-------------------------------------------------------- c. 551 BC: Confucius (Chinese philosopher) is born. "If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand." c. 540 BC: Heracletus (Greek philosopher) is born. "There is nothing permanent except change." 484 BC: Euripides (Greek dramatist) is born. "The best of seers is he who guesses well." c. 480 BC: Heracletus (Greek philosopher) dies. c. 479 BC: Confucius (Chinese philosopher) dies. c. 460 BC: Hippocrates (Greek physician) is born. "Life is short, art long..." c. 448 BC: Agathon (Greek poet) is born. "Even God cannot change the past." 406 BC: Euripides (Greek dramatist) dies. c. 400 BC: Agathon (Greek poet) dies. 384 BC: Aristotle (Greek philosopher) is born. "Civil confusions often spring from trifles but decide great issues." "It is characteristic of man that he alone has any sense of good and evil... and the association of living things who have this sense makes a family and a state." c. 377 BC: Hippocrates (Greek physician) dies. 322 BC: Aristotle (Greek philosopher) dies. 254 BC: Marcus Porcius Cato (Roman statesman) is born. "I can pardon everyone's mistakes but my own." 247 BC: Hannibal (Carthaginian general) is born. "We will either find a way or make one." 183 BC: Hannibal (Carthaginian general) dies. 149 BC: Marcus Porcius Cato (Roman statesman) dies. 106 BC: Marcus Tullinus Cicero (Roman statesman) is born. "Do not hold the delusion that your advancement is accomplished by crushing others." "The diseases of the mind are more destructive than those of the body." c. 96 BC: Lucretius (Roman poet) is born. "The wailing of the newborn infant is mingled with the dirge for the dead." 43 BC: Marcus Tullinus Cicero (Roman statesman) dies. c. 55 BC: Lucretius (Roman poet) dies. c. 56 AD: Cornelius Tacitus (Roman historian) is born. "It is a sin peculiar to man to hate his victim." "The gods are on the side of the stronger." "They make a desert and call it peace." c. 120: Cornelius Tacitus (Roman historian) dies. 570: Muhammad (Founder of Islam) is born. "The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr." 632: Muhammad (Founder of Islam) dies. 1469: Niccolo Machiavelli (Italian political philosopher) is born. "It is much more secure to be feared than to be loved." "All the armed prophets conquered, all the unarmed ones perished." 1475: Michelangelo Buonarotti (Italian artist, sculptor, architect) is born. "Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish." 1483: Francesco Guicciardini (Italian historian, statesman) is born. "We are at a great disadvantage when we make war on people who have nothing to lose." c. 1483: Francois Rabelais (French satirist) is born. "I am going to see a great perhaps." 1527: Niccolo Machiavelli (Italian political philosopher) dies. 1533: Michel de Montaigne (French essayist) is born. "There is as much difference between us and ourselves as between us and others." 1540: Francesco Guicciardini (Italian historian, statesman) dies. 1553: Francois Rabelais (French satirist) dies. 1558: Robert Greene (English dramatist) is born. "Treason is loved of many, but the traitor hated of all." 1561: Francis Bacon (English Philosopher) is born. "It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty." 1564: William Shakespeare (English dramatist) is born. "We go to gain a little patch of ground/ that hath in it no profit but the name." "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars/ But in ourselves." 1564: Michelangelo Buonarotti (Italian artist, sculptor, architect) dies. 1570: Guy Fawkes (English Catholic conspiritor) is born. "A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy." 1588: Thomas Hobbes (English philosopher) is born. "Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues." "Covenants without swords are but words." 1592: Michel de Montaigne (French essayist) dies. 1592: Robert Greene (English dramatist) dies. 1593: George Herbert (English poet) is born. "The offender never pardons." 1599: Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector of England) is born. "None climbs so high as he who knows not wither he is going." 1602: John Bradshaw (English lawyer, regicide) is born. "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." 1605: Sir Thomaas Browne (English physician, writer) is born. "The long habit of living indisposeth us for dying." 1606: Goy Fawkes (English Catholic conspiritor) dies. 1608: John Milton (English poet) is born. "Who overcomes by force hath overcome but half his foe." 1613: Francis duc de la Rochefoucald (French writer) is born. "If love is judged by its visible effects it looks more like hatred than friendship." "We would often be ashamed of our finest actions if the world understood all the motives which produced them." 1616: William Shakespeare (English dramatist) dies. 1623: Blaise Pascal is born. "By thought I embrace the universal." 1626: Francis Bacon (English philosopher) dies. 1631: John Dryden (English poet, dramatist, critic) is born. "To die is landing on some distant shore." 1633: George Herbert (English poet) dies. 1658: Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector of England) dies. 1659: John Bradshaw (English lawyer, regicide) dies. 1662: Blaise Pascal dies. 1666: Mary Astell (English feminist, writer) is born. "If Absolute Sovereignty is not necessary in a State, how come it to be so in a family?" 1667: John Arbuthnot (Scottish physician, writer) is born. "No man spreads a lie with so good grace as he that believes it." 1674: John Milton (English poet) dies. 1679: Thomas Hobbes (English philosopher) dies. 1680: Francis duc de la Rochefoucald (French writer) dies. 1682: Sir Thomaas Browne (English physician, writer) dies. 1683: Edward Young (English poet) is born. "All men think all men mortal, but themselves." 1689: Charles Montesquieu (French philosopher, historian) is born. "Power ought to serve as a check to power." 1694: Voltaire (French writer) is born. "The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered with an occasional assassination." "If we believe absurdities we shall commit atrocities." 1700: John Dryden (English poet, dramatist, critic) dies. 1709: Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer, essayist, poet) is born. "Prudence keeps life safe, but does not often make it happy." 1712: Frederick the Great (King of Prussia) is born. "...every man must get to heaven his own way." 1713: Denis Diderot (French encyclopedist) is born. "Gold is everything; without gold there's nothing." 1717: Horace Walpole (English writer) is born. "The world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel." 1728: Oliver Goldsmith (English writer) is born. "Honor sinks where commerce long prevails." 1731: Mary Astell (English feminist, writer) dies. 1735: John Arbuthonot (Scottish physician, writer) dies. 1737: Thomas Paine (American revolutionary, writer) is born. "No extraordinary power should be lodged in any one individual." 1743: Thomas Jefferson (American statesman, president) is born. "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." 1745: John Jay (American statesman, jurist) is born. "Those who own the country ought to govern it." 1751: James Madison (American president) is born. "Monopolies are sacrifies of the many to the few." 1755: Charles Montesquieu (French philosopher, historian) dies. 1755: Alexander Hamilton (American statesman) is born. "Inequality of property will exist as long as liberty exists." 1757: William Blake (English poet) is born. "It is easier to forgive an Enemy than to forgive a Friend." 1758: Maximilien de Robespierre is born. "I conceive that it is easy for the league of the tyrants of the world to overwhelm a man." 1759: Georges-Jacques Danton (French revolutionary leader) is born. "In revolutions authority remains with the greatest scoundrels." "Everything belongs to the fatherland when the fatherland is in danger." 1765: Edward Young (English poet) dies. 1769: Napoleon Bonaparte (French emperor) is born. "History is a set of lies agreed upon." "What a beautiful fix we are in now; peace has been declared." 1769: Arthur Wellesly (Duke of Wellington) is born. "The next dreadful thing to a battle lost is a battle won." 1774: Oliver Goldsmith (English writer) dies. 1778: Voltaire (French writer) dies. 1780: Charles Caleb Colton (English clergyman) is born. "Tyrants have not yet discovered any chains that can fetter the mind." 1782: Daniel Webster (American statesman) is born. "The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power." "The past at least is secure." 1784: Denis Diderot (French encyclopedist) dies. 1784: Samuel Johnson (English lexicographer, essayist, poet) dies. 1786: Frederick the Great (King of Prussia) dies. 1788: Arthur Schopenhauer (German philospher) is born. "We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people." 1792: Percy Bysshe Shelley (English poet) is born. "History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man." 1794: Georges-Jacques Danton (French revolutionary leader) dies. 1794: Maximilien de Robespierre dies. 1797: Horace Walpole (English writer) dies. 1797: Heinrich Heine (German poet, critic) is born. "God will forgive me. That's his business." "Whether a revolution succeeds or miscarries, men of great heart will always be its victims." 1803: Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher, writer, essayist, poet) is born. "Money often costs too much." "The torments of martyrdom are probably most keenly felt by the bystanders." "When it is dark enough you can see the stars." 1804: Benjamin Disraeli (English prime minister, writer) is born. "Nobody has money who ought to have it." "I have been ever of the opinion that revolutions are not to be evaded." "In politics nothing is contemptible." "The greatest of all evils is a weak government." 1804: Alexander Hamilton (American statesman) dies. 1805: Alexis de Tocqueville (French writer, statesman) is born. "A despot easily forgives his subjects for not loving him, provided they do not love each other." "No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country." 1809: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (French journalist) is born. "Property is theft." 1809: Thomas Paine (American revolutionary, writer) dies. 1810: J. S. Morrill (American Senator) is born. "Like liberty, gold never stays where it is undervalued." 1813: Henry Ward Beecher (American clergyman) is born. "The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government." 1814: Mikhail A. Bakunin (Russian anarchist) is born. "In politics, as in high finance, duplicity is regarded as a virtue." "Powerful states can maintain themselves only by crime, little states are virtuous only by weakness." "I want the masses of humanity to be truly emancipated from all authorities and all heroes, present and to come." 1815: Prince Otto von Bismarck (Prussian Chancellor) is born. "Better pointed bullets than pointed speeches." 1817: Henry David Thoreau (American libertarian, writer) is born. "It is never to late to give up your prejudices." 1818: Karl Marx (German economist) is born. "Capitalism will kill competition." "Money degrades all the gods of man and converts them into commodities." 1820: Friedrich Engels (German socialist) is born. "History is about the most cruel of all goddesses." 1821: Collis P. Huntington (American railroad magnate) is born. "Whatever is not nailed down is mine. Whatever I can pry loose is not nailed down." 1821: Napoleon Bonaparte (French emperor) dies. 1822: Percy Bysshe Shelley (English poet) dies. 1826: Thomas Jefferson (American statesman, president) dies. 1827: William Blake (English poet) dies. 1829: John Jay (American statesman, jurist) dies. 1832: Charles Caleb Colton (English clergyman) dies. 1834: Lord Acton (English historian) is born. "There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it." "Resist your time - take a foothold outside it." 1834: Heinrich von Treitschke (German historian) is born. "Without war no state could exist." 1836: James Madison (American president) dies. 1839: Thomas B. Reed (American lawyer, politician) is born. "The only justification of rebellion is success." 1842: Prince Pyotr Alekseyevich Kropotkin (Russian writer, revolutionary) is born. "The word state is identical with the word war. 1844: Friedrich Nietzsche (German philosopher) is born. "After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands." "Distrust all men in whom the impulse to punish is powerful." "The future influences the present just as much as the past." "It is the duty of the free man to live for his own sake, and not for others... Exploitation does not belong to a depraved or an imperfect and primitive state of society... it is a consequence of the intrinsic Will to Power, which is just the Will to Live." 1847: Sameul Fessenden (American lawyer, politician) is born. "God Almighty hates a quitter." 1852: Arthur Wellesly (Duke of Wellington) dies. 1852: Daniel Webster (American statesman) dies. 1854: Oscar Wilde (Irish writer) is born. "The basis of optimism is sheer terror." "Only the shallow know themselves." "The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity." "There are few things easier than to live badly and die well." 1856: Heinrich Heine (German poet, critic) dies. 1859: Alexis de Tocqueville (French writer, statesman) dies. 1860: Arthur Schopenhauer (German philospher) dies. 1862: Henry David Thoreau (American libertarian, writer) dies. 1865: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (French journalist) dies. 1870: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian political leader) is born. "We are dead men on furlough." "Fascism is Capitalism in decay." 1876: Mikhail A. Bakunin (Russian anarchist) dies. 1881: Benjamin Disraeli (English prime minister, writer) dies. 1882: Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher, writer, essayist, poet) dies. 1883: Karl Marx (German economist) dies. 1883: Franz Kafka (German writer) is born. "You are free and that is why you are lost." "In the fight between you and the world, back the world." 1887: Henry Ward Beecher (American clergyman) dies. 1895: Friedrich Engels (German socialist) dies. 1896: Heinrich von Treitschke (German historian) dies. 1898: J. S. Morrill (American Senator) dies. 1898: Prince Otto von Bismarck (Prussian Chancellor) dies. 1900: Friedrich Nietzsche (German philosopher) dies. 1900: Collis P. Huntington (American railroad magnate) dies. 1900: Oscar Wilde (Irish writer) dies. 1902: Lord Acton (English historian) dies. 1902: Thomas B. Reed (American lawyer, politician) dies. 1908: Samuel Fessenden (American lawyer, politician) dies. 1921: Prince Pyotr Alekseyevich Kropotkin (Russian writer, revolutionary) dies. 1923: Robert Celine (American lawyer, anarchist) is born. "Every war, at its root, is a war of trade." "Life happens to us while we are planning other things." 1924: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian political leader) dies. 1924: Franz Kafka (German writer) dies. 1966: Eliza Wilkins is born. 1996: Damion Castle (American general, chairman JCS) is born. "It is the policy of this government to fire when fired upon." 1996: Robert Celine (American lawyer, anarchist) dies. c.2000: Race begins involvement in terrestrial affairs. 1999-2005: Worldwide breakthroughs in genetic engineering. Start of the biological revolution 2008-2011: War for Korean unification; despite the South's technical advantage the North overwhelms it with Chinese assistance. The U.N. is bogged down in nationalist conflicts in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. The United States begins its policy of diplomatic nonintervention. 2008: Sylvia Harper (American civil-rights activist, president) is born. "Don't assume you know anyone." "Whatever you do, just keep moving." "Freedom is a verb." "Even a tyrant is slave to a tyranny." "We are condemned to be free." 2008: The first moreau is engineered in a South Korean lab. It's a large dog breed with an increased cranial capacity. Even though the war is short-lived, an intensive breeding program results in nearly ten thousand of these smart dogs slipping north to plant explosives and otherwise harass the enemy. 2011-2015: The aftermath of the Korean War begins an international debate on the military uses of genetic engineering. The debate culminates with United Nations resolutions banning genetically-engineered disease organisms and any genetic engineering on the Human genome. The U.N. deadlocks on banning the engineering of sapient animals - by the time it reaches a vote, four out of five nations with a substantial military have their own "Korean dog" projects. 2013: Wiring is installed in Nohar Rajasthan's future apartment, not up to code. 2013: ET signals are discovered. 2014: Daryl Johnson is born. 2017: On a tide of public opinion fueled by anti-Japanese sentiment (by 2017 the Japanese have the most high-profile genetic program, notably ignoring the U.N. restrictions), there's a constitutional convention to draft the 29th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment bans any genetic engineering on a macroscopic scale and, in a effort to prevent any possible atrocities like the ones in Korea, gives the sapient results of genetic engineering of animals the protection of the Bill of Rights. 2019-2023: Iranian Terrorists slaughter the Saudi royal family, sparking the Third Gulf War. The war eventually envelops all the Arab states and marks the beginning of substantial nonhuman immigration into the United States. 2019: August Benito Galiani (European spaceship commander) is born. "These thinking machines are an offense against God!" "The impossible is simply the untried." "Sometimes the shit just overwhelms you." "Something is gaining on us all." 2023: The Gulf War ends forming the Islamic Axis. The Axis is a fundamentalist Pan-Arab union. The price of oil triples even over wartime levels. A small company in Costa Rica, Jerboa Electrics, begins production of the Jerboa - a small, cheap electric convertible that now costs less than half to run as the most effecient gas vehicle. 2024: Start of the Pan-Asian war. It begins around a Pakistan-India border dispute and snowballs almost instantly. By the end of the year it involves the Islamic Axis, most of the former Soviet republics, and China on one side, India, Japan, Russia, and most of North Africa on the other. The United States continues its hands-off foreign policy. 2025: The Ford Motor company buys Jerboa Electronics to avoid an international lawsuit over Ford's wholesale swiping of the electric-car design. Proceeds to sue GM motors and Chrysler for doing the same thing. BMW is producing its own electric design. 2027: United American Bio-Technologies is indicted for breaking the ban on macro-genetic engineering. They've been producing moreaus for the Asian war effort (both sides) and, worse, they've been working on human genetics as well - though there's no evidence that ever went beyond the computer-simulation stage on their human project. The Fed seizes all of UABT's assets in an unprecedented move against a corporate criminal. Rumors persist that the Fed Intelligence community wanted UABT's nationwide facilities for its own uses. 2027: New Delhi nuked as the Indian national defense begins to crumble. Mass desertions are rampant and whole sections of the country lay down their arms and suuender. In March, from the Afghan frontier, an entire company of moreau Tigers from the Indian special forces seize control of a cargo plane and fly to America. It is called the Rajastahn airlift, for the strain of tiger involved. The airlift is an American media event, the officers of the company become celebrities. Especially Datia Rajastahn, the officer in charge of the airlift. He's eloquent, charismatic, and the first major voice for the moreaus - not only in America, but internationally. 2028: Nohar Rajasthan's car (in 2053), a Ford Jerboa, is built. 2029: The American space program reaches its apex. NASA has an orbiting space station, a temporary lunar base, an orbiting radio telescope that may be picking up alien radio signals from the vicinity of Alpha Centauri. The peak is reached when appropriations for NASA's deep-probe projects are approved. The deep-probe project is to inbolve a half-dozen unmanned nuclear rockets to fly by the nearest star systems. 2030: The Israeli intelligence community, the Mossad, conducts a raid into Jordan and captures a secret training base for Jordanian franks. The Mossad, with domestic legal constraints on a par with the American bans on macroscopic genetic engineering, destroys the Jordanian base, but takes the immature franks (100 girls from Hiashu Biological ranging from 3 to 18 years in age) and secretly trains them as Israeli agents. 2030: The last Indian national defenders fail. The subcontinent falls to a Pakistani/Afghani invasion force. 2032-2044: The African pandemic, genetically engineered viruses, race across the continent in waves that resemble the Black Death that swept Europe in the Middle Ages. Entire villages are wiped out in weeks, governments collapse, and the entire continent is under virtual quarantine. The worst is over in three years, but it takes nearly a decade for a central government, the United African States, to repair the damage to the African economy. The rebuilding of the continent is due, in large part, to a husbanding of the indigenous genetic diversity Africa is home to. By 2044, the U.A.S. genetic programs rival any on the globe and are a billion dollar industry. 2033: Nohar and Bobby carve their names in a wall. 2033: Quality of living starts degrading. 2034, Jan 8: The "big one" hits California. The quake is a 9.5 and centers about 30 miles south of San Francisco. Aftershocks in the 5-7 range echo down the coast as far south as Los Angeles. The urban landscape of California is altered forever. 2034-2041: The last Arab-Israeli war. (According to the Axis, the war of Palestinian liberation. According to the Israelis, the Second Holocaust.) Israel fights for six years against the entire Islamic Axis. Eventually Israel loses as the conflict goes nuclear. Tel Aviv is nuked, and despite retaliatory nuclear strikes against the Axis that kill nearly five million Arabs, Israel is overrun. There is an Israeli government-in-exile in Geneva. 2035, April: Tokyo is nuked as part of the Chinese invasion of Japan. Most of the Japanese technical base is either destroyed in the attack, or is destroyed by the Japanese defenders to deny it to the Chinese. Countless technological achievements by the Japanese are lost in the final days. Marks the official end of the Pan-Asian war. 2037: U.S. morey population is estimated to have hit 10 million, with immigration topping at 1.8 million. Most of the moreau population in the States are war refugees from the Asian war. A substantial minority are rats and rabbits coming over the border from Central America. 2038: Jan 12 newspaper: NASA has just gotten appropriations to test the nuclear engines for its deep-probe project. The end of the Pan-Asian war is news, two years after the fact. Balkanized India. Saudis finally kill their last oil fire, but everyone's driving electric. Most of the occupied territory in Isreal is radioactive. Russia signs peace treaties with Tirkmen and Azerbaidzhan-finally. Moreau population over 10 million. 2038: Manny starts trying to get Nohar back 2038: Pope Leo XIV surprises the entire Christian world by issuing a decree that, though genetic engineering is a sin, moreaus still have souls. The political pressure of this causes the European Community to cease moreau production. In Central America, this causes a virtual civil war, as massive moreau armies begin to rise against their masters. Latin American moreau immigration into the U.S. quadruples. 2038: Midwest Lapidary Imports incorporates 2038: "A heck of a lot more gems start entering the country than can be accounted for." 2039: NASA begins to experience new setbacks in Congress as the country becomes more and more concerned with the exploding moreau population. In the first of a number of budget-cutting moves, NASA's radio telescope - the Orbital Ear - is shut down. 2040, fall: Daryl Johnson recruited out of Bowling Green by Binder. As are the rest of his inner circle: Edwin Harrison, Philip Young, Desmond Thomson. 2042: The "Dark August" riots across the U.S. A bloody, summer-long eruption of cross-species urban violence that most humans blame on the rhetoric of Datia Rajastahn, the first and most influential moreau leader. Datia had become more and more radical as time progressed, until he was the leader of a national moreau para-military organization. The Moreau Defense League was said to be defensive in nature, but the Fed viewed it as a terrorist group. Datia was eventually cornered in a burning building in Cleveland's Moreytown and shot down by combined police and National Guard. Datia has since become a moreau icon of political activism. 2042: Datia Rajahstan (American civil-rights activist, political leader) dies. "Justice in government is as rare as a rich [man] in prison." "You got to duck or you got to shoot." "Don't tell me what you're planning; tell me what the fuck is going on!" 2042: Eliza Wilkins, beloved wife of Harold, dies. 2043: Congress halts NASA's deep-probe appropriations, the four completed probes are mothballed. As a result of the riots, there is a moratorium placed on moreau immigration. Anti-moreau sentiment reaches an apex as there's public debates about mass deportations, mandatory nonhuman sterilization, moreau "reservations". Fortunately for the nonhuman population, none of the extreme measures were popular enough to pass. However, legislation was passed banning a moreau from possessing a firearm and it became a silent Federal policy to isolate concentrations of moreau population from human population. The most visible signs of this are the semipermanent traffic barricades that block the roads into most Moreytowns. 2043: Binder starts leading a policy of government inaction. 2043: Nohar Rajasthan gets a license for his Vind just before the firearm legislation. 2043, Dec 2: MLI buys NuFood, which owns Mirrorprotein patents. 2044: Marbury Shane (Occisisan colonist, soldier) is born. "War was not invented by humanity, but we have perfected it." "Death waits in desolate places." "Survival is the sole morality." 2045: South African coup led by mixed blacks and franks. It is revealed that the South African government had a rampant human-engineering program. By the time of the coup, there are close to a million franks indigenous to South Africa. The coup marks the first time a country allows franks full citizenship. (In the U.S. there is debate concerning the wording of the 29th amendment, so while moreaus are tolerated as second-class citizens, the franks are treated as if they have no rights at all.) 2048: Philip Young starts living with Daryl Johnson. 2053: Congress scuttles NASA's deep-probe project. Rumors persist that the project was taken over by one of the Fed's black agencies. The European Community eliminates internal moreau travel restrictions. 2053: Sat Jul 19: Daryl Johnson attends a political fund-raiser. Killed later. Thu Jul 24: Violent thunderstorm this night. Hassan & Zipperheads destroy Stigmata, Angel's gang. Hassan shoots out window. Fri Jul 25: Johnson's body found. Tue Jul 29:2am: [Start of novel "Forests of the Night".] Hassan shoots Nugoya. Rain starts. 4am: Nohar showers. 10:05am: John Smith calls Nohar. 3:05pm: Harsk calls Nohar. Wed Jul 30: Vixen gang destroyed. Nohar accepts job. Thu Jul 31: Sun comes out, Nohar interviews Stephanie Weir. Angel caught. Fri Aug 1: Still no rain, Nohar blown up. Angel flushed. Sat Aug 2: 11:55pm: Nohar wakes up in hospital. Sun Aug 3: 8am: Nohar calls Manny. Nohar rescues Angel. Mon Aug 4: 6-9am: Nohar & Angel search lot. 10:30: Smith calls. 12pm: Zips attack Nohar, Angel, Steph. Manny fixes Nohar. Tue Aug 5: Nohar visits Bobby. Nohar takes taxi around town. Hassan blows up Thomson. Taxi crash. Caught in sewer. Overnight at police station. Wed Aug 6: Binder's plane shot. Smith killed. Hassan kills hospital staff and Manny, gets killed by Nohar. Nohar kills Zips, rescues Angel and Stephie. Visits NuFood. FriAug29/WedAug26: [Epilogue. End of novel "Forests of the Night".] 2054: The Supreme Court hears the Frank civil rights case and rules 7-2 that the 29th amendment applies to genetically engineered humans, as well as animals. Orders a halt to Government internment and summary deportation of franks. Suddenly, a large number of franks begin to appear "officially" on the government payroll - primarily in the intelligence services. 2058, Dec 31: [Start of "Emperors of the Twilight"] 2059: With the discovery of a Race warren under the Nyogi tower in Manhattan, the alien threat is made public. Fed invades the Bronx with the National Guard to root out entrenched Moreau Defense League armor. The move sparks a nationwide increase in moreau violence. 2059, October: [Start of "Specters of the Dawn"] 2060: Sylvia Harper wins the U.S. presidential election. 2065: Damion Castle (American general, chairman JCS) dies. 2065: Jean Honore/ Cheviot (United Nations secretary general) is born. "The slaves to the past are all volunteers for its tyranny." "It is human nature to view all technological change with awe or superstitious dread." "The most dangerous man is one who is willing to die for a cause." "History is built on a pile of corpses." 2073: Haven (Tau Ceti, habitable Earthlike planet, capital of the Seven Worlds) is founded. 2073: Dakota (Tau Ceti, habitable Earthlike planet, member of the Seven Worlds) is founded. 2074*: Marbury Shane (Occisisan colonist, soldier) dies. 2074: Occisis (Alpha Centauri, habitable Earthlike planet, capital of the Alpha Centauri Alliance) is founded. 2081: Sylvia Harper (American civil-rights activist, president) dies. 2085: Cynos (Sirius, planet uninhabitable without technological support, capital of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2088: Khamsin (Epsilon Eridani, marginally habitable planet, capital of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2102: Ch'uan (Epsilon Indi, habitable Earthlike planet, capital of the People's Protectorate of Epsilon Indi) is founded. 2103: Boris Kalecsky (Terran Council president) is born. "A Great Power doesn't ask if it /should/ dominate lesser nations. If it's a Great Power, it can, and it does." "I don't meet opponents, I crush them." "There are no small changes." "The death of a nation is less moving than the death of an individual." "Forget trust, I rely on predictable self-interest." "Better to slit your own throat than love someone." 2105*: August Benito Galiani (European spaceship commander) dies. 2126: William IV (Monarch of United Kingdom in Exile) is born. "We have seen the bottom of the Abyss, and we fear the end is upon us." "There is choice, and there is necessity." "We enter the world with pain, blood and screams - too often we leave in the same manner." (Note: Also "William VI" before the English revision of 2294.) 2128: Jean Honore/ Cheviot (United Nations secretary general) dies. 2146: Windsor (Altair, planet uninhabitable without technological support) is founded. 2146: Banlieue (Xi Ursae Majoris, possible site of Dolbrian terraforming, member of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2164: Paschal (82 Eridani, habitable Earthlike planet, member of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2165: Grimalkin (Fomalhaut, habitable Earthlike planet, member of the Seven Worlds) is founded. 2173: Archeron (70 Ophiuchi, possible site of Dolbrian terraforming, part of the Alpha Centauri Alliance) is founded. 2175: Styx (Sigma Draconis, marginally habitable planet, part of the Alpha Centauri Alliance) is founded. 2177: Shiva (Delta Pavonis, habitable Earthlike planet, member of the People's Protectorate of Epsilon Indi) is founded. 2179: Thubohu (Pi3 Orion, habitable Earthlike planet, member of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2190(?): Dimitri Olmanov (head pf the Terran Executive Command) is born. 2200: Boris Kalecsky (Terran Council president) dies. 2216: Kanaka (Zeta1 Reticuli, habitable Earthlike planet, member of the People's Protectorate of Epsilon Indi) is founded. 2224*: William IV (Monarch of United Kingdom in Exile) dies. 2230: Paralia (Vega, definite site of Dolbrian terraforming) is discovered. 2238: Li Zhou (Protectorate representative) is born. "The popular method of pacifying a tiger is to allow one's own consumption." "Beware your allies' secrets." 2238: Dolbri (C1, definite site of Dolbrian terraforming, member of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2240(?): First tachships built. Terran Council disintegrates. The Confederacy is founded. 2242: Waldgrave (Pollux, definite site of Dolbrian terraforming, member of the Sirius-Eridani Economic Community) is founded. 2246: Bakunin (BD+50.1725, possible site of Dolbrian terraforming) is founded. 2250: Mazimba (Beta Trianguli Australis, marginally habitable planet, capital of the Union of Independant Worlds) is founded. 2251: /The Cynic's Book of Wisdom/ first appears on Bakunin. 2277: Helminth (Zosma, possible site of Dolbrian terraforming) is discovered. 2288: Volera (Tau Puppis, site of Voleran terraforming) is discovered. 2288: First contact with Stone-by-water, Voleran ambassador. 2288: Stone-by-water (Voleran ambassador, first contact) says "Before digging, know if you wish dirt or a hole." 2294: The "English Revision". William VI renamed to William IV. 2303: Yoweri Adyebo (Mazimban political leader, president) is born. "All revolutionaries are criminals meeting in secret." 2338: Captain Klaus Dacham suppresses a rebellion on Paschal. 500 dead, 5,000 wounded, 50,000 imprisoned. 2341: Jonah Dacham begins a self-imposed nine-year exile on Mars. 2348: Li Zhou (Protectorate representative) dies. 2350: [The novel "Profiteer" starts.] -------------------------------------------------------- The Cynic's Book of Wisdom: The Cynic's Book of Wisdom is an anonymous manuscript that first appeared on Bakunin in 2251. Since then, it has seen innumerable editions, many with substantial additions or modifications. The generally accepted text is credited to "R. W.". -Foreign policy is dictated by powerful men's prejudices. -War is simply honest diplomacy. -Capitalism is a dog eat-dog-system. However, with most other alternitives, the dog starves. -Industry is amoral. -A criminal is a revolutionary without the pretense. -Might might not make right, but it makes a damn good argument for its position. -An efficient legal system operates on the assumption that everyone is guilty of something. -Alliances are based on the premise that the parties involved benefit more from screwing the rest of the world than from screwing each other. -People prefer deals where only they benefit to one of mutual benefit between themselves and others. -Money can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be taken from other people. -History is written by those in power to justify the present. Memory is the same thing on a smaller scale. -Anyone who believes in free speech has never tried to make a living as a writer. -Ethics only become a problem when taken seriously. -Governments are always more at risk from their subjects than from external threats. -Artificial Intelligences are feared more for the latter than the former. -True enemies are as rare as true friends. -The future is the past's revenge. -We hate that which is too much like ourselves. -We are the property of those we hate. -Bravery comes when there are no other options. -The difference between us and the alien is the belief that we know ourselves that much better. The similiarity lies in the fact that we are ignorant of both. -There is no aspect of politics that was not first invented within the confines of a human family. -History is an accident. -Mercenaries may not win as many wars as fanatics do, but they live longer. -You can never know enough about a man's self-interest to be able to trust him fully. -Most of life is waiting around for the shitstorm to start. -Anyone who doesn't fight for his own self-interest has volunteered to fight for someone else's. -Never turn your back on the villain, especially when he's unconscious. -Seeing is believing, but belief doesn't amount to much. -It's a fundamental inequity of the universe, that, while you only have one life to give, you can take as many as you damn well please. -Screwups, like entropy, always increase over time. -Never say the problem is over, never mention what else could go wrong, and never say how lucky you are - there is no surer way of inviting disaster. -It is never as bad as it seems - but sometimes it /is/ worse. -The more complicated the situation, the sooner and more catastrophic the eventual screwup. -Never play chicken with someone who has nothing to lose. -Nothing is so fierce as a coward who is backed into a corner. -It ain't over until the fat lady's /dead/. -No one can be quite as annoying as a potential lover. -Once you have mastered the art of deceiving yourself, deceiving others is that much easier. -Those who are most sure of themselves are those possessing the fewest facts. -One can watch everything and see nothing. -We are the least qualified people to judge ourselves. -People corrupt power, not vice versa. -The bureaucracy changes only in response to some grand disaster. -Better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't. -If you can keep your head when those about you are losing theirs, you obviously don't know what's going on. -We hate others for our own shortcomings. -Nothing hurts so much as the loss of something you've never had. -The future strikes with blinding speed. The past takes its time and /aims/. -It is easier to determine what is profitable than what is right. -Never underestimate a problem you're running from. -It's never what you expect. -Guns don't kill people, bullets do. -Much morality is there for the perception of others. -Money isn't everything, and neither is anything else. -Suspect your enemies, but more so your allies - they can do more damage. -When you rattle your sabre, it becomes difficult to stab someone in the back. -What you don't know will kill you. -Any government will kill you if it feels threatened. -The only escape-proof prison is one's own mind. -The path out of a problem generally leads to one twice its size. -Guilt is not a survival trait. -It's better to hit your opponent when he isn't looking. -It is pointless to worry once the situation becomes hopeless. -Past and future are equally clouded by speculation. -Patriotism is the preferred method of covering one's ass in wartime. -An egotist takes the universe personally. -Between too good to be true and worse than you imagine, bet on worse. -Anything worth the trouble will cost more than you pay for it. -Sign your name to the universe and someone will auction off the signature. -Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. -Half of knowledge is knowing the questions. -When in doubt, duck. -You cannot escape the interconnectedness of events. -Even a saint has ulterior motives. -Anything can appear to be worse upon further reflection. -Worry when the man with the gun is smiling. -Superior technology is not a panacea. -Dangerous is the man who accepts his own mortality. -Forget enemies. Be afraid of friends with something to gain. -Of forgiving and forgetting, the latter is infinitely easier. -Strong emotional involvement rarely makes the job easier. -There is no such thing as a secret. -Don't try to count the players until the game is over. -Self-examination is not a survival trait in times of crisis. -The ship's destination doesn't matter when it is sinking. -Staring outward eventually leads to staring inward. Not vice versa. -A dependant ally is a resentful one. -Knowing what is worst does not tell you what is best. -Bystanders get shot. -Once you leap, looking makes little difference. -Never bet on a race you happen to be in. -If you believe in your own immortality, you will never live to be disappointed. -Survival is a selfish motive. -You don't want to know. -Look behind the curtain. -We prefer blame to justice. -It is easier to conceive large plans than small ones. -For every man imprisoned, there is a jailer with something to gain. -A petty enemy is more dangerous than a great one. -There is no such thing as good news. -Time always wins. -The important answers are those to the questions we ask ourselves. -Conflicts are easier when your opponent doesn't fight back. -If you wish to damn a man forever, grant him his heart's desire. -Small risks rarely reap great rewards. -Free men are slaves who are blind to their chains. -Look at anything deeply enough and you see yourself looking back. -Often progress is backing toward something. -The less you expect, the more satisfied you'll be. -In a world of shit you hold your nose and swim. -Things are always darkest before they go completely black. -The most dangerous lie is the one we force ourselves to believe. -We only have what we believe we have, and that, rarely. -A grand exit is preferable to a grand entrance. -People die. -We are each alone. -It is never too late for something bad to happen. -Sometimes you must attack an enemy at his strength. -If people chose their parents, most of the world would be childless. -Keep your eyes on the ball, and duck when someone swings a bat. -Successful politics consists of allowing everyone to share your enemies. -No one gets to write their own eulogy. -Tyrants spring from chaos, and to chaos they eventually return. -Surrender is always an option. -A State rots from the bottom up. -By the time policy descends from the high to the low, the high may no longer exist. -The ability to control is often inversely proportional to the desire to. -All of war is unpleasant, including its end. --------------------------------------------------------