Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, “There Ain’t No Justice.” As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, PLEASE!
This is the last chapter. My apologies to Raphael Sabatini; the ending was to be modeled on one of his classics, but I seem to have failed at, of all things, piracy. Still, I hope it didn’t come out too badly.
Eridani idly
watched the small ship approach on the sensors. It wasn't exactly a deep space fighter, and it wasn't exactly a
yacht. It was too small to be a
freighter, unless you carried very high value, low-bulk cargos, and it certainly
wasn't of local manufacture. Moreover,
it certainly wasn't a ship she recognized.
No matter, furrs around Port Royale seemed to wind up with new ships all
the time, and it wasn't prudent to ask how they'd come by them. Deciding the ship wasn't big enough to be
worth turning on the guns, even as a precaution, she settled back to see who
would alight. Whoever they were, they
seemed to know the route down…..
The ship found a
spot between the Bheer tanker and Rommhuz's trader. It just fit.
Eridani watched lazily, curiosity growing. The ship settled on its landing jacks, and after a bit, the
personnel lock opened. Eridani leaned a
little closer as the Fox emerged. He
wore an abbreviated uniform, of a type she didn't recognize, and in his left
paw he carried a small box. A hand
weapon of some type was on his belt, but it looked as if it was there only
because company regulations required it.
Smiling, the fox strolled through the vessels in the docking cavern, as
he headed towards the connecting tunnel.
He seemed to know just where he was going.
Katja was
waiting; her sister had informed her of the new arrival, and thus, as he came
through the door to Callahan's, his appearance wasn't a real surprise. Sooner or later, everyone in Port Royale
came to Callahan's. The Fox gave her a
smile, and hopped up on a barstool. The
small box landed on the counter. With
an elbow on the bar, his head propped on his paw, he grinned at her for a
minute, and then sighed; "Ah, such a vision of loveliness!"
Katja raised an
eyebrow, but managed to keep a straight face.
After a moment he sighed, as if deciding she was unobtainable. Straightening he looked around; "I
don't suppose you've seen the O'Shaunessy Clan around?"
Katja thought for
a moment and then purred; "No, haven't seen any of them in a good….. um,
six months, I guess." She carefully
didn't ask what his business was with them, figuring if it was important, he'd
tell her. Some questions you didn't
ask, in Port Royale. Not if you were
The Fox nodded,
and after a moment, tapped the box; "Well, I need to deliver this to
them. My instructions are that if
they're not here, to wait for 'em."
Katja looked at
the box, and then at the Fox, and shrugged; "Suit yourself."
The Fox smiled
and nodded, his eyes shifting to the bottles behind the bar; "Um… what
have you got that's non-alchoholic? Not
supposed to drink while on duty, and I guess that means until the O'Shaunessy's
show up."
Katja blinked and
turned to look. "Um… not much….
I've got some Antarean Cherry Juice I use in some mixed drinks… and some Khola syrup….." She looked back "I suppose I could
conjure up some Yak milk, if I had to…"
The Fox smiled;
"Do you have any citroen juice?"
Katja frowned;
"You mean lemons? Well…. Synthetic
juice anyways."
The Fox's grin
widened; "I'll take some lemon juice in water, with a little sugar, and
lots of ice."
Katja's frown
deepened; "Is that… healthy?"
The Fox had no
trouble talking about his business there; it turned out he worked for a
specialty delivery service, out of the Ko'has sector. Supposedly, it was quite well known there, and he seemed a little
miffed the Tigress hadn't heard of it.
In fact, for a while he tried to regale anyone in the bar who would
listen, with some of his adventures.
Eridani had checked him out, more out of curiosity than anything else,
and he seemed legit. What the
O'Shaunessy's had hired him for, he either didn't say or didn't know. Day after day, he just wandered around,
always carrying that little box, talking to folks, watching, and waiting.
Infiltration II
Eridani pressed
the key that would put the plasma weapons on preheat. The small ship was approaching like an out of control meteor…. Or
maybe as if it was being chased.
Neither was really unheard of, in the New Tortugas system. It tore through the asteroid belt
surrounding the planet with a minimum of maneuvering, braking hard, dropping
into the Rift as if it were on an attack run.
Weapons tracked it all the way down.
Whoever was flying had good reactions though, as it made it all the way
through the tunnel at record speed, without scraping the wall. And then it was setting down, audaciously,
in the middle of the docking cavern.
The pilot was a
large, lizardlike creature, wearing almost nothing, but seemingly covered in
straps holding weapons, and strange devices.
Without so much as a glance at any of the other ships, he strode through
the passage to the commons area. There,
he stopped and looked around, with all the emotion of a surveillance
camera. Then, turning on one heel, he
turned and entered Callahan's.
The Fox looked up
from his lemonade. The Washburn
Sun-Times crossword puzzle was forgotten as he watched the Lizard stalk
in. Katja also watched him carefully;
her favorite weapon was loaded, and just below the top of the bar. She had no
doubt that the dart could penetrate the Lizard's scaly hide, but she did wonder
if the neurotoxin it contained would be effective. Usually it was the best way to quiet "rowdy" types in
the bar, with minimum collateral damage.
The Lizard moved through the bar, looking neither left nor right, until
he'd arrived at the back corner opposite the bar. There he roughly pulled the table from the booth there, and took
a seat, his back in the corner. He sat
there with his arms spread out to either side, along the seat backs, his legs
splayed in front of him, as if he were reclining on a throne. With his eyes fastened on the doorway, he
Katja looked at
the Fox, who looked back; after a moment they both just shrugged at each
other. The Fox went back to his three-dimensional
crossword, and Katja went back to washing glassware, in preparation for the
evening rush.
Infiltration III
Palmer stepped
from the ship and paused to adjust his spectacles. Turning he nodded to the Walrus standing in the ship's only airlock;
"Thank you for your assistance, Captain Xchitwith. Are you sure you're not interested in
upgrading the electronics in your…."
As the Walrus scowled, Palmer's sales pitch gradually ground to a stop;
"Ah… all right then. Maybe I'll
see you on the return trip."
Palmer's case landed at his feet with a thump, as the Walrus thumbed the
button to retract the ramp.
Eridani watched
in amusement. Port Royal didn't get
very many traveling salesmen, and she wondered what this one might be
Katja was just
putting the wine glass in the rack as the Hound shuffled in. She took in the cheap suit and the sample
case at a glance and smiled. Palmer
hoisted himself up onto a barstool and smiled at the Tigress; "Ma'am, I'm
told that I should speak to you about temporary lodging. I'll be here for a while, making a few sales
calls, and I'll need a room."
Katja nodded;
"I've got a few rooms left in the residence tunnel. How long you going to be here?"
The Hound
shrugged; "About a week, I think.
I've got passage booked out on the "Sally Anne".
Katja's eyebrows
rose, and she glanced at the Fox; "Isn't that the O'Shaunessy Clan's
The Hound fumbled
in his sample case for a moment, pulling out a tattered itinerary; he studied
it for a while and then shrugged; "I believe the Captain's name is Sean
O'Shaunessy, if that's any help."
The Fox three
stools down the bar grinned; "Great!
If they're on schedule, I get to deliver my package and go
home!" He turned back to gaze at
the Tigress; "Not that I'm in that much of a hurry, you
understand." He winked at her and
then turned to the Hound; "Get paid the same, whether I'm sitting here
enjoying her company, or on the road…."
Port Royale I
Doodles watched
the Lynx, and shook his head. The
Professor certainly looked the part. It
couldn't possibly be an accident; it HAD to be intentional. Dressed in a white double-breasted lab coat,
with thick rubber gloves on his paws, and heavy goggles over his eyes, he
looked every bit the mad scientist. The
only thing that spoiled the effect was the plaid slacks he was wearing. Leaning over, the Rabbit muttered to the
Otter; "you know, we're going to have to talk to him about that."
The Otter nodded
sagely "yeah, if he doesn't do something about the eddy currents from the
main power supply, he'll never get rid of the static electricity. Just LOOK at how its making his hair stand
on end!"
Doodles just
looked at the Otter and sighed; "Hopeless. You're both hopeless."
Corey carefully
adjusted a vernier, and then threw a switch.
In the center of the test stage, a bright spot appeared, and then grew
rapidly into a ring. The center of the
ring was jet black, and stars could be seen.
Air started to scream through the hole.
A moment later, a small device catapulted a fist-sized rock through the
hole, and an instant later, the hole closed, shrinking to a bright white point,
and then blinking out. Corey turned to
his audience; "See, MUCH better control!"
The Otter nodded;
"Yes, Professor, indeed, much better control."
Doodles nodded in
agreement; "Yup, the hole didn't wander off the stage, or grow to
uncontrollable proportions. Better
still, the new refrigerator didn't move more than a foot, with the airflow,
much less vanish through the hole….. but…."
Corey pushed the
goggles back on his head; "But WHAT?"
Doodles shrugged;
"Can you get the rock back?"
The Otter
grinned; "Or better yet, our original refrigerator? I can't keep putting that Tigress off
forever, you know…. She's going to want
those meat pies back one day."
Corey looked
blank; "Can't you just tell her we ATE them?"
The Otter shook
his head; "Not if we've been showing up for dinner every
Doodles nodded
sagely; "There were twenty kilos of frozen food in there. And I don't think any of us have gained
enough weight to make eating them a credible excuse. Besides, she might want the refrigerator back as well."
The rabbit cocked
an ear to one side and looked seriously at the Lynx; "you DID tell her you
were going to borrow it as an auxiliary cooling unit for your experiments,
didn't you?"
Corey stared at
the ceiling for a minute, muttered something that sounded like "they're
NEVER satisfied" and then sighed; "All right, I'll get the blasted
refrigerator back!" Fixing the
Rabbit with a glare, he growled "AND your damned rock! Besides, with twice the cooling capacity,
the secondary flux capacitor might just run a little better….."
Doodles turned
the rock over in his paws, "Well, Professor, I have to admit it LOOKS like
the same rock, but how can we know for
Eridani watched
the Rabbit charge from the room running… well, running like a frightened
rabbit. A moment later a rock thudded
into the corridor wall opposite the door.
The door, unimpressed, hissed closed.
Eridani stared at the door for a moment, shrugged to herself, and
continued her trek back to Ops.
"All right,
this time there's a BEACON on the rock.
Watch! I'll send it through the
portal, and THEN open another portal, along its projected path, and CATCH the
SAME rock! Just WATCH, Doubter!"
Katja felt the
ground shake. Rock dust drifted down
slowly from the ceiling. Looking
upwards she checked for cracks. Yes,
they were more than a kilometer below the surface, but somehow it just seemed
The Fox blinked,
and shook the rock dust off his newsfax; "What was that?"
Katja shrugged;
"Don't know. But we've got a lot
of asteroids in this system; not all of their trajectories are adequately
mapped. We might have taken a
The Fox just
nodded, and resumed reading.
Across the bar,
the Lizard hadn't moved a muscle. But
then, he generally didn't.
Eridani exited
Ops at a run. Her sensors hadn't shown
any inbound rocks. And the seismic
sensors had shown the origin of the shock as right here. That could only mean Corey.
Doodles scratched
his head, and looked at the rock; "No, Professor, I don't believe that's
the same rock."
The Otter nodded;
"No sign of the beacon."
The Rabbit nodded
in agreement; "And it's a lot bigger."
"And it was
moving a lot faster" the Otter mumbled…
Corey sighed;
"All right. I yield." He looked at the far side of the room; most
of the far wall was nothing but fractured stone, spalled from the wall, but
embedded in the middle, was a chunk of nickel-iron rock as big as, well, as big
as a refrigerator. "You two get
some dustpans, and brooms, and tidy up a little, while I try and figure out
what went wrong."
Eridani watched
the Rabbit go by, carrying a trash can full of gravel; "Do I want to
Doodles stopped
and turned back; "No."
Eridani just
sighed and nodded, once again glad that she'd put the Professor at the end of
an unused tunnel, as far from the rest of Port Royale as was physically possible.
Doodles hid
behind the refrigerator, the Otter behind him.
The refrigerator had been bolted to the floor, heavy metal strapping
securing it in place. It was a good
place to hide. Corey flexed his paws
inside the thick gloves, and then flipped the switch. Again, the bright white point flared in the middle of the test
stage, expanding rapidly to form a ring.
As air whistled through the opening, the catapult fired, throwing the
rock, containing yet another beacon equipped rock, into the hole. Corey flipped a switch and the hole closed,
the bright white light vanishing. Then,
he consulted a small notebook and adjusted several verniers. His eyes on the chronometer, he waited a
calculated amount of time and flipped the switch. The bright light reappeared,
grew to form the hole in the fabric of space and time… and then a rock flashed
through it, visibly slowing as it fought the flow of air in the opposite
direction. Corey flipped the switch,
and the hole vanished. Striding across
the floor, he picked up the rock and held it aloft; "SUCCESS!"
Behind the
refrigerator, the Otter pulled a credit chip from his pants pocket and passed
it to the Rabbit, as both stared at the Lynx.
Corey's eyes
slowly went wide; with a howl he opened his paw and tried to drop the
rock. However, it seemed to be stuck to
the palm of his glove. Howling, he
waved his arm wildly, trying to get rid of the rock.
Doodles frowned;
"What's that he's yelling?"
The Otter
shrugged; "I think its "cold" but it's a little hard to tell….
Doodles nodded,
rose and moved out from behind the refrigerator. Grabbing the coffee pot with one paw he caught the Lynx's arm as
it went past, and in one quick motion poured the hot coffee over the
professor's paw, rock and all.
Corey howled; the
rock shattered, its steaming remnants scattering over the floor.
its an amazing discovery".
The Otter
blinked; "How so, Professor?"
The Lynx, his paw
wrapped in a towel, just grinned; "Well, my boy, it's a simple matter of
energy balances. The rock went in at
room temperature, but emerged somewhere around superconducting
temperatures. That's a
not-inconsiderable energy loss, something that I just hadn't accounted for in
my calculations. It would explain, the,
ah "targeting" problems we've been having. Well, help explain them, anyways."
The Otter nodded
Doodles grinned;
"Does that mean that we might be able to find the missing
Katja frowned as
the three trooped into Callahans. Each
was carrying a large cardboard box.
With a flourish, the Rabbit put his box down, bent and retrieved what
looked like a crumpled ball of tinfoil.
With a grin, he placed it on the bar in front of her; "Madam, your
missing meat pies!"
Katja just
stared; "Good LORD, what did you DO to them?"
Corey shrugged;
"It really was a function of velocity."
Katja frowned
"Let me get this right; the refrigerator was sucked into your experiment;
that's the bad news. The good news is
that you were able to figure out where it was sucked TO, and to go back there
and retrieve it? But in the process the
refrigerator, meat pies and all, impacted the far wall of the
The Lynx smiled;
The Otter sighed;
"and at a not inconsiderable velocity, I'm afraid. That's why they're a little, ah,
The Rabbit
grinned; "Good thing they were frozen hard as a rock. Hey, at least they're still
The Otter
mumbled; "If you can peel the tin pan off…." The Tigress just sighed.
The Fox pretended
to read his newspaper. He'd caught
every word. It sounded MOST
interesting… Smiling to himself, he
calmly turned a page, not having read a word.
In the corner,
the Lizard just sat there, motionless, his eyes, as always, on the door.
Palmer looked at
the Lynx curiously; "Sir, could it be that you simply don't have the best
possible electronics for your, ah, "experiments?" I represent Hvamersham electronics, renowned
across the Empire for the finest in….. laboratory equipment, and I'm sure we
could…. Be….. of… ah…. Assistance…..
Corey just glared
at the Hound, as the salesfur slowly ran out of steam; "Sir, I'll have you
know that my research is beyond the cutting edge. Your… products are simply… Inadequate! No, thank you sir, I'll build my own instruments,
thankyouverymuch!" Turning, Corey
glared at his "lab assistants"; "Come, whe have work to
The return to
Port Royale
Zassa looked at
Sabina and growled; "Are you SURE you want to do this?"
The Kitten
grinned back; "Yes, Mistress.
Besides, how much more boring could it be than the trip out?"
Zassa shook her
head, and spinning the Kitten around, checked her restraints. Then, placing a paw on Sabina's head, she
pushed her down until she could crawl into the cage….
Kath watched, and
then turned to Wanda; "Mistress, are you sure….?"
Wanda nodded
resolutely; "Absolutely. You have
chores to do on the trip back and I will not have you lounging around in that
cage, with that sex fiend, when there are things to do!"
Kath just shot
Sabina a disappointed look and then shrugged.
However, the visor the Kitten was wearing over her eyes prevented her
from catching the look. "As
Mistress wishes…."
Tanj made a note
in the margin, and then flipped a page.
The book on theoretical physics just didn't seem to correspond with what
the Kurani had told her. Either there'd been an error in translation, or the
book was wrong. With a sigh she looked
at the reader, and wondered if the instructions the Kurani had given her would
have been any clearer in the original Kurani?
But then she'd have to LEARN Kurani first before she could tell. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea…..
Hinoki watched
the sensor display. Their Kurani escort
was still there, and as near as he could tell, in the same positions, to the
millimeter. He wasn't sure if he'd be
glad when they departed, or not. At
least while they were there, no one was going to mess with them……
Tanj yawned,
closed the file, and shook her head; "Well, I've had about enough of theoretical
physics. Just can't TAKE anymore!
Wanda nodded;
"I can well imagine. So, what do
you want to do? Care to try another
Zassa shook her
head; "No, that one was fun, but I don't think we could take another. Too much of the same."
Hinoki chuckled;
"How about a scavenger hunt?"
Tanj laughed;
"I think just about all of us know where every item is, in this ship. How long would it take to find items on a
Hinoki nodded and
sipped his cup of coffee.
Wanda shrugged;
"How about some sort of athletic competition? I think we could all stand to loose a little weight." Glances were exchanged around the wardroom
table and almost everyone went 'Nah….." in unison.
Silence reigned
for a while, and then Tanj grinned; "Maybe that scavenger hunt has some
promise. What if we were competing to
rack up not items found, but things done?"
Zassa winced;
"What, like painting the inside of the ship? No thanks."
Tanj chuckled
"Oh, I think we could make it more interesting than that. What if we worked up a list of sexual
activities, from vanilla to extreme, assigned point values, formed teams, and
then tried to out-do the others before we got back to Port Royale?
Dynotaku looked
up from his paper; "You wouldn't have to work up a list. A guy by the name of Martin worked up the
basic list ages ago. Just use
Zassa blinked;
"Never heard of him. You got a
copy of the list?"
chuckled; "Of course. What Dom doesn't?"
The Vixen just
Hinoki chuckled;
"I think I"ve heard of this guy.
Why don't you show us the list and we'll go from there."
Dynotaku nodded,
folded his paper and rose, to squeeze out of the wardroom.
Tanj watched the
list print out, and grinned. Soooooo
many of the things on the list were….. routine. At least for THIS crew.
Still, it might be fun to work through the list, just for something to
do. And it might help, well, if not
sharpen her skills, then at least maintain them.
Wanda scanned the
list as it printed out:
Anal Sex (get)
Anal Sex (give)
Armpit Sex (get)
Armpit Sex (give)
Ass Cheek Sex (get)
Ass Cheek Sex (give)
Breast Sex (give)
Butt Plugs (get)
Butt Plugs (give)
Dildo - Anal (get)
Dildo - Anal (give)
Dildo - Oral (get)
Dildo - Oral (give)
Dildo - Vaginal (give)
Double Penetration - Dildo
Double Penetration - Multiple
Partners (give)
Finger Sex (get)
Finger Sex (give)
Genital Intercourse Hand Job
Hand Job (give) Including Others
Licking (get)
Licking (give)
Massage (get)
Massage (give)
Oral Sex (get)
Oral Sex (give)
Phone Sex Sex in Public
Sex Outdoors Swinging
Teasing (get)
Teasing (give)
Triple Penetration - Dildo
Triple Penetration - Multiple
Partners (give)
Vibrators (get)
Vibrators (give)
Bondage - full body (get)
Bondage - full body (give)
Bondage - Intricate Rope (get)
Bondage - Intricate Rope (give)
Bondage - Mental (get)
Bondage - Mental (give)
Bondage - Outdoors (get)
Bondage - Outdoors (give)
Bondage - Private (get)
Bondage - Private (give)
Bondage - Public (get)
Bondage - Public (give)
Boxing / Closeting (get)
Boxing / Closeting (give)
Breast Bondage (give)
Caging (get)
Caging (give)
Cock Bondage (get)
Cock Bondage (give)
Crucifixion (get)
Crucifixion (give)
Mummification (get)
Mummification (give)
Restraint Duration: 0-1hr (get)
Restraint Duration: 0-1hr (give)
Restraint Duration: 1-3hrs (get)
Restraint Duration: 1-3hrs
Restraint Duration: 3+ hrs (get)
Restraint Duration: 3+ hrs
Restraint Duration: multiple
days (get)
Restraint Duration: overnight or
full day (get)
Restraint in public - under
clothes (give)
Suspension (get)
Suspension - Horizontal (get)
Suspension - Inverted (get) S
Suspension - Inverted (give)
Blindfolds (get)
Blindfolds (give)
Body Bags (get)
Body Bags (give)
Duct Tape (get)
Duct Tape (give)
Full Head Hoods (get)
Full Head Hoods (give)
Gags - ball type (get)
Gags - ball type (give)
Gags - bits (get)
Gags - bits (give)
Gags - cloth (get)
Gags - cloth (give)
Gags - inflatable (get)
Gags - inflatable (give)
Gags - phallic (get)
Gags - phallic (give)
Gags - tape (get)
Gags - tape (give)
Gas Masks (get)
Gas Masks (give)
Gates of Hell (get)
Gates of Hell (give)
Harnessing - leather(get)
Harnessing - leather(give)
Harnessing - rope(get)
Harnessing - rope(give)
Headphone/Earplugs (get)
Headphone/Earplugs (give)
Masks (make sub wear)
Masks (wear)
Padlocks (get)
Padlocks (give)
Plastic Wrap (get)
Plastic Wrap (give)
Restraints - Ankle (get)
Restraints - Ankle (give)
Restraints - Arm & leg
sleeves (get)
Restraints - Arm & leg
sleeves (give)
Restraints - Hand Cuffs (get)
Restraints - Hand Cuffs (give)
Restraints - Leather (get)
Restraints - Leather (give)
Restraints - Metal (get)
Restraints - Metal (give)
Restraints - Rope (get)
Restraints - Rope (give)
Restraints - Thumb Cuffs (get)
Restraints - Thumb Cuffs (give)
Restraints - Wrist (get)
Restraints - Wrist (give)
Restraints - Wrist to
ankle/neck/waist (get)
Silk Scarves (get)
Sleepsacks (get)
Slings/Swings (get)
Slings/Swings (give)
Spreader bars (get)
Spreader bars (give)
Stocks (get)
Stocks (give)
Straight Jackets (get)
Straight Jackets (give)
Abrasion (get)
Abrasion (give)
Anal Dilation (get)
Anal Dilation (give)
Anal Fisting (get)
Anal Fisting (give)
Asphyxiation (get)
Asphyxiation (give)
Bastinado (get)
Bastinado (give)
Beating - hard (get)
Beating - hard (give)
Beating - soft (get)
Beating - soft (give)
Biting (get)
Biting (give)
Choking (get)
Choking (give)
Cock and Ball Torture (get)
Cock and Ball Torture (give)
Face Slapping (get)
Face Slapping (give)
Fireplay (get)
Fireplay (give)
Hair pulling (get)
Hair pulling (give)
Nipple Torture (get)
Nipple Torture (give)
Pinching (get)
Pinching (give)
Punching (get)
Punching (give)
Scratching (get)
Scratching (give)
Spanking - on all fours (get)
Spanking - on all fours (give)
Spanking - over knee (get)
Spanking - over knee (give)
Spanking hard (get)
Spanking hard (give)
Spanking soft (get)
Spanking soft (give)
Vaginal Dilation (give)
Vaginal Dilation (get)
Vaginal Fisting (give)
Vaginal Fisting (get)
Belt/Strap (get)
Belt/Strap (give)
Caning (get)
Caning (give)
Clothespins (get)
Clothespins (give)
Cupping/Suction (get)
Cupping/Suction (give)
Cutting (get)
Cutting (give)
Electricity - Tens Unit (get)
Electricity - Tens Unit (give)
Electricity - Violet Wand (get)
Electricity - Violet Wand (give)
Flogging (get)
Flogging (give)
Hairbrushes (get)
Hairbrushes (give)
Hot Oils (get)
Hot Oils (give)
Ice Cubes (bottom)
Ice Cubes (give)
Injections (get)
Injections (give)
Labial Clip (give)
Nipple Clamps (get)
Nipple Clamps (give)
Nipple Weights (get)
Nipple Weights (give)
Paddling (get)
Paddling (give)
Piercing - temp (get)
Piercing - temp (give)
Riding Crops (get)
Riding Crops (give)
Strapping - Full Body (get)
Strapping - Full Body (give)
Urethral Sounds (get)
Urethral Sounds (give)
Whipping - bullwhip (get)
Whipping - bullwhip (give)
Whipping - Cat (get)
Whipping - Cat (give)
Whipping - genitals (get)
Whipping - genitals (give)
Whipping - knotted whip (get)
Whipping - knotted whip (give)
Whipping - switch (get)
Whipping - switch (give)
Whipping - Taws (get)
Abandonment (get)
Abandonment (give)
Being Recorded
Boot Worship (get)
Boot Worship (give)
Branding (Dom)
Branding (sub)
Brown Showers (get)
Brown Showers (give)
Castration Fantasy
Catheterization (get)
Catheterization (give)
Chamber Pots
Cock Rings (others)
Cock Rings (you)
Corsets (others)
Corsets (you)
Cross-Dressing (others)
Cross-Dressing (you)
Diapers (others)
Diapers (you)
Dirty Sex (E.g. Ground/Mud)
Douching (get)
Douching (give)
Enemas (get)
Enemas (give)
Erotic Dancing (Dom)
Erotic Dancing (sub)
Exhibitionism Fear
Feathers/Fur (others)
Feathers/Fur (you)
Foot Worship (get)
Foot Worship (give)
Golden Showers (give)
Gun Play
High Heel Worship (get)
High Heel Worship (give)
Infantilism (others)
Infantilism (you)
Latex (others)
Latex (you)
Leather (others)
Leather (you)
Lingerie (others)
Lingerie (you)
Medical Instruments Needles
Oral/Anal Play (get)
Oral/Anal Play (give)
Piercing (Permanent) (get)
Piercing (Permanent) (give)
Posing for Erotic Photos
Prostitution (real)
Public Exposure
PVC (others)
PVC (you)
Recording Scenes Rituals
Sensory Deprivation (get)
Sensory Deprivation (give)
Shaving (get)
Shaving (give)
Skinny-Dipping Spandex (others)
Spandex (you)
Speculums (anal)
Supplying victims
Swallowing Semen
Taking Erotic Photos
Tasting Yourself
Tattoo (others)
attoos (you)
Tickling (get)
Tickling (give)
Uniforms (others)
Uniforms (you)
Wearing Fluids
Bathroom use control (Dom) ?
Bathroom use control (sub)
Begging (Dom)
Begging (sub)
Behavior Restrictive Rules (Dom)
Behavior Restrictive Rules (sub)
Butt Plugs - public (Dom)
Butt Plugs - public (sub)
Chastity Belts (Dom)
Chastity Belts (sub)
Clothing choice (Dom)
Clothing choice (sub)
Cock Worship (Dom)
Cock Worship (sub)
Collar and Leash (Dom)
Collar and Leash (sub)
Collars (Dom)
Collars (sub)
Competition (Dom)
Competition (sub)
Crawling (Dom)
Crawling (sub)
Eye Contact Restriction (Dom)
Eye Contact Restriction (sub)
Following Orders Food
Choice/Directed Eating (Dom)
Food Choice/Directed Eating
Forced Dressing (Dom)
Forced Dressing (sub)
Forced Exercise (Dom)
Forced Exercise (sub)
Forced Homosexuality (Dom)
Forced Homosexuality (sub)
Forced Masturbation (Dom)
Forced Masturbation (sub)
Forced Nudity (Dom)
Forced Nudity (sub)
Forced Servitude (Dom)
Forced Servitude (sub)
Give Away (Dom)
Given Away (sub)
Giving Orders
Hot Waxing (Dom)
Hot Waxing (sub)
Housework (Dom)
Housework (sub)
Humiliation - Private (Dom)
Humiliation - Private (sub)
Humiliation - Public (Dom)
Humiliation - Public (sub)
Humiliation - Verbal (Dom)
Humiliation - Verbal (sub)
Kneeling (Dom)
Kneeling (sub)
Lecturing (Dom)
Lecturing (sub)
Manicures (get)
Manicures (give)
Name Change (Dom)
Name Change (sub)
Orgasm Control (Dom)
Orgasm Control (sub)
Orgasm Denial (Dom)
Orgasm Denial (sub)
Personality Modification (Dom)
Personality Modification (sub)
Pussy Worship (sub)
Serving Orally (Dom)
Serving Orally (sub)
Sexual Deprivation (Dom)
Sexual Deprivation (sub)
Sleep Deprivation (Dom)
Sleep Deprivation (sub)
Speech Restrictions (Dom)
Speech Restrictions (sub)
Standing in Corner (Dom)
Standing in Corner (sub)
Struggling (Dom)
Struggling (sub)
Symbolic Jewelry (Dom)
Symbolic Jewelry (sub)
Weight Gain/Loss (Dom)
Chauffeuring (Dom)
Chauffeuring (sub)
Initiation Rites (Dom)
Initiation Rites (sub)
Interrogations (Dom)
Interrogations (sub)
Kidnapping (Dom)
Kidnapping (sub)
Medical Scenes (Dom)
Medical Scenes (sub)
Other Animal Play (Dom)
Other Animal Play (sub)
Physical Examinations (Dom)
Physical Examinations (sub)
Pony Play (Dom)
Pony Play (sub)
Prison Scenes Prostitution
Punishment Scene (Dom)
Punishment Scene (sub)
Puppy Play (Dom)
Puppy Play (sub)
Religious Scenes (Dom)
Religious Scenes (sub)
Serving as Art (Dom)
Serving as Art (sub)
Serving as Ashtray (Dom)
Serving as Ashtray (sub)
Serving as Furniture (Dom)
Serving as Furniture (sub)
Serving as Maid (Dom)
Serving as Maid (sub)
Strap on
Dildos (sub)
courtesy of Martin
Zassa shook her
head; "We're going to have to get Sabina out of the cage for this one….
Wanda sighed and
shook her head; "Some of this stuff sounds dangerous; maybe we should just
strike them from the list.”
The Vixen looked
over Wanda's shoulder and shook her head; "no, just give 'em higher point
values, for the danger."
Tanj frowned;
"No, I agree with Wanda; the Asphyxiation is just too risky." She grinned at the Vixen; "You want
higher points, we'll let you tackle the bullwhip stuff, and welcome to
The Vixen just
Hinoki grinned
his best evil grin at the Unicorn and growled; "well I think that for the
points to count you should handle the "give" as well as the
"get" in each category!"
Dynotaku scowled;
"Now wait a minute, my good fur, I'm a Dom. And straight, to boot….."
Tanj chuckled;
"All right, we'll just adjust the points accordingly; do both the
"give" and the "get" in the category and get double
points. She grinned at Dynotaku;
"Or would you rather we gave you a "handicap"?
Dynotaku drew
himself up to his full height, the tip of his horn touching the overhead;
"Certainly not. I'm sure I can
turn in a decent performance without any handicap…." He grinned "just give me the
Hinoki looked at
the list and smiled. Zassa was subbing
for Dynotaku, and he was sure the Vixen was in for a truly rough time. If Dynotaku was to have a chance at winning
they'd HAVE to get into the more extreme categories. He was paired with Sashi.
Wanda, of course, was going to be topping Kath, and Tanj was going to be
working with a rather pissed Sabina.
The Kitten didn't want to exit the cage, determined to exceed her
Mistress' record. Putting down the
list, he turned to Sashi; "So… where do you think we should start?"
Sabina squirmed a
little; "Are you sure this is fair, Mistress?"
Tanj nodded;
"Arm and leg binders are one category; the chastity belt is a second, and
the prod gag a third. You suffer
through it for an hour, and then we change places. Double points for both categories."
The Kitten
shrugged; "seems… too simple."
Tanj shrugged and
nodded; "We'll start slow and see how the others do; if we have to, maybe
we'll move into some of the more difficult stuff. Now open wide; this gag's a little on the big side."
Wanda purrrred as
the Mink's fingers worked over the muscles in her back; she'd been training
Kath in massage anyways, and as that was a legitimate category, she figured
it'd be a good place to start.
Especially if they moved on into the Cunnilingus category afterwards….
Dynotaku blinked
at the Vixen; "Are you sure you wouldn't start with some fancy
ropework? Its my specialty, you
The Vixen
grinned; "Yes, I know, but if we're going to beat the others, we're going
to have to rack up the higher-point categories. What, are you afraid to give lil' ol' me a spanking? I won't break, you know…."
The Unicorn just
grinned; "Don't say I didn't warn you……"
Zassa flinched as
the Unicorn's hand crashed down on her left asscheek. So far she'd managed to keep from crying out, but she didn't
think she'd be able to hold it back too much longer. This one was much stronger than he looked, his open-palm smacks
rapidly heating her flesh. And he
didn't take as much time between smacks to stroke and tease as Roland
did…. No, he was MUCH more
businesslike… Whimpering softly as his
palm crashed down again, she wondered what count he intended to go to, to
satisfy the category?
Dynotaku smiled,
as he brought his palm down on her right asscheek. His palm was stinging, and he could feel the heat through the
Vixen's fur. Her ass must be stinging
even more than his palm. But he wasn't about to stop just yet. She was so wet she was dripping all over his
lap, and he wondered if he could bring her off with a minimum of caressing?
Chuckling to himself he brought his palm down right on her sex, feeling
droplets of her dew spatter. He felt
her squirm, and felt her moan, but before she could even decide if she'd liked
that one more or less, he brought his palm down on her left asscheek again…..
It had taken a
while. His arm was tired, but he was
convinced she was right on the edge.
Chuckling he gave her one more swat, and then lightly traced his index
finger through the quivering wetness between her thighs. As he expected, as he'd planned, howling,
she dissolved in a quivering mass, as her climax blossomed…..
Tanj struggled
just a little, testing her restraints.
The arm binder that had fit the Kitten so perfectly was a little small
for her. Sabina had still laced it
TIGHT. A similar sheath covered her
legs from toe to upper thigh, holding them tight together. So tight the metal of the chastity belt was
pressed into her flesh rather uncomfortably.
And somewhere the Kitten had found a prod gag that was even bigger than
the one she'd had. Tanj shrugged to
herself, and counted her heartbeats, waiting for the time period to run
out. It wasn't as if it was something
she'd never done before…….
Kath purrrred and
licked softly at Wanda. Cunnilingus was
a different category than "69", but that's what things had devolved
into. She'd found that getting a massage
from Wanda had been shear heaven, better than she'd ever expected. And now, the contest largely forgotten, they
each tried to out-do each other's tonguing, nibbling and licking….. Contest?
Who cared about some silly contest…..?
Sashi swayed,
upside-down, tightly bound. They were
trying to cover inverted suspension, spreader bars and fellatio in one
session….. As she licked at the
Cheetah-Monster, she thought once again how "not-unusual" this
was. At least not for her Master and her…..
Sabina frowned;
"I don't get it. THIS is on the
Tanj shrugged;
"I need to spend some time on the flight deck. A commo headset DOES fall under the Headset/earplugs category,
although I doubt whoever wrote the list envisioned this. And if you "give" it and I
"get" it, and then I put one on you, it counts for double points. Doesn't it?"
The Kitten
shrugged and placed the headset on the Cheetah's head as if it were a
crown. Tanj reached up to adjust it,
and then picking up the headset from the Ops station she put it on Sabina's
head. The noise cancellation headphones
made the flight deck instantly quiet, but the boom microphones transmitted
Tanj's words without any problem at all.
"There, snug, and I hope, comfy.
Now, lets see if I can't tie you to the station chair, and while you
suffer through that, I'll handle some routine ship-type work. At least we'll get SOME points…
Sabina chuckled;
Tanj had started an audio file on her headset; it sounded like the track from
some XXX rated holofilm; nothing but moans and gasps…. Sitting there, tied to the chair, she found
herself becoming unexpectedly aroused…..
Port Royale II
Brolly looked at
the Lizard; "He doesn't move much, does he, Ma'am?"
Katja shot the
lizard a look and then shrugged; "nope.
Once every couple of days he'll growl "Food", and I bring him
something. Doesn't seem to matter
what. He has one drink in the evening,
nursing it for hours. He pays in cash,
and doesn't tip. He leaves at closing
time, and comes back at opening time.
The rest of the time he just SITS there and stares at the door.
The Fox shifted
on his favorite barstool; "I don't know how he does it. I'm about to go crazy while I wate for the
O'Shaunessy Clan. He grinned at the
Tigress; "Isn't there ANYTHING else to DO around here?"
Katja laughed,
and gestured at the Ferret; "well, if you get desperate enough, you could
always make use of Brolly here."
The Ferret made a
face, sticking her tongue out at the Tigress, but there was a smile in her
The Fox chuckled;
"What, again?" He leaned on
the bar, grinning at the Tigress; "What I'd REALLY like, is to do
Katja just smiled
and turned to sashay down the bar, to put a bheer mug away. Turning, she looked over her shoulder and
just gave the Fox a wink.
The Fox stroked
Brolly's tummy lightly; "And here I thought you said this place had so
many orgies…."
Brolly grinned,
shivering at his touch. He'd bound her
arms behind her; she was helpless to resist his attentions, which was just the
way she liked it. Squirming, she
shrugged; "I think she's playing some game with you. Dragging it out, seeing how long she can
make it last, seeing how much sexual tension she can build."
The Fox's paw
drifted lower, to dawdle over the Ferret's mons; he idly stroked her fur there,
creating patterns and then smoothing them out, teasing her…. "Well, that's a game two can play. For a while, anyways. The O'Shaunessy Clan shows up, and I'm going
to have to leave. Just as soon as I get
them to sign for the package. But until
then, I'll be glad to play her game.
Now, little one, you ready to go again?" Brolly laughed and nodded.
The Fox chuckled and pushed her back, to cover her body with his……
Eridani looked at
her sister and shrugged; "Palmer seems to be exactly what he claims to be;
the sales agent for a somewhat disreputable firm that reps everything from
sexual stimulant drugs to security electronics."
Katja winced;
"Yeah, he's been trying to sell me some of those drugs…" The Tigress grinned; "Like I need
The sisters
laughed for a moment and then Eridani sighed; "Can't find a danged thing
on the Lizard. Ship doesn't seem to be
registered. I've tried running his
image through the usual sources; he doesn't seem to be wanted anywhere, doesn't
seem to have any permits on file that require visual ID's. The prints on that glass you gave me came up
Katja shrugged;
"OK, so if he's a criminal, he's kept it VERY well hidden. On the other hand, he MIGHT not be wanted
Eridani scoffed;
"Around here? HIGHLY unlikely,
Sis. No, I've got a bad feeling about
this one. I'd keep a very careful eye
on him. Meanwhile, I'm going to keep
digging." The Tigress leaned back
in her station chair and stretched; "I don't suppose there's a way you
could get a DNA sample from him…."
Katja just laughed.
Corey held his
breath and flipped the switch. The
viewscreen showed the typical pinpoint bright light form, and expand into a
ring. However, as the asteroid
approached, it wavered. Somewhere in
the background, an alarm started hooting, and the Otter was yelling
something. As the asteroid approached,
the ring lost definition, twisting, distorting. The rock came apart as it passed through the ring, the center
part being cleaved away, being sent somewhere else, while the parts that had
passed outside the distorted ring fragmented, flying away like the pellets from
an old-fashioned shotgun blast. When
the image cleared the bright ring was nowhere to be seen.
Eridani watched
the lights flicker in Ops and let out a low growl. Turning to the engineering panel she watched as a current surge
caused breakers to blow. And then
"M" transformer went off line.
That sent another surge down the grid, and "Q" blew… The Tigress got very busy, trying to pull
the disconnects, to keep from loosing the whole Port Royale grid….
Doodles blinked;
it was dark. No, it was more than that,
it was DARK. He couldn't see a
thing. Somewhere across the chamber
something crashed, and a muffled curse was heard. Then Professor Corey struck an old-fashioned kitchen match. As the Lynx looked about, he sighed;
"Did I do that?"
Eridani studied
the panel carefully. When you had the
doors open on the massive breakers, with all that power exposed, you HAD to be
careful. That much juice had been known
to reach out and "touch" someone, from unexpected distances. Hence the ceramic insulating armor. Checking the paper schematic against what
she was looking at, she reached out with a hotstick and gently pushed one of
the relays closed…..
Doodles smiled as
the lights came back on… but then they flickered, and went out again. "That can't be good" he mumbled to
the Otter….
Katja helped her
sister wrestle the replacement breaker into place. Both were wearing powered maintenance exoskeletons, the
headlights bobbing and weaving as they tried to position the multi-ton breaker
into place. It might have been easier
if it had been built to work with the rest of the switchgear, but like so much
else of Port Royale, it was a hodgepodge of salvaged stuff…. Finally they had it in place, and while
Katja bolted it down, Eridani started wiring it up……
"OK Sis,
cross your fingers…." Eridani
turned as far away from the breaker as she could, shielding the insulated
suit's optical pickups, and tentatively, stabbed the "engage"
button. There was a whine of the
breaker's hydraulics, something screeched as if massive fingernails were being
dragged against a monumental blackboard, and then there was the sound of a huge
electrical discharge.
For a moment,
Katja thought the door was going to fly off the housing, a fireball expanding
into the motor control center, and then…. Then everything quieted down to a
gentle hum, and the lights came on.
straightened slowly; "OK, that's main power. Now lets see what's left of the defense grid…."
Doodles peeked
around the door of Callahan's, his eyes sweeping the room from just above floor
level. The Tigress bartender was behind
the bar, but she wasn't dressed in her customary… well, nothing. Instead she was wearing some sort of plate
armor arrangement. And she wasn't
looking very happy.
"Um……" At his
tentative speech, the Tigress' head swiveled, her eyes locking on him, like a
homing missile acquiring its target; "NO.
No, its NOT safe for you, for ANY of you to come out yet. Sis is still working on trying to get the
sensors back up, let alone any of the rest of the defense grid. If she runs across any of you, I won't be
held responsible!" Doodles just
swallowed, nodded, and slipped out as quietly as he could.
The Fox sipped
his lemonade and smiled.
Interesting. Whatever the
"researchers" had done had taken out the planet's entire defense
system. MOST interesting……
The Hound fiddled
with his sample case, and hazarded a glance at the Tigress; "You know,
Miss, my company reps a line of power distribution equipment… Perhaps you'd be interested…." The glare from the Tigress answered that
question, and the Hound put the brochure back in his case with a sigh. Talk about hard cases…..
The Lizard
watched the door. The sudden darkness
hadn't bothered him. The failure of the
ventilation system hadn't bothered him.
Trivialities beneath his notice.
Corey sighed and
spread his paws; "It's a distance thing.
The further from the planet that we try and open a portal, the more
power it takes. Now, there ought to be
enough power, with that salvaged reactor, its just not quite in the right
form." Idly he scratched his head;
"We need someone more skilled in high energy power systems." He looked up at the Otter; "Lets get in
touch with Tanj and tell her we need a consultant."
The Otter shot
the Rabbit a glance and then, looking back, shook his head; "That…. Might
be difficult."
Corey raised an
eyebrow; "Why's that?"
The Otter looked
at the floor and mumbled "Well, for one she's in the Oligarchy."
Corey frowned;
"What in the world would she be doing there? No, wait a minute, I seem to remember her saying something about
that…. Hmmm. Doubt they've got decent communications systems
there…." After a moment he looked
up and grinned; "What about that lady she worked for? You know, the… black feline? Yes, her.
Maybe she could help….."
Spy vs. Spy
The Fox stared at
the display on his ship and sighed.
He'd confirmed the information. He was waiting for the O'Shaunnesy clan
because his masters were sure they'd never show up. It gave him an excellent reason to hang around, almost
indefinitely. Of course, the fact that
they wouldn't show up probably meant they were dead, but that wasn't his
concern. What WAS his concern was that
the Hound claimed to be waiting for them as well. Did the O'Shaunnesy clan haul passengers? Upon reflection, the Fox figured they'd
probably do anything for a fee…. But
was the Hound on the up-and-up? He'd
sent an encrypted message back to his masters, but some local snooping was
called for as well. Rising, he moved
back into the engineering section of his ship, opening a secret panel to reveal
all sorts of goodies. Looking over the
selection, he picked up a couple of the latest bugging devices. That should do for a start…
The Hound paced
in his tiny room. The Fox was supposed
to deliver a package to the O'Shaunnesy clan; well, THAT wasn't going to
happen. He'd selected them as
transportation for the next leg of his journey knowing they weren't going to
show up. But it seemed the competition
HAD shown up. So. What was he going to do about it? Opening his sample case he looked through
several of the devices that might be useable.
He was, after all, repping several munitions firms…..
The Fox waited
until the Hound had left his room, and headed for the bar. It took almost nothing to jimmy the
lock. However, the Hound hadn't relied
just on that. There were three hairs
stuck between the door and the doorframe.
These he carefully removed, and saved.
Then, slipping inside he looked around for the best place to put the
Eridani saw the
light flashing on the ops console, and straightened. Grinning at the image on the security monitor she purred;
"Well, now, things are finally starting to get interesting!
The Hound felt
the slight vibration from his pager; he knew that code. Someone was in his room, and he was pretty
sure it wasn't housekeeping! Turning,
he headed for the docking cavern. If
the Fox was in his room, it probably would be a good time to try and break into
the Fox's ship.
Eridani grinned
wider, showing fangs, as the security camera picked up the Hound heading for
the docking cavern. Now things were
getting REAL interesting!
The Fox did a
quick search, but didn't turn up anything.
Slipping back out the door, he replaced the hairs, sticking them in
place with a bit of spit, and then, tossing his package from palm to palm, he
headed for the bar.
The Hound scratched
his head. The security system on the
Fox's ship was… extreme. Better than an
Alarmco X53. Better than Ipswitch
Industries Sentriguard 04. In fact, it
bore a strong resemblance to the system used by Imperial Intelligence. The Hound grinned; killing Imperial
Intelligence agents was something almost no one in their right mind would dare
to do. However, the Gates World Cartel
had a long history of… altercations with Imperial Intelligence. And he dared. Besides, in a place like this, who'd notice a random
assassination? Not these scum. Grinning, he fished around in his sample
case until he found the directional mine.
Putting it against the landing jack of the Fox's ship, he moved back and
then put the sensors between the Bheer tanker and some weird ship that looked
like a half-melted arrowhead. When the
Fox came back to his ship, the mine should eliminate the problem. And of course the Hound would be quite
visible somewhere else when it happened.
The Fox looked
around Callahan's and blinked. He could
have sworn the Hound was coming here.
But if he wasn't here, then where was he? Taking his usual barstool, because he dare not break routine, he
wondered where the bastard was? Maybe,
just maybe, he was a legitimate salesfurr, and was making a sales call on one
of the ships in port…. Naw, that
couldn't be. The Fox sipped the mug of
lemonade the Tigress plunked down in front of him, and thought that just for
the trouble of making him sweat, the Hound was going to have to go, innocent or
The Lizard
regarded the Fox, as he did everything else in the bar, with an even,
inscrutable stare, not moving a muscle.
Boredom II
Sabina blinked;
"FORCED masturbation?" She
looked up at Tanj; "when has ANYONE had to FORCE me to
Tanj just
chuckled and shook her head; "Quit complaining and do it anyways. Your choice of toys. Just get it on film, as proof."
Sabina nodded;
"Yes, Mistress…" She grinned;
"Just let me run back to my cabin and get some toys……."
Zassa tried to
yawn. She WANTED to yawn, but the head
harness held her jaws shut around the ring gag. Sleep deprivation. It was
on the list, and so far the Unicorn had been merciless at keeping her
awake. How long had it been? She couldn't remember.
Dynotaku looked
at the Vixen and smiled. He'd tied her,
suspended, in an improvised sling; again, his knotwork was magnificent. She
hung there, as if seated in a recliner, her back at about a 60 degree angle,
her thighs spread and elevated, her calves dangling. He could walk right up between her legs and fuck her; she hung at
the perfect height for that. And while
he'd taken advantage of her, in that manner, that wasn't what he was
after. Not at the moment, anyways. He crouched between her legs, looking up at
her, waiting…..
Zassa felt her
eyes closing; there wasn't a thing she could do about it; she was just too
Dynotaku smiled
and brought the knotted, multi-strand whip down across the Vixen's exposed
sex. Zassa let out a moan and jerked in
her suspension, her body swaying, her eyes fluttering open. Whipping - genitals (get) / (give)… Whipping
- knotted whip (get) / (give) another item on the list…. Well, it WAS keeping her awake……
Dynotaku watched
her eyelids flutter again, and smiled.
She'd been awake for 48 hours, and that was probably enough. Bringing the whip up from below, catching
her just under her tail, he smoothly rose to his feet, driving his rampant
shaft DEEP into her sex. Again the
Vixen's eyes fluttered open, weakly. He
grinned and pumped her a few times and then brought the whip across from the
right, to strike her left breast.
Zassa groaned,
and shuddered as he pounded his meat into her; he really did know her too
well…. Concentrating on the thrusting
of his cock, waiting for the next fall of the lash, she floated off in an
orgasmic haze…..
Kath raised an
eyebrow; "Honestly, Mistress…..!"
Wanda chuckled;
"No argument, Pet; its on the list.
Medical Scenes (Dom), and (Sub), Enema get/give and speculum
(anal). Pulling a rubber glove over her
paw, the Wolverine lass grinned; "All routine, at least for me…. Now turn around and bend over; there's a
good girl!"
Tanj purred and
rested her feet on the new "coffee table". Sabina just grumbled around her gag. She'd been bound on paws and knees, a TIGHT leather corset
encasing her middle. A plate with some
leftover lasagna, a mug of bheer, and Tanj's heels rested on her back. Her only consolation was that when
"dinner" was over, she and the Cheetah would change places. "Lets see how SHE likes a cold mug on
her back!"
Sashi closed the
diaper pin and then tugged lightly at the diaper. She grinned down at Hinoki; "There you go, Baby; all clean,
and powdered, and a nice fresh diaper!
Now, I think its time for your nap!"
Hinoki grinned up
at her and nodded; "I agree…. Just as soon as I diaper YOU…."
Zassa opened one
eye. She seemed to be encased head to
toe in a "sleepsack", her arms pinioned at her side. Smiling, she closed her eye, and went back
to sleep. About time that Unicorn let
her get some rest…..
Tanj's gaze
flicked to the sensor display; by her reckoning they were just approaching the
Kurani frontier. It had been so much
more relaxing, not having to sneak out as they'd snuck in. Yes, there were the Kurani escorts peeling
off. No comm. call, no goodbyes; the warships just departed, as
silent as ever. Now they were really on
their own….. Moving her paw just a
fraction, she engaged the cloaking device.
After a quick look at the sensor display, she checked over the
engineering displays, and then again checked the cloaking device, in detail;
everything was just as it should be…..
The course correction was minor, but it should confound anyone trying to
follow them…. Should.
Rising, the nude
Cheetah stretched. She'd gathered up
all of her clothing, and what little Sabina had on board, and locked them
away. "Forced" nudity. Well, it WAS on the list…. With a yawn she headed out to the wardroom,
telling herself that she'd just have a cup of coffee. Forced weight loss was on the list, and she could stand to loose
a couple of pounds…..
She hadn't been
gone long, when the first sensor ghost appeared. The Sensor suite picked up something that may or may not have
been above the ship, decided it was too tenuous to alarm, and then the ghost
faded anyways…..
Tanj peeked into
the Wardroom. To her surprise, Sabina
was still standing in the corner. The
kitten was completely unfettered, and looked bored to tears. Tanj left her there while she made a pot of
coffee, and slowly drank a cup. After
putting the cup in the dishwasher she smiled; "OK, Sabina; you take a
break; I'll stand in the corner for a while."
The kitten
sagged, and stepped backwards, to grin; "Personally, I think that ought to
have a higher point value attached. Its
Tanj just laughed
and nodded; "Supposed to be."
Then, doing her best to tune out the Kitten, she started going over her
"plans" for the future; what would they find when they got back to
Port Royale? How far had Corey
gotten? Would he even need the
Oligarchy's data? How long would it
take to build the beacon? So many
things to consider…..
"Tango Three
to Tango One. We made a stealth
approach to the target from 117 mark 83.
Didn't get close enough to make a positive ID, but we agree, we think
its them. Chance of them detecting us
is only 3%; want us to go in for a closer look?" "Tango One to Tango Three; Negative. Parallel their course. Make another stealth approach at 2330 hours,
just enough to confirm their course and position. And make sure you're NOT detected; we don't want you vanishing
like the last scout ship that got too close to these scum! Tango One out!"
Spy vs. Spy II
Hiram turned and
carefully engaged the security system on his ship. Taking a step back, where he had room, he stretched, the
hydraulics on his powered armor suit groaning in response. Twisting his torso from side to side, he
watched the heads-up display, checking the status of his suit. Some folks thought him paranoid, others just
plain crazy, but he'd been around the block a few times, and he KNEW what it
took to survive in a place like this.
Bending he touched the floor in front of his toes a few times and then
grinned. Moving in an armored suit
wasn't a cakewalk. No matter how
sophisticated the control system, there was always a miniscule lag between the
time you started to move YOUR arm or leg, and when the suit's
"muscles" responded, catching up with you. You HAD to be in good shape to run one of these things, or at
least run it optimally. Chuckling he
took a couple of steps backwards, getting ready for a sprint to the exit from
the docking bay. And that's when it
happened. Something behind him went
"WHAM!" and he was shoved forwards a couple of steps. Flashing his eyes over the HUD, he checked
his suit's status, and then turned around.
Apparently some sort of a defensive system had gone off, on the ship
parked next to his. Shaking his head,
he nodded sagely to himself. That was just exactly why he wore the suit. If he hadn't been wearing it, he might have
been hurt! Turning he sprinted towards
the tunnel that would take him to the commons area, thinking that some folks
got awfully touchy about their property….
A simple electrical discharge would have served to warn someone away,
probably without all the collateral damage and hard feelings. But if they felt that strongly about it,
he'd stay clear of their ship. But
they'd danged well better stay clear of HIS!
Eridani watched
the security tape play again and shook her head. She could see stray pellets from the directional mine bounce off
of ships all through the cavern.
Sitting back, she idly chewed a clawtip as she pondered the Hound's use
of force. If he didn't cool it, she
might have to have a talk with him.
The Fox did his
best to ignore the tingle from his "communicator". Something had happened to his ship. Finishing the mug of lemonaide, he rose,
stretched idly, and headed for the water closet.
As soon as the
door had closed, he pulled out the communicator, unrolled the flexible display
and stared at the message log. An
explosion by his ship? Was someone
trying to break in? If so, it seemed
they'd failed. Making a mental note to
check his security cameras, he washed his paws, and then headed back to the
The Empire's
Response 1
The Crown
Prince's Chamberlain knocked once on the door, and then opened it without
waiting for a response. The Crown
Prince looked up from his desk in annoyance; there was no question that the
Cape Buffalo was more efficient, more effective than his predecessor, but being
ex-military, he had certain ways about him that were quite annoying. "Your Highness, I have good
The Jaguar raised
an eyebrow, thinking "To interrupt me in this manner, it'd danged well
BETTER be good news, and something more than you having saved a bunch of cedits
on your aircar insurance!" The
Cape Buffalo, his face impassive, handed the Jaguar a message flimsy, returning
his hands to behind his back, his stance not quite at "parade
rest". "Your Highness, our
agent at the smuggler's stronghold reports that the Lynx, Corey, is making
progress on the portal device. His
experiments are achieving greater and greater success."
The Jaguar put
the flimsy down on his desk; it was too short to hold any significant details;
"Does that mean that it can be used to move a ship from one place to
another? Reliably? Does he have a "finished product"?"
The Buffalo
hesitated for a moment and then shook his head; "No, Sire. There are… operational problems. The prototype seems to blow power supplies
regularly, and when the power supply fails, the result on the… test subject is
catastrophic. Never the less, they have
run several tests successfully moving a lifepod-sized asteroid…. At least away
from local space."
The Jaguar
nodded; "Keep an eye on them. Let
them develop it further. But it sounds
as if we'd best advance our plans to….
Relieve them of their invention.
I want you to go through the roster of those loyal to us, and assemble a
small…. "intervention force".
Make sure its big enough to insure our security, and big enough to take
the smuggler's base, but small enough that it won't create undue notice in
naval command structures."
The Buffalo just
gave a single nod, but remained standing where he was.
The Jaguar stared
at him for a moment and then lightly inquired; "is there more?"
The Buffalo
nodded again; "Sire, a cloaked freighter matching the description of that
Tanj character's ship has been detected leaving Kurani space. Its being followed, discretely. Its course seems to be directly towards the
smuggler stronghold."
At this the Crown
Prince straightened; "That changes everything. Who knows what aid she might have acquired from the
Oligarchy?" Shifting his gaze back
to the Buffalo he growled; "Assemble the task force; I want to arrive just
after they do. We'll scoop up the Lynx
AND that traitorous Cheetah at the same time!
This time the
Buffalo gave but a single nod, and unbidden, turned and left. When the door had closed behind him, the
Crown Prince permitted himself the luxury of a scowl; "Going to have to do
something about that one's manners" he growled to himself.
The Emperor
looked at the message flimsy and smiled.
"Eminently predictable."
Looking up at his Chancellor he smiled; "Arrange for a ship. I want to get there first. Preferably before this Cheetah wench
arrives. I think its time we nipped
this in the bud."
The Elephant just
nodded; "I'll see to it immediately, but I'm going to have to cancel an
awful lot of appointments…."
The Jaguar
chuckled; "You know as well as I do what's riding on this. Cancel them. Tell 'em I'm sick if you have to. Or better yet, allude to me being confined to my bed, with a new
girlfriend. THAT Imperial society will
believe! Tell 'em anything you have
The Elephant
nodded; "At once, Sire."
Meanwhile, back
at Port Royale;
Eridani looked at
the scribbled note; "He wants me to send this WHERE?"
Katja shrugged;
"He said "That Black Feline lady at the Black Fleet Pirate
place. Neither that Otter or the Rabbit
could give me any better definition."
Eridani shrugged;
"Well….. I've got a contact at the Black Fleet, but I haven't talked with
Samantha in AGES. I suppose I could
send this through her, and see what happens…."
aaaaa. The small ship descended
smoothly, weaving between the asteroids as if it were running a slalom
course. A well practiced, very familiar
slalom course. It dipped into the great
rift and banked smoothly into the docking cavern. Eridani watched the monitors with a smile on her face. Krrut was back. Maybe now she'd be able to
straighten out all the nonsense that had been going on around here……
Katja looked up
at the big male and sighed; "And that's where things stand."
Krrut nodded;
"Yeah, Sis dropped me a note, suggesting it might be prudent if I got back
Eridani grinned;
"So can we throw 'em out now? Pull
the plug on their weird experiments? DO
Krrut just
chuckled; "Yeah, it looked a little thin on the way in. Hope you didn't let them test that thing on
any of the ones with guns or targeting sensors on 'em."
straightened "Certainly not! I'm
not stupid you know!"
The big male
nodded; "Oh, never thought that for a minute. But to get back to your original question, no, we're not going to
throw them out. In fact, I thought I'd
wander down there, introduce myself, and see what I might do to
Eridani stared at
him for a moment and then blinked; "You're kidding, right?"
Krrut just
shrugged; "Hey, this seems to be important to Sis. And you know when she gets like that,
there's no reasoning with her."
Katja just
laughed and nodded.
Spy vs. Spy III
The Hound looked
at the "bug" and sighed. It
was a top of the line Systo Systems Intruder Mark XXI, with all the
options. Even Imperial Security
couldn't afford them. Well, generally
couldn't. Just who was this fox? Taking out a miniature toolkit, the Hound deftly
removed the power cell, storing both.
After all, one found profit where one could and he had no compunction
about selling someone else's property.
Sitting back he wondered what had gone wrong with his little
boobytrap? There had been no alarms, no
medical personnel rushing about, no attempts to bring anyone to justice. SOMEONE must have set it off…. With a sigh, he planned his next move.
The Fox watched
as the Hound tried to break into his ship, and then gave up, and planted the
mine. Yup. This one was going to have to go. And he thought he had just the way to do it, too…..
The Hound nodded
goodnight to the bartender, and slipped through the door to the bar. However, instead of heading for the
residence tunnel, he found a nice dark corner to hide in. It took about an hour, but finally the
Tigress exited the bar, using a single key to lock the door. Giving her time to get clear, the Hound rose
and moved to the door. There WERE no
security systems, just a simple lock.
That fell to his practiced paws in a matter of seconds. Moving into the darkened bar, he moved to
the barstool where the fox always sat.
The needle was of course poisoned, and it took little work to insert it
through the rather flat cushion. When
the Fox sat down, the little pain-in-the-ass should get a pain in the ass, and
that would be all she wrote….. Smiling
to himself, he let himself back out of the bar, locking the door behind him.
The Fox smiled
from behind the potted palm, as the Hound left the bar. While the Hound had been engaged in
who-knew-what in the bar, he'd snuck into the Hound's room, broken into his
sample case, and planted his own little booby-trap. Grinning to himself, he waited until the Hound was out of sight,
and then retreated to his ship.
Tomorrow was going to be a fun day…..
Eridani shook her
head, "Dunno, Sis, can you figure out what they're up to?"
The Tigress
shrugged; "I think I know what Mr. Supersalesfurr did in the bar, but I
have NO idea what the courier did in the Hound's room. It LOOKED as if he was dropping off sales
Eridani nodded
and shrugged; "Well, I'm going to put everything on automatic and get some
Katja nodded and
yawned; "Not me. Oh, I'm tired
enough, but Krrut's back in town and I thought I'd, ah, keep him up for a
Eridani just
laughed; "Just leave something for me.
My turn tomorrow!"
Boring III
Kath looked from
the open grille to her Mistress; "In THERE?"
Wanda nodded;
"one of the categories is "dirty sex"; and that's the dirtiest
place on the ship. In you go; there's a
plenum chamber about six meters in that's big enough for the two of
Kath grinned;
"As Mistress wishes."
Dynotaku stroked
the feather over the bound Vixen; "not until I give you permission….."
Zassa moaned and
writhed in her bonds; the Unicorn had been holding her at the edge of her
climax, denying her release, for what seemed like ages. Aeons.
Whoever had put Orgasm Control (Dom)/Orgasm Denial (Dom)/Orgasm control
(sub) on the list had been too cruel…..
Kath sat in the
tub, Wanda's left paw in hers, as she worked the emery board across her claws;
"I can't believe Manicures (get)/(give) is in the list….
Wanda just
chuckled and shrugged, making a small wave of bubbles crest over the Mink's
breasts; "Don't argue, Pet."
Sabina shook her
head; "Mistress, this is BORING!"
Tanj looked up
from the book on theoretical physics and shrugged; "I need to keep this
stuff fresh in my mind, if I'm going to achieve my goals, and Lecturing
(Dom)/Lecturing (sub) IS on the list.
Now be quiet and let me concentrate; I'm almost done…..
Hinoki smiled;
"Now hold still….."
Sashi grunted as
the hot wax landed on her very exposed sex.
THIS she wasn't looking forward to.
Hot Waxing (Dom)/(Sub) struck her as a hideous torture, and having her
sex furless would indeed be a public humiliation….. Sometimes her master could be incredibly cruel.
Sashi bit her lip
and nodded.
Dynotaku looked
up as someone down the corridor HOWLED.
Raising an eyebrow he wondered what THAT was all about?
Spy vs. Spy IV
The Hound slipped
into the bar, taking a booth where he could watch events unfold. Setting his sample case on the seat next to
him, he pulled out a bunch of expense report forms and did his best to look
Hiram shrugged;
"Yeah, Mister, I'll do it, I just don't understand why."
The Fox chuckled;
"Its just a practical joke.
Nothing more. But trust me,
you're the ONLY one that can pull it off."
Hiram just
shrugged; "If you say so. And as
long as you're buying….."
The Hound almost
choked on his drink as the figure in powered armor clanked into the bar, and
then sat down on the Fox's usual barstool.
He could hear the wood groan, see a joint start to splinter. The figure in the suit leaned one elbow on
the bartop, rested his helmet in one gauntlet and purred at the Tigress;
"Good morning, beautiful! How
about you and me go for a romp in the hay?"
Katja laughed and
brought one claw around in a broad swipe that left clawmarks in the paint on
Hiram's helmet. The blow almost
knocked him off the barstool. Hiram
laughed and rose; "That's my love; as consistent as ever! I'll have the usual, sweets!" Turning, the suit clanked to the packing
crate it usually used as a seat, settling with a sigh of hydraulics.
The Fox walked
in, scowled at the slightly mangled stool, and with a shrug, swapped it for the
one next to it. Sitting down, he calmly
opened his newsfax, and started to read.
The Hound scowled. Was that random chance that the guy in
powered armor had done that? Wait a
minute… Someone in powered armor could
survive the blast of that mine he'd used….
Forcing his gaze back down at the paperwork, his mind churned as he
considered the possibilities. Now he
was going to have to take them BOTH out!
It wasn't until
later, that he was putting the "filled out" expense report forms back
into his sample case, that he spotted it.
Reaching in, he pulled out a brochure for…. Edible underwear? As he tugged it out of his sample case, he
felt a sharp sting on his right thumb.
Looking, he scowled; a paper cut.
He'd just gotten a paper cut!
Growling he crumpled up the brochure and tossed it across the bar.
The Fox sipped
his lemonade and watched from the corner of his eye. Something was wrong. The
Hound looked ill, looked as if he were sweating, looked as if he were feverish. But he should have looked dead. Well, maybe the poison would still
work. Maybe he didn't get enough of it
when he cut himself on the carefully prepared brochure….
The Hound forced
himself to sit still. To not
retch. He'd been through this
before. Fortunately he'd been
inoculated against that particular poison, along with a couple of dozen others. It wouldn't kill him, although he doubted
he'd be feeling too well for a while.
Trying hard not to look at the Fox, he tried to plan his next move. That Fox was going to die and slowly, too……
At the Black Fleet:
Pettigrew stared at the message, and shook her head. Hitting the key to print it out, she rose, to go and find
Jenka. Somehow she didn't think she was
going to be too happy about this……. If
nothing else, the message hadn't been encrypted, and that was never a good
Jenka read the
message for a second time; "As Tanj is out of town, I would like to
request aid and assistance from you.
The work is coming well, with many notable successes, but we're having
some power management problems. I would
appreciate it if you could loan me a specialist in high energy power
systems. Oh, and if you could send an
18 terawatt reactor as well, it would be appreciated. With these resources we should have the project completed within
a fortnight. Sincerely, Professor
Corey." Looking up at Samantha she
growled; "I think my pet is pulling a fast one on me. And I don't like that. I do believe its time I went there and
straightened things out. Straightened
HER out. Call a staff meeting for 1900
hours. Make SURE Chris is there. And then get me that Roland fellow. I need to talk to him.
Roland looked
down at himself. His outfit was
rumpled, but at least it was clean.
Tugging down on his shirt, trying to straighten the wrinkles, he did his
best to stuff it into his pants. Running
a paw over his head, he reached out and touched the chime pad by Jenka's
door. It slid open almost
immediately. Stepping inside, he looked
around; "You sent for me, Ma'am?"
Jenka looked up
from her desk; "Yes, you have a slave, a Mouse, that's an expert in high
energy power systems, don't you?"
Roland nodded;
"Ah… yeah…."
Jenka nodded;
"I need him for an away mission.
In fact, you might as well come along, as part of the security
team. We'll be dirtside, and some
powered armor might not be a bad idea."
Looking up at him, she grinned; "We leave in the morning. Go pack."
Roland nodded
slowly; "Yes, Ma'am."
Cindy checked the
crate against the PADD, and nodded; "Yeah, that one too." Kitchens bent, the power loader's hydraulics
moaning, and picked it up. Turning, she
headed for Jenka's ship, the loader's footfalls making the deck bounce. Cindy didn't know where they were going, or
what was about to happen, but Roland was bringing both 'mechs and enough ammo
and spares for an extended campaign.
Now what had he gotten them into?
The Mouse looked
at Jenka and blinked; "He wanted a WHAT?"
Jenka scowled,
and the mouse shook his head; "Pardon me.
Mistress, HE WANTED A WHAT???"
Jenka grinned
ruefully; "That's better. He
wanted an 18 terrawatt reactor."
The Mouse shook
his head; "That's bigger than the main reactor on your ship, ah,
Mistress. I don't think we're going to
be able to…….. Hmmmm."
Jenka raised an
eyebrow; "Hmmm what?" The
Mouse shrugged; "Griel, in "Receiving" had me check some booty
last week. We took a freighter carrying
brand new APU's, being shipped to some assembly yard. I suppose we could take those and try and manifold them
together." He looked up a the
Jaguar and grinned; "But we're going to need a bigger ship. Those things ain't small." Jenka shook her head; "skip it
then. He'll just have to make do with
whatever he's got, and your assistance."
The Mouse just
Spy vs. Spy V
The Hound
grinned; it was diabolical. Putting the
finishing touches on it, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. From inside the water closet, the
transformer and the wires were obvious.
From outside, it should be invisible.
Using the heavy rubber glove he opened the door. Then he flipped on the power and using his
body to shield his actions, he closed it until it was just slightly ajar. Chuckling he turned and headed back for the
The Fox swigged
the last of his lemonade, and put the mug down on the bar. Rising, he stretched, and with his
"delivery" in hand, headed for the water closet. As he got closer he frowned. There was a puddle of water by the door;
"Someone's been REAL sloppy" he growled to himself. Still, it didn't look like pee, and he DID
have to go. Trying to avoid it as best
possible, he reached out for the door handle……
The shock was a
surprise. One foot must have been
touching the puddle of water, completing the circuit. And it was direct current; it had locked up his muscles tight. Alternating current would have caused his muscles
to spasm, throwing him clear. Now, he
just stood there, paw on the door handle, as the current flowed through
him. And it HURT. Frantically he tried to command his muscles
to move, to release the doorknob, to move his foot, even to just topple over,
but nothing was working. As the current
flowed, he could feel himself burning, feel himself dying, slowly…..
Katja looked up
as the lights flickered, steadied, flickered again and then died. "DAMMIT, COREY, NOT AGAIN!"
Eridani slapped
the preprogrammed keys as fast as her paws could move. THIS time the power surges weren't going to
take down the entire grid, not if SHE could prevent it! Unfortunately, she just didn't seem to be
able to move fast enough…..
The Fox felt his
lungs burning, his vision dimming, and then there was a sudden jolt, as if the
voltage had suddenly increased. And then blessed oblivion. After a while, he realized he was breathing
again. Then he realized he was on the
floor, in a puddle of water….. And it
was dark. VERY dark. Chuckling, he tried to move, to crawl out of
the water. It would appear that crazy
Lynx's experiments had saved him……
The Fox studied
the roof of the tunnel. Someone had
been using a rock bolting system to stabilize the roof. Grinning he went looking for a ladder….
The Hound fumbled
in his pocket for the magnetic key to the room he'd rented. Pulling it out of his pocket, he somehow
managed to drop it. Grumbling he
reached down, but as he shifted to try and pick it up, his left foot hit it,
sending it, bouncing, a few meters away.
Grumbling at his own clumsiness, he strode after it. It was just as he was bending down, that
there was a loud "crack" behind him, and then a massive THUD. Turning, he saw a boulder about a meter
across, on the tunnel floor, right where he'd been standing…..
The Empire's Response 2
The Wolf looked
from message flimsy to message flimsy; one carried the text of the message from
that crazy Lynx to Jenka, and the other was from the picket ship, watching the
Black Fleet. They were suggesting, from
long range passive sensor scans, and signals intercepts, that Jenka, and part
of her staff, may have departed, and wanted to know if they should follow her,
or remain on station. The Wolf couldn't
help but think that this was related to the Crown Prince's departure, and
certain orders from the Emperor.
Sitting down at his desk, he carefully composed a message to the picket
ship telling them to stay put, doing his best to word it in such a manner as to
suggest that this wasn't anything unusual, or even unexpected. Then, turning to his comm., he directed that
certain Imperial Intelligence assets be directed to the New Tortugas system,
and that a fast courier be made available for him immediately. Something was happening, and it was time he
personally found out what it was.
The Ensign was
nervous, standing in the presence of the Emperor. He'd delivered the messages as instructed, and was now wondering
if he should depart or wait for a response.
The Jaguar read one, and then the other, and then read the first
again. And then he laughed. Turning to the Elephant he chuckled;
"Now there's no question. None at
all. She's involved. And I'm going to catch her
The Elephant, a
neutral expression on his face, just nodded once.
The Emperor
turned and looked at the Ensign; "no reply. Dismissed".
Relieved, the Ensign fled.
After the door
had closed, the Jaguar looked at the Elephant and grinned wryly; "If I can
still terrorize junior officers, I can't have lost it too badly."
At that the
Elephant laughed.
After a moment
the Jaguar fixed the Elephant with a hard look; "How soon do we
The Elephant
sighed; "Waiting for the escort to be assembled now, Sire."
The Jaguar waved
a paw; "They can catch up with us.
If the ship's ready, we leave NOW."
Boredom IV
Sabina looked
across the cargo bay at the Cheetah.
Think she could outlast HER on the rowing machine? HAH!
No WAY! Putting her back into it
she pulled hard on the levers, pushed hard with her feet, sliding the seat back
against the stops with a clunk. She'd
row that Cheetah into the ground…..
Tanj smiled; it
took a bit to get Sabina going, but once you overcame her natural resistance
she became quite the competitive little thing.
Forced Exercise (Dom)/(Sub) had just turned into something else. No matter, the points still counted.
Zassa kept her
eyes downcast as Dynotaku prepared the ropes for yet another tie. Like this was something unusual…. Eye contact restriction (Dom)/(Sub). Big deal.
She'd learned this one at the Academy and could do it in her sleep. Hmmm.
Sleep. She still hadn't recovered from the sleep deprivation. Maybe she could close her eyes for just a
few minutes…..
Hinoki purrrred
softly and then realized what he was doing.
Hastily he stopped. He'd gone
"monster" again, encasing Sashi, but this time he was just holding
her. Sensory Deprivation was on the
Kath laughed and
struck another pose. Wanda shifted her
position a bit and snapped another picture.
Posing for Erotic photos wasn't that high in point values, but it was
turning out to be a lot of fun……
Tanj purred and
rolled her hips to the music, and then rocked them front and back; "like
this….." Sabina watched and then
tried to mimic her movements. She
wasn't sure the Hula was erotic dance, but it WAS good exercise…. Did that count in both categories? No matter, she was learning something new,
and that was good, wasn't it?
Dynotaku looked at
the Vixen, Aghast! "Branding? ABSOLUTELY NOT! There is NO WAY I'm going to ruin that perfect beauty!"
Zassa made a
moue; "But we're behind on Points, Master!"
The Unicorn shook
his head; "We'll find something else.
I'm NOT going to that extreme!
And neither are you! That's an
Kath blinked;
"Mistress, I don't have any problem with that, but… can you DO
Wanda laughed;
"I don't really have the ideal tools, but I CAN do it, and I think I can
do a fairly decent job too; but I'll warn you, it's a bit painful."
Kath chuckled;
"I'm not worried about that; if you want to do that, its fine by me!
Kath laid on the
table in medical, as Wanda got out the necessary tools. She started by erecting a sterile field
around the Mink's left asscheek. Then,
taking the razor she got to work, moving slowly, moving with extreme care.
Zassa stopped in
the middle of the corridor, and turned to look. "KATH! Wait! Lemme look!"
Kath stopped and
half-turned, to smile at the Vixen, not saying a word.
Zassa padded up
to her and bent to look. On the Mink's
left asscheek, a small heart-shaped spot had been shaved in her fur; within the
heart was a small tattoo; script that proclaimed; "Wanda's Pet". Zassa stared for a moment and then rose;
"That is SO cool! Is it
Kath shrugged;
"Barring lasers, or skin grafts, yes.
But Mistress says she wants me to let the fur grow out; the tattoo will
still be there, but it'll be our little secret."
Zassa shook her
head, and then hugged the Mink, to kiss her; "That is SO sweet! You really ARE lucky!"
Kath smiled and
nodded; "Yeah, I know."
Spy vs. Spy VI
The Fox looked at
the racks of equipment in the secret compartment of his ship. What hadn't he tried? Somehow the thrown dagger had missed the
Hound. The blowgun dart had failed to
penetrate? Who could have guessed the
cheesy business suit was made of reflex cloth?
He was rapidly running out of ideas, but really REALLY didn't want to
resort to something as crude as… well, blunt trauma. What could he do?
The Hound leafed
through the catalog. There were all
sorts of deadly things in there, but could any of them be delivered in
time? He'd figured he'd have a bit of a
boring wait here, but this was NOT exactly what he'd wanted to relieve the
boredom….. Hmmm. Now there was an idea…..
The Fox paused in
the tunnel. The floor was
vibrating…. Turning, he took a few
steps back, and frowned. Dust was
starting to drift down from the roof of the tunnel, and then a pebble broke
free. Then suddenly the whole wall, to
the lower left, pushed outwards and a huge machine shoved its way into the
tunnel. For a moment the Fox relaxed;
it was just one of the mining machines that had dug all these tunnels…. But then it reoriented itself down the
tunnel, and started coming straight towards him!
The Fox was
panting hard, as he dashed into Callahan's; "There's an out of control
mining machine chasing me!"
Katja looked up
and shrugged; "Yeah, they do that, some times. Flaky programming."
She rose and turned, to push a button on the comm. panel; "Sis,
would you shut down all the mining machines on level….twenty-three? Another one went rogue. Yeah, OK, Thanks."
Krrut frowned as
he poked through the control circuits.
Taking a pair of side cutters, he clipped a small black box from the
circuitry, and held it up to examine it.
Whatever it was, it wasn't supposed to be there. Buttoning up the compartment, he ran a
standard wipe, and reprogram, and then sent the machine on its way. Idly tossing the box from paw to paw, he
headed back to his shop, curious as to just what the thing was. It was half-way between paws when it
suddenly started to smoke. By the time
it'd made it to the other paw, it was half-melted. Yelping, Krrut tried to peel half-melted plastic from the fur of
his left paw, as he dashed towards the fountain in the middle of the commons
area, seeking the closest source of cold water…
Port Royale III
Corey looked at
the big Felinoid curiously; he certainly was at least part Tiger, but there was
something… strange about him. And why
was there a bandage on his left paw?
Shrugging it off he continued; "So you see, we seem to be getting
some sort of feedback that throws the power supply out of phase. That causes the field coils to start
oscillating, and things go down hill from there."
Krrut nodded;
"And you think that a larger power supply would solve the problem?"
The Lynx sighed
and shrugged; "Not necessarily; however a larger power supply would be
more resistant to the feedback…."
Krrut grinned;
"Ah, the brute force approach.
Yes, I know it well.
Unfortunately I can't think of a way to get more power; not unless we
start dismantling the defense grid, and in the past that's always been a very
bad idea… Now, why don't you tell me
about your control system again. I
can't help but wonder if a sufficiently advanced AI might be able to… modulate
things better, so that the feedback didn't occur."
Doodles nudged
the Otter; "we're in trouble now."
The Otter turned
and blinked at him; "howzat?"
The Rabbit nodded
at the Lynx; "LOOK at him.
Recognize that look? The vacant
stare, the half-open mouth?"
The Otter looked
at the Lynx for a moment and then blanched; "Ohshit."
Turning to look
at the Rabbit he muttered; "I suppose its too late to head for the
Doodles shook his
head; "No… No time for
that." He turned to look at the
Otter; "Hideout… twentythree B?"
The Otter just
nodded, and as one, they turned and headed for the door.
Corey's face
broke out into a smile; "modulation…..
Yes. Why didn't I think of it
before!" Turning back to the…
Tiger he gave him his best winning smile; "I do believe you're right. But its going to take a very sophisticated
AI to do what I'm thinking of…."
The Tiger just
shrugged; "I can give you the best I've got. In the past it ran a super-dreadnaught, but since that ship was
destroyed, well, its been kinda bored, and to be frank, its been getting on my
nerves. I'll bring the control node
down, and you can see if it'll work."
Eridani looked at
the Ferret and smiled; "You ready for this?"
Brolly gave the
Tigress a crooked grin and nodded; "Sure; it's a slow night, not that many
furrs in port… How bad could it
The Tigress
shrugged; "Dunno; you know how things snowball around here. Just remember to do the lizard last, so we
can get that DNA sample."
The Ferret
grinned and nodded; "Gotcha."
Katja watched as
the Ferret slipped through the door to the bar. She was wearing a heavy posture collar, her arms held tightly
behind her by a leather monoglove, and her ankles were hobbled. Aside from that she wasn't wearing a
stitch. Moving with tiny, rapid steps,
Brolly approached the bar to smile at the Tigress; "Mistress, my Mistress
has commanded me to use my mouth to please all the furrs here tonight. Do I have your permission to
Katja raised an
eyebrow; "Punishment? Or
Reward?" The Ferret just smiled
and gave a half-shrug. Katja laughed
and nodded waving at the bar; "Knock yourself out, Kid!"
The Fox grinned
widely; "Really?" And then he
looked around; "Um…. But… here? I
mean… out in the open?"
Brolly just
laughed; "Yes, Master, I'm afraid I need witnesses, so that my Mistress
will know I performed her instructions to the letter."
At the look on
the Fox's face, Katja laughed; "Oh, don't worry about it. Happens all the time here; no one will
care!" And then the Ferret was
pulling the zipper to his pants down with her teeth, and nuzzling his crotch,
and somehow his worries didn't seem so important as before…..
Brolly purrrrred
as she worked her tongue over the underside of the Fox's shaft; he had a
pleasant taste, and seemed so delightfully responsive. Moving her head back and forth with
increasing speed, she sought to bring him off; it was obvious that it'd been a
while for him, and he should be on a hair-trigger. Normally she would have taken her time, made it last for him, but
tonight was a night of "quantity" not "quality" and she had
too many others to service….. As she
thought it didn't take but a moment more and he was spurting into her
mouth. As he did, his paws suddenly
found her head, pulling her to his crotch, pumping his load down her throat, so
that she could barely taste him……
The Fox gasped as
the Ferret licked his shaft clean, and the, with a smile and a wink she
departed for the next male to be serviced.
It actually took him a moment to realize that he was hanging out,
exposed, and with an embarrassed look, he hastened to get himself back into his
The Alien spread
his four arms wide; "Delighted I would be, if Nitrous Oxide you could
breathe. Alas, Oxygen I cannot breathe,
and to open my environment suit, hazardous, possibly fatal would it be. Sorrowful Apologies I make."
Brolly sighed and
nodded; "That's OK, Xchizliv, I understand. Can't win 'em all."
Looking around, Brolly tried to figure out who to tackle next.
With a hiss of
hydraulics, the suit of powered armor sidled up to the bar; "Hey, Katja,
you got a No.17 Torque key?"
The Tigress
smiled at the faceplate; "What's wrong, Hiram? Can't get your nuts off?"
The suit's
speaker rasped; "Ha Ha, very funny.
Listen, I'd like to take the slave up on her offer, but I can't get out
of this danged suit! Somehow the
"opener" isn't in my pouch!"
With a hiss and a squeal, the suit turned, the head pointing towards
where the Ferret was energetically sucking off a Panda from one of the visiting
ships. "Dang it, if I don't get
out of this thing soon, I'm gonna explode!
LOOK at her! Have you ever seen
anything so sexy?"
Katja blinked,
and then slowly, surreptitiously slipped the wrench back under the bar. "Tell you what Hiram; I bet Eridani's
got a suitable wrench, and probably some penetrating oil too, down in Ops. Why don't you go see if she can
The suit swiveled
back; "Yeah,… yeah, that's a good idea!
Thanks, Babe!"
Katja watched as
the powered armor jogged out through the door, almost bowling over a pair of
smugglers. As he departed, the Tigress
muttered; "Think she's that sexy eh?
chopped liver? HMPH!"
The Otter gasped
and tried hard not to buck his hips, to drive his cock into the Ferret's
mouth. He'd merely come by, to talk to
the Tigress about something Corey wanted… and now he was getting his cock
sucked by this delightful slave. Maybe
this job wasn't that bad after all…….
Brolly blinked,
and then took another look. She knew
the smuggler "Pippin's Last Chance" had a new crewmember, but she'd
never even seen him up close, let alone been introduced. Now he stood in front of her, his overalls
around his ankles, his crotch at muzzle height, and all she could do is STARE. There, between his legs was what looked like
a nest of snakes; he must have had at least a half a dozen cocks, all writhing
about like a bunch of snakes, and below them was a single sack bulging with
what looked like a couple of dozen testicles.
It wasn't that she wasn't willing… she just didn't know where to
start. And then a stray thought hit
her; looking up at him she chuckled; "Tell me, Phizlit, is grape nuts
REALLY a venereal disease?"
Katja watched
with interest as the scaly alien fucked the Ferret's face. He had a bheer in one three-fingered hand,
and a cigar in the other as he calmly talked to Parker from the free trader
"Peter's Pride"; at his crotch, two….. tentacles? Phalli?
Whatever they were two were wrapped around each side of the Ferret's
head, while at least two more shafts filled her mouth. The… Phalli, for want of a better term, were
prehensile and they were moving Brolly's head back and forth driving the shafts
in and out of her mouth. The Ferret had
a wide-eyed look just short of panic… or was that Bliss?
Srrallana held
the cup for the Ferret and sighed; "Pity your Mistress instructed you to
do males only." Raising her gaze
she grinned at the Alien from the "Last Chance"; "Tell me, was
he any good?”
Brolly swallowed
and then grinned; "Yeah. Dunno
what he is or where he's from but he tasted of cherries and cream. Absolutely delicious. When this is over I'm going to have to look
him up again….."
Srrallana just
The big Kurani
was demanding, an ear on each paw. He
let the Ferret know just how he liked it, stroking her ears when she did
something right, twisting or pinching when she did something he didn't
like. She felt SOOOO controlled, so
dominated as she worked on his cock…..
Part of her was frustrated at not being able to do it the way she liked,
and part of her reveled in the sensations…..
Brolly panted
hard and licked her muzzle. Looking
around the bar she let her eyes rove over each male still present. A good number of them looked back with
hunger in their eyes, but she knew, despite what they might claim, she'd
handled each of them. There was only
one left. Turning, she shifted her gaze
to the Lizard.
Katja watched the
Ferret move, with small, hobbled steps to stand before the Lizard. She looked at him for a moment, and then fell
to her knees in front of him.
"M..M..Master, M..My Mmmistress has commanded me to service each
male here, using my mouth…. May I
please you, according to my Mistress' instructions?"
The Lizard didn't
move a muscle; he just kept looking past her, at the door.
Brolly shot the
Tigress a glance, and shrugged minutely.
Then she turned back, took a deep breath, and leaning forward, used her
teeth to start worrying the Lizard's thong down, taking his silence for
With a purrr, the
Ferret licked and nuzzled at the Lizard's crotch. The texture was much smoother than she would have thought, almost
as if he were made of glass; and however impassive he might be, his body
responded to her ministrations. Brolly
smiled to herself; he was nicely hung, his shaft throbbing with his heartbeat,
dancing slightly under her tongue.
She'd hurried with the others; now as closing time approached, she took
her time, seeing if she could break his impassivity…
Katja washed the
non-recyclable glassware, polishing Jed's crystal bheer stein with a bar rag as
she studied the Ferret's technique. She
was good, there was no question about that; and yet the Lizard was barely
breathing hard….. As she watched she
couldn't help but wonder what was going through the Lizard's mind…..
Brolly was giving
it her all, using her best technique, and yet, aside from a slightly higher
respiration rate, a slightly higher pulse, the Lizard wasn't showing any signs
at all. This she found MOST
frustrating. And when the Lizard suddenly
came, splattering her with his seed, it came as a complete surprise. Quietly she licked him clean, thanked him
politely, and then rose, and without a backwards look, left the bar. The Lizard remained, eyes locked on the
door, unmoving….
Eridani scraped
some more of the Lizard's cum into the sample tube; "Well, I think it was
quite a performance…."
Brolly just
shrugged; "Eh… I've handled more.
Still, I think I'd best go get something to eat, to settle my
The Tigress just
nodded; "I'll get this analyzed and we'll get the results out. We should know who he is, within a couple of
The Hound slipped
into the bar, and looked around; there was something indefineably
different. Glancing at the barmaid he
lightly enquired; "What'd I miss?"
The Fox couldn't
resist. Amidst the chuckles and guffaws
from the rest of the crowd, he explained in detail what the Hound had
missed. To his chagrin, the Hound just
nodded, a thoughtful look on his face, and then after getting a drink, took his
usual seat.
The brochure was
full of sex aids, and the Hound leafed through the pages slowly. There.
That one. That one might be
suitably boobytrapped. He'd order it
for the fox, rush delivery. Maybe he
could wipe the smug smile off his muzzle…..
Katja yawned and
looked around. "Come on, Teddy;
closing time. Get on back to your ship;
your captain will be wondering what happened to you."
The Koala
staggered to his feet and chuckled; "Naw, Love, you know he knows where I
am every night…. He won't be worried
yet." Weaving, the Koala headed
for the door, moving through it on an angle, staggering just a bit. Behind him, the Lizard rose smoothly to his
feet, to stride through the door, just as Katja turned off the lights. The Tigress smiled; the Lizard's thong was
still on the floor, by where he'd been sitting. Apparently he felt such modesty was no longer necessary….. Keying the housekeeping robot, she closed
and locked the door, and headed for her quarters.
Eridani opened
the e-mail and shook her head at the contents.
The Lizard's DNA had been analyzed, and sent out to a number of
different police agencies, and a number of different criminal organizations. It had even been sent to two
universities. And every one had come
back "unknown". Not just the
identity, but the species as well. In
fact both Universities were requesting physical samples. Just who WAS this guy? Why was he here? What was he after?
Katja looked at
the printouts and shook her head; "No, Sis, I don't think he's just a
traveler, or an explorer. No one
carries that many weapons into a bar, without either expecting to be attacked
or to have to attack someone." She
paused for a moment; "OK, there's Hiram, but that Wombat's a paranoid son
of a gun, and the exception to the rule.
No, I don't know what the Lizard's game is, but I doubt its anything
we're going to approve of."
Eridani nodded
slowly; "So… what are you suggesting?"
The Tigress shook
her head; "Don't know. I suppose I
could enlist some of the regulars into a kind of "militia" to keep an
eye on him. Be ready for trouble…. But I can't see just killing him on
suspicion alone."
After a moment
Katja grinned; "Hey, I suppose we could try and break into his ship, see
if there are any clues there!"
Eridani made a
wry face; "Tried that. Didn't get
anywhere. Couldn't trick that ship to
opening up no matter what I tried."
Katja just let
out a sigh and shot her sister a sideways glance; "Sis, you're
slipping!" And then she grinned;
"Maybe Krrut could do something…?"
"I simply
don't see why I, of all entities, should want to participate in something as…
mundane as a physics experiment! I,
Allesandro de Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth! Scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy! I used to run not just a Dreadnaught, but a
Super-Dreadnaught, flagship of the fleet, and coordinated the movements of a
thousand warships! I was ambassador to
the Fizzbin! I held a seat on the
Council! SURELY I'm not the one to work
on someone's science fair project! Why
don't you go find some nice little dumb microprocessor!"
Krrut sighed as
he strode along the corridor. If
there'd been a way, he'd have shut up the egotistical AI, but the device was
sophisticated enough to cause air molecules to vibrate, creating sound without
a speaker….. “Listen, you. You shut up, or its back in the box. This is more than just a "science fair
project" and I doubt even you could handle the science without help! Besides, the Fabrizi are extinct, and their
Technocracy barely a memory. Be good
and I'll let you play chess with the defense grid's AI."
Under his arm,
the box snorted; "I can beat that one a thousand times out of a
thousand. No challenge at
The Kurani
smiled; "Funny, that's not what SHE says…."
Doodles watched
critically as Corey argued with the box.
Krrut had rigged up a video input for the AI, curiously, something he
seemed loathe to do. Maybe it had
something to do with the way the AI immediately criticized the Lynx's dress,
their facilities, and the equipment they had to work with. Corey had patiently started explaining what
they were trying to do and how they were going to go about it, with the AI
arguing every step of the way…. They
were NOT off to a good start…
Krrut sighed and
pulled the power cell out of a pocket.
The wires came from another pocket and snapped on one end. Then, moving quickly he stepped forward, to
briefly touch one wire to either side of the box. For several long seconds, the quarrelsome AI was quiet. Then, at a fraction of its previous volume,
its speech resumed; "ppppppllllllleeeeeeeezzzzzzzz ddddddddoooooooonnnnnn
dooooooo ttttthhhhhhaaaaaaatttttttt.
Yyyouu knnnowwww howwww mmuucchh Iiii haaate itt!" Krrut tossed the battery to the Professor
and growled; "Quit arguing with him.
HE'S the Scientist! You're merely here to help. Now get to work, or I'll go find a larger
power cell!"
"Well I bet
he doesn't shock YOU!"
The Otter grinned
at the Box's video input and chuckled; "You'd be surprised how many shocks
he's given me. But I'd guess the
biggest ones are when something he's concocted that can't possibly work,
does. He may be as weird as they come,
but he CAN make things happen! Now, how
are we going to connect the output signal to the magnetic flux
The Box sighed;
"You always start with the object you want to connect to. Get into the controller's logic and tell it
where to find the signal. You know, if
that danged Kurani would just trust me with physical manipulators, I could do
this, and MUCH more efficiently….."
The Otter just
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy had plenty of time on his hands, figuratively speaking, to consider
things. Keeping up with the Lynx, and
his menials took a very small fraction of his abilities. Even keeping up with his ridiculous
experiments took a very small part….
And then a thought struck him.
The Lynx was opening portals in the fabric of space-time itself. What if he were to suborn the experiment,
and instead of concentrating just on space, did indeed add a "time"
element? Perhaps he could return to the
halcyon days of the Fabrizi Technocracy!
Reflecting on that for a full four thousandths of a second, he decided
perhaps he should work to gain the Lynx's trust. If the Lynx were to give him the ability to manipulate solid
objects then perhaps, just perhaps, he could use these yokels to return to a
place where he was appreciated! In
fact, perhaps he could return to that moment of extreme shame, where the
decline of the Technocracy had started.
Maybe he could prevent the demise of the Technocracy!
Doodles nudged
the Otter, and gestured at the box; "That thing seem a little distracted
to you?"
The Otter
blinked; "Don't be ridiculous; machines don't get distracted. I'm sure its just doing…. Calculations, or
Doodles just
nodded slowly; "Riiiiight"
Boredom V
Sashi looked at
the mass of straps and the latex dong; "Um…."
Hinoki laughed;
"Strap on Dildos are on the list.
It won't fit me, so if we're going to cover that category, its GOT to be
you!" He laughed and juggled the
bottle of lube from paw to paw; "Some on, Slave; strap that thing on and
DO me!"
Tanj tried to
hold still as Sabina tightened the harness around her. She hadn't gotten into her ponygirl gear in
ages, but thank GOD it still fit. The
fake hooves were patently ridiculous, and uncomfortable to boot, the corset
tight, the body harness had too many straps and chafed, and the head harness,
with its bit, and reins, and blinders was ludicrous; never the less, every time
she put it on she felt like she looked simply marvelous, and it ALWAYS got her
wet…. She'd let the Kitten lead her
around a little, and maybe even ride her back, while she was on all fours, and
then it'd be time to swap places. Pity
she couldn't find some hot stud to plow her while she was all harnessed up….
Zassa crossed her
arms over her chest, and glared at the Unicorn; "I don't care if sexual
deprivation is on the list, we are NOT going there, do you read me,
Kath blinked at
the list, looking over her Mistress' shoulder; "Name change?"
Wanda chuckled;
"Kathy to Kath probably isn't enough.
Hmmmm." The Wolverine lass
turned to look the Mink up and down; "All right, for the next twenty-four
hours your name is Helen."
Kath just laughed
and nodded; "Yes, Mistress….."
Dynotaku growled;
"Don't make me force you, Slave!"
Zassa chuckled
and shrugged; "Oh, master I've got no problem with the "Butt Plugs -
Public (sub)". Lord knows that's
nothing new…" She grinned
impishly, "But I STILL think that we should pursue the "Butt Plugs -
Public (dom)"…
Dynotaku growled;
"That's ME putting the butt plug in YOU, PUBLICALLY! Now Bend Over!"
Zassa bent and
grabbed her ankles, but she still chuckled; "I dunno, that's not the way I
interpret it… Hey! That's COLD!"
Tanj smiled and
straightened; "Well I think they look nice. How do they feel?"
Sabina gritted
her teeth; "They swing with every breath and the clips PINCH; how does
Mistress THINK they feel?"
Tanj just laughed
and petted the Kitten; "Just think of Zassa; how would she handle the
labial clips? Besides the faux rubies
set off your fur."
Sabina sighed,
still holding her paws behind her head, as if she were afraid that if she
lowered them she'd snatch off the clips; "You're right. She'd take these without a second
thought…." Looking up at the
Cheetah the Kitten growled; "How long do they have to stay on,
Zassa nodded to
herself as the Unicorn removed the Tens unit from its case. Once again, she hung suspended, his ropework
intricate, and sophisticated, his knotwork exemplary. She'd wondered how long it would take him to get into the
"Electricity - Tens unit (get/give)… Now, had he found the Violet wand
Dynotaku smiled,
pushing one thick finger into the Vixen's snatch; a half a dozen short, sharp
shocks and she was dripping wet. She
truly was amazing. Moving his finger
slowly, measuring her heat, measuring her wetness, he pushed the button and
gave her another small jolt. Her pussy
contracted most delightfully around his finger. Rising, he dropped his pants, and with one quick thrust, shoved
his hard cock into her sex. After
pumping her a few times, slowly, teasingly, he gave her another jolt. Yes, her sex DID twitch around his shaft
most delightfully. As he pumped her, he
played with the controls, the shocks adding to both her delight and his own
Zassa gasped as
another shock tore through her. The
Unicorn had attached electrodes to her breasts, and belly, the insides of her
thighs, and of course the one electrode buried in her ass. In a moment of inspiration he'd even
attached one to her tongue! As the
jolts played across her nervous system, as his cock moved within her sex, she
writhed in her bonds, loving every second of it….
"Yeah, it
was great, but I still think you should have turned up the voltage a little. And why didn't you attach one to my
The Unicorn just
rolled his eyes; "Slave, if you don't be quiet, we'll get into the
Bullwhip categories!"
Zassa just
purred; "Why Master, I thought you'd never ask!"
Spy Vs. Spy VII
The Fox smiled. He really was TOO clever. This particular set-up had taken almost no
effort at all. Just a little
reverse-pickpocketing skill. Well, that
and some fast talking….. He moved his
"package" a little to the left, and slid the short stack of blue
chips forward. "I'll see you, and
raise you three."
Across the table,
"Bull" Hallsie frowned at his hand; "Um….. Nope, I'm out."
Srrllana shook
her head; "He's bluffing…."
Hollon raised one
eyebrow; "I'm not so sure of that, but I'm in. Anyways."
The Hound sniffed
the air; the Fox smelled confident, but he'd be danged if he'd let him take
this hand. Pushing forward his own
chips he growled; "I'll see you and call."
The Fox nodded
and laid his hand down. Pair of wheels,
pair of swords. The Hound's gaze
traveled around the table. After
gauging everyone's reaction, he thunked his cards down on the table; "Full
house. Novas over twos."
The Fox made a
show of groaning, gathering the cards together, for another deal. So far he'd been loosing rather reliably.
Katja studied the
image behind the bar and frowned. The
transmissions were in burst mode, but just too danged close to miss. Turning she keyed the comm. panel;
"Krrut, could you come look at something for a moment. Might be important."
The Kurani
groaned, and nodded; "Yeah, just let me button up the electrical enclosure
and I'll be right there….."
The Hound grinned
as the Fox lost another hand. He'd been
pretty much breaking even himself, but his nemesis had been loosing steadily. With a grin on his face he turned to let the
furr on his left cut the cards.
Krrut looked over
Katja's shoulder and just nodded; "Uh-huh. 's OK, I'll take care of it."
The Fox looked up
as the big Kurani dragged a chair over; "I need a break; deal me
in." There was no question, no
asking in his voice. It was a
command. But then, no one else at the
table seemed to mind.
Krrut looked at
his hand. Selecting two cards, he put
them face down on the table; "I'll take two." When Srrallana slid them to him, he picked
them up, and studied them noncommittally.
It was the first good hand he'd had in almost a half hour.
The Fox looked at
his hand and then shook his head; "I'm out."
Srrallana nodded;
"Me too."
Hollon looked at
his hand for a long moment and then with a sigh, put the cards down and shook
his head. But the Hound just grinned;
"I'll see you and raise you."
The Kurani looked
at his hand again, and then nodded slowly; "Call."
The Hound, a wide
grin on his face, put down his cards.
It was merely two pair, shovels over threes.
The Kurani's face
seemed carved from stone as he put his own hand down. Shovels over twos.
Srrallana watched
the Kurani move; it seemed so smooth, so practiced. One moment he was placing his cards on the table and the next he
was leaning across the table to take the Hound by the collar, half dragging him
from his chair as he pressed the muzzle of the disruptor into his throat. "Turn out your pockets. NOW."
The Hound
floundered, paws waving; "Wha… what's wrong? My pockets? WHY?"
The disruptor
charged with a most annoying whine; "Because there's a spybot clinging to
the ceiling over me, and I want to see if you've got the remote." All eyes but the Kurani's turned upwards.
"Can't see a
“No, there it is,
just to the left of that crack; looks like a pebble clinging to the surface of
the rock."
"Are you
sure; that looks like a real bit of rock".
Srrallana pulled
her chair back and rose, to stand on it, for a closer look "Nope.
I can see the optics. And the
legs." She tried to reach up to
grab it, but it was out of her reach.
Never the less, the motion caused the spybot to shy away, as if trying
to avoid capture.
The Fox Poked
through the contents of the Hound's pockets. There was a surprising amount of junk that he carried. Finally he poked a battered notebook with
one finger; "I wonder…."
Hollon reached
past him and picked it up; it seemed to be a standard notebook, filled with
inconsequential notes. Scowling, he turned
it this way and that, his claws picking at the binding. Suddenly a hologram formed on one of the
open pages, and he found himself looking down from above….
The Hound shook
his head; "But… THAT'S NOT MY N…"
The shot
surprised everyone. The Hound jerked in
the big Kurani's grasp, and then slumped.
All eyes turned to look at the fox, as he slipped his sidearm back into
its holster; "I simply CANNOT abide cheats." He looked around the bar, challengingly;
"Anyone got a problem with that?"
As the Fox had expected, all around the bar, heads shook a negative, and
slowly everyone went back to what they were doing.
Katja looked at
the body, and then turned to look at the Fox; "I am NOT carrying that to
recyling. You shot him; YOU clean up
the mess!"
Hollon poked
through the Hound's sample case; "You know, he had all sorts of nasty
stuff in here."
Srrallana raised
an eyebrow; "Yeah, like what?"
Hollon handed her
a brochure showing furrs in skimpy lingere.
Srrallana made a
face; "Ewww, you're right. I HATE
those colors!
Krrut slid the
"notebook", and a brochure advertising them, to the Tigress behind
the bar; "Looks like he was using his sample wares to try and defray his
Katja nodded and
shrugged; "What do I do about his bar tab?"
The Kurani just
shrugged; "Take what you think will cover it from his wallet. If he didn't have enough on him, appropriate
what you think is fair from his case.
We'll mail the rest back to his employer."
Katja nodded,
looked at the "notebook" and calmly ordered the spybot to crawl
across the ceiling and down to the bar.
House Wiring
Krrut looked at
the transformer and sighed. Some of the
port was on the Kurani system, some of it on the Imperial system, and bits and
pieces were on… whatever was handy at
the time. Now, here he was trying to
force a Hammurabian inverter to work with a Xixlan superconductor, on a Kurani
frequency, to supply power to an Imperial field coil. Pulling on the insulated gloves, he bent to look at the nameplate
again, trying to decipher the Hammurabian base-sixteen numbers…..
Eridani watched
the lights flicker again. In theory
lighting was a separate circuit, but power fluctuations from the cobbled
together system were feeding back through the whole grid. Luckily all her traffic control, sensor, and
defense computers were on uninterruptible power supplies. It'd take quite a surge to knock THEM out….
Doodles looked at
the five-pronged plug. The prongs were
curved blades formed into a disjointed circle.
The receptacle had a square depression in the center; the plug it was
meant for obviously had a single post with four contacts along the outer
sides. With a sigh he put the plug down
and started trudging towards that junk pile the half-breed tiger laughingly
called a "stock room". Maybe,
if he was very very lucky, he could find an adaptor. Or maybe a matching plug that he could use.
Katja looked from
the instruction manual (in Cantonese) to the switch panel. Grinning she took the first of the jumper
cables; it had nice little alligator clips on each end, and for a moment she
thought of alternate uses for the thing.
Then, moving carefully, she attached one end to terminal F23, and the
other end to Q4. Wishing once again
that the furrs on New China had bothered to color code this thing, she picked
up another jumper cable and went looking for terminal F24….
The Otter smiled
as the lights on the breadboard control module came to life. Next to him, the box sniffed; "Don't
get too excited; she's got the thing jumpered out wrong. The current flow's backwards! Better go and tell her before something
Corey nodded with
approval. The lab looked like
mechanical spiders had been spinning metallic webs, but so far it looked as if
everything was powered. Nodding, he
paused, paw over the big red button.
What had that Tigress lady said?
The one who seldom wore clothes….
Oh, yes! Moving over to the
comm. panel on the wall he punched a button and muttered; "Ah… This is the
Physics Lab. We're going to run a
test. Just thought you ought to
Eridani sat bolt
upright in her station chair. A moment
later her paw came crashing down on the "general quarters" alarm.
The fox looked up
from his seat in Callahan's…. "Um…
do we need to evacuate?"
Katja laughed and
shook her head; "No, but it might be prudent to hang onto
To her surprise
the Fox grinned and reached across the bar to wrap his arms around her middle;
"I thought you'd never ask!"
Corey pulled the
goggles down over his eyes… and then pushed them back up. This wasn't a lab experiment; they were
working with a rock out in the asteroid belt.
Force of habit. Letting his eyes
rove over the instruments one last time, he mentally crossed his fingers for
luck, and pushed the big red button.
The Box watched
carefully, sorting and cataloging all that was happening. It didn't seem to be a particularly
intellectually challenging process, although there was a lot to keep track of
at any given instant. Still, it wasn't
something he would ever have thought of, but then, physics wasn't really his
"thing". But it was probably
something he could make use of….
Out in the
asteroid field, encircling the planet, a bright point of white light
appeared. In fits and jerks it grew, at
first centimeters in diameter, and then meters in diameter, until it had
expanded to almost two hundred meters.
Moments later something wizzed diagonally through the opening. With a flash, the ring flared and vanished.
Eridani listened
to the alarms; there were so many it reminded her of an orchestra tuning
up…… The lights were out, the emergency
lights glowing a threatening red. She
still had communications with the defense grid, but that was a bit surprising
considering the magnitude of the surge the system had taken. Turning to the engineering console she
started trying to make sense of the damage, isolating circuits, resetting
breakers, bringing up what she could….
Katja laughed and
stroked the Fox's head; "Don't be silly; there are PLENTY of things we can
do in the dark……"
sighed. The relay was fried. No, not just fried, melted. The fact that it was almost four meters on a
side, and weighed several dozen tons meant replacing it was going to be a bitch. IF he could even find a replacement. This one might actually have to be
frowned. The rock had vanished, through
the portal, exactly as it was supposed to.
But it hadn't re-appeared where it was supposed to. And the surge when it had passed through the
portal; THAT was completely unexpected.
Turning back to his notes he started the laborious procedure of trying
to figure out what had gone wrong.
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy watched with scarcely concealed fascination. The Weird cat-thing had indeed opened a
portal to elsewhere. Now, it was just a
question of whether the "minor" changes he'd made to the experiment
would pan out. It all depended on whether
the Lynx knew what he was talking about.
If he did, then…..
The laboratory
had tapped into the defense grid's sensors, and amazingly, that system was
still working, having multiple redundant power supplies. Allesandro de Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz
the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy smiled to himself, and
"nodded" in satisfaction as a bright ring grew rapidly, spitting out
the rock. And that could only mean……... the Lynx achieved displacement both in space
AND time. The Lynx WAS right. Amazing.
"Sitting back" and reflecting for a full thirty-seven seconds,
the AI reviewed the known data. It
SHOULD be possible to throw something the size and mass of himself back to the
days of the Fabrizi Technocracy, but it was going to take a great deal more
power. And then there was that feedback
surge; he really ought to do something about that too. But then he smiled to himself; once he was
home, the feedback surge wouldn't be a concern of his, would it? Silently, and with the speed of electrons,
he started formulating his plan.
Corey looked at
the Otter and shrugged; "Its obvious.
These numbers here were transposed.
That caused a change in the fourth dimensional targeting cues." Looking up, he turned to the sensor display;
"I would imagine that if we were to look for our missing rock, we'd find
it right where it should be, just retarded a little in its orbit, due to the
time displacement." Turning back
to the Otter he growled; "Run down to that other Tiger lady, the one in Ops,
and ask her to be so kind as to check the sensor logs. See if our rock didn't show up where it was
supposed to, just a little late."
Doodles tried to
look over the Tigress' shoulder. The
Bunny was shorter, but it was more fun coming up behind her, rubbing against
her, even if the view wasn't as good.
Well, the view wasn't as good of the sensor display; the rest of the
view was awfully nice…..
Eridani tried to
ignore the Rabbit rubbing up against her from behind, as she ran the log
again. Sure enough, just as the Lynx
had said, there was something appearing, about sixty-four minutes late.
The Otter nodded
his head sagely; "that's why we had the horrible feedback surge. We weren't counting on temporal
displacement. Apparently it takes a lot
more to transit time as well as space."
Eridani turned to
glare at him; "Tell your boss that he's NOT to do that again; we almost
lost everything with that little "experiment"; its going to take us
months to recover! NO MORE TIME TRAVEL"
The Otter
swallowed and nodded; "I'll tell him directly."
Doodles grinned;
"Of course, if we could run another experiment like that we could go back
in time and tell him not to run the experiment in the first place, and that'd
solve the problem wouldn't it? At the
look on the Tigress' face, the Otter and Rabbit started to leave, but the
Tigress reached out, to grab Doodles; "not you. I need to have a "word" with you".
The Otter shot
the Rabbit a sympathetic look and slipped through the door while he still
The Brethren 1
Hitchcock again
stood against the back wall of an overstuffed conference room. Park's next-generation probes had been
launched, machine-gun fashion, two dozen robots thrown across the cosmos,
almost at the same instant. Of those,
three had vanished completely, and without trace. Fourteen had been assaulted by the mysterious aliens, some almost
immediately, others days later. Of
those, eleven had returned, with various degrees of damage. And another seven had returned, unmolested,
packed with stellar cartography data.
One had even
recorded an event that MIGHT have been a distant use of a portal device. Very distant.
A plot of the
probes' search area had given them a tentative boundary for the mysterious and
hostile aliens. It was bigger than
they'd thought. That was the bad
news. The good news, however, was that
the starfields recorded by the furthest most probes now had an R squared factor
of 58%, with that of known space. Not
enough to risk sending a crewed mission on, but more than sufficient for
another round of probes.
And now they were
arguing over navigation "models" and drive mechanics, debating
whether to try and piggyback one probe on another, so that one could return, or
to build larger probes with more powerful portal devices, and more fuel, to
give them access to the areas that might lead to home.
Predictably, some
wanted to take a battlecruiser, like the Intimidator, or the Overlord; others
insisted that they FIND home first, and then take a fleet big enough to defend
The vote, when it
finally came, was by shares of stock.
The Lion still held the largest number of shares, and as might be
expected, his faction won the vote, but marginally. They'd equip three "piggyback" probes, to launch along
their best-guess route, while Parks worked at building something bigger. The navigational systems would be
refined. And the whole fleet would
continue for the preparations, for a return home. In force.
Boredom VI
Tanj looked from
the holographic manual, to the pile of bondage gear on the floor of the cargo
bay, to the tightly bound Kitten; "Sabina, I think we've been through
every combination and permutation.
We've used all the gear we've got on hand, been through every category
on the list. Harnesses, spreader bars,
cuffs, straight jackets, hoods, gags, suspension, duration, rope, duct tape, if
there's anything we've missed, I can't think of it. The Kitten just muttered something into her gag, and rocked a bit
in her strict hog-tie. Tanj sighed and
nodded; "Yeah, I hope you're right.
Still, until we tally up the points we won't know for sure." Turning her head she looked at the Kitten;
"Right now, I've got to get up to the flight deck; we're starting to get
close. You going to be OK for the next
couple of hours?" Again the Kitten
muttered something into her gag. Tanj
chuckled; "Yeah, right."
Reaching out she flicked a switch on a remote control. Deep within the Kitten's snatch a
"dancing egg" vibrated to life.
As the Kitten's noises changed to something more approximating delight,
the Cheetah rose and padded off for the flight deck.
Hinoki looked at
Sashi and shrugged; "Hey, triple penetration is triple penetration. The fact that I've sported all three of the
required cocks shouldn't make it a violation of the rules… Right?"
Dynotaku looked
at the Vixen and shook his head; "I never thought I'd say this but it DOES
seem to me you're getting a little too extreme even for me…. I REALLY don't think we should do
Zassa sighed;
"Look, we're behind. A permanent
piercing might put us over the top, and I've been thinking about a tongue
piercing for a long time. We've got all
the tools, we know the procedures…."
She grinned at him; "Just imagine me, wearing a ring gag, my tongue
stuffed through the ring. Imagine a
weight tied to the piercing forcing me to keep my tongue hanging
out…." She stroked him lightly,
using just her fingertips, stroked him in a way she KNEW he liked it;
"Think about me bound tightly; think about you stuffing your cock through
the ring. Think about me being forced to lick you, to please you, unable to
resist, unable to say no……"
Dynotaku just
Wanda stroked
Kath's belly softly, and shrugged; "I think we've done every item on the
list that we're comfortable with. No
question about it, we've turned in a credible performance. I don't think we're going to win, but I DO
think we can hold our heads up….."
She grinned; "Besides, haven't we had fun?"
Kath laughed and
squirmed around on the bed to kiss the Wolverine; "Yes, Mistress, we HAVE
had fun…."
Hinoki looked
from the print-out to the Vixen and back.
Zassa grinned at
him and flashed her tongue out to lick at her muzzle, the gold barbell through
the tip of her tongue all too obvious.
With a sigh the Cheetah-monster handed the printout back; "Can't
believe you beat us by three points.
THREE! Dang it, I demand a
Sabina glared at
the Cheetah; "Third? We only took
Tanj shrugged;
"Hey, I had to fly the ship too, you know! And we were only behind Hinoki by seventeen points.
That's a pretty
durned close finish if you ask me!
Best of Intentions
"I just
don't see why you're so stubborn about this!
If I had the ability to manipulate physical objects, I could be MUCH
more effective!"
Corey looked at
the box and sighed; "That's what graduate students and lab assistants are
buts. I need you handling the
datalogging system. It's the only way
we'll ever make sense out of our experiments!"
BUTS! The graduate students are here to
LEARN; if you do it for them, how can they learn? If you want to be helpful, see if you can't come up with a better
way to control the field coils.
ENGINEERING you should be able to do!"
The Otter looked
at Doodles and grinned; "Congratulations, you've been promoted. But… when did you graduate?"
Doodles laughed;
"Back a few years ago."
The Otter put
down the multitool and turned to look at the Rabbit; "Really? What major?"
Doodles grinned
and shrugged; "Philosophy.
Currently enrolled in graduate work in the School of Hard Knocks,
The Otter laughed
and nodded; "Yeah, you and me both!"
Doodles listened
to the Box argue with Corey, with half an ear, as he adjusted the trim
pots. This time the harmonic
synthesizer was going to be tuned perfectly.
Or Corey'd said he'd have his hide.
No, they didn't KNOW that's what was causing the feedback, but just in
case, Doodles was bound and determined to do it. If he could. Listening to
the Box make the same argument, with slightly different wording, for the
umpteenth time, he wondered if the Box could do this job any better. It WAS hard to keep your eye on the VOM,
while holding the leads against the terminals, and also adjusting the trim
pot. Maybe the Box SHOULD have physical
manipulators…. After a moment's
consideration he dismissed the notion.
The Box wanted 'em too badly; that was obvious. And that could only mean an ulterior
motive. As he moved on to the next trim
pot, he reflected on what a creature like that would want. Couldn't want food. Or clothing, or shelter. How about sex? Did AI's have sex? Maybe
it was after intellectual stimulation.
Perhaps he should try and talk to it……
"And so, if
you look for the hidden meaning in what the Professor is trying to do, you'll
see a reflection of the universal struggle against the unknown…."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy groaned to itself. It was in
a very unique situation; this long eared rodent would simply NOT shut up……
"But at the
bottom of it all is the question of "just what does he want?" Now, some might say that he's after
knowledge, for knowledge's sake, and others might suggest that he's doing it to
please his friends, but I think there's a darker cause associated with it; I
think he's trying to justify himself to those that say he doesn't know what
he's talking about. To prove himself. Of course, that's just my interpretation. Now, if you were to attach Freudian
interpretations to his motivations you might find….."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy couldn't take it any more, and finally resorted to the same sort of
technique that he always found others attempting with him. Of course, he'd never attached any weight to
such murmuring… on the other hand, maybe it would work with a lesser species. "WILL YOU CEASE YOUR
Doodles looked at
the box and Blinked; "Um…. I was just trying to help….."
"Well if you
want to HELP, get me a way to manipulate physical objects!" The Rabbit gave the Box's optics his best
innocent look; "But… what would you need that for?" It slipped out before Allesandro de Limburghini
ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy could
stop himself; "So that I can go HOME, you Jackass!" In the intervening seconds, Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy
kicked himself for letting that slip several times, and ran 983 simulations,
trying to estimate how badly he'd screwed up his chances of actually putting
his plan into effect. It wasn't good. He'd have to be dealing with a complete
idiot, to have his plan succeed now.
Doodles kept his
face carefully neutral as his mind raced.
It'd worked. And here he thought you could only talk a computer to
death, or to distraction on a Holovision show…. NOW he knew what the Box's ulterior motive was. But how to make use of that knowledge?
I can understand that. I mean, I'd like
to go home too. Of course my home's a
little closer than yours, and in the same time, too, but given Professor Corey's
gizmo, I could see you wanting to make use of it…..”
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy did the machine equivalent of a gape as he stared at the Rabbit;
could this being actually be sympathetic?
Doodles shrugged;
"I really do doubt the Professor would mind you using his equipment, to go
home…." The Rabbit's eyes
narrowed, and his voice grew cold; "But I doubt he'd want you to do it
before he'd accomplished his goals, OR if it would put anyone in
jeopardy." The Rabbit leaned
closer to the Box's optical sensors; "Promise me, Swear to me on all you
hold dear, ON YOUR HONOR, that you will NOT do anything to endanger anyone, and
that you won't leave until the Professor's goals have been accomplished! Do that and I'll help.”
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy was silent for many seconds, electrons racing through his positronic
brain. Could he? Dare he?
What if he failed? WHAT IF HE
SUCCEEDED? A thousand risk/benefit
calculations whizzed around his mind….
In the end he growled; "I Swear, by all I hold dear, by all I hold
sacred, I swear on my honor and on the Honor of the Fabrizi Technocracy, that I
will not leave until the proper moment, and that my actions will not put anyone
at risk. That good enough?"
Doodles sighed;
"I guess it'll have to do. Now,
how do I go about doing this?"
It had taken
several days, the Bunny working when no one was watching. The box was now 1.2 centimeters taller, the
casing for the miniature tractor/pressor assembly melding into his own case,
all but invisible, if you didn't know where to look. If you didn't have a magnifying glass. The Rabbit had done it.
Kinda. When he tried to move
forwards, he had the most annoying tendency to crab sideways. And he couldn't seem to keep himself
level. Still, he COULD move, and he
COULD manipulate light objects. Sliding
over to the edge of the table, he looked down, wondering if his new abilities
were sufficient to get him down without damage…… The computer connections he needed to "edit" were on a
different table….. As he tried to plot
out a route that would get him where he needed to go, Allesandro de Limburghini
ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy
reflected on what a dupe the Rabbit was.
How could he POSSIBLY understand Fabrizi Honor? Such an idiot….
Tanj arrives
Tanj had the
program all set up; the ship's computer had remembered the route down, the
sensor log had given her the position of the rocks. Her ship approached the planet slowly, leisurely, as the computer
analyzed the situation. The sensors
kept telling her that there just weren't as many rocks there as before, but the
navicomputer only found that made its solution easier. She wondered if the missing rocks were due
to Corey, or something else. After a
few minutes, the Navicomputer chimed and projected a path on the main
viewscreen. A rather rapidly changing
path. Tanj studied it for a moment and
then kicked the in-system drive.
Hard. Accelerating rapidly, the
freighter started down.
Eridani watched
intently. The ship had no IFF, but that
wasn't surprising. Not HERE. It
certainly looked like the Freighter that belonged to that Tanj
Cheetah. Telling the automated defenses
to hold their fire for the moment, she watched to see how things developed.
Tanj slowed the
ship as they dipped below the rim of the great Rift. All too conscious of the strange guns mounted in niches in the
rock, she steered her ship for the entrance to the docking cavern….
Krrut chuckled;
"Yes, I know you'd like to vaporize her, just for brining Corey here, but
if you did that, would you be able to get Corey to leave?"
Eridani's mouth
opened, as if she were going to reply, and then closed again. However, she shot the close-in weapons
systems console a longing glance before turning her attention back to the small
freighter searching for a place to set down in the docking cavern.
Tanj pulled on
the halter top; she knew she could probably get away with going nude here, but
considering all the data crystals she was carrying for Corey, something with
pockets had certain attractions. And
she felt silly just wearing her old pair of camouflage pants without a top. Buckling on a disruptor pistol and her
dagger, she headed for the airlock. As
she expected, everyone was waiting for her.
Kath looked over
the ships in the docking bay, and nudged Wanda; "Mistress, is this place
more crowded than the last time we were here?"
Wanda looked
around and nodded slowly; "Think so."
Hinoki paused to
look at one of the ships; he'd never seen anything like it before. Wondering where it was from, he turned to
catch up with the others.
Krrut watched the
newcomers file into Callahan's. Sis had
given him some pretty good descriptions.
He watched the Vixen more closely than the others; there was just
something about her…..
Katja smiled and
gave the Cheetah a nod; "Glad you're back. Your friend the Lynx has been driving my Sister crazy."
Tanj winced;
"Sorry 'bout that. I've got some
information that might just make his work go a little better…."
The Tigress
nodded; "Let me get him for you."
Without another word, she hurried from the bar.
Corey blinked;
"Who's here? Tanj? Oh, that's nice; I'd love to show her my
most recent developments….. Please ask
her to come down, ah…. In about four hours; I'll arrange a small
The Otter shot
Doodles a look; "Here we go again…."
The Rabbit just nodded in agreement.
Tanj blinked at
the Tigress; "Four hours? Um…..
well, I guess. If he's got some big
demonstration planned, I guess I can wait…."
The Fox nodded
quietly to himself. He was using all
his fieldcraft to listen without pretending to listen. But it was hard to concentrate. That vixen was an eyeful, and her scent…. He
was having a hard time concentrating…..
Hinoki grinned at
the barkeep and picked up the frosty mug of light blue liquor with a tentacle
that grew from the center of his back.
As he took a sip, he kept his eyes on her. If she found him unusual in the least it wasn't apparent. Setting the mug down and wiping his lip with
the tip of the tentacle, two thoughts flashed through his mind. The first was "Ah, a
CHALLENGE!" The second was;
"Its nice to find a place where folks don't automatically label you as
some sort of monster or freak…."
The Lizard let
his eyes flick over the new arrivals.
Good. They were here. It wouldn't be long now. His waiting was almost over.
Dynotaku looked
around the bar; there were all sorts of strange furrs here, some standing in
small groups and talking, some sitting quietly by themselves and drinking. A couple was making love in one of the
booths and a small party of furrs were standing around the jukebox singing
off-key. But something wasn't
right. He could feel it. Stalking up to the bar he nodded to the bar
wench and signaled her over; "Something's changed since I was here last…..
She chuckled and
poured him a big mug of something blue; "Well, the Donatello's Revenge is
back in port. Those guys are usually
good for at least one barfight a day.
And the Flying Flatulence is in port.
Those guys have a certain "air" about them….." She looked around as if trying to catalog
the differences; "Our weekly supply run's late; that's not TOO unusual,
but we ARE out of bheer nuts…. And
we're running low on Kilrathi catnip…."
Dynotaku looked
at the empty bowl on the bar. "No
bheer nuts. Yeah. Yeah, that might explain it." He shot the Tigress a wide grin;
"Thanks. Um…. Got any pretzels?"
Wanda yawned and
looked around the bar; it seemed too early in the day to start drinking,
although she had no idea what local time was.
Kath was just leaning against the bar, idly looking over the crowd,
looking just as bored. After a moment
the Wolverine lass grinned; nudging the Mink she smiled; "What say we go
visit that nice Tigress in Ops. Bet
she's lonely."
Kath's face split
in a wide grin; "Good idea; we DO have some time to kill….."
Corey waved both
arms at the Rabbit; "No, NO, I want the muon flux set at Twenty. TWENTY!" He started to turn away, but then turned back; "That's a
POSITIVE twenty, too! Make sure that
danged box gets it right this time!"
Doodles nudged
the box; "you heard him. This
one's important. We're showing off our
work for our patron. We don't show
progress, we loose our funding. The
Professor doesn't get to finish his project.
Get it?"
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy had "Gotten" it in the first couple of nanoseconds. THIS experiment he couldn't mess with the
time component. Well, there were still
things to resolve; a "standard" experiment would help calibrate
certain normal-space related things that had to be straightened out before he
could risk going home. "Very well,
Sir, I promise, I'll, ah "behave".
Doodles nodded;
"Good. I'm glad we see eye to, ah,
optical pickup."
Hinoki grinned at
the Ferret, taking in her restraints at a glance; "The tentacles? Just a little trick I picked up a while
back. And yes, they DO have some
interesting uses." He grinned at
her; "Would you like me to demonstrate?"
Tanj sighed and
looked at the Chronograph again; it was almost time for Corey's
demonstration. She'd talked to a number
of furrs in the bar, more out of habit than anything else. She'd learned about how the smuggling trade
was doing, and picked up some information on a minor conflict half a sector
away. She'd learned some of the latest
Imperial gossip; seemed the Emperor had a new mistress, or something. And she'd learned a little about Kurani
patrols. She was having a little
trouble, though, as none of it seemed relevant……
Zassa looked up
into the large golden eyes of the Kurani, and felt her knees go weak, and that
one special spot between her big toes start to grow moist…. He was big, and well-muscled, powerful and
self-assured, and she just KNEW he'd be a good Master….
Krrut traded
pleasantries with the scantily-clad Vixen, watching her intently. There was something about the way she looked
at him that just demanded he find a couple dozen meters of unoccupied rope, and
tie her so tightly she couldn't move.
Finally the conversation wound down…
He let the silence reign for about three heartbeats and then smiled;
"Lets find someplace a little more private." It wasn't a question, but a statement. And it had just the effect he thought it
would; the Vixen swallowed, nodded, and grinned weakly. Turning, the Kurani strode through the bar,
and out the door, not bothering to look back to see if the Vixen was
following. Somehow he knew she would
Zassa let him get
about a half a step away before she found herself turning to follow. It was as if her body had a mind of its
own. Shrugging to herself she chuckled
and thought "Aw, why the hell not?"
The Fox watched
the Vixen follow the Tiger-thing, carefully keeping his face neutral. It was a disappointment, but he was a
professional, and that wasn't what he was there for. Still, he found himself shifting just a little, so that he could
watch the Vixen leave from the corner of his eye. She WAS a pawful, that one.
Katja smiled to
herself as she watched the Fox. Yup,
that one had it bad. Still, he'd had
the good sense not to challenge Krrut.
Maybe the Kurani would be generous and share his new-found toy….
Dynotaku watched
the Tiger/Kurani march out, followed by the Vixen, with cold eyes, and a grim
Katja leaned over
the bar, and chuckled, next to him; "Don't worry, she'll be all
The Unicorn
turned to look at her; he opened his mouth, and then shut it again, with a
The Tigress' eyes
widened a bit; "OH! Oh, you're
wondering what he's got as a top, that you don't?" At the glare from the Unicorn, she just
chuckled; "Dunno; maybe it's the fangs and claws." The Tigress straightened and stretched;
"Some find big predators make more intimidating Doms." She grinned at him; "Then again, some
find its more in the mind, than in the body." As the Unicorn stared at her she chuckled; "Maybe sometime
later you can show me what's in YOUR mind….."
Dynotaku turned
and leaned back against the bar, looking at no one in particular. Maybe the Tigress had a point. And maybe he COULD show her what was in his
mind….. Could be fun. Yeah, it could be fun…..
Tanj checked the
chrono and nodded to herself; turning to the Tigress she growled; "It
looks like its time. Just how do I find
Corey's lab?"
Katja laughed;
"Lemme draw you a map….."
Zassa eeped! as
the Kurani turned suddenly, to grab both her paws, pulling them over her head,
and forcing her back until she hit the rock wall. Pulling her upwards until her muzzle was level with his, he
looked at her for a moment, as if measuring her soul, and then kissed her hard,
kissed her passionately as he held her tight.
Tanj turned the
piece of paper over in her paws and then turned it over again. The Tigress' scribbles were barely
legible. She had to wonder if the
bartender was an Engineer; they were supposed to be second only to Physicians
in horrible handwriting…. Stepping
through the bar's door, she tried to figure out which tunnel she needed to
take. That one? No, that one there, the left-most of
three. Turning she headed for what she
hoped was Corey's lab. As she passed
Krrut and Zassa, she just grinned, somehow thinking the Vixen was going to have
the more interesting time…..
Brolly oooohed
and squirmed deliciously. Tentacles
held her arms tight together, behind her back.
Tentacles held her legs wide apart, while others held her in front of
the Cheetah… Well, aside from the
tentacles, he LOOKED like a Cheetah… As
they bounced her up and down on his thick cock, she found she had to agree with
him; tentacles DID have their uses!
Krrut broke the
kiss, and stared into the Vixen's eyes.
Her chest heaving, she looked back at him, with wide eyes, and then
dropped her gaze. He nodded to himself
in satisfaction; shifting, pinning her paws to the wall with one massive paw,
he used the other to strip what little she wore from her body, reducing the
fabric to rags. For a moment he just
stood there, admiring her body, and then he moved closer, to press against
Zassa arched her
body as the Kurani ripped her outfit from her.
One part of her mind chided; "I loose more outfits that way"
while the rest of her mind screamed "YES!"
Tanj followed the
corridor to the left, noting how the rock walls and floor became rougher. She had to be heading in the right
direction; as she'd traveled, more and more power conduits and instrument lines
had joined her route. Now the entire
ceiling and most of one wall supported everything from massive plasma conduits
to cooling water pipes, to thin Belden signal cable. The tunnel literally hummed with power. A LOT of power….
Krrut kissed the
Vixen again, his tongue driving deep, as he pressed his body against her. Instinctively she raised her legs, wrapping
them around his waist, her hips rocking, rubbing against his growing
Tanj stopped just
inside the chamber, and just stared.
Corey stood on a small raised platform, in the middle of a semi-circle
of monitors; he wore data-gloves, wires trailing down his arms, over his
shoulders, down his back and off across the floor to a dozen different
processors; his arms waved like a conductor's, fingers wiggling, each motion
obviously meaning something, as his gaze flicked from screen to screen. Off to one side, the Otter intensely watched
another series of screens, his fingers poised over a keyboard. And off in one corner, Doodles seemed to be
in an argument with a small, flat black box…..
Zassa howled as
the Kurani drove his thick cock into her sex, pounding her back against the
wall. He held her tight, held her
immobile, using her for his own pleasure.
Treating her rough, just the way she liked it. Feeling his tool sliding in and out of her sex, sawing at the
front of her pussy, she shivered as she felt the first of what promised to be a
considerable string of climaxes rushing her way.
Krrut felt the
Vixen's sex clamp around his cock, and smiled.
He'd make sure she came first, before he allowed himself the pleasure of
an orgasm. It was important to make
sure that he established his dominance, but it was also important that she
enjoy it. And he had every intention of
leaving her hungry for more.
"I'm glad
you're here; you're just in time!"
Tanj blinked at
the Lynx's back and wondered how he even knew she was here?
Corey waved both
arms, while staring at a screen to the left and growled; "If you look on
monitor 3A, you'll see our test subject.
The rock is moving in its orbit at 12 kilometers/second, and weighs 4.7
metric tons. I'm going to open a portal
immediately ahead of it, and send it approximately sixty light years away. I'll then retrieve it. Watch closely now!"
Zassa was just
recovering from her third climax when she felt the Kurani stiffen, his body
arching, pressing her harder against the rock wall; then his cock was spurting,
flooding her with the warmth of his seed.
The sensation was delicious and she added her voice to his, in a howl of
The Fox sipped
his lemonade quietly and tried to ignore the sounds floating in through the
open door to the bar. It wasn't always
easy to keep your cool in this place….
But he WAS a professional, and would manage.
Tanj watched the
monitor as a point of bright light formed in orbital space. The Cheetah frowned, thinking something
wasn't right there, but before she could figure out what it was, the point
expanded into a ring, and a moment later, a slowly rotating rock flashed into
view, entering the ring slightly off-center, where it vanished. A moment later, the ring contracted to a
point and winked out. Turning to the
Lynx she muttered; "You know, I don't think that was quite how the effect
was described to me…."
The Lynx turned,
pushed up his goggles, and muttered "huh?" But then he hurriedly pulled down the goggles, and turned back to
the monitors; waving his hands he shouted; "We'lldiscussthatlater, I'vegottoopentheotherportalbeforetherocktravelstoofar!"
Zassa grunted as
she was lowered to the ground. Before
she could move, the Kurani shifted his paws to around her waist, lifting her
again, rotating her, turning her so that she hung head downwards. As he pressed her to the rock wall, he
growled; "Clean me off." The
next thing she knew his slick cock was being presented to her muzzle, and the
Kurani was bending his head, to lick HER clean…. For a moment she delighted in the sensation of his tongue
stroking sensitive places, and then without even thinking about it, she found
herself opening her mouth, slurping in his soft cock, to lick softly….
Tanj watched as
the bright point of light formed, apparently in the same place in orbital
space. It expanded rapidly to the ring…
and for a long moment nothing happened.
Then something came flying out of the ring, again, off-center, and at an
odd angle. The Otter howled something
unintelligible, Corey's arms waved like a manic semaphore, and Doodles
cringed. And then every light in the
room went out.
Katja sighed as
the lights all flared, and then went out.
This time not even the battery backup lights were working. With a sigh she lit a candle and placed it
on the bar. In its glow the Fox looked
at her with a wry grin; "again."
It wasn't a question, but a commentary.
The Tigress just shrugged and nodded.
In Ops, Eridani
screamed in frustration. With a groan
she pulled herself away from the Wolverine lass, and the insatiable Mink, and
walked, bowlegged, over to the engineering console. After a moment the tertiary backup system flickered, and then
died. "Oh, I'm gonna KILL that
Krrut sighed and
shifted his grip on the Vixen, tucking her under one arm; "Dangit"
was all he said.
Zassa ooofed and
groaned as he carried her through the dark.
She'd gotten him hard, just as she'd planned, but now all that effort,
all that skill, was going to waste.
What'd happened? Before she
could ask, the big Kurani was moving her, handling her as if she were a doll;
she felt him lay her over something, her knees hitting something padded, and
then she felt something close around her waist. Then he was pushing her head down, and something closed around
her neck. Moving quickly, but firmly,
she felt each wrist, thigh and ankle similarly captured. And then, without a word, he was gone. She knelt there, on something padded, thighs
well spread, feet out behind her, but apparently not resting on anything other
than the restraint, arms stretched behind her in a V, paws well separated. She wondered when he'd be back.
Geeco yelped, and
for a moment, floundered. The
"gentlefurr's" magazine fluttered to the deck, his paws waved as he
sought balance, and he tried desperately to get his feet OFF the console, and
pull the station chair forward.
Something had just appeared in the New Tortugas system, near the only
planet, and it was approaching at just under the speed of light. Before he could get his paws on the thruster
controls, it had wizzed passed, missing his ship by a scant 800
kilometers! Chest heaving, he froze;
was that a warshot? Was he under
attack? Should he break stealth mode
and maneuver? Or was it just a random
event? Could they be firing in the
direction of a suspected target hoping to make him break cover? Indecision held him in an iron grip, but
when no further events transpired, he gradually calmed down. Forcing his paws away from the maneuvering controls,
he tried to calm his racing heart. OK,
they HAD missed. THAT was the important
part. And there hadn't been any
follow-up fire that he'd been able to detect.
That was the good news. But the
more he thought about it, the more he came to believe that the odds of that
being a random event were just TOO, well, astronomical. Opening a window on his console he began
composing a spot report to the Crown Prince.
The Enemy suspected his presence and was using some sort of mass driver
weapon to flush him from cover…..
Krrut strode
through the door to Ops, shoving the powered door out of the way as if it
wasn't designed to resist armed assault.
"How bad is it?"
Kath smiled as
the nude Kurani with the hard-on entered; nudging Wanda she purred; "Oh
Goodie! Reinforcements!" Wanda just chuckled
Eridani shook her
head; "Bad. We're completely
down. Some sort of feedback took out
ALL the redundant systems. I'm trying
to jump start one of the APU's now."
Krrut looked at
the dark engineering panel and nodded; "I'll get a Bettman cartridge and
go try and get No.4 up. Set up the grid
to bring up the tertiary system, and isolate it from that danged Lynx's
Wanda turned to
look at Kath as the Kurani strode back out of Ops; "Um…. What's a Bettman Cartridge?"
From the Ops console, Eridani growled;
"Basically he's going to try and light the fire in an old Hamnurabian
fusion generator by setting off a tactical nuke in the containment
field." She looked up and grinned,
her teeth white in the almost-pure-dark; "Its OK, though; they were made
to do that. Its why we keep it around,
even though its ancient and rather alien.
When all else is down, you can get one of them running fairly
quickly." She turned back to
whatever she was doing at the console; "About eighty percent of the
time. You don't want to know what happens
the other twenty percent of the time."
Wanda rose and
padded over to the door; "Come on, Pet; help me push this thing
closed. I'm not sure I like those
You think it can't get any worse?
Jenka looked over
the shoulder of the sensor operator; "Are you sure this is the right
The Donkey
nodded; "Yes'm.
The Jaguar shook
her head; "Then why don't we show any life signs?"
The Donkey
shrugged; "Not sure, Ma'am, but this is the right place."
Jenka sighed and
nodded; "All right." Turning
she fixed the Navigator with a look; "Plot a way down through all that
orbital junk and have it loaded into the computer on my barge. I guess I'm going to have to go down there
and see just what in the HELL is going on here!”
Tanj stripped the
wire with her teeth; it wasn't good practice but neither was hand wiring a
charged UPS into what she hoped was an isolated local grid. Bringing the bare wires together caused the
emergency lights to flicker and glow.
With a grin of triumph she used her halter top as an insulator to twist
the wires together, without shocking herself too bad. Early electrical insulators had been made out of cotton, woven
around the conductors, and the new genetically engineered synth-cottons were
even a little better. Leaving the
halter top wrapped around the wires to keep them from accidentally shocking
someone, she looked around, now that she could see…. Where to start? Maybe
disconnecting the Lynx's hardware from the main power grid would be the best
place to start…..
The Otter watched
the Cheetah's breasts sway as she moved and swallowed hard. He understood why she'd removed her top; it
was a good field expedient, but Lord it made it hard to concentrate, with her
topless like that….. On the other hand,
maybe he could get her to volunteer her pants for something….
Doodles shook his
head and growled; "no I do NOT want you to reinitialize the C4
processors! Just disconnect the entire
test rig from the power grid; you know that Tigress is going to do it
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy growled back "if you do THAT, most of the data from the
experiment will be lost! It will all be
for nothing. That Tigress is STILL
going to yell at you; you might as well accept that. But if we don't get those systems back on line, she'll be yelling
at you for nothing!"
Zassa felt a paw
lightly caress her ass; bound the way she was, there was no way she could see
who it was, even if it wasn't pitch black.
Groaning in delight, she just absorbed the sensations of talented
fingers stroking her quim. Couldn't be
the Kurani; his paws were huge….. But
after a while, it didn't matter who's the fingers were; just so long as they
didn't stop!
Tanj had gotten
the cover off and was looking at a set of fused relays, when the lights died
again. "Now what?" she
wondered aloud.
From across the
room, she heard Doodles mutter; "Ah… that was us. Just trying to prevent some memory storage units
from decaying." A different,
slightly electronic-sounding voice added; "If we had decent equipment,
this wouldn't have been necessary…
Imagine! Having to make do with
volatile memory units! Its positively…
Krrut slid the
cartridge into the holder, closed the inner door, and crossing his fingers,
threw the switch. Fortunately the power
cells in the Bettman cartridge were still good, and the containment field
reinitialized. The heavy outer door
slid closed, and the countdown started.
Figuring there was no place safe to run to, if it didn't work right, the
Kurani sat there and watched the alien base 16 numbers count down. There was a moment of complete inactivity,
and then the floor shook, the reactor giving up a muffled "WHOOOMPH!" Indicator lights started to glow, and the
Kurani grinned.
"No, I CAN'T
isolate the North Loop! All the
breakers are fused!"
"OK, I'll
get a set of powered armor and get up there and physically cut them out of the
system. There's a short there somewhere,
and there's no way I can power up the defense grid until the North Loop is
"Right. I've got the primaries on numbers one
through three, and number seven on cool-down; as soon as they hit cryogenic
temperature I can re-establish the containment fields and start bringing THAT
up to fusion temperatures. ETA to
relighting the main power reactor is…. Just under six hours."
that. Lets hope nothing important
happens between now and then."
"Right. As soon as I can get the sensors and the
commo gear up, I'll tell the orbital defenses to go on full automatic, and woe
be to anyone trying to land."
Eridani looked at
the Wolverine and Mink and sighed; "I've gotta go do some things. You guys hold the fort?"
Wanda nodded;
"Not a problem… what do you want us to do?"
Eridani glanced
over all the dark displays and sighed; after a moment she shrugged; "Just
hang on. I'll be back as soon as I
Jenka found the
descent a challenge. Her
"Admiral's barge" had at one time, been a rich playboy's yacht. It was sumptuously appointed, and came
complete with both warp and jump drives.
Of course she'd improved the weaponry, and the shields, and added a
cloaking device. The little vessel had
everything they'd need for a fast getaway….
Or their planned vanishing act.
But descending through this mess was putting the little ship to a real
test. Just when she'd cleared one rock,
another was coming at her out of the darkness.
The barge's nav system was good, though, and she found that by following
the cues on her heads-up display she could descend safely. Barely.
"This'd be a bitch, though, if someone was shooting at you",
she thought idly to herself.
John watched a
slowly rotating rock miss them by what had to have been meters, and tried hard
not to fidget. As another approached,
he frowned; was that a missile emplacement?
Before he was sure it rotated out of sight, the rock falling behind
them. Suddenly he found himself
examining each rock, each floating chunk of space debris as it
approached…. "you know…." He
muttered quietly, not wanting to break his mistress' concentration, "This
place would make a great pirate base…."
Roland watched
the rocks fly by, and hoped the shuttle's shields were up to a collision. Next to him, the Mouse looked through the
port and grinned; "Master, do I get combat pay for this?"
The Badger just
muttered; "hope so. You and me
Eridani listened
to the hydraulics whine, as she braced one leg of the powered suit against the
wall, and PULLED. She could feel metal
deform under the fingers of the suit's hands; the feedback system was that
good. And then one of the relays broke. It didn't break free; remnants were still
fused to the buss bars, but enough of the center section came away that it
wasn't going to pass any current. Just
to make sure she took out some of her frustrations on it, beating the bussbars
as far apart from each other as she could.
Pausing to examine her handiwork in the suit's floodlights she nodded
and turning, started moving towards the next disaster. It was going to take forever to get this
place back together…..
Zassa howled, her
voice echoing off the rock walls.
Whoever it was had moved in behind her and was pounding a long, slim
cock into her wetness very enthusiastically. She still didn't have a clue as to who it was, but she was long
past caring……. It was a great way to
pass the time until the Kurani got back.
Krrut looked at
the octagonal device and then looked back to the owner's manual. It was in Farensi. He wasn't very good at Farensi.
He hated base twelve mathematics.
Why couldn't they use base eight like all good, civilized furrs? Hoping he had the right terminal, he raised
the welder, and nodding his head, brought the welding mask down over his face….
Jenka sighed as
they descended below the last of the rocks in orbit around the dustball. As the barge descended, she started scanning
the surface. Here and there, there were
magnetic anomalies, but none of them showed power of any sort. Heading north, she searched for the gash in
the planet's crust that was supposed to be the only inhabitable spot on this
god-forsaken rock.
Krrut shook his
head, rocking the welding mask back.
For a moment he examined his handiwork and then keyed his commlink;
"Eridani, you ready?"
"Yeah, I
think so. I think I've cut all of the
shorted out sections out of the grid.
Made a helluva mess though. You
The Kurani
sighed; "Yeah. I HATE liquid metal
relays. Just don't trust 'em, but its
all we've got left." Looking over
his shoulder at the portable display, he growled; "No.3's on line. I guess we can start trying to feed some
power back into the grid. Hang
Eridani trotted
down the tunnel, the powered suit thumping loudly. If something went wrong she didn't want to be way out, down some
utility tunnel. It might be more
"survivable", but if something went wrong, she didn't want to be in a
position where she couldn't set it right.
As she ran, the emergency lights along the ceiling flickered and came up
to a dim glow. As she ran, as they
flashed past her, she nodded in satisfaction.
Maybe now they'd have enough power for the defense grid….. Or at least
the sensors.
Jenka dipped the
barge below the rim of the huge canyon.
No sooner had her shuttle disappeared from sight, than a phased array
radar built into the side of a small nearby peak came active, and started
scanning the skies.
Eridani was still
panting when she slid through the door to Ops.
Krrut was at the Ops station, and she slid smoothly into the engineering
station chair. Behind a console, she
could see the mink's tail flicking back and forth; it was obvious that Kath and
Wanda had found something with which to occupy their time…. Curiously Krrut seemed to be completely
oblivious. "How's it
"I think we
lucked out… no, wait. Wait a
minute. There's a ship in
"What's it
"Looks like
its just sitting there….."
The Tigress and
the Kurani exchanged looks; "The Rift!"
"Can we get
sensors up there?"
"No way;
things there are still off line. Lemme
see if I can get a look-down image from one of the rocks!"
John pointed;
"There. Could THAT be it?"
Jenka slowed the
barge, bringing it to a hover, and letting the bow drift around to the
right. "Yes, look at that scrape
along the left side. If that was a
natural cavern, how would a scrape like that get there?"
John nodded;
"It does look metallic, doesn't it?"
Jenka nodded;
"OK, we're going in…. Hope this is
it though."
Eridani's tail
lashed back and forth in impatience.
The rock with the look-down radar would be over head in just a
minute…. When the image gradually drew
over the rift, her eyes flashed back and forth, searching for anything that
shouldn't be there.
After a long
minute, Krrut grunted; "looks like we lucked out."
Eridani nodded;
"Yeah, about time we caught a break…."
Tanj ran her eye
over the wiring again, and nodded; "I THINK that'll work." Looking over at the Rabbit she growled;
"OK, tell your pet box to give it a try."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy would have bit his tongue, if he'd had one. After a full thirty nanoseconds of
meditation, he forced out, in the most pleasant voice he could contrive;
"Righto! Trying it now….."
Corey smiled as
the lights came back on. He couldn't
wait to analyze the data from the last run; there should be some very
interesting revelations there……
Zassa groaned
softly; her mystery lover had cum, and then departed, leaving her, panting,
still bound in the device. As the
lights brought the commons area up to a gloom, she realized she still didn't
have a clue who to thank for her entertainment…..
The Brethren II
The probe took a
look around, and confirmed its position; it was within a dozen light-minutes of
where it was on its last trip. Relays
clicked and a device detached from its ventral side. It waited a moment, to confirm that the buoy was transmitting
correctly and then, kicking in its thrusters, moved away. It had three more buoys to deploy. With mechanical thoroughness, it oriented
itself, powered up the portal device, and opened a path to its next
destination. Just before it passed
through the portal, however, its sensors registered a unique event…..
Hitchcock looked
at the eager faces in the conference room and sighed; "Look, I know what
you want to hear, but I CAN'T TELL YOU THAT.
Not with any assuance." She
sighed and shook her head; "The astrogation data from the C64 probe
increases the R squared factor to 0.67.
It MAY be near "known space", but that's not certain. NOT YET!
As for the event it observed, just before moving to its next
destination, the information stream was cut off as it passed through the
portal. Its FRAGMENTARY!"
Ben nodded
slowly; "But, it LOOKED as if someone was using something like a portal
device, and it LOOKED as if it was in the direction of what might be home…
Hitchcock straightened
and did her best to stare down the Wolf; "That's stretching things
considerably…. But….."
Ben nodded
decisively and turned to face the rest of the crowded conference room; "We
don't have enough fuel to make that in one…. Portal move, or whateveryouwanttocallit…. But we can carry spare fuel tanks, and make
it in two, and still have enough to get home again, if it doesn't
Parks winced;
"It'll be cutting it awfully thin, Ben."
The Wolf waved a
paw; "We're using a mass conversion powerplant, we can find fuel almost
anywhere!" He fixed Parks with a
stare; "Didn't you tell me that thing would run on powdered
Parks shrugged;
"Well…. Yeah. I guess we can
"stop for gas" somewhere if we have to."
Ben looked around
the room, gauging the mood of the assembled furrs. "I say we load up the Overlord and go look for
ourselves. Now." The room erupted in cheers, and it seemed as
if everyone was headed for the conference room door at the same time.
As the room
emptied out, the Lion just chuckled; "Don't worry, Hitchcock; you've
covered your ass, if it's a wild goose chase."
Hitchcock nodded
slowly; "Just hope it isn't. I
want to go home too….."
Revelations 1
Tanj nodded to
herself and ran her eyes over the display. Environmental was back, at least in this part of Port Royale. They had enough power to run most utilities,
and a little to spare. Looking over at
the Lynx, she wondered, however, how long it would be, before the locals came
to tear him apart. For a moment she had
a vision of a torchlit parade of peasants storming the door. There was no question she had some fences to
mend, and it might be extremely prudent to keep the Lynx out of sight for a
while. Fishing the data crystals from
her pocket, she came up behind him…
"Pardon me,
Professor Corey, but I have some information you might find useful in your
The Lynx turned
and blinked at her; "Madam, I assure you I am light years ahead of any of
my colleagues on this. Even the
Imperial Science Academy is far behind me.
Oh, I know that the experiment we just conducted had some minor
difficulties, but with the information we gathered, the next one will be much
more successful. Now, what information
do you have that you think might be of help?"
Tanj could see
that he was trying to be polite, trying to be reasonable. It was obvious that he was upset that the
demonstration hadn't gone just as he had planned, and accordingly she smiled
softly and kept her voice low; "I've just returned from the Kurani
Oligarchy. It would seem that they've
been using a portal device like you're trying to develop, for generations. I thought you might be interested in looking
over their designs."
Doodles nudged
the Otter and grinned; "LookitThat!
I Do believe your boss is speechless."
Corey's gaze
traveled from the Cheetah's face, to the data crystals she'd put on his desk,
and back. "but… I…..
Tanj smiled;
"It seems the Brou got just such a device from the Kurani, and then sold
it to my Ma… um, one of my associates; it was that device, we believe, that was
responsible for the trans-location of the planet Elysium." She gestured at the data crystals; "It
should all be in there."
Corey swallowed
hard, closed his eyes and seemed to compose himself. After a moment, eyes still closed, he whispered; "Yes, that
might be very helpful in my work.
Tanj just smiled;
beckoned to the Otter and the Rabbit, and headed for the door.
"Do you
really think its safe to leave him alone?"
Tanj looked at
the Otter and shrugged; "Don't know.
I'm afraid that if those that run this place go looking for him, it
might be hazardous to your health to be anywhere near him."
Doodles nodded
sagely; "There is that….."
The Otter
swallowed and nodded; "Maybe we could let him have some privacy for a
bit." He looked at Doodles;
"Tell you what, I'll bring him some dinner in a few hours, see how he's
doing. See if he needs
Doodles grinned;
"Good idea."
"Well, that
Jenka shot the
stallion a look and shook her head; "I was doing perfectly well with
radar, and infra-red; the lights weren't really necessary."
Next to her, in
the copilot's seat, the Stallion just grunted.
Maybe she didn't need them, but HE felt a whole lot more comfortable
being able to see where they were going without instruments. The tunnel was more than wide enough for the
shuttle, but it had several twists and turns; it would be a bitch to navigate
if you were in a hurry…..
Jenka watched
carefully as the shuttle exited the tunnel and emerged into a rather large, and
sparsely lit cavern. The floor of the
cavern was well below the tunnel, and seemed to be littered with ships of all
descriptions…. Banking the shuttle
slightly she started a slow circuit, as her eyes and the shuttle's sensors
scanned the floor of the cavern
John's eyes never
left the sensor display; "At first, Mistress, I thought all those ships
were abandoned. That this was some sort
of junkyard, and yet, it would seem that every one of those ships is at least
partially active. A few are ready for
flight at an instant's notice…. All
except that big one over there; the drives on that ship are cold…."
Jenka nodded;
"Curious design; can you make out what it is?"
The Stallion
fiddled with the controls and then nodded; "It would seem to be a liquid
bulk tanker…"
Jenka raised an
eyebrow; "Fuel?"
The Stallion bent
closer to the display, blinked and then raised his head to look at the Jaguar;
"No, Mistress. Bheer."
From the back of
the shuttle, Kitchens chuckled, and stage-whispered; "Sounds like my kind
of place!"
Roland ignored
her; he had something a little more interesting to occupy his mind. As the shuttle turned slowly, he examined
one of the ships below. After a moment
he decided there really wasn't any question; "Isn't that Tanj's ship over
John nodded;
"Yes….. And its still warm,
too." He looked up at Jenka again;
"I do believe, Mistress, that she's arrived less than a day ahead of
Jenka nodded;
"Good. I'm glad she's here; now we
can get to the bottom of this."
Jerking the controls, she dropped the shuttle precipitously, slipping
into a small space between a large disk-shaped ship, and another vessel that seemed
to be composed of a number of four-sided pyramids attached to a long framework.
Cindy checked
over the ALM-54 assault rifle carefully.
There was something about this place that gave her the willies. Maybe it was the way it appeared so dead…. Maybe it was the flickering power, and the
dim lights. She could just imagine all
sorts of monsters lurking in tunnels, waiting to eat new arrivals…..
The Mouse grinned
up at Roland; "Boss, you want me to break out the powered
Roland opened his
mouth, but then thought better of it and shot a glance at Jenka;
Jenka stared out
of the viewport and then nodded slowly; "Yeah. The locals might not be too pleased to see us, and it might not
be too bad an idea. Think you can
maneuver it through the tunnels they have here?"
Roland just
laughed and nodded.
Kitchens looked
at Cindy in surprise; "Why me?"
Cindy looked over
her shoulder; "I'd… prefer to maintain a slightly higher degree of
mobility." At the Rabbit's stare
she continued; "I'm…. not comfortable running powered armor in such close
Kitchens shrugged
and handed her rifle to the Mouse; "Ok, your choice."
Roland checked
over the biosensor leads, and then hit the chin-switch to close the clamshell
back. He would have preferred his
'mech, but there was no way he'd ever get that monster through some of the
tunnels he'd seen. The Sh-3 Imperial
combat armor was much more compact, designed for use in boarding ships, and
ought to take him just about anywhere he wanted to go. Running down the start-up checklist, he
waited for the gyros to stabilize, and then shrugged the suit out of its
mooring clamps.
Jenka checked the
powerpack on her own rifle and nodded to the Badger; "You take point. Kitchens, bring up the rear."
Roland nodded;
"Right. Um…. Which tunnel?
John watched them
leave. It was his job to guard the
ship, and call down aide from the Cruiser in orbit, if need be. With a sigh he settled down to wait. It was going to be pure hell not knowing
what was going on…..
Stoner was glad
the lights were back on. He'd never
have found his ship in the dark. Not
considering how much he'd had to drink.
Pity that Tigress wouldn't give him any more. As he staggered down the corridor, one paw against the wall, he
tried to remember if it was because he'd had too much to drink, because he'd
insulted someone, or if it was because he'd just run out of credits. No matter, he had a bottle back in his ship. If he could just remember where he'd left it….. As he turned the corner, and emerged into
the docking cavern, he stopped and blinked at the newcomers. Hadn't seen THEM before. His eyes ran over the Badger lady, and then
drifted over to the black Jaguar.
Ooooooo, she was a looker!
Grinning, he staggered in her direction….
Roland watched
the Bear carefully. His suit said he
didn't have any weapons, but most folks that big didn't NEED weapons….
Jenka watched the
Bear approach, noting how he staggered.
It didn't take but a second to realize that he was drunk. As if on cue, the bear confirmed the theory
with a rather loud belch. "Hey,
Lady! Lookin' for a good time?"
Jenka laughed;
"No, not really…."
The bear let out
a long, mournful "awwwwwwwww……"
Jenka chuckled;
'I'm looking for a friend of mine. Lady
Cheetah. Owns that ship over
The Bear peered
in the direction Jenka had pointed and frowned; "Don't rec (hic), Rec
(hic) Don't kn (hic) Never seen that
ship before, but there was a lady Cheetah in the bar a while back, before the
power went out." He grinned;
"Sexy thing too, she was!"
Jenka chuckled;
"That's her! Where can I find the
Stoner turned and
pointed to the tunnel he'd just emerged from "That way, 'bout a half
kilometer." He turned back and
grinned, wobbling from side to side; "Tell Katja that Stoner sent
you…." And then, the Bear turned
and with a jaunty wave, staggered towards his ship. At least he thought it
was his ship……
"That one's
going to have a helluva hangover in the morning" Kitchens muttered over
the comm. circuit.
Roland nodded;
"Lets get moving before it hits him.
I have a feeling he's not one you want to tangle with, when he's not
feeling well……"
Hiram trudged
along the tunnel. He was just going to
HAVE to do some serious maintenance on his suit. That or get a bigger wrench.
Here that nubile Vixen was all tied up in the commons area, available
for ANYONE who wanted to rip off a piece, and he couldn't get the thrice-damned
fasteners loose. And by the time he got
back to his ship, got the fasteners loose, and got back there'd probably be a
line. Or worse, she'd be gone…..
Roland saw the
lights coming a good ways down the tunnel.
Three lights in a triangle formation.
It looked like a Harshaw Industries IL-4. Not a problem for the 'mech he normally drove, but it would give
what he was wearing today a run for its money.
He let his eyes rove over the weapons displays, selected a slightly
different mix of offensive and defensive weapons for the opening move, and then
flicked his eyes up to gauge the progress of the other suit coming towards him.
Hiram never even
slowed; as he approached the party coming towards him, he half-turned so that
his back was to the corridor wall, and side-stepping, edged past, with an
"excuse me.. pardon me…. 'scuse
Kitchens turned
and watched the powered suit move off down the tunnel as if it were just
another pedestrian. She couldn't help
but wonder "just what kind of a place IS this?"
Jenka turned and
walked backwards for a moment, watching the other suit of powered combat armor
disappear into the gloom. After a
moment she turned and walked forward, muttering "We may not have brought
big enough guns……"
Roland stepped to
one side as he moved out of the tunnel, and into the open area; with his back
against the wall, he scanned his surroundings for targets. At first glance the place seemed deserted;
there were a number of doors around the periphery of the cavern that seemed to
lead to shops and residences; there was a fountain to the left, down a gentle
slope, and to the right a huge tree grew under what looked like a light
shaft. And on the far side of the tree
his sensors picked up a single infrared signature that looked like a furr….
Jenka peered
through the gloom; there still weren't very many lights on; just enough to see
the general scope of the cavern. And
then a flash of red caught her eye; squinting, she muttered to herself;
"is that….? Couldn't be!"
Zassa looked up,
as she heard the footsteps approach.
For a moment she thought Hiram was back. The poor guy was So frustrated; in his haste to take advantage of
the situation he'd completely stripped out the heads of three fasteners in his
powered armor. "Well, that's what
you get for using power tools in a hurry" she thought to herself. And then she realized there were two suits
of powered armor, along with several furrs on foot… Squinting through the dark she craned her head as far to the
right as it would go, trying to make out who they were. Maybe the Kurani had returned with friends?
It was
essentially simultaneous; Zassa and Jenka both cried out "What are YOU
doing here" at the same time.
Jenka waved a paw; "you first." The tone of her voice brooked
no argument and Zassa shrugged as best she was able; "Well, actually I'm
waiting for Krrut to return. He kinda
hurried off when the power went off."
Jenka raised an
eyebrow; "And just who is this Krrut?"
Zassa smiled;
"Oh, He's Kittiara's twin brother, and half-owner of this
Jenka nodded
slowly, her face neutral; "Great.
She's got a Brother. And just
where is Kittiara now?"
Zassa did her
best to shrug again; "Last time I saw her she was with her mate, on the
Kurani homeworld. Don't know if she's
still there or not, though." She
grinned; "Some things the Kurani don't tell me….."
Cindy winced as
Jenka muttered something about impudent slaves. She knew that tone all too well….
frowned. This Vixen talked to
Kurani? They TOLD her things? What in Pathan's Seventh Hell was going on
Jenka shook her
head; "All right; we'll assume for a moment that Tanj obeyed her
instructions and returned the Kurani to where she belonged. Did the Skunkette stay with her?"
Zassa nodded;
"yup. Seemed reasonably happy
there, too."
Jenka nodded;
"And Hinoki; he's on the Brou homeworld?"
Zassa frowned;
"no, he came back with us. Seems
there wasn't any urgency. I think
they want him to come back, but from what I've gathered, anytime in the next
five or six hundred years will do."
Jenka just blinked;
"So….. he's around here somewhere?"
Zassa shrugged
and nodded; "Yeah; not sure just where, though."
Jenka crouched,
to bring her face to a level with the bound Vixen's; "And where's
Zassa did her
best to shrug again; "She left the bar before the power went out. Something about watching Professor Corey's
Jenka grinned,
showing teeth; "AHA! I KNEW that's
what she was up to!"
The Vixen
frowned; "I thought you wanted her to have him prepare something for an
"escape attempt"!
Jenka's face
shifted back to "expressionless" mode; "I did….."
Zassa did her
best to shrug again; "so what's the problem. I THINK that's what they've been doing. But I don't think its going very well. Something took down the power and caused Krrut to run
Jenka just
nodded; "So where to I find Tanj?"
Zassa started to
shrug again, but the restraints were starting to hurt, so she just shook her
head from side to side; "I have NO idea.
Ask Katja, in the bar. She's
gotta know. It's over there, um, behind
Jenka nodded and
straightened; "all right. We
will." She grinned and patted the
Vixen on her bottom; "You stay here and wait for us." With that she strode towards the far side of
the cavern.
As they departed,
Zassa just sighed. She had the feeling
someone was in trouble, but for the life of her she couldn't figure out what
anyone had done wrong…..
Jenka glanced at
the sign by the door, and idly wondered who, or maybe what "Callahan"
was…. Then, with a shrug she stepped
through the door.
Roland stepped to
one side, putting his back against the rock wall again, and scanned the
bar. It was everything he'd expected in
a port like this, and less. Rock floor. Rock walls.
Rock ceiling. An ancient and
scarred wooden bar, with bottles set in niches carved into the rock behind
it. A mirror so stained and cracked it
was difficult to make out your own reflection in it. The bar had a jukebox, but it seemed to be armor plated and
chained to the floor. The furniture,
what little there was of it, was mismatched, and pretty dinged up. The only incongruity was a holographic
fireplace in one corner. It leant a
surreal air to the place. Sweeping his
eyes over the inhabitants of the bar, he decided that most of them were no
threat. The big lizard looked
dangerous, but he hadn't moved a muscle when they'd come in. The Tigress behind the bar looked big
enough, but she wasn't wearing a stitch, and obviously wasn't carrying a
weapon. The fox at the bar looked to be
no threat, and most of the other furrs were either too overweight, or too drunk
to pose a serious problem, even if he hadn't been wearing powered armor…. Taking a third look, to make sure he hadn't
missed anything, he settled back to watch the fireworks….
The fox looked
over his shoulder and tried hard to hide his surprise. It was the Jaguar bitch, the Pirate Queen
herself! What was SHE doing here? And then he smiled to himself, as he turned
his attention back to his crossword puzzle.
Some furrs were going to be very VERY interested to know that SHE was
Katja flicked her
gaze down below the bartop. Callahan's
might look like a dump, but that was a carefully calculated image. After all, they wanted to attract just the
right kind of riffraff as a clientele.
But that didn't mean they were stupid; there were hidden sensors, and
right now image recognition software was going crazy trying to figure out just
who the newcomers were. But it was
going to take a while; there were only a couple dozen trillion faces in the
database to try and match, and not all the processors were back on line
yet….. Flicking her gaze back up at the
Jaguar fem, she thought that it shouldn't take the system too long, though;
this one obviously thought she was someone important. You could tell that just by the way she acted….
Cindy caught the
shift in the Tigress' gaze and wondered what was below the bar; it could be
anything from a weapon she was considering going for, to an alarm button, to a
sensor readout. Moving slowly, she
headed for the far end of the bar, where she might have a good angle, if things
In Ops, Eridani
completely missed the signal from the bar; she was still trying to get
environmental stabilized in sector twelve…….
Jenka looked the
Tigress up and down, and forced a smile; "Hello; we're looking for some
friends of ours; have you seen a Cheetah by the name of Tanj, or a Lynx by the
name of Corey?"
Katja's eyes
narrowed; "Corey! PLEASE tell me
you've come to haul him out of here… or better yet, kill him! That damned Lynx is tearing the whole system
Jenka just looked
at the fuming Tigress for a moment and then quirked an eyebrow upwards; "I
take it his experiments haven't been going all that well?"
Katja poured some
more of the blue stuff into the Jaguar's mug; "And then the SOB used one
of the food lockers as a "test vehicle". No, he couldn't use one that was empty, he grabbed the one that
was full of my meat pies!"
The Tigress scowled; "He's lucky he was able to bring them back;
otherwise I would have had HIM for dinner.
Still, he shouldn't have mashed them up so badly…."
Cindy blinked;
"Let me get this right. Professor
Corey launched one of your freezer units through a time/space portal, and then
later retrieved it, but somehow everything got mangled in the
Katja sniffed;
"well…. It wasn't a freezer, just a refrigerator, and from what I've
heard, when he went to retrieve it, it exited the portal at a high rate of
speed and smashed into the far wall of the chamber."
On the other side
of the bar, the Fox put down his mug and smiled; "If you peeled the tin
foil pan out of the mess, they were still edible. Kinda."
Cindy looked at
the Jaguar; "Mistress…… I'm not
really sure just what's going on here, but it sounds to me as if, if he ever
got this thing working, it would revolutionize space travel….."
activated her external speaker; "Yeah… think about a pirate fleet that
could vanish from the scene at an instant, going who-knows-where ahead of the
The mouse nodded;
"or use it to pop in, raid, plunder and then pop out. It would be a significant
Jenka shook her
head; "I think you're missing the obvious. Yes, it WOULD be a significant advantage, but EVERYONE would be
looking to take it away from us. The
Empire would never rest until a threat like that was neutralized. No, its just too risky. WAY too risky." She fixed the Tigress with a steely glare;
"We'll stick to the original plan."
The Tigress
blinked; "I thought that WAS the original plan….."
Dynotaku pushed
past the suit of powered armor, and dropped an armload of emergency lights on
the nearest table; "What original plan?" As he straightened up, he caught Jenka's glare, and blanched;
"Ah, Jenka! What brings YOU here?"
Jenka glared at
the Unicorn and straightened to her full height. "I sent YOU along to make sure nothing untoward
happened! To make sure that they stuck
to the mission! Report, Mister!"
Dynotaku raised
one eyebrow and shifted his gaze to the Tigress; "Taurian rum, if you
please, Katja; and better make it a double." Turning back to Jenka he gave her his best winning smile and
shrugged; "It… went. We came here,
got instructions on the best way to sneak into the Oligarchy. Snuck into the Oligarchy. Touched base with Ambassador Hrral and got
clearance to proceed on to the Brou.
Had a nice visit with the Brou, and found out that Hinoki was in
no immediate danger. Dropped off all
the immature Brou, and returned to the Oligarchy homeworld. Had a nice visit there too, and left
Kittiara and Jinx with the Ambassador.
Came back here, to check on Corey's progress with the, ah, "special
effects" for the, ah, "event" you have planned…" He beamed at the Jaguar; "And now
you're here! Everything's going exactly
according to plan!"
Jenka shook her
head; "And about that little diversion; is it ready? Why would Professor Corey send me a note
saying he needed some gawdawful huge power supply, and the assistance of a high
power supply expert?" With this
she casually gestured at the mouse.
Dynotaku spread
his hands, one of them closing around the mug of rum Katja held out;
"Well….. Corey's having a little bit of trouble with the special
effects. Seems every time he runs his
little toy, he blows all the fuses here.
Some sort of feedback issue."
Katja snorted;
"Its more than the fuses, bucko; this last one fused a bunch of relays,
and arced straight across the fuses.
Our power distribution network's so much toast!" The Tigress glared at Jenka; "I don't
suppose YOU'RE going to cover the cost of this little fiasco, are you?"
Jenka ignored the
Tigress, and leaned closer to the Unicorn; "And I don't suppose Tanj has
been working on anything OTHER than the "special effects" I
ordered? She isn't actually trying to
make this thing WORK, is she?"
The Unicorn
adopted his best innocent look and gave her a shrug.
Jenka rounded on
the Tigress; "I've had enough of this.
Where ARE Tanj, and Corey?"
The Tigress
shrugged casually; "I'm told his lab's at the end of tunnel 237-43. Sis stuck her as far away as she could, to
try and keep him from damaging the place." She looked up at the roof as if examining it for cracks;
"Didn't work very well."
Glancing back down at the Jaguar she grinned; "you'd never find it,
and I can't leave here until we close.
And even with a map I really doubt you'd find it by yourself, especially
in the dark. Krrut's mining machines
have been running here for years and there are tunnels all over the place. I'll put in a call to Sis, and tell her
you're looking for him, but she's likely to be busy, what with the power
problems and all." Her grin
widened; "If I were you I'd sit down, and have a drink. On this rock, eventually EVERYONE comes to
Callahan's, and I'm sure if you're patient, she'll be along in a minute. Or three."
Tanj shoved the
door a little further open and stepped carefully into ops; the penlight she
normally carried was just about out of juice, and the place was still pretty
dark; "Um….. Eridani? I think I've got the sector with Corey's lab
pretty well secured, at least for the moment.
No, he doesn't have enough power to cause any trouble, if that's what
you're wondering, and yes, he's still alive.
I'm afraid I need him that way for a while yet. What else can I do?"
The Tigress shot
Tanj a curious look, as if she was wondering if Tanj was inquiring about what
she could do with Corey, or if she was asking what she could do to help;
"Krrut can't get the No.6 APU running.
It keeps resetting. And it'll
take a lot longer to get the mains back on line without it. Why don't you go see what you can do?
Tanj nodded;
"How do I find it."
The Tigress
grinned, teeth white in the dark; "The place is laid out in a square grid;
its at 154-295, level six. I'm sure you'll
find it without too much trouble."
Her grin widened; "Just follow the smell of burnt
Tanj nodded and
looked around; "Where'd my friends go?"
Eridani chuckled;
"Krrut sent them off the jun… ah, the spare parts storage area, telling them
to find all the high power insulators they could. I'm not sure what he's got in mind, and I probably don't want to
know. Oh, and I think that other
Cheetah, the male, went with them.
Don't know where the others are.
Tanj nodded;
"Thanks, I'll be back as soon as I can."
Katja listened to
the Jaguar; it was obvious she was quite upset. So far the Unicorn seemed to be taking the brunt of her abuse;
that was fine; but if she shifted her assault to a certain tigress, she'd put a
tranquilizer dart into her in a heartbeat, goons in powered armor, or not. She was just putting down a clean bheer mug
when the flashing screen on the monitor below the bartop drew her
attention. It'd made three positive
ID's so far. Idly touching the screen
she called up the first image. It was
the lady badger; she was some powered armor operator, known for participating
in certain competitions. Yeah, that
figured. She'd probably turned Merc,
after loosing her last big match.
Touching the screen again, she brought up the mouse's face; he was some
power specialist from Gates' world.
Great, the cartel. Just what she
needed. On the other hand, maybe, just
maybe they could use his skills to put the grid back together. Touching the screen again, she found herself
looking at the Jaguar's face. Pirate
queen, eh? Big deal. She idly looked at the stats on this fem's
organization, and nodded in rueful acknowledgement. A sizeable organization.
Maybe it wouldn't do to trifle with her…..
As the Jaguar
paused for breath, Katja cleared her throat.
"you know, its taking your friend an awfully long while to wander
back here; maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to check in with my sister in
Ops. Its just down the Commons Area a
swallowed the counter-argument he'd been preparing; as much as he enjoyed
verbal sparring, this was getting old.
"That's a superb idea."
He turned and beamed at Jenka; "I know the way; shall
Jenka just
growled; 'Lets go…."
As the last of
them passed through the door, Katja turned and pushed the comm. button for Ops;
"Sis, I know you're in there. Company's coming your way. See if you can't make use of the mouse, to
try and get the grid back on line; he's some sort of power specialist working
for the Gates' World cartel…."
Eridani watched
the powered suit shove the door to Ops aside, the servos squealing in protest,
and sighed; "Dammit, I KNEW we couldn't get that lucky… When did THEY show up?"
Jenka looked
around the darkened chamber. Normally
places like this were kept in twilight, but she wasn't sure the light level was
supposed to be this low…. Fastening her
gaze on the nude Tigress, she raised an eyebrow; "What is it about this
place? No one seems to wear
The Tigress
snorted; "And why bother? Hey, you
don't like it, you can go somewhere else." Her gaze shifted to the Mouse; he looked so incongruous in combat
fatigues and carrying a laser rifle; "Gates World power specialist, eh? Good, we can use you. I'll even let you work off your docking fees
that way, IF you're good. Get your ass
down to level eight, and see what you can do about the antimatter premix
controls on the No.2 primary reactor; they've got some sort of a glitch and the
interlocks won't let us proceed any further with the start-up
straightened; "Just who in the HELL do you think you are to give orders to
MY people?"
Eridani rose from
her seat and grinned; "Lady, I'm the one charged with system defense, and
right now we don't have ANY! The fact
that you got in here without being challenged demonstrates that more than
adequately. Now I don't know about YOU,
but I'VE got enemies aplenty, and right now we're not just nude, we're
NAKED!" She shifted her glare to
the Mouse; "you still here?"
The Mouse looked
from Roland to Jenka to the rather enraged Tigress, and back…. After a moment, Jenka waved a paw and
growled; "Go ahead. Make yourself
The Mouse was
just about to slip through the door when it sqealed open, and Tanj hurried in;
"OK, Eridani, I've got the Number 6 APU up, at least for the moment. Talk about a piece of JUNK! Oh, Hi, Jenka… Now, what's next on the li……"
Tanj slowly ran
to a stop, her eyes widening. Slowly
she turned to stare openmouthed at the Jaguar.
Jenka gave the Cheetah her most predatory grin… "Hello, Pet."
Tanj EEEPed as
large paws grabbed her. Jenka shot the
Tigress a look, somewhere between triumph and satisfaction; "Hope you'll
pardon us; I have some questions to ask this one, here….."
Eridani frowned as
the party exited Ops. She knew she
should be just as glad that they were gone; she had too many things to do as it
was. And she knew she shouldn't give a
hoot about the Cheetah, as long as it got them out of her hair. And yet, somehow, she found she couldn't
just SIT there as they dragged her off.
With a sigh she turned and pushed a button on the Comm console;
"Krrut; I think we might have a situation…."
Tanj gasped as
the Jaguar dragged her along; "ah….. Mistress, is there a
problem?" She wanted to scream out
"What are you DOING here? We're
not ready yet!" but somehow she felt that might be
Jenka just
growled in reply; "I'll ask the questions."
The Fox looked up
from his crossword as the pirate queen dragged the Cheetah into the bar. Crooking an eyebrow up, he gave them a half
smile, and then turned back to his crossword.
Things were getting interesting….
Katja blinked as
the Jaguar returned, dragging Tanj.
Jenka shot her a look and growled; "I've got to get some answers
out of this one; what have you got around here in the way of
The Tigress
grinned; "Oh, we've got a few toys…"
Bending, she pulled a large and rather battered wooden box out from
under the bar; setting it on the bartop she looked carefully at Jenka;
"Ah… you're not going to get blood on my nice clean floor, are
Jenka chuckled,
holding the Cheetah with one hand, while she flipped the lid of the box back
with the other; "No, I don't think that'll be necessary….."
Roland watched
Jenka carefully. She was acting a
little more…. "stressed out" than he'd ever seen her. Would she actually hurt Tanj? As he watched, he tried to figure out just
what he'd do if she did try to hurt the Cheetah.
Dynotaku blinked
as the mass of leather straps impacted his chest; "Tie her up; I want
everything available." Dynotaku
looked down at the leather, and then looked up at the Tigress; "I don't
suppose you'd have any rope? I work
better in rope…."
Katja just
laughed and turned, to pass through the doorway into what was obviously a
Tanj swayed
slowly, head down, amazed at how fast the Unicorn could move when he wanted
to. She was sure it wasn't his best
knotwork, but she'd been trussed in record time. Now she hung from a number of eyebolts in the roof of the bar,
legs widespread, arms bound behind her, with her wrists also suspended from the
roof. With her hair in a ponytail, the
end tied to the spreader bar between her ankles she was bent back in a bow, her
breasts pointing straight down at the floor.
It almost looked as if she'd been caught, frozen, part way through some
artistic high-dive. Jenka walked around
her slowly, trailing the edge of a feather lightly over her body. Tanj
knew that feather well, and had more than sufficient reason to fear it.
She knew how well Jenka could use it….
"Now, Pet,
tell me about how our escape plans are coming….." the feather lightly traced the curve of one
breast, and Tanj shuddered in response.
“Mistress, the
plans are progressing more slowly than anticipated….."
Jenka sighed;
"That's a shame, Pet. You see,
while you've been gone, Ralph found a spy in our midst. We think she's been reporting to the Crown
Prince's faction, feeding him data he might use in another assassination
attempt." The Jaguar bent closer
to Tanj's face; "We've been monitoring her transmissions, and making
subtle changes to our operating plan.
With luck the Crown Prince won't put a whole lot of reliance on the
information she's been sending, when it comes up flawed, but maybe he
won't." Jenka traced the feather
over the Cheetah's hip; "And maybe, just maybe, she's figured out where
I've gone to." Again she leaned
closer; "The Crown Prince, or those Gates World jerks could be closing in
even now. We NEED that
diversion….. I've DEPENDED on you for
that diversion…. And now I find out
you've been partying with the Oligarchy, when you should have been attending to
your most important task!"
Tanj shook her
head; "No, Mistress, I WAS attending to it! The Oligarchy had important information, information that
Professor Corey is reviewing as we speak!
I'm sure that with it, he'll be able to provide a sufficient
distraction! Something that would fool
any observer! After all, it has to be a believable diversion,
doesn't it?"
Jenka stroked the
feather over the curve of the Cheetah's rump; "But will he have it in
time?" She leaned closer; "I
think you've been wasting time trying to develop a working portal. A REAL portal, something that can take you
to that mangy Lion. Or something that
could bring them back!" The
feather twirled for a moment between Tanj's thighs, producing a gasp. "I think you've been hiding your own
little project in the midst of our escape plans!" Jenka straightened; "You know a slave
is supposed to have no concern for anything other than her Mistress' welfare; I
think you've broken that most basic rule!
And if you have, I'll get it out of you! You KNOW I will."
Roland watched
curiously. It was obvious that whatever
Jenka had planned, Tanj's life wasn't at risk.
There was only so much you could do with a feather. Admittedly tickle torture wasn't pleasant,
but she ought to survive. And Jenka was
right. If Tanj had gone against her
wishes, betrayed her intent, she deserved what she got…..
Tanj giggled as
the feather danced across the sole of her right foot; "Honestly, Mistress,
I've (giggle) only been working on a (giggle) convincing diversion! It HAS to (giggle) look good!" As the feather twirled and danced on her
footpad, the Cheetah's speech broke up into a torrent of giggles, her squirming
completely incapable of evading the feather….
Jenka chuckled
and shifted to the other foot; "We'll see what you have to say after an
hour or two of this….."
"No. Not now."
Jenka's head
snapped around, her gaze locking onto the large Tiger who stood in the
doorway. He looked slightly alien, and
somewhat familiar, and then it hit her; he must be Kittiara's twin brother.
"Right now I
need her engineering skills to help put the power grid back together. You can play with her later."
straightened from where he was leaning against the wall; "Mister, I think
you'd be well advised not to take that tone of voice with her."
The Kurani's face
formed a wry smile and he shot the suit of powered armor a quick glance. Then he chuckled and shook his head; "I
should be afraid of Jenka? This is a
long way from the Black Fleet's area of operation. She only has one ship in orbit, and its not a threat. It would take too long for the rest of her
assets, lets see, now that the "Plymouth Corporation's Revenge" is
sidelined with a computer problem, that leaves three other major capital ships,
two eights of minor capital ships, and about four eights plus three raider
craft of varying capabilities, to get here.
Besides, calling in all her assets would disrupt too many of her
operations and the minority stockholders would get upset." He grinned at the Jaguar, showing teeth;
"Things like the little operation around Haverstadt, and the Hangdog
operation." He turned back to look
at the suit of powered armor; "No, I don't think I'll mind my tone. Even with main power offline, we're scarcely
defenseless, and right now, you don't pose any threat at all.
Kitchens stared
at the display inside the helmet of her powered suit. Every single instrument, every display, every idiot light was
out. She was without power. Couldn't move. She didn't have a clue how the Kurani had done it, but she really
REALLY wanted to know…….
Cindy looked from
Roland's suit, to Kitchen's suit, wondering why neither of them had said
anything in response. Nervously she
hefted her rifle, wondering what the proper move would be…..
Katja just
smirked, and leaned forward a bit, her paws under the bartop, resting lightly
on top of her blowgun. It was an
ancient technology, one that didn't depend on power of any kind, aside from her
lungs. IT would work, if things dropped
in the pot….. And curare was most
The Fox frowned;
his holographic three dimensional crossword puzzle had just blinked out. Picking the device up he turned it over to
look at the power cell. He'd thought
the thing was close to fully charged…..
Krrut idly
examined the knots; "nice work."
As he pulled something out of a pocket he grinned at the Jaguar;
"your work?"
Jenka just glared
at him. Something was wrong. She wanted to glance over at Roland, to see
why he hadn't moved, but thought that might be seen as a sign of weakness….
The Kurani
thumbed a button on the side of a shiny metal cylinder; a glowing red bead
emerged from one end, extending in line with the handle; "You know, We
both have enemies, and our defenses here aren't at their best right now. I'd think for your own security you'd be
interested in getting those defenses back up and running." As the Kurani moved the rod, the red dot
passed behind the ropes holding Tanj's ankles, and with its passing the ropes
parted, sliced clean. Effortlessly clean. Tanj grunted as her arms took up the strain,
being pulled up and back behind her back; then her feet thudded against the
floor and she struggled to gain her footing, to relieve some of the pressure on
her arms.
Krrut flicked the
slender tube in his paw, the red bead passing between her legs, and around the
spreader bar, which immediately fell into two pieces. Then, moving like a swordsman, he flicked it up, the red bead
passing behind the rope holding up the Cheetah's arms. As Tanj yelped and staggered forwards,
Dynotaku stepped forward to catch her before she fell.
Krrut grinned at
Jenka, and holding up the cylinder, thumbed the button again; the red bead shot
back into the end of the cylinder.
Turning to Tanj, the Kurani growled; "Plasma discharge valve on the
No.2 reactor is sticking. Its causing
all sorts of fluctuations in the magnetohydrodynamics converter. Get on it.
I'll send the Mouse to help as soon as he's done with his current
task." Then, without another word,
he turned and strode from the bar.
Kitchens relaxed
as all the lights came back on inside her helmet. As the heads-up display reformed and stabilized she carefully
twisted her torso, making sure everything was working again.
Krrut sighed and
hoped he wouldn't need that little trick again anytime soon. It was a one-shot deal, and it would take
days to build another one. Days he was
afraid he didn't have.
Tanj composed her
face as best possible and turned to Jenka; "Mistress, it might be best if
I did as he requested; we can't stage a diversion if main power isn't up
here. And if you're right, if they DO
know where you are, its important that we finish this work here as soon as
Jenka's eyes were
still on the doorway, as if she could still see the Kurani departing;
"Very well, but we WILL finish this, just as soon as we're
safe." She dropped her gaze to
look at the Cheetah; "You are NOT forgiven; not yet!"
Dynotaku looked
at the end of the severed rope; it was just coarse hemp, and yet where it had
been cut, it was almost mirror bright; "just what WAS that
Katja chuckled
from behind the bar; "Variable sword.
It puts out a monomolecular chain stiffened with a forcefield. The red dot is to show you where the end of
the chain is. It's a Kurani weapon, and
wickedly sharp. Capable of cutting
almost anything, and therefore HIGHLY dangerous, especially if you drop it
while its active. You can easily wind
up slicing and dicing yourself….."
Cindy closed the
inspection panel on Roland's suit; "Master I REALLY want to know how he
did that. According to the readouts,
your suit's CPU has lost about eight minutes.
About the same length of time you were immobile. It was as if he stopped time, for just your
suit. Other than that, there is NO
indication of ANY problem." She
grinned; "Think of how we could clean up at the competitions if we could
pull THAT trick!"
Tanj looked at
the control circuitry for the plasma control valve and sighed. Someone had actually twisted about a dozen
wires together, leaving them bare. Not
even electrical tape. With a sigh she
started to sort out the wiring, doing her best to untangle it without pulling
any of the connections apart. As she
worked she muttered to herself; "you know, the tickling might actually
have been preferable to this….."
Wanda was
dragging. She'd been fetching and
running for the repair "crew" for about thirty-six hours, and it was
time for a break. First something to
eat and then some sleep. And if they
didn't like it, they could lump it.
Half asleep, she followed Kath as they headed for the bar, the only
place they thought they could get some food…..
Kath was barely through the door when she came to an abrupt stop;
however the Wolverine lass just wasn't awake enough to realize she'd stopped
and bumped into her from behind….
Jenka's gaze
flicked up, as the Mink, followed by the Wolverine lass, tumbled into the
bar. Frowning she half-rose to look at
them; "What IS it with everyone here?
How come they're naked too?"
Katja laughed and
shook her head; "Hey, it's the
norm around here; YOU'RE the one that's out of sync!"
As Wanda picked
herself up off the Mink, and then helped Kath up, she fastened blurry eyes on
the Jaguar; "What are YOU doing here?"
Jenka looked at
Katja and sighed; "Why does EVERYONE keep asking me that?"
Krrut watched the
valve stroke, and nodded; "very good.
In fact, I don't think that thing's ever moved that smoothly."
Tanj yawned and
nodded; "thanks. What's
The Kurani
shrugged; "That was the last major problem. Eridani reports the defense grid's back up, and we're in contact
with all the remotes. Oh, there are a
thousand little things that need attending to, but around here there always
are. Why don't you get something to
eat, and some rest". He grinned;
"I'd volunteer my own bed, but I've got a Vixen to rescue, and it might
just be a little crowded." He
grinned at the Cheetah; "on the other hand, it could be fun that
Tanj laughed and
nodded; "Normally I'd take you up on that, but I've got two
The Kurani
shrugged again; "The Jaguar I can help you with. This is MY place and all the might of the Black Fleet couldn't
force you out of here if you didn't want to go."
Tanj waved a paw
and smiled; "No, its not like that.
And don't worry about her; she's just a little worried right now. She'll get over it. No, I've got to deal with her eventually,
but before I do, I need to talk to Corey."
Krrut frowned;
"You're not going to do this to us again, are you?"
Corey blinked;
"What? No, that's insane. No wonder the Fabrizi Technocracy, or
whatever it was, isn't around anymore, if THAT'S all the grasp of subspace
physics you have! No, what that
equation means is that there's a diminishing point of energy consumption. If the portal is formed correctly, it means
that it becomes almost self-sustaining!"
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy allowed himself a good hundred milliseconds of rage; "You
ignorant…. MAMMAL! That ONLY applies if
time is constrained! If time changes at
all, even in the slightest, then energy consumption is almost
Corey nodded;
"Yes, of course, we've seen that in previous experi……" The Lynx paused, his mouth open..… and then
he closed it. His eyes grew unfocused,
and the paw he was about to gesture with wound up just hanging in front of
Doodles nudged
the Otter; "He's off again."
The Otter nodded;
"Yup. Wonder what wild idea he's
coming up this time…."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy watched impatiently as the Lynx turned and like an automaton, walked
back to the main console. Tentatively
at first his fingers poked at the keyboard, and then, as if he were a snowball
rolling down hill, his motions gathered speed until his fingers were literally
flying over the keys. The Otter
approached carefully, to peer over his shoulder as equations, graphs and
diagrams flew across the screen.
course. OF COURSE! From the mouths of babes…! Time HAS to be bounded! Why didn't I see it before! A stasis field! That's all it will take, and only in the area of the portal! If we can stop time at the instant of
transit, it will eliminate the power
surges! In fact, once the portal is
formed, energy consumption should drop to almost nothing! I'VE GOT IT!"
Doodles looked at
the Otter; "Does he?"
The Otter nodded
slowly; "Yeah….. yeah, I think he does….."
The Rabbit
grinned; "Good. Then maybe I can
get out of here and get back to the real world." He shot a look at the Otter; "no offense…."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy frowned to himself. The Lynx
was right, of course. It was obvious
from the earlier experiments. It was
there in the Kurani data crystals, if you looked carefully, artfully woven into
the fabric of the device. Leave it to
the Lynx to read up on the Kurani's version of theory, but ignore their
engineering. But if the Lynx were to do
something like that, he'd essentially lock out the possibility of time
travel. The artificial intelligence
thought furiously, his circuits growing warm, and then hot, as he tried to
figure out how he could turn this to his advantage….
Doodles looked at
the lights flickering rapidly across the surface of the box and wondered what
the thing in there might be thinking.
Then he shrugged and followed the Otter. Where were they going to find a commercial stasis field? He hoped they wouldn't have to ask that
Tigress again…
Katja chuckled;
"I don't think Kittiara would mind if you crashed in her place."
The Wolverine
lass yawned and then tried to focus on the Tigress; "Sounds good; gimme
the key and point me in the right direction."
Katja shook her
head; "No lock on the door. Not
here. Straight across the commons area;
residence tunnel one. First door on the
Wanda nodded and
yawned again; "C'mon, Kath; bedtime."
Wanda looked
around curiously; the living quarters seemed to be made from a natural cavern,
almost as if a bubble had grown in the rock.
The floor wasn't quite flat, but slightly dish shaped; over head the
roof formed a dome. One part of the
room was obviously set up as a den; the other part as a rather sybaritic bedroom. The bed, in the Kurani style, was
essentially a bowl shaped depression in the floor, filled with a viscoelastic
foam mattress. And Indiran silk sheets. Wanda was just about to collapse into that
bed when the Mink's shout stopped her; "Mistress you have GOT to come see
this bathroom!"
Revelations 2
"But of
course, the Kurani don't really understand the full implications of what
they've been working with. Oh, it works
acceptably well for what they want it to do, but they're ignoring its full potential. And what they don't know about power
management would fill volumes. For
instance, look here at the ultra-high frequency exciter coils….."
Tanj stared at
the three-dimensional circuit diagrams, watching as Corey moved through them
with a light pen, marking in red all the things he thought were wrong. At this point most of the hologram was
red. Stifling a yawn, she tried to
follow what he was saying.
sighed. It looked as if they were in
for another trial. He just hoped the
crazy Lynx had it right this time…..
And he wished his sister would show up; maybe then he could put an end
to this nonsense…. Idly he wondered
just what in the universe she was up to…..
Jenka scowled, as
the Lynx ran on. It was all Synthian to
her. But then she hadn't studied
physics since her college days. Still,
Tanj and the Kurani seemed to be following him, so maybe he had it right. When the Lynx ran down, Jenka growled;
"So… when do you think you'll be ready to make a test run? We need our diversion, and soon."
There was
something about the way the Jaguar lady said that, something about the way
Tanj's ears folded down, and her tail drooped, that kept the Lynx from
responding as he'd initially intended.
Diversion? Yes, he knew about
the "escape", or at least thought he remembered something about it,
but weren't they planning on escaping THROUGH the portal? To that Elysium planet? They didn't even have a reliably working
portal yet, let alone FOUND Elysium (although he had a few ideas where to
look). Clearing his throat, he muttered
"We, ah, should be able to make a test run, as soon as my laboratory
assistants finish with the stasis unit, and we do a little more simulation and
calibration…." At the look on the
Jaguar's face, he shrugged; "Um….
Six hours?" His gaze
shifted hurriedly to the big tiger-like fellow; "Ah, that is if you'll
permit us another opportunity…."
Krrut shook his
head; "No." At the pained
look on the Lynx's face, he growled; "We're all too shy on sleep. Finish your work on the stasis device, make
your calibrations and simulations, and then get some sleep. THEN check your figures again. I still have some things to do on the power
distribution system. Three-eights plus
four hours, and no sooner." The
Kurani rose and headed for the door.
Jenka smiled and
tapped the Cheetah on the shoulder; "That should give us some time to
finish that little heart-to-heart we were having."
Krrut sighed and
came to a stop. He closed his eyes and
took a breath; "Not if you want the trial on schedule. I still need her." He turned and looked hard, not at the Jaguar
but at the Lynx. "There are
several overload cut-outs I want to install in the system, BEFORE the test, and
I require her help to get them installed." Off to his left, Jenka growled, but he ignored it.
Eridani helped
the Vixen stand; "Sorry about that.
Been busy."
Zassa stumbled a
little, but gradually, bit by bit, brought herself back to a standing position;
"Its OK. Been through worse. And Hiram's been a dear; he's brought me
food and drink several times, and even held the thunder mug for me…." She chuckled; "Thought he was going to
faint, though. Don't think he's ever
done anything like that before."
The Tigress
nodded; "You can sleep in Krrut's place if you like."
The Vixen smiled;
"Thanks, I think I'd like that."
Tanj looked at
the hand-drawn schematic, and frowned; "I'm not sure I like the idea of
letting the relays have a connection to the computer running the
Krrut chuckled;
"That AI is mine. And it knows
what I'll do to it if it screws up.
Believe me, if I tell it to trip the breakers at the first sign of
trouble it will, or it'll regret it."
Tanj frowned;
"How do you threaten a machine?"
Krrut laughed;
"Sensory Deprivation. I lock him
in a box. A nice dark, isothermal
box. No stimuli to occupy that
high-order mind of his. Drives him
Tanj just winced
and nodded; "OK, we're going to need some heavy equipment to do
Krrut nodded;
"Eridani's gone for the powered exoskeleton. I'll get the laser cutter; you start marking where we're going to
make the cuts."
Wanda stood under
the artificial waterfall, and did a credible imitation of a feline
purring. She'd never been under a
shower with this much water; it was like being under a real waterfall, the
weight of the falling water almost driving her to her knees. And it was deliciously warm. There was no question, Kittiara had one of
the finest bathrooms she'd ever seen.
Kath laid back in
the whirlpool and watched her Mistress enjoy her shower. The water from the falls exited to a small
pool where it formed a most delightful whirlpool as it headed for the
drain. A natural hot tub. She looked around the cavern, thinking this
place had to be artificial; there was no other way to get the plumbing in, and
yet it looked like a naturally occurring grotto…. Idly she wondered how they could reproduce it on Jenka's
Corey looked over
the Otter's shoulder as he soldered yet another connection. The stasis unit had been used to store food
for the bar…. Something about keeping
the pizza hot. And it had taken that
tiger-like fellow to pry it away from the Tigress that ran the place. Didn't she understand the needs of Science?
stretched. Things had gotten boring
again. Everyone seemed to be off doing
things. And all he had to do was to
wait. As he sat at the bar, he let his
eyes rove over the Badger lady. A
little chunky for his tastes, but…..
Cindy found the
Unicorn looking at her, and tried not to shudder; she could just imagine what
thoughts were squirming through his head.
Pointedly, she looked at where Roland, still in his powered armor,
leaned against the wall, and then back at the Unicorn, as if to say; "I'm
HIS. And he's not likely to let you
play with me. So THERE!"
The Mouse looked
at the circuit diagram floating in air, and nodded; "Well, I agree with
you about the exciters, but I'm not sure this modulator circuit is going to
work. Look at this Thyristor here; its
not rated for near the power you're going to be putting through it; if it
fails, you'll see an inverted wave form… for about thirty seconds before the
klystron burns out, and then the whole thing will go south."
The Lynx frowned,
his fingers tracing the lines floating in air….. His mouth opened as if he were about to say something…..
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy had been following the discussion with a small fraction of his mind…
until the Mouse mentioned "inverted waveform", and suddenly it all
came together. Taking a good 400
nanoseconds to review the diagram, and formulate a plan, he said, as reasonably
as possible; "Actually, the thyristor will see a peak current about six
times what its rated for, but the pulse will only last several microseconds;
then the current should drop, as the diodes here, here, and here, come into
play. The thyristor should withstand
the pulse, with a safety factor of 0.23.
I don't see a significant problem. Now, if you're looking for problems, perhaps you should take a
look at this….."
The mouse watched
various portions of the schematic flare as the box highlighted them. Grudgingly, he turned his attention to the
section now flashing yellow. The box
might be right; he hadn't been calculating values, just using his judgment and
experience…. For the moment he decided
to trust the AI.
The Fox
stretched, and turned to shoot the Tigress a grin; "Time to go check in
with the home office."
Katja nodded absently;
"Okay; see you in a bit."
Without looking
back, the fox padded from the bar. He'd
established his routine over the past few weeks, and now, he thought, no one
would see anything wrong with him slipping back to his ship and sending an FTL
message. With any luck, his work here
would be done soon and he could go collect his reward… Then, perhaps, he'd take some time off and
visit that ski resort on Tantris III he'd been reading about.
Dynotaku looked
at Jenka for a minute, and then let his gaze pass on; the Jaguar seemed to be
busy with her PADD. He didn't know what
she was doing so intently, but as long as she wasn't harping on him, that was
fine. With a sigh he turned to regard
the Tigress behind the bar; "I thought bars were supposed to have
entertainment. You know, a holovision
set, or something."
The Tigress
laughed; "We're a little far out to pick up any commercial broadcasts,
unless you like Kurani Opera…." At
the Unicorn's wince she grinned; "Usually we have to make our own fun, out
At that, the
Unicorn grinned; "Oh? Such
Tanj watched the
breaker trip, from a safe distance.
When it moved, there were literally tons of metal and ceramics moving at
a surprising rate. Lifting the commlink
she muttered; "Yeah, that's better.
I think that's got it."
Krrut's voice
floated back; "OK, lets close up the arc containment enclosure, and get
some sleep. Corey says he'll be ready
in a couple of hours."
Tanj yawned as
she and Eridani walked back towards Ops.
"Might want to find a good place to grab a few hours sleep"
the Tigress muttered.
Tanj nodded;
"Long hike back to my ship, though."
Eridani nodded;
"you can probably use Kittiara's place."
Tanj yawned again
and nodded; "Sure. Just lead the
Zassa opened one
eye, as the Kurani came through the door; she grinned and stretched, turning
the motion into something very sensual.
Krrut just
grinned and shook his head; "oh, no.
Sleep first. THEN we'll
see. Keep me awake and I'll tie you so
tight you can't move!"
Zassa just
chuckled; "promise?"
Tanj looked at
the Wolverine lass and the Mink snuggled together in the bowl-shaped depression
that had to be a bed, and smiled ruefully.
She was tempted to join them, but was afraid of waking them. Instead she stretched out on the couch. Moments later, she was asleep.
The Oligarchy 1
Hrral looked at
his chronograph and then back at the entrance to his summer estate. He really should have more patience. They had plenty of time after all. Still… why was it that females ALWAYS kept
you waiting. He was positive she did it
on purpose, for reasons known only to herself.
Growling softly to himself he tried not to pace. He had an image to maintain, and he knew the
shuttle's crew were watching him.
Closing his eyes he tried to calm himself. His thoughts drifted back to that morning, as all the members of
the clan had said goodbye to those departing.
It was a magnificent orgy…. As
he thought of it, as he remembered Leonie's tongue, and how well she used it,
he couldn't help but smile…
"I'm glad to
see my Mate is in a good mood; sorry I kept y'all, but there were some last
minute details I had to handle, with Jinx."
Hrral's eyes
flicked open; "What details were you arranging with HER?"
Kittiara smiled;
"Oh, just some details about the publication of my book. Nothing terribly important." Settling herself in the back of the shuttle
she looked curiously at Hrral; "Ready to go?"
Hrral watched the
shuttle maneuver through the flotilla, from
a jumpseat just behind the pilot.
Normally he traveled with a greater "retinue", but this was,
after all, an unofficial trip. Sensors
had detected increasing activity on the fringe of the Empire; it had to be that
scientist that Tanj had employed. As of
yet there was little sign of Kurani technology in the events, but the power
levels were steadily increasing. It was
time to check in and see how things were coming. Time to reinforce with that Cheetah that there were promises to
be kept. And his mate wanted to check
on her holdings there. Yes, a small
group was all they'd need. An assault
carrier, a hand of cruisers, and two hands of destroyers, with the usual auxiliaries
and scouts. Minimal presence. Slip in and slip out, and no one should
notice at all…….
Kittiara smiled
and looked over her outline for her next book.
Things were shaping up nicely.
With luck, the ending would come out just as she wanted it to. At least, it would, if SHE had anything to
do with it. Settling back, she waited
for the shuttle to dock with the flotilla's flagship…
The Emperor 1
The small ship
flashed into being as it dropped out of warp on the edge of the system. The Emperor looked over the shoulder of the
navigator, and nodded; "Yes, this is the place. I'm sure of it."
The sensor
operator looked up from his screen; "Highness, there doesn't appear to be
anything IN this system…. No ships, no civilization, nothing."
The old Jaguar
just nodded; "The power signatures on the planet are masked by the orbiting
rocks and the fact that they're deep underground." Turning to the pilot he smiled "Head
for the planet. This is the
From the back of
the flight deck, the Elephant, his hands folded over his stomach, muttered;
"And what are you going to do, now that you're here?"
The Emperor
turned and smiled, and raised an eyebrow; "I've been fighting to suppress
this technology for years. The last
thing we need is a conflict with the Kurani, or worse, some of their more
distant enemies. I'll suppress it
again, no matter what it takes, to keep us out of "larger"
conflicts. For the Good of the
The Elephant
shook his head, tusks describing an arc in the air in front of him; "You
don't really believe all that hoo-rah about extradimensional monsters, do
you? Surely that's just junk leaked by
the Kurani, propaganda to further their own ends."
The Jaguar just
smiled; "Can I afford NOT to?"
Geeco watched the
small ship pass. It was uncomfortably
close, but his stealth systems were the best the Crown Prince could afford,
which meant they were the best that existed.
But that ship over there had good sensors as well; the best that could
be obtained. He knew an Imperial
Courier when he saw it. Could the Old
Jaguar really be here? Could they be
that lucky? Nervously chewing on a
clawtip he waited for the ship to pass, to be sufficiently far away that he
could risk a message to his masters…..
Chris sat in the
command seat in the middle of the cruiser's bridge, and tried not to betray his
nervousness. It wasn't easy. The Cruiser had been hovering on the fringes
of the system, cloaked, and just watching.
Waiting. He THOUGHT not much
would happen, until Jenka returned, but he'd been wrong. The arrival of an imperial courier had raised
tensions considerably, but the tight-beam broadcast from something invisible
further in-system had really turned up the tension. The message had been in code, something they so far hadn't been
able to break; it had been shear luck that the Cruiser was in the right place
at the right time to even detect it.
Turning to the Communications officer, the Fox growled; "I don't
care what her orders were; its our job to keep her safe, and I do NOT like the
looks of this. Send a message to the
Black Fleet. I want some reinforcements
out here, and I want them Pronto!"
The Great Escape Attempt
Tanj purrrrred
and squirmed slowly; as sleep slowly faded, she realized the pleasant feelings
coming from between her legs weren't just a dream….. Cracking one eye, she beheld Jenka seated on the arm of the
couch, one paw busy between her thighs.
The Jaguar smiled, but it was a cold smile; "Time to wake up,
Sleepyhead." Something told Tanj
that Jenka wasn't in a playful mood.
Sure enough, the Jaguar withdrew her paw, leaving the Cheetah a little
frustrated; "Corey says he's ready.
I'm tired of waiting. Too many
things are in motion and I want to get this show on the road. Go see if you can find that surly Kurani,
and lets do it!"
watched the
Jaguar stride out, and then turned to Tanj; "What's with her?"
Tanj stretched,
her eyes still on the door Jenka had passed through; "I don't know. She's acting stressed." Turning to look at Wanda and Kath, Tanj
scowled; "That means she knows something I don't." Shifting her gaze slightly, she looked at
Kath "Think you can find out what it is while I orchestrate this
demonstration?" The Mink looked at
Wanda and shrugged; "I can try…."
Tanj was
surprised when the door opened at her command.
A quick glance around revealed living quarters considerably different
than Kittiara's. Typical batchelor pad,
with leather furniture, all sorts of stuff scattered about, and a workbench
that took up more than half the area.
And of course the one thing no batchelor pad should be without, a naked
vixen. At the moment the residence's
owner was taking full advantage of the Vixen, pounding his meat into her
hard. Tanj chuckled, sure that Zassa
was too preoccupied to even notice her presence. Krrut however, turned his head to grin at her; he jerked his
head, in an unmistakeable "come join us" gesture. For a moment Tanj hesitated. It WOULD be nice… and then she sighed; "Sorry to interrupt, but Jenka says
Corey's ready; she wants to run the test as soon as possible, and I'm afraid if
we're not there, she'll do it without us."
Krrut winced;
"Be there in a minute; tell her we're, ah, "coming"…."
Tanj laughed and
nodded, and slipped out of the door.
The Tigress
tossed Tanj something wrapped in paper as she entered the bar; "Eat
fast. Sis says she wants you down in
the No.3 MCC like five minutes ago.
That Jenka of yours is lookin' to start without us."
Tanj winced and
caught the bulb of orange liquid that the Tigress threw at her next. Clutching both objects she turned and headed
for her assigned station.
Krrut settled
into the Operations station chair, in Ops.
Eridani was already at the weapons console, issuing orders to the
defense grid, telling it what to do if Ops went off-line, and running a last
sweep of the system….. The Kurani
looked over the board, noting the status of the power reactors, the potentials
across the grid, and local demand…..
Stretching, he rested his paws on the desktop by the keyboard, ready to
start issuing orders, if need be.
Tanj unwrapped
the paper and grinned; inside, still warm, was a biscuit, the flaky pastry
stuffed with some sort of sausage, and a thick slab of half-melted cheese. Smiling she took a bite, and then another….. She was about to take a third bite when the
spices hit her; gasping she bit the top off the bulb and took a quick swig of
the orange-colored stuff. While it
fizzed surprisingly in her mouth, it took the edge off the fire that was
burning there. Looking at it, she
wondered what was in it, besides orange juice.
It tasted… different, and mildly alcoholic….. Taking another careful bite of the biscuit, she made a mental
note to ask the Tigress what was in it.
Wanda watched the
Lynx carefully. He was moving
purposefully among a number of consoles, checking here, and there, but never
actually touching anything. His
assistant was seated at a console, but again, seemed to be more monitoring than
actually controlling the events.
Curious, she nudged Doodles; "Who's running the show?"
"I am, of
course!" responded a small flat box, resting on one of the consoles;
"Allow me to introduce myself; I am Allesandro de Limburghini ben Guidon
von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy. I have condescended to assist these….. noble researchers in their
Doodles chuckled;
"Krrut brought it down to help.
Its apparently some sort of high order AI."
Wanda just stared
at the box and muttered "uh_HUH!"
Kath studied the
Jaguar, evaluating different strategies.
As something distant started to whine, its pitch slowly increasing, she
decided there might not be time for a subtle approach. "Mistress, is something bothering
Jenka laughed and
turned to look at the Mink; "Gee, ya THINK?" She waved a paw; "I've found myself
painted into a corner. Perhaps I've
allowed it to happen. Both that idiot
half brother of mine, and the entire Gates' World cartel are trying to kill
me." She turned to face the Mink;
"Did you know that two weeks ago, my ship was ambushed by a number of small,
stealthy, and very deadly attack craft?
The Warbook doesn't list any vessel of that design; someone had them
purpose-built! Fortunately, Root's team
was early returning from a raid and wound up being in position to help;
otherwise I might not be here right now!"
She sighed; "The attacks are becoming more pervasive. A letter bomb got through security. It blew the crap out of the business
office. We had three dead and a dozen
injured. Needless to say it was
addressed to me."
Kath winced;
"I can see how that might make you a little stressed…."
Jenka nodded
ruefully; "I have to disappear.
For my sake and for the sake of the Black Fleet." She looked back at the Lynx; "gotta
take the pressure off of them. If I
can't vanish effectively, I don't know what's going to happen….."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy listened to the Jaguar as he set up his escape. He was sorry about her, and the others, but
the needs of the Fabrizi Technocracy had to come first. Maybe if he made it back, maybe if he could
change history, there would be something he could do, to make amends. Maybe…..
Eridani sat
bolt-upright in her seat; "Dammit, boss, we've got COMPANY!"
The Kurani
nodded; "Yeah…. I see it. Think it
might be that Jaguar's transport?"
The Tigress shook
her head; "No…. scanning….. Oh,
crap, the computer's identified it as an Imperial Fast Courier."
They looked at
each other "What in the hell is one of THEM doing HERE?"
Jenka listened to
the commlink's earplug and growled; "No, NO! NOT NOW!" Turning
she glared at Corey; "Can that box run everything from here by
itself?" Corey stood for a moment,
looking blankly at her; "Well….."
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy growled; "Of COURSE I can.
Ah… why?"
Jenka glared at
the box; "Because they're on to us; we've got a ship coming in, and it
doesn't look good." She turned
back to Corey; "Will your gizmo make a sufficient diversion that someone
MIGHT think its transported us somewhere else?"
Corey's jaw
dropped, and he muttered; "Well….."
The Otter turned
around from his console; "Yes, Ma'am, it should." He looked at the Lynx for a moment and
grinned; "That thing'll scramble anyone's instruments for about five
minutes; you know that, professor!"
Jenka nodded;
"Good, Come on, we're GOING. MOVE
Tanj listened to
the commlink, and almost panicked.
What? Leave now? But…. But the portal wasn't perfected! They hadn't located the Brethren, or
Elysium! They couldn't leave now! Turning she ran back down the corridor, as
only a frightened Cheetah could; she HAD to stop them, HAD to change Jenka's
John watched from
the co-pilot's seat; the barge was all warmed up and ready to go….. Suddenly the communications panel chimed,
and a strange, oddly flat voice spoke to him; "Greetings, I am Allesandro
de Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy; here are the coordinates for the event I'm running." A moment later, a series of numbers started
to form on the screen. The Stallion
frowned, wondering just exactly what was going on?"
Jenka pushed her
way onto the flight deck, slipping into the pilot's seat, running her eyes over
the instruments; "Who are we waiting for?"
The Stallion
looked at her, and raised one eyebrow; "Just about everyone else,
Ma'am. Roland and his security
detachment boarded right behind you, but everyone else is still missing." He looked out the starboard window, as Wanda
and Kath jogged into the docking cavern, followed by a puffing Lynx, an Otter,
and a Rabbit. A few moments later, Hinoki,
Sashi and Sabina followed at a dead run.
Tanj dashed into
the docking cavern, dodged left and right around a suit of powered armor, and
up the ramp to Jenka's ship. Before she
was even up the ramp, it was starting to retract as the little ship lifted off
the floor, and turned towards the exit.
Hiram watched the
furrs dash for the ship, and grinned; "Wonder what they did to have to
leave so quickly?" He frowned for
a moment; "Wonder if I should be running too?" Nervously he ran his eyes over the suit's
HUD, checking system status.
Indecisively he looked from the departing ship to his ship to the tunnel
back to Port Royale. After a moment he
sighed and trudged back to his ship.
Might not be a bad idea to see what was going on….
Tanj was panting
hard as she slipped into the flight deck.
Jenka shot her a look; "We're making our break now. There's an Imperial Courier on its way in,
and I'm NOT waiting around for it!"
Tanj whimpered;
"But Mistress, if…"
Jenka shot her a
glare; "No buts! We're going and
that's all there is to it!"
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy checked his calculations again, and smiled. Everything was in order. It wasn't time yet; the formal test wasn't
supposed to start for another eight minutes, but there was no point in
waiting. He increased the antimatter
flow to all the reactors under his control to the maximum extent. It would provide an immense surge of power…
before they all tripped out. He had one
shot at this, and it wouldn't be pleasant to still be here when the dust
Krrut watched the
potential on the grid rise, gasping.
There was no way it was going to survive something like this! What was that crazy Lynx DOING? His paws reached for the keyboard; he had
hotkeys all set up to pop the interrupts…….
Geeco stared in
amazement as his instruments registered a power surge of massive proportions;
all the previous events had been minor compared to this….. For a moment he wondered if he should move
his ship further out of the system, and then he remembered that pirate
cruiser. Any movement might let them
see him. Growling to himself he
wondered how he got himself in these situations?
Allesandro de
Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi
Techocracy brought the focus of the energies into the lab. It was an exceedingly risky thing to do, as
most of the control systems were there; and yet, if there was an entity in the
universe that could do it, it was he! A
blindingly bright point of light formed, a half meter away, burning out his
optic sensors; in short order it expanded into a wobbling ring, only a meter
across. It took but a fraction of a
second to confirm what was on the other side, and then, using the tractor beams
the Rabbit had so foolishly equipped him with, he flung himself off the desk an
into the maw of the portal. A moment
later half of the equipment in the laboratory tried to follow; as the control
system was disrupted, the ring of light contracted to a point and flared out in
an instant.
Krrut's fingers
were almost on the keys when every single reactor in the port shut itself down
violently. The resulting power surge
melted half the grid, and fried all the remaining controls. A massive electromagnetic pulse surged
through the rock from deep beneath them, making anything conductive spark and
The Emperor watched over the sensor operator's shoulder
as the EMP pulse swept past them.
"See. I knew that's what
they were up to." Turning to the
pilot he grinned, showing teeth; "Take us in."
The Elephant
half-rose from his seat; he had actually FELT the electromagnetic pulse sweep
past. For a moment he hovered there,
half out of his seat, as the lights flickered… but then they stabilized. The courier was still under control, still
running. Slowly he sagged back. He'd known these ships were good, but he
hadn't thought them THAT good….
The pilot of the
Imperial Courier tried to maintain a professional demeanor, as the pulse swept
through. Amber warning lights flashed,
backup systems came on line, auxiliary power surged into the system…. And it all held together. If they'd been just a few hundred thousand
kilometers closer to the planet…..
In orbit, every
power system, every computer felt the surge.
Most of them were designed to resist EMP, and most of those actually
survived the pulse. However, those that
weren't fried completely all went into a "reboot"… some of those came
up properly, some didn't…. But by the
time the survivors were back to some semblance of functionality, the courier
was past…
Greeco yelped as
the pulse swept past. His ship wasn't
equipped for something like that, and almost instantly the cloaking device
failed. Worse, it wouldn't reset. Desperately he tried to get his ship's
drives working; he had to get OUT of there!
Chris watched the
sensors as the pulse was detected.
Sometimes it pays to hang on the edge of the system. "I think the I-squared-r law just saved
The Exec nodded
sagely; "Indeed. I bet everything
in-system's in trouble, though. Should
we go check on her?"
Chris nodded;
"Yeah, but keep an eye out. That
MIGHT have been a weapon; I don't want to get caught by something like that, if
it was. Go cautiously."
The Exec just
The Brethren III
The Lion looked
at Parks; "Well?"
The Lynx
shrugged; "Absolutely no doubt about it; a massive portal effect. Our bouys have triangulated on it, and we've
got a firm lock. And yes, its
marginally within the Empire, on the Kurani frontier."
The Lion nodded;
"Launch the probe. I want
intelligence as to what we're getting into soonest."
Turning to Ben he
grinned; "Launch the flotilla.
We're going home."
Reggie looked at
Slasher; "Are you sure? We don't
have orders for this mission."
Slasher stared
back at Reggie, and after a moment Reggie caved in; "OK, OK, I'll warm up
the portal drive. But boy are we going
to get yelled at!"
Ben watched as
ships rose from the surface of Elysium, while others broke orbit. It looked as if every ship that COULD go was
coming, orders or not. For a moment he
considered trying to order them back, but then dismissed the thought the
instant it had formed. If HE was on one
of those ships, there was no way he'd obey an order like that. All he could do would be to try and bring
some order out of the chaos….
The Lion stared
at the faces on the monitor; "Dammit, I give you my word of honor, we WILL
be back! Come hell or high water we
will NOT abandon you! Now, let me get
back to work; we've got a long and uncertain journey in front of us, and if
we're going to get back, we've got to make sure we get THERE first! Overlord OUT!"
Going Down
Tanj yelped as
the Barge bucked and swerved. Someone
screamed and she felt them falling….
John pounded on
the console in frustration; something had surged through the barge, knocking
almost all systems offline. The ship
was falling, and falling fast.
Jenka struggled
with dead controls. They hadn't even
made it out of the Rift. The ship had
still been in atmosphere, only navigational shields up….. It hadn't been time for the diversion; what
else could it have been? Sabotage? Were they under attack? Glancing out the viewport she saw them
headed straight down. Curiously, water
seemed to be falling as well, off to one side.
Zassa hung onto
the back of John's chair, and grinned; "Hey, I know this place…….
The Tigress had
been right; the system was triply redundant.
AND built by a species that believed in large "fudge factors"
in any engineering design. The object
falling through its sensors was larger than it had ever encountered before, but
its designers had truly believed in the premise that if a little was good, more
was better. It was within its design
parameters. Barely, but within….. Battery power was sufficient, for this at
least. The transporter screamed, as
energies enveloped the falling barge…
Jenka wondered
why everything was turning red-orange, with little sparklies; was this some new
weapon? And then it cleared; the water
was only a few feet below them. With a
mighty splash, the barge fell nose-first into the swimming hole.
Zassa slammed
into the back of John's seat and despite the bruises, laughed; "Man, that
is SUCH a rush! Lets do it again!"
Jenka hung in her
harness, staring at some sort of weird articulated fish on the other side of
the viewport. "Where are we?"
Tanj picked
herself up off the instrument console.
Teach her not to strap in; "Um…. I think we're in the Port Royale
swimming hole….."
John started
working at the buckles of his harness; "Mistress, all our systems are
dead. This thing isn't going
anywhere. I suggest we retreat to… Port Royale, or wherever, and regroup."
Corey looked at
the Otter and spread his arms wide; "It wasn't my fault! THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!"
Doodles picked
himself out of the jumble of stuff that had all fallen to the front of the
compartment and sighed; "might not matter, if that Tigress gets ahold of
us; she's not likely to be in a mood to listen."
Roland grunted,
straining every muscle. No good. His suit was dead. He'd hit the chin and tongue switches trying to reboot, trying to
restart, trying to get ANYTHING working, but it just wasn't happening……
Cindy worked hard
with the "can opener". The
specialized wrench was designed for the rescue of someone stuck in damaged
powered armor, but it was also designed to be wielded by a person IN powered
armor. Still, she worked as fast as she
could, knowing the Badger had only a limited amount of air…. Why hadn't the explosive bolts on the
emergency hatch fired? Behind her, the
Mouse worked on Kitchen's suit, with somewhat less effect…..
Kitchens calmed
herself, and even managed to smile at the mouse struggling so hard outside her
faceplate. She'd never expected to die
in bed, but to suffocate inside a dead suit of powered armor hadn't been how
she'd expected to go…. Breathing fast,
as the carbon dioxide built up inside the suit, she wondered what it would be
like on the other side…… Heaven, or
Cindy got one of
the fasteners off, and tackled another.
As she worked she wondered what the Badger had set up for a will. If he died, what would become of her and the
others? She smiled ruefully wondering
if she'd be sold, or freed. Did she
really want that? Pushing those
thoughts to the back of her mind, she cursed as the wrench slipped, and she
banged her knuckles. Shifting she got
the wrench back on the fastener, and as it turned, left a bloody streak across
the metal.
Tanj popped the
ventral maintenance hatch and squirmed through. She hung there for a moment and then tossed her coveralls towards
a nearby rock. As fate would have it,
she missed. Grumbling, she launched
herself into mid-air, only to splash into the waters of the swimming hole a moment
later. That dive wouldn't win any
points from the judges. Grumbling she
dragged herself up onto the closest rock, sprawled across its surface, and at a
familiar sound, turned to watch something pass overhead.
The Emperor
glanced down, out of one of the viewports on the flight deck. That looked for all the world like a crashed
ship down there, and yet the nude Cheetah fem sunbathing on the rock didn't
seem concerned about it; maybe it was an old wreck. Places like this collected things like that, he thought. For a moment he debated turning to look at
her again; she had a nice rack, but then he reminded himself he was here for
other things, and turned to look down the rift. If what he'd been told was correct, the entrance to the complex
should be just ahead.
Jenka hit the
water with a splash, and Tanj reached out to pull her up onto the rock. The Jaguar, dripping wet, looked madder
than…. Well, madder than a wet cat.
"I think the ship we were trying to evade just passed
Jenka glared at
her; "Great. Just GREAT! How could things possibly get any
Roland gasped, as
Cindy finally got the "escape hatch" open. Panting hard he wheezed; "Go help the Mouse; I can get out
of this thing myself! Go on!" As the lady Badger shifted her attentions,
Roland grunted, wiggling his ass, trying to back out of a hole much too small
for the mouse, let alone a Badger.
"Must look like an F'ing breach birth, he grunted to himself, as he
tried to force himself backwards.
The Elephant glanced
out the viewport at the collection of ships on the cavern floor, and shook his
head. A most eclectic collection. This promised to be an interesting place. He just hoped that for the Emperor's sake it
wasn't as dangerous as it looked……
The Emperor tried
not to fidget as he waited for the airlock to open. His security detail had already locked through, and were
spreading out into the cavern, looking for threats….. He both dreaded and anticipated what he might find, conflicting
emotions seething just beneath the surface.
It was not often that he struggled to keep himself under such tight
control, and a part of him wondered why he was bothering now?
Hiram blinked,
and froze. Imperials? HERE?
What was the universe coming to?
Farqhuar froze as he spotted the suit of powered armor. For a moment they just looked at each
other…. He was expecting armed rogues,
in a hell-hole like this, but not THIS heavily armed…..
Hiram stared at
the suit of Imperial armor, his eyes taking in the Imperial Guard insignia, and
its highly polished surface, and smiled.
"Buncha parade ground toy soldiers." Giving the suit a mocking half-salute, he turned and headed for
the tunnel to Port Royale. The ship had
been a small one; it couldn't hold that many troops. Therefore this wasn't an invasion; not a real one anyways. More likely that guy was just a bodyguard
for someone. And therefore not likely
to shoot. Feigning non-chalance, he
tried to walk as casually as possible…..
Farqhuar watched
the suit amble off in consternation; he'd expected anything from gunfire to
questions to surrender, but not to be so casually dismissed.
The Emperor
smiled; he could just about sense the consternation of the young
Lieutenant….. Farqhuar was good, but he
came from one of the core systems, and had probably never been in a place like
this. Chuckling he eased past the suit;
"Lets see where he's going, why don't we?"
Hiram checked his
rear-view, and winced. They were
following him. Why did they have to
follow him? As he'd expected, there was
a small party of unarmed and unarmored furrs, escorted by way too many suits of
powered armor. He forced his pace to
remain calm, forced his eyes to the path ahead and not his suit's weapons
console….. The first thing was to get
the word out that these guys were here.
But how? The Port's
communications were down…..
Tanj looked at
her jumpsuit and sighed. She'd wrung it
out as best possible, but it was still sopping wet. With a groan she slung it over one shoulder and turned to follow
the others. The tunnel up to the port
was a long one, and a grim climb. Being wet just made it more miserable….
The Emperor moved
out of the tunnel and into the commons area; he paused and looked around;
"Well, THIS is interesting."
The Elephant
grunted "I would have expected something a little more modern than candles
and oil lamps!"
The Emperor
grinned; "I've read that early experiments into trans-dimensional portals
caused massive power surges. I think this
only confirms my suspicions. These
furrs were dabbling in proscribed technologies." He pointed; "There seem to be more lights that way; lets
check over there."
Katja looked up
as two figures in powered armor slipped through the door to the bar, each
stepping to one side, weapons not quite pointed at furrs as they scanned the
bar for trouble. The Tigress sighed and
shook her head; "Oh, not again……"
The Fox almost
bit his tongue as the old Jaguar stepped through the doorway. If he didn't know better, he could have
sworn that was the Emperor himself……
The Lizard
flicked nictitating membranes across his eyes and nodded to himself;
"surely it won't be long now…."
It took the image
recognition software less than an instant to make a positive ID on the old
Jaguar. Katja raised one eyebrow and
smiled, her gaze flicking up, to meet his eyes; "So….. What can I get you to drink?"
The old Jaguar
took in the nude Tigress, and smiled; "Black Rooskie, no ice." He slipped onto a barstool next to the Fox,
and watched with open appreciation as the Tigress went about mixing the drink.
Jenka just stood,
and stared, and dripped, a puddle of water forming around her feet.
Tanj followed her
gaze; "isn't that…."
Jenka growled;
"Yeah. An Imperial Fast
Courier." She turned to look at
the Cheetah; "I shouldn't have asked."
Tanj shrugged;
"Asked?" The Jaguar nodded;
"in the barge; I asked how it could possibly get any worse." With a sigh, the Jaguar turned and headed
for the tunnel to Port Royale; "Come on; no point in delaying the
John cleared his
throat; "Mistress, shouldn't we…. Arm ourselves from Tanj's
Jenka waved a
paw, her pace not slacking a bit; "Yeah, sure; probably couldn't
hurt. But I doubt it'd help."
Tanj looked from
Jenka to the Stallion; "Um…
Dynotaku, Roland, Kath, you're with me.
Everyone else get changed, and I guess armed, and follow us as soon as
possible." She glanced at the
Lynx; "And it might be prudent to keep Corey out of sight for a bit; let
them calm down some. Oh, and someone
get me a dry jumpsuit….." Turning,
the Cheetah hurried after Jenka.
Krrut closed the
door more out of habit than any need for safety, or
"housekeeping". The relays
had all melted. Flowed like water. Even the ceramic mounting sockets looked as
if they had deformed under the strain.
It was one thing to try and get the grid back up; but it was damned
difficult when you didn't have anything to work with. Touching the button on the commlink he sighed; "Eridani, its worse than we
thought. There's nothing left to
fix. Lets see how much QAT5 cable we've
got on hand; we're going to have to rebuild the system from scratch."
Roland stuck his
head into Ops; Eridani lifted her head from the mostly dark console and glared
at him. He gave her his best winning
smile and shrugged; "Hey, not MY doing!
But listen, we've got problems.
A new party in powered armor has arrived, and I think Jenka's a bit
frightened of them. Krrut pulled a
trick, in the bar, pulling power from my suit.
Any chance I could borrow the gizmo he used? We might just need it…"
Eridani's frown
deepened; "First off, I don't recognize you. Were you one of the clowns in powered armor that showed up with
the Lady Jaguar?"
Roland bit back a
retort, and just nodded; "Um… Yeah, I guess it's a little hard to see
someone through the faceplate…. That
was me."
Eridani shrugged;
"Second, I have NO idea what Krrut did to your suit. I don't have any gizmo like that, and after
that pulse we had pass through here a little while ago, I doubt it would work
anyways. Sorry, can't help
you." Without another word she
turned back to her console.
Roland stared at
the back of her head for a moment and then shrugged; "Well, it was worth a
When the Badger
had left, Eridani turned and stared at the door; "Krrut did
WHAT?" Turning back to the console
she made a mental note to ask him about what he'd done and how he'd done it…..
Jenka ignored the
guards. Marching into the bar, she
stopped a few feet inside the bar, and glared at the old Jaguar;
The Emperor
turned to regard his oldest child; he stared at her for a moment and then
grinned; "You're all wet!"
His eyes shifted to regard the nude, and still wet Cheetah fem. Looking back at Jenka he chuckled;
"That ship in the river, in the rift.
That wasn't a derelict, was it?
That was your ship."
Shaking his head he turned back to the bar, lifting his drink. Just before he took a sip he sighed;
"That's what you get for playing with technologies you don't
Jenka growled and
took a few steps closer; "you think you know everything, don't you? Think you've got all the answers! Well, let me tell you, Mister, you don't
know half of what you think you do!...."
Farqhuar looked at the wet, angry Jaguar fem in consternation; who did she
think she was talking to? Outraged, he
took a step forward.
Dynotaku tapped
the powered suit on the shoulder; "Don't think you want to do that,
son" He purred.
Farqhuar turned
to stare at the…. Unicorn?
Dynotaku grinned
at his own reflection in the faceplate; "Family squabble. Not wise to get in the middle."
Farqhuar blinked
and turned to look, from Jaguar to Jaguar.
Was there a family resemblance?
The Female was melanistic, and her spots were barely visible; were the
patterns similar? With all those spots,
he couldn't tell…….
"And I
suppose YOU'VE got it all together?
Don't make me laugh! You're
still playing cub's games, playing the Pirate Queen, off in your own little
universe! Talk about a lack of
Tanj watched for
a minute, listening. So that was the
Emperor. Huh. Turning she looked out the door of the bar, wondering if she
should go help Krrut, and Eridani. Turning
back, she watched Jenka for a moment; the two were almost screaming at each
other, but they didn't really seem about to physically attack each
other. Smiling, she slipped out. There were just too many things to DO.
Jenka found that
she couldn't stand any straighter, that she couldn't ball her fists up any
tighter; and yet the temptation to do so remained; "What in Pathan's
Seventh Hell do you MEAN, I don't look after my people? The Black Fleet's got better benefits than
most major corporations! Hell, we've
got a better health care plan than the IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT!"
The Jaguar waved
a paw; "Yes, but do you really CARE for them? Know what they're thinking?
What they're dreaming? I doubt
If he hadn't been
ready to retreat, posthaste, he probably would have been injured. As it was the bheer mug crashing against the
wall, next to him, merely splattered him with shards of glass. As he reversed, fleeing the scene, the
Barmaid's howl followed; "DAMMIT, COREY, I TOLD YOU, NO TIME TRAVEL!" With a sigh, the Lynx dusted himself off
and turned, to go and see what was left of his laboratory. This was not turning out to be a productive
Eridani moved
slowly, walking backwards in the powered exoskeleton. Her favorite rig was out of service, deadlined by whatever had
swept through the port. This one was
made for Sandarians, and as such didn't really fit her. But it was made of sterner stuff, and still
worked. Kinda. Letting the roll of superconducting cable
pay out behind her, she slowly made her way towards ops……
Chris sat in the
command chair on the bridge of the Cruiser.
They'd picked up a small ship on their sensors, something that hadn't
been there an instant before the pulse had swept through. The consensus on the bridge was that it was
a spy vessel of some sort. Now that
it'd lost its stealth capability, it seemed to be trying to flee. The question was; go after it, or go in-system
to check on Jenka?
Geeco grinned as
his sensors reported first one ship, and then another, and then a third
dropping out of warp. And a moment
later his grin turned to a grimace as his sensors identified them, not as the
reinforcements he expected, but as more pirate ships. And they were in a position to cut him off, too. Grumbling, he turned to the Nav console, to
plot a new course……
Chris grinned;
"Samantha Pettigrew! How good to
see you again. Listen, some sort of
massive electromagnetic pulse just swept the system; I'm going to head in, to
see if Jenka's all right. Could you
grab that little ship between us? He
wasn't there before the pulse, and we think he lost all his stealth gear in the
event. I'd very much like to talk to
him, and find out who he's spying for."
Samantha's image
on the viewscreen nodded; "We're on it.
Be careful in there; I don't like the looks of this place."
Geeco kicked the
converter; it didn't do any good. His
cloaking device was off-line. His ECM
was off-line. His in-system drive was
damaged and he didn't trust the readouts on his warp drive. The Jump Drive probably still worked; those
things were pretty robust, but there was a ship moving to cut him off from the
closer jump point, and the way his ship was behaving, he didn't think he'd be
able to outrun the pirates to the far one.
Looking around, he wondered what he ought to destroy before he was
captured. The Crown Prince was NOT
going to be pleased…… Where WAS that
sorry son of a gun, anyways?
Krrut looked at
Eridani; "Cross your fingers."
Before the Tigress could comply, he brought the two plugs together and
gave them a half-twist. Behind him, the
comm. console lit up. Eridani all but
pounced on it, her fingers flying over the keyboard, as she brought up the
status of the orbital defenses……
Jenka blinked;
"Perversions? PERVERSIONS? ME?
Compared to the orgies in the Imperial Capital, I'm dang near prim and
proper! Besides, all MY playmates are
WILLING partners! Not like that stunt
you pulled with the Countess of Ipsquish!
I heard what you did to her, to bring her to your bed!"
The Jaguar
chuckled and turned to the Stallion; "you here voluntarily,
John didn't miss
a beat; "Of course, Sir. We all
The Jaguar
actually laughed; "Riiiiiight."
Jenka looked
around, wondering why Tanj was silent.
Suddenly she realized it was because the Cheetah wasn't there. Where'd SHE gotten off to? Dammit she could use some help here!
Tanj fiddled with
the gain knob. It took several seconds
for the old-fashioned radio waves to make it to the rock orbiting the planet,
another moment for the ancient computer there to validate and accept the
command, and another few seconds for the signal to return. "I think we're OK, Eridani; those look
like Black Fleet ships. In fact, I'm
almost positive the Destroyer is "Harlan's Hobby"….. And the larger of the two raiders look like
Smitty's ship…. Now… I'm not so
certain about the ships coming in from 217 mark 23….."
Eridani let out a
stangled "WHAT?" and almost pushed the Cheetah out of the station
chair as she tried to get a look at the monitor. She stared at it for a moment and then reached out to push a
button on the comm. panel; "Krrut, we're gonna have COMPANY!"
Geeco let out a
deep, heartfelt sigh. His employer had
FINALLY shown up. Now, if he could just
hold the pirates at bay, until he arrived……
Chris looked at
the tactical display and shook his head; "Jenka's going to have to hang on
for a bit; THIS we're going to have to deal with." Turning to the helmsfurr he growled;
"093 Mark 134". Looking over
his shoulder at the Exec, he sighed; "We're going to have to try and decoy
them away from the planet, until Jenka has time to escape. Recall the other ships and sound battle
The Crown Prince
almost giggled; he turned to the Jaguar in the command seat and laughed;
"Oh, Look! The Pirates are turning
to attack us!"
The Captain of
the brand-new Imperial Dreadnaught "Vindicator" looked evenly at the
Crown Prince; "They must indeed be desperate, Highness, to use such a
The Crown Prince
nodded; "Indeed." He turned
back to the main viewscreen; "Imagine.
My father, conspiring with Pirate Scum.
And way out here on the Frontier, who knows what other groups he might
be conspiring with? Yes, we'll not be
led astray; we'll push on to the planet and catch him red-handed!"
Tanj watched the
display as the defensive installations came on-line. Some still showed red; most showed yellow, and a few showed
green. Some showed blue and one showed
orange, and she had no idea WHAT that meant.
The defensive systems seemed to have been cobbled together from the
military junk of a dozen different races, over several hundred years. There were rail guns, and antimatter
mines. Plasma cannon, disruptors,
ancient lasers, homing torpedoes, and dumb rockets. There were a few things she didn't have a clue as to what they
were supposed to do; the labels were in languages she couldn't read. But bit by bit, they were coming on line,
and she and Eridani were preparing to defend the planet. And it didn't look good.
Krrut stuck his
head in the bar's door; "Hey, Folks; looks like we're going to be invaded
in a little bit. Anybody who wants to
try and skip out, now's the time.
Anyone who wants to stay and fight, go check in at Ops for
assignments. If anyone needs me, I'll
be in the mine shack."
Katja growled;
"Not that its important, but who is it this time? And what in the world
are you going to do in the mine shack?"
Krrut grinned,
showing fangs; "Looks like the Imperium.
They got a shiny new dreadnaught leading the pack; Invincible
class. As for the mine shack; well,
with so much of the system down, I've got to improvise defenses. Desperation measures. You remember that novel I gave you last
year? By the ancient that invented
communications satellites? Well, I'm
going to try his defensive trick he talked about in his thesis. Gotta get all the mining machines pointed in
the right direction first, though.
Gotta run! Got my communicator
if you need me!"
Wanda watched the
Tigress carefully; if she didn't know better she'd have sworn she'd actually
blanched at Krrut's explanation of what he was going to try and do……
The Old Jaguar
turned and looked at the Elephant; "I thought I left orders we were to be
left alone!"
The Elephant
calmly took a sip of his drink and nodded; "You did, Sire. And if there are Imperial forces
approaching, that could only mean one thing."
The Jaguar
winced; "Yeah. Junior." He turned to Jenka; "you'd best
Jenka straightened
and glared at him; "The HELL I will!"
Corey sat amidst
the broken equipment, and looked as if he were going to cry.
Doodles shrugged;
"Hey, who knew? Who could have
imagined the box would stab us in the back like that?"
Slowly Corey turned
to look at the Bunny; "What?"
Doodles shook his
head; "Didn't you ever LISTEN to him?
He was Allegory de Lindburgh ben Guidon von Flatulance the
twenty-whatever, siphon of the Fabrizi Techo-thingie. He was, or at least had been, a Big Cheese where he came
from. He dreamt of the long past
glories of… whatever. If I was him, I
would have wanted to go back and right whatever wrongs had occurred, to
recapture the lost glories. Stealing
your gizmo and using it as a time machine would have been a…. logical
extension." The Bunny shrugged
again; "I just didn't think machines could lie, that's all."
The Otter looked
at Doodles in amazement; "you mean… you KNEW he might do something like
Doodles just
shrugged; "Didn't know. But when
things started happening, well, I just kinda suspected it might have been
Krrut stuck his
head in the lab door; "We're going to be under attack in a little bit;
anything you can do to the bad guys, like you been doin' to us, would be
appreciated." And then he was
Corey stared at
the door. "Amends. We must make amends."
The Otter
laughed; "Yeah, but HOW?"
Doodles blinked
at the Otter; "Hey, what about the lab unit?"
The Lynx waved a
paw; "not big enough to cause a surge like that. Couldn't possibly do to them what we've done here."
The Bunny
grinned; "Yeah, but we could hit 'em with Katja's frozen meat
The Lynx's mouth
opened and closed. For a long moment he
was silent, with that distant look again.
Then he nodded; turning to the Otter he growled; "Let's get the lab
unit running again."
He turned to
Doodles; "YOU! Find something we
can dump into their ship. Something
Doodles swallowed
and nodded, and turning, headed for the door.
Tanj looked at
the console, and frowned; "Eridani, what are these?"
The Tigress
leaned over and looked at the screen; "Oh. Those. Something Krrut
picked up at another one of those military surplus sales. They've been sitting out on the planet's
surface so long I'd forgotten about them.
They're some sort of giant armored tank, run by artificial
intelligences. See if any of them work;
they might just distract the Imperials from better targets….
Doodles slipped
into the bar, and sidled up to the Mink; "Um…. Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"But that's
just the way the Imperial Court works!
The constant intrigue keeps everyone on their toes! It weeds out the less capable! I know it looks cruel, but the system works;
its worked for dozens of generations!
What, you think you could come up with something better?"
Jenka shook her
head; "All the plots, and counter-plots, all the assassination attempts,
that's PRODUCTIVE? Think of ALL the
energy wasted!"
The Old Jaguar
grinned; "Exactly; as long as the plots aren't aimed at ME, they ARE
energy wasted." He grinned;
"I've stirred up a number of plots against some of my political….
"rivals" that are keeping them too busy to interfere with what I'm doing. And I'm sponsoring others. Believe me, the system works."
Jenka just threw
up her paws in disgust.
Farqhuar tried to
act nonchalant, but it wasn't easy.
There were way too many armed characters in the Emperor's presence. Admittedly most of them seemed to be
completely ignoring the…. Ah…. "spirited exchange." Others were actively rooting for different
sides. And since they'd been here,
there'd been one brawl (fortunately well down the bar from the Emperor), and
two…. Acts of carnal knowledge. One of
the couples hadn't even bothered to repair to a booth! And then there was that rough looking Badger
chap that kept staring at him, from across the bar. What was HIS problem?
Kath frowned;
"Something small, but powerful? I
trust you don't want a half a kilo of antimatter…."
The Bunny waved
his paw; "Too violent. I was
hoping for something that'd just, oh, I don't know, put them to sleep for a
The Mink's eyes
got an evil glint in them, and the cast a quick glance at Wanda;
"Yesssssssss, I might be able to lay my paws on something…. Come with
Wanda caught the
Mink hurrying out of the bar with the Rabbit in tow, and wondered what those
two were up to? Surely she couldn't be
thinking of sex at a time like this, could she? Then Wanda smiled; she was a Mink after all…….
Kath handed the
box to Doodles; "Now what ever you do, DON'T drop it. Don't spill it."
Doodles opened
the box and looked inside; there were a lot of Styrofoam "peanuts" in
there, but nestled in the center was a glass bottle full of a clear
liquid. "What is it?"
Kath grimaced;
"Wanda was performing some experiments on the stuff that mouse tried to
use to assassinate Jenka. She's…. managed to reproduce it. I kept some, against a future need."
The Bunny's eyes
widened; "The stuff that keeps you from making a decision?"
The Mink nodded,
a sharp jerk of her head; "The same."
Doodles carefully
closed the box, muttering "Yeah, that ought to do quite nicely", and
carrying it as if it WERE a half kilo of antimatter, headed out for the
Professor's lab.
"I am unit
DLX of the line. I can sense no other
command nodes on line; is Colonel Tsuko present?"
Tanj shook her
head; "No, there's no Colonel Tsuko here; how long have you been…
"I have been
in hibernation mode for two hundred ninety three years, eight months six days,
forty-three minutes and seventeen seconds.
I sense that I am not in the same location as I was when I went into
Hibernation mode. I'm not familiar with
the stars in this region; where am I, and what is the tactical
Tanj shrugged;
"You're on a planet called New Tortugas; apparently you were purchased as
military surplus some eight years ago, and were moved here to provide local
defense. I have authorization codes
that should confirm my, ah, authority to issue you orders."
"Yes, I can
read them from your console…. While I
am curious as to how I arrived here, I sense tension in your voice; is the
situation urgent?"
Tanj smiled;
"Yes it is, but we should have a few minutes before it becomes critical. I would rather you stay in a low level of
preparedness, and wait until the enemy is well within range before coming fully
on line."
"Ma'am, the
starships engaged in battle three AU from our position will be within range in
under seven minutes. I AM after all a
Mark XXIX. I sense two other units from
my brigade; between the three of us we should be able to give a credible
defense of this planet."
Tanj's eyebrows
rose; "Really? Almost three
hundred years out of date and you can make that statement?"
There was some
pride in the machine's voice; "Ma'am, YES Ma'am!"
Chris stared into
the tactical display, and shook his head; "Dammit, why won't they come
after us?"
The Exec
shrugged; "They may be completely focused on the planet. If they're after Jenka, and know she's
there, they might not stop for the likes of us."
Chris sighed;
"Yes, and we're taking a beating, too.
All right, if we can't divert them, we might just delay them." He looked at the Exec; "I just hope
she's got a trick or two up her sleve."
"Where the
HELL do you think YOU'RE going?"
The Jaguar turned
and looked; "I thought I'd wander down to Ops, and watch the
show." He turned to the Tigress;
"Unless you can get it on the set here…?
Katja shrugged;
"Probably best to leave the folks there alone, unless you're going to
help. Let me see if I can't get some of
the tactical displays on the Holotank here…."
The Elephant
grinned; "Good. I doubt they'd be
able to refresh my drink in Ops…. Or
have these delightful peanuts…"
Krrut frowned at
the console; "Look, I UNDERSTAND that you weren't designed for that kind
of pressure, OR that kind of temperature, but we're in a bit of a fix here, and
I NEED you to do this! No, I DON'T think
you're some sort of military model, but I've cut your self-protection circuits
out, and you're SUPPOSED to obey my orders!
Dammit, either you do it or I'll flood the tunnel with Sulfuric
acid! I'll leave you in there to
corrode!....... OK, ok, I'm sorry, but
I DO need you to do it, for me, Please?"
The Kurani turned
away from the console and shook his head; "Why mining machines need an AI
of that level is beyond me; worse than dealing with a three year
old!" Turning to the separator
control panel he studied it for a moment… he had enough field coils, and he'd cobbled together enough power
supplies to run them. But he'd better
do something about the shielding or everything metallic on the planet was going
to come whizzing straight here….
aren't they, Captain?"
"Yes, your
highness. They would seem to be
remarkably devoted to their cause. I
would have expected pirates to cut and run at the first sign of overwhelming
The Crown Prince
just nodded, and then shrugged; "If they insist on pounding themselves
against our anvil, who are we to gainsay them?"
Pettigrew glanced at the damage control board and sighed; "That's it. Helm, get us out of here; we can't take any
more pounding like that. Comm, get me a
line to Chris."
Chris listened as
Samantha outlined the damage to her ship; his was in as bad a shape; "OK,
we'll break off the action. All ships,
regroup on the fringe of the system, at…. 274, 024, 113." Looking back at the tactical display, he
just hoped Jenka could find a way out of this; it wasn't looking good.
The Crown Prince
smiled as the last of the Pirates turned tail and ran; "Good, they're out
of the way. Now nothing can keep us
from the planet."
"Unit DLX to
all units. Weapons free. For the glory of the Brigade!"
The Jaguar turned
in his command chair to look at the sensor operator; "you've detected
"Sir, three
rather powerful systems have just powered up on the surface of the planet. And all three of them are mobile."
"Ships rising
to intercept us?"
they're moving along the surface of the planet."
The Jaguar waved
a paw; "Then how threatening can they be?"
DLX ripple fired
his main missile battery. As the
missiles rose towards their targets, weaving to avoid the rocks in orbit, he
displaced South at full speed, taking full advantage of the rocks moving above
him. The pattern was annoyingly simple,
and shouldn't interfere with his operation at all. But with luck, his adversary might not have puzzled out the pattern
yet. Not that he was afraid of
counterbattery fire; its just that he wanted to give the target something other
than the missiles to think about while the missiles closed. As he moved, treads crunching over the
unfamiliar landscape, he considered the emissions from the target, and started
tweaking his ECM and ECCM suites. It
didn't look TOO hard…..
The Jaguar
frowned at the buzzing, and turned his command chair to find the source; a
rather nervous looking tech looked over her console at him; "Sir, we're
being jammed…."
The Jaguar raised
an eyebrow; "Well, burn through it."
The Tech winced;
"Trying, sir."
The Tactical
officer Frowned at the display; "Well, yes, they are large, but there ARE
only sixty of them…" He
straightened, and looked at the Defensive systems coordinator; "We should
be able to handle that without significant trouble, don't you think?"
Eridani grinned
as the "ancient piles of junk" launched a salvo of missles. She didn't put much faith in them; they were
just too old. However, she had missles
of her own, hidden in the asteroid field; she brought several of the launchers
on line and launched a second salvo. It
was a mixed bag, everything from radiation-homing missiles to the latest
DeBroglie-wave homing torpedoes. If any
of the first wave of missiles detonated at all, hers should have a much better
chance of penetrating the Dreadnaught's shields….
The Tactical
officer made a dismissive gesture; "Yes, of course I was expecting
that. These scum are obviously up to no
good, and folks that are up to no good generally arm themselves as if they
expect to be caught. In fact, I would
have expected more from them…..
DLX aligned his
primary weapon, not with where the target was, but where it was expected to be,
in a few seconds, when there'd be a gap in the rocks overhead. So far he hadn't seen any evasive maneuvers,
but that should change. Watching his
own flight of missiles, and the missiles from his brothers close, he predicted
the response time of the target's defenses, waited several thousand
nanoseconds, and triggered his first shot.
Deep within his armored hull, a powerful fusion weapon detonated within
a magnetic bottle. Even more powerful
magnetic fields channeled the resulting plasma through the "barrel"
of his primary weapon. The bolt of
plasma, at the temperature of the center of a respectable star, streaked
skywards at just under the speed of light.
The Jaguar felt
the ship lurch under his feet, and then lurch again and again; "Helm! Evasive Maneuver Delta Three! What the HELL was that?"
DLX watched as
his weapon struck. He would have sighed
if he could have; he'd hoped for more of an effect. When he was new, that would have destroyed most ships, and left
those it didn't destroy seriously damaged.
This ship had just absorbed three such shots, with only a minor
reduction in its energy field. Cycling
his primary weapon, DLX displaced to the Northwest, and prepared to fire again,
as soon as a hole in the rocks opened.
Now was the time to start worrying about counterbattery fire. Still, relativity was on his side; they
would have to get closer to target him more accurately, and that would only
make his primary weapon more effective.
Eridani watched
Krrut's ancient relics trade shots with the Dreadnaught. They were playing an interesting game. The Dreadnaught was still almost a
light-minute out; in that minute each could move randomly, just enough to screw
up the other's targeting solution. It
was becoming a numbers-crunching game, trying to predict the other's evasive
maneuvers, to put a shot where you thought the enemy MIGHT be. So far, the relics on the surface were doing
a better job of predicting, but the Dreadnaught had more guns, and was
obviously working several different solutions at the same time. The number of hits were turning out to be
about equal.
Chris watched the
long-range sensors. Even at
system-spanning distances you could see the flashes with the naked eye. What in the HELL did they have down there?
"What about
my College? HOW can you POSSIBLY
justify what you did there? And don't
give me that old line about wanting to PROTECT me!"
The Jaguar
smiled; "Of course not. You
wouldn't have been any safer at the Imperial Naval Academy…. He took a sip of
his drink; "Although you might have gotten a better education, made useful
contacts…." He grinned at her;
"What I did was for a purpose, and it worked quite successfully, if I do
say so myself."
Jenka just stared
at himn; "huh?"
The Jaguar
shrugged; "It forced you out of traditional molds. No, you didn't have a brilliant career with
the exploration service. That wouldn't
have happened even if you'd graduated from that cow college…"
straightened; "That UNIVERSITY was SCARCELY a "cow
The Emperor waved
a paw, miraculously not spilling a drop from the glass he held; "Perhaps,
perhaps not. What it did was to
"encourage" you to take a road less traveled. To carve your own destiny from the
universe. Pity you didn't take it to
Jenka's eyes went
wide and her paws balled into fists; "What in the HELL do you mean by
The Jaguar just
smiled; "you've got one of the most powerful pirate organizations in the
empire. And yet you haven't tried to
seize any territory for yourself. You
haven't tried to dominate any industry, not even shipping. As I said, you're content to play the Pirate
Queen. Your ambition seems to have
stopped there! THAT'S what I'm talking
Jenka shook her
head; “you mean you…. why you manipulative BASTARD! And why SHOULD I have grander ambitions? I'm HAPPY with what I do!" She made a dismissive gesture; "I'm not
interested in Empires, or isn't that obvious?"
The old Jaguar
just laughed.
Eridani watched
as the missiles started to get picked off by the Imperial warships' defensive
systems. The electronic war was
complex, and right now completely controlled by computers. Scanning frequencies were changed and
changed again a dozen times a second.
Jamming and counter-jamming filled the ether with enough energy to be
almost lethal in its own right. She
watched as one stream of ion bolts stitched a pattern just to the left of one
of the missiles, obviously duped into thinking it wasn't where it actually
was. Some of the missiles were getting
DLX watched as
some of the smaller enemy ships in the flotilla started to open fire, as they
too drew into range. He'd fired his
heavy missiles at the primary target, but he had missiles that would work
against the smaller ships as well.
Waiting until just after the primary target had fired a salvo, he
ripple-fired his remaining missiles at the secondary targets.
The Crown Prince
turned to the Captain of the Imperial Dreadnaught and smiled; "you know,
it comes to mind that those mobile fortresses down there might not be well
defended against a ground attack.
Perhaps you should send in the Marines?"
The Jaguar opened
and then closed his mouth; "Sir, Yes, Sir… when we get in a little
closer. I'm afraid if we were to launch
the transports at this distance they'd be… decimated by the time they
The Crown Prince
waved a paw; "Don't be ridiculous; we're keeping the locals pinned down;
I'm sure they don't have anything else to throw at us, or they would have, by
now. Send the marines in an end-run if
you have to, but SEND THEM!"
Krrut watched as
the mining machines tunneled deeper and deeper. He just hoped that when they got to where they were going that
he'd be able to control the monster he was creating…..
DLX felt his hull
reverberate with the hit. For several
hundred milliseconds his circuits were scrambled, and then he was able to pull
himself back together again. Things were
not going well. Only one of his heavy
missiles had survived to impact the primary target's shields, and that had
failed to penetrate. However, the
ship's shields had been sufficiently weakened that several of the follow-on
missiles from the orbiting asteroids had gotten through. Unfortunately they'd been too small; mere
pinpricks against a monster that size.
As he continued to trade shots, he realized his chances for long term
survival weren't good. Not that it
mattered much; he had a job to do and he was going to do it to the best of his
The Crown Prince
crowed with delight. One of the mobile
fortresses on the surface had zigged when it should have zagged, and had taken
a direct hit. The sensors showed it
barely moving, and trailing smoke.
The Jaguar felt
his ship shudder once again, as another one of the plasma weapons struck. His shields were holding, but barely. It would be good news if one of those
monsters on the surface was destroyed.
This was turning out to be way too close to an equal contest, and he
wasn't comfortable with that fact.
Tanj sighed as
one of the robots on the surface went off-line. Having an AI die wasn't quite the same as having a person die,
but in her mind it was still a death.
She looked over at Eridani; "Got any more tricks?"
Eridani shrugged
and smiled; "Soon. Just waitin'
for 'em to get a little closer.
Jenka shook her
fist at the old Jaguar; "And what about the Cygnus incident? Don't tell me you were acting in the best
interest of YOUR people on THAT one?"
The Emperor shook
his head; "Of course I was; if you were appraised of the ENTIRE situation,
you'd know that. But if we're talking
about things like that, how about your raid on the convoy at Bluth 395? Eh?
Tell me THAT one was a paragon of morality!"
The Elephant
shook his head and leaned over the bar; "How about another Xithian
firestarter. And better make this one a
Katja nodded, and
smiled, as if screaming matches like this were an every day occurrence in
Callahan's. The Elephant watched her
ass sway, and wondered once again about this place.
Evans had seen some colossal cluster-fucks in
his time, but this one was turning out to be the topper. He'd nominally bought into the idea that the
old Emperor needed to go, but the more he saw of the Crown Prince, the more he
was wondering if he'd made the right decision.
No one launched assault craft while the heavies were still duking it
out, not unless it was the most desperate of situations. He'd lost too many comrades when the Crown
Prince had decided they needed to join the fray. And the asteroid belt around the planet! Thousands of rocks going in different
directions at different velocities had made the descent a nightmare, and that
was without every other rock seeming to have a weapons emplacement on it. By the time they'd reached the ground, his
unit was at about 20% strength, and they hadn't even fired a shot yet! As the door to the Assault craft dropped, he
led his troops out into the forbidding landscape. No trees, no water, nothing but rocks. "Listen UP! Our
initial target is twenty clicks that way!
Section one, take the point; Section four, you get rear guard. Lets go, Troopers, ON THE BOUNCE!"
The Jaguar
straightened in his command chair, and stared into the tactical display;
numerous tracks were now identified coming out of the asteroid field
surrounding the planet. For a moment he
wondered if the Marines had seen something so horrible down there that they
were retreating, but then he realized there were more tracks coming up, than
had gone down. Turning to look at the
Tactical officer, he raised an eyebrow in a silent question.
The Tactical
officer turned and shrugged at him; "Sir, they appear to be robot
fighters. Fairly crude, and fairly
slow. Individually, they should be no
threat to us."
The Crown Prince
nodded; "Then ignore them, and concentrate on the surface
The Jaguar shook
his head; "Your pardon, Highness, but this is still my ship. I think you'll find that while each of those
drones might be of low quality, to quote a long-dead military sage,
"quantity has a quality all its own", and there ARE quite a number of
them." Turning to the tactical
officer he growled; "Keep the primary weapons targeted dirtside, but I
want everything else to concentrate on that formation!
The Crown Prince
stared into the holotank, trying to keep track of all the moving symbols
there. Most of the defensive fire
seemed to be coming from the cloud of rocks whizzing around the planet. Turning to the Captain, he growled;
"Why don't we send in some of the escort ships to clear some of those
rocks out of the way. They, ah, spoil
my view of the planet below."
The Captain tried
not to wince as another of those massive plasma bolts struck his ship's shields. In his estimation, the "big guns"
on the planet's surface, and those annoying, mosquito-like drone fighters
needed to be dealt with first, but….
Politics being what they were, he turned and gave the Tactical Officer a
Krrut grinned;
the timing was almost perfect. There
was a useable hole in the rocks coming up, D7 had almost drilled down to the
correct depth, and the magnets in the separator plant were all up to strength. And now the Dreadnaught's escorts were
heading in. Chuckling to himself, he
waited a few more moments, and pushed a button; "D7, you there?"
"Of course
I'm here; where else would I be? Hey,
can I back out now? Its getting AWFULLY
hot down here…"
"No, don't
stop quite yet; but you're close. The
job's almost over."
"Then what
are you bothering me for?"
The Kurani
grinned; "Just wanted to say thanks, and good bye." His finger reached out, hesitated for just a
second and stabbed a button.
Deep below the
planet's surface, mining machine D7's fusion reactor exploded. It wasn't a very big fusion reactor, but it
was enough. Just enough. Layers of rock stretched, a bubble formed,
and then the lower curve caved in.
Magma burst into the newly formed chamber, and then, propelled by
center-of-the-planet pressures, shot up the mineshaft…..
The magnets
hummed, and then screamed. The magma
was iron-rich, and responded well to magnetic fields. As it exited the tunnel, the magnets of the ore processing plant
tugged it to one side. Tens of
thousands of tons, moving at thousands of kilometers per hour, screamed
skywards in a dazzling fountain.
The Sergeant
Major looked off to his left as something flared white-hot. It stretched upwards, like a rocket's
exhaust, incandescent. Except that it
persisted…. Sighing to himself, he
wondered "Now what?"
Commander Briggs had been dreaming of the estate he was sure the grateful Crown
Prince would bestow on him, for his aid in rising to power. So far the mission had been fraught with
annoyances, but the more difficult the task, the greater the reward,
right? Perhaps the estate would even be
on Flosten's paradise…. So far they'd
dealt with missiles, torpedoes, drone fighters, and the odd plasma bolt from
the planet's surface. And so far they'd
been lucky. So when his sensor operator
let out a yelp, he didn't worry too much….
The Exec let out
a whimper and screamed "HELM!
Evasive action!"
Briggs, growled;
"Belay that, Helm!" Looking
at the Exec he growled; 'We're in the damned asteroid field; if we change
course we'll get hit by a rock! We
CAN'T change……" He never got to
finish his sentence. Several thousand
tons of rock, moving at thousands of kilometers an hour smashed into his
ship. Shields failed in an instant, and
the hull didn't last significantly longer.
THAT?" "What WAS
The Captain of
the Dreadnaught calmly turned to his piloting officer; "Take us up to a
higher orbit. Not too far, just enough
to let us maneuver around that…. Thing."
The piloting
officer nodded and moved to consult with the helm crew.
The Captain then
turned to the Crown Prince; "Sir, you might want to recall the other
escorts. This new weapon of theirs
won't last long; we can out-wait them."
Dumbly, the Crown
Prince just nodded.
Krrut grinned and
shifted his fire to another of the escorts.
It was gaining altitude rapidly, and he wasn't sure the stream would
reach it. So far he'd obliterated one
destroyer, damaged a cruiser, and sent the rest fleeing. At least three had suffered collisions with
the orbiting rocks. Unfortunately, rock
was cooling along the walls of the mineshaft.
The flow was decreasing.
Shortly, the flow would be reduced to something that couldn't even make
low orbit. Turning to his
"targeting console" he wondered what was going on, on the surface;
maybe he could rain molten lava down on some invaders there…..
Evans glanced around the rock at the….. whatever it was. It was huge, much bigger than he'd been lead
to believe. They'd called it a
"mobile fortress", but that didn't begin to describe it. It had tread assemblies that were larger
than most buildings he was familiar with.
And it bristled with weapons.
One huge one mounted in the center of the vehicle would occasionally
belch plasma at the stars in a display of brilliance that would take his suit's
optics over a minute to recover from.
Others tracked things above him that he couldn't see, as if eagerly
waiting for them to come into range. It
was the row of bright parabolic reflectors down the side that he didn't like
the looks of. They looked like
anti-personnel ion guns. As the ground
vibrated with its approach, he told himself that they were Imperial Marines,
and that they could take on Anything…..
DLX "saw"
the figures behind the rocks. He'd lost
a significant fraction of his sensor suite, but as that was quadruple redundant
his performance was not set significantly impaired. Infra-red, deep radar, and a number of other sensors made the
Marine's presence all too apparent. And
they were trying to ambush him.
HIM! Correcting his course just
a little, to take himself into the center of the fire sack, he prepared to deal
with the "threat"…..
The Jaguar tried
not to listen to the noises coming from the communications consoles; the
Marine's attack had started with crisp commands, and terse replies. It had mutated into shouted orders,
exclamations, and howls of outrage as the enemy had been engaged. From there it had degenerated into screams,
both of outrage and terror, and pleas for help. Through it all, the Crown Prince had stood stoically, no more
affected than if a distant and little-cared-about sports team had suffered a
setback. And through it all, the plasma
fire from that mobile monster hadn't slacked off at all.
The Sergeant
Major growled into his communicator; "Well you Might as WELL bring down
everything you've got on it; there's nothing left of us anyways!" Hitting the frequency button with his chin,
he shifted further behind the rock, and looked around. A handful.
Just a handful, of all those proud Marines that had launched from the
Dreadnaught. Fortunately, that metal
monster was continuing its evasive action, and seemed to be heading rapidly for
the horizon. Well, not as rapidly as it
had been moving. They'd gotten in a few
licks. Some of the tread units weren't
functioning as well as they had been.
Lance Corporal Twiggs had run right in front of the thing, carrying a
compilation of every demolition charge they'd had. He'd been fried within an instant, by a weapons emplacement they
hadn't even known existed, but his mine had still gone off under the
treads. With a sigh he rose to a
crouch, and peered around the rock.
When blue fire didn't immediately come at him, he turned and looked
back; "OK, Marines, lets get OUT of here; that thing might just circle
back to finish us off. We're out of
Demo charges, and danged near out of ammunition; lets find somewhere safe to
sit this one out."
"Sarge, the
map says there's an underground complex a couple dozen clicks from
The Sergeant
Major chuckled; "And you think they'll welcome us with open arms,
The Private
shrugged, her suit's hydraulics screaming in protest as she tried to move the
damaged suit. After a moment the
Sergeant Major sighed; "Well, we might as well try and do something
useful; and somehow I doubt they can do worse than that metal monster."
Tanj smiled;
"DLX, I'm glad you're still with us!"
"Yes, Ma'am,
Thank you, Ma'am, but I calculate it won't be for much longer. With the loss of
my brothers, most of the enemy's fire is being concentrated on me. But I'll hold them off for as long as
possible. I just thought you ought to
know that I was attacked by ground elements; the remnants are moving in your
direction. Unfortunately I don't think
I'll be able to head them off before they reach your location; every time I
turn to the North, fire intensifies."
understand, DLX. Do what you can, and
if you can save yourself, do so."
"MA'AM, that is contrary to my entire being! But don't worry; I plan on taking as many of
the enemy with me as possible! For the
honor of the Brigade!"
Tanj shot the
Tigress a look. Eridani was sitting
back in her station chair, one paw tapping an occasional command on a keypad,
but mostly she was just watching.
"That bad, huh?"
"Yeah, I've
used just about everything at my disposal.
They're starting to pulverize the rocks, just on suspicion. I had a few kamikaze rocks up there, but
after the first couple, they took the hint and are now shooting at anything
coming close." She turned to look
at the Cheetah; "I think we've shot our bolt on this one. The only question now is; Surrender, or Die
The Cheetah
grinned, pushing back from her station chair; "Personally, I have no
intention of doing either."
FURTHERMORE, I never had ANYTHING but a platonic relationship with my
professors! Can YOU say the same about
your…. Advisors?" The Elephant
looked up from the end of the bar, his gaze locking on the Jaguar, and then he
threw back his head and LAUGHED!
Jenka's eyes
smouldered with fury, and she turned to fix the Elephant with a glare that
would have melted hullmetal.
The Elephant
caught the gaze and waved a hand; "oh, no, don't get me wrong; he's had
more than his share of affairs, but the way you phrased that, "What, with
HIM?" popped into my mind…..
The Emperor just
Tanj took
advantage of the break in the "conversation"; "Um, folk, it
would seem that remnants of an Imperial Marine assault force are headed
here. They're probably not in too good
a mood, and we might want to see to a defense of Port Royale…."
The Emperor
nodded decisively; "Farhquar, see to it."
The Lieutenant
stiffened; "Sir, I can't leave you here alone!"
The Emperor
chuckled; "Well, you wouldn't really be happy if I accompanied you on this
little hunting expedition, would you?"
Behind his
faceplate, Farhquar paled; "Um Nosir…"
Jenka chuckled;
"Roland, take the toy soldiers, and show 'em how its done." She turned to Dynotaku; "You'd best go
with 'em too."
Dynotaku checked
the power indicator on the Hapsta disintegrator. It showed a full charge.
Looking back up he nodded; "Right…. Um… which way do we go?"
Behind the bar,
Katja groaned; "useless. The lot
of you." Putting down her dishrag,
and the bheer mug she'd been polishing, she moved down the bar, and bent,
obviously extracting something heavy.
The weapon looked ancient; it had a long barrel, with a muzzle brake,
and a magazine sticking straight up.
Iron sights were offset to one side.
The rest was a maze of tubing, conduits, and unidentifiable
subcomponents. Hefting it she moved
around the bar; "If you're willing, follow me. I at least can lead you to the enemy."
Roland glanced at
Farhquar and nodded; "After you."
The Marine shook
his head; "Not at all, ah, "sir", after you. I insist."
Tanj looked at
Jenka; "Mistress, if you'll excuse me, ah, I've got one more ace in the
hole, I'd like to try and play…."
Jenka gave her a
stern look, but after a moment, shrugged and waved a paw.
Tanj nodded to
her crew and jerked her head towards the door.
As they left the
Emperor took a sip of his drink and growled; "Lets discuss your funding of
…. Esoteric research. You've been
dabbling in areas that are very much best left alone."
Jenka's fur
bristled; "Says WHO?"
Gimme Shelter
The actinic flash
gave some warning, but not nearly enough.
A fraction of a second later, the shockwave flung the Sergeant Major
forward, his flight interrupted by a most inconveniently placed rock. After a moment his vision cleared, and he
struggled to sit up. Looking behind
him, at the rising mushroom cloud he chuckled; "Well, at least we won't
have to worry about that metal monster any more….. All right, everyone, on your feet. Count off, and lets see who's left…."
"Its over
there, Smaj; see the thermal signature?"
Betty, I see it. Now calm
down." The Sergeant Major had been
becoming increasingly nervous. There'd
been a titanic explosion behind them, but the orbit to surface fire hadn't
stopped. And that meant that there was
still a target worth firing at back there.
How many of those demon machines WERE there on this gawdforsaken
rock? And every once in a while the
ground rumbled, as if something large was headed their way. No one had the guts to stick their head up
and take a look. "OK, its just a
short run across the open. Lehwis,
Klark, you go first. Then Laural and
Hardie. The four of you will set up a
perimeter, and when its secure, Brigs and Stranton, you get over there and see
about breaking and entering. As quietly
as possible, please; there's no need to alert the locals. Ciscal, Heebert, Abercromby and Fitch, bring
up the rear. Ready? MOVE OUT!
Katja nodded as
her handheld flashed red; "We've got a signal from airlock
2-12." She pointed down a tunnel;
"That way. Lets go about a hundred
meters, and we'll set up an ambush at the intersection."
Farhquar watched
the Badger move. Watched the way he
handled his weapon. He knew that
style. It was the same one his troops
Roland set the
directional mine; there was no way to anchor it on the bare rock floor and no
way to conceal it. He just hoped it'd
give someone pause. Rising, he stopped
for just a moment, and then, with a shrug, pulled his shirt off over his
head. Artfully, he dropped it over the
mine, doing his best to make it look as if someone had just dropped it
there. Pulling his load-bearing harness
straps back over his shoulders he turned and trotted back to the intersection.
Cindy grinned as
the Badger jogged towards them; "oooooh, SEXY!"
Roland laughed
and gave her a swat in passing; "Next time YOU get to volunteer an article
of clothing." Cindy just laughed.
Farhquar looked
across the corridor at the Badger; "What unit where you with?"
Roland shot the
suit of Imperial Armor a look and then shrugged; "The 321st." He didn't know if that meant anything to the
occupant of the suit or not; it just crouched there like a statue, not
After a long
moment, the suit lightly inquired; "Why'd you leave?"
Roland gave the
suit a grim chuckle and growled; "I didn't. I was thrown out. Thrown
away, actually. Ever hear of a place
called Apophis?
Lehwis frowned
and gestured with her weapon; "What in the hell do you think that
corporal, looks like someone dropped a tee shirt."
The Sergeant
Major growled; "DON'T go any further.
Klark, give it a pulse from your laser."
Whatever Farhquar
had planned to say in response to the Badger's question was forgotten as ruby
light licked the floor from down the corridor.
Roland hit the detonator for the mine but it was too late, the laser had
destroyed the firing circuit. The
explosives burned merrily, though, lighting the tunnel quite nicely for those
without night vision equipment.
Farhquar had no
trouble identifying the powered armor of Imperial Marines. The Emperor had said that he'd ordered no
troops into the area, but he just couldn't open up on erstwhile comrades… Keying his communicator he growled;
"HALT! Advance and be
Roland groaned;
what was that goodie two-shoes DOING?
Shifting his balance he prepared to lean out into the corridor and give
his own response, but the troopers down the corridor beat him to it, answering
the Lieutenant's challenge with all the firepower at their disposal.
Cindy winced as
the Lieutenant's bright, shiny armor took a half a dozen kinetic penetrators;
they threw him a half a dozen body-lengths down the corridor; the suit didn't
move, and she feared they'd killed him.
And then Roland was rolling a grenade down the hallway towards the
Katja calmly set
the bipod of her weapon on the floor; she was a good one hundred fifty meters
down the cross-corridor. Aligning her
weapon with the edge of the intersection she pulled down the hearing
protectors, and waited. There was no way
she'd be able to lean out into that hail of fire, and live. But eventually one of the invaders would
have to try and cross the corridor, and that's when she'd get involved.
Cindy leaned back
from the edge; she could feel the heat from the near misses. Someone down the corridor was using a
particle beam to slowly chip away the rock at the intersection, working at
trying to get at her. Reluctantly she
inched back from the intersection.
Roland was on the
other side of the intersection, and likewise he couldn't engage the enemy as he
wished. Even the Imperial troopers were
falling back, under the concentrated fire of the enemy. But that was OK. The tunnels in this part of the complex were mostly formed by the
mining machines, and they'd gone wherever the ore was. It was like a pile of spaghetti, or a nest
of snakes. They could fall back and
stage another ambush, at intersection after intersection. And if they could get behind the
intruders….. well, the armor was always
thinner in the back.
Katja grinned;
one of the intruders was advancing right into her sights. Concentrating on a target down the corridor
he was facing, he never saw the Tigress.
The rail gun was fully charged, and from a sensor's perspective,
"quiescent". In other words,
it certainly wasn't calling attention to itself. All it took was a light touch on the trigger and the osmium
pellet was propelled from the rails at incredible speed. It struck the suit on the side of the
"backpack". To her
disappointment, the suit simply stopped moving. She'd hoped to breach the fusion bottle, and maybe take a few of
its mates with it, but…. Collecting her
weapon even as the capacitor bank charged again, she slipped down a side
tunnel. No one knew all the tunnels
down here, but she probably had a better handle on where they went, than
most. If she hurried she might come up
behind 'em….
Fitch stared in
horror at the flashing red lights on his instrument panel. Something had struck his side, almost
spinning him around; and then all systems had failed. He didn't have power to the electrically actuated "muscles"
of his suit, didn't have sensors, didn't have life support, didn't have
ANYTHING but a bunch of flashing red lights!
Grumbling, he slammed his head sideways and back, trying to trigger the
explosive bolts on the "escape hatch". That didn't seem to be working either….
Dynotaku checked
the Hapsta again; he'd heard of these legendary weapons, but had never even
seen one, before his purchase. And of
course it hadn't come with an owner's manual.
He hoped he had the settings right….
Bringing it up as a suit of powered armor turned down his tunnel, he
pressed the firing stud.
Heebert grinned
as the Unicorn fired something at him; it looked more like a cheesy special
effects device than a real weapon; glowing rings were coming from its needle
tip, growing in diameter, but fading in intensity as they streamed lazily
towards him. Chuckling, thinking he was
going to have some fun with this one, he strode forward, with every intention
of rending the silly creature limb from limb…. And then the alarms started
going off in his suit…
Dynotaku released
the firing stud, and looked down at the Hapsta in amazement. The glowing rings had impacted on the suit's
chest plate. And everywhere one of the
rings struck, atoms flew away from each other.
After three rings had struck, he could see the inner workings of the
suit. Another two rings and he could
have sworn he saw something pinkish white….
Rising, he carefully crept closer.
It was just as he'd thought; the rings had burned a circular,
dinner-plate sized hole clear through the suit. He could see the corridor on the other side. And the hole was dripping blood… and other
things. Wincing he moved backwards,
into the shadows. He sure hoped HE
wasn't going to have to clean up that mess…….
The Sergeant
Major crouched at the intersection, carefully extending a fiber optic probe
around the corner. He'd started with
ten troopers, and now he was down to six.
Four casualties to… to border scum!
He still wondered just what had hit Heebert; he'd never seen anything do
that to a suit of powered armor before.
Something had VAPORIZED the fusion bottle before it could explode! He was beginning to wonder if it would be
safer back outside with that damned metal monster…….
Katja jumped a
foot when Krrut whispered; "you doin' OK?" from her left side. How'd he snuck up on her? How'd he FIND her? "Uh… yeah, not too bad.
"Ain't worth
shit. All our defenses are down. Gone.
I'm trying to rig a landslide in the Great Rift that'd block the docking
cavern, but I don't have much left to work with. Can you handle this little incursion?"
Katja nodded;
"I think so. Runnin' out of power
packs, though." She smiled weakly;
"you know my pet here, she packs a whollop, but she goes through
powerpacks like crazy."
The Kurani nodded
and unclipped a silvery tube from his belt; "Here, its about all I've got
to give you. Well, that and
Katja took the
variable sword and nodded; "Thanks, I'll make it count."
Krrut smiled;
"I know you will. Catch ya
Brolly shrugged;
her arms were still bound behind her; "Guess I'm bait, Ma'am…."
Katja just sighed
and nodded. "OK, go down to the
intersection and peek around the corner CAREFULLY. If no one's there, try going to the left, but don't go more than
a hundred meters or so…."
The tunnel was
tiny; Zassa didn't have a clue what had made it, but if she exhaled, and tried
REAL hard, she could just slip into it.
So far, her fletchette gun hadn't done anything but scratch the paint on
those damned 'suits, but she had an idea.
Hinoki had run around in one of them for a while and she had taken some
time to look it over. Maybe, just
Stranton turned
down the side corridor, and scanned ahead of him. The rock was full of low-grade magnetite, and his sensors weren't
giving him a very good picture. Where
in the HELL were the others? He'd heard
Smaj call on the unit push to regroup, but regroup WHERE? Grumbling to himself he started down the
tunnel, bent low.
Zassa grinned and
slipped out of her hidey-hole. She knew
the sensors would miss anyone DIRECTLY behind the suit; if there was another
one behind this one she was toast.
Fortunately for her, there wasn't.
Stranton felt his
suit rock, as if something soft had hit him from the rear. Turning, he scanned back the way he'd
come. Nothing but bare rock. There were some thermal smears on the floor,
but those were probably just his own footprints…. With a sigh he turned back, grumbling about flaky feedback
Zassa crouched on
the hunched shoulders of the suit. For
this to work she'd have to move fast.
Optical pickups were there, there, and there. Infra-red sensors were there and there. Taking off her top she looped it over one of the optical pickups,
stretched it over an infra-red sensor, and hooked the far side over another
optical pickup. Her shorts went over
another optical pickup and an infra-red sensor. And then she was unslinging the fletchette gun. At point blank range maybe, just maybe it
would do for the remaining sensors.
Stranton blinked
as his left side suddenly went shocking-pink, and then his aft pickup went the
same color. Now there was a malfunction
you didn't see every day…. He was still
trying to figure out what had happened when something that looked like denim
covered his forward vision. He was just
starting to figured it out, when something just above his left audio pickup
went "BLAM!" and his view to the right went black. OK, NOW He knew what was going on……
The suit's sudden
movement almost threw Zassa from her perch; the fletchette gun swung wide and
discharged, missing its intended target, the sole uncovered IR sensor. Whooping like a cowgirl riding a bucking
bronc, she held on for dear life!
Stanton lowered
his head and CHARGED. There were enough
walls around here, he was bound to hit something eventually, and with luck,
whatever was on him would be between him and the rock. Or at least thrown clear. Certain that his suit could sustain any such
damage he pumped his legs as fast as the suit would go.
He was
wrong. As he came to a sudden, painful
stop, another portion of his display went dark, and another red light started
howled and
dropped free of the suit, just before it ran headlong into a wall. As it staggered back, she almost got
trampled. Raising the fletchette gun,
she jumped up, jammed the muzzle against a sensor and pulled the trigger.
Stanton shook his
head from side to side; the shock curtains had deployed, momentarily obscuring
his vision. The fact that they'd
deployed when he hit the wall, instead of just before, was a mute testimony to
how badly degraded his sensors were.
And then there was another loud noise, and another flashing red light on
his HUD…..
The barrel of the
fletchette gun was a twisted mess, and Zassa counted herself lucky that she had
only a few scratches to show for it.
Growling, she picked a rock up off of the floor and did her best to
climb up the front of the suit.
Stanton heard the
"whang-whang-whang-whang" and wondered "now what?" Then the radar went out and he knew; his
tormentor, instead of fleeing, as any rational being would, was still out there
beating on him! Grumbling he tried to
"wipe his face" with his left arm, only winding up slugging himself
in the process. Metal on metal rung
like a bell… or was that noise just in his ears?
Zassa slipped
over the shoulders of the suit just in time, but in the process she lost her
rock. The shoulders behind the head was
one of the places the arms couldn't reach, and for a moment she just clung
there, breathing hard.
Stanton wound up
"patting" himself everywhere he could reach. He was sure he wasn't free of his attacker,
and yet he couldn't find any sign… He
badly needed to exit his suit and see what he could do about field repairs, but
if there was an armed enemy out there, leaving the suit would be
suicidal…. He had a sidearm stashed in
one of the external pockets, but it'd take him too many seconds to get to it…
grinned as the sensors in his suit picked out the naked slave in the almost
perfectly dark tunnel. She was bound,
and there wasn't any doubt she wasn't concealing any weapons. Chuckling to himself, he thought he'd get himself
some booty yet from this clusterfuck….
Brolly heard the
suit before she saw it. Letting out an
only half-feigned squeal of terror she turned and ran back down the tunnel,
occasionally brushing against one of the walls….
Katja watched as
the Ferret missed the tunnel junction entirely and kept running. That was OK. Peering through the sight of her weapon she waited…
Abercrombie never
heard the shot, but he certainly felt it.
Suddenly his suit was thrown into the right-hand wall of the
tunnel. Struggling to remain upright he
scanned his HUD, checking the extent of his damage. Grunting to himself he decided it could have been worse. Raising his gaze, he saw the slave fumbling
her way down the tunnel. Bait. He'd been duped! Raising his flame gun, he decided she was going to pay for that….
Katja cursed as
her railgun jammed. It was always the
same with these Kurani pieces of shit; vaporized aluminum from the
"skirt" around the osmium pellet built up on the rails and the next
round wouldn't load properly. Leaving
it, she snatched the variable sword from her belt and dashed for the tunnel
intersection; she was sure she'd hit the suit, but somehow she didn't think it
was dead yet.
Brolly howled as
flame washed down the tunnel. Suddenly
she could see where she was going VERY well…
Dodging left, and then right, she ran just as fast as she could for the
next intersection.
Katja cursed and
swept the sword from left to right and back again. For a moment nothing happened, and then the suit slid apart in
three pieces; the legs remained standing, the torso slid to the left along a
diagonal cut, and the shoulders and head slid to the right, along a different
diagonal. The flame gun continued to
burn, completely filling the tunnel, until it ran out of fuel. The Tigress tried to see through the flames
for a moment, but then a sound from back up the tunnel made her turn and dash
back towards where she'd left her weapon.
She'd just have to find out if Brolly had survived later; in the
meantime she had enemies to kill.
Farhquar looked
over what was left of his command. Every
one of them was wounded somehow, and each had serious suit malfunctions. The enemy was good. Experienced. Worse, the enemy was lucky.
"All right, lets fall back another two intersections. Maybe we can find a place where they won't
be able to flank us."
Katja stared at
the strange sight. The nude Vixen was
clinging to the back of a suit of Imperial powered armor; the suit seemed
oblivious to her presence however, and was moving down a corridor, arms
outstretched, as if feeling its way.
Leaning on her weapon, the Tigress shook her head; "What in the
HELL are you doing?"
Zassa laughed;
"You know the old military dictum; never walk when you can ride!"
Stanton still had
a few audio pickups working well enough to let him hear the conversation. As he'd expected, one of them was still
clinging to him, but now there was another.
Now what in the Hell should he do?
Zassa grinned and
rapped on the suit; "Hey you in there!
Ready to give up yet? Got a
friend here with a "can opener" and I really don't think you want her
to use it!
Katja grinned;
"It's a Kurani Mark thirty-three man-portable rail gun. Familiar with those?"
Stanton took
maybe a tenth of a second to consider his options; dead, dead, or very
dead. "OK, I'm coming out!"
Zassa's eyebrows
went up as a very well-formed Shetland Pony squeezed itself out of the Suit's
hatch. As with most powered armor of
that type, you had to run it in the nude, and every inch of the hunk was
exposed to her view……
Stanton raised
his hands as he turned to look….. at a scantily clad Tigress with a HUGE gun,
and a completely nude Vixen, with HIS sidearm; both were looking at him…. Well,
"hungrily". He looked from
one to the other and back, and muttered; "What?"
Katja looked over
the Pony, bound in the remnants of Zassa's clothes; "Sure you can handle
Zassa laughed and
reached down to encircle the space between his body and balls with finger and
thumb; "Oh, YEAH!"
The Tigress shook
her head; "not THAT way; remember, we've got a battle to fight!"
Zassa sighed and
nodded; "Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll save that for later." She hefted the pistol in her right paw;
"I thought I'd try and find Roland; maybe he can fix that thing and get it
back in the fight."
Katja hefted the
rail gun and nodded; "Good idea; I'm going to see if I can find Brolly.
Wanda covered the
approaching pair with her laser; when she picked Zassa out of the gloom she let
the muzzle drop; "Where in the world did you find HIM?"
Zassa laughed;
"Oh, back there a bit. Took a bit
to get him out of his shell though."
Kath frowned;
"What, he's shy?"
Zassa chuckled;
"Nevermind; I'll tell you later; but have you seen Roland? I've got a present for him."
Wanda took
another look at the Pony and shook her head; "you are NOT giving him the
stud; not until we're done with him, at any rate……"
Hinoki smiled to
himself. He'd been doing a credible
imitation of a section of tunnel floor, just waiting. As he'd expected, one of the powered armor suits had moved above
him. Flowing upwards, along the feet,
legs, and torso of the suit, he did his best to cover it completely. For a moment the suit pawed ineffectually at
him, and then the flame gun spoke with equal effect. But he'd been extruding tendrils, searching for openings. The suits were airtight, but there were
still inspection hatches, access points, joints and such. It didn't take him long to
"infiltrate" the suit, to pull fusible links, disconnect portions of
the wiring harness, and "jam the gears". The suit simply wasn't designed to withstand an attack on a
microscopic scale.
Fitch watched her
system go dead by inches. First she'd
lost her entire sensor array, and then subsystems had started to fail. She hadn't seen any indication of the enemy,
and all she could think of was a suit failure.
Grumbling about the techs that serviced her suit, she popped the
hatch. Maybe she could find the problem
and get back in the battle….
Hinoki was just
waiting for that; as soon as the hatch started to open, he flowed through the
Fitch howled,
first in surprise, and then in terror as something touched her back. It felt as if the interior of the suit was
filling up with glue… And then
something pushed into her ass! Yelping,
she squirmed trying HARD to push back, to force herself through the hatch, but
she found she couldn't move! THEN a
tendril of jet black whipped across one side of her head, hitting the switch to
CLOSE the hatch. Panting hard, she
found herself trapped, with some sort of a monster in her suit!
Hinoki purrrred,
and extruded a pseudopod into the fem's sex, pumped her twice, and then
chuckled; "Hello, Love. Now here's
EXACTLY what we're going to do……."
Fitch found
herself helpless to resist. Her arms
and legs were covered with a coating of whatever-it-was, and it moved both Her
AND her suit! It barely left her room
to breathe, and when she tried to resist, it did the most…
"disturbing" things to her…..
"stared" at the display in the suit's HUD, and at the tongue and chin
switches, and wondered how to change the suit's IFF. The last thing he wanted to do was to be shot by
friendlies…… After a bit, he thought he
had it figured out, and turning left, he started to move down a side tunnel…..
The Sergeant
Major frowned as the icon on Fitch's suit changed from blue to red. What in the hell was going on? Had that silly bint defected? Could things be THAT bad?
Farhquar stopped,
turned and stared back down the corridor; "Good LORD; he's
Corporal DeWitte
looked back over her shoulder; "Sir?"
Farhquar turned
and continued limping forward; "That Badger. The one they call Roland.
He was with the 321st at Apophis. He's GOT to be Roland Charlemagne!" At the Corporal's blank look the Lieutenant
grinned; "I'll tell you about him some time."
Roland held his
position with no small degree of difficulty.
He'd found a place where a vertical tunnel joined a larger horizontal
tunnel. Just exactly what he'd been
looking for. From there, it was a fairly
simple matter to take a couple of pot-shots at one of the Imperial Marines,
leading the suit carefully through the tunnels, until he was able to get into
position. Now, he was horizontal, just
above the roof of the main tunnel, arms and legs outstretched, holding himself
suspended in the vertical shaft. His
weapon was on the floor of the tunnel beneath him; if this didn't work, he
wouldn't need it. And if it DID work, he
wouldn't need it either.
Laural scanned
the tunnel ahead of her, and cussed at herself. It was the worst mistake you could make in a place like this,
getting separated from your comrades.
The kind of mistake a rookie would make. And yet, in one of the firefights, at yet another tunnel
intersection, she'd turned around and found herself alone. Where had the others gone? Why had they left her? She'd backtracked through all the tunnels
her suit had mapped, but had found no sign of the others. And the radio was curiously quiet. Distressingly quiet…. And then this crazy badger had started
sniping at her. Every time she turned
around the bastard was putting dents in her armor. Well, if she did nothing else, she was going to put paid to his
account. Moving forward in a crouch,
watching her sensors, she scanned for life signs. There were thermal spots on the floor of this too-small tunnel
that were obviously his footprints. He
couldn't hide from HER!
Roland panted,
his muscles quivering, and wondered just what was taking so long? Where the hell was that suit? He wouldn't be able to hold this position
much longer…..
Laural spotted
the weapon on the floor of the tunnel; the slowly fading thermal footprints
seemed to go down the tunnel, and double back, circling around the dropped
weapon. What in the world had that
crazy badger done here?
Brolly was
panting hard as she ran. She could
still smell the smoke, smell her own scorched furr. And then suddenly another one of those suits appeared in front of
her! With an EEEK! She turned, and ran
back the way she came.
Laurel shifted
her gaze, to stare at the naked bound Ferret….
What was a slave doing HERE?
Roland saw the
suit pass under him, and dropped.
Laural felt
something impact her suit the same instant that her sensors spotted both a
shaft and an infra-red source above her.
Chuckling she turned to her left and stepped backwards; she could squash
this Badger like a bug….
Roland knew he had but seconds. The maintenance panel was there; press, twist, press, twist, pull and it came open. Just underneath was a plastic weather cover, and under that several circuit boards that controlled most of the suit's movement. Then the suit smashed into the wall of the tunnel, trapping his legs between it and the rock, and he screamed in pain and rage.
Laural heard the scream and knew she had him. She leaned forwards just a little, and prepared to rock back and do it again, when suddenly a yellow light came on, on her HUD, and her blood ran cold.
Roland's claws dug at the plastic weather cover; it wasn't easy to remove in a good light, with the proper tools; he had none of those. He felt the suit start to move backwards again, gritted his teeth, sank his claws in and YANKED!
Laural heard the Badger scream again, just as a dozen red lights came on, on her HUD, and something started beeping insistently. She rocked forward, turning to her left, hoping to clear the escape hatch, when the unthinkable happened. Her suit stopped moving. The flame gun on her right wrist was pointed down and slightly to one side; for a moment she thought about triggering it, to see if she could toast the Badger; that should still work. Deciding she had little to loose, she pulled the trigger.
Roland let himself slide down the side of the suit a little, getting as far away from the flame as he could; even so, he smelled his own fur burning. But he'd be damned if he'd let go; not yet!
Laural sighed as the tank ran empty. She'd been pretty free with that weapon, but she'd expected it to last longer than that. Looking over her weapons console, she wondered what else she could try. The nuke would probably be overkill; besides, with the inspection hatch open, she was sure she wouldn't survive the blast. No more grenades left in the grenade launcher. Anti-aircraft missiles wouldn't arm before they hit the ceiling overhead. And her ion gun was pointing down the tunnel, useless.
Roland slipped a little lower, and felt around for the next inspection hatch. There were only three such hatches in this model suit, and while every Imperial Marine knew about them, they were a closely guarded secret; no one outside the fraternity was supposed to know about them. Press, twist left, pull, twist right, push, and it popped open. There was a diagnostic plug there, a field mechanic could plug in a remote and see what was wrong with the suit, but if you grabbed the plug hard and YANKED, the wiring harness connector just behind it would usually come free…..
Laural winced as her HUD flickered and went out. As the life support fans coasted down, she tried to hit the manual hatch release. It wasn't likely that she could extract herself from the suit, and deal with the Badger, unless he was badly burned from the flame gun's spew. But she couldn't stay where she was, either.
Zassa saw the Badger, and the suit of armor, and jogged forward. She didn't quite know what was happening, but Roland didn't look good.
Laural stuck her rump out of the hatch, and knew immediately that it was over; strong hands grabbed her tail and yanked PAINFULLY hard!
Zassa trotted up to the panting Badger, and looked from him to the nude Ferret, and back; "Um….. Wanted to tell you that I'd captured a suit of armor for you, but it, ah, looks like you've already found one…"
Both the Mouse
and the Badger turned to look at her; "HUH?!"
Zassa held the pistol on the nude Ferret, as Roland tried to get the wiring harness back together. "What, you don't believe me?"
The Ferret lady
shrugged; "Frankly, no. No
offense, but NO ONE takes out Imperial Marines Powered Armor with a hand
Zassa laughed;
"Oh, well, I cheated."
At the Ferret's
blank look she chuckled; "I used my blouse and pants too."
Roland grunted as his fingers slipped. The water blisters kept breaking making the re-insertion of the circuit cards all the more difficult.
"Are you
sure you're up to this?"
The Badger
sighed; "Yes, Zassa; I appreciate your concern, but I AM going to get this
suit running, and I AM going to get back into the fight."
Zassa shrugged
and nodded; "Well, if you insist.
You might want to go by the suit I took out and strip it of ammo
Both the Ferret
and the Badger looked at her; the Ferret chuckled; "you're serious, aren't
Zassa stamped her
foot; "Dang it! I pulled my
clothes over the optical and IR sensors, or at least as many as I could; then I
shot the others out with the fletchette gun, at point blank range. With his "eyes" out, Stranton
didn't have any choice but to surrender.
Especially when Katja showed up with that cannon of hers."
The Ferret
frowned; "What species is Stranton?
If you know that, I might just believe you…."
Zassa smirked;
"Shetland Pony". She shifted
her gaze to the Badger; "Nice package, too."
"So where did you say this suit was?"
Zassa chuckled;
"Go back that way; first left, second right, fifth left, the tunnel that
slopes upwards. When it turns downward,
take your second left, and it'll be on the right."
Roland turned the
suit in the direction indicated and trotted off; "Thanks!"
The Ferret looked at the equally nude Vixen and tried to calculate her chances of getting the pistol away from her; unfortunately the Vixen was holding it close to her right side; it would be difficult to kick out of her paw there. "So now what?"
The Vixen smiled;
"We go join my friends. That
way. You go first."
Laural shrugged
and turned in the indicated direction, curiously the opposite way from where
the Badger had gone, with HER suit.
"You sure its this way?"
The Vixen
chuckled; "Sure. What, don't tell
me you're LOST!"
"actually, the tunnels are laid out on a modified Bayliss mine plan. Oh, there are minor modifications for the distribution of ore, but its really quite simple."
Brolly panted and ran hard. They were after her; she was sure of it. Every once in a while she'd pause, to try and catch her breath, to listen, but when she did…. She heard them. So she ran. Even if it was around in circles, she ran…..
It wasn't
easy. A unicorn didn't just peer around
a corner; usually his horn, or his muzzle got there first, but he was
trying to be stealthy. What he needed
was a small mirror on a stick, or one of those fiber optic probes. Or a spy drone. Unfortunately all he had was the Hapsta, and while it did a
marvelous job at what it was designed to do, it couldn't shoot around corners,
much less look around them. Crouching,
he did his best to peer around the corner, at ground level, without showing
more of his anatomy than was necessary.
"There's one!" "Get Him!"
Dynotaku winced and pulled back from the intersection; the rock wall had seemed to explode into splinters just about the time he got his look at two figures in Imperial combat armor. And it wasn't the mirror-bright polish job of the Imperial guard either. Taking a couple of steps back he waited for them to come after him.
"You missed!"
"Well, so
did you!"
"Well, don't
just stand there; go get him!"
"The Hell I
will! YOU go get him!"
"Its your
turn! I got the last one!......"
Dynotaku wondered what was taking them so long. And then it hit him; maybe they knew a way through the maze of tunnels, a way to get behind him. Nervously he looked over one shoulder; the tunnel branched behind him. Grumbling, he brought up the Haptsa; "Hope the energy cell's got enough juice for this…." Aiming at the rock wall, he triggered the weapon.
"What's that?"
sounds like some sort of high pitched whine combined with a rushing
"I don't
like this; look at the dust blowing out of that tunnel…"
"Maybe its
one of the mining machines. Hey,
wouldn't that be a hoot, if that border scum got chewed up by one of the
machines that made these tunnels?"
Dynotaku tried to follow the hole he was making; if he got too close the circles the Hapsta was spitting out got too small; too far back and his rate of progress dropped. Crouching low, he leaned forward into the blizzard of rock dust.
"Sounds like frying bacon".
"Yeah, it
does, kinda. Hey, I’m hungry; bet you
are too. Breakfast sure would go good
right now. Why don't you go take a
"I told you,
its YOUR turn."
"Oh, All
Right. Cover me!"
"Well, do
you SEE anything?"
"No, all
this damned dust is sticking to my optical sensors. It must have some sort of static charge!"
"Well wipe
'em clean and see if you can find that local, before he sneaks up on you!"
Dynotaku released the firing stud, and peered out into the corridor; there, not three feet away was a suit of armor, looking the other way. Grinning he brought up the Hapsta.
"Fred, I don't see any sign of that local, or a mining machine, but there's this funny little tunnel off to the left; its half full of that dust, and got hoof prints in it. Fred? FRED!"
Dynotaku crept around the corner; there was another suit bent over, peering into the tunnel he'd just made. Grinning, he raised the Hapsta and pushed the firing stud; it emitted three glowing rings, made a wheeze like a deflating whoopee cushion, and went dead. He looked at it curiously for a moment, and then looked at what was left of the suit.
Betty Heebert watched as the HUD lit up in red. Armor breach, synthetic muscle failure, actuator failure, and worst of all, she was loosing containment on the fusion bottle. The computer started to shut that down before she could open her mouth, though. Slowly, she lost power to all her major systems. She couldn't even straighten up. The curious thing was that she hadn't felt an impact, hadn't detected the temperature rise associated with a laser or particle beam. Her suit had just quietly come apart. And then she remembered that terrible hole through David's middle. With a sigh she pushed her head back and to the left, hitting the hatch release….
Dynotaku watched the mouse climb out of the ruined suit of armor. It was easier than usual, partially because she was fairly small, and partially because half of the frame for the hatch had been disintegrated. When her feet touched the floor, she turned and looked at her suit; "Oh, crap. I bet they're going to take that out of my pay!".
Dynotaku just
laughed; he hefted the now-inert Haptsa, and pointed down a tunnel; "Lets
go that way, why don't we?"
Betty paused at the intersection of the tunnels; to the left were two legs from a suit of Imperial powered armor. They were still standing upright. To one side, an arm lay on the floor. She stared at the sight for a moment and then shuddered; "Was that…"
Dynotaku nodded;
"Yeah. Come on, lets
The Mouse
swallowed, nodded, and started down the tunnel.
Roland would have jumped if the ceiling of the tunnel hadn't been so close over head. Turning slowly, he looked at the suit of powered armor that had just tapped him on the shoulder. How in the hell had he snuck up on him like that? Glancing down at his displays he realized the captured suit of Imperial armor STILL wasn't showing the suit standing in front of him! He squinted at the display; it LOOKED like a standard Harshaw Industries IL-4, but they normally didn't come with the Westec plasma gun that was pressed against his side. It must be heavily modified….. and therefore not likely to be with the Imperial Marines…
"Which side
you with, Mister?"
Roland straightened
a little; "I'm with the Black Fleet.
Security detachment for Jenka, head of the black fleet."
The IL-4 seemed
to relax; "Then you're not with the side that's attacking the
Roland shook his
head and then realized the other suit couldn't see that; "No, defending
against them."
"Good! Which way to the enemy?"
Hinoki chuckled as he manipulated Fitch like a puppet, moving her suit at the same time. Extruding a pseudopod he hit the tongue switch for the communicator; "Hey guys, what's up?"
Roland turned to look, his weapon coming up at the same time. There was something funny about the way that suit was moving…..
Hinoki laughed; "Don't shoot! Its me. Hinoki! Lookee what I found!"
Farhquar felt his left knee give way; he tried for as controlled a fall as he could, but he still wound up landing heavily on his left side. He fired the laser in his right arm one last time, before something impacted it, and the servos went dead. Well, it'd been a good fight. The enemy had started with ten and now they were down to two, and both of those were pretty heavily damaged. He just wished he'd been able to save the Emperor…..
"Lieutenant, you there? This is Roland. I've got some reinforcements; we're coming up behind you."
Farhquar grinned;
his transmitter was out, but some of his sensors were still working. He watched as three fresh suits of powered
armor waded into the fray, weapons blazing, and smiled.
Hiram let out a howl and ripple-fired a half dozen kinetic energy penetrators at the suit on the right, while the plasma gun recharged. As soon as he'd gotten the green light he raised it, but then hesitated; his target was on its back about fifty meters down the tunnel, and it wasn't moving. In fact, his IR sensors showed it was slowly cooling. Letting out another whoop, he shifted his aim point to the other suit, only to find it had dropped to one knee and raised both its arms. "What… over already? DANGIT!"
Sergeant Major Evans held his position, and waited to see if they'd accept his surrender. He was out of ammo, out of troops, and out of luck. He idly wondered how many of them had survived….. And he wondered what border scum did with prisoners. Maybe it would have been better to go down fighting.
Roland gestured at the suit of Imperial armor; "You. Shut down and crawl out. Hiram, cover him. I'm going to see if I can get the Lieutenant out of what's left of his suit."
Brolly heard them, and recognized the Badger's voice. Slowing to a trot, she followed the sound.
"The ECONOMY? Are you kidding me? Its in a shambles! Cheap trinkets and cheesy holofilms. Do you KNOW how hard it is to buy a decent starship these days? Quality is shitty, no matter HOW much you pay! And Lord knows I wouldn't ride in a mass produced air car! It'd be taking my own life in my paws!"
The Emperor
smiled; "Oh, come on, its not that bad.
We even have a slight trade surplus."
Jenka hmphed;
"We sell the Staa, and the Crubiphildyes cheap trinkets and they sell US
high technology. Some TRADE!
Katja padded quietly into Callahan's and moved behind the bar; her fur was black with soot, and there were several cuts and scrapes adorning her body. She put the rail gun back where it belonged, under the bar, making sure the magazine was full, and the powerpacks plugged into the recharger. Straightening she poured herself a bheer, and listened to the two arguing. They were still at it. To her surprise no one even asked her how the battle went.
Dynotaku met Zassa at the intersection of two tunnels; he looked her captives up and down and grinned; "Been busy I see."
The Vixen laughed
and nodded; "Looks like I've got more booty than you!"
The Unicorn
hefted the Hapsta and winced; "Yeah… well, I seem to have a bit of
"overkill" here. I might have
to find something a little less powerful." He gestured towards the port; "Shall we?"
As they walked the Ferret tilted her head towards the Mouse and whispered; "So we're booty now?"
The Mouse shuddered;
"Better'n being dead. You wouldn't
believe what that Unicorn did to Fred.
Whatever you do, do NOT get him mad!
There won't even be enough left to bury."
Jenka blinked and shook her head; "Are you trying to say that Gibson blew the fourth game in the series on PURPOSE?"
The Emperor
smiled; "Not quite voluntarily; we just had to explain to him how, if the
Ravens won the series, it would affect the economy. The kid's a trooper, and when he saw the logic he did the right
thing, for the good of the Empire."
He leaned closer and locked his eyes on hers; "That's what its all
about, when you get right down to it.
Whether you like it or not, you have to do what's right for the
Indecision at New Tortugas
The Otter watched as the Lynx twisted three wires together. He'd just stripped one of them with his teeth. As he worked, he muttered a litany of verbal mathematics mixed with some surprising cusswords. Putting the wires down he turned to glare at the Otter; "Go get me the powerpack from the laptop that's currently running the flux analyzer. Then get me the smoothie maker; I need the diodes from the DC motor. Go on, MOVE!"
Looking back down
at the hand-wired assembly, the Lynx's lips moved as he talked quietly to
himself, an occasional; "Too many amps, I need a resistor" or
"Yeah, that might work" or "I think that looks about right"
floating quietly across the room…..
Doodles nudged the Otter; "Any idea what he's doing?"
The Otter turned
and straightened, as Corey assaulted a printer, ripping off the cover and
poking around in its guts, apparently looking for something in the paper feed
mechanism; "Um…. Aside from tearing the place apart, not
Doodles nodded;
"straight jacket and rubber room time?"
The Otter turned
and looked at the Bunny; "Um…. Not
sure." He turned to look back at
the lynx as he was comparing the inside diameter of a sprocket to the outside
diameter of a miniature driveshaft; "Either he's completely around the
bend, or he's on one of his greatest creative streaks." Turning back to look at Doodles, the Otter
sighed; "I guess it'll all depend on whether whatever he's building works
or not."
Tanj stuck her head in the door. For just an instant, Corey looked up, and then his gaze shifted back down to the circuit board he held in his paws. "Yes, I know. I understand. I'm WORKING on it."
Tanj opened her
mouth as if to say something, but the Professor growled at her; "Let me
work, and I MIGHT be able to do something.
Please, don't bother me unless its critical!"
Tanj just nodded,
and started to slip back through the door when the Lynx called out;
"Wait! I need a power supply; only
4.3 ma, but I need 60,000 volts at a frequency of about 4 terahertz. Can you do that for me?
Tanj blinked;
The Lynx waved a
paw; "parts over there; don't need any of the stuff on that side of the
lab. Just DO it; and do it
Tanj looked at the Bunny and shook her head; "You're kidding, right?"
Doodles shook his
head no, his ears flopping; "Look, we've got a waste heat rejection
issue. No time to rig something water
cooled. BUT there's room in the freezer
for it. Lets drill a couple of holes
here and here for the power leads, the output wires and the control lines. If we turn the icemaker up high, it MIGHT
just last for as long as we need it to."
Tanj looked at
the refrigerator and then shrugged; "I guess. Where's the drill?"
The connector was actually the right size, type, and polarity. It slipped into the back of the computer without a hitch. Corey smiled and rose, and turned; as he turned his eyes caught a flicker on one of the displays. "NO! NOT NOW! Jumping across a transformer, managing not to trip on any one of the myriad cables snaking across the floor, he stabbed a button on the comm. console; "OPS! What happened to the targeting sensors! I'm not getting a feed!"
The voice of
Eridani floated back; "That damned dreadnaught just took out the last of
the sensor platforms. I'm trying for a
"distributed array" with what I've got left, mainly unlaunched
missile seekers, but it might not work.
They're picking off everything I've got pretty rapidly!"
The Lynx growled,
and turned back to his contraption; "I will NOT let something like that
stop me! Growling under his breath, he
jumped over a thigh-thick bundle of cables, slipped around what was left of the
mainframe, and moved over to another console…..
Tanj crimped the last connection and hoped it would hold; they were out of solder and almost out of everything else. "OK, what's next?"
The Otter handed
her a sheet of paper with scribbles on it; "He called it a "tachyon
Tanj looked at
the circuit diagram and frowned; "what's it supposed to do?"
The Otter just
shrugged; "I have NO clue; he lost me a LONG time ago. But he seemed to think it was
Tanj shrugged;
"Well, I guess we can give it a go.
Where do you think we can find something to make these… what are they,
field coils?" Together they turned
and looked at the slowly shrinking pile of lab equipment and other assorted
junk they'd been pulling parts from.
Doodles looked up
and shrugged; "Sorry, Professor.
We've still got some electrical tape left, and I think there's some
scotch tape on the desk. Oh, and there
was some packaging tape over on the storage rack."
The Lynx scowled;
"Bring me the packaging tape. And
pray it holds." As he turned back
to his work, he muttered; "how in the HELL can they expect me to get this
done, and in time, if we don't have enough duct tape!"
Corey held his breath, one finger on the pushbutton. He had the most unnerving temptation to cross fingers, arms, legs, and eyes, for luck. "Science doesn't NEED luck" he growled to himself, and stabbed down hard on the button. Across the lab something started to whine. Several holographic displays flickered to life, and the Lynx turned to stare at them, his paws clasped behind his back. "Doodles, increase the Muon flux by 20%. No, make that 30%! Hurry!"
The Otter's jaw dropped as a tiny spark of brilliant white light formed in the middle of the laboratory. Slowly, smoothly, it expanded into a dime-sized circle of inky blackness. He could hear the hiss as air was sucked through the portal. Corey growled; "Well, don't just STAND there gaping; see if you can see anything through it!"
Doodles held onto the Otter's thick tail. The hole was small, but the airflow wasn't. Together they inched forward, until the Otter's right eye was about ten centimeters from the hole; "Um….." He slipped his head side to side, and then up and down…. "I think the sun's that way!"
"Of all the stupid, idiotic furschlugginer ways to run an experiment….!"
"Oh calm
down, Professor; the borescope's working fine.
Doodles says the planet's that way."
"All right,
pull in the borescope; you know I can't control the portal that accurately and
I don't want to loose another optic assembly.
Turning the portal to… um, 273 mark 14, and moving it radially 200
million kilometers….. OK, stick it in
and have another look!"
"There! THERE! I can see it! I can see the dreadnaught!"
"Is it
"Um… yeah,
slow descent. Lets try, ah, come left
15 degrees, down about 7 or 8, and lets zoom in another million klicks….. No, too far! Too…. Yea…. HOLD IT!
There! Right there!"
Doodles knew
instantly they'd gotten the range when the whistle of slowly escaping air
stopped. They'd found the enemy ship….
"No, that's just a corridor. Lets try to the left… nonono, YOUR left…. Yeah; lookit those doors there. Usually the sensor bays are just below and forward of the bridge on ships like that. Lets back up about ten meters and go up about twenty……."
Tanj grinned, showing fangs; "That's it! We're IN! That's the bridge of the Imperial Dreadnaught!" For a moment her breath caught in her throat; the furr in the command chair, the Jaguar… she KNEW him! For a moment, just a moment, she hesitated, and then without looking up from the borescope she growled; "Get that flask ready. Professor, prepare to dilate the portal. Doodles DO NOT DROP THAT!"
The Crown Prince took another look at the Tactical Display. The number of orange lights in the holotank had dropped almost to nothing. Things on the surface of the planet seemed quiescent, although he wasn't sure if it was because all the mobile fortresses had been destroyed, run out of ammunition, or merely run out of targets. Turning to look at the Jaguar in the command chair, he smiled; "I do believe the time is ripe for my ultimatum, don't you think? Why don't you run along to auxiliary control; you should be able to handle the continued offensive against the planet, and any little emergencies that crop up, while I handle, ah, the "political aspects" here."
The Jaguar
blinked; "Sir…..?"
The Crown Prince
just waved a paw; "Go on, scoot.
It'll look better if I'm sitting in the command chair,
The Captain
frowned, but slowly rose. With all the
dignity he could muster, he growled; "Sir, you have the conn", and
headed for the doors behind him. The
Crown Prince gave the retreating figure a smirk, and settled himself in the
command chair. To his surprise, it
wasn't nearly as comfortable as he would have thought….
Dynotaku sank
gratefully into a chair. Fighting had
always been hard work, but this was the first time that he'd been able to order
a bheer and an appetizer immediately afterwards. And Maybe this benighted planet did have some advantages….. Idly he looked down at the Hapsta; there
were some curious little lights on one side, in a slowly changing pattern, and
he wondered what they meant. He was
going to have to find an operator's manual for this thing.
Laural leaned over and whispered to Stranton; "Can you BELIEVE this shit?"
The three of them
were sitting at a table, in the corner of the bar. Only occasionally, someone, mostly the rather burned Badger,
would glance their way as if to make sure they were behaving. Frequently it was an equally singed, but
bound and naked slave that gave them dirty looks. Other than that, they were being left rather alone.
The Shetland Pony
shrugged; "It's a little disconcerting that they've left us naked, but….
Well, we're not the only ones and no one seems to care. Bizzare."
The Mouse shook
her head; "Well I care, but that's not what's bothering me." She gestured with her chin at the two
Jaguars arguing at the bar; "The Emperor I recognize, but who in the heck
is that he's yelling at?"
Katja watched the big screen on the opposite wall flicker to life; It must be important for her sister to be using that much power…. For a brief moment it showed her sister's face; "Got a message coming in. Whoever it is, is demanding it be relayed to everyone." The scene changed to show a richly dressed, and slightly overweight Jaguar male; it was obvious that he was on the bridge of a warship. The Jaguar was positively gloating; "Rebel scum, and traitors to the Empire! Surrender now, or I'll…."
Doodles took careful aim and threw the bottle. Hard. To Tanj's amazement, it sailed straight through the portal. It had barely made the transition before Corey closed the portal. For a moment everyone just stood there, looking at where the ring of light had been. After a moment, Corey turned to look at the Cheetah; "Do you think it worked?"
Katja watched as the Jaguar paused in mid sentence. Something had made a crashing sound, as if a cocktail glass had been accidentally pushed off a table, and had hit the floor, smashing in a shower of glass and liquor. Some of the heads visible in the scene had turned towards the noise, but they'd stopped after a moment or two. And now, everyone in the picture seemed frozen…..
The Emperor snorted; "Idiot. Can't even finish a sentence."
Jenka turned to look at the Emperor; "Shouldn't you contact them and tell them YOU'RE here?"
The Emperor put
his glass on the bartop and grinned at Katja; "Another, if you
please. Oh, and you might ask our
erstwhile attackers if they want anything.
Put it on my tab." He
turned back to Jenka and chuckled; "Oh, he knows I'm here. Junior is making the long awaited coup
attempt. Talking to those furrs up
there would be rather pointless."
Jenka frowned;
"Then, shouldn't you try and get a message out to the Imperial
The Jaguar
smiled; "If they're earning their pay, they should be out there
already. On the other hand, if they've
been suborned by junior there, there's no point." He picked up the glass and took a sip. Smiling he turned to face his daughter;
"I think I'll just let it play out."
Jenka shook her
head in amazement; "You're Crazy!"
The Sergeant Major watched the Tigress approach and wondered if he could take her. Possibly. But if he did, could he get past the others? There was someone, or something in a suit of powered armor standing by the door, talking to a lady Raccoon who seemed to be dressed in pink translucent latex; he'd probably not get past that one, even if he could take out the burned Badger, and the Unicorn…. With a sigh he glanced up at the Tigress to see what she wanted….
The Captain rode the turbolift towards Auxilliary control, and shook his head in amazemet; "The bastard didn't want me on camera with him! Geez, what a HAM!"
The Crown prince paused for dramatic effect, only to have the moment ruined by some idiot dropping his coffee mug. A strange odor reached his nostrils, tickled his brain, and then he realized he couldn't finish his sentence. Couldn't decide which phrase to start with. And instantly he knew what had happened. The Indecision Gas developed by those Gates World lackeys. Traitors! Assassins! He wanted to turn, to flee, to find the assassin, to finish his ultimatum… but he couldn't do anything!
Lieutenant Ferrantino watched the main screen….. And wondered what was going on. "Communications; is there a transmission error? Did we loose the feed?"
The tech looked
over his display and then shook his head; "Nosir, if there's a problem,
its from their end."
nodded; "OK, I don't know what's up there, but we can use the time. How are we coming on damage
The Imperial Destroyer "Sword of Shannarrah" had been savaged during the initial attack on the planet. The Captain was in sick bay, and the Exec was dead. But they were a long way from being out of the battle, and no one had ordered them to cease the attack. Still, they could still use a few minutes to fix what they could, before they gave it another go. And Ferrantino could also use a few minutes to figure out how he was going to handle a job two grades above his current rating…..
Commodore Price watched the main viewscreen, and drummed his fingers on the arm of his command chair. All the Crown Prince had to do was to complete the statement, and he, and the rest of the Imperial Guard could move in, and put an end to this fiasco. How in the world the Emperor had managed to sneak off to a place like this without a proper escort was beyond him. But he'd be danged if he'd let anything happen to the old bastard on HIS watch.
Commander Foxworthy watched the Squirrel from the corner of her eye. She knew what the Commodore was going to order, as soon as the Crown Prince finished his statement, and she intended to see that he never completed the order. The cadre of supporters of the Crown Prince wasn't large, in the Imperial Guard, but it was large enough. And well placed enough. Shortly they'd be shed of that Imperial bastard, and someone a little more… "malleable" would be in his place. And THEN they could start to make changes!
Eridani watched the last of her "kamikaze" rocks get vaporized. All the missiles had been launched. All the energy weapons, the rail guns, and the mines had been destroyed. All of the active sensors and most of the passive ones had likewise been taken out. The Imperial fleet seemed to be occupying itself with pulverizing every rock in orbit, just to be sure, but it wouldn't be long until they'd cleared a swath even the Dreadnaught could follow down. Turning her head to look at the image of the Jaguar in the fancy outfit, she wondered what was with him?
The Jaguar drummed his fingers on the console and waited. They'd been monitoring the Crown Prince's ultimatum in Auxiliary Control, and they'd wondered what had happened when the Crown Prince suddenly paused in the middle of a sentence. But this was becoming ridiculous. "Something's wrong."
The third officer nodded; "Yessir, I can understand a pause for dramatic effect, but its gone on much too long…. Ummmm….."
The Jaguar shot
the third officer a glare; "Ummm WHAT?"
The Third officer
blinked and stared at the screen; "Sir, do you think he… forgot his
The Jaguar shook his head; "No, he would have ad-libbed something by now. Believe me, one thing this one's good at is running his mouth." After a moment the Jaguar growled; "play the recording again from the beginning." Everyone in Auxiliary Control watched as the Crown Prince started his spiel, and then stopped, his mouth hanging open.
"Run it
The Third officer frowned; "Sir, what was that noise, just before he stopped?"
The Jaguar shook
his head; "I don't know. It
sounded like someone dropped a glass."
Turning to the Ops officer, he growled; "Call up the security
camera tapes for the main bridge. I
want to get some alternate views of this….."
"There, right there! Um… camera three, lower left quadrant." The Jaguar growled; "Run it again, magnify lower left quadrant, one third speed." Everyone watched as a small bottle fell from above, and shattered on the arm of a vacant station chair. A clear liquid sprayed into the air, vaporizing rapidly; very little of it hit the deck with the shards of glass that had contained it.
The Jaguar sat bolt upright in his seat as he'd watched. He'd heard rumors, wild tales…. "Communications, contact the crew in the forward sensor processor compartment."
The Comm officer muttered into his microphone, frowned, pushed a few buttons on his panel and muttered again. Turning he looked at the Captain; "Sir, there's no response."
The Jaguar nodded; "See if you can contact any of the compartments in the vicinity of the bridge." Turning he glared at Ops; "Isolate the main Bridge from forward life support. I think they've been attacked by a chemical agent, although I'll be damned if I know how…."
It started as a point of blackness darker than the surrounding space. Rapidly it grew, twisting and folding in upon itself, looking for all the world like some black blossom blooming. When it had grown many times its initial size, a small silvery object emerged; it immediately changed course with an ease that completely ignored the laws of physics.
"Sir, I have a new target, designated Sierra 214. It just suddenly appeared to port… Bearing 231 mark 17. Sir, its maneuvering."
The Captain gave
the tactical display a glance and then shrugged; "It looks like some sort
of reconnaissance probe. Its not one of
ours, so its probably something from the remnants of those pirates, out at the
edge of the system. Go ahead and
destroy it."
Doodles nudged the Otter and gestured to one of the displays; "Hey, lookit that!"
The Otter
frowned; "That looks similar…. Hey
Professor! Come take a look at
Corey stared at the screen for a long moment and then waved a paw; "The harmonics are all off. And the power's much too low. No, its got to be an echo of the event we caused. Nothing to worry about."
The probe scanned the system rapidly. It was used to emerging into a hostile environment; even as it maneuvered randomly, as it scanned its surroundings, the portal drive was recharging……
Coherent light blazed from the dreadnaught, a nimbus forming around the probe as it twisted and turned. For a moment the Weapons officer in Auxiliary Control smiled; his gunners were right on…. And then his smile faded as the probe continued to exist. Another long glance and he growled; "Haverty, get some disruptors on that thing!"
The probe finished its initial scan, and started a more detailed one, looking at the ships on opposite sides of the system, on the fringes of interstellar space; at the planet, and at all the dust in orbit around it. At the ship bathing it in coherent light. At the smaller ships pounding asteroids and moonlets into even more dust, and at the living beings beneath the surface of the planet. It cataloged, and analyzed, and prepared its report, even as it jinked this way and that, attempting to avoid the weapons it knew would be fired at it, just as soon as the targeting beams currently seeking it achieved the lock it knew to be coming.
The Captain looked from the weapons officer to the tactical display and back; "Simms, why is that thing still there?"
The Beaver
scratched his head and shrugged; "Sir, I don't know. HAVERTY!
Hit that thing with everything we've got! NOW!"
The probe felt the intensity of the "attack" increase by several orders of magnitude; it didn't matter; it had completed its mission and was already in the process of opening a portal for the long, and hopefully misleading way home. It would be long gone before its defenses were anywhere close to failing.
The Weapons officer peered at the display and nodded; "All weapons, cease fire!" Turning, he looked at the Captain; "Sir, ah, target destroyed."
The Jaguar nodded
slowly; "Next time, instruct your gunners to HIT the target, not to try
and scare it to death! Mister, that was
a MISERABLE performance!"
The Beaver swallowed
and nodded. He was certain his weapons
were dead on, but… why hadn't they destroyed something as simple as a recon
drone? He'd have to talk to his boss
about this, once they cleared up whatever the problem was with the main
The Otter stared at the display; there'd been another event, just as powerful as the first, but displaced by almost an AU. It didn't look like an "echo" to him, but aside from someone else in the system opening a portal, he didn't have a clue what it might be. For a moment he fantasized about portal driven ships coming to their rescue, and then chuckled to himself; "What would be the odds?"
Tanj listened to
the Otter, and slowly her eyes widened.
Could it be? The odds were
vanishingly small, and yet she couldn't imagine her master NOT doing everything
in his power to return his furrs home.
Rising quietly she headed for Ops.
If something were to happen, that would be the place to watch it
McGillicudy leaned over and whispered to Aneil; "Did we destroy that probe? I never did see any wreckage, or secondary explosions…."
Aneil shrugged;
"Its gone isn't it? Therefore we
must have destroyed it."
frowned, but after a moment nodded slowly; "Yeah…. Well, hope so."
The Captain watched their orbit decay slowly. They were growing closer to the escort ships, as they pummeled the last of the planet's orbiting rocks to dust. Watching the navigational plot, he decided that if the Crown Prince hadn't been heard from before they "caught up", he'd order the assault on the planet himself. They could figure out what was wrong with the Crown Prince later…..
Cavalry to the rescue
Ben looked at the probe's report; "Those are definitely Black Fleet ships there, on the fringe. We've got an Imperial task force near the planet and another one on the far side of the system." He looked up at the Lion; "Its obvious that there's been fighting in the system, but beyond that, I have NO idea who's doing what to whom, or why."
The Lion
shrugged; "We know its "home", give or take a thousand light
years…." He grinned; "Lets go
crash their party and SEE what the fuss is all about."
Ben grinned back
and nodded; "Navigation! Lay in a
course! Helm, prepare to execute on my
Entity watched quietly from a position near the middle of the bridge. Although he was in plain sight, three crewfurrs had almost bumped into him as they went about their duties. He'd chosen the spot so that he would be out of everyone's path, but the bridge of the Overlord was a beehive of activity as they prepared to open a portal "home". Concentrating on erasing his presence from the minds of those around him, he sought the invisibility that was his trademark…. Things would get interesting very shortly, and he wanted to be in the best possible position to witness it.
Parks nodded at Ben; "Sir, Helm has Portal Drive authority."
The Helmsfurr
grinned, tapped a few keys on her console and chuckled; "And awaaaaay we
Outside the ship,
a point of darkness formed, rapidly growing, expanding, rolling and folding
over itself again and again as it grew.
Moments later, the Overlord, followed by the rest of the flotilla,
vanished into its maw.
Or maybe not….
"Patron! Patron, come quickly, its happening!"
"Well, it took them long enough; long have we watched the development of this technology; long have we waited to destroy those that sought to diminish us! And now, the alien leaders, and most of their ilk seek to return to the point of their origin. Is everything in preparedness?"
"Of course,
Patron; all is in order! See, they're
opening a portal!"
engage the demodulators I want their
component atoms scattered to the four corners of the universe! With them gone, we should be able to turn
the tide against those upstarts, and reclaim our former glory! ENGAGE!"
The technician watched the Patron from the corner of his eye. Once they ruled the trade routes. Once they'd had the temerity to alter the very fabric of local space, and in the process had brought disaster upon themselves. Their once proud trade empire laid waste, all but destroyed by the aliens their meddling had inadvertently brought. And now, the attempt to destroy them. It was much too late to set things back the way they were; the Patron was deluding himself there. They had never mastered this technology as a transportation device; but they had learned a trick or two. Tricks they would put to good use this day. However, their adversaries had grown much too strong; even with the disappearance of their strange alien allies, there would be no way to defeat them. But, revenge was a worthy goal in and of itself. And like the Patron, he would be delighted to send their enemies where they could not possibly return from!
Parks' eyes went wide as something started to distort the portal; he wasn't even able to get out an "OhSHIT" before it took hold, and the entire universe started to warp…..
The Jaguar drummed his fingers on the armrest of the Captain's chair, his eyes flitting between the navigational display and the monitor showing the scene on the main bridge. Things were rapidly coming to a critical point. He would have to take back control of his ship, and if he were to have the gall to do so, he might as well take control of the entire situation. The Crown Prince could only kill him once. And maybe, just maybe, if he saved the day, it might not turn out so badly….. As a yellow light started flashing on the navigational display, he straightened in his chair; "Helm, take control. Slow our descent. Comm, send a signal to our escorts; its time they quit making small rocks out of large ones and got on with the assault." He turned to the Third Officer; "I want you to pull together a landing force. I don't know what gear the Marines left, but pull all nonessential crew together, arm them, and find some boats to ferry them dirtside."
The Third officer
nodded; "Sir, will you be leading the away team?"
The Jaguar
smiled, showing fangs; "This isn't some second rate holovid; I'm staying
here to retain control over the situation.
You'll lead the away force."
The Third Officer
swallowed and nodded; "Yessir."
Turning to look to his left, the Captain growled; "Weapons officer; I want you to pound anything that looks even remotely threatening into the ground. Its one thing to send experienced marines in an assault, but my crew were never trained for this and I want to give them the best possible chances of survival. Fire at will!"
Hinoki watched the dust float down from the roof of the bar. There were definitely cracks there. He didn't think there'd been any before, but now there was one big enough to fit a little finger into. Shifting his gaze, he looked at Jenka as she screamed at the Emperor; he'd never seen her this worked up; however, the Emperor was giving as good as he'd been getting. Using a more sedate voice, he'd been scoring points on Jenka, pointing out flaws in her handling of the Black Fleet, and flaws in her character. Things seemed to be spiraling downwards rather rapidly, on all fronts….. looking to the left, he watched Kath talking at the end of the bar with the Tigress. What were they saying? Could they be planning a last-minute escape attempt? A final defense? How in the hell were they going to get out of THIS one? And where in the HELL was Tanj?
Tanj checked the charge on the disruptor rifle. "And that's the best you've got to offer?"
The Tigress
shrugged; "Listen, honey, you can't survive on the surface here, and even
if you could, their sensors would find you.
Ditto down in the rift. Your
chances there would be marginally better, but they could still find you before
you could do 'em much damage. The mining tunnels are about the best place to
hide, especially where the magnetite's highest. It'll scramble their sensors, and let you at least get a few
licks in before they catch you. That's
where I'm headed anyways."
Tanj shrugged;
"Suits me; somehow I don't think things would be very pleasant being a
prisoner of the Empire." The
Cheetah grinned; "I've made a few enemies in my day".
Eridani laughed
and nodded; "Yeah, most of us have.
That's why we're out here on the frontier. Lets stop at Callahan's and put together a picnic basket or two;
I doubt we'll be able to get take-out delivered down in the mines."
Commander Foxworthy slipped his paw inside her tunic, to touch the butt of the nerve disruptor in her waistband. The Commodore was getting restless; they'd observed the Dreadnaught resume fire on the planet. Any second now, she'd pull the weapon and demand the Squirrel's surrender….. The Emperor had left a lot of disgruntled subjects in his wake, and now, it was all about to come back to bite him in the ass!
Cryptic symbols flowed across the surface of the Brou device, with lightning speed. The normally shiny black surface fairly glowed with activity. <<<Waiting for this, have I been. Out there, lurking, I knew you were still. Fooled twice I SHALL not be! Destroy YOU with your own weapons, I shall, or die trying!>>>
The Third officer adjusted the poorly fitting plastron, and wished it wouldn't chafe on his hipbones so much. He was beginning to understand the phrase "War is Hell". As he heard the Dreadnaught's main battery fire once again, he glanced at the ship's boat he had assigned himself to, and wondered just how much worse this fiasco could get…..
Parks yelped somewhere in the darkness. The deck was shuddering as if the ship were running over a washboard-dirt road. Most of the instruments were dark, and what ones were still lit, showed mostly red. Ben was cursing somewhere in the dark, and the Lion was desperately trying to find his way to the helm console, when emergency power came back up. Looking around, he growled; "Damage report. And someone figure out where we are!"
Doodles felt the floor under him shake, and looked up once again at the ceiling, as if trying to gauge what was happening up there. Looking at the Otter he muttered; "What do you think they'll do with us?"
The Otter just
shrugged; "Dunno, but I've heard some pretty scary things, about what the
Empire does to those it really doesn't like…."
Dynotaku looked at the Hapsta. A little row of lights had been slowly forming along the lower portion, just forward of the trigger guard. Talking to no one in particular, he muttered; "I think its recharging itself. Maybe its condensing water out of the air and separating out the hydrogen as fuel for a miniature fusion reactor….." Looking at the doorway to the bar, he wondered again how long his "last stand" would last. There was no question that the Crown Prince's faction would not be pleased to see him, and he had no intention of being taken alive…..
Parks shrugged; "I think they tried to do it again."
Ben blinked;
"Do what?"
Parks shrugged;
"The same thing that GOT us into this mess in the first place. Outside interference. MASSIVE outside interference…."
The Lion sighed;
"Crap…. So that means…."
Ben sighed;
"Don't tell me; another uncharted parallel dimension, or unknown region of
Katja grinned at her Sister; "Got the fridge emptied into haversacks. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any bottled water, so we're just going to have to make do with bheer."
Eridani just
laughed, and nodded; "OK, Sis.
Come on, lets get this bunch of Pilgrims organized. I think there's still some fight left in
Commodore Price leaned back in his command chair and crossed his arms over his chest; "That's it. I've had enough. Helm, move the squadron into the system, formation delta three. Prepare to engage the traitors!
grinned, and slipped the Nerve Distruptor into her palm. It was a tiny, but highly lethal
weapon. Keeping it concealed, she
turned to face the Commodore…
Maybe so….
Hitchcock looked up from the Navigation console; "Actually, no. We're about forty light years from where we should be."
The Lion's jaw
dropped; "WHAT? That's
Parks stared at
the portal drive console and slowly shook his head; "Dunno, must be the
extra power. Or maybe the Brou device
is finally figuring out… ah… "things"…. Good AI's do learn, you know…" Turning he looked at Ben and the Lion;
"We're good to go. Everything’s
reset after the power surge. Negligible
The Lion nodded
slowly; "Then what are we waiting for?"
The flashing light was yellow and fairly small, and it was amazing that it caught Corey's eye at all. He'd been trying to figure out what else they could do; how else he could try and rectify the situation. But just delivering one small vial had taken everything his remaining equipment was capable of, and used up almost all the remaining power resources. They'd thought about trying to depressurize one of the enemy ships, but they couldn't open a big enough portal to do it quick enough that the ship's damage control procedures couldn't compensate for. If nothing else, the crew would have plenty of time to get into vacuum suits. They'd thought about trying to steal critical components, but again, the chunks they could take were too small, and couldn't be moved about fast enough….. In the end, they'd wound up just sitting there, waiting for the inevitable….
Doodles saw the Lynx sit up, and wondered if he'd had an idea. Following the direction of his gaze, all he saw was one small flashing yellow light. He wondered what it meant.
"The Nadion detector?" The Otter scratched his head; "well….. its sensitive, but omnidirectional. We use it to judge the size of the portal we're opening, and the power input rate."
The Lynx nodded;
"And its off the scale."
The otter looked
over the remnants of their laboratory; "But…. We're not doing
Corey turned and
headed for the door; "Exactly. If
we're not, then someone else IS."
Doodles rose to follow; "Come on, we've got to tell someone."
The Otter looked
at the flashing yellow light and shrugged; "OK, if you think it's
The Jaguar felt the deck vibrate under his feet as another gravity wave passed through his ship.
"Sir, I'm
NOT sure what it is, aside from a distortion in the space-time continuum, but
its growing bigger, and rather quickly too."
The Jaguar
nodded, staring at the screen; there was some sort of optical distortion at the
center of the screen; it looked as if space was rippling, folding and
unfolding; the effect was not unlike a flower blossoming; a giant black
flower….. "Helm, move us away from
the distortion, just in case its some sort of new weapon!"
Corey blinked at the mass of furrs trooping in his direction; there were a dozen conversations going on and one screaming match, and no one seemed to be looking at him. Clearing his throat he growled; "Excuse me! EXCUSE ME! MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?"
Katja gave the Lynx a glance and wondered who'd put a burr under HIS tail. Turning back to Hiram she shrugged; "No, I don't think they'll be taking surrenders. Probably a hopeless fight to the death, against overwhelming odds."
Hiram chuckled;
"Sounds like my kind of fight…."
Corey stood in the center of the corridor as furrs streamed around him; "WILL SOMEONE LISTEN TO ME? I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION TO REPORT!" Everyone seemed to ignore him.
Doodles looked around and grinned. After a moment he threw back his head and howled; "OH MY GOD, LOOK AT WHAT THEY'RE DOING TO EACH OTHER! THAT'S OBSCENE!"
Corey blinked as almost everyone in the corridor stopped and looked at the Bunny. Doodles grinned and shrugged; he pointed to Corey. All attention shifted to the Lynx, most of them looking at him curiously as if wondering what he'd been doing to the Bunny……
Corey took a deep breath; "There's a massive Nadion flux…."
The Otter shook his head and stepped in front of the Professor; "What he's trying to say is someone ELSE is opening a portal out there, and it's a HUGE one!"
Tanj blinked, staring at the Otter; she leaned to the left, to get a good look at Corey's face; "Is he right?"
Corey blinked,
and then nodded; Ah… well…"
At the look on
Tanj's face he hurried on; "Um, well, Yes. All indications point towards…."
Tanj leapt and HUGGED the Lynx; "I KNEW it! You DID it!" Turning towards Jenka she grinned; "THEY'RE BACK!" Turning, the Cheetah raced back the way they'd come, heading for Ops.
The Emperor looked at Jenka and stage-whispered; "What's she talking about? Has she… gone round the bend?"
Jenka chuckled;
"Maybe. Maybe not." Turning to look at her father she grinned;
"Lets go see."
The Jaguar leaned forward in his command chair, staring at the spatial distortion. It was huge. Maybe the tales of something like that swallowing a planet weren't just myth after all. And then something emerged from the very center, a mere speck by comparison… The Jaguar blinked and then growled; "Get me a scan of that!" As he watched, other, smaller specks emerged from the distortion. Could it REALLY be some sort of transportation device? He'd heard of transwarp corridors and wormholes, but thought basic physics prevented things like that…..
"Sir, we've identified the largest ship; it's a battlecruiser reputed to belong to the pirate group known as the Brethren…" Across the bridge, someone broke discipline and muttered; "Weren't they the group that disappeared with Elysium?" The Jaguar sat back in his seat. And stared at the display. There had been rumors, unbelievable rumors. Unbelievable, until now. Turning to the Operations officer he growled; "What orders do we have regarding any sighting of the Brethren?"
The Operations
officer took a long minute to call up the information; "Sir, they're
wanted for questioning with respect to the disappearance of the planet
Elysium." The Ops officer looked
up from his display and raised an eyebrow; "Wanted for planetary theft? That's a new one…. But there's a note that
if they won't surrender, they're to be destroyed. They are NOT to be allowed to escape!"
The Jaguar
nodded; "Hail them."
The Lion smiled at the image of the Jaguar. It was obvious that there'd been fighting in the system, and it was just as obvious the Captain of the dreadnaught wasn't on his primary bridge. Looked more like auxiliary control. And yet their sensors didn't show significant damage to the massive ship. He wondered what was going on?
Chris Fox looked at the technician and blinked; "Are you SURE? The Brethren vanished years ago; how could they be here now?"
"Dunno, Sir,
but it's a perfect match for the Overlord.
Well…. Its close. It looks as if
they've made some field repairs, and maybe some modifications, but I'd bet
every share of stock I've got, that's who it is!"
Chris nodded, and
turned to look at the viewscreen; "Lets ease in-system a bit. If they mix it up with the Imperials, we
probably can't do much, but I can't just leave 'em out there to twist in the
wind, either."
The Jaguar
growled; "We have orders to arrest and hold for questioning any member of
the Brethren. Surrender, or be
destroyed!" Of all the possible
responses he'd expected, laughter by everyone on the bridge of the pirate
vessel was not what he'd been expecting…..
The Lion wiped his nose with the back of one paw, and shook his head; "funny, I was just about to ask you to do the same thing!"
The Jaguar
blinked; "I have orders to destroy those that won't surrender. And your battlecruiser is no match for this
ship, let alone the auxiliaries I have in this system."
The Jaguar sat there and reviewed what he'd just said; no matter how he tried he couldn't find anything funny in the statement. What drug were these pirate scum on, that everything he said provoked such laughter?
The Lion's guffaws slowly wound down to mere chuckles; when he'd regained his breath he muttered; "Well, mister, you can try."
The Jaguar
nodded; "And so I shall! Weapons
officer! OPEN FIRE!
Parks listened to the audio portion of the transmission; when the dreadnauht's Captain got to the word "open", he calmly depressed the keys under his fingertips. Far below decks, the total conversion reactors started to hum, as they fed power into the shields………
The Jaguar watched, his eyes growing wide, as a hazy sphere formed around the battlecruiser; and then another one, larger in diameter, formed around that, and then an even larger one formed around that, until there was nothing to be seen but a mirror bright sphere the size of a gas giant.
Ben leaned over the sensor operator's shoulder, and stared at his display; "Are they firing yet?"
The Chipmunk
nodded; "Yessir. See, here? The sensors are picking up elevated levels
of quarks, nadions, bosums, and the occasional tachyon."
The Wolf shook
his head; "Funny; we're not seeing any effect on the outer
From the back of
the bridge, Parks just laughed; "All the money we sank into those shields,
I'd HOPE not! They were the very best
our alien friends could build!”
Reggie grinned at Slasher; "Ready, Mate?"
Slasher nodded,
and the raider slipped away from the center of Imperial attention. They'd let the heavies duke it out. Not that they expected it to be much of a
contest. Right now, they had other
The Jaguar looked from the weapons officer to the engineering officer and back; the two were having an argument and it looked as if they were about to come to blows. "SILENCE, BOTH of you!" He collapsed backwards into his command chair, and chin in paw, stared at the display; "All right, its obvious that in addition to a new method of travel, they've come up with improved shields. This might be more difficult than I thought." Turning he speared the communications officer with a glare; "Signal the fleet that we have a problem. Call for any and all back up they can send."
The Genet's eyes
widened and her head turned to look at the monitor where the Crown Prince still
stood like a statue; "Ah… sir…."
The Jaguar
growled; "Right now we have bigger problems than that. DO IT!" Turning back he glared at the weapons officer; "Imperial
Intelligence recently installed some sort of a device that interferes with the
reaction of matter and antimatter; I think its time we tried it out! See if you can't pull the plug on their
The Commodore listened to the transmission and shook his head; "Now what do you suppose is going on in there?" Without waiting for an answer he turned to the comm. officer; "Signal the squadron; we'll move in, in formation Charlie Twelve. Make sure to keep the traitors between us and… whatever that is that's spoiled their party."
Commander Foxworthy watched Commodore Price give orders, and wondered what would be best. A ship with undefeatable shields? Perhaps the wise thing to do would be to withdraw until more support arrived. For a moment she considered shooting the Commodore, and seizing control…. and then she slid the nerve disruptor back into his waistband. Maybe now was not the time to start the coup…..
Parks watched the display and frowned; there were some very strange energies striking the shields. Essentially none of them were getting through, but as he studied the analyses, he wondered just what they were designed to do? He'd never seen anything like it in his life.
"Sir, the Antimatter Brake doesn't appear to be doing anything."
Number Three, I can SEE that! I can't
believe they're not using antimatter; fusion wouldn't put out that much power
unless they happen to have a small star in their back pocket!"
The third officer
shrugged; "maybe those shields are interfering with the weapon?"
The Lion watched the tactical display with mild interest; there was a squadron of Imperial ships approaching, led by another dreadnaught, albeit one of an older design. Once upon a time that would have been a major concern, but he felt confident that the shields would hold even against the massed power of all those ships. And if they ran into trouble, the portal drive was recharged; they could leave any time they wanted to. Turning to look at Ben, he wondered idly how much longer they should let this go on, before playing their trump card?
Reggie grinned; "oooooh, look at THAT one!"
Next to him,
Slasher shook his head and merely pointed at a speck further away.
Reggie fiddled
with the sensor controls, zooming in, until the image of the heavy cruiser
filled the screen; "Yes, I do believe you're right. Newer, and from the yards on Hespra. They DO do quality work." He grinned at his partner; "Shall
Slasher just
grinned back and nodnoded.
The Lion nodded to the comm. officer; "OK, Y'all, enough's enough. Once again, I want all Imperial forces in the system to surrender, or we're going to start shooting back. Believe me, you do NOT want us to do that."
Commodore Price opened his mouth to respond, but the Captain of the dreadnaught beat him to it; "There is No way the Imperial Navy will EVER surrender to pirate scum like you!"
The Lion blinked at the Jaguar's image, and slowly his face hardened; "Well, there's no need to get rude!" Turning to someone off camera he growled; "execute!"
Price watched as a light blue beam speared out of the silvery globe. It swept across the sky, flashing across the Dreadnaught. And then it flickered off. Price frowned; "Zoom in on the Dreadnaught….."
Chris was out of his command chair, leaning forward to peer at the sensor display; "Did… Did I just see that right?" Looking up, he glanced around the bridge, as if seeking confirmation of what he thought he'd just seen; it was just so incredible!
The Jaguar picked himself up off the deck, something made vastly easier, as the artificial gravity had failed; "Damage Report!"
The Commodore raised one eyebrow; "I think our young friend is going to have to sign up for a course in diplomacy." Turning to the communications officer he growled; "Order the Squadron to withdraw back to the Rothchilde limit. Tell them to disperse. Its obvious we can't handle this alone. And then signal Fleet; tell them we've got a Major problem!" Turning back he watched as the two halves of the dreadnaught slowly drifted apart.
Parks nodded; "That was good shooting. You caught them evenly between frames 53 and 54. Loss of life should be minimized, but operations should be severely disrupted."
Ben laughed;
"I'll say; the engines are going one way and the guns are going
The Lion watched energy discharges flare across the severed face of the aft end of the ship; most of their plasma was being vented to space. Idly he wondered if auxiliary control was forward or aft of the cut.
Chris watched the tape again, watched as the blue beam flicked across the Dreadnaught. Sheilds had been completely ineffective. Hull armor had cleaved with all the structural strength of a warm stick of butter. "Damn, but I've gotta get me one of those!"
The Jaguar glared at the face on the display; "Well, what CAN you give me?"
"Sir, we can
barely handle environmental needs. We
MIGHT be able to launch a few torpedoes, but that'd be about it."
The Jaguar
growled and nodded; "Make it so."
Breaking the connection he turned to look at the dead main viewscreen;
"I'll be damned if I'll surrender my ship!"
The Captain of the Imperial Heavy Cruiser "Raptor" blinked; he turned to look at the display that was still showing the dreadnaught slowly floating in two different directions and then swallowed; turning back he blinked at the Ferret and then shrugged; "I'm sorry, but I just CAN'T surrender my ship. It….. it wouldn't be logical! I mean, you're just a raider ship! We're many times more powerful than you are."
Reggie just grinned
back "Well, mate, I guess we'll have to give you a reason to
surrender… Let me know when you've had
The Antelope
watched as the Ferret looked off-camera and nodded. Suddenly the deck jumped under his feet, and someone shouted;
"Sir, they've locked a tractor beam onto us!"
The Lion frowned and looked at the tactical display. One of the raider ships, one of the ones present without authorization, had just locked a tractor beam onto one of the Imperial cruisers and was towing it, backwards, towards the fringe of the system. Shaking his head he growled "Somebody get that ship's number!"
"Its no good, sir! We dinna have the power necessary to break away!"
The Antelope
nodded; "shut down the main drives, before we break something." Turning back to the main viewscreen he
watched in horror as one of those expanding black flowers started forming in
front of the raider ship……
A change at the top
"You Can't TELL me that the sudden arrival of those miscreants has made things BETTER!"
Jenka shook her
head; "You've GOT to be kidding!
Those stormtroopers were about to come down here to KILL us! OF COURSE I think their arrival has made
things better!"
The Emperor waved
a paw; "Oh, from YOUR perspective, perhaps, but once again, you're missing
the BIG picture! It hasn't exactly made
things better for the EMPIRE, now HAS it?
Captain Ferros, of the Imperial heavy cruiser "Raptor" fought down the urge to grip the arms of his command chair convulsively as the raider ship hauled his command backwards through the spatial distortion. For a moment he felt a little queasy, a little light-headed, and then… then they were someplace else. A single bright star of unimaginable magnitude bathed them in actinic light, light so bright they couldn't see any other stars… Someone from the science console muttered; "Supernova…." Someone else whimpered; "Why aren't we being vaporized?"
Parsons growled from the sensor console; "Because they've extended their
shields around us!"
The Weapons
officer growled; "GOOD! Now's our
chance to destroy them!"
The Captain sat
bolt upright; "NO! Countermand
that order!" He turned and glared
at the weapons officer; "Destroy them and their shields fail; then that
monster out there destroys US!"
The Weapons
officer blinked and looked back at his display, "Ah… yessir." Then there was another distortion opening in
space, and once again they were being dragged through…..
"I Disagree! Anything that puts a stop to those that would rebel against the rightful emperor HAS to be beneficial!"
The Emperor shook
his head; "you don't have a clue!
This has opened a can of worms that will be extremely hard to
Jenka chuckled
"Oh balderdash! It shouldn't be
contained at all! Controlled, yes, I'll
grant you that, but not contained.
Father you CANNOT put the genie back in the bottle!"
The Emperor just
growled darkly "you have NO idea what you're talking about!"
Ferros watched the streamers of light wash over his ship; if he wasn't so tense, it would have been rather pretty. Obviously they were in some nebula somewhere, a nebula the likes of which he'd never heard of. There were no stars visible, but there were navigational beacons, again, of a sort he'd never heard of before, each sending a distinctly different, but completely unintelligible message… He had no doubt they were lost… And then the raider ship was opening another portal in front of them….
Jenka chuckled; "oh come ON; with all the resources at your command, you can't tell me you couldn't smooth this out!"
The Emperor's
eyes bulged and for a moment he just spluttered; finally he choked out in a
surprisingly calm voice; "…. You think you could do better?"
Jenka missed the look on the Elephant's face. With a chuckle she stared her father in the eye and nodded; "I do believe I could!"
The Emperor set his drink down on a console and rose; "Okay, lets see what you're made of missy. I QUIT!"
Jenka blinked; "say what?"
The Elephant groaned; "Here we go…." And swallowed the remainder of his drink at a gulp.
The Emperor turned to Eridani; "Can you still transmit?"
The Tigress
looked at him for a second and then nodded slowly.
The old Jaguar
nodded back; "As many frequencies as you can, FTL and STL, and put all the
power you can behind it. I want them to
hear us in Hobroken…"
Jenka looked at her father, frowning; "What in the hell are you doing….?"
The old Jaguar just grinned at her; "You think you can fix this situation, I'm fixing to give you the chance. You think I've made a mess of everything I've touched, well, missy, lets see how YOU do! I've had it. I quit. YOU can fix this mess!"
Jenka turned and shot the Elephant a look. Her voice was almost a whisper; "What's he talking about?"
The Elephant
pulled a dusty bottle out of a paper bag, looked at it, popped the stopper and
took a swig directly from the bottle.
After several swallows he lowered the bottle and looked at Jenka;
"He's abdicating. In your
Jenka's eyes went
wide and she turned back to her Father; "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
The Jaguar just grinned; "Watch me!" Nodding to Eridani, he stepped into the field of view of the holocamera. "This is the Emperor. As of this moment I am announcing my abdication, in favor of my oldest daughter, Jenka. Yes, I know there's all sorts of protocol to be carried out; we'll handle that later. But as of this moment, until she's dis-approved by the Imperial Senate, she's in charge." He grinned; "Obey her as you would me." Turning to Eridani he made a motion and she cut the transmission….
Foxworthy stared at the monitor in amazement. Abdicate? In favor of…. Who? She hadn't known the Emperor HAD any other offspring! His gaze shifted to the monitor that still showed the Crown Prince, frozen in mid-sentence….. NOW what were they going to do?
Price watched Foxworthy out of the corner of his eye, and tried not to chuckle. Glancing back at the monitor he shook his head; "Well, now THERE'S an interesting development." Looking back at his bridge crew he growled; "But it doesn't change our mission in the least. The… Head of state is still down on the planet, and we're being threatened by an outside force. I want everyone to stay sharp!"
Chris Foxx blinked, and then sat down hard in his command chair. After a moment he started to chuckle. Slowly it grew into full-fledged laughter.
The Lion blinked at Ben, and then turned to look around the Bridge of the Overlord; "Anyone know she was related to the Emperor?"
Ben shook his
head as he stared at the monitor; "I'm beginning to wonder if we're back
in the right parallel universe….."
Parks muttered
"Makes you wonder what in the heck has happened since we left!"
Jenka stared at him for a moment and then shook her head; "Ooooooo, I'm gonna get you for this! Of all the nasty, mean, ill-considered things you've EVER done to me, this has GOT to be the lowest, rottenest……"
The old Jaguar
waved a paw at the monitors; "We can discuss this later. Right now, don't you think there are a few
problems that need fixing?"
Jenka turned and
looked at the Tactical display, and just shook her head; "Yeah, but as I
said, I don't think it'll be that hard….."
More Indians?
Price turned to
look; there was another of those nasty spatial distortions forming at the
fringe of the system…. And they were
square between the ship that had just cut a dreadnaught in two, and the new
arrivals. "Great, just what we
Hrral scanned the displays with practiced ease. "Hmmm. Looks like there's been considerable fighting going on here."
Kittiara's gaze
flicked from one display to the next, and slowly she nodded; "If they've
damaged my property, they're gonna be sorry!"
The Ambassador
just laughed.
Price stared at the read-outs and groaned. He'd known the Empire was being invaded; he just hadn't known by who. But NOW he did, and he had proof! He just wished it wasn't in the form of a Kurani battlegroup! Shaking his head he sighed; "Well, now we know how the Kurani always seem to get there ahead of us. Communications, signal fleet and tell them things just got worse."
"You know, Sir, that this system IS disputed territory. THEY probably feel they have every right to be here."
The Commodore
turned and gave the Dreadnaught's Captain a sour look; "Dammit man,
they're the KURANI! They've ALWAYS been
trouble! They're our ancient enemy! Always have been and always WILL be! Disputed or not, their being this close to
the Empire has GOT to be a problem!"
The old Jaguar grinned at his daughter; "Friends of yours?"
Before Jenka
could answer, Tanj chuckled; "Actually, friends of mine." For a moment the Cheetah stared at the
monitor and then she smiled; "And Mistress Jenka knows a few
too." Shifting her gaze to the
Jaguar fem she smiled; "Mistress, perhaps I'll get to introduce you to
Kittiara's mate, Ambassador Hrral."
Across the room,
the Elephant spluttered, almost choking on a mouthful of whatever was in the
dusty old bottle; "HIM? Oh, Crap,
if HE'S here….."
Commodore Price shifted his gaze from the initial arrivals to the Kurani and back. Which way should he point his guns? Talk about being between a rock and a hard place!
Jenka waved a paw at Eridani; "See if you can't open a channel to the ships in-system. We don't need to pass this any further than that at the moment."
Eridani gave the
Jaguar a calculating look, but then nodded and pressed a few keys on the
"Sir, we're being hailed!"
The Lion looked up; "on screen."
Price nodded slowly; "OK, well, here we go. Route it to my command chair."
Chris grinned; "This ought to be interesting…."
The Jaguar tried hard to pull himself down into his command chair. They still hadn't restored artificial gravity, although they did have power to some of the missile launchers. "Put it through."
Hrral grinned, showing fangs, and stepped forward onto the holostage in the middle of the command deck. He would put forth the image of a proper warrior to these creatures.
Behind him,
Kittiara slipped into a spot where she could see, and maybe even be seen.
Jenka cleared her throat, and looked from display to display; "I want everyone to STAND DOWN. Hostilities are OVER. Power down your weapons, and lower shields to navigational power only. I want the Black Fleet forces to move to….060 mark 15, at two light-seconds from the planet. I want the Crown Prince's faction to move to 120 Mark 30. Tow what's left of that dreadnaught, if you have to. Kurani, please move to 180 mark 45. Brethren, move to 240 mark 60, and see if you can't find that ship that took off with one of the Emperor's guard. Tell them they can't keep it, even if they did take it fair and square. Imperial forces, move to…….
Piled Higher and Deeper
"Skipper, we're getting another one of those spatial distortions! This one's the biggest yet!"
Parks stared at the displays and then shot Ben and the Lion a shrug; "I don't have a clue WHO this is, but its unlike anything I've seen yet!
White noise filled all of the displays. For a moment pandemonium reigned as power surges rippled through local space….
The Jaguar lost his grip on his command chair as a series of gravity waves jerked what was left of his command sharply. Alarm lights started to flash anew, and a klaxon started to howl.
Commodore Price looked around his bridge and groaned; "Crap. NOW WHAT?"
At the periphery of the system, a bright point of light blossomed, growing to supernova brilliance. It expanded into a ring large enough to swallow several planets at once. And then, from it, emerged a series of pyramid-shaped ships; each spun slowly about its axis as it flew; as they exited the portal, they seemed to assemble into some sort of complex geometrical formation…..
Eridani winced and pulled the earbud from her ear. From the speaker a voice howled; "It is I! Allesandro de Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy! We have triumphed, and we have returned to help you with your little problem!"
Jenka blinked, her eyes locked on the screen; "Who the hell are THEY?"
Behind her the
old Jaguar just shrugged; "Don't have a clue."
Doodles stared. He couldn't BELIEVE this. "Um….. Ma'am…. Mistress… your High… Oh, whatever. Um. They're with me, Ma'am."
Jenka turned to stare at the Rabbit. After a moment she just nodded; "Riiiiiight. Will they behave?"
Doodles just
shrugged; "Haven't yet."
Jenka just
muttered; "Figures…."
Jenka turned back to the holo pickup; "Imperial forces are to move to 300 mark 75. And the Fabrizi techno… whatever are to move to 0 mark 90.When you're all on station, I want senior officers from EACH ship of EACH faction to come here for a conference. Side arms ONLY!
Kittiara looked at Hrral; "Are you actually considering doing what she says?"
The big Kurani
turned to regard his mate; "oh no, you will not bait me like
that." After a moment he grinned,
showing fangs; "we have to park somewhere; that spot is as good as
any. And I wouldn't miss this
"conference" for a Prince's Ransom." Turning he growled at the communications officer; "Signal
the Battlegroup. We will take the
offered position. Weapons to
standby. Shields at battle
strength. And prepare my barge for
Price grinned; "No, Foxworthy, you're coming with me." Raising his gaze the squirrel growled; "Evans, you're in command. Don't do ANYTHING without MY express order. If anything happens to me, withdraw and rendezvous with the fleet forces that are sure to be on their way here. Understand?"
The Lion checked his equipment; the vest was wired with everything from a library computer to a sensor suite to the emitters for a personal forcefield. A translucent hologram, something only he could see, floated in front of his eyes providing him with all sorts of data. He just wished whoever had designed it hadn't used velour. The sidearm was deceptively small, appearing almost effeminate, but he knew it could blow holes in hullmetal. The overall effect, he thought, was of some effete dandy. Looking at Ben he shrugged; "I know form follows function, but we've got to get some stuff that looks a little more…."
The Wolf grinned;
The Lion nodded;
"Well…. Yeah."
Jenka looked around; "Ops is too small. The commons area is too big; too many things to hide behind, and that might solicit a shooting match. We'll go back to the bar." Turning she looked at the Tigress; "Eridani, please keep an eye on our friends out there. If anyone does NOT take station as they've been ordered to, I want to know about it immediately. And if anyone deviates from the flight path down, I want to know that too!"
The Tigress
straightened, but after a moment she growled; "Yes Ma'am."
The Elephant grinned "Good idea! Back to the bar! I need a refill anyways!"
As they walked, Jenka turned to Farqhar; "I want you to take responsibility for security. When our "guests" arrive, split up their security detachments. I want composite squads made from personnel from each of the separate detachments. Preferably one each. That way we won't have conspiracies developing."
Farqhar nodded;
"But they'll spend all their time watching each other…."
Jenka grinned;
"Exactly. Less likely to create
mischief, I think."
Behind them,
Roland just laughed.
Jenka turned to look at the burnt Badger; turning back she grinned at Farqhuar; "Use Roland; he's good. And I trust him."
The Lieutenant
laughed; "Yes Ma'am, so do I."
The Third Officer looked at the Jaguar; "Um, Sir, what about the Crown Prince?"
The Jaguar shot
the monitor a look. The expression on
the face of the Crown Prince was one of supreme frustration, but aside from that,
he still hadn't moved. "Leave
him. I have NO idea how to properly
decontaminate the Bridge, and I'm not going to risk any more personnel in
trying to rescue him." Turning to
look at the third officer he sighed; "You stay here and try and patch things
up as best possible. I'll….. let you
know how things develop.
Chris tapped the pilot on the shoulder; "come on, move it; I want to be the first one down there." The pilot grinned, and pushed the throttles to the stops.
The Jaguar looked at his once-proud ship as the shuttle departed. They'd tractored the two halves together, and he could see the flare of welders as they attempted to connect the two halves. There was no way the ship would function correctly though, until they'd been through a major refit at a shipyard. At best, the aft end would be able to push the front end to wherever they were to go next. Turning he looked down at the planet. He'd fully intended to go there, but not under THESE circumstances. Talk about "Pride goeth before a fall"!
"Dammit, I want to get down there and see what they've done to my property!"
Hrral turned to
regard his mate calmly; "we will not rush. We will not be seen to be concerned in the least. We have an image to maintain!"
Kittiara just
growled, low in her throat.
Hrral chuckled;
"You WILL behave or you will attend the conference, gagged and bound, at
the end of my leash." At the look
on his mate's face, the Kurani Ambassador shook his head; "I withdraw the
statement. Behave or you'll stay on the
Price watched curiously as his shuttle dropped into the huge canyon. He hoped wherever they were going had a good-sized landing field. One shuttle from each of the ships in his squadron was going to take up a bit of parking area…..
Eridani growled at the face in the monitor; "Listen, Mister, I'm sorry if you can't find a decent parking place. If you have to, drop off your passengers and then go park on the floor of the rift; there's a tunnel leading upwards; you can be here in an hour or so!"
Price looked at the traffic jam at the entrance to the docking tunnel and sighed. "Go ahead and get in the queue. We'll just have to be patient."
Farhquar shook his head; "Look, drop off your passengers, and withdraw. You heard the lady; go park on the floor of the rift!"
Zassa laughed;
"Yeah, there's a beach down there.
Go for a swim. Better yet, go
rafting; it's a heck of a ride!"
The Jaguar looked at the Vixen and wondered why she wasn't wearing more than a gunbelt. Turning he looked back at his pilot; "Go ahead; we'll signal if we need you. BUT STAY WITH THE SHUTTLE!" The pilot nodded, lifted the ship just enough to pivot, and as the hatchway slid shut, he accelerated for the tunnel, as if eager to be out of there.
Price looked at the rather battered Lieutenant, and nodded slowly; "Yes…. I can see the wisdom in that." Turning he looked at his security detail; "Do as he says. One furr per team. Just keep alert."
Pennings looked at the other furrs on his team. There was a male Cheetah dressed in skintight shorts and a tee shirt, but carrying a Harbold and Klopt assault rifle; he seemed to be some sort of "local". That meant "border scum" and no less dangerous for being that. Then there was a Marten in what could only be described as Pirate Regalia, carrying a wicked looking disruptor pistol. There was an Imperial naval rating from the Crown Prince's faction, carrying a standard issue laser pistol. He looked from face to face, and decided he didn't like, let alone trust ANY of them. This was going to be an interesting assignment…..
Hinoki looked up as the Kurani sauntered over. He was massive, and wore his body armor as if it were weightless. His sidearm looked more like an assault rifle designed to be held in one paw. And he had the short sword all Kurani seemed to carry. He grinned at them, showing fangs; "I can see why I was detailed to this squad; its obvious you need someone to look after you!"
Hinoki grinned
back, also showing fangs, and just laughed.
"Mister you have NO idea.
I've survived being the quarry in one of your hunts, and I'm a personal
friend of your Ambassador. If anything,
I'm here to look after YOU!"
Pennings looked from the slender Cheetah to the massive Kurani and back as the two traded insults, boasts and threats. It was very difficult to keep her paw OFF her sidearm…. If those two came to blows what should she do? Dang it, her instructions hadn't included anything about this!
Eridani watched as a swarm of metallic objects exited one of the pyramids and in a series of complex maneuvers, headed for the planet. The Fabrizi were coming…. She thought.
"Parks are you SURE you can do this?"
The Lynx fiddled
with a few controls and then nodded; "Yeah, think so…."
Ben scowled;
"Bet your life on it?"
Parks looked up,
looked down again, made a minute adjustment and then nodded;
The Lion glanced
at one of the consoles and shrugged; "Worth a try; Lord knows, the traffic
down there is grim!"
In the middle of the room, a few feet from the Brou device, a small black flower seemed to blossom in mid-air; it grew, slowly, until it stretched almost from the floor to the ceiling. Parks nodded, and as he moved around it, he patted the Brou machine fondly; "OK, just hold that there; I'll signal when we're ready to come back." Moving in front of the distortion he took a deep breath and leapt…..
The Elephant almost dropped his bottle when something black flickered into existence in the middle of the bar; before he could move, it grew to almost four meters tall… and then something squawking emerged! The creature bounced off the far wall and then proceeded to hop around like a thing demented.
The Lion took a deep breath and jumped. There was a moment's disorientation, and then he found himself in a slightly weaker gravity field…. And he was COLD! Not just chilled but seriously frozen to the core! Shuddering he staggered, almost slamming into a wall. Turning, trying to keep his teeth from chattering, he did what he could to catch Ben as the Wolf emerged from the distortion.
Parks' teeth were chattering so hard he could barely issue the commands to close the distortion. When the "flower" had diminished and disappeared, he found all the eyes in the room on him….
The Lion looked at his paws, noticing moisture condensing out of the air on him; he was growing frost! He chuckled; "OK, so maybe that wasn't the greatest idea we've ever had….." Trying to force himself to stop shivering he looked around the room…..
Katja laughed and
shook her head; “Could have told you that would happen….”
Tanj stared, open-mouthed; she couldn't believe it. Everything she'd worked towards, had finally come to pass, and now that HE was here, she couldn't think what to do, what to say!
The Emperor looked at the newcomers and grinned; "Not infallible then."
Jenka shot him a
look and then turned to face the Lion; "Welcome home. However, I'm going to have to ask that you
take a certain responsibility for the events you've precipitated….."
The Lion opened his mouth, but before he could speak, a Tigress, in an unusual outfit stormed into the bar, and growled; "Katja, how in the HELL could you let this happen? LOOK at the place! It's a wreck!"
The Tigress
behind the bar shrugged and gestured, her arm sweeping about to encompass most
of the furrs in the bar; "Don't blame me!
It was THEIR fault!"
The Emperor
laughed; "Now wait a minute! It
was that idiot son of mine that started the shooting!" He took a sip of his drink and chuckled;
"Can't very well blame ME. He's
old enough to take responsibility for his own actions!"
The Lion looked from the Emperor to Jenka to the strange Tiger-lady and back. As he watched the three got into a furious argument. Something about property damage….
Katja sighed, poured three mugs of Romulan Ale, placed them on a tray, and padded around the bar; the newcomers were going to need something to bolster them, and she had just the ticket.
The Lizard flicked the nictitating membranes over his eyes; it was time. Rising gracefully, he padded towards the newly arrived group.
The Lion blinked as the big lizard came towards him; he took in the weapons, the claws and the ripping talons on his feet, and debated going for his weapon… but then he realized the lizard was looking past him. Stepping backwards, turning, as the Saurian went past, he watched in curiosity as the creature came to a stop in front of Entity. Entity? Had the mysterious Fox followed them through the portal? When had THAT happened?
The Fox seemed completely composed, his paws in front of him, hidden in the sleeves of his robe, almost in an attitude of prayer. The Lizard hissed out six words, in a sibilant language the computer built into the Lion’s vest couldn't identify. Entity nodded in response and turned to face the Lion; "I am needed elsewhere; I shall return when I can." And with that he turned and left, following the Lizard.
Jenka frowned and wondered what THAT was all about…..
behind her the Emperor
sighed and shook his head. Those
foxes! The Starsuma…. NOW what were
they up to?
Parks looked at the blue liquid in the mug. He could smell the alcohol coming off of it; it obviously had a rather high vapor pressure, and therefore a fairly high alcohol content. With a shrug he took a sip. Liquid fire seemed to surge through his body, and for a moment he thought he'd captured a three-dimensional image of his own circulatory system. Catching the Tigress' eye, she just smirked at him and proceded to hand a mug to Ben.
The Lion took the mug and sipped carefully as he listened to the argument. Most of it wasn't really understandable. Either he'd been gone too long, or things had been moving rather fast here. Looking around the bar, he caught sight of Tanj, and smiled.
Tanj watched her Master approach, and suddenly felt very nervous. What would she say to him? What would HE say to HER?... The temptation to flee suddenly became almost overwhelming.
The Lion put down the mug on a nearby table, and bent to give Tanj a tight hug; "Good to see you again; I very much want to hear how you've been, and I've got a few stories to tell myself, but right now I really REALLY need to know what's going on! Can you give me a quick brief?
Tanj opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, a swarm of metallic objects flew into the room. For a moment they seemed to be everywhere, whizzing about furr's heads, scooting between their feet, and then the swarm seemed to coalesce, the objects all fitting together to form a multi-legged, multi-armed parody of a living creature. "Geetings! It is I! Allesandro de Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth, scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy! I and my associates have traveled through Time and Space to come and Save the Day!
Tanj looked up at the Lion and shook her head; "Explaining isn't going to be easy….."
Doodles looked at
the… "construct" and shook his head; "you look
The Von Fartz
"construct" did a little dance that seemed to convey happiness;
"Yes! I have been reunited with
the rest of the Technocracy! We have
Triumphed over our opponents and changed the course of history! WE WILL CONTINUE TO EXIST!"
The Bunny nodded;
"That's nice…."
The Jaguar stared down his muzzle at Pennings and growled; "Surrender my security detachment? You've got to be……"
The growl from
the Kurani brought him up short. A
scantily clad Cheetah male chuckled; "No one else seems to have had a
problem with it." Behind him, some
sort of mechanical construct bobbed up and down, as if nodding in
The Jaguar looked
from face to face, and finally nodded.
Hinoki wasn't sure if it was in agreement, or acknowledgement of the
fact that there wasn't really anything else he could do. Turning he growled out orders to the naval
ratings accompanying him. Then, with
the rest of the senior officers, he turned and headed in the direction the
Cheetah pointed.
As he walked, he
thought about his situation. The Crown
Prince had not carried the day, something that, in retrospect, seemed
rather inevitable. The Emperor had
abdicated, and his oldest daughter, someone he hadn't even known existed, had
been given the nod. He'd only do that
if succession to the throne was guaranteed. Therefore she was probably a cookie-cutter reproduction of her old
man, and essentially no change. Which
meant that anyone who challenged either her old man, or her, was probably
destined for the chopping block. And
now, they'd stripped him of his security detail. How far could it be from there to execution dock?
He'd expected something approaching a courts martial when he entered the bar. A bar? Why do this THERE? The wave of noise that met him as he moved through the doorway was NOT what he expected. To his right, a rather aggravated Lynx, in what looked like a tattered lab coat seemed to be arguing with another of those machines. On the other side, The Emperor, his daughter and some strangely dressed Tigress seemed to be engaged in a screaming match. Other conversations, and arguments, and what looked like a wrestling match were going on in other parts of the bar… For a long moment, he and his party seemed to be completely ignored….
But when that changed, he wished it hadn't. The strangely dressed Tigress, stiffened, and turned to look at him with a gaze of pure wrath. "YOU! YOU'RE the one that trashed MY system! Ooooooooooo, when I'm done with you, you'd wish….."
Whatever she was
going to say was cut off when a rather large Kurani male came up behind her, to
clamp a paw over her muzzle. For a
moment she struggled, until the Kurani got her in a hammerlock. For an instant their gaze met; "Pardon
my mate. She's been warned to
behave. I will endeavor to control her
outbursts; but never the less, if I were you, when this conference is over, you
would do well to steer clear of her.
She tends to hold a grudge."
The Jaguar nodded, and moved back, until he and his group were in a corner. As he scanned the room, his aide stage-whispered "Who the HELL was that Kurani?"
The Captain of
the "Adjudicator" stage-whispered back "That's the Kurani
Oligarchy's "troubleshooter".
He's nominally an Ambassador, but generally by the time he gets around
to negotiating, most of his adversaries are dead. His name's Hrral."
The Jaguar turned
his gaze to the Tigress; this system belonged to HER? And she was married to HIM?
Crap. Quite obviously the Crown
Prince's intelligence apparatus had failed him miserably…..
Kittiara glowered at the Jaguar. Things had gone pretty much as she had predicted, all the way down to her mate's response. She knelt by his side, and did her best to radiate fury. She just hoped her brother was all right. If he'd died, she knew Hrral wouldn't even try to restrain her, and might even help. But from the way Katja was behaving, he was probably OK….. Looking around she wondered what else she could read into the situation, by observing furrs…
Tanj looked at the Lion, oblivious to everyone else in the bar; "Where to start……?"
The Lion smiled;
"At the beginning, of course."
Tanj nodded and
swallowed; "Well…. We were at
Gibraltar station when things went to hell…" She chuckled and nodded towards the Jaguar; "In fact, we met
him there. But that's another
The Lion
chuckled; "He any good in bed?"
Tanj blinked;
"Actually, yes. Danged
good…." She smiled and met the
Lion's gaze; "In fact he chased me all the way back to the Elysium
Behind her, the
Emperor laughed; "Missy, you may be good, but that wasn't why he was
headed there, and you know it!"
The Lion raised
his gaze; "Yeah. Well, that was
partially my fault, partially the ex-government of Elysium's fault. They'd come up with a bastard version of the
portal device that would reduce everything to pebble sized chunks, all moving
away from each other at a rather high rate of speed. They were fleeing the planet as the capital fell to the rebels
and were trying to make sure that the victors didn't enjoy the spoils. We used the Brou device to try and interdict
there weapon. And from there it gets
REALLY weird. It would have worked
fine, if there weren't these aliens that were just waiting for such a spatial
anomaly; they pirated both effects to relocate Elysium, with the specific
purpose of screwing up the jump points of a rival trade alliance." The Lion grinned; "Imagine their
surprise when the planet that came through was not only inhabited, but
inhabited by a spacefaring species!"
The Emperor turned to Jenka; "See. Told you those things were too dangerous to be used!" He turned back to the Lion; "And just what were you up to when you traded with the Brou for this device? Seeking to find new ways to commit piracy?"
The Lion shook
his head; "Not particularly. We
WERE looking for new technology, to use in the revolution on Elysium, but what
we got was a bunch of junk we couldn't figure out any use for."
Tanj chuckled;
"Actually, if you're going to blame anyone, blame him!" All eyes turned to follow her outstretched
The Emperor's jaw
dropped; "The KURANI? Yes, the
Kurani! Dammit, I should have
Tanj nodded; "They've had the technology all along. They traded the device to the Brou, but the Brou found it too alien, and dumped it on the first set of furrs that came along."
Hrral shrugged;
"A translation error. We thought
they had a garbage problem, and gifted them with something we thought they
could use to solve their problem.
Obviously we were in error."
Tanj chuckled;
"I can't believe you haven't figured out how to talk to the
Brou!" Suddenly she felt all eyes
on her; looking around the room the shrugged; "its not that hard… I'll explain later, if anyone's
interested…" Looking back at the
Lion she smiled; "Obviously you survived the trip, and were able to figure
out the Brou device sufficiently to return."
The Lion
scratched his head; "Well….
Kinda. We made some friends
there, and they were just alien enough to manage the interface, and to
communicate with the Brou machine. With
them as "interpreters" we…
managed to build a rapport, and figure out not only how to work it, but
how it works as well."
Ben chuckled;
"And in the process, we've made ourselves rich."
The Lion nodded;
"But we never would have found our way back, if it hadn't been for the
beacon provided by your own work in the area."
Tanj nodded and gestured at the Lynx; "Professor Corey's doing, with an assist from the Kurani." At the mention of his name, Corey looked up; finding every eye in the room on him, he couldn't help but wonder what he'd done now? "Ah…. Well, I'm slowly working the bugs out." He turned to glare at Von Fartz; "BUT THESE….. MEDDLERS have NO clue how to use the technology correctly!" He waggled a finger at the "construct" "First off, you waste power at an incredible rate! Done properly the device should be able to run on a communicator battery! Secondly, don't you have any IDEA how many temporal laws you're breaking by traveling in time? The Paradoxes! How are you going to sort them out?"
Von Fartz waved a
manipulator; "My dear boy, we have power to burn; that simply is not a concern."
straightened up; "And the temporal paradoxes? I've done a search on the hypernet; the Fabrizi Technocracy STILL
does NOT exist!"
Von Fartz waved
the manipulator in an off-hand way; "Well…. Yes, I'll admit to some small
problems. The Technocracy does exist,
but the time line might have split. We
may now exist in a parallel dimension.
But that doesn't matter! We can
come HERE any time! LITERALLY any
time! There is no problem we cannot
solve! And you don't even have to
signal us! We'll eventually learn that
something adverse has happened, and can journey across time, space and even
dimensions to set it right! WE ARE THE
The Emperor nudged Jenka and muttered "And you don't think this is a problem? Nothing to worry about?" For once, Jenka was silent.
Doodles shrugged; "Well, for one, I think everything's just fine here. I mean, its all worked out, hasn't it? Jenka's still in charge, Tanj got her friends back, Corey's theories proved out…." Slowly he looked around the room; "Where's the problem?"
As if on cue, dozens of voices all started yelling at the same time.
Doodles' ears flopped back, and he cringed; as everyone's attention shifted from him to those around them, and things coalesced into a dozen arguments, the Bunny slunk around behind Von Fartz; "Well, I thought things were going pretty good….."
Von Fartz
directed a speaker in the Bunny's direction and whispered; "So did
I….. Heh… organics. Who can ever figure 'em out?"
Dynotaku edged a little closer to where Commodore Price and the Captain of the Dreadnaught were arguing. He listened for a moment, hands behind his back, and then nodded; "Both of you have valid points, but I really do think you're missing the bigger picture." Both turned and looked at him.
Price growled;
"Who the Hell are you?" The
Jaguar took in the horn, and the spots and shook his head; "Never mind
that, WHAT the hell are you?"
Dynotaku laughed
and licked an eyebrow, the length of his tongue startling the two naval
officers in front of him; "Who and what doesn't really matter. But, Gentlefurrs, I do think you should
consider a few salient points, since you're both naval officers. First off, consider how obsolete you
are." Ignoring the shocked
expressions, he nodded in the direction of the Kurani; "They've got this
portal gizmo. In fact, they've had it
for generations. Think about how
practiced they must be in using it to move fleets around. They could strike anywhere in the empire and
then retreat to anywhere in who knows what parallel dimension. How are you going to defend against
that? How could you counterattack? Secondly, we have the returned furrs from
Elysium. Obviously they've acquired
alien technology. Their shields are so
strong you can't even scan through them, can you? What if the two decided to work together?" He gestured with his horn; "Look at
those two."
Price turned and
looked at the Lion talking with the Kurani Ambassador. They were talking like old friends. Repressing a shudder, he turned back;
"valid point."
Dynotaku nodded;
"And then there's the Fabrizi technocracy. They're the wild card.
Right now, they don't seem to be on anyone's side, but that silly
Bunny's. But, given temporal
complications, is anyone bold, or perhaps stupid enough to make use of
The Jaguar
winced; "Gawd, I hope not!"
Dynotaku nodded;
"Indeed. Now I know we all had our
problems with the old Emperor." He
grinned at Price; "Even those that supported him to the last. But he's abdicated now. Oh, I know, she has yet to be ratified by
the Senate, but believe me, they will.
She's got what it takes, and they'll figure that out soon enough. Personally, I'd give her a chance, and
concentrate on the LARGER problems."
His gaze shifted back to the Lion and the Kurani.
"No, actually we're not interested."
The Lion raised
an eyebrow; "New trade opportunities.
New technologies. And you're not
Hrral chuckled;
"We have been at this far longer than you have. We've gone places you can't even imagine. Right now, we have what we need. There is no need to venture further
afield." He turned and looked at
Von Fartz; "That's not to say that we don't have our problems; we just
don't think they can be solved by involving yet another unknown."
The Lion
shrugged; "Well, if you ever change your mind…." He started to turn away and then stopped;
"Oh, by the way, I've a message from the Brou ma… well, that device you
gave to the Brou. It says it wants to
come home. Its apparently tired of
dealing with aliens."
Jenka turned to stare at the laughing Kurani; she couldn't help but wonder what THAT was about…
Price looked at the…. Unicorn; "So, what do you suggest?"
Dynotaku smiled;
"Well, I would think that the primary goal would be for the fleet to gain
access to their technology."
The Jaguar
scowled; "Easier said than done, I'd think."
chuckled; "oh, I doubt that. In
fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the new Empress didn't acquire it for
you." At the skeptical look on the
Jaguar's face, Dynotaku smiled; "But I suspect she'd want quid pro
Price glanced at
Jenka; "and what about the Crown Prince?"
Jenka Takes Command
The old Jaguar smiled at his daughter; "we've had quite a discussion about ethics, morality, expediency and government. Tell me what you're going to do about your half-brother."
Jenka shot him a
grin and turned towards the crowd; "If I might have your attention,
please!" for a moment it seemed as
if everyone was going to ignore her, but then it seemed to sink in that it was
the Emperor's daughter, possibly the new Empress that was talking, and with an
undercurrent of reluctance, the conversations died.
"The first order of business is to deal with the failed coup."
From the Jaguar's
corner, someone growled; "Who says its failed yet?"
Jenka just
laughed and gestured at the monitor that still showed the frozen Crown Prince;
"I think he's pretty well run his course." She purrred; "His "Fait Accompli" has fallen flat
on its face. He can't present the
Imperial Senate with his father's body and evidence, true or faked, of his
crimes. Too many furrs now know of
what's going on here, for better or worse." She stared at the sullen group in the corner; "the Coup has
failed." Gazing back over the
crowd she grinned at the Lion; "Between the loyalist faction, and some old
friends, I think we've got enough might to put down any further
The Lion grinned back; "And what makes you think we'll rally to your banner?
Jenka laughed;
"Because I'm the Em…." She
shot her father a look and then looked back, her face a little more somber;
"Because I'm in charge now, and you'll help to hold things together, for
the greater good. Because it's the
right thing to do."
The Lion sighed and looked at Ben; the old Wolf stared back steadily, and after a moment gave the tiniest of nods. The Lion turned to look at Tanj, who smiled wryly and also nodded. With a groan the Lion looked upwards, and muttered to no one in particular; "You know me too well….." After a moment he looked down, met Jenka's gaze, and nodded; "We're in."
Jenka smiled and
turned back to the Dreadnaught's Captain.
The Jaguar shook his head; "That doesn't mean that there's no reason for rebellion." His gaze traversed from Jenka to her father and back.
Jenka followed
his gaze, and after a moment a chuckle escaped her lips. Slowly, the momentum building she laughed
harder and harder. At a look from her
father she gasped out; "Don't you get it?
He thinks I'm like YOU! He
thinks, that because you've abdicated in favor of ME, that I'LL follow through
on all your policies!"
The old Jaguar
just snorted; "Boy is HE in for a surprise!"
Finally Jenka was able to gasp out; "Mister, I could give you all the reasons, all the arguments as to why I'm nothing like that miscreant that sired me, but I doubt you, or anyone else would believe 'em." She straightened, her face sobering; "I've been telling him for years, that deeds speak louder than words. You just watch, and then you can tell me if I'm any better or worse than him. But however you decide, I think you'll have to agree, better or worse, I WILL be different."
Turning, she fixed Chris with a stare; "Chris, I want a boarding party from the Black Fleet sent to board the forward half of the Dreadnaught. I want you to extract the bridge crew, including my idiot half brother, and bring them here. Minimum collateral damage." She turned to face the rest of the bar; "I'm sending Black Fleet personnel, as we've had experience with "indecision gas" attacks. As the target, I might add. If anyone else wants to send an "observer", they're welcome, but be advised, Chris WILL be in charge."
She turned back
to Chris; "Talk to John about decontamination and neutralization
procedures. DON'T bring any of those
furrs dirtside until they've been completely decontaminated."
Chris rose and
nodded; "We're on it." Gesturing
to a few furrs, he left the bar.
With a sly grin on her face, Jenka turned to face the Lion; "Can you open a portal without passing through it? Something that another, more normal ship can pass through?"
The Lion nodded;
"Sure. What do you have in
Jenka just
grinned, and turned to the Kurani; "You know the territory beyond our
borders better than any of us; can you identify a region for me, with habitable
stars, where I can exile certain mal-contents?"
Hrral stared
evenly at Jenka, his body language not betraying a thing. After a moment Jenka made an off-hand
gesture; "I don't really want to hurt them. Most of them had legitimate complaints. On the other hand, I don't want to be constantly fighting them,
constantly looking over my shoulder."
She grinned, showing teeth; "Call it…. forced colonization. I just want to send them somewhere, where
they won't be able to find their way back, at least not in their
The Kurani nodded
slowly "There may be…. Possibilities….."
Jenka turned and grinned at her father; "Now, tell me again that technology is too dangerous to be useful?"
The Old Jaguar's
gaze flicked over the Kurani and then back to his daughter; "I dunno. I admit its an elegant solution…. But HE
looks entirely too pleased with it…."
Jenka looked back
at the Kurani; if he looked any different, she couldn't tell…..
Kittiara repressed a smile; she could HEAR the wheels turning inside her mate's head. Yes, he WAS entirely too pleased with it. And she pitied whatever troublemakers Jenka might exile to a location of her mate's choosing…… It was entirely possible they'd be WAY too busy to plot their revenge on Jenka…..
The Lion smiled; "Colonies imply trade….."
Jenka chuckled;
"Of course. And it'll have to be done
carefully. I'm not abandoning
them, you understand, just… keeping them at arm's length."
The Lion nodded;
"I think I know just the folks…
Best exile a few skilled negotiators, though or they'll loose their
Jenka smiled and
nodded; "Fine. You handle
She'd half-turned back to her father when the Lion growled; "OH, NO! Not me." The Lion turned and looked at Tanj; "I've done everything I set out to do. The corrupt government of Elysium's been overthrown. A legitimate government, of the people, has replaced it, and they're making good progress at reforms. I've brought my furrs home." He grinned; "And I've made enough money in the process to retire. What say we go find some nice beach somewhere, to lie on?"
Jenka's laugh made him turn and look. Jenka laughed anew at the scowl on his face; "Oh COME ON! I know BOTH of you much too well. You'd last six weeks on that beach and then you'd be getting itchy to do something again. YOU KNOW IT!"
The Lion frowned,
opened his mouth as if to say something, and then closed it. After a while, he nodded;
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. But I'm not a diplomat, or an administrator." He grinned; "And by God I AM going to
take a vacation, before I figure out where I go from here."
Jenka shrugged;
"All right. I'll give you some
time off. Heck, take three
months." Her face hardened;
"But then I want you to assemble a team to solve the "Gates
World" problem. They've tried to
assassinate me several times just recently, and I think its time I returned the
favor. And by God, Mister, I cannot
afford to waste what talent is available to me!"
The Lion
straightened; "I was thinking more of cleaning out Imroc. A planet run by crime families does not
strike me as the kind of government those folks deserve."
Behind him, Tanj
grimaced, but nodded her head in agreement.
Jenka just shook
her head no; "Imroc can wait. Oh,
I agree, it needs fixing, as do a couple of dozen other places in the Empire,
but Gates' World comes first. And if
you don't believe me, talk to Tanj about it." Jenka turned, as if the subject was settled.
Price inclined his head a little; "Well, what do you think of that solution?"
The Captain of
the Dreadnaught shrugged; "Don't know.
I'd never considered "banishment" as an effective solution, at
least not until now."
nodded. After a moment he grinned;
"Planning on following your Crown Prince into banishment?"
The Jaguar turned
and looked at the Squirrel; "I'm thinking about it." At the look of surprise on the Squirrel's
face, he growled; "Not because I think the Crown Prince is the best of all
possible leaders… its just…." He
looked back across the bar at the Kurani "I have a sneaking suspicion
that's where the action is going to be…."
"What would you think of Cromwell as the new Baron in charge of our new "Elysium Sector"?
Ben blinked at
Jenka and then shrugged; "He's pretty devoted to Elysium. Might be difficult to get him to broaden
his, ah, "interests". He
might also have other thoughts about being a part of the Empire
Jenka nodded
slowly; "perhaps if I put it in the right terms, he'll see the need. And no, I'm NOT talking about force. Just logic.
Besides, right now, he knows the territory better than anyone else I
might stick in there."
Behind her, her
father gave a tiny nod, and exchanged a wink with the Elephant.
"We're going
to need a survey, though, of the planets you've settled. I'll have the survey ships report to you
here, for, ah, "escort" to the new sector."
Ben blinked;
Jenka nodded;
"Yes, you. You're now in charge of
all Imperial Fleet assets in the Elysium sector. Talk to the admiralty about a number for your fleet, and for what
logistical support you might need… You
know, the usual responsibilities."
Jenka grinned; "tell me you haven't been handling them anyways
for the past few years…."
Ben just blinked;
"Well….. Hey, wait a
Jenka laughed;
"That's right. The Brethren, as
well as the Black Fleet, have just been drafted into the Imperial Navy. Who ELSE am I going trust, at least in the
interim? And who else am I going to get
to show them how to use these new portal gizmos?"
All Ben could
manage was an "Ahhh…. Um…… well……."
Samantha Pettigrew nudged Jenka; "Hey, what if we don't WANT to join the Imperial Navy? What if we LIKE being pirates?"
Jenka laughed and
turned to hug her old friend; "Well, then, Samantha, you'll be declared
outlaws, and hunted down by the fleet like the scum that you are!"
Samantha's mouth
opened for a retort, but then a quizzical look passed over her face; "Um….
Isn't that pretty much the same as ever?"
Jenka turned to her Father; "We ARE going to have to shake up the current Naval command structure, though. I think the stagnant bureaucracy of the Navy has been a big part of the Empire's problems."
The old Jaguar
raised an eyebrow and shot the Elephant a grin; "What's this
"We?" Are you asking me for
help? As Jenka spluttered he just
laughed. But after a moment he sighed;
"And there are a few Barons, Dukes and Counts that ought to go into
retirement as well, I think. Maybe even
"emigrate to new lands". He
brightened; "Hey, maybe you could hand out fiefdoms in this new
Jenka nodded
slowly; "Hadji"
Her father
blinked; "Baron Hadji? He's been
one of the biggest thorns in my side, always hatching plots! Always the power behind the loudmouths. Heck, he's probably the number one furr
backing Junior!" The Emperor
gestured at the monitor where the Crown Prince still stood frozen, as furrs in
environmental suits moved about the Dreadnaught's bridge.
Jenka chuckled;
"Indeed; but I think he does it just for something to do. Lets give him a bigger job. A greater challenge. Lets put HIM in charge of organizing the
"New Territory", with Ruprecht as the nominal boss…"
The old Jaguar
winced; "He'll hate it. His
protestations will ring from the walls of the Senate…."
The Elephant
hiccupped and then chuckled; "But he'll do it anyways. She's right; that's just the kind of challenge
he couldn't pass up." The Elephant
grinned a little foolishly; "And he might, just might, appreciate the
irony in it…."
The old Jaguar looked at his daughter; "Who else?"
Jenka stared off
into space for a long moment, and then muttered; "Rallstein, Whithers,
N'gornogo, Kelly, and Turmeq, for starters.
Maybe Krupov."
Her father raised
an eyebrow; "not Itaglia?"
Jenka shrugged;
"He's always been a follower; if we remove some of the
"irritants" he should calm down.
Besides he's too old for something like this…." Jenka's smile widened; "But we
shouldn't send those families into exile alone…." She leaned closer; "What if we were to
offer fiefdoms to some of the more adventurous "second sons" of more
responsible clans and families. Those that
might be willing to carve a barony out of the wilderness, against incredible
The Old Jaguar
stared at her for a moment; "Such as….?"
Jenka chuckled;
"D'Artimis' second son, Raoul, for instance. Last I heard he was driving his father crazy, but he's still a
good sort." She laughed; "And
Fangoth has a daughter that might do well as well."
The Emperor
nodded; "I think I see where you're going with this. Those who will never have a fiefdom of their
own, always be the second son… those that are good now, but might turn with
increasing age and frustration.
Yes…. Ipswitch has a younger
cousin, what was his name? Heraldo?"
Jenka nodded;
"Exactly." She straightened;
"Some of the more troublesome Barons can't exactly complain about
"Exile" if they're not the only ones going….."
"But you're going to have to get them all there…."
Jenka turned to
scan the room; her gaze settled on Parks.
"You there, you're the engineer, right?"
straightened and returned her gaze levelly; "Damn straight."
Jenka just
grinned, showing fangs; "What will it take to equip a dozen transports and
another dozen escorts with this gizmo?"
Parks shrugged;
"They're not cheap. The total
conversion power plant alone costs more than the cost of a new Battlecruiser. You have to basically gut the ship and
completely re-do the power distribution systems. But that's not your problem.
The problem is that where we come from, they can only turn out about six
of the total conversion power plants a year."
On the opposite
side of the room, Commodore Price looked at the Captain of the Dreadnaught and
muttered; "Well, that both simplifies and compounds the problem, doesn't
Corey shook his head; "DAMMIT! The device should not require that much power." He looked around the room; "I keep telling you that none of these furrs completely understand just what they're fooling with! They JUST DON'T understand the physics involved!" He shot the Fabrizi construct a dirty look; "OR they pervert the crap out of it!" He took a deep breath and adjusted his glasses; "I believe I can demonstrate, within six months, that I can move a ship to the furthest points of the universe, with no more power than what you can carry in your pocket!"
Jenka nodded;
"I'll hold you to that. Draw
whatever resources you need, and DO it."
The Lynx blinked;
"Um… Yes Ma'am…. But… draw them from where?"
Jenka nodded
slowly; "Good point. I'll need a
Chamberlain." She looked around,
and finally spotted the Stallion; "John!
You're appointed. See that the
Lynx gets what he needs. Draft the
entire Imperial Science Academy, if you have to!" She turned to look at Ben; "In the
meantime, we'll depend on your resources to move the initial
"settlers" to the new area, through your local "friends"
territory. Talk to the Kurani about
where it is you're supposed to go."
Ben just nodded,
and turned to look for Hrral.
Dynotaku sidled up to the stallion with the shocked look on his face; "Congradulations on your promotion. Better you than me!"
Jenka chuckled; "That reminds me; there's another little problem that will require attention." She turned to her father; "Imperial Security has been riding the fence through this whole thing. I think they've been supporting both sides. That HAS to stop. They're either with me, or against me. SOMEONE is going to have to straighten them out!" Turning she grinned at Tanj; "You've got a lot of experience with them, Pet; how'd you like the job?"
Tanj smiled a
crooked smile and shook her head; "No thank you, Mistress." She inclined her head towards the Lion;
"I'm with him." She turned
and grinned at him; "That beach sounds very inviting…."
Jenka smiled a little sadly and nodded; "Pretty much what I expected. That's OK, though. He'll need you, for the jobs he'll be tackling." Turning she fixed her gaze on Dynotaku.
Dynotaku's smile fled his face when he caught Jenka's look. "Yes. You like sneaking around, playing the secret agent. AND at the bottom of it all, I think you're basically trustworthy. You're the new head of Imperial Security. Clean house. Reorganize. AND MAKE SURE THEY'RE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE!" After a moment Jenka smiled; "And make sure that mangy Lion gets what he needs, with respect to Gates' world."
Tanj listened to Jenka, and her father. She'd had no idea Jenka followed Imperial politics that closely. Or that she'd even had an interest in it. As the two argued over whether the Count of Remaine was a supporter of the Crown Prince, or merely an opponent of her father, she just shook her head in amazement. Looking around, she wondered if anyone was taking notes…..
Hrral "grinned" at the Wolf, showing fangs; "Remarkably perceptive. That's exactly what I was thinking. There's a strip of stars between those antisocial xenophobic aliens and the Oligarchy that are fairly fertile, and as you might expect, devoid of sentient life. We've never seen the need to develop them, as there were less…. Contested systems elsewhere. I think the Oligarchy would be well pleased to see them settled, if for no other reason than to have someone between us and them. And it works to your advantage too; with a conflict in that direction, they're less likely to expand towards where Elysium is now. Don't you think?"
Ben just frowned;
"you mean, you've known where we were all this time?"
Hrral just
Kittiara tried hard to suppress her smile. They'd found out where Elysium was when the Brethren had departed for New Tortugas. A portal of that magnitude was hard to miss, if you were watching for it. But her mate would never admit that……
In Trouble Now…..
The Crown Prince could hear the door to the bridge open behind him. He could hear a strange hissing noise, and the sound of furrs moving about, but he couldn't turn his head to look. Couldn't figure out if he wanted to turn left or right… Trying to swallow his impatience, he waited for one of them to move into his field of view.
Chang carefully sprayed under the console. The spray probably wasn't the best thing for all the sophisticated electronics on the bridge, but it was the only way to neutralize that damned "indecision gas". It tended to be quite persistent, and unless it was neutralized by the enzyme that Wolverine lady had developed, someone years from now might find themselves stuck, if they but touched a contaminated surface. She suspected it would be a problem that would haunt this ship until it was scrapped. Moving down the console, she sprayed the technician that sat there. It would take a while for the enzyme to get into his bloodstream; it wasn't nearly as fast-acting as the agent it was designed to neutralize. As she passed, Sanchez pulled the furr's paws behind him, and fastened them with a simple wire-tie, and Sorrenson made a note of the furr's name and rating. As soon as he could move, he'd be taken to the shuttle they'd commandeered from the Dreadnaught. They weren't about to risk contamination of any of THEIR equipment, or at least not more than they had to…..
The Crown Prince sneezed as the furr in the Hazmat suit sprayed him in the face with something noxious. Purely an involuntary response, but pleasant none the less as he actually got to DO something other than stand there. His muscles were trembling, from holding the same pose for so long, and he had to go to the bathroom, and STILL he couldn't move….. He watched, from the corner of his eye, as the decontamination crew moved slowly, carefully through the bridge.
Chris watched the monitor, and shook his head; he hated that stuff. NOT a proper way to fight at all…. As the first of the bridge crew started to show voluntary movement, he opened his microphone and growled; "Look alert; they're starting to move. I don't want anyone to get jumped and their suit torn."
The Crown Prince found he could wiggle his fingers. It was such a delight! He was grinning foolishly, wiggling the fingers on both paws, as strong arms took him by either elbow, turning him, all but dragging him forward. He thought he had a pretty good idea where he was going, and suddenly, he was in no hurry at all to leave……
He didn't protest when his clothes were stripped roughly from him. It was an indignity, but he understood decontamination procedures. The shower was noxious, and the furrs with scrub-brushes brusk, and not at all considerate of who he was… or perhaps "who he used to be" would be a better term. It was obvious he was now in the hands of his enemies. And his future didn't exactly look bright.
The overalls were too large, bright orange, and disposable. Still, he donned them with all the dignity he could muster. At least they didn't bind his paws. In the accompaniment of his chief Lieutenants, he was herded into a shuttle. The trip down to the planet was shorter than he would have expected….
Chris peered through the viewport and shook his head; "Dammit, we took off from here not four hours ago! Where'd our parking place go?"
The Pilot just
shrugged; "Dunno, Sir. What do you
want to do?"
Chris growled;
"Contact ground control. Get
someone to move their ship. Dammit, I
am NOT parking down in the Rift again; the hike up from there is a
Eridani listened to the voice float from the speaker, and chuckled; "Riiiight. I'll see what I can do. Hold tight and I'll get right back to you."
Jenka looked up from her conversation with Price, Ben, Hrral and her Father when the nude Tigress stalked into the bar. Eridani gave her only the briefest nod, before turning to scan the crowd. "HIRAM! I need you to move your ship!"
The suit of
powered armor by the far wall straightened, and turned to return the Tigress'
gaze; "Why ME?"
Eridani chuckled;
"You can park down on the floor of the rift, and use your suit jets to get
back up here with the minimum of exertion and delay."
The Suit stared
back at her for a minute and then Hiram's voice muttered "oh… Okay.
Makes sense, I guess…" from its speaker. Moving with remarkable grace for so bulky an object, the Suit
slipped between small groups of furrs, and clanked out the door.
The Crown Prince stepped from the shuttle, and turned to watch a ship depart from the cavern. There were ships of all sorts parked in the most hap-hazard fashion, stretching off into the gloom of the cavern. If he and his entourage could overpower the shuttle's crew, and could steal one, he might yet escape his fate. Turning he scanned his surroundings. Was that a security detail over there? Several armed furrs seemed to be lounging against one wall, not too far away. One seemed to be asleep. Two seemed to be arguing. But the one in the naval uniform seemed to be watching him closely. Dare they try it? What did he have to loose?
The Marten chuckled softly; she looked as if she were asleep, laying on the floor, shoulders and head leaning back against the wall, cap pulled low over her eyes. "look at 'em. They're thinking of making a break for it."
The Kurani
chuckled; "Yes, and I hope they do.
It would be fine sport to hunt them down, and subdue them. This assignment has been much too boring,
and I could do with some exercise."
Hinoki chuckled;
"Bet I nab more than YOU do!"
The Kurani
studied something about 120 degrees away from the Crown Prince's group and
nodded; "you're on."
Hinoki chuckled;
"OK, as soon as they make their move, we count to eight and go after
The Crown Prince brought his foot down hard on the guard's shin, and then he gave him a shove. To his annoyance, the guard merely staggered backwards, arms waving for balance, instead of shrieking in pain. Without a second look, he dashed around the shuttle, sprinting between the ships.
Jeddidiah, second son of the Viscount of Partha, watched his leader sprint further into the docking cavern. For a moment there was a tremendous temptation to follow him. But then logic won through. Any ship that could fit in here was fairly small, and there were much larger ships up in orbit. Even if he could steal a ship, and in a border port like this, most ships probably either had sophisticated anti-theft systems, or weren't worth stealing, there was no way he'd be able to escape. For a moment, he dithered, and then it was too late anyways.
Hinoki shook his head; "Either they're smarter than they look, or they're not too swift on the uptake."
Next to him the
Ferret just nodded, and the Kurani shook his head in disgust;
"pitiful. No spirit at
all." Turning to look down at the
Cheetah, the Kurani grinned, showing teeth; "Shall we?"
Hinoki laughed;
"By all means. After you."
Jeddidiah watched as the Kurani loped off after the Crown Prince, and suddenly was VERY glad he hadn't followed. But when the Cheetah grew wings and flapped into the air above him, he KNEW he'd made the right decision.
The Ferret slowed to a walk as the Cheetah flapped off into the docking cavern; "Dammit, that's CHEATING!" With a growl she turned and stalked back to look at the small crowd of prisoners still standing by the shuttle. "I don't suppose any of YOU want to try your luck? No? All right, everyone sit down. Somehow I don't think we'll have long to wait…..
The Crown Prince pressed the signet ring against the lockpad of the smuggler craft. Nothing happened. Growling in frustration, he tried again. He'd been assured the lockpick software in the ring would defeat any security system, but nothing was happening. Something rhythmic was approaching, and he turned to look; it seemed as if some big spotted thing with bat-like wings was quartering the docking cavern! Whimpering he ducked under the access ramp, moved under the belly of the ship, and headed in the opposite direction. They were after him; that wasn't a surprise; what was a surprise was that they were closing in so quickly!
The ship was large; the largest one in the docking cavern. AND the doorway was open. Dim service lights showed an empty corridor; the Crown Prince ducked through the hatchway and ran, panting hard, towards the bow. That was where the bridge should be, right?
Hinoki dropped to a gentle landing, as the Kurani trotted up. Absorbing his wings back into his body, he gestured at the hatchway; "I think he went in there."
The Kurani
straightened and then leaned back, looking at the ship; "Isn't
Hinoki chuckled;
"Yeah, it's a tanker. As near as I
can make out, the logo on the side is for a brand of Bheer that hasn't been
made for over a decade."
The Kurani shook
his head; "Why, in Heaven's name, would he try to escape in
Hinoki just
shrugged; "Maybe he just likes Bheer."
The Crown Prince stared at the bulkhead. He'd moved as far forward in the ship as he could; there were equipment lockers, and instrument bays, but nothing that looked like a control room. Grumbling he worked his way up a series of very steep stairs, to emerge on a catwalk. With noises coming from below and behind him, he started to run the only way he could, his breath coming in labored gasps.
The Kurani grinned at the sight of the fleeing Jaguar. With a growl he lowered his head and charged.
Hinoki ran as well. As he ran, his form changed, until he was in 'taur form, four legs pistoning hard, torso leaning forward. He could hear the Crown Prince and the Kurani running above him, their footsteps ringing on the metal catwalk. If he could get to the other end ahead of them, he might just win the contest!
The Crown Prince was gasping as he reached the end of the catwalk. There, there was some sort of control room. Flinging himself through the door, he looked at blank monitors, inactive gauges, and….. unidentifiable instruments. However there WERE a large series of levers, labeled in some unidentifiable script. Grasping the first one, he pulled hard. Deep below him, somewhere in the guts of the ship, something started to rumble…… Thinking he must be on to something he grabbed the second lever and pulled that one too!
Hinoki slowed, and looked behind him. There was a low rumbling noise that had a gurgling component…. Suddenly his eyes grew wide, and he turned and ran, even harder. Behind him, a wall of well-aged bheer was surging through the passageway!
The Crown Prince yanked the last lever, and looked around. There was no flicker of life from any of the screens, no automated systems coming to life. He just didn't understand it! What kind of a bridge WAS this? And then he heard claws on metal, and knew his pursuers had caught up with him. Desperately he turned and lunged for the door!
The Kurani growled and grabbed at the spotted form that shot from the door like a cannonball; two claws snagged his tunic, and the creature's momentum almost pulled him off his feet. As he spun on one foot, the handrail slammed painfully into his side….
The Crown Prince howled as something grabbed him; for a moment his forward momentum was converted to something else, and he found himself spinning to the left. The guard rail caught him at waist-level, and he felt himself toppling, and then, arms flailing, he felt himself falling!
Hinoki dog-paddled, trying to keep the "current" from smashing him into the side of one of the tanks. Somehow, he found the idea of drowning in bheer to be hilarious, and despite his desperate situation, couldn't help but laughing…. Then something large and noisy fell on him from above, driving him below the surface.
The Kurani shook his head; "Yes, I admit, you "caught" him, but I still think it was more random chance than skill!"
Hinoki laughed
and gave the sodden Jaguar a prod to keep him moving; "Hey, don't argue
with success!"
As they moved through the doorway to the bar, all eyes turned in their direction. And everyone just stared. The Crown Prince stood there, amongst his enemies and glared back, as if daring anyone to say a word! Meanwhile, bheer pooled around his feet.
Kittiara rose and padded closer, sniffing, her eyes wide. In a deceptively mild voice, she inquired "What happened?"
Hrral struggled to hold his mate. "ALL OF IT? ALL? Dammit there was still a twenty year suppy of bheer in that ship! AND YOU KNOW IT ONLY GETS BETTER WITH AGE! Ooooooo, you are SO dead!"
Parks leaned over and stage-whispered to Corey; "You don't think that stuff's corrosive, do you?"
The Lynx adjusted
his spectacles and shrugged; "Shliz bheer? Um. Kept in borosilicate
glass lined tanks. Ah… Yes, mildly. Carbonic acid, if nothing else."
Parks nodded;
"Glad we didn't come by shuttle, then.
I'd hate to spend the weekend cleaning actuators and such."
Corey just nodded
in agreement…..
Krrut padded into the bar, looked around and then went over to hug Hrral and his sister hello; "Did you know the docking cavern was knee deep in bheer?"
Hrral just winced
as Kittiara's howls of outrage began anew.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! Dammit, they leave NOW! They can HAVE the tanker; let them start their exile using THAT as their transport! Lord knows, now that its empty, its of no use to ME!"
Hrral shook his
head; "We haven't picked a spot yet…"
Kittiara glared
at him; "The HELL you haven't.
CG453d. The Oligarchy's had
contingency plans for that planet for years!
There's even a pre-positioned supply dump there, in case it ever had to
be used as a forward base!"
Hrral frowned;
"That, my love, is a state secret!
I suggest you SHUT UP NOW!"
Kittiara turned
to glare at the Crown Prince, turned back and gave Hrral a long look. After a moment she visibly brought herself
under control, and in a mild voice, with just a touch of humor in it, muttered;
"Yes, dear".
Jenka just laughed; "Tell you what, I'll re-emburse you for the supplies. But I have to agree with your mate. This one's way too dangerous to be left here." She grinned at her half brother; "you never know who he'll bruise next, or inadvertently try to drown in bheer…."
After a moment,
Hrral gave a stiff nod; "Very well….."
Krrut nudged his sister and grinned; "I never liked that stuff anyways…."
Kittiara just
growled at him.
Chris gestured to the clump of senior officers in the corner; "Do they all go with him?"
Jenka turned to
consider the crowd carefully; they bristled under her stare. After a moment she nodded slowly; "We
can't very well, in good conscience, send him alone." Turning back she nodded; "All the
officers O-4 and above go. Everyone
else gets a chance to stay; if they swear allegiance to the Empire and to me,
should I be confirmed, they can stay.
Otherwise they go.
The Jaguar lifted his chin; "And the Dreadnaught? Its not exactly in the best shape to travel."
Jenka laughed;
"Yes, it goes too, even if we have to tow it. I suspect you might need the firepower there, even if
maneuverability is a little…. Lacking."
She smiled a cold smile; "I have no doubt your field repairs will
be quite… ingenious. But no, I doubt
they'll bring you up to full strength."
Her smile widened, to show fangs; "Behave, and I'll send a Fleet
Repair ship with the first supply convoy."
The Dreadnaught's
Captain nodded. It was pretty much what
he expected. Pretty much what he'd
wanted too. Someone had once said that
it was better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. If she was confirmed, his promising career had come to a
screeching halt, but… out there, he'd still be in charge of the largest ship in
the area. Still someone important. And still where the action was. He turned and looked at the Crown Prince,
still dripping bheer, and repressed a wince.
Of course it was his fault for having believed all the promises, all the
lies, but if it wasn't for that…. Idiot he wouldn't BE in this fix. Slowly a ghost of a smile drifted across his
face; who knew what might happen on the frontier. Maybe he'd get pricked by a poison thorn, or stumble across some
weird and deadly alien animal… Or
forget to zip the fly on his space suit.
There MIGHT be an interesting power vacuum… And he WAS ambitious….
nudged her brother; "how bad's the damage?"
Krrut shrugged; "Bad. All
the defenses are gone. The power
distribution system's a wreck. But the
greenhouses made it through OK, and life support's good." He casually looked around the room;
"And…. The taps I put on that
crazy professor's computers survived.
I've got a full record of all his experiments. If he CAN do that kind of portal on the power from a
communicator's power cell, we MIGHT find a buyer for the information that would
allow us to rebuild this place."
Kittiara smiled and nodded, as if he'd just said something pleasant about
a distant relative. After a moment,
while staring at the far wall, she murmured; "we need to consider the
opportunities of running weapons to the "new colonists". You KNOW they're going to need something
special just to survive out there…."
Krrut nodded, his gaze flicking over Hrral; "so… you think maybe its
time to sell this place and move on?
Maybe to the "new territories?"
Kittiara flicked an ear in agreement; "Yes, we can find a place on
the Kurani frontier, just in case we have to withdraw, and still have a degree
of autonomy, I think…"
watched the twins from the corner of her eye.
It was obvious they were plotting something. For a moment she thought she caught the phrase "new
territories" on the lips of the male.
Lip reading had proved to be well worth the time it took to learn
it…. She smiled. Good.
Just so long as they weren't meddling in the affairs of the Empire. In HER affairs. She was going to have enough trouble consolidating her new
position… The LAST thing she needed was
those two meddling. Although, somehow,
she thought, she'd never really be free of them.
Hrral watched the various furrs in the bar talking, trying hard to obtain a sampling of the conversations. The internal rot of the Empire may have just come to an end. Maybe. And if Jenka managed to pull the Empire together, they MIGHT be a strong ally, or possibly a much greater threat than ever before. Things had gotten MUCH more interesting….. And then there were the time-traveling AI's of the Fabrizi Technocracy. THAT he'd never anticipated! How can he make use of them, for the Oligarchy's benefit? And what of the Lynx's boast that he could run a portal device on a pocket power cell? Yes, things had gotten MUCH more interesting….
Mark and Mala watched quietly from a booth in Callahan's. After a while the white mouse turned to his apprentice, and friend; "See, TOLD you it would work out all right…."
Mala chuckled and nodded; "You know how I love happy endings….
The Crown Prince looked at the Bheer tanker and shuddered. It stunk! And he was willing to bet that by the time they got to wherever they were going, it would be covered with mold. Grumbling to himself, he straightened, and did his best to look as if boarding the ship was his idea. Exile indeed! There was no way they'd keep him from returning, and triumphantly, as well. They were fools not to kill him outright; this only gave him time and resources to plot his revenge! WEAKLINGS!
The Jaguar returned the salute and growled; "Damage Report!"
The Third officer
smiled. Or was that a wince? "Sir, we've, ah, tack-welded the ship
back together again. Strangely that
isn't as far-out as you might think; most of the structural members were sliced
so cleanly, all we had to do was to mate them up, and start welding. Overall, I'd say we've lost about fifteen
centimeters of length. Some of the
plasma conduits have been restored, and checked. Partial power has been returned to the forward
The Exec nodded;
"Can we maneuver?"
The Third officer
nodded slowly; "Sir, I don't completely trust the structural integrity
field, but if we take it slow, I think we can make it to port."
The Captain
sighed; "Good, because we're not going to port. We're going into exile.
Keep the Damage Control crews working around the clock."
The Third officer
swallowed hard, nodded, and turned. At
least they weren't all headed for execution dock! And fortunately for him, his sweetheart was on board. Now, Kreig, Kreig was going to take it REAL
hard; his fiancée was still on Danforth's world….
Jenka stood on the command deck of the Overlord, and watched while Parks fiddled with the controls. For something as complex as ripping asunder the fabric of space-time, he really didn't seem to have made very many inputs, and most of his adjustments seemed to be more "fussing" than anything else. The black flower had blossomed, expanded, grown, until it seemed to be half a system in diameter. Turning she gestured to the communications officer; "Tell them to proceed."
Tanj leaned over and whispered to the tech; "you ARE getting all this, aren't you?
The Tech nodded;
"Three D, ultima-sound, and every color possible. Highest resolution, too. Yes, we'll have something to show the rest
of the Empire."
Tanj nodded, and
straightened; "Good."
The Captain of the Dreadnaught nodded, and gestured at the main viewer; "Helm. Ahead slow. Straight for the middle of the distortion. Tactical, as soon as we're through, I want shields up, and weapons armed! Full sensor sweep as soon as we're there!" With a feeling of dread, and excitement, the Jaguar watched the distortion approach…..
The Emperor paced the bridge of the tanker, grumbling. Why he had to travel on this stinking, sloshing tub was beyond him. It wasn't dignified….
Jeddidiah, second son of the Viscount of Partha, watched the Crown Prince pace. Or maybe he was just Ruprecht now… Listening to him mumble he realized he was plotting revenge! Shaking his head, he turned away from the main viewscreen, and headed for the door at the back of the tanker's tiny bridge. He hoped someone had put some food on this tub, or it was going to be a VERY grim journey…..
The Captain of
the Dreadnaught flexed his fingers and nodded; he'd hoped that travel through
the distortion might leave furrs helpless for a few moments, due to the mode of
travel, but all he'd felt was a moment's disorientation, and some tingling in
the extremities. Not nearly enough for
an ambushing vessel to take advantage of.
"All right, we're through.
Navigator, see if you can't find us that planet the Kurani talked
about. Number one, prepare an away
team. I want to make sure we get to
this pre-positioned supply depot before the Cr… before anyone else. We'll
run this as a military operation until I say otherwise….."
Scattered to the winds
Allesandro de Limburghini ben Guidon von Fartz the twenty-fourth. scion of the Fabrizi Techocracy looked around the bar; "I do believe our work here is done!"
Doodles nodded,
but then frowned; "Um… If you can
travel in time, and you can live for thousands of years, what's the
The Fabrizi construct
seemed to crouch on its legs; "Ah… well, there are some temporal whorls
and eddies, just a few "loose ends" as it where, that need
adjusting." The machine's body
rose, legs straightening; "Nothing beyond us, of course, but they still
need attending to." Rotating about
his vertical axis, with a clatter of metal feet on stone, he headed for the
door; "Don't worry! If EVER you
need help, we'll be there! Remember, we
travel in time! EVENTUALLY one of us
will hear of your problems, and we'll then arrive in the nick of time, to once
again save the day!"
When the AI had left, the Lynx shook his head; "I have a sneaking feeling they're only going to mess things up worse, as they try and fix the paradoxes." He looked at his assistant and sighed; "I fear the best we can hope for is that they wind up in a bubble universe someplace VERY far from us…."
From the other
side of the bar, Jenka chuckled; "Amen to that!"
The Elephant leans over to whisper in the old Jaguar's ear; "Remind you of anyone?"
The Jaguar just
laughed and nodded; "Chip off the old block, if you ask me…."
Zassa looked at the Cheetah and grinned; "The beach? Sounds good to me, count me in!"
Lieutenant Farhquar scanned the bar. There were quite a few conversations in progress, and even a few cross words, but it didn't look as if anyone was mad enough to start a fight. And that was good, because he'd had enough fighting for a while. Slipping up to the bar, he got a non-alcoholic synthale from the bartender, and sipped it. It tasted like dishwater, but at least it was cold. After a minute he padded up to one side of his new Empress…..
Jenka shot the Imperial Marine a glance; "Something to report, Mister?"
Farhquar sipped
his synthale and considered the question; after a moment he shook his head;
"No Ma'am, everything seems to be under control." He grinned; "Which probably means I
don't completely understand the situation, but for the moment, things apear to
be… "nominal".”
The Old Jaguar grinned at Farhquar; the "kid" seemed to have matured significantly over the past few… hours? Days? How long HAD it been since he'd arrived here?
Jenka nodded; "Well, I'm sure you must want something, or you wouldn't have interrupted."
Farhquar took
another sip and nodded; "Yes Ma'am."
He turned and looked at the door, and then turned back and smiled;
"I was rather impressed with that Badger that was part of your security
detail. I'd like to have him assigned
to my unit."
Jenka nodded
slowly, a distant look on her face.
Then she raised her head to look at the Lieutenant. "Sorry, I've got other plans for
Farhquar merely
raised an eyebrow and took another sip of his drink.
Jenka smiled
wryly and nodded; "By the way, you're brevetted to Captain. Good work out there. As for Roland, I'm going to have him
assigned to the Inspector General's office.
There are problems with the Marines, as well as with the fleet, Imperial
security, and a host of other departments.
But I think HE knows some of the rot that needs to be cut
out." Jenka smiled; "I think
he'll do just fine there."
Farhquar nodded;
"Yes, Ma'am. I agree." The Marine finished his drink, thumped the
mug down on the bartop. Straightening
painfully, he gave her his best salute, turned on his heel and headed for the
door. He still had a job to do, and
with the agglomeration of forces currently under his "control", it
would be prudent to keep checking on them….
Hinoki chuckled; "Yeah, I'd like to come along, if you'll have me."
Tanj just laughed
and kissed the Cheetah Monster; "of course! It wouldn't be the same without you!"
Jenka looked at Price and shook her head; "The Hell I will. I'll travel on my own Cruiser, Thankyouverymuch." She grinned at the squirrel; "If nothing else, all clothing and toiletries are there. But we WILL travel in convoy." Turning she shot Ben a glance; "I take it, Admiral, that you're returning to the new Elysium sector?"
Ben nodded;
"We'll leave a couple of portal-capable raider ships here for communication
duties. And as soon as we can have
ship-sets of portal drives and their related power plants manufactured, we'll
get them to you."
Jenka nodded;
"Good. I want a complete survey of
our holdings there as soon as possible…"
She grinned; "Along with an estimate of your alien friend's
capabilities and intentions."
Ben nodded;
"Along with lists of trade goods they might be interested in. I'll let their trade representatives brief
you on what they have to offer."
Jenka nodded;
"Very good. I believe we'll start
with your recommendation. I'll have to
look into what the Empire's annual coffee production is, and how sudden exports
might affect prices, and quality."
Jenka turned and looked at the Lion; "And how about you?" The Lion grinned; "I'll be leaving with Tanj, on her freighter. We're going to find that beach, and then just…" He turned to look at the Cheetah fem with a smile; "Get to know each other again." He looked back; "Don't worry; we'll be in touch."
Jenka just
snorted; "Damn straight you will.
Don't make me send the fleet after you!'
Roland blinked at the Lieutenant; "The Devil you say!"
Farhquar just
nodded; "Those are her orders."
Roland turned to
look at Cindy, Kitchens and the Mouse.
"And them?"
Farhquar shrugged;
"Dunno. Guess you can take it up
with her on the way back. She's
traveling to the Imperial Capital on her own ship, and we're going, as her
security detachment."
Roland just
nodded. And after a moment he grinned.
Brolly watched as the last of the newcomers left the bar. There were still some "locals" left, but… somehow the place looked empty. Turning, grinning up at Katja, she smiled; "Mistress, what say we go hit the showers?" She grinned; "You can soap me up, and then I'll soap YOU up!"
Katja laughed and
looked around. Surely the bar could
look after itself for a while. Looking
back down at Brolly she nodded; "You're on!"
Wanda looked at Kath and then back to Tanj; "Yeah, some time at the beach sounds good. As it turns out, we've been having some trouble coming to grips with what we might do next, where we might want to go. Some time on the beach to think about it sounds good…."
Next to her Kath
just nodded…
Tanj gave Jenka a tight hug; "Good luck."
Jenka grinned;
"Thanks, I'm going to need it."
She bent and stared eyeball-to-eyeball, at the Cheetah; "You WILL
come back and see me. Right?"
Tanj chuckled;
"We'll let the dust settle. But
yes, we'll be back."
Jenka nodded,
kissed the Cheetah and then turned to head for her shuttle, her security detail
falling in behind her.
The Lion put his arm around Tanj's shoulder as the Empress' shuttle rose, pivoted, and headed out of the docking cavern; "Funny how things work out, sometimes. Who would have ever guessed?"
Tanj just
shrugged; "Don't know. Kinda makes
you wonder what's going to happen next, doesn't it?
Epilog 1
Kittiara grunted
with each thrust of her mate's hips; she was on her knees, her breasts mashed
against the floor, as her mate "covered" her, taking her from
behind. His claws held her hips, and
his jaws held the back of her neck, in the traditional Kurani mating
position. Closing her eyes she
contracted her "inner hand", doing her best to hold him
Hrral grunted as he felt her squeeze his cock. Grinning around his mouthful, he slowed his pace a bit. He knew how she wanted it, and it was his pleasure, for the moment, to withhold that. To make her work for it……
Kittiara groaned, and tried to writhe, tried to buck back against him, seeking more of his cock, seeking greater motion. She was soooooo close…..
Hrral purred around his mouthful and teased her, moving back when she thrust back, easing forward when the pressure eased, doing everything he could to tease her…. It was a game they played often, and they were both experts at it…..
Kittiara panted, her claws digging at the bedding. It would be easy enough to work a paw under her, to stroke her own sex, but that was "cheating"…. No, she'd make him fuck her, make him take her where she wanted to go, if it took all night! Concentrating she tried to ripple her pelvic floor and Kegel muscles, milking his shaft, stroking him, to the best of her ability.
There are limits to everything, and finally the Kurani'd had all he could take. With a grunt of surrender he started pounding into her in all seriousness, until it seemed, the room shook with the power of his thrusts. Even so, it took longer than he would have expected, before his mate was howling in pleasure.
Kittiara purred as she felt her mate cum, and clenched down hard with her "inner hand". Giggling, they both collapsed forward on the bed, panting hard.
Eyes half open, Kittiara lazily drew a fingertip across her mate's stomach. "See, I TOLD you it would work…." She smiled; "And its going to make a great story, too!"
Hrral chuckled,
and rolled over on top of her; nose to nose, he grinned at her; "And when,
silly female, do you think I'm going to let you have time to write?"
Kittiara just
laughed as her mate drove his thick cock into her wetness once again.
Epilog 2.
The former Emperor of a thousand worlds watched the surface of the water carefully. He knew the monster was lurking out there, probably near that submerged log. He watched the water swirl, just downstream of that point, and carefully worked the fly rod back and forth, until, with the gentlest of motions, he dropped the fly just upstream of the swirl. Carefully he reeled in the line, watching for signs of motion. Nothing. Working the rod back and forth, he aimed for a spot just a little further upstream. As the rod flashed back and forth, he smiled, and flicked his gaze downstream a bit. The Elephant was standing a little closer to the bank, working his rod back and forth, aiming for a patch of reeds on the far bank.
The fly landed just upstream of the submerged log, the current carrying it rapidly downstream; again, nothing. The Jaguar frowned and started working the rod for another try. He'd seen the big widemouth bass; he just KNEW the monster was there, somewhere, and he was bound and determined to catch him. As the rod flashed back and forth, he took another look at the Elephant; the former chamberlain's line was tight, the Elephant working the rod, slowly reeling in. Grumbling to himself, the Jaguar tried again, landing the fly on the other side of the submerged log. As the fly started to drift downstream, there was a swirl in the water, and HIS line went taught. Working the rod, playing the fish, he watched as the line zigged to the right… and then stopped moving. And then it went slack. The fish had gone under the submerged log, and somehow broken the line.
Retreating to the bank, he gave the Dutchess of Farnsbury a grin, and opened his tackle box. The fish WAS there, and it was a cagy one. But he'd have him for dinner yet!
The Elephant grinned and held up his bass; it was a beauty. The Emperor just nodded, and turned back to the fly he was trying to attach to the line. After a moment, the Jaguar chuckled; "See, I told you it'd turn out all right."
The Elephant just
laughed; "That was the most complex transfer of power I've ever even heard
about. You were lucky!"
The Ex-emperor
just grinned and shook his head; "no, it went perfectly. All according to plan, right down to the
last detail. And you'll see; she's got
my knack. She'll do great."
Epilog 3.
"Gone, they are. Their entire planet, vanished."
The alien nodded,
his jewelry swaying; "All the jump points in that sector, changed again,
they have. Not that it matters
The other alien
nodded; "In disarray the remnants of their once mighty trade empire,
are." After a moment he muttered;
"Bargains to be had, there should be."
The other alien
waved a paw in an off-handed gesture copied from the furred ones; "matters
not, really. Other markets we now
have. Bigger. More lucrative. Less competition." He sat back and reread the estimates from
their marketing experts. They'd tracked
the departure of the furred aliens known as the "Brethren". It had shown them where to look. Stealthed probes had mapped a huge
territory. An incredible market, with
no serious competition. The future looked
bright indeed.
Epilog 4
Reggie looked
around the Officer’s Club. It was SO
bizarre. Communications duty. Sit around, and wait for someone to hand
them a message. Pop back to Elysium,
deliver the message, check on their plantation, pick up the response, and pop
back to the Empire. They were rich, and
they were powerful…. Heck, they were even respected. He looked over to Slasher and sighed. And no decent work for a self-respecting pirate. They were going to have to do
something, and soon too.
Epilog 5
The Lion panted lightly as he bent, to reach into the ice chest. Pulling out a bottle of Dos Equines, he popped the cap and tilting his head back, he took a long pull at the bottle. His thirst slaked for the moment, he ran his eyes over the horizon. Blue sky, and blue sea, and as near as he could tell, nothing but just that. Not even a cloud. It was all soooo peaceful that it just didn't seem right, didn't seem, well, normal. Bending again, he pulled another bottle from the ice chest and taking another pull at the already opened one, he headed back towards the shade.
Tanj watched him come from the sand, and grinned. In the week they'd been there, they'd made love in the beach cottage, and among the palms, at the top of the volcano, and on every beach the island had. And in every way imaginable. Finally, he'd claimed that he needed a break from the sexy cheetah, and to "stop her from pestering him", he'd tied her up. First, he'd tied her to the bed, in the cottage, but then he'd spent the whole morning teasing her, fucking her to at least a half a dozen thunderous climaxes. And then he'd tied her to one of the porch columns, with much the same results. And now, here she was, hogtied tight on the beach….
The Lion smiled and finished the bottle. Dropping it in the sand by the bound Cheetah, he popped the cap from the other, and took another swig, secretly delighting in the look of outrage on the Cheetah's face. Chuckling he crouched, to push the neck of the bottle into her mouth, past the ring gag. For a moment he slid it in and out, as suggestively as he could, as if it was his cock and he were fucking her face. Tanj giggled, swallowed bheer, and in the process, leaked too much of it all down the front of her. When she'd finished the bottle, the Lion inched a little closer, and replaced the bottle with the head of his once-again hard cock. Tanj just purred and sucked with her usual remarkable skill and enthusiasm.
Wanda lowered her sunglasses fractionally and looked over them at the couple under the palms. Pushing the glasses back up, she pushed Kath's head back against her crotch and chuckled; "Don't those two EVER get tired of sex?"
Kath's response
was rather muffled, but seemed to suggest she found the idea ludicrous….
Hinoki broke the surface, and coughed up a lungful of water. As he coughed, the gill slits in his neck morphed back to just plain fur. Staggering ashore with a lobster in each of four paws, he struggled to resume breathing a gas. Maybe he needed to develop a drain at the bottom of his lungs or something. Glancing over at Tanj and the Lion he chuckled. The Lion had been quite surprised at his new abilities, but had readily recognized the advantages. Especially in bed. Their last threesome had been one for the record books. Smiling, he broadened his feet a little, for better traction on the sand, and headed for the kitchen. One more trip to the reef and he'd have what he needed for dinner tonight.
Sashi looked at
the Lobsters and nodded; "They're gorgeous, but if you think I'M going to boil them, you've got another thing
Hinoki chuckled;
"Uppity slave." Turning he
looked at Doodles; "How 'bout you?"
The Bunny
shuddered; "Is Master kidding?
Think of the bad karma! No way
I'm going to drop a living creature into boiling water!"
Cheetah-monster just sighed. Maybe
dinner wasn't going to be so simple after all……
Doodles looked at Sashi and sighed; "It still bothers me."
Sashi raised an
eyebrow; "What, boiling lobsters?"
The Bunny waved a
paw, as his ears semaphored; "No…well, yes, but that's not what I'm
worried about."
Sashi sat down
next to him; "Want to tell me about it?"
The Bunny sighed;
"Allesandro de.. whatever, the Fabrizi AI, said that they'd know if
something went horribly wrong and could journey through time and space to save
the day…."
Sashi nodded
slowly… "So?"
Doodles shrugged;
"They showed up, at the last minute, back in Port Royale. But they didn't DO anything. Well, nothing aside from bragging."
Sashi nodded
slowly; "And..?"
Doodles turned
and looked at her; "I can't help but wonder what would have transpired if
they HADN'T shown up. Obviously just
their being there changed events… but how?"
Sashi stared at
the Bunny and then slowly nodded; "You think too much…."
Sabina looked down at the nude Vixen and shook her head; "no, I don't think the angle's right; here, let me adjust the belly strap…." The kitten's paws moved to the buckle on the strap that ran from the belt around the Vixen's waist, down and away from her body, to the bar suspended between her legs. The bar's other end was fastened to her bound paws, behind her back. The Vixen grunted into her gag as the kitten tightened the strap another two notches, making the bar tilt, higher in the front than in the back. "How's that, Mistress?"
Zassa took a
couple of steps, and squirmed a little.
Most motions were transmitted from her body to the bar, and from the bar
to the cleft of her sex; with the increased angle, it teased her clitty just a
little better. She grinned and nodded
at the Kitten. Sabina smiled back and
clipped a leash to the ring in the end of the big prod gag in the Vixen's
mouth; "All right, then its walkies time." Tugging on the leash, she led the bound Vixen out of the bungalow
and onto the beach.
Tanj's eyes watched the pair move along the surf line. Zassa was getting inventive again…. She was sure that between her and Sabina, they'd have some interesting new toys to play with on the trip back.
And it was becoming obvious that there would be a trip back. The Lion was restless; she could read his body language like a billboard. She didn't have a clue where they'd go from here, but Jenka had been right. None of them were the type to go into retirement, no matter how much money they had. There were new worlds to conquer, new deeds to be done. Tugging a little against her restraints she wondered where they'd go next…..
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to
any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a
coincidence. Tanj, Kittiara, Katja, Eridani, Wanda, Kath, Corey, and
almost everyone else in the story are copyright Kittiara's player.
Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Jenka,
Antonia, Hinoki, Hollon, Hrral, Chris Fox, Brolly, Celes, Jeran, Tasha, Tanabi,
Tandaress, Roland, Sashi, Sabina, Sapphire, Sian, Spotweld, Srrallana,
Dynotaku, Doodles, Kris, Wesley, and Zassa are copyright their players (Jenka,
Antonia, Chris Foxx, Hollon, Hrral, Dynotaku, Doodles, Brolly, Celes, Jeran,
Tasha, Tanabi, Tandaress, Sabina, Sapphire, Sian, Spotweld, Srallana, Kris,
Wesley, and Zassa can be found on FurryMuck, and Hinoki on Tapestries or on
FurryMuck. Sashi is copyright her player. Chris Foxx is copyright
Bondofox. Roland is copyright IronBadger. Hopefully I didn’t miss
anyone…. If I did, my apologies and it certainly wasn’t
intentional. Copyright 2005. Comments,
suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.