W O L V E S I I By PackRat - 1988 A man sat by the fire, the glow reflected on the lenses that rode a craggy face. He held onto a cup of coffee, and waited. A great black wolf stood a few feet outside the circle of light. His mate, like a statue of spun gold, was beside him. Others, 20 or so restlessly ambled quietly behind them. Yes, here so many nights ago, he was initiated into the pack. Matt watched the man move with interest. Lothar was right. He would make a good mate for the new member. They would have to hurry... This was the last full moon for a month, and it wouldn't be long before the pale orb cleared the trees. A tan animal made his way to the front. "He is the one." Fred's eyes shone, lit by inner fires. Their object of scrutiny emptied his cup, and moved towards a felled tree, near the end of the clearing that was scraped in the earth. Even though he wore glasses, and his hair was cut short, one could see the animal inside. He belonged to the woods, and soon the wild would claim one of it's own... Two large gray shadows moved forward, waiting for the signal. This was a time-worn custom. Two of the largest held the chosen one on the ground until his mate-to-be came over and took control. The leader gave a low growl, and both animals jumped out, eating the ground between themselves and the human, in a few leaps. But instead of the man landing in a tangled heap on the ground, it was the wolves! A right hand, hard as granite, slammed into John's throat, both holding him at arm's length, and throttling the air out of him. His mate didn't fare any better. A forearm smashed into Bart's muzzle, clicking his teeth together, and shoving his head down; which then met a hard knee. The left hand grabbed his neck, and propelled him off to one side. John pawed the air, desperately trying to breathe. Steel fingers dug into his neck for a moment, then John was turned and slammed into a ribcage so tough, it bruised his backbone. "Nice try." The voice chilled him to the marrow, while a pair of warm lips pressed between his ears. John suddenly himself able to breathe... Wham! Like a furred cannonball, he crashing into his lover, knocking the wind out of both of them. Lothar, already halfway across the clearing, turned, and commanded the others to halt. This was no wolf to be welcomed as a brother, this was a bear, a very dangerous adversary... as the two who were still panting off to one side found out. "No one handles me like a female..." Bart snarled low, and readied himself for another leap. "Wait!" Lothar turned as the tan one moved forward. "I have waited two years for him to return. He will be mine..." Fred moved closer to the man, the light from the fire showing the muscles hidden under the fur. Lothar growled, "This is between Fred and the human. No one interferes... That includes you Bart." The gray wolf snarled, but stayed back, attending to his mate. Fred watched his mate-to-be, Love/lust pumped his heart just a little faster. The wolf shut out everything from his mind, willing himself to be calm. "24 moons ago, I saw you, and knew you were mine... I am the male, you are my mate. I will be your lover for eternity, You will be mine..." He sent these thoughts at the one who made his blood run hot. He snarled them as he moved closer to the standing form. A sliver of moonlight blanketed the animal with a pale aura. He roared and leaped, sinking his fangs deep into the upthrust arm, sending the man crashing to the ground. Fred growled, and shook his head, grinding his teeth deeper. Then he let go, and moved back, waiting. As one, the children of the night, gave voice to the feelings that ran through them. Their howls shattered the stillness of the night, answered by a half yell/half scream, as the transformation worked it's way across the mass of huddled flesh, that ripped it's binding cloth to shreds. Soon, all movement ceased, and the body, firelight flickering across it, was still. Fred moved forward, eager to see his new mate, eager to run beside him, and even more eager to take him, willingly or unwillingly, into his cave, and into his heart. The leader snarled, and a pair of ears snapped up, listening. Fred looked at them... There was something wrong, he could feel it. Then the eyes opened, and the wolf took a step back, hackles rising. For instead of the pale yellow rings, the one laying supine had blue iris's. Not a bright shade of blue, but the same coloration that can be seen in deep ice. The animal lay blinking, then as Lothar snarled again, raised a shaggy head. Fred's eyes widened. The wolf was gray, but not the gray of the two who also stood, heads low, growling deeply. This was the gray of the Arctic Tundra... Now Fear and Love battled against each other inside him. Matt watched, too awe-stricken to even make a noise, as the new one slowly uncurled long forelegs, and powerful hind quarters moved upward. Fred too was shocked. This was his destined mate? The one that for eight hellishly long seasons of having his dreams haunted with? This animal was the one HE was going to toss inside His den, and be mated with for life? Matt stood by his lover. "He's huge... I have never seen one like him." Lothar agreed, but still kept his guard up, as did the others. Even the largest of their pack barely came up to the giant's shoulders. His level gaze scanned the pack, making whichever animal it touched shiver. They finally rested on Fred, who was being torn in three directions at once. His head told him to run, but his heart told him to go forward, to claim his destiny... Without warning, a gray streak of lightning appeared, and hit the newcomer, rolling him head-over haunches. Bart roared his anger. He would apologize to Fred later, but nobody grabbed Him like a cub, and got away with it! He would rip the upstart male a few times, then let Fred finish the... Twin beams of ice hit him, and despite the warm weather, Bart shivered. John stood beside him, head still burning where the man-now-wolf had pressed it's lips. "Stay out of this, Love," he snarled, moving stiff-legged over to the shaggy one, now standing. A small gash ran down one foreleg. So, he is mortal. Bart leaped, intending to make another ripping gash. But instead of a leg, his teeth met fur. Thick hair on a chest made out of an oaken barrel. Smack! The animal lay on the ground, half-stunned. Jaws that would have little difficulty in snapping a cow's neck, closed just behind his head. Once again, the world spun crazily, as Bart pinwheeled through the air, crashing in a heap several feet away. He blinked, very much surprised to find himself still among the living. Lothar moved closer, looking the gray one over. Fred sniffed the breeze, the scent of maleness, and blood, made him all the more determined to have the wolf. "I am the male, you are my mate. I will be your lover for eternity, You will... be... mine..." His words faltered, as those eyes pierced his body, and examined his very soul. Something sparkled behind those orbs, something he felt also. As if by a hidden orchestra, the night was alive with beautiful music, the air charged with magic, His heart beat with the same rythem as the one who stood before him. The leader turned, and howling, ran. All the others, also gave vent to yowls, and followed... all except two. Fred stood a moment, then grinned and loped off after the others. Bart had showed him his love may be big, but he was still made of flesh. And flesh could be beaten into submission. But, somewhere deep down, a part of him wanted to feel that gigantic belly rub his back, those monstrous jaws to hold his neck in a passionate embrace. In the society of Wolves, one could be male, or female, but not both. But Fred didn't know fate, or the Gray One! Lothar and Matt stood on either side of the small trail, watching the pack file in. "WHat kind if animal was he?" "A Cave Wolf." One of the creatures, so old his muzzle was white, trotted up to the pair of sentries. "In the days of the Ice Age, wolves roamed that were his size." "But Professor, How..." The old one gave the equivalent of a shrug. "Only HE knows, and HE is not telling..." The wolves touched their noses to their fore-paws in reverence to the one who watched over all the forest creatures. Now, they could only wait. Wait to see who came up the trail...The Gray One or Fred... The animal in question stood in a meadow, waiting. Here it would be decided, who was going to be on top. Like a ghost, the Grayish Wolf appeared. Fred found himself again filled with pride, as his soon-to-be lover moved closer. He growled deeply. "Submit!" "No." The voice rumbled across the grass, powerful as it's owner. "Then, I will make You!" He leaped at the big throat, hoping to wrestle the other down, and overpower him. What he got was a stiff fore-arm in the head. Whack! Fred rolled off to one side, stars dancing before his eyes. Sunufabich! He shook his head, and lay, trying to clear his head. He felt rather then heard the animal standing behind him. A nose pressed into his haunches, warm breath slid across his leg, then dipped under it. "What the..." A warm tongue ran wetly across his balls, while his leg was nuzzled aside. Fred groaned, pleasure fighting with his headache, as his testicles were engulfed in warmth. A nose rubbed the base of his cock, as his scrotum was cradled in the strong jaws. His balls were rotated in their sack, making them swell, and sending waves of lust up the animal's spine. Fred's head lolled, fore-legs digging into the grass. After eons of torture, the mouth let his now thoroughly soaked scrotum slide out. Now, his sheath was being lapped on. Fred growled warningly, and tried to stand. The Gray wolf simply stood over Fred, and flipping him onto his back, lay on top of him. So much for showing him who's boss! "Get off of me, You big Ass-Hooooooowwwllll..." Sharp teeth slid his sheath back and Fred yelped, his eyes crossing, as the animal above him tortured his naked cock. His hips jerked up, fucking the wolf's muzzle. Drool ran warmly across his balls as Gray sucked hungrily on his doggy-cock. Everything swam, and he moaned softly. Something rubbed against his chin. Fred bent his neck to see what it was and saw two big dicks, red and shiny. He huffed. Not only is the bastard twice as big as me, he has two cocks... Male scent caressed his nostrils, as a drop of cum glistened from the fat cock-heads. He had to have it, but which one to get first? He slapped his tongue at the left one, and got fur. Huh??? Maybe the right... Again he got hair and not flesh. Well, if it isn't the left one and it isn't the right one... He closed his eyes and threw his tongue up, aiming between the two images. Slap. Gotcha! His tongue rolled over the knobby end, harvesting the clear fluid. Haunches still pumping at the wolf's mouth, he rolled his tongue around the thick piece of maleness, and guided it into his mouth. Fred lay there, enjoying the feel, the texture, the taste of his lover, but still not sure what to do. That was until Gray started sliding in-and-out of his mouth. His need growing with every stroke, the wolf sucked on the muzzleful. His throat opened, pulling on the intruder, as it slid in, sucking, swallowing, and breathing on the out-strokes. Fred howled, his balls being drained into warm, wet suction, as his orgasm hit him between the eyes. He heard the animal above him yelp, and his mouth was flooded with sweet, sticky cum. He swallowed frantically, not wanting to waste a drop. At last, his lover stopped trying to pull his testicles out though his penis, and the cock in his mouth shrank back into it's sheath. Gray lifted himself off and went down to the pond to get a drink, while a very tired animal lay on his side. A beam of moonlight hit him, starting a slow burning fire. The Mating Law, returned in full force. "You Can Be A Male, Or A Female..." He did not have to say the words. Generation after generation followed the Law. It still had not been settled. Fred was the male, he had found this upstart, and he would take him, in the way of his kind. Or He would die trying! Fred jumped up, like he was on springs. Lust pumped through his veins, burning all reason from his mind. "Now we will see who fucks who!" He roared, throwing himself at the shaggy creature. Again, the wolf launched himself at the large animal. This time he met a chest, made out of Oak and Fur. Massive jaws clamped around his neck, and he was shaken like a wet coat. Up, down, and sideways. Then he was tossed aside. Fred hit the ground, bounced twice, and went ears-over tail, finally coming to rest in a furry heap. He lay there, watching the world spin around, and wishing whoever was pounding on his head with that hammer wold stop. "Are you all right?" Except for a broken neck, a goose-egg crowning his noggin, and a ton of bruises, He was fine. Fred gritted teeth. He had lost. "I submit, Take me..." "What?" The wolf sounded puzzled. "You have beaten me. I will be your female. Take me as one." He waited for teeth to grab his neck, for a huge cock to slide under his tail, to be taken savagely, as his kind did. When none of those things happened, he opened his eyes. "Raise Your head." The gray one stood in front of him. "Do you love me?" What kind of stupid question was that? Yet, his mate was serious. "For eternity," He answered. "And I you. Does it really matter who mates, and who is mated, as long as we both enjoy the mating?" Fred thought for a few moments, the taste of his lover's semen still lingering sweetly on his tongue. Something ripped inside him, and eons of gender imaging was destroyed in a heartbeat, by the power that made even the world turning on it's axis, seem pale in comparison. He swallowed, and laughed. "Not at all! Now, will you mate with me?" "Only if you return the favor." "Gladly." Love shone out their eyes, and gave them auras of rainbow hues. Gray muzzle pressed against Tan muzzle, then two tongues touched in a wolf-kiss. Fred moaned and turned, again, expecting to be taken forcibly, like all his kind were. But instead of raking claws, there were gentle fore-arms, that massaged his sides, as the animal simply walked over him. Instead of strong jaws and sharp teeth, holding him down, making him submit, there was a warm nose nuzzling his neck, a tongue sliding across the back of an ear. Instead of snarls and threats, there was the sounds of the night, of quiet, of two hearts beating as one. "My name is Zak." Fred twisted his neck up, and looked into those ice-blue orbs. "Zak." It sounded like a cough. "I'm Fred, now would you hurry up and Fu.... uuuunnngh!" That same thick cock that had earlier tickled his tonsils, was now sliding into his anus. The pain was momentary, and swept away by pleasure, as a dick that belonged on a horse burrowed deeply into his guts. At last fur met fur, and ball-sac pressed against ball-sac. Fred swallowed, half expecting to see a red pole jut out his mouth. He shook his hips, as his ass adjusted to the intruder. The Gray wolf moved slowly at first, then faster, more urgently. A large muzzle pressed into an eagerly upthrust one. Tongues slid over each other, and twined in lust. Two voices sounded as one, telling the world that another pair of lovers had joined souls, on the higher plane of ecstacy. Fred lay, enjoying the feelings... The cock swelling inside him, the warm seed filling his bowels, the tongue lolling between his ears, the belly pressing on his back, his own orgasm... His anus tried desperately to hold onto that slippery appendage that had given him so much pleasure, while his ears twitched, still echoing with the sounds his lover had made. Zak groaned and slowly moved off of him, then lay down, and lifted his tail. "Your turn, Lover." Fred pulled himself up, and shook out all the kinks. Then grinning, his own cock stiff and ready, he went over to his partner. One thing the wolf found out. As big as Gray was, his ass was still very tight. And warm. And... Fred found out there was actually a place higher than ecstacy, as his body went on automatic pilot. This was too mu... Splash! Coughing and sputtering, the wolf allowed himself to be helped out by his much larger mate. "What the hell happened?!?" He stared into a pair of eyes, no longer icy, but warm as a mid-summer's night sky. "You passed out. Want to try again?" Fred winced, as his balls ached from being emptied at least twice in the same night. "Not for a while, anyway. Come on, I'll show you our cave... Although it may be a little cramped for you." And while the Forest smiled upon the happy couple, they trotted off towards the waning moon, and a new life. The End Written by PackRat/SwampRat, at The Last Bastion Of Insanity. Based on an original story by Mark M. Forston. 1988 The Brotherhood Of Pan.