creature; instead he’d let it find him…..
Its attack was a surprise; it fell on him from above. Fortunately, it didn’t immobilize both of his
arms, in its haste to swarm towards his crotch.
He was able to grab a chunk of dry ice, and press it against the
creature. It started to harden almost
immediately. After about ten minutes of
work, he had it confined securely in one of the airtight baggies he’d brought,
although the thing was of such a size, that it barely fit.
He found another one, or rather it found him, about ten
minutes after that. Again, he had little
trouble subduing it as it tried to flow up his leg. It too was almost too big to fit in the
baggie. As he sat there, in the
corridor, Hinoki realized that both of these creatures were about to reproduce,
and he wondered just what it was they’d found on to feed in here.
After an hour and a half, no other creatures had shown up,
and he gave up. Gathering up his bucket
and the two bagged creatures, he slipped back through the access hatch, and
returned to his shop.
Luke looked at the Cheetah and growled; “I don’t care if you
didn’t find anything. They’re in there,
I tell you.” He looked around as if they
might even now be sneaking up on him.
“But that’s all right. I can
wait. They’re bound to show up again,
eventually, and when they do, well, lets just say “I
told you so.”
Hinoki grinned and shrugged; “OK, that’s fine. Just remember, my offer still stands. If you can catch me one, if its something suitable, I’ll pay you for it.”
Sashi frowned; she’d gone into the freezer, to get that pan
of leftover lasanga, but there were two large baggies of black stuff filling the
shelf. Poking at one of them, she found
it as rock-hard as everything else in the freezer. With a sigh, she pulled them out, extracted
the pan of lasagna, and then stuffed them back in, making a note to ask Master
about them later. They didn’t LOOK edible,
but you never knew….
Jenka frowned, as she read the report. As any good pirate leader would, she had her
spies among the members of the black fleet, and since the “hostile takover”
incident, she’d been expanding her own private little network. At first glance this report, from down among
the “ground crews” looked like nothing important, but…. Hitting the appropriate key, she sent the
memo to the printer. Rising, she strode
over to the printer, picked up the flimsy, and turned for her bedroom.
Tanj was in the master Bathroom. Specifically she was in the shower. She was tied, bent over backwards in a
bow. Her widespread legs were shackled
to the floor, her arms bound together, and pulled by a rope towards her
knees. The back of her head rested on
the floor. Jenka’s shower came with all
the amenities, including room for about four, with stainless steel eyebolts.
Jenka paused for a moment to watch the Cheetah undulate slowly. Rising from the floor of the shower in a
smooth arc was a white plastic phallic shape; when the Cheetah relaxed, a
significant length of the phallus was buried in her ass. After a while, though, she’d start to
struggle, arching further, straining to lift herself off the phallus. It was then that the slow flow of water from
the phallus could be observed. Then,
after a few moments of straining, she’d tire and wind up impaling herself
again. Jenka looked at the curve of the
cheetah’s stomach, and thought that perhaps she could hold another half liter
or so. No need to release her yet. Besides, if it ever got too much, she could
void herself. Of course she’d have to
clean the shower floor, but… Jenka smiled;
she was confident the Cheetah wouldn’t break training like that. And she wanted her ass nice and clean for John
later…. Stepping closer, she held the message flimsy upside down over the
Cheetah’s head; “This make any sense to you?”
Tanj groaned and tried to read. The pressure of the warm water in her bowels
was quite distracting. She felt as if she was going to burst like an overfilled
water balloon. She hated enemas. But then that was probably why Jenka had
chosen this particular punishment. She
really was going to have to watch her tongue…
Frowning she tried to concentrate….
“Um….. Sounds like one of the
living dress creatures, Mistress.”
Jenka nodded; “Yes, that’s what I thought.”
Tanj shook her head; “But…. (groan) But they’re all accounted for. And they’ve never left my ship.”
Jenka frowned; “Are you SURE? What about Zassa?”
Tanj thought for a moment and then shook her head; “Don’t
think so, M..Mistress, but if you’ll let me up, I’ll
be glad to go check.”
Jenka chuckled; “nice try, but no. YOU have a date with John tonight. I’LL go check…..”
As the Jaguar padded out, Tanj groaned. John, was, of course, hung like a horse. A draft horse. And the fact that Jenka had tied her on this
particular device probably meant that John was going to be plundering her ass
Chris looked up as Jenka came through the door. He was nude, with a rampant hard-on, and a
feather in one paw. Zassa was bound on
his bed, in a most luxurious tie. She was on black silk sheets that only seemed
to accentuate the color of her bright red fur.
And she was held in place on the bed, with what seemed to be a hundred
black silk ribbons. They encircled her
ankles, above and below her knees, her upper thighs, her waist, above and below
her breasts, upper arms, wrists, and of course her neck. A wide ribbon formed a blindfold, and another
formed a gag, of sorts. Tiny ribbons had
been threaded through nipple and clitty rings, and secured to the very tops of
the bedposts. She was panting hard, and
the aroma of aroused Vixen permeated the room.
“Hate to disturb you two, but I need to talk to Zassa for a moment.”
Chris nodded, rose, and eloquently gestured to the Vixen;
“Help yourself.”
Jenka tugged the Vixen’s blindfold up, and the gag down;
Zassa looked at her questioningly.
Jenka, her face carefully neutral, held out the message
Without being coaxed, Zassa read; she scowled and shook her
head; “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not missing any of the creatures,
Mistress.” She looked up at the Jaguar,
almost challengingly; “I take good care of my pets. VERY good care. I’d know if one was missing, or had
Jenka nodded; “I believe you; but if its
not you, or Tanj, who makes similar protestations, then who? Or what?”
As much as she was able, Zassa shrugged; “Don’t know.”
Chris took the flimsy from Jenka’s paw, and read it. After a moment, he looked up; “you take this
Jenka sighed and shrugged; “I don’t know. Maybe I’m getting a little paranoid,
Chris looked at the Vixen, perhaps a bit impatiently;
“Tomorrow, why don’t I arrange for a… a cleaning of the ductwork. If there’s anything in there, we should at
least become aware of it.”
Jenka nodded; “All right.”
Grinning at the Fox she purred; “I’ll let you two get back to
work.” Shooting a wink at the bound
Vixen, she departed.
Chris tugged the blindfold back down over the Vixen’s eyes,
and paced around the bed, looking for the best place to resume. They’d lost the mood, but that was all right;
it would be easy enough to recapture. He
knew his Vixen well…..
Incredible space. The universe had expanded to an unbelievable
size. And there were traces of prey
everywhere. It headed away from its
brethren, away from the competition, seeking prey, seeking sustenance….
The grille was no hindrance at all; it flowed through
without even slowing. Below, a prey
creature bent over an open inspection hatch, his head half-way into the
opening. Tools were scattered about, and
a holographic manual flickered in the air; the creature ignored all of
those. As he’d bent over, his shirttail had
ridden up, his pants down…. The crack of his ass was exposed, and it was to
that, that the creature zeroed in on.
Zeke felt something go “Splat” on his back, and he jerked
reflexively. Unfortunately his head was
still inside the opening, and as he jerked upwards, the rather sharp edge hit
the back of his neck. Reflectively he
jerked away from that, his nose hitting the Tritium injector he’d been trying
to replace. For a moment he saw stars,
and was oblivious to the sensation of something sliding across his back…. Pulling his head out he looked around, sure that Rafe had returned and was pulling a
practical joke on him. That Bear was
always teasing him about how his drawers drooped…. But the Coyote saw no one in the compartment. He glanced up, but the ceiling was empty, and
innocent… And then he felt something
twitch in his pants…..
He’d never taken his pants off faster, not even when Emmy
Lou offered to let him take her up the ass.
For a moment the left leg hung on his foot, but he gave a mighty yank,
there was a tearing sound, and it came loose; and then he was hopping around,
trying to figure out what was going on.
There was this big wad of black… something plastered to his crotch,
entwined in his fur. He couldn’t get a
clawtip under the edge to try and peel it off, couldn’t get a grip on it. What in the HELL was it? And then it hit him. Luke’s monster. For a moment his paws paused. Whatever it was hadn’t hurt Luke; in fact,
it’d sounded kinda like fun, once you got over the initial shock…. So what should he do? What COULD he do?
The creature sensed the indecision, sensed that the prey was
no longer actively trying to pry it off.
Tentatively at first it flowed, stretching itself, one end pushing
towards the Coyote’s tailhole, the other end flowing, widening, to cover its
balls, and sheath….
Zeke watched in amazement as the thing spread itself thin as
a coat of paint, stretching…. Until it almost looked as if he
were wearing a black latex thong.
And then it started moving, rippling over his sheath. He groaned and leaned back against the wall;
Lord that felt good….. It’d been a
Loooooong time… As the creature worked
on him, he watched, seeing his shaft expand from his sheath, distending the
creature. But the creature flowed around
his member, rippling like ocean swells, moving up and down its length, faster
and faster and faster until with a HOWL he came and came hard.
Zeke picked himself up off the floor; he hadn’t had an
orgasm like that since Emmy Lou le him… well, maybe not even then. He looked down as the creature continued to
work on him, softly squeezing his balls, stroking his cock… and then a tendril
pushed its way into his asshole. The
Coyote yelped, his paws flying down and back; no one had EVER done anything
like that to him… and then he froze. It
actually didn’t feel half-bad, not that he’d ever ADMIT it to anyone…. Leaning forward, he braced his paws on the
inverter housing, spread his legs and let his head hang. The creature started working on him with
gusto, and it wasn’t long before he was howling with pleasure again.
It caught the “scent”, and turned. One of his brethren was feeding, off to the
right. Moving as fast as it could, the
creature flowed through the duct, following the scent.
Zeke blinked as something landed on his back, with a
plop. Twisting left and then right, he
tried to get a look… Another of the
black puddles had arrived; this one was flowing down his back, around the base
of his tail, joining its friend….. and suddenly with
more material to work with, he felt something much larger push into his rear,
felt something much larger encase his cock and balls… and all the pleasures
seemed to quadruple. He was working
towards his third orgasm of the day, and now that reinforcements had arrived,
it looked as if the fun was just beginning!
Grinning, he muttered; “The more the merrier, guys. Come one, come all, for I am one HORNY
Rafe balanced the box of bushings and the inconel setscrews
on one paw, as he hit the door button with the other paw. As the door slid aside, he blinked, and
almost dropped the parts. There was
Zeke, naked as a jay bird from the waist down, with something black and
gooey-looking running over his crotch.
More goo covered his face, and each paw seemed to be stuck to the
inverter housing with more of the stuff.
And as he watched, the goo over his crotch moved. Involuntarily, he took a step closer, as he
tried to figure out what was happening to his friend. It almost looked as if his buddy’s crotch was
melting… He never saw the black ooze out
of the ventilation duct overhead, scoot across the ceiling, position itself
correctly, and then drop. It landed
square on his head; the next thing he knew, he couldn’t see. He opened his mouth to yell, and something
flowed, to fill his mouth, shutting off his shout before it even got
started. And then something started to
flow up his left leg…..
Zeke groaned. He was
SO sore. He was SO thirsty; he felt as
if he’d been milked of every drop of moisture in his entire being. Shoving himself into a sitting position, he
looked around. The creatures were
gone. Well, that wasn’t quite true. There was one still humping Rafe’s crotch,
but it looked as if the Bear was unconscious, and it didn’t seem to be having
much luck. It was a small one,
anyways. Zeke grinned, and crawled
stiffly over to his toolbox; he dumped the contents out, and then turned to his
buddy… if he could find a way to coax that thing off of the Bear’s crotch, he
might be able to keep it…. He felt as if
he’d been run over by a truck, like he wouldn’t be able to walk right, and
maybe not even sit down, for a month, but LORD, what a time!
“Well, I don’t think you should have kept it”
“Oh, come on, Rafe; tell me that wasn’t some of the best sex
you’ve ever had!”
“The HELL it was!
Cindy’s MUCH better than that!”
The Coyote raised an eyebrow; “She is? Can she go for two days straight?”
The Bear opened his mouth and then shut it; “No, of course
not. But then, I’m not sure I can
either.” The Bear paused and stretched,
and then winced.
The Coyote just laughed; “Well, yeah, it was rather intense,
wasn’t it? Tell you what, lets take it to the bar in Commons Eight; maybe we can rent
it out or something…..”
Kittiara’s Writing: The Badger’s
The Kurani watched as the Badger moved back and forth,
between dresser, nightstand, bathroom, and the open backpack on the bed. As he moved, he talked, but it was obvious
that his attention wasn’t on the tale of the raid on Nikkeldepain. On the other hand, she’d read all the
after-action reports, and had a pretty good feel for what had happened. What she
wanted from him was a sense of the personalities behind the dry words, and how
he’d felt at the time. It wasn’t coming
through very well; the Badger’s thoughts were obviously elsewhere. Smiling, she held her peace, and let him run
down…. It was time for a change in tactics…
“That’s very interesting,
Master Roland. Most
useful…. Um… perhaps I could
change the subject for a moment?”
The Badger paused, a stack of underwear in his left paw, a
jar of something called “Badger Balm” in his right; “Change? Um…. I guess; what you got in mind?”
The Kurani smiled: “In addition to my work on the
Nikkeldepain raid, I’m also working on a book on the sexual mores and practices
in the Empire. I’m concentrating on the
practice of sexual slavery, but I’m not really limiting myself to just
that…. Could you tell me about your most
memorable sexual exploit?”
The Badger blinked, and
then grinned; “well….. Yeah, I guess. Its not exactly
related to sex slaves, but it DOES stand out in my memory…..” The Badger paused and glanced aside at Cindy,
as if embarrassed that his most memorable experience didn’t include her. For her part, she seemed not to notice, as she refolded the clothes the Badger had thrown in
the general direction of the backpack.
The Ondeo Nacra was one of
the Empire’s smaller assault craft. It
specialized in those little hotspots that seemed to develop here and there
through a wide-flung empire, sprinting here or there, to apply a judicial
amount of force before things got out of hand.
It carried a mixed company of Imperial Marines, four dropships, and a half-dozen exoatmospheric fighter-bombers. And as with most ships of that type, everyone
had to know a little bit about everything, and pitch in as needed. And now, Roland was needed.
Their most recent
engagement had been against a minor pirate stronghold in the N1973 system’s
asteroid belt. The fighters had gone in
and knocked out the stronghold’s defenses, and then the Marines had gone in, to
clean them out. Of course it hadn’t been
quite that simple; the fighters had missed some cleverly camouflaged missile
launchers, and the Ondeo had taken a couple of hits, while launching the
dropships, while the shields were down.
As a result, they hadn’t taken any prisoners. But now, they had to patch up the ship,
before they could go on to the next brushfire.
“Yeah, I can run the
maintenance rig. AND I can weld in a
vacuum, in zero gee.”
The harried Maintenance Tech nodded; “Okay; take 04, cycle
out through the aft cargo lock, and link up with the work crew forward of frame
53.” Without waiting for a response, the
Red Panda turned and headed to his next task.
Roland turned and headed
for the aft cargo lock. Sure, he could
run any suit of powered armor in the Imperial inventory, AND he could
weld. But he’d never run a Maintenance
rig before. Oh, he’d scooted around in
one, once, as a lark, but never really DID anything with it. Still, how hard could it be?
“Heya, Stud! Oooooo, aren’t YOU a nice big piece of Male
Meat! Wanna take a few minutes for a
quick roll in the hay?”
It took a moment before Roland realized the high pitched,
squeaky voice was coming from in front of him, and another moment to realize
that it was coming from just above waist level.
Looking down he beheld a “least Weasel”, smallest of the Mustelids. A very female Least Weasel, too. She stood there, dancing from foot to foot,
with her paws behind her back, head tilted back, breasts thrust out, straining
the fabric of her teeshirt. She SEEMED
to be staring directly at his crotch, and as she moved restlessly, it almost
seemed as if those globes were trying to caress his crotch.
Roland blinked; “Um…. Thanks, but I’d hate to hurt you… You’re a little small. Ah.. you haven’t seen the rating in charge of this section have
She grinned; “I’m Camilla; I’m in charge of the Maintenance Rigs. Among other things. Tucker said that he was sending a vict.. uh, volunteer down to me. You’re Roland, right?”
Roland swallowed hard and nodded, as he stared at her. The Weasel couldn’t seem to stay still, and
the way she was bouncing from foot to foot made her breasts bounce most
At the Badger’s nod she grinned and reached out a paw to
grab… the front of his belt; turning she all but dragged him over towards the
wall; “Here’s your rig. It’s the
standard M-328 Proffet Industries zero gravity rig, identical to their IM-32
industrial model despite the military designation. But of course we’ve made a few
modifications. Strip down, climb in, and
I’ll show you what we’ve “improved on.”
Roland blinked and came to
a halt; “Strip down? I thought these
things were “shirtsleeve environment”?
The Weasel chuckled; “For the biomedical sensors. Can’t stick ‘em to you
through cloth. And its best to be bare-assed just in case you have to use the
“relief” facilities while on the job.
Command doesn’t want you coming back aboard until the job’s done and
that includes potty breaks.” She
smirked; “And trust me, trying to drop your pants while in there requires
contortions you’d probably be better off not trying to make; much better if you
just do without ‘em to start.”
The Badger scowled, but pulled his teeshirt off over his
head, and then, eyes fixed on a blank spot on the wall, undid his belt and
dropped his pants.
Camilla chuckled; “ooooh,
no undies! I LIKE it!” Before the Badger could say anything she’d
turned and gestured to the suit; “OK, you open the hatch like this….” And then hydraulics were whining, the
transparent aluminum hemisphere on the top of the cylindrical body rotating
back. Roland found the hand and
footholes in the rig’s shell, and climbed upwards; as
he climbed he could have sworn he felt a light touch running over his
crotch…. It only made him climb faster.
As he turned and settled
into the padded cylindrical “cockpit” in the rig, the Weasel swarmed up the
side to sit on the edge of the cockpit.
Well, she never quite “sat”, but seemed to be in constant motion. “OK,
main power is here; waldo controls here, here and
here. Standard
configuration, of course. We’ve
made some modifications to the environmental controls, mostly to increase
safety. The suit will alarm if CO2, or
internal temperature get too high, or if your heart rate varies from certain
norms. The waldos
have to be returned to the neutral position to change tools, and that’s
accomplished through this panel here, here, and over here. Gas flow to the heliarc is controlled through
here, and your welder power settings are here.
Movement is controlled by the joystick here,
and magnetic grapples by this panel here.
Watch your fuel readout here; if it gets too low, you’ll have to find a
fuel point, and refill. There’s one by
Frame 38, dorsal side, Frame 78, ventral side, and another one by the lock
you’ll be going out. DON’T run out of
fuel! If you have to be towed back,
you’ll never live it down. Believe
me! Communications are here for suit to
suit, and here for suit to ship. Radar’s
here, just in case you drop something.
Got it?”
The cylindrical “cockpit”
was deeper than he expected, and he found himself barely able to see some of
the control panels; it was obvious the maintenance rig was built for the
largest of furs. Roland blinked and then
nodded; “Riiiiight. Waldos. Tools. Environmental. Welder. Maneuvering. Fuel. Radar.” He looked up and gave the Weasel a bright
smile; “Good to go!”
The Weasel laughed and reached past him, to his right side; “Good, we’ll just
engage the safety restraint system and you’re on your way!” She flipped a couple of toggles, and then was
gone, swarming down the outside of the suit.
Roland felt straps encircle and then tighten around his waist,
shoulders, and feet, lifting him, and holding him in position as the canopy
closed on its hydraulics. Now he had a
good view of all the panels, as well as through the canopy. Crossing his fingers, he brought up main
power, and nudged the joystick; the suit rose obediently, rotated a little
sluggishly, and eased into the cargo airlock.
Camilla had been right
about not being able to come back for potty breaks. The suit provided fruit juice and ration bars
that tasted like mud, and the “relief” facilities were obviously made for a
furr MUCH larger than he was. But then,
the “cockpit” of the suit was designed to handle the largest of furrs, so it
stood to reason that everything would be built to the largest common
denominator. As he maneuvered a fresh
sheet of hull plating into place with the waldos, he
wondered just how many Elephants, or Water Buffalo wound up running these
things. With practice the controls
became second nature; he nudged his right knee against the magnetic grapple
control, and then brought the No.2 waldo equipped with
the heliarc around, to start welding a new seam. It was almost a relief when the low-fuel
alarm went off.
There was actually a line
at the refuel point, and he was able to nap for a few minutes. Then it was his turn. It wasn’t easy to back the suit into the
refuel connection, and for a moment he flashed on some sort of obscene
robot-sex image. Shaking his head, he
forced that from his mind, and concentrated on making sure the connections were
tight, and that nothing was leaking as the hydrogen and oxygen that powered his
fuel cells started flowing into the tanks.
Twenty-six hours. That’s how long he was in the suit. Others, those from the regular maintenance
crew, or at least those that had survived the attack, had been in their suits longer,
but for him, it was still a marathon session.
He waited for his turn to cycle through the cargo lock. Last out, last in. When he’d cleared the lock, he maneuvered his
suit into its mooring clamps. The air in
the ship had never smelled so sweet as when the canopy
retracted. Twisting, he tried to hit the
release for the safety straps. He felt
his fingertips slide over the button, but nothing happened. With a grunt he twisted harder, jabbing. He was sure he’d hit the button, but again,
nothing happened. Growling he ran his
right paw down along his side, seeking the folding rigger’s knife in his left
pocket, only to realize he wasn’t wearing his pants. Grrrrr.
Stud; what’s up? You like that suit so
much you don’t want to leave?”
Roland twisted back, and growled; “Camilla, the damned
safety harness won’t retract!”
The Weasel chuckled; “Really? Gee, let me see what I can do…..”
Before he could say a word, the Weasel dove into the suit,
squirming between his body and the padded side of the cockpit. She seemed to flow bonelessly around his
body. Roland let out a
yipe as she squirmed between his legs, around the left side of his body,
across his rump and then down towards the bottom of the cylindrical
“Nope, don’t see anything wrong with the switch. Let me check the Relay”
Roland hung in his harness, and groaned. He wanted a shower. He wanted to get some sleep. He wanted some Real food. Instead, he heard the whine as the canopy
started to close. “Camilla what are you
The Weasel chuckled; “Sorry, bumped the wrong relay
module. Try the canopy switch.”
Roland nudged the switch, with no response. As the environmental system came back up, he
growled; “Camilla, something’s wrong here.
What are you DOING down there?”
What it FELT like she was doing was teasing his crotch with the tip of
her tail. Was she doing that on
purpose? Groaning, he squirmed in his
harness, but he couldn’t escape. If she
didn’t stop soon, he was going to embarrass himself; that tailtip against his
balls was bound to produce an erection soon…. Or was that what she was after?
Roland found he couldn’t
look down into the bottom of the cockpit very effectively; his body blocked his
view. “Camilla? CAMILLA!
What’s going on down there?” There
was the sound of an electrical discharge, and the canopy went to a mirrored
surface. This happened in bright light
to protect the eyes of the operator, the same way the visor of a vacuum suit
did; right now, it just left Roland with a dim view of the Maintenance
bay… Then the Weasel was squirming up
between him and the padded wall of the cockpit.
Pressed against him, nose to nose, her feet distractingly pressed
against his crotch, the Weasel grinned; “Got some serious problems down
there. You just hang loose and I’ll go
attend to ‘em.” And then she was
squirming around, twisting, pressing between him and the padding. However, she stopped, with her feet tickling
his nose. She giggled, and he could feel
her warm breath on his sheath; “Ah….. I’m stuck!”
Roland growled; “Sure you
are. Quit playing, and get me out of
here!” Camilla giggled, and Roland felt
her nose against his rapidly growing shaft; “No, I really am stuck; try exhaling!” Roland groaned and sucked in his stomach as
far as he could, only to feel the Weasel’s tongue on his shaft. The sudden sensation made him yelp and jerk
in his harness; with a laugh the Weasel settled a little, and the Badger felt
the head of his shaft enveloped in the wet warmth of her mouth. His paws twitched towards her feet, but then
he stopped. It DID feel good….. Groaning, he braced his paws against the
sides of the cockpit, on places where he couldn’t inadvertently push a button or
control knob… He didn’t know how she was
able to engulf his shaft the way she was, given her size, but he wasn’t about
to complain.
The sudden release of his
shaft surprised him; he’d been soooo close to cumming. A voice drifted up from below; “Come on,
Stud; no free rides. Lets
see what you can do with that tongue of yours.
Tit for tat, so to speak. And if you EVER want to get out of here,
you’d best do a GOOD job! I’ve got you
RIGHT where I want you! And then that
warm, lovely sensation enveloped the head of his cock again.
It took forever to get her
shorts off; there just wasn’t a lot of room in there, and the button and zipper
were tiny. He kept bumping his elbows on
the canopy, and came very close to triggering the welder controls
inadvertently. Finally he managed to
peel them off of her, glad the cockpit canopy was essentially opaque. As he ran his tongue across her sex, he felt
her squirm all the harder….
She was insatiable. He’d licked her to at least four climaxes;
she’d sucked him off once, but then held him on the edge for what had seemed
like hours. As he panted, she’d released
him, squirmed around and then, with her head against his chest, she’d managed
to do the impossible; she was actually forcing his cock into her tiny
pussy. The sensation was indescribable, and
the way she just NEVER stopped moving was driving him mad. By now, his sweat was starting to condense on
the inside of the canopy, and he was panting hard.
He was working on his
third orgasm, when the alarm went off.
Twisting, he stared at the environmental panel. The CO2 scrubber had failed, and CO2 levels
were starting to get dangerously high.
Blinking he turned to look at the power panel. They were about out of fuel as well. “Um…. Camilla? CAMILLA!
We’ve got problems up here!”
The Weasel just laughed; “I know. But we’re not through yet.” She humped his shaft hard; “When things get
to a dangerous level, it’ll open up, but not before. My own very special little
trap. I built it just for T.J.,
but he bought it at Renardsville. Oscar
was my prey for a while, until the ambush at L3. And then there was Remy, and Hal. And now….” She squeezed down hard with her
vaginal muscles, “Tag, YOU’RE it!” After
a while she purrred; “Want to get out?
Then FUCK me, Stud; the only way we get out is by driving the CO2 levels
into the red!”
Roland shook his head; his
vision was starting to narrow, and he was panting as hard as he’d ever panted
in his life. And yet, he still thrust
his hips back and forth, driving into the Weasel, pinning her against the side
of the cockpit. It almost seemed as if
his vision was starting to fade out completely, when, with a final gasp, he
came a third time. The Weasel was
howling as well… and then the canopy smoothly retracted, and the straps
released him.
He didn’t know how he
found the energy, but he was out of that suit in a single bound. He didn’t even try and find his pants. As he ran down the corridor, he could hear
the Weasel laughing behind him; “You’re not as big as I’d like, but you do know
how to handle yourself. See ya next
time, Stud!”
The Red Panda was fishing
for something in a parts bin when Roland caught up with him. “Tucker! I’ve got a bone to pick with you!”
The Panda straightened, a 16” Stillson wrench in his right
paw. “Yeah, I’ve been expecting
Roland growled; “That was a SHITTY thing to do to me!”
The Panda shrugged; “Hey, we needed someone who could weld
in vacuum, and zero gee, and you’d been bragging about how you could do
it. Who else was I going to get?”
The Badger pointed a finger at him: “You could at least have
warned me!”
The Panda shrugged; “Look, Camilla may have her quirks, but
she’s the best Maintenance Tech I’ve got, especially on the small stuff.” He grinned; “Besides, it kept her off MY ass
for a couple of hours; a couple of hours we needed to get the ship running
again. Now quit complaining and soldier
on, or else!”
Roland scowled; “Or else what?”
The Panda’s grin widened; “Or I’ll NOT tell the Captain how
shitty a job you did you did out there and how you shouldn’t be allowed anywhere
near a Maintenance Suit again. In fact,
you pipe down, or I’ll show him photomicrographs of the welds you did, and tell
him just how good you really are! Why, I
bet you’d be transferred from the Marines so fast it’d make your head
spin!” He chuckled; “I bet Camilla’d
LOVE that!”
Roland hefted the pack;
“And now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a shuttle to catch.” He wrapped one arm around Cindy, kissed her
hard, and then was out the door.
The Kurani watched him go; “And here he said it didn’t have
anything to do with master/slave relationships.
Sounds to me as if…. Well, nevermind.”
Turning she looked at Cindy; “I don’t suppose you have anything you’d
like to relate?”
The Badger lady just laughed and shook her head “NO THANK
YOU!” She smiled and then shook her
head; “But I do thank you for getting him to tell that story; it was MOST
The Kurani looked at the glint in her eye and wondered just
what kind of trouble might be forthcoming from THAT…..
An Education
Chris led the naked and bound Vixen through the
airlock. Zassa did her best to keep up;
not easy when her ankles were connected by a 30 centimeter chain. Her arms were fastened behind her in a
rectangular leather pouch that held each paw by the opposite elbow. The pouch was held up by a strap that went
over her right shoulder, then down, under her right armpit, across her back, up
under her left armpit and then across her left shoulder to the opposite corner
of the bag. It wasn’t going to fall off,
but the straps weren’t too uncomfortable, either. A padded blindfold covered her eyes, and a
head-harness held a very large and hard prod gag in her mouth. There was a ring in the end of the gag, and
that was where Chris had attached her leash.
When he pulled on it, it tugged her head around, the head of the gag
pressing against the sensitive flesh at the back of her throat.
Chris found his way down the corridor, to Zassa’s cabin on
the Lost Cause. Once they were in the
cabin, he dropped the end of the leash, and put one foot on it. He then reached out to undo the Vixen’s
blindfold. Zassa blinked, as she
realized where she was. Chris looked at
her, waiting for her eyes to meet his; when he had her attention he growled;
“you’ve been holding out on me, Slave.
Why didn’t you tell me about these creatures? He reached up to start unbuckling the head
harness; “You’re going to tell me absolutely everything you know about
them. Now.”
Zassa looked at the Fox from the corner of her eye. Such a marvelous
opportunity. Surely she’d be
whipped within an inch of her life…. And yet it was SUCH a temptation. Maybe she’d chance it…..
“If Master will look in the closet, on the left, behind the
hat boxes, he’ll find several small plastic containers…..”
Chris looked at her, and then nodded. Turning he slid open the closet door. The closet was jammed to overflowing with
clothes. After trying to push the hangers
to the right, he gave up and started pulling things out, laying them on the
bed, so he could get to the shelves on the left. Sure enough, there were several brightly
colored hat boxes there, on the top shelf.
Those too were lifted down, placed in the corner; “What do you have in
there? Lead weights?”
Zassa laughed; “oh, just a few toys, Master.”
Chris stopped, turned back, and lifted the lid of one of the
boxes. It was full of leather straps and
bright chrome. “Uh-huh. We’ll talk about THAT later.” Turning back he found the flat plastic
containers. Each seemed to be about half
full of black goo, and as he moved a couple of the boxes out, the goo surged
against the motion, as if trying to touch his paw.
Zassa smiled; “oooooh, are my little darlings hungry? Momma’s been away too long!”
Chris frowned; “How often do you, ah, “feed” these
Zassa smiled; “Oh, about once every seven to ten days. More than that, they get too big; less than
that, they get too hungry and aren’t as manageable.”
Chris nodded, and then turned to do a count in the closet;
“But… you’ve got about two dozen boxes in here…”
Zassa smiled; “There are more under the bed, Master. And yes, that’s about the rate at which I
feed them.”
Chris frowned, numbers running through his head; “About how many climaxes
does it take to, ah, “feed” one?
Zassa shrugged; “Depends on the individual. On average, I’d have to say it takes about
four before they become obedient.
Depends on my level of “excitement”, the strength and duration of the
climax, and, I suspect, a few other factors…”
Chris nodded; “Well, I think you’ve been mistreating your
pets. You’ve been on the end of my leash
for days now and never told me you had… “responsibilities”….” As he talked, the Fox opened the lid of the
box and spilled the contents down the front of the Vixen. Zassa literally purred as the creature
slithered down between her breasts, over her tummy, and between her legs; she
gasped as the creature extended a tendril into her pussy, and then groaned as
it started to move; “ooooooh, baby IS hungry…..”
Chris watched in fascination. The creature was acting as a living dildo,
pulsing and rippling, visibly shoving a portion of itself into the Vixen’s
snatch. And Zassa was
loving it, cooing and rocking her hips in encouragement. It didn’t take long at all before the Vixen
was shuddering through her first climax….
Stepping backwards, Chris sat down hard on the edge of the bed and just
It took about five climaxes, before the creature released
her; slowly it flowed up her body, spreading out, until it was wrapped around
her waist like a small corset; Chris could see it tighten itself, drawing in
the Vixen’s waist. Zassa just chuckled;
“They do have their uses, Master.”
Chris nodded, and picked up another of the boxes; “one down
and twenty three to go….” Zassa watched,
eyes bright, as he dumped the next creature onto her.
Zassa had said that she could handle more than one creature
at a time. At the moment there was one
working on her pussy, one in her ass, another squeezing and fondling her
breasts and a fourth in her mouth. It
was like watching a marching band, or an erotic drill team, as the creatures
worked in concert to bring her to climax after climax. The Vixen was wobbling back and forth, knees
weak, no longer steady on her legs, and yet she had a look of exquisite delight
on her face. Chis watched, and then
shrugged to himself.
Why should SHE have all the fun?
Feeling like he was about to walk a tightrope over the falls, or maybe
juggle live hand grenades, he pulled off his pants. Picking up one of the containers, he sat back
down on the bed, popped the top on one of the containers, and gritting his
teeth, poured the contents over his lap.
The creature felt warm as it flowed over him, spreading out;
he could feel tendrils slide beneath him, feel a light touch over his balls,
and then the most amazing sensations started.
It felt as if the creature was somehow licking his sheath. He locked his eyes on the erotic vision that
was Zassa, and with more rapidity than he would have thought possible, got
hard. VERY hard.
He could almost imagine it was someone’s mouth over his
cock. But it was a very nice mouth. No teeth, all tongue. Very nice. He grunted as it moved over him, watching the
creatures fuck his slave….. His orgasm
came upon him with surprising speed, and before he knew it his head was thrown
back, and he was howling, his hips bucking hard, from instinct.
As he tried to uncross his eyes, panting, he looked
down. The creature’s actions had changed
a bit, but they hadn’t stopped. It was
still working on his shaft, and amazingly, he was still hard. Now he could feel a tendril wrap around him,
between body and balls, to squeeze lightly, to pull, to
tug downwards on his balls. It felt
strange, but it also felt good, when taken in concert with its motions on his
shaft. Rising, he stepped around behind
the Vixen. Positioning himself just so, he brought his right paw down on her left
asscheek; “Naughty Vixen, for not telling me about this!”
Zassa just grunted into her living gag… She’d read him correctly, and knew,
instinctively, that he’d sampled one of the creatures…. Oooooo, this was gonna be good!
Chris shuddered as he approached a second climax, and gave
her another swat. Zassa took a half-step
forward, and then one back, as if trying to hold her balance… And then it happened.
His black-encased cock came in contact with the creature
driving in and out of her ass; somehow the two creatures twined together, and
he felt himself pulled towards her.
Suddenly the grip on his balls wasn’t just erotic, it was demanding! It felt as if he were pulled around behind
her, felt as if his throbbing cock were pulled into her ass. Zassa squealed into her living gag, and the
Fox groaned. Reaching around her he
fondled her breasts; for an instant he was surprised at their size and
firmness, and then he realized he was fondling the creature covering her
breasts. Chuckling, he squeezed
HARD! Zassa mewled and he felt her
squeeze down hard on his cock… or was it the creatures doing that? Didn’t matter; it felt too good! Grunting, he started to thrust into her ass,
holding her breasts tight. It didn’t
take long for him to have a third orgasm.
At his mental command, the creature around his cock let him
pull out of her “ass”. It came
smoothly. He looked down at the creature
covering his crotch; it was barely moving.
Nodding to himself, following what the Vixen had described to him, he
ordered it to spread out, to cover his waist, the image of a pair of briefs in
his mind. Sluggishly, but obediently,
the creature moved. It felt strange to
feel something flowing through the crack of his ass. After a moment, it stopped moving and he
realized that indeed it looked as if he were wearing a pair of glossy black
briefs. Nodding, he reached out, and
unbuckled the Vixen’s armbinder; holding both of her wrists behind her back in
one paw, he issued a mental command for the creature to flow up his body, down
his arm, and around her wrists. Sure
enough, the creature obeyed. Just before
he let go, he thought ‘Now STAY there, no matter what she says or how she
moves, until I tell you otherwise.” To
his amazement, when he let go, the creature did just that.
Zassa groaned as Chis pried the last of the creatures off
her body. She’d fed at least eight of
them. It’d been fun, and she didn’t
really want to stop now. Chris moved
around in front of her and shook her head; “Why didn’t you tell me these things
could be used in bondage?”
Zassa tugged at her paws, and thought “You can let go of me
now!” The creature didn’t move; her paws
were still stuck. She raised her gaze
and looked at the Fox; “I didn’t know!”
Chris nodded; “Apparently the creatures will only obey the
one that has most recently fed them. The
question is, though, for how long will they obey?”
Zassa shot him a grin, tugging at her paws; “I guess there’s
only one way to find out….”
Jenka listened to what the Fox was saying. When he’d finished, she shook her head;
“Leave it to you to figure out how to turn it to an advantage. OK, so individually they’re not all that
threatening, and in small groups they’re still handle-able. But what if there are more?”
The Fox just shrugged; “Don’t know. I agree we need to round ‘em up, but…. I’m not sure we’re in crisis mode yet.”
Jenka winced; “Yeah.
The key word there is “yet”….
The Opposition; setting up
Kitchens watched the Mouse
and the lady Badger tinker with Roland’s mech.
In her estimation the Mouse was full of book-learning, but very VERY
little practical experience. Still, he
was just barely knowledgeable enough to keep from being an outright fraud. So what did that make him? She tightened the bolt, and smiled to
herself. At least she was competent on
these systems. Of course, she was only
doing enough work to keep from getting yelled at; she really didn’t much care
what her bosses thought of her performance.
It wouldn’t matter in a few days.
She’d already found a spot, down in Engineering, that looked promising. And as soon as the Badger left, she’d have
more time to pursue her mission. In that
respect, the Mouse had done her a real favor…
Cindy watched the Rabbit
work, surreptitiously, and wondered about her.
She seemed competent enough, but she had the strangest attitude. No interest at all in making friends, or
striking up acquaintances. Her whole
attitude screamed “I’m not going to be here long enough for any of that to
matter, so I’m not even going to go through the motions”. She wondered who she really was, and what she
was up to….
“Can I help you,
The disfigured Bunny lady
smiled; “I had some luggage shipped in; I figured it was time to claim
The Panda nodded; “Name?”
She smiled, the scar twisting up one side of her mouth;
The Panda nodded and shuffled off into the back of the
storage area. It took him a while but he
finally returned, pushing a float pallet.
“Hate to say it but you’re considerably over your weight limit. I’m going to have to charge you for that.”
The Bunny didn’t even blink; “not a problem. Put the charges against my next paycheck?”
The Panda nodded; “Yeah, I can do that. But I’m afraid its
not going to leave you much.”
The Bunny just shrugged, and moved around behind the float
pallet. “By the way, what do you have in
there anyways?”
Kitchens shrugged; “Solid ironwood furniture. Belonged to my great
grandmother. Family
The Panda “ooohed” and nodded; “Yeah, well I can understand
that, I guess….”
When she’d made it out into
the hall, Kitchens paused to check the anti-tamper seals. The shipping containers had anti-scan devices
that were supposed to make it look as if they were full of furniture, but that
didn’t mean someone wouldn’t open them up for a look. Or to see if there was
something to steal. However,
everything looked fine. Shoving the pallet
towards the nearest elevator, she grinned.
She’d stolen everything else she’d need.
It was time to get Phase 1 underway.
The equipment was in place,
the packing cases hidden. She had a
forged work order on a clipboard tacked to one wall, a site safety inspection
form taped to another wall, and the whole area roped off with warning
tape. Everything was according to
procedure. And yet, in the hours she’d
been laboring down there, not a single soul had ventured by. And from the dust on the floor, not even the
cleaning robots came down here. Just
exactly the kind of place she was looking for.
Picking up the “owner’s manual” she stuffed it in a pocket of her
overalls, and headed back for her quarters.
She could still get a little sleep before her work shift started.
The Mouse smiled as the
transport undocked. The Badger was
gone. GOOD. Now he could get down to his REAL job. He had already noticed that Jenka spent the
occasional evening in one of the public lounges, usually with a naked slave at
her feet. That would be a delightful
place. All he had to do was to spray his
weapon around the room. Everyone would
be quickly and totally incapacitated.
And then he could kill the Jaguar, slowly, messily, graphically, with
EVERYONE watching, unable to do anything about it. Then all he had to do was to escape. Again, given his weapon, that should be a
cinch. A quick stop by traffic control,
and the defense grid control room, and he could take whatever ship was
available and leave. Nothing
Lost in his thoughts, he
bumped into the Mink. Not that he
minded; she was padded in all the right places… Blinking, he took a step back…
Yeah, she was a looker all right.
Kath smiled at the look on
the Mouse’s face; “Pardon me, Sir, but… well, I’m glad I ran into you, if
you’ll pardon the pun.” The Mouse’s eyes
seemed to be locked on her chest. Kath’s
smile widened a little; most males and a good number of females had that
reaction, and she was indeed coming to enjoy it. It was nice to be appreciated. Of course the semi-transparent nurse’s outfit
Wanda had her wearing DID show off her body to rather good advantage….
The Mouse blinked and muttered “Um… howzat?”
Kath tried to look solemn and concerned; “Oh, we were
checking your immunization records and found out your immunization against
Dengii fever has expired. We’ve, ah, had
a small outbreak and wanted to suggest you come down to medical, to get a
The Mouse nodded, his eyes still on her chest; “Ah, yes,
yes, of course. I’ll see if I can’t get
down there tomorrow, or so.”
Kath smiled; “Thanks.”
As she walked off, she put a little extra sway in her hips.
The Mouse sighed, and shook
his head; if his wife knew he was leering at strange females like that, she’d
probably… ah, but she wasn’t here, was she.
He smiled and paused, until the Mink was out of sight, enjoying the view
of her ass, and the way her tail moved. Delicious. Maybe he
really would try and find time to go down to medical, if a creature like that
was waiting there. Dengii
fever? Had that been on the list
of immunizations he’d gotten? He
couldn’t rembmer. Then he dismissed the
idea; he had WORK to do….
Wanda, wearing a surgical
mask, waved the Mink into the shower; “Did you get him?”
The Mink laughed and nodded; “Yes Mistress. And no, I didn’t bump into anyone else.”
Wanda nodded; “And with luck, the reference text will be
correct, and the virus will indeed die after twenty minutes exposure to
Kath nodded; “Just enough time for him to get sick, and not anyone else in the area.”
Wanda nodded; “And if they do, its
easily treated. NOW, strip out of that
outfit and let me spray you down, just in case……”
The Mouse rubbed the bridge
of his nose. His head was pounding, his
vision blurry, and his stomach was aching.
Something was wrong. “Dammit, I
cannot be getting sick now; there’s too much left to do, too much left to
PLAN!” Trying to force his discomfort
from his mind, he studied the roster of docked ships, trying to figure out which
ones he could fly, how he might get aboard, and how hard it might be to
immobilize the crew. What if there were launch and drive keys, or passwords to the main
computer? He’d have to find a ship
prepped to launch. And if someone got
into a spacesuit, his weapon wouldn’t work…..
It finally hit him that his
nose was running. Groaning, he got up to
find a tissue. As he rose, his joints
ached. Catching a look at himself in the mirror, he groaned again; his eyes were
red-rimmed, and his whiskers were drooping.
Shaking his head, he consulted the map on the back of his door, and then
headed for medical. His plan would have
to wait; he wasn’t going to be able to commit a gory homicide with a runny
Wanda looked in the Mouse’s
ear, and muttered; “uh-huh.” Then she
looked down his throat and nodded; “Um….”
She took his pulse and made a non-committal noise. She waved a medical scanner over his stomach,
and growled; “UmmmHMMMM!”
He couldn’t take it any longer; “Doctor will you PLEASE tell
me what you’ve found? YOU’RE DRIVING ME
Wanda blinked at him; “Ibegyourpardon?”
The Mouse shook his head; “all the “um-hums and
uh-huhs. What? WHAT?
Wanda stared coldly at the Mouse; “Don’t make me give you a
sedative. You WILL mind your tone with
me, Mister.” After a moment she
continued; “Dengii Fever. Classic case.”
Looking up, she growled; “Nurse!
Take this patient to Isolation.
And start him on some Profesterol.
Twenty milligrams, Oral, every four hours.” And then she was gone, the curtains to his
cubicle fluttering from her passage.
The Mouse sat there for a moment, hoping that the Mink would
be the one to come and get him. When the
curtains parted again, he groaned; she was definitely female, but Gorillas were
just NOT what he found sexy….
Wanda grinned at Kath; “I
just LOVE doing that to a patient.”
The Mink chuckled; “Mistress can be SO mean
The Wolverine just laughed her best evil laugh “Yeah….”
The Hunt, Part 2
Hinoki sighed as he looked at the Coyote, and the Bear. The creature had been moved to a rather large
brandy snifter, with a dinnerplate set on top, with a full bottle of brandy on
top of that to hold it down. The
creature surged around the inside of the snifter, as if it was trying to find a
way to get to all the furrs that surrounded it.
Around and around as if an invisible paw were swirling the contents of
the snifter. Obviously he hadn’t gotten
them all. Now it was public, and there would be Hell to pay. His mind raced; what could he do to sweep
this under the rug?
“You know, they’re valuable.” The Bear paused, glass half way to his
muzzle. Hinoki grinnned; “And they’re
illegal. Banned
throughout the Empire. If you got
caught with one….”
The Coyote smirked; “Who’s gonna catch us HERE? This is a PIRATE base, for cryin’ out
Hinoki nodded; “Jenka for one. Do you think your little absence from work
went unnoticed?”
The Coyote and the Bear exchanged looks; they weren’t on the
best of terms with their section boss…..
Hinoki grinned; “Tell you what. I heard that Ops was
going to assign a crew to clean out the ductwork. Let me work a little magic with the computer
system. I’ll get that work order bounced
to the head of the list, dated two days ago, and have you two assigned. That way you’ll be covered. And then…..”
The Coyote’s eyes shifted from the creature to the bear to
the Cheetah and back; “And then… what?”
Hinoki’s grin widened; “We’ll go in and clean the ductwork. Both of you, and me.
But we won’t be after dust bunnies.
No, we’ll be hunting these things.
And then, I’ll arrange a very private, rather risky, off-station sale,
to, ah, “collectors”. You guys will make
a small fortune, and no one will be the wiser.”
Adam poked the Cheetah in the back; “What about me?”
Hinoki turned to look at the squirrel; “I’ve been listening
to everything you been sayin’. I’m in on
the secret, but you’re tryin’ to cut me outta the profits….”
Hinoki looked around the bar; there were all too many heads
nodding in agreement; he forced a smile; “There’s plenty of ductwork that’ll
have to be scoured, and plenty of money to go around. Opportunities for all of
you. Now, I want you guys to put
our little friend here under wraps, and meet me back here in the morning. And DO NOT tell
anyone else about this!” Hinoki handed a
stack of cocktail napkins and a stylus to the Squirrel; “Write down your names
and I’ll see to it you’re all assigned to the duct-cleaning detail.”
As he watched the Squirrel circulate, Hinoki groaned; he was
going to go broke funding this little expedition. And yet, well, he’d started it. It was up to him to clean up his own mess,
before Jenka took it out on Tanj, or Zassa…
Chris paged down on the Ops page of his display, and
frowned. He thought the duct-cleaning
project hadn’t been started yet, and here his screen now showed that it’d been
running for two days. His eyes widened
slightly as he saw all the furrs assigned.
Pushing a comm button, he got the shift supervisor for Maintenance; “I
thought you guys were having trouble rounding up “volunteers” to clean out the
The Aardvark on the other end of the line just shrugged; “We
were. Couldn’t get
anyone to agree to go in there.
And who could blame them? Dark, dirty, and with rumored monsters lurking about. But now I can’t seem to beat ‘em off with a
stick. Sorry, Boss, can’t explain
Chris nodded slowly and broke the connection. Something was going on…..
Hinoki held the bucket of dry ice in one paw, the collection
bucket in the other paw and held the flashlight with his teeth. Most of the Maintenance crew had headed
towards the area where Zeke and Rafe had their “experience”, but something drew
him down a different duct. Maybe he was
on a wild goose-chase, but….
The Squirrel had a powerful, million candlepower spotlight, that he kept waving around.
The inside of the duct was almost uniformly black, and a little
slippery, and if there were any monsters about, he hadn’t seen any. Yet. Unfortunately neither had his comrades,
probably because he kept flashing his light in their eyes. Grumbling about wild goose chases he stalked
off, moving into the wind, and further away from the air movers. Maybe if he could lose the thundering herd following
him, he could catch one of these things by surprise, and catch it….
Zeke tugged on Rafe’s sleeve; “This isn’t the way to do
The Bear blinked “it isn’t?”
The Coyote shook his head; “no… we need bait. Let them come to us.”
The Bear blinked; “If you’re thinking of me, forget
The Coyote made a swiping motion with his paws; “no, I’ll be
the bait. Hell, I’m almost back to
normal. I just need you to stay nearby
with that dry ice, to get ‘em off me.”
The Bear nodded; “That I can handle. Now… where do you want to set the trap?”
Zeke looked around. “Lets go that way.”
The Bear raised an eyebrow; “Why that way?”
The Coyote grinned; “I’ve got an infallible sense of
direction. The Marine Barracks are over
that way, and they’ve got a ladies’ shower room. If any of the stories I’ve heard are true,
these little darlings will probably be flocking in that direction.”
Rafe frowned, trying to figure out what stories the Coyote
was talking about, as he followed him down a narrow duct.
The duct opened up into some sort of chamber. Hinoki looked around curiously. It looked as if someone had added this
section on; the welds were crude, and the ducts attached to the chamber at odd
angles. A huge shaft went straight up,
and at least three smaller ones went down.
He was trying to figure out which of the shafts on the opposite side he
should go down, when something touched his left foot. He immediately tried to side-step away from
it, but something hit his right foot and suddenly he was falling. The flashlight went down one of the vertical
ducts, clattering loudly, the light growing dimmer and dimmer, until it had
vanished. He wasn’t sure, but he thought
his bucket of dry ice, likewise, went down another of the vertical shafts. He was trying to rise, to paws and knees when
something grabbed is right foot. And pulled.
Rafe watched in amazement as his friend calmly stripped off
his overalls, and spread them on the dusty floor. Then the coyote knelt on the overalls, and
pulled a bottle of baby oil from a pocket.
He winked at the Bear, and started to stroke his sheath with one paw….
Hinoki forced himself not to struggle. The trap had been neatly set. Perhaps with an unsuspected
intelligence. His resources were
gone, knocked down the vertical shafts.
He’d heard his sample collection bucket follow the dry ice a minute or
two after he’d dropped it. There had
been sufficient creatures there to glue his paws and feet to the floor,
immobilizing him. Sufficient
creatures to hold him so that he couldn’t escape. “Not a problem” he told himself for the tenth
time. “Zassa can control these
things. So can Tanj. All I have to let them do is feed themselves a bit, and then exert a little willpower.” Something oozed under his middle, raising him
a bit. It pooled under his stomach, and then
thickened, lifting him a little more. It
was like laying on a pillow. Then, tendrils started exploring his sheath,
and his balls. “Stay calm. Might even be fun. Zeke and his friend survived. And they didn’t have nearly the training or
experience I have. This should be a
piece of cake….” He felt his body respond
to the creature’s stroking, felt himself growing hard, his cock expanding from
his sheath… and right into what felt like a very warm, very wet pussy.… With a groan, he bucked his hips, driving his
shaft further into the wetness. The
creature responded, rippling around his shaft in a most delightful way… “Yeah, this shouldn’t be so bad….”
Zeke groaned as he came a third time. His paws were soaked in baby oil, the floor
by his overalls was a sticky mess, his friend was looking at him strangely, and
not a single creature had shown up yet.
Panting hard, he looked over at the Bear; “I dunno, Rafe, this ought to be
The Bear nodded; “Maybe we’re just not in the right
The Coyote shook his head; “No, this is the place. I’m sure of it.” With a wince he took his cock in his paw
again. Maybe one more time…..
Hinoki purrred as he felt something start to pump in and out
of his ass; now THAT felt good. It’d
been a while since something had forced its way into his mouth, and he’d been
sucking instinctively. Somehow, he knew
other creatures were gathering…. Whether he’d stumbled upon a nest, or the
others were calling them, he didn’t know, but it was like he could feel their
Rafe shook his head; “No, I am NOT going to “spell
you”. If one hasn’t shown up by now, it
ain’t workin’. Come on, get dressed, and
lets head back.
I’m getting hungry.”
Zeke sighed and moving a bit stiffly, climbed to his
feet. He was just bending over to pick
up his coveralls when something dropped onto his back.
Hinoki panted hard.
After “feeding” at least four creatures underneath him, they’d somehow
rolled him over onto his back. It was
better that way; he didn’t have to move.
They seemed content to do all the work.
One was on his shaft, rippling up and down in a most delightful way;
another plumbed the depths of his ass, while another gently fondled and
manipulated his balls. His arms were
straight out to his sides, apparently stuck tight to the floor; his legs were
widespread, likewise glued down. Another
covered his face, largely sticking his head also to the floor. He was trapped. And there was no sign of the creatures
becoming sated……
Rafe held the light on the Coyote’s rump and sighed; “No, I
am NOT going to pry it off of you. If
you can’t take the cold, we’ll just have to think of something else.”
The Coyote sighed; “Yeah.
It’d figure it’d grab me by the balls.
Hey, maybe I can… I dunno, walk back to the gym. You know the pool’s ice cold. Maybe that’d work!”
The Bear crossed his arms and just looked at the Coyote;
“Even if that IS a small one, its buried in your ass! How you gonna walk like that?”
The Coyote held out his coveralls, as if trying to figure
out how to put them on; “Dunno. Um… I don’t suppose you could carry me….”
The Bear just shook his head no….
Hinoki found he couldn’t even arch his back. The creatures seemed to be covering him
completely. So completely he wasn’t even
sure how he was still breathing. He was
mummified in sex parasites, and it felt like they were going to drain him of
every drop of his essence! For the first
time he felt a real panic building…. How
in the world was he EVER going to get out of this?
“You two giving up already?” Rafe looked at the Squirrel and shrugged;
“Can’t find any of ‘em. Not a one. Time to take a break and
get something to eat. Maybe our
luck will be better tomorrow.”
The Squirrel nodded; “Yeah, I’ll be back on the night
shift. Roscoe caught one, about a
two-pounder. He said its
great.” The Squirrel sighed; “I have GOT
to get me one of these things. Hell,
I’ve already promised Rebecca she could borrow it for a bit.” He grinned; “Hell, she’s already made a
“downpayment” if you know what I mean.
Man, I have GOT to find one!’
The Bear nodded encouragingly, and then turned to hurry
after Zeke, who had awkwardly maneuvered out of the duct and was waddling down
the corridor.
Chris frowned; “And they found…”
The Aardvark shrugged; “Two small ones. Man, if these are the monsters everyone’s
been talking about, they’re pretty lousy Monsters. I understand Audrey has the one she caught
doing tricks!”
Chris nodded; “Well, keep the crews at it until we’re SURE
we’ve got ‘em all.
The Aardvark shrugged and nodded; “you’re the boss.”
Sashi locked the front door to the shop and headed back to
the tiny office. Usually Master Hinoki
was here for closing; she wondered where he was, and what he was up to. As she came through the door, Doodles looked
up; he had the accounting spreadsheet open and was running the day’s numbers. “Business is off. I guess everyone’s off on that great
“monster” hunt.”
Sashi nodded and shrugged; “I guess so. That’s not going to keep us from having to
clean up the place. I’ll get the
The Rabbit nodded; “So…. If Master doesn’t come back… what
do we do?”
Sashi shrugged; “In the absence of specific instructions,
we’re to do what we think he’d want us to do.”
Doodles shot the Chocolate Pantheress a grin; “Does that
Sashi grinned back; “Well, he certainly didn’t say NOT
to….. And he DID say that if I’d been
good, I could have a few climaxes this evening…..”
Hinoki seemed to be very far away from his body. The creatures knew just how to make him
respond, just how to bring him to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. They knew just how to handle him so that he
didn’t get too sore, too tired, and even, to a degree, too frightened. If there were just a dozen of them, it would
have been great, but there were many times that number. When he could go no further, when he needed
something to drink, or something to eat, would they release him? Or would they keep after him until he
died? For a moment he chuckled into the
living gag filling his mouth; it would be fitting if he died in this manner,
given his life…..
Doodles thought that the Chocolate Pantheress had learned her
lessons well. The sex slave could be a
really deliciously nasty top when she wanted to. The Bunny was bound, wrists to ankles, in a
kneeling position, and if he strained really hard, he could just get his tongue
on Sashi’s pussy; she sprawled before him, in the chair from the store’s tiny
office, legs spread wide, her sex just barely in reach. Sometimes she’d roll the chair forwards, just
a little, sometimes back, teasing him.
She’d told him that if he gave her three climaxes in twenty minutes
she’d re-tie him, and ride his cock until HE’D cum three times. The Bunny was trying hard to earn the
promised reward.
Sashi blinked as something black fell from the ceiling and
landed on the bunny. For all the world it looked like one of those cartoon “portable
holes”. It seemed to drink light, it was
so black. And then it moved, slithering down the bunny’s back, and over his rump.
Doodles’ eyes were wide when he raised his head; he gazed at
the Chocolate Pantheress for a moment and then he grinned; “Don’t know how
you’re doing that, Sashi, but DON’T STOP!”
He then lowered his head to drive his tongue deep into her dripping
pussy. Sashi groaned, and put both paws
on his head, to hold him there, all thoughts of teasing abandoned;
suddenly the Bunny seemed to have become energized, and she liked the way he
was attacking her sex!
Doodles groaned into the Pantheress’ snatch; something had
his cock in a most delicious grip; somewhere between a warm and willing mouth,
and a delightfully tight pussy. It was rippling
first one way and then the other, not quite as if he were thrusting his shaft
in and out, but remarkably close… He tried to concentrate on what he was doing,
but the sensations from between his legs were just too distracting.
Sashi was about to reprimand the Bunny for his decreasing
efforts when something caught her eye.
Another spot of blackness had flowed out of the vent, and was moving
across the ceiling. Her head tilted
further and further back as she watched.
And then it seemed to pull itself together, forming a giant teardrop
shape… and then it fell. It landed
square on her mons! Before she could
utter a word, it flowed down, to cover the Bunny’s muzzle, and her snatch. Then, something bigger than a tongue was
pushing into her…. In a most delightful way!
Doodles opened his mouth in surprise, and something very
much like a cock pushed its way in, stretching his jaws, filling his
mouth. For a moment he thought the
Pantheress had suddenly become a herm…..
But then, the motions and sensations surrounding his cock made him loose
his train of thought, along with his load of cum….
Hinoki seemed to be floating in and out of
consciousness. The out-of-body
experience seemed to be deepening, and he almost felt as if he was looking down
at his creature-encased body from a dozen different angles. The chamber was no longer pitch dark,
although there didn’t seem to be any color, just shades of gray. Nor did there seem to be
any source of light. And there
were innumerable creatures surging about, an inky wave of black…
Sashi giggled, and hugged the Bunny tight. He was standing in the middle of the office,
and she was balanced, one foot on the desk, the other foot on the desk chair,
doing the splits, his shaft deep in her pussy.
And the two puddles of blackness were surrounding their crotches,
welding them together, holding them tight.
She wasn’t sure about what was happening to Doodles, but the thing
around her middle had extruded something into her ass that felt VERY good,
surging back and forth in counterpoint to the Bunny’s wild thrusts. She’d thought she’d heard Hinoki mention that
Zassa had something like this, but she’d never seen it. And, rather occupied with other things, she
never even wondered how Zassa’s pet had gotten loose, and what it was doing
Hinoki’s mouth felt dry.
His muscles trembled from fatigue, and he desperately wanted to
sleep. Despite all that, there was a
need, a pressing need, a desperate
need to try for another orgasm. He’d
long since lost count, but he was sure that he’d gone further than he ever had
in his life. More than anything he’d
ever done at the Academy. More than
anything he’d ever done since. The
creatures were insatiable, and he could feel their hunger, their desperate,
all-encompassing hunger. And something
within him wanted to help them, to ease their suffering…..
Hunger. Weakness. Thirst. Pain. Lust. They were all starting to run together. He didn’t know if he felt his hunger, having
not eaten for what seemed like days, or the hunger of the creatures, for… for
whatever he was providing them with. Thirst. His mouth was
parched, his lips cracked and yet he felt the creature’s thirst for…
something. He felt weak, from hours of
exertion, and yet, he could feel so many of the creatures were weak from their
form of starvation…. Something was
happening, but he couldn’t figure out what.
How could he know these things?
Was he getting delirious? Was he
that close to the end?
Tanj peered in through the window of Hinoki’s shop. It was funny that the place should still be
closed, mid-morning. Hinoki wasn’t in
his quarters, wasn’t on the ship, wasn’t at his shop. The station’s computer couldn’t locate him
and he wasn’t answering his pages. She
wanted to talk to him about the “creature round-up” he seemed to have
sponsored, wanted to ask him how he’d gotten involved. But she couldn’t find him. Could he be ducking the efforts to find
him? Could he somehow be responsible for
the current problem? Or had something
more sinister happened? With a sigh she
turned and headed back to Ops. Maybe
someone there had found him. She was
starting to worry.
Hinoki’s stomach rumbled.
For some reason he wasn’t feeling as thirsty, or as tired. Not even as sore. But now he was ravenous. Rolling over, he managed to get to his
knees. Curious, the creatures let
him. He wasn’t stuck to the floor anymore. Of course there was one still pounding away
at his ass, and he was sure three… no, only two hung onto his cock and balls,
rhythmically stroking him, inexorably driving him towards his next orgasm… And one was in his head, filling his mouth,
like a living gag. He could feel others
clinging to his body, but they didn’t seem to be hindering him. And curiously, despite the fact that the one
on his head was covering his eyes, he could still see. “OK, Gang, time to let me up. Gotta get something to
eat.” And with that thought,
everything shifted. He felt himself
rising to his feet, as if the creatures were lifting him, forming a living
exoskeleton. “Cool!” he thought to
himself. Looking down, he grinned at the
creatures covering his crotch. Unbidden,
they seemed to reshape themselves, giving him a much larger cock than he’d ever
had before. Reaching down, he stroked
it, feeling its girth in his paw, but also feeling his paw stroke along its
length. “ummmmm,
bet Sashi would like this!” And with that thought, a fresh wave of lust
filled him. “Food, then sex” he growled
to himself, and from somewhere deep within, a little voice laughed back;
“Silly, sex IS food!” Hinoki laughed,
and just shrugged; turning, he started down one of the ducts, trying to
remember how he’d gotten here… and how to get back to…. Back to Sashi.
Sashi groaned, and shuddered through yet another
climax. Somewhere along the line, she
and Doodles had come unstuck from each other.
The Bunny was still standing there, a wash of rippling black still
covering his crotch. His eyes were
closed, his head tilted so he gazed unseeing at the ceiling, his ears hanging
limply down his back. Every once in a
while he’d shudder, and groan, as another orgasm wracked his body. For her part, Sashi was lying on the floor,
legs spread, as the creature plumbed both pussy and ass. It was delightful, and it was…. Enough. Her eyes
widened as the thought struck her; she’d had enough. She was satisfied. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d
been completely satisfied. Frowning, she
glanced down her body, between her breasts at the humping puddle of black
between her legs. How many climaxed had
she had? How long had it been? WHAT DAY WAS IT? Staggering to her feet she waddled to the
computer on the desk and stared at the screen.
“Good GOD, Doodles, its almost Seven!”
The Bunny groaned; “no problem; we’re up….”
Sashi shook her head; “No, Silly, almost 1900 Hours!
Sashi poked around in the freezer for a moment, and then
found them. Two bags
of something that resembled frozen tar.
Nodding to herself she started pulling ice cubes out of the freezer;
“Little buddy, this is going to be uncomfortable for me; I suspect it’ll be the
same for you, but its got to be done.” Closing the bag, with a sigh, she pressed the
bag of ice to her crotch. She could tell
the creature didn’t like it. It tried to
flow further into her pussy, further into her ass, and for a moment she had a
horrible thought; what if it flowed completely into her? How’d she EVER get it out? Maybe she needed to find a way to freeze it
quicker. Casting about she found the
insulated container… Master Hinoki had
said that periodically he had choice cuts of meat imported, and they came with
packs of dry ice to keep them cold…. If
he did, he never fed HER any of the good stuff, but sure enough, there were a
couple blocks of dry ice in the bottom of the container. Wrapping one in a dishtowel, she pressed it
against her crotch. As she held the bag
of dry ice there, the creature’s motion slowed, and then stopped. “Great” she thought to herself; “Now all I
have to do is to find a way to pry it outta me….”
Doodles whimpered; “Mistress, do we have to?”
Sashi nodded determinedly; “Yes. We don’t know when Master will be back and I
do NOT want to get him mad at us. Now
come on, it doesn’t have THAT tight a grip around your balls. I’ll hold the creature and you pull!
Hinoki idly noted the Brown Bear’s reaction; a corner of his
mind spit out facts; “
Lost in thought, Hinoki stopped and looked around. Somehow he’d wandered into the section of the
station occupied by the “marines”.
Grinning wickedly he thought to himself; “Why not? It would be an interesting test, and I do owe
him one….”
The suit of powered armor stood like a statue. Hinoki even found the access hatch open. Grinning, he closed his eyes and slowly
turned in a circle. Yes, there was one,
about three compartments away. It was a
small one, obviously hunting in territory where it had little competition. Well, he’d give it some interesting
prey. Reaching out with his mind, he
touched it; “Little one; come here, and wait in there, and you’ll be rewarded.” Sensing the creature starting to move, Hinoki
turned and headed towards his shop.
“Well, at least we don’t need to clean up again.” Sashi sighed and nodded to the bunny;
“nothing to clean up if we were never open.
Tell you what, I’ll adjust the books, making it look as if yesterday and
today were just really slow days, but showing some sales on both days.” Doodles nodded; “Fine by me. Now… how do we explain all those creatures in
the freezer, instead of just two?” Sashi
opened her mouth, but the bell over the shop’s door rang, and she turned to
The Pantheress frowned… it was Master, but… not Master. The Cheetah looked larger, more muscular…
more like a Panther, with a Cheetah’s coloration. And yet it LOOKED like Hinoki… And then, as she watched, he started to flow,
his body changing…
Doodles heard Sashi let out a sound somewhere between a
strangled gasp and a squeak, and turned to look; that was when the tentacle
caught him. There stood Hinoki, his new
master, but his body was sporting at least a half a dozen tentacles; he had a
tight grip on Sashi, holding her around her waist, around each ankle and around
her crossed wrists. The Bunny watched,
mouth agape, as the Cheetah dragged the Pantheress off the ground and towards
his huge cock…..
Sashi moaned; something had her wrists, holding them over
her head; it was lifting and lowering her onto Hinoki’s shaft. For a moment she wondered if he’d been
indulging in the shop’s line of penis “growth” products; whatever he’d been
doing, he was now hung like that Stallion, John….. Blinking she looked around trying to figure
out what had caught her; there were yellow-gold tentacles with black spots… and
they all seemed to be connected to her Master!
What was going on?
Doodles found that he couldn’t really do anything to help
Sashi; the Hinoki-monster had him too.
One tentacle had developed a mouth that was around his shaft; another,
or maybe an appendage of the first had driven deep into his ass, making him
rise to tiptoes, and a third had wrapped around his neck and then shoved its
way into his mouth. He waved his arms for
balance, but couldn’t seem to REACH anything; and those tentacles were STRONG!
Sashi howled as she climaxed again; she’d never heard of a
prehensile cock before, but she was sure this thing was stroking her, deep
within, as if it were the world’s longest tongue. And it felt SOOOOO good. In fact, it reminded her of the creature that
was now slowly hardening in the freezer….
And then her eyes went wide, as the realization hit her. One of the creatures must have grown so large, it had been able to impersonate her Master! Twisting her head about she tried to figure
out how to get to the insulated container, and its remaining dry ice!
Hinoki howled, his cock spurting… or at least it felt as if
he were having an orgasm, although somehow he doubted he was actually
discharging any semen… and as he howled, he felt Sashi tremble, her pussy
spasming around his cock as she climaxed.
Doodles too was howling, although whether it
was from terror or an orgasm, was hard to tell.
Panting, Hinoki realized he’d had enough… for the moment his lusts were slaked…
but… not his hunger. Lifting Sashi free,
and setting her down, he released her from the tentacles, and drew them back
into his body. Handy things, those; he
was glad he’d thought of them. Bending
over, he kissed Sashi softly and then turned towards the door; “Come on, you
two; I’m HUNGRY, and I’m buyin’!”
Sashi wobbled on her feet a little, and looked from the
retreating back of her… Master? Shifting her gaze, she looked at
The Bunny just shrugged; “When have I EVER been known to
turn down a free meal?”
Sashi nodded; I guess we’d better go after him, just to make
sure… nothing happens.”
As they hurried out the door, following Hinoki, Doodles
wondered; “Gee, do you think we can get him to take us to Dante’s? That’s supposed to be the best restaurant on
the station, and I’ve never been able to afford it….”
Damage Control
Tanj listened to the comm call, and frowned; “He did
WHAT? Well, Where
is he now? OK, Thanks, Sashi, I’ll be
right there!” The Cheetah rose from her
chair, paused, and then settled back down.
Punching in a comm number, she waited impatiently. To her distress, Chris answered.
“Chris, Hinoki’s re-surfaced, but Sashi’s telling a pretty
unbelievable story. Um… do you think I
could borrow Zassa for a bit? She might
have more experience in this area than I do, and I could really use her.”
The Fox smiled wryly; “She’s a little tied up at the
Tanj sighed; “Yeah, well, that seems to be her natural
condition, but perhaps…”
Chris waved his paws; “No, no, believe it or not, not like
that. She’s having her hair done, down
at Madam Tasseau’s.”
Tanj stared at him blankly, and then nodded; “Right. I’ll catch her there.”
As the image vanished on the monitor, the Fox chuckled;
“Tanj I do NOT appreciate being dragged away like this! It took me MONTHS to get that
appointment! Now what is the
Tanj dragged the Vixen by the paw; “Sorry, but Hinoki’s
shown up again; Sashi says he fucked her, and apparently Doodles
as well, without a word of explanation as to where he’d been.”
The Vixen came to a dead stop: “And you made me cancel my
hair appointment for that? Since when is that unusual behavior for Hinoki?”
Tanj growled; “Using at least a half a dozen tentacles that
sprung from his body?”
Zassa blinked; “Oh.
Yeah. OK….”
Dante’s, as usual, had a line. As she moved to the Maitre
‘d’s stand, she drew a number of scowls and sour looks; Words were
spoken, threats were made, and finally Tanj had to invoke station security and
threaten to call Jenka herself. As she
listened, Zassa reflected on how the Maidre ‘D of a high class restaurant on a
pirate station seemed to find it prudent to keep a blaster close at hand. Finally, the Otter relented, and they were
shown to Hinoki’s table. The table was
literally covered in plates of food.
Sashi and Doodles knelt to one side, each mostly ignored as the Cheetah
stuffed himself.
Tanj sat down, and stared at Hinoki; of all the questions
that she wanted to ask, the first one to escape her was “Where in the hell did
you get a gold and crimson Tuxedo?”
Hinoki looked, up, grinned, and with his mouth full mumbled;
“Like it? I thought it matched the
curtains rather well. But if the colors
aren’t to your liking, I can change them.”
Tanj watched, aghast, as the Tuxedo rippled and reshaped
itself. Now he was wearing what seemed
to be a forest green frock coat, with chromed lapels, and a sky-blue
cravat. His trousers were cream colored,
with a matching green stripe down the outside.
“How’s that?
Oh, by the way, try the stuffed mushrooms; they’re marvelous!”
Zassa shook her head; “where did you find the living dress
creatures? All of mine are accounted
for. Nice control by the way. I could never get any of mine to do
Hinoki smiled and put down the turkey leg. “There are hundreds of them in the
ducts. I… had a small run-in with
Tanj scowled; “Hundreds?
In the ferral condition, I doubt even you would survive…”
Hinoki grinned widely; “Oh, I didn’t. But don’t worry, its really not that
Both Zassa and Tanj just went “HUH?”
Hinoki buttered a roll, and then stuffed it whole into his
mouth. “Ith really rathur
Zassa shook her head; “Don’t talk with your mouth full, or
I’ll abscond with your anchovies! I want
to hear what you have to say CLEARLY.”
Hinoki nodded, swallowed hard, and then grinned; “Yes,
Mother. Anyways, they did get ahold of
me. Don’t know how long I was in there, covered
in them. I KNOW I’ve never had that many
orgasms in any one stretch in my entire life.
Somewhere along the line, they must have realized that I was starting to
have physical problems. Thirst,
mainly. I felt like I was dying of
thirst. Of course, that particular duct
is probably ankle deep in jism right now.…”
The Cheetah chuckled and reached for one of the coconut shrimp. Zassa swatted his paw with a serving spoon and
then waggled it at him; “Talk now; eat later.”
Hinoki held the offended paw in his other and stared at
Zassa with a hurt look; after a minute he said rather flatly; “OK, but I’m not
sure you understand the full implications of what you just said.” He grinned wickedly; “But you will, Oh, you
Tanj sighed; “Get on with it. You were dying of thirst, and, ah,
Hinoki nodded; “Yeah.
Well, I think they sensed that, and did the only thing they could to
keep me alive.”
Zassa nodded; “And that was?”
Hinoki shrugged; “Well, we, ah… um… We merged.”
Tanj blinked; “You WHAT?”
Hinoki shrugged; “The creatures reproduce by fission, when
they’re fed enough; but did you know when the small ones are well fed, and in
sufficient number they recombine, and when they do, the new ones are not only
bigger, but more intelligent?” The
Cheetah watched her face for a moment and then nodded; “Yeah; I’ve seen ‘em as
big as I am.” He grinned; “But I don’t
think they’re as smart. Not quite. At least I don’t think so…. Anyways, I think they felt the distress I was
in, understood that there were limits to my… endurance. They didn’t want to let me go; I was a feast
for them, so they…. Worked up a compromise. Somehow we merged, and as they continued to
pleasure me, part of that sexual energy got reflected, back to me, keeping me
Zassa shook her head; “Do you mean to say, that if you
masturbated, you’d be feeding yourself?”
Hinoki blinked; “Hmmm. Interesting thought.
I’ll have to try that.”
Tanj gestured at the table; “And yet you apparently have
other needs as well.”
Hinoki nodded; “True…..”
The Cheetah shook her head; “If you eat enough, will you
reproduce by fission, like the smaller creatures?”
Hinoki’s face adopted a startled look and he actually pushed
himself back from the table; “Uh…. Don’t know.
This body didn’t exactly come with an owner’s manual, you know.”
Tanj stared at the Cheetah for a while; was it still
Hinoki? After a moment she forced
herself to remain calm; “OK, so we have a bunch of questions to answer, but we
also have an immediate problem. You say
there are hundreds of the smaller creatures loose in the station, as well as
some bigger ones?”
Hinoki chuckled and waved a paw dismissively; “Oh, don’t
worry about them. I set out to round
them all up, and if anything, I’m in even better shape now to do so.”
Tanj exchanged glances with Zassa, and then looked back at
Hinoki; “Just what do you have in mind?”
The Hunt, Part 3
Betty pulled the airlock closed behind her. Then, she closely examined the entire
interior of the airlock. Only when she
was sure she was alone, did she open the inner door. She’d been hearing the strangest rumors,
rumors of monsters loose in the station, rumors of monsters that would suck the
life out of you, until you were a dried husk.
Rumors of monsters that slipped inside your body to drive you mad. Rumors of monsters that took control of your
mind, and made you do things you’d never dream of doing. She didn’t know which stories to believe, but
she wasn’t about to take any chances. Nope, not her.
There’s a saying that there are Bold Pirates and there are
Old Pirates, but there are no Old, Bold pirates. Betty had survived in the Pirate business for
almost twenty years, and it wasn’t by taking chances. She crewed her raider all by herself, never
took part in boarding parties, never took any risk she
didn’t have to take. Of course she never
got some of the shares that others did, but on the other hand, the smaller
amounts had added up nicely over the years, and SHE was still alive and in one
piece. Moving down to the raider’s small
galley, she stripped off her overalls, tossing in them through the open door to
the laundry. Opening the ‘fridge, she
started poking around for something to eat.
It moved across the floor towards her. Then something VERY cold appeared in front of
it, and it halted. Retreated. The prey was there, right in front of it, but
so was the cold. Moving back, into the
shadows, it climbed a bit, finding a place sheltered from that life-drinking
cold, a place where it could still watch the prey. Surely it would move away in a minute.
The Enchilada had already been reheated once, but she
thought it was probably still good.
Pouring herself a beer, she took the plate and glass to the galley’s
single, small table. Kicking her chair
out from under the table, she shoved back the copy of last week’s assignments,
and yesterday’s newsfax, and with a sigh, sat down.
The Creature shivered in delight; the prey had come to it!
Betty frowned; the seat was remarkably soft today, and yet
she didn’t remember… she was SURE it didn’t have a cushion!… Rising, she turned and looked. No, there was no cushion there…. and then she felt
something move. Something adhering to
her bottom…..
Alone in her ship, there was no one to hear her scream.
Panting hard, Betty tried to pry the thing off her
posterior. It was moving, flowing,
shifting, flowing into the crack of her ass, the crack
of her sex…. Howling, she tried to get a
grip on it….
It wasn’t working.
She couldn’t get a hold on it.
Some of the creature had pushed into her; she could feel it in her
bowels, feel it in her vagina! It was
trying to enter her body! In a panic,
she turned, heading for the airlock.
Perhaps she could get to medical before it killed her.
She could feel it moving as she ran; it was pulsing in her
ass, and in her pussy, surging back and forth.
It felt as if she was being fucked.
Maybe the creature mated with its prey, depositing eggs that would hatch
in the host’s body. She’d seen movies
like that…. Groaning she tried to move
even faster.
The sight of the flight deck brought her up short. What?
She had been headed for the airlock!
With a groan, she realized she’d been running in circles! Perhaps the creature was taking over her mind
already. Forcing herself to be calm, she
turned and walked resolutely towards the airlock. She could beat this thing. It wasn’t going to take over HER mind!
Betty stood before the airlock controls, and tried to
concentrate. The feelings from her sex
were close to overwhelming her. She’d
tried to deny it, tried to ignore it, but dang, but it felt good. Hearing something that sounded like a drop of
water hitting the deck, she looked down.
There, on the floor between her feet was a wet spot. Dropping one hand, she ran it between her
legs; nothing but the slick feeling of the creature plastered to her crotch…
except… her hand came away covered in her juices. She was so wet she was dripping. With a groan, she leaned against the airlock
controls, as a truly massive climax rippled through her.
It took her three tries before the airlock would open. It took her several more tries to get the
inner door closed and the outer door open.
Several tries and at least two more climaxes. She was having trouble seeing straight, when
the outer door finally opened and she was able to exit her ship for the docking
The Raccoon looked up, blinked and then looked back at his
work; “Just some naked Mare jogging.
The Bear shrugged; “We have the strangest furrs on this
The climax was so powerful Betty stumbled, and crashed into
a wall. She leaned against it, panting
hard, and then, shaking her head, straightened.
Medical was only a few corridors away; she could make it. She could make it before the creature ate
her. She just hoped they could help
her! Shoving off from the wall, she put
all her strength into the dash.
Sated, well-fed, the creature dropped free from its
prey. There was an air-return duct a few
feet away, it managed to ooze to it, and through the grill, before anyone
noticed. It was time to rest. Then, it’d have to find its way back to where
it’d been before. The hunting was GREAT
Kath shook her head; “Ma’am, I guarantee you; there is
NOTHING adhered to your crotch. And the
scans show nothing inside you that isn’t supposed to be there. Well, that’s not completely true…”
Betty grunted; “I KNEW it!
It laid eggs inside me, didn’t it?”
Kath frowned; “Eggs? Um, no. You’ve got a
cyst forming in your uterus, but its nothing to be
concerned about. I’ll schedule a routine
check in about six months, and if its grown, we can
deal with it then.”
The Mare shook her head; “No, you’ve got to be wrong! I tell you, there was a monster plastered to
me! It was FUCKING me! HONEST!”
Kath gave the mare her best dry smile; “Why don’t I let you
talk to the Doctor….”
Wanda nodded; “Good work, Kath. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I
suppose there’s no need to fan the flames.
I just hope that Tanj and Hinoki can take care of this problem. Now, I guess I’d better go talk to her. You say she’s in C5?”
Kath watched the Wolverine lass pull the curtain aside and
stepped in to talk to the distraught mare.
“It ain’t fair” she thought to herself.
“How come, in a station filled with sex monsters, I wind up untouched?” Mournfully she looked up at the ceiling, at
one of the ventilation ducts. “Come ON,
guys! I’m RIGHT HERE! What are you WAITING for?”
The Hunt, Part 5
Sashi looked around, doubtfully. The plenum chamber was dark, and dirty. “Are you sure the fan driver is locked
Hinoki nodded; “Yup. Pulled the fusible links, myself, just to be sure. Its not going to
start on us.”
Doodles scratched himself idly and
shrugged; “And all you want us to do is to have sex. With each other until the monst… er, the
creatures show up, and then with them.”
Hinoki nodded; “I’ll be moving through the station telling
them that a feast is waiting here. When
they catch your “scent” they’ll all converge on this point. Once I’ve got ‘em moving, I’ll come back and
start corralling them.”
Zassa nodded slowly; “Are you sure you can get them into the
containers, even if they’re still hungry?
With all due respect, I don’t really want to wind up like you…”
Hinoki laughed; “Yeah, I’m sure. And you really don’t know what you’re
Tanj grinned, grabbed the Vixen’s paw and pulled her close;
she gave the surprised Zassa a long hot kiss, and then, breaking the kiss,
looked up at Hinoki; “Lets get this show on the
road. The sooner we get ‘em all in
containers, the sooner we can get Jenka off our backs.”
Brilliant. It had to have been smarter than all its
siblings. After all, none of the others
had thought of this. The water didn’t
bother it; it was immiscable. It could
move through the station easily, unseen.
Occasionally the medium through which it moved would flow fast, but it
could adhere to the walls of the pipe, and not be carried away. And if it worked its way against the flow, it
would come out into a porcelain receptacle.
It was never long until one of the Prey would
sit down, directly above it; and then it could attack, and feed…..
Dynotaku closed the door, undid his belt, and dropped his
trousers. The financial section in his
hands, he sat down, to take a well-deserved dump. From the stall to his right, he heard someone
grunt; a “what the….?” Escaping their lips. Then the wall of the stall thudded as if
someone had staggered into it. It
thudded again, and the furr in the next stall howled, and then the wall thudded
again. Dynotaku sighed; “Having
problems? Don’t worry,
I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end.”
Smiling at his own witticism, he listened as the furr in the next stall
let out a long, strangled moan. Looking
under the partition, he noticed the furr’s feet were off the floor and jerking
back and forth. Frowning, the Unicorn
wondered just exactly what he’d eaten? He certainly seemed to be having a rough
time. Trying to tune out the noises, he
concentrated on the Dendarii markets, and how they were being affected by the
rumors of Xuung incursions along the frontier.
The toilet paper holder hitting the floor caused Dynotaku to
raise his head. A roll of toilet paper
rolled under the partition, to come to rest against his right hoof. Reaching down, he flicked it back under the
partition; “Here, you might need this….”
A strangled grunt was the only response.
Folding the paper, tucking it under one arm, he “competed
the paperwork”, rose, and unlatched the door.
As he clopped out, he muttered; “Hope you feel better over there. Maybe you ought to consider getting some
medical attention…” A yowl was the only
reply. Shrugging the Unicorn headed out
to wash his hands, wondering where, or perhaps where not, he should go for
They’d formed a daisy chain.
Tanj’s tongue was buried in Zassa’s sweet sex; the Vixen was licking
Sashi avidly; Sashi had Doodle’s cock in her mouth, and the bunny was tonguing
the Cheetah most delightfully. The
chamber was filled with slurping sounds, soft moans and occasional cries of
pleasure. Hinoki grinned and turned,
heading for the access hatch. He could move
faster through the normal corridors of the station, and still sense the
creatures behind the walls, and within the ceiling. He had a feast to call them to…
The trap was carefully laid.
It had found the compartment, and then the drawer, by following the
scent of sex. The phallic shape had not
been well-cleaned, and in the creature’s senses it reeked of prey. It wasn’t hard to nudge it under other items
in the drawer, and adopt its shape.
Then, all it had to do was wait. It was good at waiting…
Olivia smiled and tugged June through the door. The day in Purchasing had been long and hard,
with her boss riding her unmercifully.
But now her time was her own, and she had a boatload of tensions and
frustrations to burn off. Luckily she’d
run into June at her favorite watering hole, and even more remarkably, the
Tigress was in the mood to play. “I’ve
got just the thing” Olivia purrred, shedding clothes as she padded over to her
nightstand. Pulling open the drawer, she
grabbed the big, black, double-headed dong, and holding it up, waved it in
front of the Tigress’ eyes.
June smiled; “Yes, that IS a nice one. I’m surprised someone as petite as you can
take something like that!”
The Mink chuckled; “Years of practice, my dear, YEARS of
practice! Now, come here and gimme a
kiss….. The Tigress obliged, bending to
kiss the Mink. As their tongues danced,
Olivia took the big dong and started to stroke its head between the Tigress’
thighs, rubbing it back and forth. The
Tigress moaned softly, and reached out to kneed the
Mink’s breasts, squeezing them harder and harder as her passions built.
They lay entwined on the couch, crotch to crotch,
right leg over the other’s left. They
both had a paw on the big double-dong, both working it back and forth; into
one, out of the other. Occasionally one
would twist it suddenly, eliciting a gasp from both of them.
June arched her back and roared as her climax overtook
her. Releasing the dong, she lifted her
paws to pinch her own nipples as the pleasures washed through her. The sensation of the big dong still moving
within her let the pleasure roll on and on and on….
Olivia heard her friend cry out and smiled; she knew how
vocal the Tigress could be when she came….
Giving the dong another twist she found her own release, and shuddering,
she added her voice to that of the Tigress…..
June purrrred. The dong was still working back and forth,
slowly, teasingly. It felt good….. Lifting her head, she grinned at the Mink;
“Insatiable tonight, are we?”
Olivia lifted her head and grinned at the Tigress between
her breasts; “Apparently you are. But
don’t stop; it feels too good.”
June let her head back down, but then brought it up…
Me? I’m not doing anything….”
The Mink frowned; “Um…. I thought that was you moving the
dong…..” Pushing herself up with her
elbows she looked down her body; sure enough, there were no paws on the dong,
but it was still surging back and forth, if anything a little faster now….
June swallowed hard; “ah…. It seems to have come to
Olivia shook her head; “Funny, its
never done THAT before….”
The Tigress looked at her; “It wasn’t one of those highly
automated things that Cheetah sells, is it?
Robotic, or something?”
The Mink shook her head; “No… anyways its
not supposed to be. It was just a big
latex dong. Thought it
was, anyways.”
The Tigress flopped back, with a groan; her right paw was
lightly stroking her mons; “Maybe it was mis-labeled. You might have gotten a bargain. Who knows, maybe you hit the on switch by
accident, a moment ago…..”
The Mink’s response was mumbled, as she started to pant
heavily again, but it sounded like “maybe so…”
The second climax was every bit as good as the first, and
the Tigress wound up howling at the top of her lungs. When she’d calmed down, she shifted her feet,
and tried to pull away from the still-moving dong. “Love, enough’s enough. I need a shower.” The Mink nodded, and tried to pull in the
opposite direction; it didn’t work very well.
It seemed as if the dong shrank a little, thinning out, but as it did
so, something pushed into her ass; something that swelled just behind the anal
ring. “Um…. June? Something’s wrong…. OH! Ooooooo… um…. I can’t get my end out…”
The Tigress grunted; “Yeah; something just pushed into my
ass and blew up like an inflatable butt-plug.
Ooooooooh, man, can you feel that?
Oh, its still moving… moving in both
holes! I think… I think I’m gonna cum
The Mink panted; “June, this is ridiculous. This isn’t any toy! No robot could act like this! And even if it could, the batteries should be
wearing down by now!”
The Tigress swallowed and nodded; “Yeah…. Lord, I don’t think I’ve ever cum so much in
one night. What time IS it anyways?
Olivia groaned and rolled over. She was still on the couch. Looking at the clock she realized it was
0400. Geez, she had to be to work in a
couple of hours. Sitting up, she got two
steps towards the bathroom before she stopped, and looked back. The Tigress was on her side, snoring
softly. Her pussy was a matted mass of
sticky furr… and the double-dong was nowhere to be seen. Tiptoeing back to the nightstand, she peeked
in; yup, there it was, laying there innocently, as if
waiting to entrap them again… But… didn’t
it look a little bigger? Closing the
drawer, she frowned. What HAD
happened? Walking a little bow-legged,
she made her way to the bathroom. She’d
figure it out tomorrow, when she could think more clearly….. Grinning back at the sleeping Tigress, she
wondered if June would be interested in trying her toy again, perhaps on Friday
night, when they could both sleep in the next morning….
Hinoki paused, and stared at the wall. He was at the docking ring, and the wall was
the ouside wall of the station. He could
feel three of his brethren on the other side of the wall; the cold of space had
frozen them almost solid. Frowning he
wondered how they’d gotten there? What
could possibly have lead them outside the
station? Well, it didn’t matter; they’d
stay put there until he had time to collect them. Resuming his original course he headed for
the plenum chamber over the No.3 cargo airlock motor control center; there were
at least a half a dozen creatures there, and he needed to tell them about the feast…..
Sabina shrugged and placed her tray on the small table. For once the caffeteria was comparatively
empty and they had their choice of seats.
“Cindy, I’ve heard the rumors, but every one I hear is different. Vampire monsters that can
suck the life out of you, hiding in the ductwork? Come ON….”
The Badger shrugged; “I know it sounds strange, but you know as well as
I do, space is full of strange things.
How can you say its not real?” The Kitten chuckled; “Because I haven’t seen
any drained, dead bodies. Have
you?” The Badger frowned; “Um… no. But I’ve heard furrs talk of the
attacks. They SAY something happened to
Hinoki…. And generally, where there’s
smoke, there’s fire.” The Kitten
shrugged; “Well, when I see the bodies, I’ll believe it.”
Cindy’s head came up, as something behind the Kitten went
“Splat”. Half-rising, she looked over
Sabina’s head and shoulders; “Did you hear that?”
Sabina turned and looked over one shoulder and then twisted
to look over the other. For a moment she
paused and then her head turned back.
Then she was squirming out of her seat, moving without pushing the chair
back; “There’s something here…..”
Cindy rose and came around the table. There was a black puddle on the floor. It looked as if someone had spilled oil. Except the oil was flowing
towards the Kitten’s feet. Sabina
was backing up a step at a time, watching it warily. “I dunno… doesn’t look like a vapiritic
monster to me…”
Cindy shook her head; “No.. but
then I don’t have the vaguest idea what it IS, so you’d better be
Sabina chuckled; “Ah!
The mold that’s been gathering in the kitchen has finally come
aliiiiivvvveeeeee!” But as she giggled,
she was climbing up on a table, having found her back against a wall….
Cindy took a fork from her tray and bending over, poked at
the puddle. For a moment the puddle
paused, and then before she could blink, it had flowed around the fork,
climbing up it, to encase her hand.
“Um…. Sabina, I think I’ve got a
problem here!”
Sabina leapt off the table and wrapped both paws around her
friend’s arm, in an attempt to prevent the thing from flowing up from Cindy’s
paw. The creature flowed over her paws,
and then paused, as if unsure which way to go.
Sabina tried to remove her paws but found them stuck tight to the
Badger’s arm. “Now what do we do?”
The cook was an immense Polar Bear, his fur as dirty and
stained as the white apron he wore. “I
dunno, ladies. I can’t pry it off with
the spatula, and it don’t cut with a knife. Where’d you say you found it?”
Sabina struggled to extract her paws; “Right out there. I think it fell off the ceiling or
The Polar bear shrugged, his fingers failing to get a
purchase on the creature. “Dunno….. Hey, maybe it doesn’t like heat. Want to hold your arm over the stove?”
Sabina and Cindy exchanged looks; “Um… nothanks… we’ll think
of something else…” Still glued
together, they beat a hasty retreat, their meal forgotten.
“You know, he might have had an idea there. Maybe we ought to try a sauna or a hot
Cindy grinned; “Yeah, I can take a nice hot sauna…..”
Sabina nodded; “Deck 17, Frame 12.”
Cindy frowned; “The sports arena?”
Sabina nodded; “Yeah; there aren’t any games scheduled and the
locker room facilities should be empty.
I bet we can slip in there, extract our monster, and find something to
bottle it up with. Hey, maybe there’s a
Tugging on Cindy’s arm, the Kitten dragged her off down a
The Sauna was almost too hot. Both females were bottomless, but they’d
found it impossible to get their tops off, given the way the monster had stuck
them together. Every time the monster
had tried to flow up either Cindy’s or Sabina’s arm, they’d tugged at it,
trying to separate themselves, and that had served to make it stick tight, in
place. At least where it was, no one was
being threatened by it….
They sat on the wood bench, and just looked at each other;
“How long do you think this’ll take?”
Sabina shrugged; “Don’t know. Might have to wait for it
to melt. Of course at this
temperature, I might melt first.”
Cindy giggled and shook her head; “Oh, its
not that bad. Be nice if I could pour
some water on the rocks to get some steam; it IS awfully dry.”
Turning a little, Cindy used her free paw to try and pick at
the monster again. This time, however,
she found her fingers stuck tight.
“Uh-oh…. That’s not a good
Sabina nodded; “Um… I think its doing something….” Sure enough, the monster, without relaxing
its grip on either of the females, was shifting; Cindy’s other paw was pulled
into the mass of its body, even as it moved down her other arm. It took about ten minutes, but eventually,
Cindy and Sabina found themselves sitting, facing each other as if they were
lovers holding hands.
“OK, now what?”
Sabina giggled; “I think its got us
“Yeah, its got us right where it
wants us. So? I can’t imagine a monster that terrorizes
furrs by making them hold hands!”
Sabina chuckled; “Oh, yeah, I’m terrified!” She bent closer to the black mass enclosing
her paws; “Hey, YOU! You sorry excuse
for a Monster! What do you think you’re
DOING? Can’t you think of anything
better than to hold us by the HAND? HUH,
some Monster YOU are!”
Lifting her chin she grinned at the Badger, just in time to
see Cindy’s eyes go wide. Then the
Kitten felt two light touches under her blouse…. Looking down quickly she noted two tendrils
had extruded themselves from the mass around their paws, and had flowed up
under her blouse. It FELT as if the
creature had just encircled both her nipples with miniature tentacles! Cindy clucked and shook her head; “Shouldn’t
have done that…..” Sabina swallowed hard
and nodded in agreement. Both girls sat
there, waiting to see what it would do next.
It didn’t matter how much she squirmed; she couldn’t avoid
them. Eventually, the monster got a grip
on her nipples too. And that was when
she HAD to stop struggling; the little monster had the damndest tendency to
squeeze hard and jerk when she did something it didn’t like.
Sabina grunted as the creature tweaked her nipples. Looking up at Cindy she sighed; “Well, it
could be worse. There ARE more sensitive
places it could have grabbed us…..” It
seemed she’d no sooner got the words out, when the creature was flowing,
extruding two more tendrils. Cindy tried
to jump to her feet, but the creature tugged hard on her nipples, pulling her
back. Sabina had also started to rise,
and together they fell to the floor in a heap.
As they squirmed about, the creature’s tendrils forced their way between
their legs…..
Sabina gasped and shuddered; she was laying
on top of the Badger, nose to nose, or more correctly, nipple to nipple;
between them the creature was flowing, spreading out. Her paws had been released, but she seemed to
be stuck to Cindy all down her front.
And it felt as if another of the tendrils had captured her clitty, and
then forced its way into her sex. In a
way, it was rather exciting… Placing her
paws on the floor on either side of Cindy she pushed; the Badger yelped;
“Stop! Don’t do that!”
Sabina instantly let herself back down; “what
Cindy swallowed hard; “its got me…
when you did that, it tugged hard at my, ah… my …..”
Sabina chuckled; “Got you by the clitty too?”
Cindy shuddered and nodded; “Yeah, that and… well, it seems
to have flowed inside me too.”
Sabina nodded; “Yeah, here too. Hey, do you think we could stand up?”
Cindy raised an eyebrow; “Why? You planning on
going somewhere?”
The motions as they tried to stand up,
only brought them to a higher level of passion.
Sabina thought it felt as if Cindy was wearing a strap-on dildo, and
their motions were only serving to fuck themselves silly. Determined to free themselves, they’d only
managed to bring each other to a couple of climaxes. “its no use. We’ll never get up at this rate.”
Cindy nodded; “Yeah.
I think its extruded a part of itself all
around my waist. I don’t think its planning on letting me go anytime soon.”
Sabina chuckled and rocked her hips a little; “No….. But it
does seem this situation has its, ah, “rewards”….
Cindy scowled; “How can you think of something like that at
a time like this?”
Sabina laughed and rocked her hips a little harder,
thrusting down at the Badger; “that’s just me.
Besides, what else we gonna do?”
Cindy groaned as the thing in her sex brought her to another
climax. Or was that
Sabina’s doing. She wasn’t sure
anymore. Panting from the heat, and from
the exertions, she wondered… did she really hear that, or was she imagining
it? “Sabina…?”
The Kitten cocked her head to one side; “Shush! I think I heard something….”
Max pushed open the door to the Sauna and came to a dead
stop. “Well! What DO we have here?”
Sabina turned to look over her shoulder, while Cindy raised
her head; “Hey, its not what it looks like. We’re, ah, we’ve been assaulted by this
monster; we can’t get free!”
The Minotaur gave them a leer; “Suuuure. You two stay right there.” He turned his head and called out; “Hey,
guys! Look what I found!”
“looks like some sort of bondage
harness. Someone locked ‘em
“Yeah, well, they’re both wearing collars; gotta be
somebody’s slaves….”
“Hey, you don’t think the Coach left ‘em for us, as a reward
for winning that last game, do you?”
“Dummy, we LOST the last game, and the Coach is much too
much a tightwadd. But maybe some fan
left ‘em.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter to me. They may be joined at the cunt, but their
assholes are available! Here, help me
stand ‘em up. Tibbet, you take the
Kitten; you’re smaller; we’ll prop ‘em up between us!”
Sabina groaned as the Wolf sunk his cock into her ass. Her arms were over her head, held there by
the powerful paws of the Lupine; Cindy was likewise held, as the Minotaur took
her from behind. Sabina winced at the
look on the Badger’s face; “Don’t let it get to you, Love. Besides, I’ve got a plan……”
“Thanks, guys, we’d been wondering how we were going to get
free of that thing!” Sabina grinned and
closed the sauna door behind her. After
being in there so long, the normal temperature of the station felt downright
“Serves ‘em right! Who told them they could have me, let alone
in the ass?”
Sabina chuckled; “Oh, come on! He was kinda cute. And they DID rescue us.”
Cindy hmphed, and turned to look at the Kitten; “How’d you
know it’d leave us, for them?”
Sabina chuckled; “Oh, at that point I think they were the
hornier furrs in the room, and whatever that thing was, it seemed to be most
interested in sex. Face it, Love, I’m
for once, just about as satisfied as I get.”
Cindy chuckled and nodded; “Yeah…. Yeah, I’m good for the moment. In fact I’ll probably last until Roland gets
back.” At the look on the Kitten’s face,
the Badger had to laugh.
“Dammit, Tibbet, stop pulling!”
“Can’t help it, Max; its got me by
the short hairs and it seems to be trying to maneuver me around behind
you. You WANT me to fuck you in the
ass? No, DON’T answer that.”
“Hey, Josh! Don’t get
too close! This thing gets its hooks
into you, you’ll be stuck tight like Tibbet and
“Dammit, how we going to get loose from
this thing? Why’d it let the
girls go?”
“Don’t know, but the way its stroking my cock, can’t say as
I mind at all….”
“Aw, hell, here comes the Coach; bet we’re going to be in
trouble now!”
Hinoki shook his head in amazement. He had found his way into the ventral weapons
station. There, he’d sensed one of the
creatures, trapped. However as he got
closer he realized that it was INSIDE one of the torpedo tubes. “They get into the damndest places” he
muttered to himself. Turning, he
retraced his steps. THAT one he’d get
later. Preferably with
an armorer to help. In his
travels, he’d encountered quite a number of the creatures, but overall, the
numbers hadn’t been as great as he’d feared.
And as he’d wandered through the residential sections, he’d been
surprised how many were being kept as pets.
He’d have to start selling “care and feeding” guides….
Helen grinned to herself.
Luke was a nervous wreck. He
never seemed to go anywhere alone anymore and his friends were getting
irritated at his insistence that he NOT be left alone. He stayed to well-lit areas and was
constantly looking around. If he’d just
stopped bothering her, everything would have been fine, but he still had that
sharp tongue of his. Somehow he’d blamed
her for his problems. Well, OK, she had
been at the root of his problems, but if he hadn’t been following her… No matter.
No one else believed him. Still,
he remained a thorn in her side. But what to do about him?
She’d been breeding the creatures, in her spare time. In ones and twos they were quite
controllable. The problem was, when
they’d had enough of her, as much as they wanted, they tended to get large, and
then divide. She had too many of them
now. She was going to have to do
At first she’d thought about giving some away to her
friends. The problem was, she didn’t have that many friends. And those she had,
probably wouldn’t understand. And she
couldn’t just let the poor things loose.
They might starve! She’d heard
there was a bounty out on them now, but if she turned them in, they’d just be
killed and she didn’t want that either!
What to do?
Hinoki finished his circuit of the station. He’d been just about everywhere he thought he
might find one of his brethren. He’d
have to repeat his search, probably several more times, but now it was time to
get back and see how Tanj & Co. were getting
on. He grinned at the thought…
It had taken hours of poking around in the ductwork,
dragging the bucket of dry ice, but it had finally paid off. This was going to be the world’s best
practical joke.
The creature was a small one, but feisty. It’d almost gotten him. But he’d been faster. OK, he’d burned himself with the dry ice, in
a couple of tender places, but he’d still won.
Now, the creature was inside the plastic baggie, and the baggie was
inside Harry’s space suit. When Harry
went outside for his quarterly zero gravity vacuum welding proficiency trials,
the weight of his foot on the baggie, stashed in the left boot, would rupture
the baggie and the creature would escape.
“And then we’ll see who gets the higher proficiency rating” Bo chuckled
to himself. Oh, this was gonna be great!
Harry, as usual, was running late. That ‘Roo was going to be late for his own
funeral. Bo watched him hop in, at the
bounce, tearing open his locker, throwing pieces of equipment left and
right. “Here, let me give you a paw with
that.” Bo congenially held the ‘Roo’s
suit open. “Thanks,
Mate!” Harry growled as he literally hopped into the suit. Together they worked at closing all the
seals, and latching all the equipment in place.
Once or twice, Bo thought he caught the Roo wiggling his left foot as if
something wasn’t quite right…. And then
the inner lock was swinging open and the exterior maintenance crew was trooping
“Gotta be that mangy Koala” Harry thought to himself. “This is exactly the kind of trick he’d
pull.” He’d been on a few of the Monster
hunts himself, although on a different shift than his “friend”, and had heard
all the stories. He’d also talked to
Luke and a few of the others that had been “attacked”. So far, he didn’t know of anyone who’d died,
and some of them had even admitted it wasn’t that bad. So when something had gone “squish” under his
left foot, and then that something had flowed around his ankle, and calf, he
hadn’t panicked. Not quite. So far the seal just above his left knee was
holding the thing, but he knew that as he walked it’d most likely get
past. Oh, he could signal the
instructor, call a halt to the exercise.
But then he’d have to surrender the creature. And if he did that, how could he possibly get
Bo back? Doing his
best to keep a straight face, the ‘roo marched through the outer airlock door
with all the others. Sure enough,
as he moved, he could feel it slip under the seal. Things were about to get very interesting.
“Harry, you OK?”
“Yeah, sure boss, just, ah, a little on edge.”
“Why? You normally
ace these checks.”
“Dunno. Guess I
haven’t been sleeping very well. But
don’t worry about me; I’ve got it under controllllLLLLLLlllllllllooooooh. Wow. Um, sorry. What was I
Bo watched, amazed.
He thought the ‘roo would be screaming by now. Instead he was just a little twitchy. Huh.
As he wondered what had gone wrong, it occurred to him that maybe the
baggie hadn’t broken. Or maybe the
monster had been sick. Maybe that was
why it had been so easy to catch. Maybe
he should have tried it out on himself first… Yeah, maybe it was defective or
“Well, Harry, I guess you passed, but you got the lowest
score on the team.”
“Sorry, Boss. Tell
you what. How about I come out here on
my off-shift and practice?”
“You know I can’t have you out here alone…”
“Oh, that’s OK, boss, I think I can get Bo to come with
me. He owes me a favor.”
As they headed back to the lock, Harry wondered how hard it
would be to clean out his suit. It felt
like he was up to his ankles in his own cum.
The creature was quiescent now, just clinging to him. It ought to be tired; Lord knows he was. Still, it’d been a REAL interesting day… Now… all he had to do was to let the creature
recharge or whatever, and find a way to get it into that Koala’s suit… Harry grinned at the thought; this was going
to be fun….
Tanj purrrred. The creatures had been coming from all
over. Dozens of them. Gradually, they’d been pulled apart, the
creatures more demanding than their furry lovers. And then they’d been covered. Tanj found that her experience with them gave
her a modicum of control; she could influence how they pleasured her, but
certainly couldn’t do anything about the pace.
Nor could she get the one on her head off; it covered her eyes, filled
her ears, and her mouth, and barely left her enough room to breath through her
nose. She wondered how the others were
doing, and hoped Sashi and Doodles weren’t panicking…
Zassa grunted; “no, TIGHTER you little devils!” She’d gotten them to bend her into a
particularly tight hog-tie, her wrists almost touching her knees, as the
creatures fucked her in pussy, ass and mouth.
Other creatures squeezed her breasts hard, and tugged at her
nipples. The overall effect had her
climaxing almost continuously; it was GREAT!
Sashi had been briefed by Tanj, but was having a little bit
of trouble getting her point across to the creatures. They seemed intent on banging her just as
hard and as fast as they could, moving at almost machine-like speeds; and she
kept telling them to slow down, to move gently, easily, a slow touch. They, however, were ravenous and wanted her
to cum as fast as possible, which, in all honesty, she had been. Sighing into her living gag, the Chocolate Pantheress
tried again; “Look, Guys, I’m getting tired.
Slow down a bit, will you?”
Doodles laughed and squirmed; somehow, the creatures had
decided he liked to be tickled; it felt as if a thousand feathers were working
over his body, stroking his most sensitive places, even as the creatures
engulfed his cock, plumbed his ass and filled his mouth. It was great, but boy could he use a break!
Hinoki watched the Zebra Mare clop towards him. Her dress was skimpy and skin-tight, and
glossy black. It set off her stripes
well. As she went past, he winked at
her. He KNEW it was one of the living
dress creatures, well fed, and fully into its “obedient” phase. He grinned and made a mental note; he’d have
to look her up, and tell her about the creatures. There were probably a couple of dozen tips he
could give her, and who knows, she might just be thankful enough to let him
feed on her….. He grinned at the
The dry ice was just inside the access port, where he’d left
it. He could sense them, maybe a little
more than a hundred of them, a short distance away. Wincing at the nearness of the cold, Lugging
two containers in each paw, he staggered towards them. Time to tone down the party a little…..
Chris looked from face to face to face; “And you say the
creature was with two fems, a Kitten and a Badger?” They all nodded. He sighed; “OK, I’ll check into it. If they had one, they may have more, or know
where to find them.” As they turned to
leave, the Fox growled; “And what happened to the one that so viciously
assaulted you?”
Sheepish looks were exchanged; “Well…. Last time we saw it, It was stuck to Freddie.”
Chris sighed; “And where’s Freddie?”
The Minotaur chuckled; “Oh, he’s in a safe place. We put him in his locker.”
Chris winced; “Ah… does this locker have vent louvers?”
The Coach nodded; “Top and bottom. If its not ventilated, well you wouldn’t
believe the stench that can build up.”
Chris thought of old gym socks and winced; “And do you think
the creature, once sated, might get OUT through those louvers?”
Again, looks were exchanged.
Tell me what locker number it is, and I’ll take care of it. You know, of course, that these things have
been declared dangerous and you’re not allowed to keep them, don’t you?”
Half a dozen furrs groaned, looking disappointed.
Hinoki tried to take the ones that had already had at least
something to eat, but in the end he found he had to capture the ones on the
outside of the pack just so he could get to his friends. It started to fall into a routine; hold some
dry ice against one of the creatures until it turned hard enough to pull
off. Put it in a container and seal the lid. Put the container in the bag. Pull off the insulated gloves and let his own paws warm up.
Pull the gloves back on, get a fresh piece of dry ice and repeat the
Tanj moaned and worked her jaw as the creature that had been
over her face dropped off. There was
still one working on her crotch, sliding in and out of her pussy, but it seemed
to be the last one on her. Looking
around in the dim light, she saw Hinoki, clad only in a pair of heavy duty
insulated gloves, holding a piece of dry ice on Sashi. Zassa was over by the wall, covered in what
looked like black plastic straps, bound in a tight ball; she still had several
creatures working frantically at her. Doodles was standing by one of the ducts. A creature had wrapped itself around his
cock, its other end stuck to the wall; it was almost as if it were restraining
the Bunny. Doodles looked at her,
grinned sheepishly and just shrugged.
“Must be Hinoki’s doing, she thought to herself. Waddling a bit, she moved over to Zassa, to
check the Vixen’s breathing and circulation….
Jenka strode into Ops, and looked around. Wherever Chris Foxx was, he wasn’t here. Grumbling to herself she moved to the center
seat and sat down. As she sat, she frowned;
her seat cushion felt a little funny. Gel-filled. In fact,
it felt much better than the usual too-flat cushion the chair normally had, and
that made her instantly suspicious. She
was about to rise, to examine it when Buckland came over, with a PADD, and the
latest oxygen consumption figures. She
was going over the data with him, when she felt her seat cushion move. Flow. And then something moved along her thigh,
moving up towards her crotch.
Dammit, she knew she shouldn’t have worn the leather
miniskirt today!
Standing she thrust the PADD back at the Elk; “Got a
problem. Figures look OK.” Turning she walked over to the comm officer,
trying to stay calm. “Find me
He bent to his console, and after a moment straightened; “I
can’t seem to locate her, Boss. Could
she be off the station?”
Jenka growled; “She’d better not be. How about Zassa?” The result was the same. Hinoki also couldn’t be found. Finally she growled; “Find me Chris
Foxx. Have him meet me in my
quarters. SOONEST!” Struggling to control herself, she stalked
out of ops.
The door had no sooner closed behind her, than someone was
snickering. Buckland looked around,
trying to figure out who it was, wondering what in the WORLD was going on?
As soon as the door had closed behind her, Jenka pulled up
the hem of her skirt, tugging it over her hips.
As she’d feared, one of the creatures was plastered over her
crotch. It already had a tentril in her
ass, and a rather thick plug in her pussy.
“Dammit, I do NOT have time for this!
Now… How do I get rid of you? What was it they said?”
Tanj smiled as the creature obediently flowed down her arm,
and into the plastic container. “OK, now
lets clean Zassa off, and go get a shower. Hope you brought a float pallet for all those
Doodles looked down at the Vixen; “Um… I can’t quite
understand what she’s saying, but I don’t think she WANTS to be free of those
Tanj chuckled; “I’m sure she doesn’t but we don’t want them
multiplying either. Sorry, party’s
over. Grab some dry ice and lets get to work.”
Jenka knelt by the refrigerator; the creature was fucking
her for all it was worth, and so far she’d had at least four climaxes. Holding ice against it seemed to slow it
down, but apparently it just wasn’t cold enough to stop it. What had they been using then? She wasn’t about to send out for some liquid
nitrogen; that would be too dangerous……
Dammit, where WAS that Fox?
Oooooo, someone was going to PAY for this!
The Opposition; Misfortune
“Housekeeping.” Tabitha
knocked on the door again; “Housekeeping”….
With a shrug she used her passcard to open the door. Most everyone had to keep their own quarters
clean, but the furrs in the Transient Quarters didn’t really qualify as
“permanent party” and as such, certain services were provided, such as laundry
and housekeeping. Normally, the Raccoon
was a gunner on one of the Raiders, but she moonlighted…. It was amazing how
hard it was to find someone who’d clean up after others, and accordingly
amazing how much the black fleet would pay someone to do it. And of course she was a neat freak, and it
all came rather naturally to her. The
Mouse wasn’t in, and his room looked scarcely lived in. Good, less work for her. She appreciated furrs that made their own
beds. She emptied the trash can into the
bin on her cart, checking to see if anything of value, either monetarily or
perhaps useful to intelligence was there.
Nope. Next she checked his brief
case. Locked. Not surprising. She was also a natural snoop, which also came
in handy in this job. As she poked
through his toiletries, she noticed a stain developing at the bottom of the
sink. Rust. When they’d built the station, they’d used a
plastic for all-in-one countertops and sinks, and after a few years, the
plastic discolored at the bottom of the sink.
Something about hot water dissolving some of the fire retardant filler
in the plastic, leaving it porous, and able to absorb rust from the water. No real problem from a
sanitation or structural point of view, but esthetically, it
sucked. And that was when she noticed
the bottle of cleaner on the sink. Picking
it up she examined it; it wasn’t a brand she recognized. Smiling, wondering if it was something that
might clean the sink better than the stuff the storeroom stocked, she grabbed a
rag and popped the cap…..
“Hey, Bob, have you seen
No, George, haven’t.
“We were going to play some cribbage after work. She didn’t show.”
“Don’t know; she was cleaning some of the transient rooms;
maybe something happened….”
“I wonder if one of those monsters we’ve been hearing about got
her. I’ll go look. If she checks in, page me.”
“Tabitha! Hey,
Tabitha, what’s wrong? Why are you just
standing there like tha……”
“Estelle, have you seen
George? He went to look for Tabitha, but
that was hours ago.”
“No, haven’t seen him.
Did you check with Tabitha’s boss?
Maybe she got delayed, and he stayed to help her.”
“Good idea, let me check with him.”
“Yeah, he came by a while
ago. Big Kodiak, wasn’t he? Yeah, he went down to the transient quarters
to see if she was still there.”
“Well, he never came back.”
“Come on, lets go see if they’re
still there.”
“Just hope we don’t catch the two of them makin’ out. I’d hate to see George angry….”
“I’d hate to see him naked!”
“Hey, here they are…. Hey,
what are the two of you doing just standing th….”
The Opposition; Discovery 1
“Tanj, I want you to come
look at something.”
Tanj looked at the Stallion, and frowned; he had a very
strange look on his face; “Um… sure.
What’s up?”
John Shrugged massively; “I don’t have a clue. A number of furrs have turned up missing;
we’ve found them; they’re in a room down in the transient quarters, but…
they’re all just standing there. Not
moving. They appear to be alive. And anyone who gets too close winds up acting
just like they do.”
Tanj looked in the doorway,
and frowned; there must have been a dozen furrs standing in the small
room. Some had surprised looks on their
faces; others looked as if they were concentrating on something. She shook her head; “I don’t have a clue
what’s wrong.” Looking up at the
Stallion she growled; “Did you call anyone from Medical?”
The Stallion nodded and
pointed; “That’s Hoskins right there. And Whitherspoon.”
Tanj sighed; “Well, I guess
there’s only one way to find out what’s going on…..”
The space suit was bulky, but it was the best armor she
could think of. A
sealed environment. No chance of
biological or chemical contamination. Or
so she’d thought. If it was some sort of
energy weapon, or electrical field, she was probably screwed….. She’d pulled it on in the corridor, sealed
it, checked it, had John doublecheck her, and then she’d started towards the
room, when something inside the suite
moved against her left calf. For a
moment she’d almost jumped out of her skin.
Growling, she shoved the sensation aside, wondering if it was just her
skin crawling, and stepped into the room.
The furrs were indeed all
breathing. She could see that. Moving between them, she found they were not
locked in place; if she bumped one of them, the furr would stagger, and regain
their balance, but return to immobility.
As she looked over the room, she realized that the furrs towards the
middle of the room were newcomers. There
was a racoon lady in the back, by the bathroom.
She must have been the first one in the room; perhaps it had all started
with her? Pushing her way through the
crowd, she drew closer. Nondescript coveralls.
Decent enough looking middle-aged Raccoon Fem. She stood there holding a rag in one hand, and an open bottle of some sort of cleaner in the
other. Looking around, Tanj realized
that no one else was holding anything.
It was a long shot, but she took a couple of trash baggies from the cart
and pulling the rag out of the Raccoon’s paw, she put it in one baggie, and
tied a knot in the open end of the bag.
The can of cleaner was a little harder to pull out of her paw, and some
of it slopped on the outside of her gauntlets, but she finally had it free. The cap was on the counter; she tightened it,
and then put it in another trash baggie.
And then, as the contents had slopped a little, she put that baggie in a
second, and tied that one tight too. She
then washed off her gauntlets in the sink, noting the oily, rainbow effect in
the water as it went down the drain.
Putting everything in yet a third baggie, she pushed her way back
through the crowd, to the door.
“John, I might have found
something. I think we need to get the
contents of these baggies analyzed.”
John nodded, and reached out to take them from the Cheetah;
“OK, I’ll…..”
Tanj looked at him
curiously; “You’ll what?”
A look of panic came over
John’s face, and he stuttered “I’ll …..
Ah…. I’m…..”
Tanj looked at him in concern; “Are you all right?”
The Horse shook his head no, but didn’t seem to be able to
force a word out.
Tanj looked at her gauntlets, at the baggies in John’s
hands, and groaned. He must have become
contaminated by something on her suit, or on the baggies.
It took a while to tongue
the suit’s frequency controls over to the emergency channel; “This is
Tanj. We’re under attack. I want a full internal security lock-down,
ESPECIALLY in the air handling systems.
All personnel are to take immediate chemical and biological agent
precautions. This is NOT a drill. I need a Hazmat team at… Frame 52, section 37
The Mouse snuffled, and
paused, the tissue half way to his nose, as the intercom came on. He listened to the voice in growing
terror. That was where his room was! They were on to him! He had to escape! Fortunately, he’d been thinking along those
lines. There was a closet just across
from his room. Waiting until the nursing
staff had all started climbing into their biohazard suits, he slipped out of
his room and into the closet. There he
found a set of scrubs that would fit.
The surgical mask and cap partially disguised him. However, in the pandemonium, it turned out he
really didn’t need a disguise. He
probably could have walked out of there naked carrying a sign, and no one would
have noticed him. No, that wasn’t true;
they would have noticed anyone not in a biohazard suit…..
The Coyote threw a suit at
him, as he trotted down the hallway; of course he was throwing suits at anyone
that didn’t have one. It was an even
better disguise than the scrubs. Not
nearly as comfortable, though….
Tanj waited for the hazmat
team to arrive, trying hard to suppress the sensations. She knew what was in the suit with her; it
was alarming, but scarcely frightening.
She just couldn’t figure out how it’d gotten in there. Even as a practical joke, putting one of the
living dress creatures in a space suit would be a difficult thing to
accomplish. After all, after the
“roundup”, all the known ones were locked up on her ship, weren’t they? Maybe not. This one was a little one, but it was still
driving her crazy, plastered across her crotch, stroking her in a most
distracting way. And right now she did
NOT need to be distracted….
He knew just what he was
going to do. With everyone wearing
biohazard suits, his weapon was useless.
And without his weapon, there was essentially no chance he was going to
escape. Still, he had a job to do, and
at this point they weren’t likely to let him live anyways. Not the pirates, and not the cartel, for
botching the job. No, he was going to
finish his mission, and he knew just how to do it. Maybe that way they’d leave his family alone. Play to your strengths….
The ‘mech bay was
unguarded. He didn’t know where everyone
was, but that didn’t matter. He had done
enough work on the Badger’s mech to know the passcodes, or so he thought. After crawling inside, he found that he
couldn’t bring up main power. With a
groan he realized the Badger was more paranoid than he’d thought. There was a password, or key code he didn’t
know after all. With a sigh he climbed
out again. There were ways to bypass
things like that. It’d just take him a
little while, and a few feet of wire.
Oh, and some duct tape….
Jenka watched as the last
of the furrs was carried out of the transient quarters. They couldn’t even be successfully led. At least they weren’t resisting their
rescuers….Turning she looked at the Cheetah; Tanj had a funny look on her
face. After a moment she caught her eye
and leaning forward to touch helmets, muttered; “What?”
Tanj shook her head; “Mistress, I don’t know how to tell you
this, but I can tell you that its not the only problem
we’ve got.”
The Jaguar blinked; “There’s more?”
Tanj nodded, and sighed; “Mistress, I grabbed this suit from
a locker down the hall. Purely at random. It
wasn’t until after I had it on, and was into the room, that I realized I wasn’t
alone in the suit.”
Jenka’s eyes narrowed; “Not ANOTHER one…..?”
Tanj nodded her head and bit her lip until the small climax
had passed; “Yup. There’s one of the
living dress creatures in here with me.
I don’t know where it came from, or how it got here, but if I could
stumble across one randomly, it suggests there are still a whole lot more of
them loose.”
Jenka sighed and rolled her eyes; “Great. Just great.”
Wanda found trying to use
the Microscope while wearing a bubble helmet almost impossible. Still, her view was good enough to let her
know there weren’t any microbes, bacteria, or viruses present in the cleaning
solution. That left biological warfare
out of the picture. Probably. It was a purely chemical attack. Turning to look at the analyzer she
sighed. The chemical compound resembled
neurotoxins. But it wasn’t like anything
in any of her references. What in the
hell was this stuff?
Kath looked at the big
Horse, and sighed. It was as if John was
trying to say something, but just couldn’t force it out. “Can’t make up your mind what to say, Master? Can’t pick which word to start with, or how
to phrase it?” The horse’s head jerked
spasmodically up and down, and then up and down again; it almost looked as if
he were going to hurt himself, so violent were his motions. Kath patted him; “That’s OK. I think I know what’s happening. Just relax; I’ll go tell Wanda.”
“I thought it was only a
myth. One of those things that float
around the intelligence and black ops circles, rumors of rumors. I guess not.”
Wanda nodded, her eyes still glued to the analyzer. She was running a simulation, trying to find
an antidote. “Uh huh….”
Kath shrugged; “From what I’ve heard, the effects are
temporary. I’m not sure if there’s any
defense against it, though.”
Wanda looked up from the analyzer, punched in the code for a
slightly different compound, and bent back over the display; “I think there
is. I just have to find the optimal
neurostimulator. Of course, you have to
KNOW you’re going to be attacked with the stuff, in order for the
neurostimulator to be administered… But maybe I can rig up some sort of field
analyzer to watch for the stuff…. And maybe autoinjectors for
key personnel…. Yes, that looks
promising.” The Wolverine sat up from
the analyzer, turned, and filled a spray hypodermic; she handed it to the Mink;
“Try this on John. If it works, let me
know and we’ll set up a treatment for the others.”
John Howled. Head thrown back, muscles trembling, he
yelled at the top of his lungs. Tanj
stepped back, Jenka stared eyes wide, and Kath prepared another hypo, just in
case he had to be tranquilized. After a
few tense minutes he calmed, if the look of fury in his eyes could be called
that; “Oh, whoever did that is SO dead!
I’m gonna tear him limb from limb!
I’m going to shred him into little pieces, flush him down the toilet and
then filter him out, glue him back together and do it all again!”
Jenka chuckled; “That bad, eh?”
The Stallion wheeled to face the Jaguar; “you have NO idea; it was literally
Tanj looked out from behind the Jaguar; “Kath said it was
some sort of indecision drug….”
The Stallion growled; “Too true. I knew what I wanted to say; knew what I
wanted to do; I just couldn’t figure out how to start. Left foot, or
right? Which word?”
Kath nodded; “I’d heard rumors. Vague, frightening rumors. I was told they tested it on a bunch of
convicts; sprayed the mess hall. Here
were all these hungry furrs, staring at the plates in front of them, unable to
decide whether to start with the meat or a roll, or the veggies, or the potato,
unable to decide whether to pick up the fork or the knife, and as such, locked
up tight, unable to move.”
John shuddered; “That, and worse. Ohhhhh,. When I find
out who did this….”
Jenka looked at Tanj; “Just
who DID this?”
Tanj shrugged; “Won’t know for sure until we give the
housekeeping lady a shot of the neurostimulator, but the quarters were assigned
to that ‘mech salesfurr.”
Jenka nodded; “I want him found, and I want him drained of
every shred of useful information. I
don’t care if there isn’t anything left when you’re done. Get EVERYTHING out of him.”
Tanj looked at John and nodded; “Yes, Mistress.”
The Opposition; One down…
The Mouse had the ‘mech
powered up; the weapons had been armed, the ion guns cooled down to cryogenic
temperatures, the plasma weapons on preheat, and all the missile seekers spun
up. Now was the time to go kick some
tail and show them they couldn’t stop HIM!
That was when he felt the touch in the small of his back. Something was slithering through his fur,
moving downward, towards the base of his tail….
“Hey, what’s that mech
doing in here….”
Never mind that, whats it doing?”
“Don’t know; looks like the samba.”
“No…. Lambada?”
“Look out, its coming this way!”
The Mouse howled; something
had grabbed his privates; worse, it seemed to be trying to push into his
ass! And of course, inside the suit,
there was no way he could actually reach himself, a fact that was not immediately
apparent as he struggled to find a way to pry the thing off.
Cindy blinked; “Its what?”
“I tell you, Roland’s suit has gone berserk! Its running around
the ‘Mech bay, like a creature possessed!”
Cindy scowled; “if you’re hauling me down there on some
practical joke, Mister, I’m gonna….”
“No, really! You’ve got to come see this!”
Cindy watched the ‘Mech
stagger past; the suit’s hands were pressed against its crotch, as if it were
trying to scratch itself. It slammed
into a wall, leaving a dent in the hullmetal, twirled, fell onto its back,
rolled towards them, and then found its way to its knees, and then back to its
feet, only to stagger off in another direction.
Cindy looked at the crowd around her; “Its OK, I know what’s wrong. Someone call security. I’ll get whoever tried to steal Roland’s suit
out of there. And THEN I’m going back to
Her own ‘mech came on line
just as it was supposed to, and she smiled at its response. She’d really gotten
it well-tuned. Turning, she lumbered out
of her revetment and towards Roland’s suit, once again rolling around on the
floor. Turning on the comm link she
heard someone howling in a rather high-pitched voice; “its
in my ass! ITS
She chuckled; “Welcome to the club, buddy.”
The deck jumped as she
hopped over it, Roland’s ‘Mech rolling on past.
Turning she picked her moment and leapt.
The Mouse felt something
heavy land on top of his ‘Mech; at about the same time a feminine voice
growled; “Calm DOWN! I can’t help you
until I can get you OUT of there! Quit
thrashing; you’re scaring off the emergency crew! Now HOLD STILL; I’m going to pop your hatch.”
John lifted the Mouse by
the back of his collar; they’d cut the Mouse’s trousers away, and sure enough,
one of the little monsters was plastered over his crotch, diddling his bottom
and working over his cock. The Stallion
grunted, and turning, carried the bottomless Mouse off towards detention. The Mouse just howled, and squirmed,
apparently oblivious to the Stallion, or to how he was being carried……
Cindy looked at the scraped paint and dented metal and
sighed. Roland was going to be SO
The Opposition; Round II
Kitchens took a sip of the
cold coffee and winced. Looking over at
the machine she growled; “The only GOOD thing about this is that with that
Badger off the station, I’ve got the time to devote to YOU. No one else seems to be missing me.” She scowled down at the hard-copy “owners
manual” and then up at the holographic display.
They seemed to contradict each other.
She tried rotating the view in the holographic display, but that only
seemed to make things look even less like they were supposed to. “Dammit, who wrote this thing?”
She’d been working on the
gizmo in spurts, for the past several days.
And in all that time she hadn’t seen a single furr come down this
corridor. From the dust she should have
known it was infrequently visited. And
that was a good thing. She was having
problems. The first problem had been
finding a power source that had the right frequency and could carry the proper
load. Then the power couplings on two of
the sections had been of the wrong type.
They wouldn’t go together. She’d
had to go down to stores, get the proper mating couplings, borrow a splicing
tool, and then change out all the couplings on “part b”. Once that was together, she found that it
failed its first self-test. That was
traced to a bad capacitor in the power management section. The second self-test failure was traced to a
connector that had vibrated loose, and the third self-test failure had been
traced to an improperly set dip-switch.
Now, for the fourth time, it had flunked the test. She was sure it was a fault in the control
logic, but she’d never seen ladder logic diagrams like this before, and the
hard-copy manual didn’t mach the holographic “assembly guide”, and neither of
them seemed to match the physical device.
Talk about frustrating….. Still,
given what this thing was supposed to do, she wasn’t really surprised it hadn’t
been assembled and checked at the “Factory”….
Something banged in the
ceiling above her head. Kitchens looked
up curiously, as something seemed to shuffle past in the ventilation duct. For a moment she thought she heard muffled
swearing, and then the noise moved off.
Shrugging she went back to work.
She’d been at it for almost
fourteen hours straight. She was WAY
behind schedule. She’d found one red
warning light with a burned out bulb; it SHOULD have been on, but wasn’t She’d determined that half the sequences in
the ladder logic had been transposed, certain functions referring to the line
above instead of to the correct line.
Going through the code line by line was taking forever, but she felt as
if she was making progress. That or
screwing the thing up beyond belief….. well, if it
didn’t work, she could reload the program and try again…. At first the noise behind her didn’t
register. Gradually, however, it sunk
in. Something behind her had gone
“ker-ploop.” Frowning, she twisted
around to look. There, under the device,
was a large, dark puddle. “Oh, GREAT;
now something’s leaking….” With a sigh,
she picked up a flashlight and bent closer to try and figure out where it had
come from, and how she could fix THAT.
Her reaction time was
superb, her instincts were good, but just weren’t “Tuned” to this
situation. When the oily black puddle
moved, she froze. In most circumstances,
it would have been a prudent thing to do, but in this case it merely allowed
the thing to come in contact with her right knee. When THAT happened, she moved, but not quite
fast enough to counteract her initial mistake.
The thing had adhered to
the fabric of her overalls like tar.
Frowning at it, she tried to peel the goo off. That only got it stuck to her paws. Struggling, she half-turned,
trying to move into the light, the better to see by. Her left foot struck the torque wrench and
she stumbled. The next thing she knew,
she was flat on her face on the floor, seeing stars. That was when she realized the thing was no
longer on her paws; crossing her eyes, she watched it flow, upwards between her
arms. And straight down her cleavage!
It didn’t take long to
loose the coveralls; however, as she danced, one foot stuck in the trouser leg,
the creature managed to flow down, between her breasts, across her stomach, to
her crotch. And that was when things
really got strange…..
Panting hard, Kitchens
tried to fight the feelings as the creature, or whatever it was, stroked her
sex. Naked, she couldn’t very well go
for help. What would she say? And she’d ripped the zipper in her coveralls
as she’d tried desperately to get out of them.
Growling she tried to find SOME way to get a handle on the thing, to pry
it off without killing herself. Staggering she wound up moving directly under the duct in the
ventilation grill.
It landed on her head with
a soft “gloop!” For a moment she stood
stock-still and then she howled, trying to bring her paws up, from her crotch
to her head. It was then she found out
her paws were now stuck to the thing on her crotch. Twisting this way and that, she was helpless
to prevent the thing on her head from flowing down, cutting off sight and
Kitchens knelt on the hard
floor, panting hard. Another of the
things had shown up, and now her ankles were glued together. Her paws were stuck to her crotch. The thing on her head had extruded a portion
of itself into her mouth and she couldn’t even call for help. And the really strange thing about it was
that the one on her crotch was fucking her sooooooooo delightfully. If she wasn’t their prisoner, it might be
nice, but she HATED being helpless. And
NO ONE did that without at least asking first!
Taking a deep breath, she resumed her struggles, futile though they
might be.
Hinoki paused outside the
access door. Some of his brethren were
feeding a short distance away. Turning,
he cracked the door and peered in. A
female bunny, rather nicely built was struggling weakly against about six of
the creatures. She looked like a
maintenance tech; there were tools scattered about, and some sort of machine
was standing against the wall. For a
reason he couldn’t explain, he tiptoed up the corridor, to examine the
device. An instruction manual caught his
eye and he picked it up carefully, flipping over to the cover, to see what it
was for. What he read there raised the
hackles on the back of his neck. Looking
down at the creature-covered Rabbit, he growled; “You keep her here. Don’t let her up. Don’t let her escape and most definitely
don’t let her go back to work!” Taking
the manual, he left the corridor as fast as he could. Considering he was still part Cheetah, that was pretty fast.
Tanj blinked as the Cheetah
pushed his way into the interrogation room.
The Mouse was strapped to a chair, the creature still on him, humping
away, albeit perhaps a little more slowly.
It must be getting close to “satiated”.
Tanj looked up, a look of annoyance on his face; “Dang it, Hinoki, I’m
BUSY! This guy’s been trying to kill
Jenka, and most likely the rest of us!”
Hinoki blinked, looked at the Mouse and then shrugged; “He
ain’t alone.” Without saying another
word, he handed the manual to the Cheetah.
Tanj read for a moment, her eyes growing wide as she scanned the
“introduction” section. Looking back up,
she growled a single word; “WHERE?”
Chris reached into the
machine, and pulled. A moment later he
handed a memory module to the Cheetah, and turned, to pull another. “There, that should keep it from
Tanj smiled, stepped around the Fox, reached up, and pulled
the main power disconnect. She then
grabbed the heavy duty power coupling, gave it a quarter turn, and pulled it
apart. Dropping the coupling on the
floor she grinned; “Yeah, now it REALLY won’t work.”
Jenka nodded; “I want that thing taken down to
Engineering. I want it thoroughly
analyzed. I want to know where it came
from, and who built it. I want them to
figure out if it really would work, but if they’re going to power it up, I want
it OFF the station. Oh, and add the
Rabbit to your list of interrogation subjects.
Wring her dry. I want to know if
this is a coordinated attack, or if we actually have two disparate groups after
The Mouse shivered. The interrogation drugs were wearing off
slowly, and he was miserable. Not that
they’d worked; he’d been immunized against them. But then they’d threatened him with a dozen
of those monsters and he’d found himself babbling…. It had all gone SO wrong! How could he have let it go so badly? Looking through the bars of his cell, past
the flicker of the forcefield, he looked over the Bunny lady in the cell
opposite him. She looked just as
miserable. Clearing his throat, he
whispered; “What YOU in for?”
Tanj chuckled and crumpled
the message flimsy. It missed the disposal
slot and she had to get up, fetch it from the floor and shove it in. Ralph shoved his chair back from his terminal
and blinked at her; “What?”
Tanj smiled at him and shrugged; “Got a message from
Roland. Seems he got a little rough on
the Mouse’s “sales manager” and the guy spilled the beans. It was just a cover. The Mouse doesn’t really work for them at
all. Roland says we need to watch him;
he’s up to something.”
The Tiger sighed; “Yeah.
Great timing.”
The Cheetah shrugged; “Hey, he did what he could; not his
fault things here moved faster than he expected.”
Jenka heard the knock on
the door, and knew it had to be John.
Only he knocked; everyone else pushed the doorbell. Of course not many other furrs could make
themselves heard through a hullmetal door.
Growling she called out “Come!”
The door whooshed open, and she heard the Stallion clop across the
floor. Then there was a rustle, and she
looked up to find him kneeling in front of her.
Raising an eyebrow, she regarded him for a moment; “What?”
The Stallion took a moment and then almost whispered;
“Mistress, I may be mistaken, but I….. I
think our good fortune in the recent events, perhaps our very survival can be
attributed to only one thing.”
Jenka closed the file folder and set it aside; “Luck more
than anything, I would think.”
The Stallion gave her a crooked smile; “That…. Might be one way to put it.
But I was thinking of something a little… stranger.”
Jenka frowned; “Go on.”
The Stallion shrugged; “Both of the assassination attempts
were foiled by bad luck. But in both
cases, the creatures… the “living dress” creatures seemed to play an important
Jenka nodded slowly;
“They’re all over the station. We’re
still finding them. Hannagin down in Laundry
found one in his orange-juice container.
Its lucky for him he decided to use a glass instead of just drink from
the carton like he says he usually does!”
The Stallion nodded; “Indeed. But… why now? If what I’ve been able to deduce is correct,
they’ve been loose for some time. Why
should it come to a head NOW?”
Jenka shrugged; “I don’t know. Cut to the chase; I’ve got tons of work to
The Stallion nodded; “Mistress, I think it was Jinx. I think the plots were all foiled because she
was here. The… you’ll pardon the
expression “Left handed luck” seems to be her style. And we have been very lucky. Very lucky that the living dress monsters
attacked at the very time we needed them to attack.”
Jenka stared at the
Stallion for a moment and then sighed; “John, I think you’ve been working too
hard. I think you’re drawing conclusions
that aren’t valid. Occam’s razor; the
simplest explanation is most often the correct one. It was just luck. Don’t go attaching more to it than you have to.”
The Stallion nodded, and rose. Turning he headed for the door. He was just about to pass through it when the
Jaguar called out; “John. Just in case
you’re right, tell Tanj to accelerate her plans to get her off the station as
soon as possible. Get her far away. VERY far away. And do it in a manner that doesn’t upset
her.” She put the folder down again and
looked at him; “Just in case. You
understand.” The Stallion just nodded.
Turnabout is fair play
“You know, we’ve all been
telling YOU about our experiences. We’ve
yet to hear anything from YOU.”
The Kurani blinked at the Vixen; “Love, I’m the
storyteller. It doesn’t mean I have a story myself.”
Zassa chuckled; “You’re being evasive. Give.
Tell us one of YOUR stories, or we clam up!”
The Kurani looked across the room at the Cheetah; Tanj met
her gaze evenly; “Yes. In fact, you’ve
mentioned you have a mate. Tell us a
story about the two of you……”
Kittiara stared back at
the Cheetah. She knew what she was
getting at. Always the
Intelligence type. Professional gossip.
Well…. Telling stories was also a professional gossip; she just didn’t
use her stories for anything other than amusement…. Still… Maybe there was a use. It was obvious that her mate’s position, and reputation with the Oligarchy unnerved some
furrs. Perhaps if she put a more
reasonable persona on him, furrs would calm down some…..
She stood in the middle of
her chamber and stared at the items she’d laid out.
A small silver sphere hovered by her right shoulder; it
spoke to her, with a distinctive feline voice; “Are you sure this is what you
want to do?”
Kittiara smiled; “Yes, Dear.
I’ve examined it from every angle, and I’ve searched my heart. I’ve fasted and meditated on it, and its what I want to do.
Its only….”
The voice from the sphere purred; “Only what?”
Kittiara smiled; “Only the execution lacks. I do want to get it right. JUST right.”
The sphere chuckled; “Ah, that’s the hard part. But you’ve heard my council on that…”
Kittiara smiled; “Time and time again, both from you
and from the others. I understand what
you advise, and the logic behind it, but you know me; I’ve still got to do it
MY way.”
The sphere bobbled as if nodding agreement; “We know, Dear. We look forward
to hearing how it all plays out. When do
you start?”
“Tonight, actually. I have a long weekend and I figured “no time
like the present”.
“Then I’d best let you get on with it. Our hopes and our Prayers will be with
The sphere changed, from a bright
silver, to a dull gray, and flew back to its receptacle in the Comm panel. Kittiara sighed, and put the stunner back
where she kept it, under her pillow; if things got that far out of control, all
would be lost anyways. Stuffing the
other items into her backpack, she took a look around the room, and
smiled. If everything went correctly,
she wouldn’t be coming back here, again….
She kept careful watch, as
she made her way out of the city. The reflection from ground level storefront windows. The reflections from the
surface of passing vehicles. The occasional glimpse behind her. Her path was seemingly random, constantly
changing. Several times she cut through
crowded stores. Once she passed through
a hotel lobby. Once she passed through a
crowded tavern. Twice she took robocabs,
only to change her destination suddenly and depart. Finally she was at the monorail station. Her timing was perfect; the car departed just
after she’d stepped through the doors.
Turning, she caught a glimpse of him, a look of frustration on his face
as the car accelerated from the station.
She got off two stations
later, catching a car in a different direction.
Her research had suggested that there were eighty-one probable routes
she could have taken, since entering the first monorail car. He could figure it out, find her trail, but
not rapidly. Even with his resources, he
couldn’t find her rapidly, and that would give her the time she needed.
The park was always
open. In addition to its other
functions, it served as a “hunting park”.
Kurani loved to hunt; loved the taste of a fresh kill. But of course the park was used for other
purposes too. Sometimes you just wanted
to get away from civilization; to go feral for a while, even if it was only a
day or two. Inside the gate, Kittiara
stripped off her tunic and leggings, and stuffed them into her backpack. Then, turning, she trotted off towards the
hills and canyons. She had a
well-thought-out plan, but first she had to get to her chosen ground…..
Panting hard, she paused to drink from the stream. She really needed to get out and just RUN
more. Too much
sitting. Too much processed
food. She was lapping softly at the
water when she saw the shadow pass in the reflection of the sky in the
water. “Now that’s cheating” she growled to herself, rising to her feet, and
sprinting for the trees. She hadn’t
thought he’d come after her in an aircar…….
The traps were set; she’d
almost emptied her backpack. Grinning,
she retreated into the rocks, knowing that the hard surface left no visible
trace of her passing. She’d found a pile
of Velolope dung, and had rolled in it; with luck, he wouldn’t be able to track
her by scent either. Higher into the
rocky foothills she moved, keeping one eye over her shoulder.
The flare rose into the
night sky, and she grinned. It was
blue-white; that was the third of the tripwires. He was good.
Very good.
Now, lets see how many others he missed…...
It was the last object in
her backpack; she liberally smeared the goo on the rock, stepped back, and
wiped her paws on the backpack. Then,
she stuffed the pack carefully in the crevice she’d selected. Good; it was essentially invisible. Grinning, she resumed her trek towards her
destination, trotting lightly over the rock.
The green flare rose into
the air, behind her, just as the dawn was breaking. He was a careful stalker; that was the last
of the tripwires she’d set. He’d only
hit two of them, but it had taken him most of the night to get that far. Wondering HOW he’d managed to track her that
far, she headed for the pool she knew of.
She wanted to wash the Velolope dung from her fur, as it obviously
wasn’t misleading him. And it would be a
while before he could catch up, even if he could get past the goo.
The mountain stream was
cold; almost too cold. And she knew how
he hated water. What Kurani didn’t? Ah, but she wasn’t a full blooded
Kurani… Grinning, she swam across the
pool, clambered up the opposite rocky shore, and climbed the cliff beside the
waterfall. She hoped the spray would
help wash away her scent, leaving him confused.
She’d just made the top of the small cliff when she heard the roar. His voice was loaded with frustration and
anger. Good, he’d found the goo. It wouldn’t be impossible to win free of the
sticky stuff, now that it had set in the sun.
He was sure to loose a lot of fur, and maybe even some skin in the
process, but he’d win free eventually.
Chuckling quietly to herself she trotted off towards her last line of
The hill dwelling was
ancient. Some time, thousands, if not
tens of thousands of years ago, primitive Kurani had lived here. Built into the side of a limestone cliff, the
place was a fortress. Hand and pawholes
cut in the rock provided the only access, unless one chose to rappel down from
above. Either way, it was a good place
to make a stand. She’d spent many hours
exploring the place, and felt confident that she could negotiate its maze of tunnels
blindfolded. Smiling she made her way to
the place she’d picked; a place she could watch all the approaches from….
The sun was setting, and
still no sign of him. She’d had the
forethought to stash some water, and some food, from her previous visits here,
but soon she’d have to find a place to use as a latrine. And she knew, as soon as she moved; as soon
as she broke her vigil, he’d show up. It
had been a long time, longer than it should have taken, and yet she was
convinced that he hadn’t given up the chase.
For his kind, the difficulty of the hunt would only make him that much
more determined. No, he was still out
there; but what was he up to?
She caught the flicker of
motion from the corner of her eye. A
Pterodon! Why that whelp of a Sthondaht! That was…. CHEATING! Or was it?
Pterodons were available to the Ancients… had any of them ever
domesticated one? Perhaps so; the hill
dwelling seemed to have taken them into account in its defenses…. Holding as still as the rock around her, she waited
until the flicker of motion had passed, and then ducked down, into the waiting
tunnel. The ancients had planned well;
their lookouts had ways of reporting in, while staying under cover. As she squirmed through the tunnel she
grinned; let him try and get his winged mount down HERE!
Things were going
satisfactorily; twice she’d crossed his trail, and once she’d even followed it
until his scent grew strong. Air
currents moved strangely in the tunnels and she knew he’d have a hard time
tracking her by scent alone. Still, she
hadn’t gotten close enough to use the rotten egg she held in one paw….. On the other hand, he hadn’t gotten close
enough to pounce either.
She must have been getting
tired; the charge caught her by surprise.
She heard the whisper of feet on rock, and then nothing, as he launched
himself through the air; she ducked and twisted, but he seemed to have planned
for that. A quarter ton of full-grown
Kilrani slammed into her right side, driving her to the ground. Instinctively she rolled onto her back,
trying to get her legs under him, to push him off, but he was too skilled for
that. With his paws on her upper arms,
his growling muzzle inches from hers, his body pressing her against the rock,
she stared up into his eyes. There was
only one thing to do. With a laugh, she
brought her right arm around and hit him on the nose with the rotten egg.
For a moment his body went
rigid in shock; the advantage was momentary, and completely insufficient for
her to escape. Within a heartbeat he’d
recovered, and with a growl, lunged forward to take her throat in his fangs. As he held her, pinned against the rock, she
became aware of the phallus pressing against her between her legs.
He took her, then and
there, fucking her fiercely, his fangs pressing into her throat, holding her
against any struggling. Rough, and violent; just the way she liked it. When he was spent, when he was done with her,
he roughly rolled her over, to tie her paws behind her back. The rope was coarse, and prickly; obviously,
the lowest grade available, and yet she knew she’d have no chance of breaking
it. The knots were pulled tight, doubled
and pulled tight again; there would be no escape.
She’d planned for him to
have trouble extracting her from the hill dwelling. She’d thought he’d have to leave, to fetch
more rope, but the Pterodon was big for its species, and although it complained
most vociferously, it managed to handle both their weights. She lay across the
beast’s neck, bound hand and foot, the male’s delectable prize. Their descent was more a controlled fall,
than a flight, and the male directed his steed to land at the mountain stream,
at the base of the waterfall. It was
there that he washed the remnants of the egg from his face, ignoring the cold,
ignoring the water. She watched as best
she was able, still strapped to the beast, smiling at his self control as he
bathed in the frigid water. When he
returned, she thought it would be her turn to clean up; while he untied her
from the beast, it was only to have his way with her again, roughly. With her widespread ankles lashed to a
sapling he’d cut, her arms still bound behind her back, he took her from
behind, in the style of the ancients, his jaws around the back of her neck, his
paws clutching her hips, fangs and claws drawing blood as he pounded his shaft
into her. Better and better, she
couldn’t help but think. And when he was
done, she was again bound over the neck of the beast, and again, they took
At the entrance to the
park, she discovered several things she didn’t know. For one, there was now a firm,
that rented riding Pterodons, in the vicinity of the Park, and serving
its patrons. The big male handed over
the beast to its handler, and she watched as they settled accounts. Huh. It
annoyed her that she hadn’t adequately “done her homework”. For another, his status did not let him leave
the park without satisfying the authorities that his “hunt” had been
legitimate, and according to custom. Of
course they took his word, and did not question his documentation. Not exactly unusual, although she’d expected,
because of his position, they would be more thorough, to avoid any hint of a
scandal, should something not be correct.
Throughout it all, she remained bound and gagged. Still, it was something she hadn't
expected. With the authorities
satisfied, she was unceremoniously loaded into the back of his aircar, for the
trip to his lair.
She hit the carpet hard, tossed to the ground at his
feet. A number of other Kurani looked
on, some curious, some inscrutable. “I
claim this female for my Harem. Do any
object? One of the males padded over to
sniff at her curiously; after a moment, he smiled; “Nope. Pretty one. Good work, Hrral.” The big male looked at one of his females,
and cocked an eyebrow upwards; “Senior wife, do you
object?” She just smiled and made a sign
of obedience. To any who knew her, the
sarcasm was more than apparent. And yet,
custom was followed. The big Male
smirked; “Good. Clean her up, see that she knows her duties in the household and her
place in our family.” With that he
turned and headed down a hallway.
Eager paws worked at
untying the ropes. As soon as the gag
was out of her mouth, the senior female cradled her head in her paws and lifted
it, to smile at her; “Are you all right?”
Kittiara worked her jaw for a moment and then laughed; “Yes,
Leoine, I’m fine.”
“Did it go as planned?”
“Pretty much. I think I might have been a little rougher on him than I’d planned, but, well, all’s well that ends well….”
“And he treated you right?”
Kittiara’s smile widened; “OHYEAH!”
“Good. Now come on, lets get you cleaned up.
If he’s used up all the hot water, I’ll have his hide….”
The Vixen shook her head;
“Kurani mating rituals seem a bit… rough”.
Kittiara laughed; “Only as rough as you
choose to make them. If I’d
preferred he could have grabbed me on a street corner, lifted me off my feet,
and yowled; “I claim this female!” It
could have been that simple.”
The Cheetah shook her head; “And what if you didn’t WANT to
be claimed?”
Kittiara smiled; “That fact would have been made known long
before things got to that point, and he would have backed off. Custom is strict in that regard. Or at least it has been for the last several
Zassa grinned “So it’s a… group marriage?”
Kittiara nodded; “Strictly speaking, it’s what’s known as a
“line marriage”. But its
actually pretty informal. If any of us
want to take a lover, that’s no problem, as long as we don’t hide it from the
others.” She grinned; “Believe me, when
I get home, I’m going to have a
Tanj nodded; “You
mentioned his name was Hrral….. You
know, there’s a Kurani Ambassador by that name….”
Kittiara chuckled and nodded; “more of a troubleshooter for
the Oligarchy, a “minister without portfolio”, but yeah, that’s him.”
The Cheetah just muttered “Uh-huh….”
Jenka listened to the
Cheetah relate the story, and then shook her head. “It just figures, doesn’t it? When the “enlightenment” faction tried to
settle that planet on the Kurani border, this “Ambassador” led the expedition
that removed them. And I don’t mean
“invited them to go home” either. They
were REMOVED. ELIMINATED. No, I’m NOT happy to learn he’s her
The Cheetah shrugged; “SHE doesn’t seem to feel her situation
here is any sort of a problem. She said
he might not even be aware she’s “missing” yet.
Apparently everyone in this marriage of hers is rather independent and
does as they please.”
Jenka shrugged; “we take risks every day. Our business is NOT what you might consider a
safe one, and yet only a fool goes looking for trouble they don’t need.” She fixed the Cheetah with a stare; “I’ve
heard rumors that there has been a lot of probing along the Kurani
frontier. Something is stirring them up,
and if its her mate looking for her, trying to pick up
her trail again, it does NOT bode well.
Not for the Empire and certainly not for us. I think we need to get her out of here. Preferably get her home. Settle things down. I want you to see to it personally.”
Tanj nodded and smiled;
“In fact, I’ve got some thoughts along that line. Something that might work
in with our “disappearing act”.
As she turned to go, she paused at the doorway; looking back at the
Jaguar she purrred; “And Mistress is acting VERY much like a head of state, all
of a sudden….”
The lamp crashed against
the door as it closed, the Cheetah ducking out into the corridor. Her laughter as she escaped did nothing to
ease the Jaguar’s mood…..
Kittiara scanned the last
page, and nodded. It most certainly
wasn’t her best work, but it also wasn’t her worst. Thumbing the screen, she downloaded the file
to a data crystal and rose to go in search of the Cheetah.
Jinx watched the Kurani
head for the door; “Done?”
The Kurani paused and smiled; “Yes, with the commissioned
work, at any rate. My own stories still
need quite a bit of work.”
The Skunkette rose to her knees, and then cocked her head to
one side; “Having a hard time coming up with an ending?”
The Kurani smiled, and collected her thoughts as she hung
the data crystal from the ring at the front of her collar, as if it were a
jewel. “Yes. The Cheetah’s tale is a most interesting
story; it works well with my collected works on sexual mores and sexual
slavery, in the Empire. In fact, it
could be used as an illustration for the whole theme.”
The Skunkette chuckled and smoothly rose to her feet; “But
there’s more to it than that, isn’t there?”
The Kurani smiled; “you know me too well. There’s a story well beyond just the
The Skunkette nodded; “But it doesn’t have an ending.”
The Kurani nodded; “most true-life stories never do have an
The Skunkette stepped closer; “But you’re a writer; if you
were to write a story, how would you end it?”
The Kurani thought for a moment; “Why, she’d have to find
her long lost love, and triumph over all those arrayed against her.”
The Skunkette nodded; “Yes, that’s what I thought.” Cocking her head to one side, she smiled;
“And you’re off to deliver your work, and set things in motion for the next
phase, aren’t you?”
“What are you talking about?”
The Skunkette grinned; “I DO know you too well. You’re working towards writing your own end
to her story, aren’t you?”
Kittiara stepped back, and the door to Tanj’s quarters
whooshed open; “Oh, I think you give me much more credit than is due. I’m not that…. Manipulative. Nor am I that…. “effective.”
As they headed out into the corridor, the Skunkette linked
arms with the Kurani and chuckled; “Maybe.
Maybe not.
But then, you DO have me……”
The Cheetah hung in the
area known as “Commons 3”. It was a
circular area, lined with establishments that served food, and beverage, the
open floorspace filled with an odd assortment of chairs and tables. There was a circular dias
in the center of the floor, and there, in the spotlight, the Cheetah, and the
Vixen hung by their ankles. Well, that
wasn’t quite true. They weren’t
completely off the floor. Their hair had
been braided, with a chromed ring worked into the end of the braid. The ring was tied to an eyebolt near where
their feet were suspended from, forcing their heads back. The floor had been covered by coarse gravel,
small rocks, thumb to fist size, all sharp angles and points. And the ropes holding their bodies almost
vertical were just short enough so that part of their weight rested on their
breasts, the only portion of them in contact with the rough floor. Ring gags filled their mouths, and the way
their heads were bent back, any male that chose to sit on the floor could make
use of their mouths. However, given the
rough nature of the floor, few had chosen to do so.
The Kurani stood at the entrance to “Commons 3” and just
watched for a while. Jinx looked from
the tableau, to the Kurani, and back, obviously wondering why the exotic was
waiting, but after a few minutes she settled down, sure there was a reason.
Jenka padded up to the
Cheetah, and in one fluid motion, delivered a sharp strike to her ass with the
riding crop she carried. “Either of you
think of how the station wound up infested with those creatures yet? Or do I have to do something else to further
stimulate your thought processes?”
The answer, surprisingly, came from behind her. “Actually, neither of them are
to blame. In fact, if anyone is, you
Jenka’s eyes went wide, and she turned to find herself
facing Hinoki. The Cheetah grinned at
her. For a moment she wondered if it WAS
Hinoki; the male seemed larger, bulkier, and much more “buff”… but after a moment
she concluded it WAS Hinoki…. “What
makes you say that?”
Hinoki shrugged; “Well, you were the one that assigned me to
get Sashi’s, ah, “problem” under control.
If I remember correctly, dire threats were made, concerning any
failure. I borrowed a few of the living
dress creatures to aid in the work, and, well, in the confusion some of them
escaped. Its my
fault they escaped, but if you hadn’t assigned me the work, it probably
wouldn’t have happened.”
Jenka snarled as she
stalked around the Cheetah; “YOU let them escape?”
Hinoki nodded, a smile still on his face; “I did. Of course, I THOUGHT I’d caught all of them,
but I guess events have proven me wrong.
And for that, I’m willing to suffer any punishment you think is
Jinx looked at the Cheetah
male, and then nudged the Kurani; “Something’s wrong; he doesn’t seem at all
worried about what the Jaguar might do….”
Kittiara just nodded, a thoughtful look on her
Jenka growled; “I OUGHT to
throw you out the air lock! The station’s
still in an uproar over them! Half the
duty personnel are scouring the station searching for those critters!”
Hinoki smiled; “You can call them off. I’ve rounded up the last of them.”
Jenka scowled; “How can you be so sure?”
Hinoki laughed; “Oh, I know, believe me, I know. Let me tell you a little story……”
The Jaguar shook her head;
“And you expect me to believe that?”
The Cheetah shrugged; “I can prove it, if you like….”
Jenka crossed her arms over her chest and nodded; “Yes. Do so.
Here and now.”
Hinoki raised an eyebrow; “Any way I like?”
The look on Jenka’s face showed that she wasn’t happy at all
with his question, but gritting her teeth, she growled; “Get ON with it!”
Hinoki chuckled; “Of
course.” He turned and padded over to
the Vixen, to kneel by her head; “The other day, you said that you wanted the
story now, and I could eat later. At
that time I told you that you had no concept of what you were saying, but that
you would. Now’s the
time you learned what I meant.”
Zassa’s eyes, rolled towards him, widening slightly, and she
made a rather inarticulate noise through her ring gag.
Hinoki just chuckled.
Jinx flinched and stepped
behind the Kurani as the Cheetah… changed.
He seemed to shrink, and as he did so, his clothes vanished, seemingly
absorbed into him. Tentacles sprouted
from his shoulders and back, reaching upwards, not so much untying the ropes
that bound the pair on the dias, as snapping them
where they were tied to the ring bolts.
Still with a smile on his face, Hinoki used the remnants of the ropes to
tie Tanj in a different position, in a flurry of hands and tentacles. Each of the Cheetah’s wrists were tied to its respective ankle, forcing her into a very
bent-over kneeling position. Then he
tied Zassa on top of the cheetah, in a similar position. Purrring, he stroked their sexes, one above
the other. Lifting his head, he looked
around the room; “Here’s a little trick I picked up in New Shanghi….”
Jenka watched in amazement
as the Cheetah absorbed the tentacles, and sprouted a second cock. He now had two tools, one above the other
protruding from his crotch; each was truly notable in size, although perhaps
not as huge as the Stallion’s. Moving to
his knees, behind the bound pair, he put his paws on their hips, and thrust his
hips forward.
Tanj groaned as she felt
his shaft spear into her sex. Above her,
she heard a similar response from the Vixen.
Hinoki started driving back and forth, his shaft sliding in and out of
her sex… And then his cock seemed to grow bumps all over its surface. The sensation was such that she had to howl
out her pleasure, the increased stimulus driving her to an immediate climax.
His shaft seemed to be in
constant motion; not only the in-and-out that would be expected, but also in
length, girth, texture, and shape. One
moment it felt like a string of balls linked together, and the next, the Vixen
could have sworn it was rotating within her, spiral grooves along its length
making it feel as if she was truly being screwed. It was fantastic, and, oblivious to the
crowd, oblivious to everything else she howled and bucked as a string of
firecracker climaxes ripped through her.
Kittiara bent, to whisper
to the Skunkette; “Looks like fun, to me.
Think we could get him to do that to us?”
Jenka scowled as she
watched. If the Cheetah merely had a few
of the living dress creatures stuck to him, he was exhibiting a control far in
excess of anything Tanj or Zassa had ever mentioned. If he really had melded
with them…. Suddenly her eyes
went wide, and she looked about; “John!
JOHN! Get him off them! STOP HIM!”
Hinoki was lost in yet
another orgasm as strong arms encircled him; suddenly he was jerked
backwards. Not wanting to stop, he let
his cocks grow in length, but eventually he found that he couldn’t maintain
contact, and withdrew them into his body.
Blinking he looked around; “Hey, I wasn’t done yet!”
Jenka shoved her face at his; “Maybe not, but I will NOT
have you reproducing like those little monsters! You’ve had enough! In fact… You said
that you were willing to accept any punishment I might hand out, right?”
Hinoki swallowed and nodded.
Jenka straightened, folding her arms over
her chest again, and smiled; “Good.
As of now, No sex for you. None.”
Hinoki’s eyes widened; “But…. I’ll starve!”
Jenka shook her head; “No, I don’t think you will. I think there’s enough sex on this station
you can pick up whatever vibes you need, remotely. But you will NOT engage in any yourself. AND you’ll report to Medical every day, to be
weighed and measured. If you show
significant weight loss, I’ll reconsider, but heaven help you, Mister, if you
get any bigger!
Kittiara shook her head;
“You know, I’m not sure it works like that….”
Jenka’s head snapped
around; “Are you Questioning me, SLAVE?”
Kittiara smiled and gave
the Jaguar a half-bow; “Mistress, in my experience, when Brou get above a
certain size, they no longer reproduce by fission, but by fusion. He would need another brou, of equal size, to
“reproduce”. He may be a nuscience,
given his, ah, “diet”, but I think you’re safe from the station being overrun
with sex monsters.” She grinned and
glanced at the Skunkette; “At least of HIS type…” Jinx stuck out her tongue at the Kurani, but
then giggled.
Hinoki blinked; “Hey, wait
a minute…. What did you call me?”
Kittiara shrugged;
“Brou.” She gestured to the surrounding
walls and ceiling; “All the little darlings you’ve been collecting from the
station; they’re all immature Brou.
Pollywogs, if you will. When
they’ve fed enough, they form into an intermediate stage, about sixty to a
hundred kilos. Then, when those have
matured enough, they combine to form adult Brou….” She grinned at Jenka; “And THOSE are the
dangerous ones.” Looking back at Hinoki
she raised an eyebrow; “What, you didn’t know?
Why did you think the Empire outlawed them?”
Jenka looked down at the
bound pair; both Zassa and Tanj did their best to shrug. Looking up, the Jaguar growled; “Well, I’m
not taking any chances; besides he STILL needs to be punished! My judgement stands.” Turning she stalked from the commons
area. John waited a moment, looked from
Kittiara to Jinx to Hinoki to the bound pair on the floor, shrugged, and turned
to follow his Mistress.
Tanj worked her jaw; the
ring gag had been in a while, and her mouth was as dry as the great Kolfax
desert. And her jaw muscles hurt. So did her breasts, but she wasn’t about to
rub those, at least not in public….
Might give the Hinoki Monster ideas….
“Was that true, what you said about the Brou?”
Kittiara nodded to the Cheetah, as he untied the Vixen; “It
was. My mate has dealt with them, from
time to time. I’ve been along on a few
Zassa spat out the ring gag, and growled; “So what’s so
dangerous about the Adult ones?”
Kittiara chuckled; “They can drain you dry, in an instant;
they don’t feed just on sexual energy, but on life energy as well. Oh, when they’re being generous they can give
you sex like nothing you’ll ever have.
But if their control isn’t perfect you wind up dead. And if they get mad at you, they can drop you
from across the room. Throw in the fact
that they’re very VERY alien, that communications with them are confusing at
best, and the fact that they’ve generally got lightning quick tempers, and you
can see the problems. They’re VERY
difficult to deal with….
Tanj nodded; “Be that as
it may, that’s were we’re headed.”
Kittiara, Jinx, Hinoki and
Zassa all blinked; “Say what?”
Tanj nodded; “Corey’s work isn’t progressing well. The Lion got that gizmo from the Brou; the
gizmo took them, and the entire planet of Elysium somewhere. Therefor, we have to go talk to the Brou, and
see what help they might give us. That’s
the overt reason. The covert reason is
to see if they can help Hinoki. I’m not
sure its safe for him to stay like he is. What if his, ah, “passions” get out of
control? What if he goes into a feeding
frenzy?” Tanj looked at the Cheetah
Male; “I do NOT want Jenka throwing you out an airlock, or stuffing you in some
Hinoki smiled weakly; “Hey…. I kinda like being like this…
and I’ve got Sashi, and Doodles….”
Tanj was resolute; “I don’t care; we’re taking you there
anyways, along with all the little creatures we’ve collected.” She fixed Zassa with a firm look; “All of
them. ALL of them!” Turning she looked at Kittiara; “And then
we’re taking you home.” Shifting her
gaze, she looked at the Skunkette. “As
for you, we think you ought to go with Kittiara, but we won’t try and force
you. But I will tell you that you make
Jenka nervous and she would prefer you elsewhere.” The Skunkette laughed; “I understand. You’re not the first to tell me something
like that.” She turned to look at the
Kurani; “I’ll tag along with her.”
Kittiara just smiled.
Kittiara stared out the
port, not seeing the distant stars. So many variables. So many possibilities.
Tanj wanted to go talk to the Brou.
She had no idea how difficult “Talking” to the Brou was. They just didn’t think the same way. They had something she wanted. The Brou? The Brou imported almost all of their
technology. Odds are whatever she was
after, the Brou wouldn’t be much of a help, even if they DID understand what it
was she wanted. As for returning the
immature Brou… that was something the Brou were not likely to understand
either. It would be like someone
returning claw trimmings….. And yet, it
would be a much better story if she let it play out naturally. Well, with maybe a nudge here or there, to
keep it moving towards the right ending…..
back on Elysium:
The Minister of Agriculture looked
at the Chief of the First Intelligence Directorate and shrugged; “Yes, it
should do the job. It seems to be quite
resistant to any fungicide we’ve yet found.
The problem is twofold. First
off, its not only deadly to the coffee crop, but its
quite dangerous as well to almost any botanical life forms. And it does rather nasty things to
warm-blooded life as well. Our agents
will have a hard time spreading it, without becoming contaminated themselves.”
The Muskrat nodded; “And the
second problem?”
The Minister of Agriculture
shrugged; “How do we spread it?”
The Muskrat smiled; “Oh, that’s
the easy part.” At the look on his
friend’s face he waved a paw; “yes, we’ve had zero luck infiltrating their
borders of late. There doesn’t seem to
be any way to sneak past them. The most
carefully forged documents seem to be instantly detected as forgeries,
the most clever plans seem to fail. And
yet, there is one group that seems to be able to pass through their borders
The Minister of Agriculture shook
his head; “And who might that be?”
The Muskrat laughed;
“Deserters. Our loyal troops, who either
give up the fight before its begun, or surrender at
the first sign of an enemy soldier.
These are herded across the border immediately. THEY can pass through enemy lines…..”
The Minister of Agriculture
shrugged; “And how many deserters are going to be able to smuggle packets of
mold spores with them?”
The Muskrat shrugged again; “not
many. But that’s not how they’ll get
them through.” The Minister of
Agriculture just stared. After a moment
the Muskrat sighed; “They’ll have to be infected before they go. They’ll have to be carriers in the truest
sense of the word.”
The Minister of Agriculture
shuddered; “But…. Untreated, its sure to be fatal.
And a rather gruesome death as well.”
The Muskrat nodded; “To be
sure. Fortunately for us, there are
still some fanatics… er, I should say loyal servants
of the party that we can call upon to make the ultimate sacrifice….”
The Minister of Agriculture just
frowned; “you have something up your sleeve, don’t you, Alexi?”
Quentin shivered slightly. The Corporal’s uniform was threadbare, and
woefully insufficient for the cold north wind that was blowing. He tried to ignore the physical
discomfort. Tried to
maintain his focus. The 247th
Guards Tank Army didn’t have any tanks left.
They barely had any weapons left.
Between harrassing fire from the Blues, and intermittent raids ordered
by Command, there wasn’t much of anything left.
The unit was thoroughly demoralized; the slackers! Still, it should be perfect for the cause. The troopers were muttering openly about
surrendering the next time the Blues forces launched a probing attack. Their officers, instead of disciplining them,
seemed to be more inclined to offer helpful suggestions. It was all he could do to keep his mouth
shut. Still, he wished the wind wasn’t
quite so cold. No matter what he did, he
couldn’t seem to get warm……
“Hey, Doc; got a few more for
The Stallion looked up and then
grinned at his orderly; “at this rate, we’ll have the entire Red Army on this
side of the front!”
The Squirrel nodded
enthusiastically; “Yeah, and that’s fine by me; just so long as they don’t have
any weapons!” He turned to look at the
line of prisoners as they shuffled in; “of course, this group could be fully
armed, and still not a problem. I don’t
think they’ve eaten for a week!”
The Stallion ran his brand new medical
scanner over the Coyote, and frowned. As
his orderly had said, the troops from this particular unit looked as if they
hadn’t been fed in a week. Ribs were
showing, bellies were starting to protrude in the first visible signs of
starvation… but this one… this one was as filthy as the rest; he was as poorly
dressed as the rest, and like the rest he seemed to be running a permanent
“cold”, coughing, and his nose running annoyingly. Handing the Coyote a tissue, he passed his
scanner over him another time, stepping up the resolution. This one didn’t quite fit the pattern; he
wasn’t as emaciated as the others. And something
else was wrong as well…. There’d been a
lot of talk about what the Reds might try next, and the Doctor feared it might
be some form of biological warfare…..
Quentin rubbed his arm; the Doctor
had been pretty good with the needle, but still, he hated needles. He wondered why the Horse had wanted a blood
sample. Did he take one from every
prisoner? He’d have to ask. Following the others, he passed between the
posts of the “gate”, and into the prisoner compound. The guards looked lax, the wire strung only
hap-hazardly. And why should they put a
whole lot of effort into it? All his
“Comrades” apparently wanted to be
here. And then he caught the scent of
hot food, his head turning almost of its own volition. Could that really be Ragnath soup? Well, maybe he could put up with it for a
bit; but they’d better “parole” him soon, or he’d have to find a way to slip
through the wire.
Doctor Bartell looked at the blood
sample, and frowned. Another
front line Medico afraid of biological warfare. So far he hadn’t seen anything unusual,
but…. Working with the skill of long
practice, he popped the top from the tube of blood and dropped it into the
analyzer, the rubber gloves of the glove box not hampering him at all. Since the Blues had started trading with the
aliens, they’d gotten some really good toys; his analyzer was one of them. It could check for almost any form of life,
although admittedly the database held more alien life forms than anything
else. Still, the machine was remarkably
intelligent… for a machine. Pulling his
paws out of the gloves, he washed carefully, and then headed out to get a cup
of coffee.
He almost made it to the door
before the analyzer chimed. With a sigh,
he turned and strode back. His glare was
wasted on the read-out hologram, floating in the air; and like something made
only of coherent light, as the power was switched off, his scowl disappeared as
he examined the results. MOST unusual!
The Stallion put down the comm and
rose. The Squirrel watched him go,
wondering where the Doctor was headed in such a hurry….
“They want us to WHAT?”
The Stallion looked at the
printout in his hand and then up at the Colonel; “They want us to parole the
current crop of prisoners immediately.
But before they go we’re to give them a very special delousing.”
The Bear shook his head; “But…
The Stallion smiled crookedly;
“They didn’t say, but I think we can read between the lines.”
The Bear raised an eyebrow;
“Enlighten me. Dammit, Doc, quit beating
around the bush!”
The Stallion grinned; “Well,
First, I’ve been instructed to get another blood sample from a certain Corporal
that came in three days ago. Second, I’m
to make sure the delousing contains 200 PPM of Trietacyclopene. And then I’m to dose them again. And then I’m to get a blood sample from every
single furr in that unit.”
The Bear spread his paws “and that
The Stallion grinned; “The
Corporal is carrying something unusual.
The TECP is a very strong fungicide.
200 PPM is going to make those Reds VERY sick. I can only conclude that they ARE trying some
sort of biological warfare, and that once released, they’re going to watch our
Corporal very closely, to see where he goes, and what he does.”
The Bear shook his head; “A
FUNGICIDE? What are they planning on
doing? Giving us terminal athlete’s
The Stallion grimaced; “Its hard to say; its possible that when someone with some
other disease is exposed to the fungus, that their disease will mutate into
something more lethal. Call it a binary
biological weapon.”
The Bear stared at the Stallion
for a minute and then sat down hard.
Fortunately his desk chair was under him. “Good LORD!
Can they DO something like that?”
The Stallion just shrugged.
Quentin sneezed hard, and steadied
himself against a lamp post. Whatever
the hell the Blues were using for delousing had damn near killed him. The only thing he was certain of, was that any parasites in his fur were long since
dead. On the other hand, he himself
didn’t feel all that hot.
He’d signed the papers, taking the
small cash stipend they’d given him, and walked through the gate, a “Free
Furr.” Stupid. Incredibly stupid. As if a mere promise “not to raise arms
against the Government” would deter HIM!
And if he had anything to do with it, he’d bring this stupidity down,
and see it replaced with the glorious party.
Leaning against the lamp post he waited for the bus. He knew the route he was to take, knew those
he was supposed to contact, to get aid, to get money and transportation, and
ultimately to get a “job” in the coffee plantation. From there, things should start to move quickly….
He never saw the furr, in the
shabby sweater and work pants that watched him sooooo carefully. Never saw the recon drone far overhead. And of course he had no knowledge of the
microscopic tracer the new Med Tech had implanted when he’d withdrawn the final
blood sample…..
Ruin 2
Xyloff felt his blood pounding in
his temples, and forced himself to calm down.
He pulled the small bottle of blood pressure medication from his pocket
and looked at it. This stuff was
supposed to be easing his problems, but ever since he’d started taking it, he’d
only felt worse. Sometimes his heart
pounded so hard, his vision pulsed. And
yet the Doctor swore it was all that was keeping him from having a stroke, or
worse, an aneurism. Could he be going
downhill that fast? He grinned to
himself; maybe he needed to find some willing fem to share his bed. Just to prove to himself
that he wasn’t over the hill yet. Just
to prove that he wasn’t dead. Yeah, that
wasn’t such a bad idea. Might ease the tension a little. Might give the idiots in the party something
to talk about other than how bad things were.
Just the right kind of juicy scandal that would
enhance his reputation. At least in certain quarters. After all, wasn’t every great furr permitted
an occasional “indiscretion”? Popping
the top on the bottle he took another pill.
Sliding it back into his pocket he grinned to himself; now, where could
he find someone exciting, willing, and of course, as with everything else these
days, safe?
The Lion:
Working too hard
Ben came through the door and
paused for a moment. The boss was
sitting, cross-legged, his head bowed, eyes closed, his
back against that damned alien gizmo. He
ALMOST looked as if he were asleep. He
should be asleep. He’d been working much
too hard, lately. The word “obsessive”
was starting to be heard in conjunction with him…
As he stepped closer, the Lion
opened one eye, and regarded him.
“Am I disturbing you?”
The Lion shook his head; “No. Just going over the next
phase of the search strategy. Old territory.”
The Wolf nodded; “Still
Without rising, the Lion started
twisting, stretching, as if trying to get loose enough to attempt standing; “No. Couple of cultures that
might be worth trading with.
Nothing as advanced as us, though.
No one that might have a decent map of the universe,
let alone multiple parallel universes or dimensions.” He tilted his head up and fixed the Wolf with
a gaze; “and no, no sign of home.”
Ben just nodded; “Well, I thought
you ought to come look at the latest figures.”
The Lion grinned and awkwardly
made his way to his feet; “Which is your polite way of saying its time the
Brethren saw that I was still alive and still in charge, before they forget who
I am.”
The Wolf just grinned and nodded.
But not hard enough…
Parks shook his head, chewed a
couple of times and then swallowed; “No can do, Boss. There’s no way we can turn out any more robot
probes. Not without breaking the bank.” The Lynx grinned; “Now, if you ask politely,
we MIGHT be able to modify the design parameters, so that each probe can leave
a limited number of “beacons” along their route. If we have enough beacons, we can improve the
resolution of our scanning systems, and maybe, just maybe pick up on the emanations
of others using similar dimensional portals.
Or whatever the thing we’re using is.
Call it a “highly dispersed array” ”
Ben looked at the Lynx; “The
science types still can’t tell if we’re opening doors into distant parts of our
own universe, or into parallel dimensions?”
The Linx swallowed another bite of
food and shook his head; “They say there’s no way to tell until a signal from
something truly far away reaches us, and even with FTL transmission
capabilities, if its sufficiently far away, well, it could still take a
while. And we’ve only been working on
this for a short while now… They just
don’t seem to have the math to handle, well, whatever it is we’re doing.”
The Lion chuckled; “At least our
friends the aliens have calmed down.”
Parks chuckled and nodded;
“Helluva way to solve the antimatter shortage crisis.”
Ben nodded; “I still think they
think we were trying to pull the old “Bait and switch”; get them to pay for
warp technology and then make ‘em pay for the portal technology.”
The Lion shrugged; “That bunch of
pirates; if anything, thinking we were trying to do that only made them more
respectful of us. After all, isn’t that
exactly what they would do, given the opportunity?”
Ben and the Lynx just nodded and
After a moment, Parks sighed; “So
what happens when we DO find our way home?”
The Lion opened his mouth to reply
but the Wolf beat him to it; “Heck, the Imperium will probably throw us all in
jail for stealing a planet.”
The Lion closed his mouth, and just
stared at the Wolf. After a moment Ben
looked at him and shrugged; “hey, I was just kidding.”
The Lion shook his head; “I
know. And yet… I can’t imagine them being comfortable with
the planet disappearing. Surely they
couldn’t be so stupid as to think it was mysteriously destroyed. And as paranoid a group as they are, well,
the only thing I can think of that would make them more nervous, than making a
planet disappear, would be someone who could make it return.”
Ben put down his fork, and stared
at the Lion; “Ah…. Yeah.”
Parks shrugged; “So what do we
do? Hey, when we use the portal to go
somewhere, its not exactly, ah, “subtle”….. someone’s bound to
notice us returning, no matter how much care we take.” Both the Lion and the Wolf turned to stare at
the Lynx. After a
moment Parks growled; “No.
NO! I CANNOT design a stealth
portal! Hell, I don’t even know how the
one we’ve got NOW works! Not even the
aliens understand it!” Looking down at
his plate, the Lynx growled quietly; “or at least they won’t admit to
understanding it….”
The Lion looked at Ben; “As far as
I’m concerned, NOT going home, if we
have the opportunity, is NOT an
The Wolf nodded slowly; “Yeah… if
a route home ever becomes available…. I don’t think we could hold this bunch
The Lion sat up a little
straighter in his chair; “Then that leaves only one thing.” He turned back to Ben and then to Parks;
“Very well, when we go back, we’re going to have to be able to take on the
Imperium. If
necessary, ALL of the Imperium.
What will we need?”
Parks opened and then closed his
mouth. He sagged back in his chair and
just stared off into space for a few minutes.
Finally he muttered; “you know, maybe not as much as you’d
think…..” After another long moment he
turned back to look at Ben; “with the matter conversion reactor we’ve got
plenty of power. Power
to drive the portal device, and everything else.” He turned to look at the Lion; “The shield
technology we bought from the Aliens can probably defend us against the
combined might of the Imperial fleet, given that much power. At least until we could escape the way we
arrived…. All we have to do….”
Ben winced; “here it comes….”
The Lynx nodded; “Yeah. All we have to do is to find a way to power weapons
without overloading them…”
The Lion nodded; “Get on it. As we don’t know when a route home might come
available, I can’t tell you when its needed by. But if we go, we’d do a whole lot better
dealing from a position of strength.
Popping in, and then getting chased back out probably will be
counterproductive in the long run.”
Parks nodded, and rose from the
table; “Right.” Turning he headed for
the Mess room’s door.
The Lion let him get about half
way and then grinned; “And don’t forget about modifying the robot probes to
leave sensor bouys.”
The Lynx just rolled his eyes, and
threw up his paws, as the door closed behind him.
And maybe not in the right areas….
Reggie sighed and shook his head;
“Dammit, Slasher, this is just NOT a proper activity for a Pirate! It just
doesn’t FEEL right….
Slasher looked up at the overhead
fan, down at the mint julep in Reggie’s paw, and then shrugged; he held up the
week’s production report and just grinned.
Reggie scowled; “Dammit, I KNOW what the numbers say.” He turned to look out at the green hills
surrounding their “Villa”. Orderly rows
of genetically enhanced coffee bushes stretching as far as the eye could see. Occasionally there would be a glint of
reflected sunlight as one of the automated cultivators moved through the rows,
checking the soil to make sure it was at the proper moisture, had the proper
micronutrients, and for the absence of insects or disease. At least they were making money like an
honest Pirate….
The hardest part had been finding
the right planet. They must have spent
months in their raider, mapping jump points, looking for a system with a planet
with just the right conditions. But it
had paid off. Reggie didn’t know why
Slasher had wanted to name the place “
But they couldn’t leave. The risk of someone muscling in on THEIR
planet was too great. No, they had to
stay and defend what was theirs. THAT
was something they were fully competent to do.
It was just dull as hell, even if they were getting fabulously wealthy
in the process…..
With a sigh, Reggie took another
slug of his Julip. Maybe later he’d try
and put the moves on that cute maintenance tech they’d hired. She was bound to be getting as bored as he was. The machines the aliens had made for them
didn’t require much maintenance…. Dang
it, the next time he hired someone for their plantation, he was going to make
sure she didn’t have a boyfriend back home!
Forbes looked at the financial
figures and smiled. By galactic
standards, they weren’t really cleaning up, but everything they’d done with the
Aliens had turned a profit. And as the
Aliens’ market share grew, and grew, their income had grown. Grown to almost
unbelievable proportions, at least for anyone from the Empire. Closing the spreadsheet window, he sat back,
and just stared at the holographic “window”.
It showed the lush green vegetation of one of the coffee plantations
they’d founded. Ceilon wasn’t the most
hospitable of worlds; the local fauna was vicious, with the local flora being
only slightly less so. It was a constant
battle to keep the planted areas free of animals that wanted to ravage
everything in sight, to keep out weeds that sweated acid when you tried to pull
them, but still, it was profitable. He
chuckled for a moment; the Aliens might not know anything of combat or warfare,
but they’d had no trouble coming up with automated sentries that could take out
a rampaging 40’ lizard, high on caffeine.
Still, such sentinels had cut into the profit margin…..
As he gazed over the orderly rows
of plants, the irrigation system spreading a white mist over the green, he
wondered why anyone would want to go “home”? What did the Empire have, that they didn’t
have here? They had wealth. They had “power”. They now had several star systems under their
control. They could afford almost any
luxury the Aliens could sell them. They
were respected partners of the largest, most powerful consortium in known
space. No, as far as he was concerned,
finding a way back to the Empire might only screw things up…. And he was sure he wasn’t the only one that
felt that way. Still, he didn’t think
any overt action was required. The odds
of that bunch of malcontents actually solving the problem, of them actually
FINDING a way back to the Empire, were vanishingly small. No need to worry….
Then Again….
Hitchcock almost jumped out of her
chair when the Lion charged into Astrogation.
“Tell me what you’ve got.”
She stared into his wide-eyed face
and swallowed hard; “Um…. Ah… well….. Not much, really.”
The Lion frowned; “I thought our
highly dispersed array had picked up something.”
The Squirrel nodded; “Well,
yessir, it has. The bouy at NG.15.87.03
detected the event first, and later, the bouys at NG.01.03.04 and at
NG.74.12.93 picked up the same events.
Triangulation let us guesstimate that the event occurred at, or near
NG.73.90.98. One of the robot probes was
dispatched there, but it never reported in.
A second probe was dispatched, and it also never reported in.” After looking at the Lion for a heart beat
she shrugged; “I’m really not sure what to make of it. It MIGHT be a natural occurrence, a
phenomenon that is so violent it bleeds over into other dimensions. Something like that might also destroy any
probes that appeared there.”
The Lion reached past her to push
a button on the comm panel; “Command staff to Astrogation”. Leaning back, he crossed his arms; “Or it
might be a trap for anyone with portal technology. We may have just identified ourselves to
someone who feels anyone with this level of technology is a threat.”
Hitchcock winced; “ohshit….”
Parks shook his head; “It won’t be
easy. Of course it could be done, but it
won’t be easy. Let me offer an
alternative. Instead of rigging a probe
with a warp drive, to let it approach from a safe distance, why not simply
equip one with shields? Oh, not the
navigational shields the probes have, but Military grade shields. Let it jump in, take a quick look, and I mean
QUICK look around, and then jump back out.
Unless whatever’s happening there is truly cataclysmic, the probe ought
to survive long enough to report back.”
Ben nodded; “Sounds
reasonable. Now, what can we do to make
sure it can’t trace the probe back here?”
The Lion shrugged; “So far I
haven’t had any luck tracking any of our probes, or ships, in, or out. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be done; it
just means that we can’t do it, and the Brou device doesn’t seem to be able to
do it either.” After a quick pause, he
grinned; “But we can have the probe make a few diversionary jumps, just in case
someone CAN track it back, on its last few jumps. I think six widely spaced jumps ought to
throw anyone off.”
Ben nodded slowly; “All
right. But best not have it jump
straight back, either.”
The Lion nodded; “We can have it
make a few more hops and then jump to a distant location for retrieval. And we can set our own ambush, if anything’s
following.” Turning to look at Parks,
the Lion growled; “How long until we can field something like that?”
Reggie was glad to be back in
space. Glad to be
almost anywhere other than the unrelieved GREEN of Valdez. Even if some of the Brethren considered the
mission suicide. If there was something
that could follow a probe through a half dozen portal jumps, it could probably
also take out anything the Brethren had arrayed against it. Others thought the probe would show something
along the lines of a supernova; a natural event that meant nothing in their
quest; others were betting on a neutron star; something that the probe’s shields
couldn’t protect it against. And there
were a few pessimistic few that were sure the probe had found “home”…. And that
the Empire was blasting them as soon as they emerged. Reggie couldn’t think of any worse outcome
than finally finding home, and not being able to return there….
The Lion paced the deck, his tail
lashing behind him. The problem was, the
flight deck of the raider was too small to pace, and yet he couldn’t help
himself. Glancing at the chrono for the
twentieth time in as many minutes, he growled softly, wondering where the
danged probe was?
A hundred thousand kilometers
distant, a bright point appeared; it expanded into a ring, and something small
emerged. The ring shrank behind it,
until it vanished. The probe coasted
along on inertia, completely silent.
The Lion watched from the gunner’s
station. The whole of the small flotilla
was at the ready, weapons armed, just waiting.
One ship had been detailed to recover the probe while the remaining
ships stood guard, but their vigilance seemed to be for naught; nothing else
jumped in after the probe. Sensitive
instruments probed the cosmos, searching for cloaked ships, searching for
anything out of the ordinary, with no result.
Finally, the ships each took flight, heading in different directions,
using the on-board portal devices to jump to widely disparate (and previously
searched) points, before jumping again, and yet again, before returning home.
Parks shrugged; “well, SOMETHING
fried most of the electronics. Still, if
we’re lucky, I can recover something from the flight recorder. After all, it DID hang together long enough
to make it to the rendezvous point.”
The Lion watched as the engineer
disassembled the guts of the probe.
Finally, after what seemed like hours he came up with a small orange
box. When the probe had been recovered,
it had been chilled to almost absolute zero; within a few hundredths of a
degree. no one
could imagine what kind of natural process, or what kind of a weapon could do
that. Deep space by itself wasn’t that
cold. Materials that were normally
strong became fragile as glass.
Materials normally not superconductive became so, currents raging wildly
through its electronics. And physical
contraction, from the cold had broken many of the now brittle parts. The probe was a mess.
And yet it had still made its way
home, a tribute to the Alien technology.
The Lynx handled the orange box as
if it were horribly fragile, which it might well be. The data recording systems within were the
most robust that the Alien technology could provide. After checking his connections, and running a
few low-power diagnostics, he tripped the system, and sat back to watch.
The Lion watched the hologram,
watched the probe maneuver through its preprogrammed path, making jump after
jump flawlessly; however, about twelve seconds after the jump to NG.73.90.98
the probe seemed to be wreathed in blue fire, and then the recording went
Ben shook his head; “It looked….
Like a completely normal star field. L
type star a little ways off, but no…”
Parks sighed; “No unusual
gravitational readings. There goes my
bet. No neutron stars in the
The Lion frowned; “Play it
Parks obliged, cutting the
sequence down to the period from just before the jump to NG.73.90.98 to the instant
after everything failed, cutting the projection speed to one tenth normal.
The Lion nodded; “What about
magnification capabilities?”
Parks shrugged; “Yeah, I think I
can do that; the probe had pretty good sensors, and the data doesn’t seem to be
too degraded…”
The Lion nodded; “Look in the area
of 135 mark 74; see if you can blow that up some.”
Parks fingers flew over the
keyboard and then he hit the “play” button again. The starfield didn’t look particularly
different, but this time, just before the probe’s datalogger failed, there was
a flash in the distance.
The Lion nodded, but Parks didn’t
have to be told; again he programmed the computer to enlarge that area. This time, when the recording was run, there
was definitely an object within the field of view.
Further attempts at enlargement,
at ‘cleaning up’ the image produced a fuzzy blob that most definitely was a
starship. Unfortunately, the resolution
wasn’t very good at such distances. Finally,
Parks shrugged; “That’s about the best I can do.”
The Lion nodded; “pretty much as
I’d feared.”
The Wolf chuckled; “Well, at least
we know one thing; whatever that ship is, its not an
Imperial design.”
The Lion nodded; “Yes, its nice to know that its not the Empire that’s blowing away
anything that jumps in suddenly. And
therefore, this probably isn’t in the Empire.”
After a moment the Lion shook his head; “It’s a shame they’re so…
xenophobic; if they have portal technology, I bet they’ve accumulated a huge
database….” He turned and stared out a
viewport; “I wonder if THEY know where home is….?”
Ben shook his head; “well, until
we can develop a counter to that weapon of theirs, I’m NOT about to go ask
The Lion nodded and shrugged;
“Another contract research project for our alien buddies. I wonder how much they’ll charge for this
work request?”
Parks tweaked the settings one
more time and hit the “play” button. He
still hadn’t managed to pull anything additional out of the sensor log. Nothing on the strange ship’s power systems,
on their sensor systems, or on the weapon they’d used. He’d cleaned up the image a little, but it
didn’t match anything in their warbook.
Funny, though, in a way, it almost looked like a Kurani design…..
This story is a work of fiction,
and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or
imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj
is copyright Kittiara's player. Kittiara
can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Jenka, Hinoki, Chris Fox, Roland, Sashi,
Sabina, Dynotaku, Doodles, and Zassa are copyright their players (Jenka, Chris
Foxx, Dynotaku, Doodles, Sabina and Zassa can be found on FurryMuck, and Hinoki
on Tapestries or on FurryMuck. Sashi is copyright her player. Chris Foxx is copyright Bondofox. Roland is copyright IronBadger. Hopefully I didn’t miss anyone…. Copyright 2003. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be
directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.